How to clean a microwave. How to wash a microwave oven - the fastest and easiest cleaning methods How to easily clean a microwave oven

Introduce modern kitchen It's almost impossible without a microwave. With today's pace of life, an oven will help defrost food, reheat a previously prepared dish, and even cook delicious porridge or a wonderful omelette. But sometimes minor dirt and grease interfere with its operation. And only proper and regular cleaning of the microwave will return it to normal operation and make it a full-fledged mistress in the kitchen again.

What should not be washed

The inner surface of a microwave oven is usually made of ceramics. This means that using iron brushes or other coarse abrasives for washing will worsen the condition of the enamel. Scratches will appear where grease can easily penetrate. And in the future it will be much more difficult to wash off fat deposits.

Experts do not recommend using it for the inside of the stove. washing powder, cleaning abrasives such as Pemolux, Biolan, Comet and the like. The most the best means liquid and gentle.

Don't forget that a microwave oven is an electrical appliance. This means that foam getting on the heating element and other devices in the working chamber will lead to damage to the stove, beyond repair. Liquid dripping from the sponge may get on the grill or other elements. important devices. This will not happen if you wring out the napkins and sponge well, and if drops get on heating elements, dry them immediately with a soft cloth.

Lemon acid

There are many products that can be used to clean microwave ovens. There is no need to stock up on expensive chemical liquids and sprays. Look in your home, refrigerator, closet. There will definitely be a product there that will save the microwave from sticking soot and grease.

Citric acid works well on dried grease and dirt. The unpleasant aroma emanating from the device will disappear, and the original shine will return. Read a more detailed article about cleaning the microwave with lemon.

Mixture structure: citric acid – 1 tsp; water – 0.5 l. Add citrus slices if desired. Next steps:

  • Pour the mixture into a special bowl. Place it in the work compartment.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes high power stove.
  • Wait 5 minutes after switching off.
  • Wipe the inner walls with a napkin.

Table vinegar

Thanks to table vinegar You can quickly and efficiently clean the working chamber. Mixture composition: water – 0.5 l, 9% vinegar – 2 tbsp. spoons. The prepared solution is placed in a special container, placed on a glass tray and heated. Then wipe with a napkin. Read a more detailed article about cleaning with vinegar.

Baking soda

Cleaning the microwave with a solution baking soda, which can always be found in any home. It not only cleans the surface, but also disinfects it. The oven will be clean and sterile at the same time.

Mix structure: Water – 0.5 l, baking soda – 1 tbsp. spoon. The solution is boiled for 15–20 minutes in a microwave-safe container inside the chamber. Detailed article.

Filtered water

Perhaps the method is the least expensive, but very productive. Completely suitable for removing grease and dirt from chamber walls. The steps of the procedure are as follows:

  1. A two hundred gram glass filled to one third is placed in a microwave oven.
  2. Heat for 7-10 minutes as usual.
  3. After switching off, wipe the inside surface of the cabinet without any effort.
  4. The steam will melt the fat, making it easy to remove.

Attention. To avoid burning your hands, allow the oven to cool before continuing with cleaning.

Liquid dish soap

Dish cleaners available in the house will help clean the dirty walls of the microwave from grease and soot.

Preparation of the composition: 1 glass of water, a few drops of dish gel. The diluted gel is placed in the working chamber and boiled. Cooled down household appliance wipe with a napkin.

Important. When boiling, a lot of foam is formed, which can overflow the edges of the glass. Therefore, choose large dishes, and pour liquids only halfway.


A good and safe composition for cleaning a very dirty stove is a glass cleaning solution. The microwave oven is disconnected from electricity before the procedure. Next, prepare the mixture in the following ratio: water - 1 part, glass washing liquid - 2 parts.

The total volume of solution should be enough to wash the oven walls on both sides. Moisten the sponge with the solution and wipe everything thoroughly. The dried fat is pre-soaked in the same liquid, and in 5 minutes it will spread. Finally, wipe the entire chamber well with a wet cloth.

Store-bought chemical compounds

How can you clean a microwave at home if the available means do not produce results? They will help chemical compositions from the shop. Both our and foreign industries produce many of these products, packaged in the form of a spray or gel. They help to cope with fat deposits, rust and other contaminants in the microwave cabinet. Each composition has its own nuances, but the main cleaning path is the same everywhere. The product is applied to the inner surface, including the bottom of the working chamber. Do this carefully, without touching the grilles hiding the magnetron. A sponge is used to apply the gel. After a quarter of an hour, the residue is washed off with a damp cloth and then wiped dry with a soft rag.

How to remove the smell

It's no secret that each product has its own smell, which accumulates in the oven. For elimination unpleasant aroma, special liquids (sprays) are sold. They are sprayed inside the microwave and, closing the door, left overnight. In the morning, rub a soft cloth along the walls of the structure.

Another option that tells you how to clean the microwave from the smell from the inside. Mixture structure: water, detergent, lemon juice - 2 tablespoons. The ingredients are combined and processed in the microwave. The waiting period is 10–15 minutes with the door closed. After the procedure, the household appliance is left open all day or all night.

So that the household appliance does not have to be washed so often, some settings are used:

  • Cover the dish in the microwave oven with a special lid that will collect grease splashes. It is much easier to clean such a device than the entire microwave.
  • Every day, wipe the inside of the household appliance with a damp cloth or foam sponge. And after cooking or heating food, immediately wipe the walls from any grease and dirt that has fallen on them.
  • To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant aroma, you should put several tablets of activated carbon inside at night.

Microwave care

In order for a household device to work properly, it must be looked after and all safety requirements for using heating devices must be met.

  • Install the device at a distance of 85 cm from the floor, away from gas and electrical appliances.
  • For the microwave to function properly, it must be washed promptly and correctly.
  • Use ceramic or glass dishes with a tight lid without patterns or metal rims.
  • It is prohibited to turn on empty equipment to avoid shortening its service life.
  • It is not recommended to turn on the microwave oven in grill or convection mode if the inner walls are dirty or covered with grease. In this case, it will not be easy to wash off the hardened fat.

Even if you follow these simple conditions, you can maintain the functionality of your equipment for a long time.

Most scientists cannot agree on whether microwave ovens are harmful to human health. Their disputes are based on influence electromagnetic radiation on the activity of the brain, gastrointestinal tract, heart, and other organs. And most of them come to a positive conclusion.

In the meantime, scientists argue, life does not stand still, the microwave oven remains an indispensable assistant, and requires attention and daily care.

During heating and cooking, the inner surface microwave oven“gets” the most, fat and food particles settle on it. Over time, contaminants harden, layer on top of each other, and a seemingly clean device inside may be far from ideal. A “neglected” microwave is not so easy to clean. It takes patience and some home remedies.

Safety regulations

Before you start cleaning your microwave, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules:

  1. Before washing, be sure to unplug the device.
  2. Do not use abrasives when cleaning: powders and brushes.
  3. Do not allow water to get into the sensitive element (magnetron) or into the holes in the walls of the device.
  4. There is no need to use “aggressive” chemicals either outside or inside.

Attention! You cannot disassemble the equipment yourself; if you suspect that there is contamination inside, it is better to contact a service center. First, it can be damaged. individual elements, secondly, the warranty on the stove is lost.

Steam cleaning

How to clean a microwave in 5 minutes?

You can quickly clean the microwave oven only from fresh and small dirt. Procedure:

  1. Take a foam sponge and moisten it well with water.
  2. Pour 3-5 drops of any dish soap onto it and foam.
  3. Set the power to minimum, put the sponge inside and turn on for 30 seconds.
  4. While working, make sure that the foam does not melt.
  5. Then take out the sponge and wash off the softened fat and carbon deposits with it.


You can clean the microwave in this way if the dirt is not very complex and not old.

  • Take a plate of water with a volume of 0.4-0.5 liters.
  • Place it in the oven and turn it on maximum power for 10 minutes.
    Leave the door closed for another 10-15 minutes.
  • Remove the container and remove softened deposits with a sponge.

Advice! For greater effect, you can add 1 tsp to the water. dishwashing detergent or 2 tbsp. l. soda

Lemon acid

To enhance the effect of the “steam bath”, various substances are added to the water. Acids have a destructive effect on fat compounds, literally dissolving them. After which even old plaque will be easy to wash off with a sponge or rag. In addition to the visible result, a pleasant smell remains after this procedure.

Important! For interior enamel surface this method Use is not recommended to avoid damage to the coating.


  • Pour 0.5 liters of water into a microwave-safe container;
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. acid and stir until completely dissolved. Instead of a lemon, you can take the juice of 2 lemons and their peel;
  • Place the plate with the solution inside the device;
  • Start the microwave at maximum power for 10 minutes, wait another 5 minutes after turning off;
  • Wipe with a sponge soaked in the prepared solution.

Table vinegar

You can clean the microwave from old dirt using vinegar. After the procedure, the dried fat softens and can be easily removed with a paper towel or sponge.

Important! When working with vinegar and heating it, you need to ensure good ventilation.

How to clean your microwave:

  1. Pour 0.5 water into the container and add 2 tbsp. l. vinegar (6-9%), stir;
  2. Heat at maximum power for 5-10 minutes, it all depends on the contamination;
  3. Turn off and leave until completely cool;
  4. Rub the walls with a damp cloth, rinse with water, and wipe dry.

Vinegar and soda

Acetic acid and soda are effective helpers in the fight against any stains in the kitchen. In addition, soda whitens the surface and eliminates yellowness. The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  1. Dissolve 1 tsp in 0.4 liters of water. soda and 3 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  2. Place the container inside and turn it on at full power for 10-15 minutes.
  3. After turning off, leave the microwave for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Next, clean with a soft damp cloth.

Advice! After the procedure, especially heavy stains can be rubbed with baking soda, pouring it onto a sponge.

Methods “without steam”

You can wash the inside of the microwave. When purchasing, you need to choose brown ones - white bars with the same name do not have the necessary properties. This simple product removes even complex stains without having a destructive effect on the surface.

The process is extremely simple: lather thoroughly soft cloth until foam forms and moisten all dirty areas generously and leave for 10 minutes. After this, thoroughly rub off the dirt.

This method will also save the microwave from burning. It is important to completely rinse off the soap scum, as it is undesirable to get it into your food. After this, wipe with a dry cloth.

Soap and soda

Using a solution of laundry soap and soda, you can clean the microwave from medium-sized dirt. To prepare it you need:

  • grate a bar of soap;
  • add 0.5 liters of water and stir until dissolved;
  • add 2 tbsp. l. soda;
  • mix everything again, pour into a spray bottle and treat the internal and external walls;
  • After 30 minutes, wipe with a damp cloth and then with a dry one.

Windshield wiper and special products

You can clean the microwave using glass washing liquid. To do this, you need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 2:1. Soak a sponge in the solution and wipe the surfaces. If there are dried particles, moisten them generously and leave for 5 minutes. After this, wipe with a clean damp cloth and dry.

Microwave cleaning products cannot be called cheap, but they quickly dissolve grease and plaque. They are used in extreme cases, when the layers are perennial, and traditional methods they don't help anymore. These products contain quite aggressive substances, so you need to remember to take protective measures. Most often they come in the form of sprays, which are convenient to spray on all surfaces of the microwave. You can buy them in stores household appliances (best option) and departments of household chemicals.

Advice! When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to what surfaces it is intended for. Chemicals that are safe for stainless steel can corrode the enamel coating.

The method of application for most products is as follows:

  1. Apply the spray evenly, avoiding contact with the protective plate and ventilation openings.
  2. Wait 5-10 minutes (according to instructions).
  3. Then remove with a damp cloth and dry.
  4. Keep the door open until the smell disappears completely.
  5. When working with chemicals, rubber gloves should be used. In some cases - a respirator.

How to remove the smell of burning and plastic from a microwave?

Sometimes, when you use the wrong setting or heat unsuitable foods in the microwave, a burning smell remains. This unpleasant phenomenon is quite easy to cope with using traditional methods.

The best way to eliminate burnt smells is vinegar. You need to take 6-9% acid and mix it with water in equal parts. Soak a cloth in the liquid and wipe all internal surfaces, leave for a few minutes, then rinse.

Instead of vinegar, you can take lemon, cut into slices with the peel. Place it in a container and fill it with water. Place in the oven and turn it on for 10-15 minutes at full power. After turning off the device, leave the container inside until it cools down. Then take out the dishes and wipe the walls with a dry cloth.

If after using acids the smell still remains, sorbents can completely remove it. You can use salt, coffee or activated carbon (crushed) for this. They need to be poured into a plate and placed in the microwave for 12 hours. These substances will be able to absorb any remaining odor.

Attention! There is no need to heat or dilute the sorbents with water.

Baking soda can help get rid of the plastic smell in your new microwave. It needs to be diluted with water to a paste and applied to the walls, left for 5-8 hours, then rinsed off.

Or another option for unpleasant odors: fill the microwave oven with crumpled newspapers and leave it overnight. In the morning, all that remains is to remove the paper and wipe the surface.

Advice! To avoid unpleasant odors and rust in the microwave, leave the appliance door ajar.

  • During heating, you need to use a special plastic cap. It will take care of the splashes that fly from the food. If you don’t have one, then any glass container will do, which should be used to cover the plate with the dish to be heated.
  • To prevent food from splashing too much, reduce the oven power.

Microwave became important element household appliances. Not a single day can go by without her.

She does an excellent job of heating. And besides this, you can use it to cook great amount full meals.

Over time, the internal and external surfaces lose their former cleanliness and require cleaning. Find out below what remedies will help you cope with plaque.

How to properly clean a microwave oven inside and out?

The surface of the heating furnace consists of metal, which is easy to clean. But before you get rid of stubborn dirt, grime and grease, you need to arm yourself with a few tips.

  • It is necessary to use fabrics of soft texture so as not to spoil the surface of the oven.
  • Abrasive substances should be reduced to a minimum so that the integrity of the coating is not compromised.
  • Determine the material used to make the microwave oven:
    • Enamel- soft fabrics and dry wiping are suitable.
    • Stainless steel- specialized means.
    • Ceramics- soft substances and sponges.

With the emergence of the question of cleaning microwave ovens, both special products and caps appeared that cover plates with food. The essence of their action is that they prevent drops of fat and food from getting beyond their limits.

Household chemicals for cleaning microwaves: how to use?

Manufacturers of modern chemicals To get rid of dirt on the surface and inside of ovens, they offer a very wide range of their products. They perform their functions well and are excellent at removing grease stains and other contaminants. The price range of the products varies depending on demand and the manufacturer.

Method of use:

  • Apply detergent to a damp sponge or soft cloth.
  • Wipe the surface of the microwave oven.
  • Then wipe with a clean and dry cloth.

Precautionary measures:

  1. Before cleaning, remove the plug from the outlet.
  2. After evaporation, do not open the door immediately.
  3. Wear rubber gloves when cleaning.
  4. Keep children and animals away from the cleaning area.
  5. Use household chemicals with caution.

How to clean a microwave using folk remedies?

Common folk remedies help get rid of dirt no worse than household ones. And sometimes they even surpass their chemical counterparts. Among these, the most suitable ones are distinguished:

  • Citrus products;
  • Vinegar;
  • Soda;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Laundry soap.

How to quickly clean a microwave with baking soda?

  1. Sprinkle baking soda on the soft side of a sponge or cloth.
  2. Use gentle movements to wipe the entire surface of the oven.
  3. Rinse off with a clean cloth and water.
  4. Then wipe with a dry cloth.

You can also use another method with soda:

  1. Combine 3 tablespoons of soda and 2 glasses of water.
  2. Place the container with the contents in the microwave oven and turn on for 20 minutes.
  3. Then remove the container and wipe with a damp and then dry cloth.

To avoid any odors, leave the oven door open overnight.

How to simply clean a microwave using vinegar and baking soda?

Vinegar and baking soda have long been knights against dirt on any surface. In addition, the help of vinegar will help not only cope with stubborn dirt, but also with the smell.

  1. Combine a couple of tablespoons of vinegar, soda and glasses of water.
  2. Mix everything in a container and place in the oven for 15 minutes.
  3. After steam develops, grease and other contaminants will become more amenable to removal.
  4. Wipe with a damp cloth to remove dirt.
  5. And then go over with a dry cloth.

How to easily clean your microwave using vinegar and water?

Water has always been an assistant in the fight for cleanliness. And in a duet with vinegar, it will give shine to both the inside and outside of the oven.

  1. In a glass of water room temperature pour in a couple of tablespoons of vinegar solution.
  2. Place the contents of the container in the oven for 20 minutes.
  3. Use a damp cloth to wipe away any dirt.
  4. Then use a dry cloth to wipe the surface of the oven.

How to clean a microwave using lemon?

  1. Squeeze lemon juice into warm water.
  2. Place the mixture on the highest oven temperature for 20 minutes.
  3. After this, wipe with a soft damp cloth to remove any remaining dirt.
  4. Then dry the oven with a dry cloth.

How to clean a microwave with citric acid?

  1. Combine a sachet of citric acid with a glass of warm water.
  2. Place the container inside the oven for 20 minutes at high temperature.
  3. When finished, wipe the inside surface with a damp cloth.
  4. Dry with a dry cloth.

How to clean a microwave with ammonia?

  1. Pour a couple of tablespoons of ammonia into the warm liquid.
  2. Mix well and place in the microwave for 20 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, walk with a damp and dry cloth.

How to clean a microwave with citrus fruits?

  1. Cut any citrus product and add warm water.
  2. Place the container with the contents inside the oven for 20 minutes.
  3. When finished, let the contents sit inside for another 15 minutes.
  4. Then go over with a damp cloth.
  5. And dry with a soft dry cloth.

How to clean the inside of a microwave: the fastest way

Most quick way depends on the degree of plaque:

  • If the plaque is fresh, then a simple soap solution and a foam sponge. Simply walk along the walls of the oven, and then wipe with a clean and then dry cloth.
  • If the contamination is of an old nature, then steam treatment using the above means will come to the rescue. After steam treatment, it is necessary to clean the oven from any remaining dirt and wipe it with a dry cloth.

How to clean old grease from a microwave?

Old grease is a very common occurrence among microwave ovens, as they are a subject of high concern among users. But even such soot can be destroyed if you have it on hand necessary products. The following may help you with this question:

  • Faeries- apply to a sponge and walk over contaminated areas;
  • Laundry soap- combine the ground soap with water and place in the oven to heat for 20 minutes, then wipe;
  • Specialized means- spray on dirty places and then wipe with a rag;
  • Baking powder- sprinkle on contaminated areas for 30 minutes, then remove with a sponge;
  • Common methods- place in a container with water for a while, then wipe the surface;
  • Mustard powder- apply to grease stains for 10 minutes and then wipe with a cloth.

How to remove odor from a microwave?

To eliminate unpleasant pungent odors, the following can help:

  • Citrus fruit- when cleaning from dirt, the inside of the oven will become saturated with pleasant odors.
  • Salt- a small amount will cope with any odors, just leave it overnight.
  • Activated carbon- crushed 7 tablets will help get rid of the hated odor, leave the powder overnight.
  • Coffee beans- ground coffee beans will get rid of any odor; just leave a handful of coffee powder for 8 hours.
  • Dentifrice- or its alternative - toothpaste, combine with lemon juice and rub the walls. After 30-50 minutes, rinse off.
  • orange peel- leave the peels of the whole fruit inside the equipment for 8-10 hours, they will help destroy the harmful odor.

How to clean carbon deposits from a microwave grill?

Helps against soot on the grill:

  • Steam treatment- put water or a mixture of water and a folk remedy in the oven for a while. After evaporating the dirt, wipe the surface with a napkin.
  • Slightly wet cleaning - wipe the walls and parts of the oven with a damp cloth, then place the damp cloth in the oven and turn it on for a few minutes. After this, go over again with a damp cloth.

Cleaning your microwave oven can be a simple task if you do it right. With the help of simple but effective substances, this process will become quick and easy for you. And common methods will help no worse than specialized branded products.

It’s hard to imagine a modern kitchen without a microwave oven: in it you can not only quickly heat up lunch and defrost food, but also cook delicious food without much hassle. But the need to wash this miracle helper puts many housewives under stress, because getting rid of dried-on grease stains is not so easy. How to clean a microwave at home in 5 minutes? Here are the best recipes.

To clean the microwave you need a soft cloth

Types of interior coatings for microwave ovens

If everything is clear with the outer coating of the microwave oven - it can be washed with any cleaning agents and even abrasives, then the inside requires a more delicate approach. The surface reflecting microwave rays can be of three types:

  • Enameled. The smooth, non-porous coating does not absorb grease, making it easier to clean. Nevertheless, enamel is afraid of mechanical stress - scratches on the surface quickly turn into rusty areas. The main rule when cleaning enamel coating is not to use abrasives and wipe the walls dry.
  • Stainless. The surface perfectly withstands constant temperature changes, but has a high “attractiveness” to fat and soot. Streaks and stains literally stick to the walls and are very difficult to remove. Large particles of cleaning powders leave scratches, and acids cause darkening of the surface.
  • Ceramics. Combines enamel smoothness and strength of stainless steel. How to clean a microwave with ceramic coating? Grease stains are removed with a damp sponge or soft cloth.

Water and lemon juice– effective home remedies for cleaning microwave ovens

How to clean a microwave using household chemicals

In any household chemical store there are several options for detergents for microwave ovens. Most often they are produced in the form of aerosols, sprays or liquids. How to clean a microwave from grease and carbon deposits at home using professional products? Follow simple instructions:

  • Laundry soap is the most inexpensive way get rid of stains. Whip up a thick foam with a sponge, apply it evenly to the walls, wait about half an hour and carefully remove the composition. Plus the recipe - low cost soap and enough good result. The downside is the specific smell.
  • Dishwashing detergent can be just as effective. The liquid must be diluted in warm water and the walls washed with a sponge. Be sure to thoroughly remove any remaining foam and wipe the surface dry with a towel. Otherwise, the heated food will have a distinct “chemical” taste.
  • Specialized creams and sprays are present in the lines of many manufacturers. They allow you to clean the microwave in 5 minutes - just apply the product to the dirty walls and wipe it off along with the deposits after a while. Household chemicals have a significant drawback - they are quite difficult to wash off, so a small amount may end up in food. This method is contraindicated if there are people with allergies or small children in the house who need to heat their food in the microwave.

You need to wash the inside surface of the miracle stove regularly. Even if you use a special plastic cover, vapors from heated products escape through special holes and settle on the walls.

Important! When carrying out “bath procedures”, make sure that excess moisture does not flow under the grates. Water that gets on electrical parts can damage your kitchen assistant.

Wipe down the walls of the microwave after each meal preparation.

Home remedies for microwave

You can clean your microwave from grease and deposits at home using household products, which are in the arsenal of any housewife.


The simplest and, most importantly, free cleaning method. To get rid of stuck-on pieces of food and oil, place a bowl of warm water in the oven, turn it on at maximum power, wait 10-15 minutes and wipe off any remaining dirt with a soft sponge. How larger diameter containers, the better - the liquid will evaporate more actively, improving the effect. A glass or cup will not work, perfect option– a wide plate of medium depth. To enhance the effect, you can add a little dishwashing detergent to the water.

Important nuance! This method is only suitable for fresh stains. With many months of “savings” there will be no result.


You can clean the microwave with lemon or other citrus fruits:

  • Peel the orange, place the peels in a plate of water and place it in the microwave oven. Turn on maximum power for 5 minutes. When heated, the zest releases essential oils, which, in combination with water steam, soften dried-on food and oxidized fat particles.
  • Slices of fresh lemon enhance the effect and also get rid of unpleasant odors. Follow the previous instructions, but turn on the microwave for 20 minutes.

Important! Monitor the water level in the plate - it should not completely evaporate.


How to clean a microwave using vinegar:

  • Dissolve two tablespoons of apple or wine vinegar in a glass of warm water (you can also use citric acid).
  • Pour the solution into a wide plate, place it in the oven and set the timer for 10-15 minutes.
  • Turn on the microwave at maximum power.
  • After the end of the time, do not open the door for another 20-25 minutes to allow the steam to take effect.
  • Remove any remaining dirt with a sponge and wipe the walls dry.

When heated, a mixture of acetic or citric acid with water creates steam, which dissolves fatty deposits and softens dried-on food. In addition, pronounced aromas overpower the smells of fish, Chinese dishes and fast food.

Important! When cleaning the microwave using this method, be sure to open a window or vent.


Inner coating Microwave ovens should not be cleaned with abrasive materials. However, baking soda will help clean the inside of equipment in another way:

  • Fill a wide bowl about two-thirds full with warm water.
  • Stir 3 tablespoons of baking soda into it.
  • Set the timer for 15 minutes and turn on the microwave.
  • Wipe off any dissolved dirt.

Important! After the timer goes off, perform a control check. If there are traces of fat on the walls, repeat the procedure. The non-contact method is suitable for any type of coating.

Important nuances

When wondering how to quickly clean the inside of a microwave, do not forget about “preventative” measures. Observe simple rules:

  • Do not use stiff bristled brushes or steel wool.
  • When washing the surface, try not to touch ventilation grilles and places of contact with power supplies.
  • Be sure to unplug the device while cleaning.
  • Wipe down the walls thoroughly after each cooking.
  • Use special lids to reheat food.
  • If an “explosion” occurs during cooking and food particles end up on the inner surface of the microwave oven, remove them immediately.

Important! Do not neglect the care of your microwave. A thick layer of fat can cause a short circuit.

Regular activated carbon will rid the microwave of an unpleasant odor

How to get rid of unpleasant odor

The aroma of some foods (garlic, fish, fermented milk foods) is literally absorbed into the surface and transferred to other dishes. Getting rid of an annoying smell is difficult, but not impossible. In addition to soda and lemon, already indicated in previous recipes, you can use following methods:

  • Natural or instant coffee. Wipe the inner walls with the solution, leave for two hours and rinse clean water. It is not recommended to boil coffee in the stove - stains from the drink are difficult to remove.
  • Salt is an excellent absorber of foreign odors. The recipe is simply simple - pour 100 grams of salt into any container and leave in a closed microwave for several hours.
  • Activated carbon. The absorbent acts on the same principle as salt. You need to crush 7-10 tablets and leave them in the microwave oven overnight.

Important! To prevent the smell from being absorbed into the walls, do not close the door immediately after use. Allow the device to air for a couple of minutes.

Video life hack: how to quickly clean a microwave

Now you know exactly how to clean a microwave in 5 minutes at home, get rid of unpleasant odors and thereby improve the taste of cooked dishes. Follow these simple rules, and your microwave assistant will serve faithfully.

The operating principle of a microwave oven is to heat food using ultra-high-frequency radiation, and its walls inside are covered with a special layer that reflects them. When cleaning, you can easily damage it with aggressive brushes and other abrasive and caustic substances. You need to use something that is unable to scratch this layer: liquid products, microfiber or soft sponge.

When cleaning, it can easily be damaged by aggressive brushes and other abrasive and caustic substances.

When using the oven, simply cover the plate with a lid and grease, crumbs will not splatter around the microwave. This will keep it clean for a long time and help avoid frequent cleaning, which removes the fragile layer responsible for the operation of the device.

  • By outside you can walk through the doors special means for washing mirrors. It will help avoid streaks and remove fingerprints, grease and other dirt.
  • When cleaning, do not press hard on the rag, do not rub, but create a steam effect that will dissolve dry grease splashes. Thus, you will only need to walk over the surface with a cloth with detergent and rinse well with water.
  • Remember to unplug the oven while cleaning!
  • Also, don’t bypass the plate that comes with it. It also needs to be washed with detergent manually or in dishwasher. You can put it back only after it has completely dried.
  • During cleaning, do not allow water to enter the round holes located inside the oven - wipe them with dry cloths. Otherwise, moisture may cause damage and cause malfunction.
  • Do not forget to wipe the grates dry to remove dust, which settles over time and, if there is a large accumulation, the oven may begin to work intermittently.
  • One of the most important rules- try to wipe the oven after each heating or defrosting of food, so that greasy drops do not have time to remain and dry on the walls.
  • The oven can only be turned on after cleaning when it is completely dry.

You can use a special mirror cleaner on the outside of the door.
When cleaning, do not allow water to enter the round holes located inside the oven.

One of the most important rules is to try to wipe the oven after each heating or defrosting of food.
The oven can only be turned on after cleaning when it is completely dry.

Methods for combating fat in a microwave oven

So, you've got to work and are ready to clean your oven of old dirt. But how can you clean a microwave from old grease inside at home if the dirt is dry and can only be removed by increased friction and the use of aggressive devices? You don’t have to buy expensive cleaning gels or special wipes soaked in cleanser, because you can create the effect of such a wipe yourself using soda or vinegar. This is also called the steam cleaning effect. It is convenient in the sense that you only need to heat water with soda, vinegar or dishwashing gel. The steam will dissolve dried dirt, and drops of condensation will make it easier to wipe off the grease using a regular napkin; this procedure will not take much time and effort.

It is not necessary to buy expensive cleaning gels or special wipes soaked in cleanser; you can create the effect of such a wipe yourself using soda or vinegar
It is convenient in the sense that you only need to heat water with soda, vinegar or dishwashing gel


Since it is sometimes difficult to wash the inside of a microwave due to dried dirt, baking soda is often used. pure form. As a result, the walls are scratched and the special layer is damaged. But you shouldn’t neglect it, because there is good recipe how to clean the inside of a microwave quickly using baking soda without damaging the oven. Take a small bowl (preferably glass) and mix 5 tablespoons of baking soda with water. Water can be poured into about half the container. Then this mixture should be placed open in the microwave on high power for about 10 minutes. After the heating process has finished, check to see if any solid dirt remains. If yes, then leave it for another 15 minutes. Then wet a soft cloth and wipe away any remaining greasy splatter. With this method, the grease will dissolve and with drops of water it will be easy to wipe off.

Then this mixture should be placed open in the microwave on high power for about 10 minutes.


You can also use vinegar. But you need less of it - 1 spoon of vinegar for half a bowl of water. Stir and put on heat for 5 minutes first. The action is the same: steam dissolves dirt and the remaining condensation on the walls will help remove excess. You can wipe with a paper napkin or a soft-lint cloth. If you don’t have vinegar at home, you can use citric acid in the same proportions instead.

Stir and put on heat for 5 minutes first

The amount of preheating time depends on the power of your microwave oven. More expensive and stronger models will require less time.


If you have absolutely nothing to clean the microwave from old grease, then an ordinary lemon comes to the rescue. This is a more expensive method, but if the oven needs urgent cleaning, it can also be successfully used as steam to dissolve grease and bleach. Lemon will not only give the original white tint to the walls of the stove, but will also eliminate the foreign smell of food, which has long been mixed with other deposits. Half a lemon is enough for the procedure. Place it on a plate, flesh side down, and add a few drops of water. After 1-2 minutes of heating, steam will begin to form. Now you can wipe off the residue and dry the surfaces.

Lemon will not only give the original white tint to the walls of the stove, but will also eliminate foreign food odors.
Place it on a plate, flesh side down, and add a few drops of water.

Orange peel

Another representative of citrus fruits will help cope with pollution. It will not only help remove dirt, but also add a pleasant citrus aroma. All you need is to eat 1 orange and cut the peel into small slices and put them in a bowl, then pour a glass of warm water. All that remains is to heat this mixture so that steam begins to release. Finally, wipe the inside of the device with a cloth.

All you need is to eat 1 orange and cut the peel into small slices and put them in a bowl

Dishwashing liquid

But how to quickly clean the microwave inside if you have absolutely no time? Dishwashing detergent is always available in the house and will help you quickly deal with stains. We use it by analogy with the previous ones - mix it in a saucepan with water in any proportions and set it to heat. Due to its properties that break down fat, it will dissolve it better than anyone for complete removal. It makes it easier to wash off dirt also because the foam turns out lush.

Dishwashing detergent is always in the house and will help you quickly deal with stains.

Laundry soap foam

Despite the fact that modern housewives prefer modern chemistry to it, its cleansing properties are not inferior to many other expensive products. It not only removes even the oldest stains from clothes, but also perfectly disinfects. But what does it have to do with household appliances and how can you easily clean the inside of a microwave using its foam? The fact is that laundry soap has a unique ability - it is degreasing. It needs to be brought to a coarse, dense foam and applied to the walls of the microwave oven, avoiding holes. To get maximum effect, you should leave it on for half an hour. This time will be enough for old grease stains to completely dissolve. At the end, you just need to walk with a soft cloth or napkin soaked in water.

It needs to be brought to a coarse, dense foam and applied to the walls of the microwave oven, avoiding holes

Glass cleaner

This universal method cleaning, since you can quickly wash the microwave inside and outside with the same solution. We must not forget about the outside of the oven, because dust and splashes settle on it after cooking, and in order to maintain its radiant color, you need to rinse it well by simply mixing glass cleaner with water in a 2:1 ratio. Take a soft sponge (a sponge is recommended as it will create lush foam for easier cleaning) and wipe the microwave inside and out with it. Once all the dirt is completely cleaned, be sure to rinse everything thoroughly with water and wipe dry. You should also rinse well with this product. glass surfaces(door, dial) to shine and without streaks. For these parts, it is recommended to simply apply a little on a paper towel and wipe well.

This is a universal cleaning method, since you can quickly wash the microwave inside and outside with the same solution

Use of purchased funds

On this moment Many companies specializing in the manufacture of home cleaning products offer a wide range of sprays, gels, and cleaning solutions. effective cleansing microwaves. If you don’t want to bother and prepare products yourself from available ingredients, then you can find something to clean the microwave from grease inside in any store that has a department with household chemicals. Many people prefer this option because the products have been tested, safety precautions are written on the label in the instructions for use, you just have to start cleaning and the result will be impressive. But if there are children in the apartment, people prone to allergies, or our little brothers, then it is better to avoid such chemicals.

At the moment, many companies specializing in the manufacture of home cleaning products offer a wide range of sprays, gels, and solutions for effectively cleaning microwaves.
Many people prefer this option because the products have been tested, safety precautions are written on the label in the instructions for use, you just have to start cleaning and the result will be impressive

Removing traces of burnt food

If suddenly you unsuccessfully reheated, for example, toast, and as a result the microwave became covered with dark spots of burning, which are accompanied by unpleasant smell, then this problem is easy to deal with. To clean the walls, you can use all of the above methods, and to eliminate the smell, just ventilate the oven, leaving the door open for several hours, or use the following tips. The absence of bad odors is an important indicator of the cleanliness of the oven.

To clean the walls, you can use all of the above methods.

How to remove an unpleasant odor?

After you have successfully cleaned the inside of the microwave from grease, it’s time to get rid of the smell of burnt food, crumbs and other contaminants. And due to the fact that the oven is always closed, air does not enter in sufficient quantities to ventilate it. It's quite simple: take a container of water and add mint, lavender or lemon juice and heat it up. During heating, the aroma of the added ingredient will eliminate the unwanted odor. Also good helpers In this case, onions and coffee beans come into play, which can simply be left inside the oven for a while. They absorb odors and prevent the appearance of new ones.

It's quite simple: take a container of water and add mint, lavender or lemon juice and heat

If you have activated carbon at home, you can safely leave it on a tray inside overnight without turning it on. It will absorb all unnecessary strong odors. Ordinary table salt will also come to the rescue, which is famous not only for its ability to absorb liquid, but also for its smell. It can also be poured into a small saucer and left overnight without heating.

There is no need to worry that these products will leave behind any specific odor, because their principle of operation is to absorb, not overpower, the odor.

All of the above methods are suitable not only for microwave ovens, but also for gas stoves. What you can use to wash the inside of a microwave oven without fear can also be used on other similar surfaces of household appliances. Only you can decide what to choose - natural, folk recipes without chemicals, but with which you need to work longer, or ready-made, industrial ones - they will provide a quick, good result. Any cleaning should be carried out periodically and do not forget that the longer the oven is left without maintenance, the more difficult it will be to return it to its original condition. perfect cleanliness and absence of foreign odors. The oven will last longer if you pay due attention to its condition, and the question of how to clean the microwave from grease inside will no longer be daunting in its complexity.