How to distinguish lumber from dead wood and freshly cut wood. Edged lumber from dead wood. And what is dead wood? How to distinguish green forest from dead wood

When talking about materials for building a house, it is impossible not to mention such an exotic material as dead wood. Read more about dead coniferous wood in this article.

One of the most sought-after and popular materials in this group is dead pine. Its exceptional qualities are acquired naturally and the wood requires virtually no additional processing.

What is dead wood?

When a tree destined for dead wood reaches the end of its life cycle, it is root system dies and it begins to dry up on the root. Immediately after the drying process begins, the tree, under the influence of external natural factors, becomes highly resistant to mechanical damage, the influence of various biological factors, and becomes exceptionally hard. It is due to these characteristics that dead pine is so highly valued.

To guarantee and determine quality, responsible qualified specialists monitor dead wood from the beginning of its formation until removal from the forest. After the tree passes quality control, it is carefully removed from the ground along with the root system, so as not to damage the thickest part of the tree trunk, as well as the trees located in the neighborhood. Then the trees are removed from the forest where they grew with the utmost care. Even helicopters can be used to remove the pine so as not to damage it, since dead wood often grows in hard-to-reach places.

The best tree for construction is considered to be 200-300 years old, which grew in the northern latitudes near the Arctic Circle. Finland and North Karelia are rightfully considered the most favorable zones for the growth of dead pine, since there are very few zones where there are a combination of favorable factors (approximately 3% of the total area of ​​the Earth). The process of selecting such wood is quite complex and labor-intensive, but the effort is worth it, because a house built from dead wood amazes with its beauty and quality. It is Finland and Karelia that are considered the world's suppliers of dead wood.

Application of dead wood

Today, dead pine is actively used in North America, Europe, Denmark, Austria, as well as in Germany, France and Switzerland. This material is also popular in Ukraine. And all thanks to the fact that dead pine has two important characteristics.

  • Firstly, dead pine reliably prevents shrinkage and cracking of the frame of your wooden house itself, since this wood is not subject to such processes.
  • Secondly, by choosing dead pine for the construction of your house, you acquire a wonderful healthy climate inside your home, since no additional processing agents (paints, varnishes, antiseptics) are used.

Also, due to the fact that dead wood can rarely be processed at the factory, it retains the full range of its natural qualities and properties. In fact, the careful selection of wood and its subsequent manual processing allow us to consider such houses to be “handmade” houses.

Focusing our attention on the aesthetic aspect, I would like to mention the fact that walls made of dead pine, despite the length of the logs, their color or thickness, look great as architectural works, and will give a head start to any house made from other materials.

Each house made of dead pine is unique, it combines years of production traditions, the skillful and caring hands of the craftsmen who grew the tree and built your house, it is imbued with the noble and majestic energy of the old forest. Such a tree reveals its true, natural beauty, and your home truly becomes a fairy tale come to life.

What's happened dead wood? Surely, a person far from construction will immediately open encyclopedic Dictionary and read information about dead wood, which fits in a small paragraph.

According to encyclopedic data dead wood They call that part of the trees or forest that does not show any signs of life. Nevertheless, dead wood does not rot or fall, but continues to adhere to the roots of the tree. If you go into any forest, you can see dead wood in the form of individual dried trees, or entire forests dead wood who died from drought or a sharp drop in the level groundwater, frost, sunburn, forest fires and a whole range of others. Speaking separately standing treesdead wood, then in this case the tree could die due to “old age”, attack by harmful insects or fungal diseases. As practice shows, coniferous species are more often exposed to dead wood, rather than deciduous ones.

Chopping dead wood- This is a very important event that helps prevent forest fires. After all, everyone knows how well dry wood burns, especially when it is under the scorching sun. Just some 5-10 years ago, the Russian construction market had not even heard of the construction of houses from dead wood. However, fashionable Western trends are very quickly being introduced into our market, because many construction companies Russia today appreciates all the advantages of working with dead wood and offer a wide range of building structures based on dry wood. The most interesting thing is that they were the first to decide to use dead wood in the construction of houses, practical Americans who opened houses from Europe to dead wood.

It's interesting that succumbing to this fashion trend, Russian construction companies thought they had discovered something new. However, after delving into the history of construction, we discovered that the first houses from dead wood appeared many centuries ago and not just anywhere, but in Russia! After all, our great-grandfathers noticed that the most durable and strong houses are made from dry wood, so they specially cut the bark so that the tree would dry out faster. Moreover, the construction of houses from dead wood– this is also a colossal saving of sharply declining forest resources. Agree, why ruin living tree, if every year appears in our forests great amount dead wood. Therefore, at home from dead wood today are our main solution to the problem of housing shortages and the conservation of selected forest areas.

The main advantage of a house from dead wood is what he decides main problem construction wooden houses– natural shrinkage of the house, which occurs as the “living” tree dries out. As you know, experienced specialists do not recommend carrying out Finishing work, since at first it will shrink by about 10-15 cm. But building a house from dead wood is devoid of this drawback, because in an already “dead” tree there is no moisture that will “shrink” the walls of a log house. Therefore, in this case, houses from dead wood can be finished immediately after its construction is completed.

Ideal option for ordering dead wood is the northern forest, which has the greatest strength and durability. Certainly, cost of dead wood from the northern coniferous species You can’t call it low, but when ordering such a tree, you can be sure that you will get a high-quality house.


There is a prejudice that with proper selection, the trunks of already dead, withered trees will have a number of important advantages. But the practice of using such lumber debunks this myth completely.

The term "deadwood" is applied to trees that have not yet fallen and are standing, but they are already dead. This definition can apply not only to individual trunks, but also to entire sections of the forest. Dead wood is also called lumber cut from dead round timber. Dead wood is distinguished separately. These are dead dry trees that lie on the ground. They can fall, for example, after strong winds, snowfalls and the like.

A tree dies (dries out) not always from old age. This can happen for other reasons, namely:

Critical rise in groundwater, accompanied by severe waterlogging of the soil;
Critical decline in groundwater, accompanied by drought;
Prolonged cold with abnormal frosts;
Harmful industrial exposures;
Severe soil compaction;
Forest fires;
Damage by fungi or insects;
Various mechanical damage...

The intensity and speed of such processes depends on various factors. Sometimes destruction occurs in a matter of days (15-20 days) - and a layer of blue 1.5-2 centimeters thick very quickly appears over the entire mass of wood.

Inspection of trunks in dry areas where trees died a long time ago (a year or a year and a half ago) allows us to draw important conclusions. Only 2 percent of all available trunks can be used to produce relatively suitable lumber for construction. 70 percent of this forest can only be used as firewood. The rest can be considered waste containing a huge number of pests and pathogens.

There is a pattern - the longer the period from the death of a tree to the moment of its harvesting, the more useless and dangerous the dead wood will be. Dead wood is damaged and destroyed even faster than dead wood, since the contact area of ​​the trunk with the soil is much larger.

In some cases, there is only a few months to have time to select intact sawlogs from the dead wood.

Infection can occur in a warehouse and even in finished structures that have not been subjected to strict antiseptic treatment. In addition, products made from dead wood can act as a source of infection if they are in proximity to normal wood.

In addition to damage by fungi and insects, fallen trees and dead wood are characterized by the loss of physical and mechanical properties important for construction. The wood of a dead tree dries uncontrollably, unevenly - and rather deep cracks form not only along but also across the grain. For timber or edged boards GOST from a green forest is completely unusual.

Uneven stresses, in addition to significant cracking in different directions, can lead to deformation of products after sawing the log - warping various types, which are simply impossible to correct during installation, because lumber simply breaks.

The presence of fungal infections and damage by harmful insects is not allowed by GOST standards, not only for aesthetic reasons. These pests feed on wood; after their vital activity, voids and loose areas remain in the trunk, which leads to the following negative phenomena:

Lumber becomes less hard and more capricious during installation and processing;
products lose their load-bearing capacity;
the structures are more heat-conducting and sound-permeable;
loose wood absorbs water to a greater extent.

What is most unpleasant is the fact that it can be very difficult for an inexperienced person to recognize dead wood against the background of lumber from a healthy forest. And not every seller honestly indicates the origin of his goods, which gives him the opportunity to make extra profit (dead round timber and lumber from dead wood, for example edged boards

Tree - construction material, without which no construction process can do, especially if we're talking about about building houses. Let’s find out how “dead wood” differs from “green forest”.

The most the best material To build a house, use a healthy tree that was cut down in the second half of winter. If we talk about dead wood, it is almost always infected with a wood beetle, and is more susceptible to rotting than “green stuff”. Not best characteristics The tree that grew in areas bordering fires also has this property.

It is quite easy even for a non-specialist in this field to distinguish such lumber as “dead wood” from “green wood”. Firstly, dead wood is characterized by a gray tint of wood, and secondly, such lumber is much lighter in weight. It is worth noting that the visible blue, or even blackness on the tree is not a sign that the material is dead wood. This happens when healthy wood is stored without the required air seal. In fact, a week is enough for a healthy tree to become covered with such a shade.

If you have purchased a large volume of lumber such as green wood, you should know that for it long-term storage special conditions are required. Firstly, the material must be laid on a flat surface to avoid its curvature, and secondly, it must be stacked, as this the best way storage of boards or timber. To avoid the formation of blue and black spots on the wood, both end parts of the material must be treated with paint. In this case, the material will be stored in the optimal “natural drying” mode.

For those who are not ready to face all the nuances of this craft, it will be enough to find a reliable and trusted lumber manufacturer.

The timber industry company "Status" has been successfully operating in the lumber market for almost 20 years.

We can buy:

  • Glued laminated timber;
  • tongue and groove floor;
  • Block houseAnd eurolining;
  • Houses made of laminated veneer lumber and other.

It is worth noting that such material as, for example, tongue and groove floor or block house inexpensive are worth it if you purchase them through our online store. At the same time, you save personal time, since in just a couple of clicks you can order tongue and groove floor and other lumber in any volume.

Cost of materials such as tongue and groove floor, laminated timber indicated in price-list, which can be viewed by visiting the “Price List” section of the website.

If you intend buy tongue and groove floor, block house, or houses made of laminated veneer lumber, then contact the Status company, we will be happy to help you!

Dead wood or edged lumber from dead wood.

Dead wood, burnt wood, forest infested with bark beetle larvae and longhorned beetle larvae. How to distinguish GOST 8486 from normal green forest. Negative aspects of using dead wood during construction.

I’ll start, as always, with a short general educational introduction for those who are encountering a similar phenomenon for the first time. Not long ago in recycling circles round timber the term appeared in edged lumber and those who sell it in capital markets Green Forest. What does this term mean:

Green forest is a living forest:

This is a normal, living, ecologically clean, healthy forest standing on measles.

Dead wood this is a dead forest. Combines the following terms:

  1. Gorelnik, suffered as a result natural disaster- fire
  2. Windfall, windfall, snowfall, partly these are also trees affected by the elements.
  3. Dead wood, fallen rotting trees

As a rule, this forest is infested with the bark beetle - typograph, and the larvae of the longhorned woodcutter beetle.

The forest area that was damaged by fire must be cleaned and disposed of. To put it simply, destruction, because... dead forest poses a threat to bark beetle and longhorn beetle infestation.

Many types of stem pests pose a deadly threat to trees. For example, 150-200 typograph bark beetles (Ips typographus) kill an adult spruce in just a month

In other words, in medical terms, it is a source of infection for the good Green Forest, i.e. epidemics. Anyone who processes wood into edged boards and timber knows well which area he has to clean. However, contaminated timber is processed into edged lumber, because the costs of cleaning and disposing of the site often exceed the budget allocated by the district. Therefore, contractors, who are also often owners of private sawmills, often commit such violations. After processing dead wood into edged lumber, it is launched into retail sale.

How to distinguish such a catch when buying lumber for construction.

The first thing you should pay attention to is price segment, because edged timber from dead wood net sizes worth much cheaper.

Those. If edged lumber is offered at a very low and competitive price, you need to seriously think about “what’s the catch.” Choosing a material and a supplier “with a reputation” is a very important and crucial moment in the construction of your home. Make your purchase accordinglyat the supplier's sales area, acceptance lumberat your site PERSONALLY.

I'll give you a couple of tips for "beginners":

It is strictly forbidden to trust the purchase of lumber to “familiar teams”. I have witnessed many times when “familiar brigades” deliberately violated, saving the employer’s money by buying dead wood.

Many unfortunate owners do this on purpose, saving their money, without completely understanding what awaits them in the future.

Therefore, I move on to the second part of this article - the main one.

The second point is the subject of this article. Especially for the reader, I made a photo report for clarity and added my comments so that you can clearly understand what kind of lumber is in front of you and what you want to spend your money on.

Photo of edged boards and timber. Dead wood, burnt wood, infected with bark beetle. It is the same.

Meet the residents of dead wood - the larvae of the longhorned woodcutter beetle.

When the owners of dead wood say that I defeated them, I don’t have them. One of them will tell you: “I’ll be back.” If the area on which you are building is contaminated, this is inevitable, pheromones you understand! Whatever you treat them with, they will come back, it’s only a matter of time. That’s why when they write that there is a place for dead wood in the firebox, I only vote “yes”!

In fact, the woodcutter beetle is the most dangerous of pests. If the barbel laid eggs in wooden structure buildings, its larvae can render the entire structure unusable.

Because the form of the tables does not allow for a larger display of damage; I give the reader the opportunity to study photos of lumber from dead wood in the photo gallery of the site; I suggest using this thematic link - dead wood, lumber from dead wood, firewood affected by larvae. Photo

In general, quite a lot of reviews of “imaginary experts” about the construction of residential buildings from dead wood and companies engaged only in this have appeared on the Internet. Dear readers, I’ll tell you honestly in Russian - directly:

- Some extraordinary personalities build from everything they can get their hands on . From tires, bottles, their caps, matchboxes, etc., thus trying to draw attention to themselves and their decisions of their neighbors, general public , press and mass media. But you, dear readers of this article, undoubtedly do not consider yourself one of such people.

Of course I wouldn't dare to build on this for myself "Mr.“even a cattle shed (because the cattle will get sick and die) or a barn - a utility room (where all sorts of unnecessary and necessary things will be stored and subsequently become unusable from infested pests).

Leave this pleasure for the “chosen ones” - extraordinary people or complete idiots. In European terms it sounds like a freak.

For such subtle “connoisseurs of energy from dead wood” unforgettable experience guaranteed for the rest of your life until the floor suddenly collapses under your feet, or worse, the “hut” built from dead wood itself falls on its side from its dilapidation, crushing all the necessary household needs. You probably shouldn’t even write about environmental friendliness; everyone understands perfectly well what we’re talking about.

Where did “fashion” come from or why is this idea imposed on the average “city dweller” in general! After killing a little time searching for information and studying it, I came to a simple conclusion:

The fashion for building from dead wood came from poor Central Europe, where there has always been, is and will be a problem with normal forests. Because there is very little of it or none at all!

None of the townspeople are building en masse wooden houses For permanent residence because it is not available and very expensive. So they use illiquid goods that must be disposed of. Using dead wood as exotic, passing it off as a masterpiece of European design thought.

In Russia, this idea is being imposed because this problem, since the abolition of the relevant ministry since the times of the USSR (I consider Lesnoy as a complex of problems, economic activity, which needs to be analyzed in detail in my subsequent articles) in Russia, no one has been seriously involved at all, except for the Forestry Enterprises in the region, which are barely making ends meet and are simply forced to leave the solution to this issue to private sawmills. An ugly attitude towards Forestry was observed from 1995 to 2011 in the Moscow region, while freezing rains and Forest fires directly indicated to the responsible officials that this problem must be dealt with so as not to move from the category of a Problem to the category of a Natural Disaster.

Gorelnik, windbreak, snowbreaker, forests affected by stem pests ( all this is defined by one term “dead wood”) so much that the next 10-15 years, by recycling and processing into edged lumber, you can make good condition as they say from scratch. Therefore, all the markets of large cities, in particular Moscow and the Region, are 90-95% flooded with dead wood, and sellers in retail spaces are briskly selling it, cleverly picking up the European idea - “value”, what do they say from this? Mr."it can cost, and then in this" Mr."live. They sell it at a reasonable price, much cheaper than normal Green Forest from neighboring areas, to unsuspecting townspeople.

Epiphany comes when a stray woodcutter beetle larva falls from a hole in a beam onto the head of a hut-dweller sleeping in summer, or the beetle itself, which looks like a fat black cockroach, makes its way through the new linoleum and OSB. For some refugees and migrants from Central Asia This is the norm, but for me, a person who understands wood, it sounds “wild”!

I am posting a photo of a Russian peasant’s house built several hundred years ago from normal, selected Green Forest. This is the "Svetlitsa" or, in modern terms, the Living Room. Pay attention to the boards that were used for flooring. Their width is about 300-400mm, sometimes even more. This is selected “business” - large wood. Nowadays, even just seeing something like this is very rare. A hundred years ago, Russian peasants laid floors in their houses.

This topic has been discussed more than once at one of the largest construction forums - ForumHouse, of which the author of this article is a participant. I made a photo report just for this forum. Thematic link to this discussion is

Green Forest

Due to the nature of my work, I have to constantly answer such questions in the online chat of my website for visitors, customers and readers of this article. Many of them are very strange and only make me laugh and feel sympathy. However, for those who have encountered this problem while building their home, it’s no laughing matter. For example, writes one lady in a chat who bought lumber from dead wood at the city market, naturally at a cheap price. First comes the description, then he sends a photo, then the question is addressed to me:

Can it be cured?

I leave it for you this question without comments, which you can add yourself if you read this material. This is why I write articles on this matter, so that people who build their houses from wood can instill the knowledge and culture that our ancestors possessed when erecting masterpieces of carpentry. Which have stood for hundreds of years - to this day and delight our eyes.

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