How to open an ice cream parlor: business plan. An establishment for those with a sweet tooth - an ice cream parlor

Ice cream is a dessert that is bought by both adults and children. Types, tastes, packaging are external attributes that do not affect the universal love for the delicious delicacy.

The first task when starting a business is to choose a living passable point V mall. This will determine who and how often will visit your establishment and profit.

Considering the seasonality of this type of business, the range can be expanded by the cold season. With ice cream they sell: ice cream-based desserts, milkshakes, hot and cold drinks, pastries, cookies, children's sweets. A large assortment is a key success factor.

Costs and profits

The costs at the initial stage will be 555,000, the final amount depends on the region of St. Petersburg where the shopping center is located:

Ongoing monthly costs will include rent, wages personnel, purchase of goods, advertising, reserve for unforeseen expenses + 10% (for example, equipment repairs).

Permits and documents

To open a business you will need:

  • Documents on registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Individual entrepreneur is a quick and simple option; you will need a minimum package of documents for registration. If you plan to further expand your business, then it is advisable to register an LLC
  • Permits government agencies: SES, firefighters. Most likely the landlord has the documentation
  • Certificates for raw materials, products, equipment
  • Sanitary records for staff

Selecting a room

The choice of premises is the main decision to be made. From the point of view of making a profit, payback period and seasonality of business, a shopping center is appropriate place, as it is visited by a large number of people at any time of the year. The entry zone where the flow of people has not yet spread throughout the shopping center is considered profitable for trade.

Pay attention to the area of ​​the city where the shopping center is located. The closer to the city center, the more expensive the rent and the more difficult it is to meet the landlord's requirements.

Criterias of choice:

  • Location;
  • Category;
  • Passability of the point;
  • Lessors' requirements for design, equipment, work procedures;
  • Rent cost, payment procedure;
  • Lease contract.

Detailed list of equipment and consumables

The main costs when opening an ice cream island in St. Petersburg:

How to choose a supplier

  • When choosing a supplier, you should pay attention to how long he has been working in this field. Give preference to experienced, proven manufacturers.
  • Product quality is the key to business success. You shouldn't skimp on this.
  • Get to know the ice cream production technologies of your chosen supplier, see how the products are made, stored and delivered.
  • Give preference to those candidates who independently deliver products to the point of sale in specially equipped vehicles. This is a profitable option that reduces the risk of product damage during transportation.
How to choose a supplier


The staff is the face of the business, as it determines how customers will perceive it. It's worth taking the time to find the right employees.

To operate the ice cream island you will need the following personnel:

  • Two sellers who will work according to shift schedule. The average salary in St. Petersburg is 25,000 rubles.
  • Accountant: you can outsource this to reduce payroll costs.

How to advertise a business

In terms of advertising, the opening of an island in a shopping center - good decision. If you carefully choose the location where the ice cream island will be located, then the fame and location of the shopping center will play the role of advertising. The flow of buyers in such crowded places has already been established, and advertising will become a profitable point in the shopping center.

Buying sweets is often spontaneous, so it is important to catch the buyer’s eye with a bright display and awaken the desire to try the products.

If you are not yet planning to start a business from scratch, consider purchasing an already operating company. In this case, you will receive a client base and the opportunity to work on already formed business processes. Our catalog contains different offers, for example, confectionery shops that have been operating on the market for several years.

  • In St. Petersburg
  • In Moscow
  • In Russia
An example of an advertising poster for an ice cream island An example of an advertising leaflet for an ice cream island An example of an advertisement for an ice cream island

Ice cream is always popular, especially in the summer. But also in winter period at proper organization business you can make good money, ultimately receiving a decent annual profit. You can organize sales in different formats: ice cream parlors or smaller points of sale (a corner in a store or a stall).

Business formats

Products sold may come from various sources:

  • Wholesale purchases from other manufacturers.
  • Own production.
  • Mixed source (partial purchase of ready-made ice cream, partial production on site)

Producing and selling your own ice cream is an interesting business, but it requires expensive starting purchases, which include:

  • Ice cream production line.
  • Packaging conveyor.
  • Cooling chamber.

The largest amount of costs will be on equipment for the production of hard ice cream. So, Production Line with a capacity of 250 kg of ice cream per shift costs about 90 thousand dollars. The cost of the refrigerator, rent and utility bills will be added to this amount. As a result, the starting capital that will be needed to open your own production and point of sale will be about 130 thousand dollars.

But you can start with less initial capital, focusing at first only on sales, purchasing ready-made ice cream in bulk. According to experts, the amount of funds needed to open an ice cream parlor will be only 20 - 25 thousand dollars. The starting capital when opening a kiosk will be even less: the cost of the kiosk ($1000), refrigerator (can be used - $250), rent (depending on the location and region), initial purchases of goods. After the investment pays off, part of the income can be used to expand the enterprise by purchasing, for example, a freezer for making soft ice cream, and if desired, you can then completely switch to own production.

When is it beneficial?

It is believed that the real experts in the ice cream market are the Italians. It was the specialists of this country who developed an equation on the basis of which one can find out whether it will be profitable for an entrepreneur to produce and sell ice cream. It looks like this: Price of one ice cream = Cost of raw materials * 10. That is, if the price of one “ice cream” is 10 times higher than the cost of the ingredients for it, then the business will be profitable. In the case of your own production, it is best to focus on producing exclusive varieties from natural raw materials, since it will be difficult to compete with large producers of regular ice cream or ice cream.

Franchise as an option

Another option would be to work on a franchising basis. This format has certain advantages, the most important of which is working with an already well-known and popular brand and a ready-made model, which only needs to be executed exactly.

Some of the well-known brands in the Russian retail space include Baskin Robbins and Mia Dolce Giulia, which offer their franchises under certain conditions. Both proposals may be of interest to entrepreneurs.

Baskin Robbins ice cream is perhaps the most famous brand that is very popular as it offers very tasty ice cream.

However, the conditions for purchasing a franchise are quite strict and not feasible for everyone. To begin with, the required starting capital ranges from 70 to 150 thousand dollars. The entrepreneur will have to pay a lump sum fee of 11 thousand dollars, and also pay the copyright holder monthly 4% of the gross purchases of materials and ice cream. You will also have to pay advertising fees - 1% of gross sales monthly. In addition, in many cities, chain grocery stores already sell Baskin Robbins ice cream, and if food stores in the city already have experience of cooperation with this company, then the franchisor will have to compete with the sales points of these chain stores.

Compared to Baskin Robbins, the Mia Dolce Giulia franchise may seem more loyal to a wide range of entrepreneurs. The company produces products using Italian technology and does not set strict conditions for partners. Thus, work can be carried out in a format of any size - from a cafe to a small kiosk with a logo. Depending on the type of institution, the entrance fee ranges from 5 to 30 thousand dollars; royalties - from 300 to 500 dollars, plus 17 thousand insurance investments. Under these partnership conditions, the company’s managers promise a return of 150% per annum.

Franchising cooperation in many areas is now actively developing. But it should be noted that even in this format, the technical side of the business will actually remain the same as in the case independent work, but risks are still present. Thus, the entrepreneur has a choice: use a franchise or open his own business.

Own business: features and capabilities

If you start your own business, you should first of all decide whether it will be your own production or retail trade in ice cream purchased in bulk. In order for the enterprise to break even within one to two years, it is necessary to achieve sales of at least 300 units of products per day. And this is throughout the year. At the same time, in winter, as a rule, there is a decline in demand, especially for points (kiosks and stalls) located on the street.

To ensure year-round good demand, the location should be chosen carefully. A shopping center is an ideal location for a kiosk or ice cream parlor.

But in many cases it is more interesting, and what is even more important - It’s more promising to open your own production. In this case, it will be possible to offer customers special high-quality varieties of ice cream from natural products. By purchasing ingredients directly from manufacturers in bulk, you can ensure that at the same cost as in the case of purchasing ready-made ice cream, the taste and quality will be significantly better. This will allow you to distinguish your ice cream outlet from competitors and ensure year-round good demand.

In order to open your own small ice cream production, you will need to purchase a plant for the production of hard ice cream, a pasteurizer and a blast freezer. To store the goods you will need a freezer display case and (or) a chamber. You can also purchase a freezer (from $900) for making soft ice cream to diversify the assortment.

Maximum expansion of product positions to increase profitability is very beneficial for the cafe format. In addition to ice cream, you can offer drinks (tea, coffee, juices, milk and berry cocktails), cakes, and chocolate. At the same time, the drinks can also be alcoholic: do not forget that the main consumers of ice cream are children, but they most often come to the cafe with their parents. However, everything needs moderation.

The appearance of an extraneous assortment may already lead to the fact that the establishment will resemble an ordinary cafe, and its profitability may be in question. If this is initially an ice cream cafe, then it is better to take care of the maximum variety of ice cream varieties and its taste: after all, this is what visitors will expect, first of all. The minimum variety of ice cream varieties for a cafe is at least 10 - 15 types. In this case, the rule applies: the more, the better. If there are so many types of ice cream that the visitor’s eyes run wild, then he will strive to try everything, if not at once, then coming again and again.

According to researchers in this market segment, Russians prefer brands with a high fat content. Chocolate, vanilla and pistachio varieties are popular.


The minimum area for a cafe that sells its own ice cream is 50 m2. The layout should include a sales area, a service area and production premises. If a minimalist option with a stall format was chosen as the initial step, then 5 m2 will be enough.

As already mentioned, the location of the cafe or kiosk is important, which should be located in a walk-through area. It is beneficial when the cafe is located on the territory of a food court in a shopping center. But, renting this zone will, accordingly, be expensive. Stationary free-standing cafes on busy streets and in popular parks are also a profitable option.

Ice cream parlor staff

If the format of a cafe with its own workshop is chosen, then you will need personnel to provide both production and customer service. Depending on the size of the cafe, you will need to hire 10–20 people, among them will be:

  • Bartenders.
  • Sellers.
  • Cashiers.
  • Confectioners working in shifts.
  • Operators working with equipment.
  • Part-time or permanent equipment maintenance engineer.
  • Accountant.
  • Administrator (director).

The owner of the cafe can also be the director.

Profit and payback

If we take Moscow as an example, then, according to experts, the average monthly profit of establishments located in a shopping center is 12–15 thousand dollars per month, and of free-standing stationary cafes – 21–24 thousand dollars. The payback period for the initial investment is one to one and a half years. For example, for an ice cream parlor renting an area of ​​60 m2 in a shopping center with a staff of 12 people, the gross monthly revenue is 60 thousand rubles. Of this, 45% will need to be deducted for the purchase of ingredients and products, 17% for rent and public utilities, 8% for staff salaries and 3% for maintenance and repair of equipment. As a result, profit before taxes will be 27% of total revenue (in monetary terms - $16,200).

In the case of a stall and wholesale purchases from the manufacturer, the profit from selling ice cream during the high season will be about $1,200. Even if we take into account that revenue will be lower in cold weather, this small point of sale will pay for itself in 3 to 4 months.

In this material:

Ice cream is a favorite treat for children, which adults will not refuse. You can buy ice cream in a supermarket, but it’s a completely different matter to eat it in a cafe, leisurely, with friends or family. There was a period when children's institutions were closed everywhere because they were no longer in demand. Times have changed. An ice cream cafe business plan is a document on the basis of which you can develop a real business.

Format of establishments Catering is very diverse, but sometimes there is a very acute shortage of cafes where you can go with children, where it is possible to organize a children's party. Eateries in hypermarkets and shopping centers don’t count; people stop by on their way, between buying a new dress and washing powder. Opening an ice cream parlor that will become a favorite and popular place for children and adults is an art that will result in a good income.

Description of the business, its relevance and advantages

The ice cream parlor comes from childhood, when an ice cream on a stick seemed the most delicious treat in the world, and a walk hand in hand with mom and dad was the highest happiness. Times change, but children remain children, and the cafe where cozy interior and comfortable furniture are conducive to consuming ice cream, cocktails and other desserts you will enjoy. Focusing on an establishment primarily for children will pay off, since little visitors will feel comfortable there. Thoughtful surroundings and well-chosen staff will ensure the café’s attendance and, therefore, revenue.

Methods of project implementation – franchise or independent business

When choosing a way to organize a business, a novice entrepreneur faces a dilemma: buy a franchise or start sailing independently. A franchise has many advantages:

  • a ready-made concept that provides and prescribes all the details;
  • promoted name (saving on advertising);
  • support and assistance from business owners;
  • at the start - ready business, which will be easy to sell if desired;
  • stable supplies, confident profits.

The only thing that a cafe owner loses when signing up for a franchise is independence and the ability to change anything at his own discretion.

Determining the format of the cafe

To begin with, it is important to decide: the cafe will sell only ice cream or will combine several directions - ice cream and a confectionery, bakery, coffee shop.

Combining several areas imposes additional obligations on the business owner and entails extraneous expenses, but it helps to attract more visitors.

Own production or sale of finished products?

The idea of ​​making your own ice cream is attractive (if the franchise option is out of the question), especially when, in addition to cafes, there are additional points for sale, for example, street mobiles.

Before you decide to set up and launch your own production, it is worth calculating the costs of purchasing equipment, purchasing and transporting raw materials. If the process looks cost-effective, you can start.

Ice cream making technology

Preparation of soft ice cream consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation of raw materials. The components are brought to desired temperature and consistency.
  2. Mixing raw materials.
  3. Filtration and pasteurization (for further storage).
  4. Homogenization (giving uniformity) and cooling.
  5. Freezing is the introduction of tiny air bubbles to create a specific structure.
  6. Hardening (freezing).
  7. Packing.

To make ice cream you will need cream, milk, sugar, food additives, and fillers.

However, for simplicity, we have invented ready-made mixtures– liquid and dry, intended for preparing cold dessert. Vacuum-packed dry mixture is convenient to store, it takes up minimal space in the warehouse and is diluted with any liquid phase - milk, cream, juice, water.

Where to begin?

The target audience

At first, it may seem that the ice cream parlor's target audience is children. Indeed, children and families with children are frequent guests of the establishment, but in addition to them, students and older people will also visit the cafe, especially if you can buy coffee with ice cream, for example.

If the area and surroundings of the cafe allow, it will become a venue for children's parties.

Competitor analysis

The lion's share of establishments for children and their parents in the country is focused on preparing fast food - high-calorie and low-health food that replaces breakfast, lunch and dinner. A cafe where you can come with children and not be afraid of tipsy adults offering delicious desserts and drinks, a little.

Assortment compilation

The wider the assortment, the more visitors will become regulars. It is subdivided:

  1. Depending on the base (dairy, ice cream, milk mixture of various fat contents, fruit and berries, aromatic).
  2. Depending on the cooking method (soft, seasoned, homemade).
  3. Depending on packaging (by weight, small and large packaged).
  4. Depending on the raw material.

The last point assumes the division according to which ice cream is made:

  • milk based;
  • on a fruit and berry basis;
  • based on sugar and sweeteners;
  • on a dairy and fruit and berry basis;
  • without freezing (fruit ice);
  • milk-containing.

In addition, the delicacy can be single-layer or multi-layer, homogeneous or with pieces of filler.

Organizational plan

Ice cream parlor registration

To operate a cafe, registering an individual entrepreneur is sufficient: an application to the territorial tax office to obtain a TIN; an application in the established form, a copy of the passport, a receipt for payment of the state duty - to the local municipality authorities.

However, for the cafe to operate, additional documents will be required - a long-term lease agreement for the selected premises, a sanitary and hygienic permit for it, certificates for raw materials.

OKVED code – group 56 (activities for the provision of food and beverages).

Search for premises

The area of ​​the premises depends on the planned size of the cafe. In addition to the main hall, the cafe should have a kitchen and utility rooms. It is important that the establishment complies with SES standards, is equipped with communications, ventilation, alarms and an emergency fire extinguishing system, and has an emergency exit.

For a children's cafe, a light one is suitable spacious room, in which you can zone a corner for games.

The location of the cafe should be convenient: located in the city center or in a residential area, within walking distance from public transport stops, on a crowded street. This will ensure traffic flow and therefore attendance.

Interior creation

It is very important to make the cafe cozy and attractive for children. For this purpose it is better to choose in the interior warm colors– yellow, peach, light green. It is not at all necessary to paint the walls in bright, saturated colors, they are tiring nervous system and, on the contrary, will repel visitors.

For the little ones, it is worth providing a corner where the child can play and draw. It’s good if you can hang a large plasma and play cartoons or play music in the background.

The furniture should be comfortable for both children and adults; you need to find a middle ground, without turning the ice cream parlor into a branch of a nursery group, but also without alienating this category of visitors.

Purchase of equipment and furniture

To equip the hall you will need:

  • refrigerated glass display cases;
  • bar counter;
  • cash register and table under it;
  • tables and chairs for the hall;
  • interior and decor items.

To the utility room:

  • refrigerators for storing raw materials and products;
  • plumbing equipment;
  • shelves, racks;
  • table, chairs.

If you plan to produce your own ice cream, you will need to purchase a production line.

In addition, you will need dishes and Dishwasher, trays for waiters, folders for menus.

Purchasing a franchise solves all issues with registration, since each point is clearly stated and agreed upon.


The cafe will need a manager (administrator), 2 waiters, 2 cashiers, 2 pastry chefs, 2 bartenders. If equipment for the production of ice cream is being installed, an adjuster will be required. In addition, the hall must be clean - you cannot do without a cleaner.

Inviting an accountant or surrendering to outsourcing is the choice of the business owner.

Advertising campaign

Opening a cafe under your own name requires extensive advertising campaign, assuming:

  • bright outdoor advertising;
  • distribution of flyers and leaflets;
  • preliminary ice cream tasting at retail outlets near the cafe;
  • commercials on TV, radio;
  • information on the Internet (social networks, city website).

Financial calculations


At the start, investments consist of:

  • prepayment of rent - 100 thousand rubles for 3 months;
  • documentation preparation – 4 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​200 thousand rubles;
  • purchases of raw materials – 100 thousand rubles;
  • furniture purchases – 180 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign – 70–85 thousand rubles.

Costs may vary depending on the necessary equipment, the size of the room, repairs or lack thereof, and the cost of furniture.

Monthly expenses

  • payment of rent and utility bills - 35 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses – 5 thousand rubles;
  • salary – 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials or finished ice cream – 70 thousand rubles.


Income comes from sold ice cream and other goods offered by the cafe. The wider the assortment list, the more interest the establishment will generate, but it is very important to keep the quality of the products high.

Profit calculation, profitability and payback period

It is possible to recoup the investment in approximately 14–20 months. Average revenue a high-traffic cafe costs 800–900 thousand rubles per month, but this money must be used to pay for operating expenses.

Opening an ice cream parlor is an interesting and profitable business, but if you are not sure own strength and sufficient funds to allow yourself to experiment with ice cream recipes, creating something exclusive, then purchasing a franchise will be the optimal solution.

Order a business plan

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There are more and more people wanting to start their own business every day. Almost everyone is ready to give up work in order to start working for themselves. However, is everything so simple? There are so many ideas today that there is more than enough for everyone. However, you will have to work hard. And this review will examine almost the most popular entrepreneurial activity today. It's about about opening a cafe. Variations in similar business maybe a lot. Children's and summer cafes, ice cream parlors and cafe-bars. And if you show your imagination, you can come up with something original. It is necessary to consider in more detail the main nuances of this case.

Opening your own business

A summer cafe is always able to attract a lot of attention. Especially if the weather is hot. However, it is worth remembering some nuances. When answering the question of how to open a summer cafe, it is very important to achieve high attendance. This review will reveal the main points associated with this type of business.

What will an entrepreneur have to face?

Almost all cities have certain features associated with opening a summer cafe. However, on most points the requirements are the same. For example, official registration does not have any global differences. So what should an entrepreneur do?

Firstly, you need to think about the place where the cafe will be located. To obtain ownership of it, an entrepreneur must contact the land department, which is located in the administration - district or city. In some situations, plots may be rented out. The basis in this case will be the appeal of the entrepreneur. But plots for construction can also be leased based on the results of competitions.

Sketch design

Before opening a cafe, you need to draw up a project for it. The sketch can be drawn up either by the entrepreneur himself or by third-party companies specializing in this field of activity. When drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account that local authorities may put forward whole line requirements. These could be recommendations regarding the external design, the shape of the sign, etc. It is also possible that the authorities may put forward requirements regarding the improvement of the territory that will be located next to the future cafe. The product range is also in most cases subject to strict control.

The draft will need to be approved by several committees of the city or district administration at once. After completing all the necessary procedures, at this stage you will need to submit an application to use the place you have chosen. After this, the review process will begin. If the answer is positive, then a corresponding order will be issued and a land lease agreement will be concluded.

Menu development and purchase of fire-fighting equipment

Do you want to figure out how to open a cafe? It should be understood that there is no need to waste time in this matter. Therefore, while the application is being considered, it is necessary to develop an assortment of dishes and drinks. The compiled list will need to be agreed upon with the sanitary and epidemiological station.

The entrepreneur should also purchase several fire extinguishers. They are necessary in order to obtain appropriate permission to open your own cafe from fire inspectors. You also need to enter into an agreement with companies that deal with waste removal.

If you want to understand how to open a cafe from scratch, then you should know that there are no specific features in this matter. We must be guided by exactly the same rules that are fundamental when opening other catering establishments. It should also be taken into account that many visitors do not always behave quietly and calmly. That's why work time Some cafes close at 23.00.

What will need to be purchased for the future cafe?

Some aspiring entrepreneurs who are interested in the question of how to open a cafe are of the opinion that the amount of initial capital is small. Accordingly, such a business will pay off quite quickly. Profit, of course, is at the very beginning of its formation entrepreneurial activity may be high. But in this situation, location will play a huge role. But with expenses it’s not so simple.

First of all, you need to spend money on the approval procedure and obtaining a variety of permits. In addition, sometimes this process can drag on significantly if you do not remind yourself.

It will be necessary to purchase all the necessary equipment and furniture. Refrigerators, awnings, a toilet - all this and much more should be provided if you want to understand how to open a cafe. A business plan must be drawn up taking into account all the details. To reduce costs, you can purchase some equipment for rent. In addition, there are some companies that can rent out equipment for free. But this is done only under the condition of mandatory sale of their products.

What is needed to open a cafe?

Documentation worth taking care of

Before opening a cafe, you need to collect the following documents:

  1. Documentation that will serve as the basis for the operation of the cafe. This also includes regulations.
  2. Conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological station, issued after inspection by specialists of this service.
  3. Sanitary rules.
  4. Documentation that can confirm the high quality of products.
  5. Instructions that will indicate the rules for washing dishes.
  6. Book for complaints and suggestions. It must be stitched, numbered and certified by the entrepreneur himself.
  7. Permission is required for external advertising. It is required in order to make a sign.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to ensure that cafe employees have not only medical records, but also personal sanitary clothing. This is all the documentation that is needed to answer the question of how to open a mini-cafe.

What expenses will an entrepreneur have to face?

Every month it is necessary to transfer rent for a plot of land. Its size will depend entirely on the cadastral value of the selected location for the cafe.

In order to purchase quality products from reliable suppliers, you also need a considerable amount of money. You will need to pay employees wages twice a month. Once a month the salary will be calculated insurance premiums and income taxes. The tax that is charged on the main type of activity will depend on the size of the area under the cafe.

You will also have to face costs when solving all problems related to connecting to sewerage, water supply, and electrical networks. To open your own summer cafe in a small town, you will need to spend about 50 thousand rubles. In large cities, the amount of initial capital reaches 300 thousand rubles.

How to open a cafe from scratch? In addition to all of the above, you will need to take care of hiring employees. When opening a summer cafe employment contracts it will be necessary to contract for seasonal work. But there are no fundamental differences in this case.

Opening a cafe for children

How to open children's Cafe? If this process is considered from the perspective of organizing business activities, taxation and permits, then you need to do everything the same as when opening an ordinary restaurant or cafe. Although there are certain laws. It should also be taken into account that the enterprise in this situation will not have high profitability compared to those institutions that are designed for adults. In addition, the entrepreneur must have a lot of imagination, which will be required when decorating the premises. You will also need to take care of creating an entertainment program.

To open a children's cafe, you will need to rent several premises - production and warehouse. It will also be necessary to equip a games room. It should be located separately from the snack area. When calculating all sizes, you should be guided by GOST 30389-95.

You should also take care of the design when answering the question of how to open your own business - a cafe for children. There is no need to use any unique technologies in this case. It is necessary to design a sign, entrance, employee uniform, etc. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of children's perception. In this case, you can use the help of a child psychologist. In order to equip the gaming area, you will need to spend about $800.

The list of permits in this situation is no different from the documentation that will need to be collected when opening a catering establishment.

Making a list of dishes

The menu for children should be simple. The list of dishes must have a minimum number of sentences with images. Exactly appearance treats are usually given to children. When creating a menu, you can also consult with child psychologists. When creating a list of dishes, you should not forget about the interests of your parents, because they are the ones who decide which company to visit. Naturally, there can be no talk of smoking and sales of alcoholic beverages in a children's cafe.

What expenses does an entrepreneur expect?

  1. The purchase of furniture may require about 45 thousand dollars. In this matter you need to be guided sanitary rules for catering establishments.
  2. About 10 thousand dollars will be spent on staff salaries.
  3. Don't forget about hiring animators and nannies. These people must be able to communicate with children. The average salary will be 5 thousand dollars.

If you want to figure out how to open a small cafe for children, then you should consider that the main source of income will be the organization of entertainment programs. If the work is done efficiently, the business will pay for itself in about 3 years. On average, you will have to spend about 70 thousand dollars to open a children's cafe.

An ice cream parlor can be profitable

A novice entrepreneur may be interested in the question of how to open an ice cream parlor. The reason for this is simple: organizing such activities does not require a lot of money. At the same time, the payback is quite high level. Another advantage of such activities is low competition.

You can become the owner of an ice cream parlor different ways. An entrepreneur can buy it, create it independently, or open it as a franchise. Buying an already established business is not very popular. And enterprises of this type very rarely go on sale. The second method is more optimal for experienced restaurateurs, while the third option is suitable for beginning entrepreneurs.

The first steps towards starting your own business

First of all, you will need to think about renting premises, which will include several zones: production, household, warehouse and retail. They will all be needed in order to answer the question of how to open a cafe. It is impossible to do this without money. However, you can sharply reduce the amount of initial capital by creating not a full-fledged cafe, but only a showcase for selling ice cream. The products themselves can be purchased from other companies.

You will need to hire staff. The number of employees will depend entirely on the size of the enterprise. The list of documents required to organize a business is practically no different from the documentation that is required when opening other catering establishments.

Key points to consider

If you are thinking about how to open a cafe-bar, then you should understand that there will be fewer risks when organizing such a business than when opening a restaurant. In addition, the amount of initial capital is not too high. Save cash This is possible not only in hiring personnel, but also in storing products. In order to open such an institution, it will take about 100 thousand dollars. The business will pay off in 3 years.

In addition to all the necessary documentation described above, you will also need a license to sell alcohol. This is the fundamental difference between a cafe-bar and other establishments of this type.


This review discussed the main points regarding questions about how to open a small cafe. There is nothing complicated in this process. You just need to take a thorough approach to organizing your own business. Then success for a novice businessman is guaranteed. And profit in such a situation will not take long to arrive. In addition, do not forget about the constant expansion of your enterprise. You should not throw it away under any circumstances. Good luck in your endeavors!

The development potential of such catering establishments is quite large. Today, domestic ice cream lovers eat an average of 7 kg per year, while in America this figure reaches 20 kg. Moreover, the culture of consumption of this delicacy is increasing. Recently, more and more people want to enjoy dessert in a pleasant and comfortable environment. And the requirements for taste variations among domestic consumers have also increased. Therefore, many entrepreneurs have thoughts of creating a business plan for an ice cream cafe. But for a business to be successful, it is very important not to make mistakes with calculations at the preparation stage.


First of all, the business must be officially registered. To do this you need to register individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Which specific form to choose depends on the prospects you are building for your business. For example, if you plan to limit yourself to one small establishment, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. If you plan to open a chain of establishments, it is better to choose an LLC.

When registering, you must indicate OKVED 55.30 “Activities of cafes and restaurants.” You will also need permits from the fire inspectorate and sanitary and epidemiological station to operate the premises. In addition, you need to take care of certificates for raw materials, equipment and approve the ice cream production technology with the sanitary station. All documentation will require at least 7 thousand rubles. upon registration of a legal entity.

Independent business or franchise

The next question to decide is whether to buy a franchise or open your own production from scratch? A franchise solves almost all issues related to starting a business. The franchisor provides you with equipment, installs it, provides production technology, raw materials, and advises on starting and promoting the business. In addition, it is easier to promote yourself under the banner of a well-known brand than to conquer the market on your own. But for a franchise you have to pay at least 10 thousand dollars, and then pay another 2-4% of the revenue every month. In addition, you are strictly limited by the business processes and assortment imposed on you.

If you have your own ideas regarding development of this business and you have enough funds and self-confidence, you can try to conquer the market on your own. You can take advantage of several working business formats.

Business format

You can implement the idea by opening a stationary traditional ice cream parlor or an ice cream point on the street or inside a shopping center.

Advantages of opening a point inside a shopping and entertainment center:

  • the opportunity to open a network of retail outlets;
  • lower rental costs compared to stationary establishments;
  • reducing the impact of sales seasonality on the business;
  • less advertising costs.

A stationary cafe must be placed in such a way as to ensure a flow of customers per day of about 300 people. These could be office blocks, city centers, metro stations, places near recreation parks. Then the main assortment can be supplemented with related products by opening an establishment in the format of an ice cream parlor or an ice cream confectionery shop. 80% of the assortment should still be ice cream, but it can be supplemented with your own or imported pastries, drinks depending on the season, salads and other things. This helps increase turnover by up to 40%.

There is one more nuance that needs to be decided when opening an establishment: buy ice cream from suppliers or make it yourself. It’s easy to solve: calculate the cost of your own production and compare it with purchase prices for finished goods, taking into account transportation costs. Practice shows that own production is justified for regions where raw materials cost significantly less than in major cities. But in large cities it makes sense to open your own production if you offer exclusive ice cream.


As already mentioned, the easiest way is to open a point during trading or entertainment center size from 5 sq. m. A square meter of rented space will cost approximately $50-100 per month. At the same time, you do not need to make repairs and fill out all the necessary documentation for the operation of the point - the tenant takes care of everything. Plus - a constant flow of customers.

Renting premises for a stationary cafe will cost approximately $150-200 per square meter per month. It is advisable to find it near educational institutions, meth recreation or a large flow of people. The area of ​​the cafe should be approximately at least 50 square meters. m and is zoned for the following premises:

  • production area (25 sq. m);
  • sales area (10 sq. m);
  • warehouse (10 sq. m);
  • household premises (5 sq. m).

In this case, the premises must comply with the requirements of sanitary and fire standards. It is recommended to design the interior in light colors with simple furniture. Repairs, decoration and furniture usually cost about 1 million rubles.


For a small stationary ice cream parlor you will need at least 10 hired employees, namely:

  • 2 pastry chefs for shift work;
  • 2 shift supervisors;
  • 2 bartenders;
  • 2 cashiers;
  • equipment installation engineer;
  • accountant.

The duties of the executive director can be performed by the owner of the establishment himself. If employees do not have the necessary experience to work on new modern equipment, it is necessary to send them for advanced training. At least 300 thousand rubles will be spent on paying wages per month.


To make ice cream, you will need a freezer - a special device that carries out three stages of ice cream production:

  • pasteurization;
  • whipping;
  • freezing to -5ºС.

A machine with a capacity of 2-3 kg of ice cream in 30 minutes will cost 2-3 thousand dollars. But how quickly the ice cream will be made depends on the cooling rate of the mixture, for which a special installation is responsible. It costs about $300.

In addition to this equipment you will need:

  • blast freezer;
  • freezer display;
  • container for intermediate storage;
  • additional inventory.

Equipment prices largely depend on the manufacturer. Korean and Chinese equipment is considered the cheapest; domestic installations can also be found. Equipment from Italian brands has the highest quality and, accordingly, prices.

Raw materials

Ice cream in a freezer is prepared using special mixtures. They are diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. The cost of raw materials also depends on the manufacturer. Thus, a domestic kilogram package will cost $2.5, and an American 1.75 kg package will cost $8.5.

Ice cream is sold in cardboard or waffle cups. The latter are not only tastier, but also more profitable for the manufacturer. If a glass costs 55 kopecks. per piece, then a waffle cone - 18 kopecks.

Finding suppliers of raw materials today is quite easy. Difficulties arise when it is necessary to choose a truly conscientious one. Please pay attention to the delivery times of orders, as well as transportation conditions. It is advisable to personally go to the warehouse and make sure that the raw materials are stored correctly. The quality, and, consequently, the further reputation of your business depends on it. At least 300 thousand rubles must be allocated for the first batch of raw materials.

Technology for making ice cream in a cafe

In the cafe, ice cream is produced using special equipment according to a strictly proven scheme:

  • sifting raw materials manually or through a magnetic separator;
  • mixing the base mixture;
  • adding additional components;
  • loading the mixture into the ice cream making machine;
  • freezing and storing the finished product.

The quality of ice cream largely depends on how well these production stages are carried out. Of course, equipment has a huge impact on the final product. But if production units are recommended to buy Italian made, then storage equipment can be taken domestically.

The same principle applies when purchasing raw materials. It is advisable to purchase base mixtures from European companies. You can purchase cream and milk on the domestic market, but then it is important to choose a reliable supplier who will consistently supply quality goods.

Product range

Experts agree that the assortment of ice cream at a specialized point of sale should be at least 10 items. These should include branded items, but the majority of offerings should be top-selling items. It is important that a variety of additives and fillers are offered. Then everyone will be able to create a composition to their liking. Various nuts, fruits, syrups, and chocolate are used as fillers.

A prerequisite for work efficiency point of sale– updating the assortment every six months.

In addition to single-serve items, you can offer made-to-order ice cream cakes. A kilogram of this delicacy costs approximately $30-35.

Target audience and preferences

Many are still convinced that ice cream is for women and children. In fact, at least 40% of buyers of this sweet are men. This must be taken into account when forming the product range in order to focus on different categories buyers. Therefore, the more varieties of ice cream your cafe offers, the better. The stationary ice cream parlor itself should be opened in the format of a family establishment.

The supply of goods also affects demand. It is important not only to offer it in beautiful vases or delicious waffle cups, but also to come up with original, intriguing names, focusing on different target audiences. Remember that children most often react to color and interesting table setting, and adults - to an interesting name.

As for preferences, chocolate ice cream is always held in high esteem. The popularity of pistachio and vanilla does not fade. During Lent, low-fat fruit-based ice cream is in great demand. But at other times, domestic consumers prefer ice cream with high fat content, which cannot be said about Americans and Europeans. Although today among the domestic target audience There is a gradual increase in interest in dietary products, including ice cream.

Seasonality of business

For obvious reasons, the popularity of such an establishment will have a pronounced seasonality. In summer, attendance will be significantly higher than in cold periods of the year. But, as practice shows, in winter, customers also indulge in ice cream. True, they mostly take it not in portions, but in large packages. It is recommended to take this into account when operating an ice cream parlor and include an “ice cream to go” offer in winter.

As already mentioned, supplementing the assortment with related products will help support sales: tea, coffee, salads, baked goods. In addition, the establishment can organize various events in winter: birthdays, other holidays. This significantly compensates for the forced seasonal decline in sales.

Financial issue

The expense portion of your business plan should include investments in the following areas:

  • registration of an enterprise – from 7 thousand rubles;
  • rent, renovation of premises, purchase of equipment - about 1100 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for employee salaries – from 300 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of raw materials – from 300 thousand rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses - another 100 thousand rubles.

As for the revenue side, the cost of a serving of ice cream is approximately 15 cents, while it is usually sold at a price of at least 60 cents. Taking into account all monthly expenses, an ice cream parlor with 30 seats and an average bill of $5 will bring in at least 300 thousand rubles per year.

You can open a stationary ice cream parlor for 70-130 thousand dollars, and a point in a shopping center - for 20-25 thousand dollars. Considering that the trade margin on goods is at least 500%, and business profitability reaches 40%, the investment will be returned no later than two years.

The only difficulty in opening such an establishment is collecting the necessary permitting documentation. But, having done this once, you can further successfully develop your business.