How to open your own boxing gym. How to open a sports club from scratch. Analysis of the situation in the market for the provision of sports services

Attachments: from 2,600,000 rubles

Payback: from 12 months

Parents often want to send their child to sports. Disputes between mom and dad about which section to go to continue: the father wants the child to take up boxing, and the mother wants a safer sport. Not only children are sent to boxing; teenagers themselves want to learn how to stand up for themselves, for their girlfriend. Adult men engage in this sport to learn and test themselves. After all, fighting and fights are an entire art. Here both psychology and technology play an important role. Due to high demand, you can look at this niche from a different perspective. Perhaps you should open a boxing club in your city?

Business concept

Boxing is like ballet, only there is no music, no choreography and the dancers punch each other.

Boxing is common among middle-level citizens; this fact should be taken into account when opening a club. The price tag should not be high, and given the affordable cost of services, we expect a large flow of people. IN small town It will not be possible to achieve such indicators. We can safely say that this business idea is suitable for a city with a population of more than half a million people; with a lower level, it is not recommended to look and explore this niche; there is a risk of not recouping the costs and working at a loss.

Where will the money be made? You will provide clients with paid individual and group lessons. The cost of individual ones will accordingly be higher. The training will be conducted by professionals in their field – candidates for master of sports, master of sports. Only these people can teach a beginner something worthwhile. It is on this point that all commercial activities of the boxing club are based.

What will be required for implementation?

Login this business requires quite a large investment if you do not have a large sum, then look for investors. To attract funds from outside, you need to write a business plan and conduct market research in your city. There are clubs aimed at amateur audiences, while others see professional athletes as their clients.

To open a boxing club, you need a large room equipped specifically for sports. There are few of these in our country, and even more difficult to find in small towns. Therefore, finding a place to found a club may take for a long time. The hall should be equipped with an area with bags, a ring, an area with exercise equipment, a locker room, showers and an administrative room for club employees. The main thing is that the area is large; people will not go to an establishment where there will be queues for punching bags, exercise machines, and showers. This needs to be thought out in advance.

Step-by-step launch instructions

  1. At the very first stage it is required obtain LLC registration, because the club’s activities are commercial. If your institution will perform the function of education for children (teaching activities), a license may be required.
  2. Room. Very often boxing clubs are non-profit; this is done by public health organizations. We are not considering building an entire complex. You need to look for gyms that are for sale. They must have several zones described above. Boxing clubs are based on personal premises, not rented ones, since this business is planned for a long time. After acquiring the hall, it is necessary to start repairing and decorating the appearance.
  3. Purchase of equipment. All equipment can be divided into 3 groups:
  • specialized equipment for boxing: ring, punching bags, protection, gloves, etc. In this case, it is recommended to purchase new things in bulk. You can try to get a discount on a large order from sports networks;
  • application equipment. This includes exercise equipment, barbells, and weights. Boxing has a direct connection with strength training, this requires exercise equipment. New ones will be quite expensive, so it makes sense to look for used ones, many GYM's sell their equipment before closing. Here you should bargain;
  • household equipment. Chairs, tables, computers, benches in the hall, medicines if necessary first medical care etc. Everything on this list is purchased individually, at retail price.
  1. Personnel search. As we have already said, we need coaches with skills and their own training system. You can find them quickly by posting an ad on the Internet. But besides them, you should find a doctor who will monitor the safety of athletes. You will also need to hire an administrator who will keep records of subscriptions, training payments, etc. This stage should not take much time.
  2. Pricing and marketing. The price of services depends on the average salary of citizens of your city. It is worth providing clients with the opportunity to purchase both one-time training sessions and subscriptions for a month, 3 months, six months, a year. Each of them must bring benefits to the client. You can resort to a bonus system for long-term cooperation. Think through your marketing down to the smallest detail, consider different ways to attract customers. There must be a website and groups on social networks. Advertising can be placed on the Internet, look for targeted traffic (boys, men from 18 to 45 years old only in your city). Posters, signs around the city, flyers are all great ways to advertise.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

The table of starting investments looks something like this:

It turns out that to open a boxing club in a city with a population of 500,000 or more people, a minimum expenditure of approximately 2,650,000 rubles is required.

Monthly expenses

Every month you will need to spend money on:

  • salaries for employees and coaches - from 150 thousand rubles;
  • hall maintenance (electricity, utilities) – 20 thousand rubles;
  • taxes - 15 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of damaged equipment - 5,000 rubles;
  • possible unexpected expenses - 5,000 rubles.

The total monthly costs are approximately 200,000 rubles.

How much can you earn?

The first couple of months, most likely, you will work at a loss, because during this period information about the club spreads throughout the city and clients are recruited. With a monthly subscription costing 3,500 rubles, consistently 250-300 people will want to purchase it. But this figure can be achieved no earlier than after six months of hard work. On average, a boxing club can bring in 850,000 rubles in revenue per month, of which net profit will be approximately 600-650 thousand rubles.

Therefore, we can conclude that it is possible to recoup the initial investment within 12 months after opening.

Risks and cons

This business idea is not without risks, because competition is growing. Moreover, the competition is very dangerous, your rivals are opening clubs with good equipment, professional coaches, and the emphasis is on the quality of service. There is no need to lag behind this. To survive in such a market, it is necessary to come up with promotions, discounts, and hold tournaments and competitions. By focusing on marketing, you will ensure continued growth.

There is a risk of not finding good trainers. Agree, not every city can hire a master of sports in boxing. In this case, you can find a trainer outside the city or use those who are nearby (1-2 ranks).

Bottom line

If you decide to start in the boxing field, then be prepared for a lot of nuances. Sports is a complex field, there is a lot of investment, a long but sure payback. You will have to become patient, in the initial stages something may not work out, but that’s why you decided to engage in a boxing club, to take the blows steadfastly. Having gone through all the obstacles, you will ascend to the pedestal and become a leader in your city in promoting boxing. Everyone will only thank you, but only if everything is done with soul!

Project Summary

The goal of the project is to open a specialized boxing center in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand people to provide sports and recreation services and make a profit. The business idea is to create and operate a commercial boxing club, aimed at all groups of the population of any age, starting from 5 years. The format of the establishment will refer to the so-called “white collar boxing” (boxing for white collar workers), which implies the adaptation of professional boxing for ordinary people and affordability. The club's services will include group and individual boxing and kickboxing classes, ranging from one-time training to annual membership sales.

Investments in opening the club will amount to RUB 3,620,000. Source - own funds. The payback period of the project is 16 months.

Key financial indicators of the project

Discount rate, %

Net profit of the project*, rub.

Return on sales, %

Payback period (PP), months.

Profitability Index (PI)%

* - with a club attendance of 200-300 people per month and an average bill of 3,600 rubles

Description of the industry and company

IN last years boxing is increasingly adapting to mass demand and opening its doors to non-professionals. The popularity of boxing clubs for mid-level citizens is increasing, as evidenced by the opening of more and more clubs and boxing centers in major cities of the country. It is believed that white collar boxing originated in the 80s in New York, where tournaments for office workers, seeking emotional release in the ring. White collar boxing became so popular that in 2001 the International White Collar Boxing Association (IWCBA) was formed to set clear rules and oversee the competition. Today there are more than 1,500 clubs around the world where anyone can try themselves as a boxer, regardless of their age and status. Unlike professional clubs, the purpose of such centers is to provide a platform for boxing as an alternative to fitness. By attending classes, a person keeps himself in good physical shape, increases his resistance to stress and more easily endures all the hardships of life.

The goal of this project is to open a specialized boxing center in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand people to provide sports and fitness services to the population and make a profit. The business idea is to create and operate a commercial boxing club, aimed at all groups of the population of any age, starting from 5 years. The format of the establishment will refer to the so-called “white collar boxing” (boxing for white collar workers), which implies the adaptation of professional boxing for ordinary people and affordability.

The boxing club will be located in the central area of ​​the city, close to major business centers and educational institutions. The club will operate daily: from 8:00 to 22:00 Mon-Fri. and from 9:00 to 21:00 on Sat. - Sun. total area club will be 250 sq. meters.

Boxing classes will be conducted by professional trainers with sporting achievements and sports categories (KMS, MS). The business owner will act as the manager of the club; part of the management and administration responsibilities will be transferred to a full-time administrator. Employees whose work is not related to making a profit (accountant, cleaner) will work for hire.

The organizational and legal form of activity will be an individual entrepreneur. OKVED code suitable for this business is 93.12 Services provided by sports clubs. The simplified taxation system (USN 6%) will be selected for taxation forms.

Description of services

The boxing club's services will include group and individual boxing and kickboxing classes, ranging from one-time training sessions to annual membership sales. Under the guidance of experienced trainers will be carried out functional training, boxing and kickboxing training. The approximate price list is presented in Table. 1. To ensure an advantage over competitors, emphasis will be placed on the professionalism of the coaching staff, quality of service, and affordability of services.

Table 1. List of services




Group adult training (16+)

Subscription for 3 months

Subscription for 6 months

12 month subscription

Package for 8 workouts

Package for 12 trainings

Group children's training (5-15)

Subscription for 3 months

Subscription for 3 months of group training

Subscription for 6 months

Subscription for 6 months of group training

12 month subscription

Subscription for 12 months of group training

Package for 8 workouts

Attendance at 8 group training sessions (1 month)

Package for 12 trainings

Attendance at 12 group training sessions (1.5 months)

Personal training

1 workout

1 individual training

10 workouts

10 individual trainings (2 months)

Other services

Visit to a boxing gym

Visit to a boxing gym (1 month)

One-time training

One-time training

No special permits or licenses are required to provide such services. The activities of the establishment will need to be coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozhnadzor.

Sales and Marketing

The target audience of boxing will be city residents with an average level of income of various categories of the population. During the classes, groups of different ages will be formed, including children's groups (5-9 years old, 9-15 years old) and groups for adults. A separate group If there is an appropriate specialist, it is planned to create it for girls and women. At the pre-opening stage, work will be carried out to attract customers through social networks and pre-sell subscriptions. On the first day of work there will be a day open doors with master classes and drawings for certificates for free visits to the club for a certain period.

The main channel for attracting new club members will be the Internet. Wanting to sign up for an exercise class is not like impulsively buying clothes or food. The potential client has an idea of ​​what he wants and strives to find out in more detail information about the sports sections that interest him on the Internet, and compare prices of several clubs. Therefore, information about the services of the boxing center, prices, trainers and contact details will be posted on the website. According to the Yandex.Wordstat service, the request for “boxing section” is made monthly from 12,000 to 26,000 times, while there are much more similar requests (approximately 50-60 thousand). The leaders in the number of requests are Moscow and St. Petersburg (3205 and 1245 requests for “boxing section” as of April 2016), followed by Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Voronezh, Samara and Kazan (170 -338 requests). Taking into account related requests, indicators increase by 2-3 times. At the same time, the most people who want to sign up for boxing are recorded from August to October after the end of the summer holiday season. In the fall, there is a peak in sales of fitness club memberships, so it is most advisable to open a club in August-September.

The main methods that will be used when promoting on the market will be:

  • contextual advertising in search engines;
  • maintaining groups/accounts on social networks;
  • outdoor advertising (signboard);
  • advertising in the media (at the opening stage);
  • handout advertising (business cards, flyers).

In the course of its activities, the club’s management will proceed from the principles of expanding the services provided, increasing the number of regular club members, as well as improving the quality of service. To implement the first task, a search will be made for new partners of the club, including large employers interested in purchasing season tickets in bulk. To implement the second, special seminars, master classes and other events will be held for staff under the guidance of invited specialists. The club's management will help create a trusting family atmosphere with customer-oriented service in the establishment. Attention will be paid to all the subtleties of work, starting from maintaining general discipline of employees and creating a loyalty system, ending individual approach to each client (taking into account the client’s characteristics and inclinations when conducting training, calling by name, etc.).

Production plan

The location of the club will be in the central area of ​​the city with a large number of office and retail buildings (business center). The club will operate daily. Working hours: Monday to Friday - 08:00-22:00, weekends and holidays- from 09:00 to 21:00.

The club will be located on a rented area of ​​250 sq. meters. The boxing club will have two gyms for competitions and training, an administration, a locker room, a wardrobe area and a bathroom with shower. Renovation of the premises will require 1.8 million rubles, equipment - 1.2 million rubles. Among other things, the room will need to be equipped with a ventilation system. More detailed equipment costs can be seen in Table. 2.

Table 2. Equipment costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.


Supply and exhaust ventilation system

Boxing ring

Exercise equipment

Training equipment (bags, bags, etc.)

Office equipment, computers

Furniture for administration and reception


35 000 1

Locker room equipment


1 200 000

The entrepreneur will assume the responsibilities of the club manager. Also on initial stage 5 staff positions will be required, including an administrator and four trainers (see Table 3 for payroll). Accounting, security and cleaning services will be transferred to third parties for a negotiated payment. If competitions are organized at the club, additional employees may be hired.

Table 3. Staffing table and wage fund

Job title

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.


Boxing trainer

Kickboxing trainer



Total with deductions:

The boxing club's main income will come from the sale of subscriptions, with additional income coming from payments for one-time visits and individual lessons. Provided that on average one client will pay about 3,600 rubles for services. per month, then if there are 200 regular customers the club's net profit will be 227,000 rubles. with revenue of 720,000 rubles. This mark is planned to be achieved at the initial stage (1-4 months). At the same time, the number of permanent clubs can subsequently be increased to 300 people, which will allow one to count on a profit of up to 550 thousand rubles. The club's expenses will include: rent - 200 thousand rubles, payroll with deductions - 195 thousand rubles, advertising - up to 45 thousand rubles, other expenses (utilities, accounting, cleaning, etc.) - 23 thousand rubles.

Organizational plan

Will take on club management responsibilities individual entrepreneur, who, together with another administrator subordinate to him, will form a link in the administration. The activities of the administration will include the decision of all organizational issues, document flow, personnel management, work scheduling, marketing promotion and development social networks, search for new partners, negotiations with the landlord, permission conflict situations with clients. The production link will be boxing trainers who conduct group and individual training.

Financial plan

The starting investment in the project will be 3,620,000 rubles. Investment cost items are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Investment costs

Cost item

Amount, rub.

Room renovation

Equipment purchase

Website creation

Working capital


3 620 000

The financial indicators of the project in terms of revenue, cash flow, costs, tax deductions and net profit are given in Appendix 1. The conditions adopted in the calculations were: average bill for services - 3,600 rubles. achieving a sales volume of 720,000 rubles. for 4 months of operation (200 clients), annual growth in the number of regular clients for 5 years (up to 300 per month).

Project effectiveness assessment

The calculations made allow us to say that the project to organize a boxing club is a profitable business that can pay for itself within a short time (see Table 5). At the same time, the load indicators adopted in the calculations are approximate and can be significantly increased during competent work to attract more clients preparatory stage, which will have a positive impact on performance. In conditions of weak competition, prices for services can change both downward and upward without significant consequences on the level of demand.

Table 5. Project performance indicators



Discount rate, %

Net present value (NPV), rub.

Net profit of the project*, rub.

Return on sales, %

Payback period (PP), months.

Discounted payback period (DPP), months.

Profitability Index (PI)%

* - with a club attendance of 200-300 people per month and an average bill of 3,600 rubles.

Risks and guarantees

Description of key project risks and protective measures are presented in Table. 6.

Table 6. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

Severity of consequences

on prevention

Difficulties with recruitment

Posting information about vacancies on several sites, offering favorable conditions work

Growing number of competitors/leaving clientele

Development of loyalty systems, customer-oriented service, revision of the price offer, hiring highly qualified personnel

A sharp drop in the solvency of the population

Cost reduction, development of loyalty programs, review of pricing policy

Emergency, cataclysm

Usage fire alarm system, insurance

Seasonal drop in demand for services

Providing discounts, selling annual passes, creating a financial safety net


Production plan and main financial indicators of the project in a five-year perspective

* The calculations use average data for Russia

An entrepreneur can open a specialized boxing center that is aimed not only at amateurs, but also at professionals, and also offers better services and assistance from qualified trainers. Such an undertaking can be in demand in many cities, and often the boxing section has no shortage of consumers.

Nowadays you can build your own own business, based on the provision of services to sports sections and clubs. One of the many options for organizing your own business is to open a boxing center or a simple boxing gym, where people can practice martial arts and simply get in shape. Of course, boxing can be practiced in many sports sections that offer a wide range of services, as well as in many fitness rooms, because such organizations offer their clients boxing classes at certain times, sometimes even several times a day. However, an entrepreneur can open a specialized boxing center that is aimed not only at amateurs, but also at professionals, and also offers better services and assistance from qualified trainers. Such an undertaking can be in demand in many cities, and often the boxing section has no shortage of consumers.

If you start working in this direction, you need to count on the fact that a large number of organizations and sports clubs will be competitors. At its core, any organization on the basis of which boxing classes are held is, if not a direct, then certainly an indirect competitor, capable of taking away a certain part of consumers. In this regard, before starting work, it is necessary to carry out a full marketing research in order to know all the offers on the local market and successfully resist in competition, offering clients something that is not available in other organizations and clubs. It is best to focus specifically on the quality provision of services by hiring professional, qualified and, if possible, well-known trainers; conduct classes with all categories of the population, including a children's section, a section for adults, a section for professional athletes, a section for amateurs; having at its disposal several boxing gyms and rings, and therefore having the opportunity to hold competitions not only between club members, but also between athletes from different organizations and even cities. However, as can be understood from these definitions, in this case the boxing center acts as vocational education, which should stand out from all competitors with its service. If a similar boxing center is already operating in the city, then you need to be especially careful about your business plan and develop a well-thought-out strategy for entering the market and further development of the organization. Because then you will have to compete with a fairly strong competitor and, at best, divide the market among yourself. On the other hand, another boxing center can operate in the format of a sports club, which means that the newly-minted player immediately becomes an important addition to the service market, offering consumers a choice. Such centers often even cooperate with each other, because they hold competitions in which they can earn money together at the expense of spectators.

To get started you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. Some sports clubs and sections operate without commercial organization, because this type of activity falls under socially significant, which means the organizer can count on government subsidies and assistance, which in some cases becomes even more profitable than commercial activity. However, if we consider the opening of a commercial organization, then the preferred form of registration becomes a limited liability company, because it is best to work in the format of a legal entity. However, the law does not prohibit opening a sports section, while being simply an individual entrepreneur registered in the manner prescribed by law. It should also be noted that in fact, to start work, you do not need to obtain special permits and licenses, however, in some cases, if the services of the enterprise include a full-fledged educational activities, a license may be required. In order not to inadvertently break the law and not have problems in the future, it is advisable to consult with a competent lawyer who knows about the laws not only across the country, but also at the local level, and will also help the entrepreneur with registration. In any case, a license will not be required if all classes are conducted by the entrepreneur himself, who has registered as individual- an individual entrepreneur, without the involvement of other teachers. The activity itself falls under the definition (OKPD 2) 93.11 Services sports facilities, or (OKPD 2) 93.12 Services provided by sports clubs.

The next stage is finding a place for your boxing center. It’s worth noting right away that you will need a fairly large room in the central areas of the city; at the same time, you can also be located in business districts, because sports and boxing in particular are gaining popularity among office workers today, and employers even stimulate this demand by offering their employees gym memberships, which is part of social package during employment.

In order for a boxing gym to be attractive to consumers, it is necessary that there are several premises on the territory of the complex, the purposes of which are different. Usually, on the territory of sports complexes and fitness clubs there are only premises for boxing training - usually this is a simple hall with only punching bags and, less commonly, some other projectiles; In such a hall training takes place, but never full-fledged combat and competitions. A boxing center should also have such halls; depending on the planned format and the number of visitors, there can be from one to five, sometimes more. The hall must be really large, sometimes accommodating several dozen people, who at the same time must be able to conduct training and not interfere with each other. That is, it is rarely a room smaller than 100 square meters(although in small boxing centers you can also find small rooms, designed for 5-10 people).

Ready ideas for your business

In addition to this, there should be an area with exercise equipment, here you will also have to highlight at least one, but still enough spacious room, so that it is possible to place a sufficient number of devices, otherwise consumers will be forced to wait in line for an activity, which significantly affects their satisfaction with the service.

Next, you need to set up several rings, or, as a last resort, one professional one. In some cases, if there is one huge room that is not advisable to divide into several smaller ones, you can combine the ring area with the training room, but this is only possible if there are no plans to hold competitions on the club’s territory. Otherwise, the ring is located in a separate room, also equipped with spectator seats (more rarely, spectators simply crowd around the ring), with appropriate lighting and other equipment. Large clubs have several rings, each in its own room, so that it is possible to hold competitions (and training) in different types of martial arts.

Next, you should take care of the organization of locker rooms and showers, the arrangement of the technical area and other administrative premises. In general, the size of a boxing center is rarely smaller than a large fitness club; they only have different equipment. Of course, in many respects the possibilities, and therefore the format of the center and its size, are determined by the available in cash, but it is often advisable to turn to investors, business angels or banks, because a small and not very well-equipped boxing center is inferior even to fitness clubs and sports complexes, although it tries to be highly specialized.

The cost of renting this large room can be very high, especially in the city center and, even more so, in large cities, and sometimes it is even more profitable to invest in the construction of your own building for the needs of the enterprise. This will cost several million rubles, and this does not include the purchase of land, which can also significantly increase the cost of the entire project.

The next stage is the purchase of equipment for your center. For boxing gyms, you must first buy bags and bags for practicing punches; the cost of one piece rarely exceeds 10 thousand rubles; then you need to calculate how many of them will be needed for the needs of the entire center. The cost of purchasing equipment for strength training can vary greatly, it all depends on what kind of exercise equipment it was decided to purchase; For a boxing center, first of all, dumbbells, barbells, etc. similar equipment. Perhaps the minimum amount is 100 thousand rubles, although often an order of magnitude more is required. Next you need to equip the rings, while for different types Combat sports may require arenas of varying sizes. It should be noted that many manufacturers also divide rings into training and competition rings, the former are much cheaper, but, as the name implies, it will not be possible to hold competitions on them. Therefore, it is worth thinking about purchasing both types of rings; the former can be installed in the training area, and separate room the competition ring will require it. A training ring can be purchased for an amount not exceeding 100 thousand rubles (about 60-80 thousand), although there are more expensive options. Competition ones cost about 2 times more for the same size. Next, you need to buy all the other equipment and furniture, including for employees in administrative positions. You also need to think about purchasing equipment for training, although in many cases boxing centers require their clients to come with their own equipment. On the other hand, it can be rented out, which will become an additional source of small income.

Ready ideas for your business

The next question is personnel. To ensure work, you need to find people who will be involved in administrative and organizational work; if the entrepreneur himself is not a trainer, then he can take a leadership position in this matter - thus, all the activities of the enterprise will be directly controlled by him, and not by a hired employee-manager. But the most important people in the boxing center are the coaches and mentors. For each group, its own coach is hired, and if we are talking about vocational training with athletes who, at a minimum, will subsequently participate in competitions from the club, then you need to find specialists who themselves have certificates and awards, have extensive experience in training people, in general, these specialists must be highly qualified. For other groups, you can find coaches who are not so famous, because amateurs and beginners do not have to undergo complex training, and an experienced coach, accustomed to working with professional athletes, will even demand a lot from his students, for whom boxing is just entertainment or a way to keep themselves in good physical condition. form. For a children's group, you generally need to hire a person who is more of a teacher, and not just a seasoned athlete. If you plan to hold competitions on your territory, then you need service personnel for the duration of the event - lighting operators, referees, etc.

All business processes that are not related to the organization’s making a profit must be outsourced, this includes accounting and advice on tax and legal issues. It is better to outsource cleaning of premises to specialized companies; hiring a whole staff of employees for this is often unprofitable. And finally, the provision of safety and security is also transferred to private security organizations, although some companies prefer to create own service security.

To attract customers, sometimes it will be necessary to carry out an extended marketing campaign, which, among other things, includes the grand opening of the center with the participation of potential clients and sale of subscriptions at competitive prices. From simple techniques– advertising in local media, and in this area of ​​business it can be quite effective. You also need to post information about yourself on thematic portals on the Internet, and, if possible, create your own website. You will have to allocate a lot of money for this, but advertising will ultimately pay off.

Proposals should be addressed to large employers who have many employees on their staff. As has already been noted, recently companies have been attracting office workers by offering them a free annual subscription to fitness rooms and sports sections. Of course, not every company can afford this, but you need to submit such an offer to as many organizations as possible. Only here you need to develop profitable program and provide serious discounts to employers who, in fact, buy season tickets, so to speak, in bulk, and sometimes even in fairly large wholesale.

Ready ideas for your business

Clients who pay for themselves are in most cases attracted either by some unique offer (for example, an additionally equipped swimming pool) or by more low price for the services of a boxing center. It all depends on who the center is aimed at. Typically, the clients of such centers are wealthy people for whom boxing becomes a simple hobby; people who want to become professional athletes are ready to invest in their passion, which for them becomes the meaning of life. However, work with professional athletes (or with those who can become them) takes place in a slightly different format, because it is much more profitable for a club to raise an athlete and continue to earn money from his performances than to withdraw money from him for season tickets.

Thus, if a boxing center also contains a school for boxers, then the entrepreneur needs to make sure that after school the athletes receive further development - this will also generate income for him. However, this is a slightly different type of business. Recently, the demand for women's boxing classes has become widespread and growing, because the fairer sex is now beginning to get involved in seemingly masculine activities. If you don’t pay attention to the meaningless debates between chauvinists and feminists, then you can also make good money from this, and not every center accepts women for training, and an entrepreneur can become the first in his city whose organization offers such a service.

Thus, income is generated primarily through the sale of subscriptions, and to a much lesser extent through payment for one-time visits (some centers even offer only subscriptions, although individual lessons with a trainer are often in demand). Equipment rental – only small additional income. But holding competitions on the territory of your complex can bring even much more more income than directly engaging with people. Only in this case will you have to allocate a lot of funds for the organization (that is, have a lot of capital) and maintain a whole staff of people who are involved in ensuring the event, as well as marketers who know how to attract people to the show and conduct appropriate campaigns.

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As for the equipment, visitors will judge the status of your establishment by its quality and design. The range of equipment depends directly on what sports you are going to teach your clients. For example, to organize a martial arts section you will need special carpets, mats, exercise equipment, uneven bars, and horizontal bars. Have you decided to open a basketball section? You need to take care of balls, sports uniforms, and arranging the hall with rings in advance. To play badminton you will need a net, rackets and shuttlecocks. If you only want to have modern models simulators, then when drawing up, for example, a business plan for a martial arts hall, you must provide for additional costs in the start-up capital, since modern “health machines” are quite expensive.

How to open a martial arts club from scratch

During rush hour, you simply cannot get to the club and your clients can stand in traffic jams for hours without ever reaching you. Opt for a residential area of ​​the city where there is no such establishment yet. This tactical move will allow you to save on advertising and also guarantee a constant influx of customers.

And since now almost everyone has their own personal vehicle, equip a car park, albeit not a large one, this can be an additional advantage to choosing your particular section. Staff of workers Even at the stage of drawing up a business plan, you must clearly understand what services you want to provide to the population, since this will determine what kind of personnel you will have to look for. A good and lasting business cannot be built without the well-coordinated work of employees.

Opening a martial arts club: business idea

Naturally, clients should easily reach it by public transport. Of course, not everyone can afford to rent a room in the city center. It is optimal to choose the location of your sports section in one of the residential areas.
This will provide you with a regular influx of clients. At the same time, choose places where there are convenient parking lots so that your club members can park their car in in the right place. Employees At the next stage, you must resolve the issue of staffing, since without qualified trainers, administrators, consultants and massage therapists, it is unlikely that you will be able to organize a business competently. Do not forget that every month you will have to pay for their work.
Advertising To ensure that as many people as possible know about your section, you need to systematically advertise your own business. Let's advertise in newspapers, on the radio, put up flyers on the streets.

How to open a martial arts sports section

Equipping the establishment As experts say, the founder of the project should have a good understanding of the specifics of the business, when the chosen direction is sports. A business of this kind requires knowledge of the nuances of choosing equipment and various necessary equipment. After all, a person who is not familiar with such technology is unlikely to be able to properly equip the hall.

Therefore, when this topic is not close to you, ask an experienced trainer for advice. To open a full-fledged sports club, you will need to invest a fairly substantial amount in purchasing equipment. As a rule, when planning to open a section, the owner must take care of the presence of mats, benches, and mirrors in the hall. In addition, you will need specialized equipment for the chosen sport and several sets of protective equipment.

Moreover, you need to remember about the convenience of clients and provide the most comfortable conditions for changing rooms and showers.

Be careful!

Another principle by which the premises are selected is who the martial arts school will be designed for; if it is for the elite with a large subscription fee, then the premises must correspond to the contingent. And also located in the city center. But if the establishment is designed for the middle class, then the premises should be chosen more modestly. Where should you start? If you have decided that you are ready for a new business and opening a martial arts section is a dream for you, but you have absolutely no information on how to do this and where to start? Our article will help you understand all the intricacies of this business.

The first thing to start with is to choose right place and room area. The room should be spacious so that there is enough space for all the necessary rooms.

How to open a sports club from scratch

You can stop there, or you can rent a room with an area of ​​200 m2 or more, make expensive repairs, purchase expensive equipment, find 5 or more assistants from outside or among your students, raise the lesson fee by one and a half times, install an administrator so that the assistants do not pocket revenue and be called a martial arts club. The advantages are obvious, the main one being the ability to conduct classes in parallel and, accordingly, receive income from a larger number of man-hours. The salary for trainers is at least 20,000 rubles per month, the salary for the administrator is at least 35,000 rubles per month.

What. A lot of? But no one will be tempted to pocket the contributions, because everyone will value such a well-paid job! Martial arts club with 5 coaches average employment 6 hours a day will bring its owner about 600,000 rubles a month.

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This type of starting a business is suitable not only for entrepreneurs who are adepts exotic species martial arts, but also for traditional ones - karate, aikido, etc. The second stage is the martial arts section. When you have saved up 200,000 rubles, you can rent a room of 80 m2. in a residential area large city or in a small town with a population of no more than 250,000 people, you will pay about 60,000 rubles for rent. Then you can equip the premises at your own expense, or you can educate the owners’ children for free construction companies or those who have the authority to make decisions and save 50% or more on repairs and equipment purchases.

A few weeks before the move, start informing your pupil about the future move. If the new premises are located no more than 10 minutes’ walk from the old one, you will not lose a single student.

Sports section business plan

As for the whole complex, a year of operation of this institution will cost 4,000,000 rubles. True, the turnover from conducting business will have significant differences. The annual revenue of the section will not exceed 2,100,000 rubles, and that of the club will be about 5,800,000 rubles.
It turns out that the profit from organizing a sports section will be equal to 600,000 rubles, which will make it possible to recoup the business in about a year. Earnings from the opening of the sports complex will be about 1,800,000 rubles. and will return the investment in the project in a year and a half. As you can see, both formats will turn out to be a very promising start to your business.
Therefore, it is appropriate for an entrepreneur who decides to conduct business in this direction to first try to launch a project with a sports section, and gradually develop, raise the level of the institution to a full-fledged club.
Let's think about the staff When speaking about how to organize a sports section, you should clarify the minimum list of vacancies that will need to be opened. So, a small studio should have at least two instructors and an administrator. To create a wage fund, you need to provide about 65,000 rubles. In order to save money, the owner will have to deal with ongoing accounting of financial and organizational issues. When we talk about a full-fledged sports complex, we need to consider the following list of employees:

  • manager (2) – 21,000;
  • trainer (6) – 19 5000;
  • massage therapist (2) – 17,500;
  • technical personnel (electrician, cleaner, watchman) – 40,000.

Even to create a small sports section you will need at least two coaches and an administrator. As you can see, in this situation the cost of paying salaries will be 194,000 rubles.

How to open a martial arts sports club from scratch

Moscow) - Top management (management) - Management (development department) - Management (sales department) - Management (advertising and PR department) - Creative department (creative team) - Legal department and accounting - Global advertising and PR (brand promotion , development) + with the promotion of the Managing Partner in local media / TV - Organization of rating tournaments in Boxing and MMA ABOUT I N O S T I S T O R O N BRANCH MANAGEMENT (Managing Partner) BUSINESS CONSULTING (Management company) - Work with staff - Interaction with clients - Interaction with partners - Control over the quality of service - Participation in PR events (including media / TV) - Assistance in the process of CREATING A BUSINESS #1 - Assistance in the process of DOING BUSINESS #2 information disclosure, see below What includes BUSINESS CONSULTING? I.

More and more people are beginning to pay increased attention to their health. have a good physical fitness and a beautiful, muscular figure is becoming extremely important for many people today. But many are driven to gyms and private sports classes by the desire to lose weight. negative energy and stress, or achieve outstanding results, become a professional in your chosen sport. Great option Boxing is considered to achieve these goals. It has always been consistently popular both among those who want to practice professionally and among amateurs. Therefore, everyone who is interested in boxing needs to train somewhere. Having a well-developed business plan, you can quickly promote a newly created boxing school and receive quite high profits.

  • Where to start a business?
  • Equipment needed to open a boxing school
  • Boxing school staff
  • Business profitability
  • Documents, licensing
  • Choosing a room for a boxing school

Where to start a business?

In the sports field there are quite a lot of offers for any wallet and in various directions. Competition in this field of activity is quite high - almost all sports sections and clubs offer training using various techniques, primarily boxing schools and sections.

To take into account all the nuances even before the opening of the school, you need to study similar offers that are in your city. Having established which niche – professional or amateur – has the least occupancy, you need to delve more deeply into the nuances of price offers and demand for this service by region. Such monitoring will allow us to develop a more flexible pricing policy, select the most interesting types and areas of work for potential clients, and select the most suitable location future school boxing

Many aspects of activity depend on the size of the start-up capital, and in conditions of fierce competition, every effort must be made to ensure that the school offers its clients comprehensive services of high quality.

Equipment needed to open a boxing school

The gym should be equipped primarily with strength training equipment. To open a small school, you can purchase about 15 simulators. The amount required for this is about 600 thousand rubles.

In addition, you need to purchase:

  • sports equipment: weights, dumbbells, barbells, etc. – 50 thousand rubles;
  • punching bags (cost of 1 punching bag is about 4 thousand rubles) x10 pcs. =40 thousand rubles;
  • rings for training and competitions - from 80 thousand rubles 1 training ring;
  • furniture, household materials– 50 thousand rubles;
  • repairs, preparation of premises - 200 thousand rubles.

All in all start-up costs without renting premises will amount to about 1,020,000 rubles (including the cost of purchasing a ring - 600 thousand rubles).

Boxing school staff

The main work in a boxing school is performed by coaches and mentors. They must have specific work experience sports achivments. It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the groups with which mentors will work. If, for example, a coach works with athletes who strive to become professionals, he must have not only experience, but also a corresponding “track record,” awards, and experience in training winning boxers.

For novice athletes, such a titled mentor can even be a hindrance, since he has high demands that novice boxers cannot realistically achieve.

It is necessary to select not only a coach-athlete for children's groups, he must also be a good teacher.

It is advisable to also have a physician on staff, since this type sport is traumatic.

Administrative staff are also needed. 2 people are enough for shift work and a manager, whose functions can be performed by the owner of the school. The services of an accountant, lawyer, and tax consultant can be outsourced.

It is also necessary to hire security for the school - 2 people, work in shifts.

Business profitability

A subscription to a boxing gym today costs about 3,500 rubles. If you attract an average of 150 people to the club, you can make a monthly profit of about 525 thousand rubles.

Rent, payment utilities, wage, Consumables will amount to about 200-250 thousand rubles.

525,000 – 200,000 = 275,000 rubles. – income received for 1 month of work.

The payback period for an investment of 1 million 020 thousand rubles is about 4 months.

Documents, licensing

If the boxing school will be operated as a commercial enterprise, it is preferable to register as entity– LLC, since this form of entrepreneurship is more significant. The cost of registering an LLC is 4 thousand rubles.

A legal entity must have an authorized capital.

You can register a boxing school as an individual entrepreneur. But in this option, the individual entrepreneur puts at risk not only his own part of the capital, but also his property.

There is an option to register as non-profit organization. In this case, you can count on government support - the state often allocates various grants, and NPOs are entitled to certain privileges, since they carry out socially important activities. In financial terms, it can be even more profitable than commercial activity. If you are planning a full-time teaching job, you will have to obtain a license. In other registration options it is not needed.

Choosing a room for a boxing school

To open a boxing school, you need to rent a fairly large premises. It would be nice to have several gyms, besides the training one:

  • a gym with good capacity so that there is easy access to the exercise equipment and there are no queues;
  • a hall with a ring for sparring (at the beginning of your activity you can combine it with a gym);
  • sanitary and hygienic premises - locker rooms, toilets, showers;
  • utility premises.

It is advisable to have a separate room for training children if such a direction is developed, since many parents do not approve of training in common rooms with adults. If girls are going to study at school, it is necessary to provide separate sanitary rooms for them.

For a boxing school, you need to look for a room with dimensions of 150-200 m. The ceiling height in them should be at least 2.4-3 m. It is advisable to rent a room closer to the city center, since most clients prefer training in the evening.

In order for a boxing school to attract as many sports fans as possible, it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for this. Only a well-equipped gym with a full set of equipment, a good ring, and experienced professional trainers can interest boxing fans to enroll in sections and attend the newly opened school.