How to cut thick glass with a glass cutter. How to cut glass with an oil or diamond glass cutter. About the number of cuts

Sooner or later in household You may need to replace the glass yourself. But working with such fragile material is very dangerous. Therefore, in order to avoid injuries and unnecessary consumption of material, you should know the basic rules for working with this material and the selected tool.

Cutting ordinary glass is very simple and will not cause any difficulties for a person. You can cut such glass with a special glass cutter or even ordinary scissors.

If you have no idea how to properly handle this tool, you can watch numerous videos on this topic on our website. They will help you cut out the desired shape and provide necessary information for working with quite complex and fragile materials like glass.


In order for the cut to be of high quality, it is necessary to first prepare the material for work. If the glass is new, then just wipe it. Newspaper is best suited for these purposes; it mainly wipes the surface dry and does not leave lint or stains behind.

If the glass has been used before, then before cutting the material with a glass cutter, you will need to spend a little more time preparing it. First of all, such a surface will need to be washed thoroughly using special means for cleaning glass. A thorough degreasing process should then be carried out. Alternatively, you can use kerosene. To do this, use a rag soaked in kerosene to thoroughly wipe the glass and wait until it dries completely.

At the same time, the glass preparation stage also includes cutting it. There is no doubt that you will be able to achieve a final result without waste, especially if you need to cut the product incorrectly geometric shape. But if you make the calculation as correctly as possible, you can reduce the amount of waste several times.

Also, make sure that the working surface is fairly flat and without slopes, but not too hard; it is advisable to make the working surface from plywood or fiberboard, and cover the top with oilcloth or soft cloth.

If you plan to carry out glass cutting work, then first of all you should decide which one is best suited for your case. On this moment There are two types of tools - diamond and roller.

The diamond model is rightfully considered the leader among tools of this type. If you are going to use it at home, then the perfect model is one that has a beveled edge, which is very convenient for breaking off cut pieces. You can cut glass with such a glass cutter, almost ten kilometers of material, with a thickness of up to one centimeter. But at the same time, it should be taken into account that there are also cheap types in which an artificial diamond is installed, which allows cutting glass with a thickness not exceeding 5 mm.

Unlike a diamond cutter, a roller glass cutter has a working element in the form of a small roller, usually made of carbide materials, usually a tungsten-cobalt alloy, which is capable of cutting material up to 4 mm thick. The advantage of this type of tool is that the roller can easily move along the glass, without putting much effort into making a furrow.

The work process is carried out in the following order:

Clean and dry glass is placed on the surface of the work table. The necessary markings are made with a marker. Next, small cuts are made at both ends along the marked line. Please note that the material used must be in close contact with the surface of the desktop.

How to properly use and cut glass with a glass cutter video

Afterwards, you need to put a ruler on the glass and draw a line along it with a tool. Holding a diamond glass cutter in your hands is exactly the same as a regular pencil; when passing along the marked line, you should only apply a little force. As a result, only a barely noticeable mark remains on the glass, which looks like a scratch. If the instrument is in good working order, then there must be a characteristic sound reminiscent of crackling. If the sound is creaking, then this means that its cutting element needs to be sharpened on a special block for this purpose.

During operation, such a tool should be held at a slight angle, the correctness of which is determined experimentally. Please note that a tool that is in the correct position relative to the glass will leave a colorless thin line.

A roller glass cutter, unlike a diamond one, must be held strictly at right angles to the surface of the glass, while pressing it with the middle and thumb, and pressing on it with the index finger. Please note that the roller tool is pressed a little more than a diamond tool, and the cut itself should turn out white.

In order to get high-quality and, of course, straight cut- remember a few simple rules that must be performed when working with glass using a diamond tool:

  • Do not press on the glass while moving the glass cutter, otherwise the cut will be too deep and the edges will be uneven.
  • Under no circumstances should another cut be made along the resulting line. Otherwise, the glass may break. The cut must be made as quickly as possible. For example, if we are cutting a length of a meter, then you need to spend no more than two seconds on it.
  • In order for the workpiece to break quickly and accurately along the cut line, you need to lightly tap on the back side of the glass. After which you will not need any effort to break it off.

How to properly cut glass with an oil glass cutter video

If you are just a beginner master, then it is best to practice on small pieces, this will help determine correct angle tilting the tool, gain experience, reduce losses, and also avoid mistakes in the future.

How to cut a circle from glass

In order to cut a circle out of glass, you can use several different ways, which may differ depending on the diameter of the future circle and, of course, the thickness of the glass.

The simplest and most common cutting method even circle is the use of a circular glass cutter. Usually, the presence of such a tool in the household is quite rare. But for these purposes you can use a regular tool.

How to correctly cut a circle from glass using a glass cutter video

First of all, you will need to mark the central part of the future product and attach a special suction cup to it. Then you need to tie a strong thread or fishing line to this suction cup with a length equal to the radius of the planned circle. The glass cutter itself must be tied to the end of this rope. Pull the rope as tight as possible and then draw a line with the tool in a circle around the suction cup. When the circle is drawn, it is very important to additionally make ray lines that will eliminate excess pieces of glass around the finished product.

How to cut glass without a glass cutter

You can cut glass without the help of a glass cutter. Very often the simplest scissors are used for this procedure. To cut fragile material with scissors, you need to place it in warm water and cut out pieces of the size you need under it. Regular glass will be cut with scissors no more difficult than cardboard or other durable paper.

If you need to cut a large piece of glass, you can place it in a basin or bathtub big size. Then run the sharp part of the scissors along the glass and break off the unnecessary parts of the glass. To avoid cutting yourself on a sharp edge, be sure to wear gloves first. At the same time, it is also advisable to protect your eyes.

In this way you can cut glass no more than 3 mm. Shapes can only be cut with straight contours. It is imperative to prepare a template in advance and glue it to the glass using glue. One thing worth noting interesting point: how more water will be located above the glass, the easier it will be to cut the future product.

How to properly cut glass with an electric soldering iron video

You can also use twine, some hot liquid and a small container that needs to be filled cold water. You need to make the necessary marks on the glass, then soak the string in alcohol or gasoline, fold it onto the marks and set it on fire. Immediately after the fire goes out, you need to pour a thin stream of water over the line. The glass must crack at this point. Then break off the glass along the crack that has appeared and clean all the edges. If no cracks appear, then you need to repeat the entire procedure again. In this way you can cut very complex figures, everything will depend on how you lay the twine.

Compliance with safety regulations

When cutting glass, it is very important to follow safety precautions, because the material is quite fragile and dangerous. You can not only cut yourself, but also injure your eyes from shrapnel.

Under no circumstances should you use a glass cutter to cut glass on your knees or on unreliable objects. Never grab the edge of the glass as the raw edges can be very sharp. If you want to lift the workpiece, you should grab it with your hands from the sides.

To avoid cuts, you should wear protective gloves and glasses. It is also important to wear closed shoes so that glass does not cut your foot if it accidentally falls. Clothing should be made of dense and thick fabric, which will also help avoid accidental injuries.

How to properly cut thick glass with a glass cutter video

To prevent small glass fragments from falling outside the working room, clothes and shoes must be changed after finishing work.

Being able to cut glass without the risk of cracking it is a very good skill. It can be useful for, for example, replacing glass in a window. For someone with experience, this is not a difficult task. But for a person doing this for the first time, the task is quite difficult.

A special cutter was invented for cutting glass. Previously, a diamond cutter was used, but nowadays they prefer to use a cutter whose wheel is made of steel.

The choice of tool depends on the intention of its use. If you will use it regularly, then you need to purchase a professional cutter that has a wheel change function. If you intend to use the cutter up to ten times, buy an inexpensive one; this is the number of times it can be used, but after which it can be thrown away.

Attention, if there is no need for regular use, you must purchase a disposable cutter to avoid unnecessary costs

Rules for cutting glass

Many inexperienced people who have never had anything to do with cutting glass often rush to the cutting itself. It is not right.

Before you start the process, you need to study a few recommendations from professionals:

  1. The glass that will be manipulated must be wetted. That is, cutting dry is highly not recommended. It is necessary to treat the affected area with oil or kerosene. This will allow for easier sliding, and the risk of glass cracking is significantly reduced. Also, for best result, the tool itself (cutter) also needs to be moistened in these liquids.
  2. Very often there is a moment when a person cannot decide on the force of pressing. It is important to know that it is different for each glass, since it differs in thickness. To be bolder and not damage the material, you need to try to practice. For example, on an old and unnecessary piece of glass. If this opportunity is not provided, then you will have to rely on the sound of the cutter. The fact is that with the correct distribution of force, the sound should be monotonous, without sudden sound jumps. In this case, the actions are performed correctly.
  3. There is no need to carry out the process on a hard surface. It must be covered with soft material. Any fabric can serve as this, just thick enough, or a piece of old carpet. It is he who is ideal for this process.

Cutting process

The process itself is quite simple. Using a ruler, you need to make notes that will help you navigate under required sizes. Then you need to draw an even line so that the force does not expose the glass to cracks.

After the manipulations, you need to carefully place the cutter handle under the cut and lightly press on top. If all recommendations have been followed, the glass will break into even pieces without any problems. If it doesn’t work, then you need to run the cutter again and try again.

(Last Updated On: 02/23/2018)

How to use a glass cutter

Glass cutter is probably the most handy tool for cutting glass, with its help the work can be done quickly, efficiently and accurately. However, an inexperienced craftsman may have questions: how to use a glass cutter, what is the principle of its operation, and how to ensure high quality work. Naturally, if you do not understand these points, then working with glass will be very difficult. Therefore, before you lay glass sheet on the desktop and take up the glass cutter, you need to learn the features of working with it.

Someone will say: “Why should I use a glass cutter? After all, you can turn to a master who cuts glass professionally.” This, of course, is also an option, but don’t run to the workshop every time you need to cut a small piece of glass or when work is being done on suburban area, from where the nearest workshop is several tens of kilometers away.

Therefore, let’s not get fancy, read the article and understand how to use a glass cutter. After all, the ability to handle tools will allow you to perform more complex tasks: you will be able to make glass shelves, aquariums, and other complex elements yourself. And it’s not far from making a profit.

Types of glass cutters

So, how to use a glass cutter. First, let's look at the types of tools. There are 2 types of household glass cutters:

A diamond glass cutter is made using artificial diamond as a cutting element. This type of glass cutter is more reliable than a roller cutter and does the job better, but it also costs more. Therefore, it is suitable in cases where a large amount of work needs to be done or if you plan to turn glass cutting into a business. A roller glass cutter cuts glass with a hard alloy roller; it is quite sufficient for performing small-scale household tasks.

Preparation for work and work process

Before using a glass cutter, you need to prepare it for work. For a roller glass cutter, you need to set the cutting roller correctly. To do this, loosen the mounting screw, center the roller and tighten the screw back. The roller should not dangle - it should be firmly fixed and at the same time rotate easily. Therefore, you need to pay enough attention to setting up the tool.

Now we prepare the work surface. it should be wide and even, it will fit perfectly dinner table. To prevent the glass from being scratched, the table should be covered with cloth and newspaper sheets. But you should not make too large a pillow under the glass - it should lie completely on the surface and not be suspended. The glass must be clean and dry. Then we take a ruler or other straight and long object and position it so that its edge passes through the place of the required cut. It is acceptable for the cut edge of the glass to hang over the floor, but its area should not exceed 10% of the total area canvas, otherwise cracks may form.

You need to take the glass cutter in your hand like a regular ballpoint pen. An incision is made using the attached ruler. When making the first cut, you do not need to press hard on the glass cutter; it should go smoothly, forming a thin and shallow cut. You should not cut the glass to the very end - you need to release the pressure a few millimeters before the edge, otherwise the glass cutter will break off and be damaged on the edge of the glass. Then you need to move the glass so that the segment to be cut is suspended; you need to tap the hanging segment with your palm from below. You need to knock not from the edge, but from the middle, so that the cut goes from the center to the edges. To prevent the cut piece from falling and breaking, it must be supported from below with your free hand. When the entire length of the cut has been tapped, the cut piece breaks off.

Modern interiors involve the active use of various glass surfaces which sometimes crack or break. To repair them yourself, replace the glass in a window or door frame with a new one, or carry out many other repair operations, you need to know how to cut glass with a glass cutter and what features exist in this complex operation.

How to cut glass: preparation, marking and sequence of actions

Before starting any work with glass, it is important to carry it correctly: exclusively with gloves, in an upright position, holding it in front of you.

So, how to cut glass correctly? To do this, follow the following sequence of actions:

1.Prepare glass. If new glass is to be used, then it is enough to wipe it with a damp soft cloth made of fabric that does not leave excess lint, and then with the same dry cloth. Used glass must be prepared more carefully by washing off all the dirt and dust from it, and then wiping it dry.

2. Place the glass on a flat horizontal surface, for example, a regular table, with a blanket or thick cotton cloth underneath it.

3. Mark the glass as accurately as possible, since a slight deviation of even 1-2 mm can nullify all the work. Marking can be done using a corner or a measuring tape ruler. It is better to choose a ruler with a special non-slip rubber or silicone backing, or simply glue a smooth strip of rubber to the bottom of a regular ruler.

4.In order not to think about how to cut glass smoothly, use the same ruler during the cutting process itself.

5.Quickly draw a line along the markings with a glass cutter, moving in one direction.

6. Break off the glass on the edge of the table by lightly tapping it, or use pliers.

How to cut glass with a glass cutter

It is best to cut glass using modern glass cutters, of which there are several varieties today. Each type of glass cutter is designed for a specific type of work, glass thickness and skill level.

Diamond glass cutter

The diamond glass cutter uses real diamond as the main working element. small size. A tight connection between the diamond and the setting is achieved through the use of silver solder, which significantly increases the viscosity of the solder.

This glass cutter copes well with glass up to about 10 mm thick. Sometimes a real diamond in a tool is replaced with an artificial one, which cuts no worse, but can handle glass of a smaller thickness (up to 5 mm).

At home, many people experience quite a lot of difficulties with how to properly cut glass with such a glass cutter. If you still need to use just such a tool, it is better to choose a glass cutter with a beveled cutting edge.

For work diamond glass cutter you need to hold it firmly, like an ordinary pencil, at the base of the handle, and, without pressing on the glass, lightly draw a line along the markings made. A slightly cracking sound should be heard during the process, and the result should be a barely noticeable cut in the form of a scratch.

A glass cutter with a diamond element can cut up to 10 km of glass without the need for sharpening.

Roller glass cutter

A roller glass cutter is considered quite universal, in which the main working element is small rollers made of a very hard alloy of cobalt and tungsten. With such a glass cutter, you won’t have to wonder how best to cut glass with a thickness of 1 to 7 mm. This is why it is suitable for most household projects, including cutting glass for window and door frames, pictures, shelves and kitchen aprons from glass.

There are glass cutters with varying amounts rollers, which directly affects the cutting quality. The more rollers, the better the glass cutter.

Using a roller glass cutter, as opposed to a diamond cutter, requires more pressure. The line on the glass from such a tool should remain white and deep enough.

Roller glass cutters can “last” without sharpening, cutting up to 350 m of glass.

How to cut glass with a glass cutter at home

Oil glass cutter

For those who just can’t figure out how to cut glass with a glass cutter, it is best to choose a modern oil glass cutter, which is very similar to a roller cutter, but differs in the function of constantly supplying oil lubrication. This makes the glass cutting process much easier and smoother, resulting in a more even cut.

Such a glass cutter can handle glass up to 20 mm thick, and it will only have to be sharpened after 5 km of cutting.

Due to its smooth operation, an oil glass cutter is excellent for cutting mirrors, which are distinguished by their fragility, as well as thick corrugated glass. However, it is worth considering that the mirror must be cut along the front mirror side, and corrugated glass, on the contrary, along the back smooth side.

Regardless of what type of glass cutter is used, under no circumstances should you cut it along the same line several times. You should also move the glass cutter as smoothly as possible, without jerking, and slightly reduce the pressure a few millimeters before the end of the glass.

If you follow all the recommendations listed above on how to cut glass correctly, choose the most suitable glass cutter, and also properly prepare the glass surface itself and the work site, even a non-specialist can cut glass at home, after practicing a little on unnecessary pieces of glass.

Glass is actively used in all spheres of human life, so glass was invented for its proper cutting and processing. special tools- glass cutters. These devices exist in different modifications, each of which has its own operating rules. Also, the answer to the question of how to cut glass with a glass cutter depends on the type of glass that needs to be processed.

Preparing glass for cutting

Cutting glass with a glass cutter begins at the stage of preparing the material; the entire quality of the work depends on it. If the glass is new, then you just need to wipe it to remove dirt. It is best to use newspaper, rather than fabric, for this purpose, as it will remove moisture and will not leave streaks. If the glass has already been used for its intended purpose or simply for a long time If it was stored and became covered with plaque, and also became chipped, then it will require a more careful approach in preparation.

Used glass must be thoroughly washed, using special products for cleaning glass surfaces. Next, the cleaned glass is degreased using suitable means. These include, for example, rags soaked in kerosene. At the last stage, the glass is dried in a closed room, where dust is prevented from getting on the glass.

In addition to cleaning the glass, preparation includes cutting it. It is very difficult to achieve a completely waste-free process when working with glass, especially if you need to cut a piece irregular shape. But if you calculate the cutting correctly, waste will be reduced to a minimum, which means costs will be minimized. The most convenient and the right option cutting will be the alignment of the longest side of the workpiece with the corresponding side of the glass. There is no need to throw away the trimmings after work, as they will be useful in the future.

Types of glass and features of working with them

To understand how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter, you need to understand what types of glass there are and which of them you will be working with. Each type of glass requires a different approach. The following types are distinguished:

  • Products made of tempered glass are practically not subject to cutting. If you need to use products made from such glass, then you need to take care of cutting it in the early stages, since this type of glass loses its properties when cut at home. Work with tempered glass performed by professionals using specialized equipment;

  • corrugated glass is a patterned product, often used to decorate doors, furniture and interiors. It is quite possible to work with such material at home; the process of cutting it is not much different from smooth surfaces. For corrugated glass, a roller glass cutter is optimal, and the cut must be made from the smooth side;
  • acrylic or organic glass - is a transparent plastic, it is made on the basis of synthetic resins. Cutting such material does not require specialized tools; a regular hacksaw, cutter and tools for straightening the edge will do. If the thickness of the plexiglass is no more than 2 mm, then it can be easily cut with an ordinary stationery knife. If you need to learn how to cut glass without a glass cutter, then we are most likely talking about plexiglass, although some skilled craftsmen cut ordinary glass using household scissors.

The main rule when working with any glass is protective equipment, which includes gloves and safety glasses. The work surface must be covered with newspapers or cloth, which you won’t mind throwing away, since cutting glass involves the presence of many small fragments.

Selection of cutting tools

In fact, cutting glass with a glass cutter is quite simple; this process only requires certain skills that come with experience. Often, an inexperienced master technologically performs everything absolutely correctly, but at the same time the process proceeds with disappointing results. Often the problem lies in correct selection tools, the following types of glass cutters are distinguished:

  • Diamond glass cutter is a classic tool that has been used throughout for long years. A glass cutter with a beveled cutting edge is optimal for home use; it can withstand approximately 10 km of cuts. Periodically it is necessary to re-sharpen the tool on the beam;
  • roller glass cutter - the cutting element consists of 1 to 6 rollers made of durable cobalt-tungsten alloy;
  • oil glass cutter - has the same design as a tool with a cutting roller, but with the addition of a container with oil from which liquid is supplied to the surface to be cut; such a glass cutter is optimal for working with thick glass;
  • glass cutter for cutting circles and ovals - the tool resembles a compass or a mechanism consisting of several devices. If this is a compass-like glass cutter, then it has a suction cup that is attached to the center of the required circle, a controlled scale with which to set required radius and the glass cutter himself. Most often, such tools are oil-based, that is, they have a container for lubricating the cutting part.

In addition to the glass cutter itself, you will also need a ruler along which to draw the cutting line. In glass cutting, this device is called a pattern. If you need to make a simple cut on ordinary glass of small thickness, then an ordinary, flat and long object will do. For complex cuts, a specialized pattern is required.

When choosing the glass cutter itself, you need to choose a tool that allows you to break the glass into pieces with only one cut. If the glass cutter is not of very high quality, then the line will need to be drawn several times. When cutting, you need to be as precise and attentive as possible; much more depends on this than on the quality of the glass cutter. Third necessary tool- a perfectly flat surface; if there is none, then cardboard is placed under the glass for leveling.

The process of cutting glass with a glass cutter

  • the glass is laid out on a flat plane and the pattern is pressed against it;
  • use a glass cutter to mark the beginning and end of the cut line;
  • when marking, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the cutting part to the edge of the glass cutter, since while drawing the line, the glass cutter will rest against the ruler with its edge;
  • to accurately determine the size of the required indentation, the glass cutter is tested on any surface;

  • when the beginning and end of the line are marked, the cutting edge is scratched along the edges of the glass, this is necessary so that the glass does not crack during cutting, since the greatest pressure is created at the edges;
  • a glass cutter is used to move along the glass, the pressure depends on the thickness of the material, you should not apply excessive force, as very thin glass will crack under pressure;
  • to understand how to cut correctly with a glass cutter, you need to learn how to make a line quickly, at a time, applying the same force along the entire length, this does not apply to the edges of the tool, which are cut in advance;
  • while working with the tool, it is necessary to protect the organs of vision, since sometimes the glass cutter jumps off and breaks the glass, resulting in the formation of many small fragments that can damage the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • Once the line is drawn, it is assessed and it is determined whether a cut needs to be added;
  • if there is no need to draw a line, the glass is carefully tapped along the cut and broken;
  • The edges are treated with sandpaper.

Correct cutting of plexiglass

As mentioned above, for cutting plexiglass they are used simple tools, such as a hacksaw or utility knife. You will need tools to straighten the edge. If plexiglass is cut on a milling machine, then the edges do not need to be processed after cutting. In industry, organic glass is cut using a laser, which gives high accuracy cutting, small amount of expenses and cuts good quality. It must be remembered that organic glass has a low thermal conductivity, it heats up quickly in the cutting zone, so the work must be carried out quickly and at the smallest possible depth.

The easiest way to cut plexiglass at home is with a hacksaw or cutter. To make a cut, the material is placed on a flat surface, a pattern is placed on it so that it coincides with the required cut line. The cutting line will be most accurate if you place the ruler directly on it. A cutter is drawn along the marked line several times so that the cut is approximately half the thickness of the glass. Then the required piece is simply broken off from the main part.

The edges of the cut pieces are cleaned with a joiner's jointer. If the cut was made with a saw, then the resulting rough edge should be taken into account, which, when processed, will reduce the size of the piece. When working on plexiglass circular saw or milling machine its edges will foam and become rough, so care should be taken to cool the material during operation.

Tricks of working with glass

1. For a high-quality cut of glass, you need a professional glass cutter of sufficient quality, as well as a spacious, flat surface on which to work. The surface is preferably wooden or chipboard, as it is soft enough not to damage the glass during operation.

2. To work, you need a ruler or an even strip of size 5-10 mm, this width will allow you to comfortably hold the tool with your hand. The main trick to using a glass cutter is the quality of the line you make. Since when making a cut with a glass cutter, it is necessary to draw the line once, accurately and evenly. The line should not be crooked or intermittent, otherwise the glass will crack in places where there are breaks and bevels. If you have enough experience, you can easily correct the error if a zigzag was applied to the glass.

There is one rather cunning way to apply a line on glass. A line is drawn not on the work surface, but on the table, then the glass is placed on this line, one cut is made on both sides, and then a line is drawn along the glass with a glass cutter, focusing on the mark made on the table. This method is only suitable for perfectly transparent glass.

3. Correct position of the tool during the cutting process. If the process is carried out using a diamond glass cutter, then it is held in the hand like a pencil, but with a slight tilt. The finished line is a colorless and thin furrow. If the work is carried out with a roller tool, then its position should be strictly perpendicular to the working surface, while the glass cutter is held between the thumb and middle finger and pressed with the index finger. There is more pressure on a roller glass cutter than on a diamond cutter, and the cut itself has White color. When drawing a line, it is necessary to apply the same force throughout the entire pressure, with the exception of the edges of the glass, where the pressure is slightly reduced.

4. If a straight line of the required depth is made on the glass, it breaks easily. If the glass has not broken, it is placed on the table so that the cut strip is approximately 0.5 cm behind the edge of the table, as if hanging. Next, hold the suspended part of the glass, and carefully tap the glass cutter head along the entire cut line. They deliver precise and light strikes.

In this procedure, the glass breaks, usually very unexpectedly. If after tapping this does not happen, then two matches are placed under its edges and then pressed onto the surface with your hands. Sometimes, after cutting, it is necessary to remove small and not wide parts of the glass; for this purpose, all glass cutters have grooves into which these parts are inserted and then broken off.

5. It is easy to determine the quality of an instrument by the tone it produces when cut. If you hear squealing and creaking, then the glass cutter needs to be sharpened. He talks in detail about how to cut glass with a glass cutter, see the video at the end of the article.

Not a single house can live without glass and, therefore, the question of cutting it arises in almost every renovation. For this purpose, glass cutters are used - diamond, oil and roller. Let's look at each of the above varieties in more detail, but before that we'll figure out how to properly prepare glass for cutting.

Glass preparation

If new glass does not need any special preparation (it is enough to simply wipe it from dust), then with used glass you will have to “tinker” a little.

First, the glass must be thoroughly washed using special detergents. Then degrease with kerosene or alcohol-containing compounds, and finally, dry well after wiping.

To wipe the glass, it is better to use an old newspaper rather than a rag. Thanks to this, there will be no small lint or streaks left on the glass.

Having prepared the glass, you can start cutting it.

Diamond glass cutter is capable of cutting glass up to 10 millimeters thick

A diamond glass cutter can easily be called a “flagship” among similar tools. These glass cutters use diamond as a cutting edge – the most durable material in the world. Thanks to this, a diamond glass cutter is capable of cutting glass up to 10 millimeters thick, while making the most even cut possible, practically free of chips and requiring minimal processing. The only disadvantage of a diamond glass cutter can be considered only its relatively high cost, even in cases where not natural, but artificial diamond is used as a cutter.

Working with a diamond cutter (as with any other glass cutter) requires certain skills.

The first step is to prepare the surface on which the glass will be cut. An ordinary table, which must first be covered with something soft (for example, carpet or linoleum), is perfect for this purpose. The prepared glass is placed on the surface.

Before the main cutting, it is recommended to test the glass cutter on an unnecessary piece of glass. To do this, take the tool large and index finger and draw a line across the glass with slightly more pressure than when writing with a ballpoint pen or pencil. If the result is a thin white line, the glass cutter is ready for work and you are doing everything correctly. If the line is thick and filled with small glass chips, try changing the angle of the cutter.

The process of cutting glass with a diamond glass cutter is as follows. Using a ruler and square, the necessary markings are applied to the glass. After that, a glass cutter is used along the side of the same ruler or any smooth block, pressing with medium force. The white line remaining from the glass cutter is aligned with the edge of the table and lightly pressed onto the hanging edge of the glass. If you did everything correctly, the glass will break off quite easily exactly along the cut line.

When working with thick (thicker than 2 millimeters) glass, before breaking, it is recommended to lightly “tap” the cut line with a hammer.

If the glass does not break, do not try to make a second cut in the same place as the previous one. It’s better to shift the markings a little and carry out the whole operation again.

In order to more accurately understand the principle of working with a diamond glass cutter, we recommend that you watch the following video:

Master class on working with a diamond glass cutter (video)

The roller glass cutter uses rollers made of ultra-strong cobalt-tungsten alloy as a cutter.

This model of glass cutter uses rollers made of a heavy-duty cobalt-tungsten alloy as a cutter. As a rule, from three to six rollers are attached to the rotating head of such glass cutters, which can be used instead of dull ones.

One roller is designed for an average of 300 meter cuts

One roller is designed to carry out an average of 300 meter cuts, after which it must be replaced with a new one.

Before starting work, just as in the case of a diamond glass cutter, it is necessary to prepare the glass and surface, as well as apply appropriate markings to the glass.

Enough in an interesting way glass marking is as follows. Draw a straight line on the surface of the table with a marker or pencil. On the glass, only two small marks are made along the edges in the place where the cut needs to be made. Next, these marks are combined with a line on the table, which will correspond to the cut line.

A roller glass cutter is used to follow the cut line once (to ensure an even cut, it is better to use a ruler). Please note that you need to press a little harder on a roller glass cutter than on a diamond one. In addition, unlike a diamond glass cutter, which must be held at an angle when cutting, a roller cutter must be positioned strictly perpendicular to the glass.

You can break the glass with light pressure, aligning the cut line with the edge of the table, or placing matches under it on both sides.

Since the edges of the glass after the cut are quite sharp, it is advisable to use protective gloves during operation.

Oil type tool

An oil glass cutter differs from a roller cutter only in that it is equipped with a special container from which oil is supplied to the cutting roller during operation.

In its design, an oil glass cutter differs from a roller cutter only in that it is equipped with a special container from which oil is supplied to the cutting roller during operation. Due to this, the cutting effect is significantly enhanced, which makes it possible to cut thicker glass.