How to open a children's medical center. How to open a medical center: choosing a concept and direction of activity. List of documents for state registration

Any citizen has the opportunity, even if he does not have a medical education - these are the realities. Many people are willing to pay expensive bills in exchange for quality medical care. Therefore, with a great desire and a certain organizational talent, it is worth opening own business in this direction.

Business plan

Business plan- this is the first thing to start with. You can write it yourself or entrust it to specialists. The business plan must contain all the main points, without which it is impossible to start your own business. Among the many points Special attention questions should be addressed:

  • The clinic will be specialized or multidisciplinary.
  • How much will you need to invest in opening and developing a business?
  • The premises will be purchased or rented.
  • What specialists should be invited to work?
  • What wages should they be paid?

So what does it look like step-by-step instruction actions?

State registration

LLC is the most popular form of legal form for a medical institution.. Features: established by one or more individuals or legal entities, authorized capital divided into shares. Everyone bears the risk of losses according to the funds they deposit.

Registration must be completed with the tax authorities of the Russian Federation. It will take approximately 5 days. When contacting the tax office, you must have a package of documents with you: application, charter of the institution, constituent agreement, minutes of the meeting, receipt of payment of the duty.


A license is required when opening any kind of business. To obtain this document, the medical center must have premises, personnel, equipment, etc. You will have to wait about two months for the issuance of a license, but in fact the procedure can last up to one year, since each of the medical services, even the issuance of certificates and sick leave, requires a license.

Permits are “linked” to the actual address of the center, but if after some time they decide to “transport” the medical institution to another location, they will have to obtain a license again. Therefore, the issue of premises must be approached seriously.

Buy or rent?

What does it take to open a medical center?, besides paperwork? Room in a crowded place. When the medical center is in convenient location, many people visit it; rarely anyone wants to go to the outskirts of the city, especially a large one. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to real estate in central areas, always with developed transport routes.

Rent or buy a room- the founders decide this issue according to their pockets. A purchase may require more than tens of millions. But rent in a popular place is also not cheap, sometimes reaching 200 thousand rubles. And if the room needs to be renovated, you will have to spend even more.

As for the area, it all depends on the range of services provided. For a small dentistry, 25 square meters is enough. m, while for an institution with specialists of various profiles you will need at least 150 sq. m.

Regardless of the size of the room, it must have a reception area and a bathroom.

Area of ​​activity and personnel

This issue needs to be resolved in advance. Gynecology, dental services, and cosmetology are considered the most profitable. There are also always a lot of clients in diagnostic rooms, children's centers and, of course, in multidisciplinary institutions. Narrow specialization is less expensive, but the profit will be less.

The staff should be made up of specialists with a diploma in their field. It’s even better if they are highly qualified specialists with academic degrees, experience working in prestigious clinics, including abroad, and knowledge foreign languages: all this attracts more customers and inspires trust.

How many doctors should work in the institution? It depends on its direction and the scope of services provided. In a small consultation center, two doctors are enough. Plus we also need two nurses, an accountant, and a manager. Specialists in their field are in great demand, but if you can find them, then half the battle is done. A good doctor is most often a guarantee of success. Clients go where the best specialist works.


The list of expected expenses is long. This is the type of business where you are unlikely to save money, because we're talking about about human health. The responsibility is great. Therefore, everything must be of high quality. How much does it cost to open a medical center from scratch? V big city? In the first month you will have to pay a tidy sum for the purchase or rental of premises. It is necessary to calculate and accrue wages to employees. Purchase special equipment, Consumables, drugs, etc. Even with conservative estimates, you will need to invest several million rubles.

Buying a property is not affordable for everyone, but when renting, there is a risk that the owner of the property will decide to sell it or greatly inflate the rental price.

Medical equipment is also expensive. For example, an ultrasound machine will cost approximately 2 million rubles. At the same time, you can try to optimize costs, for example, enter into a partnership agreement with conditions beneficial to both parties.

Employee salaries are another expense item. It is calculated by agreement, most likely, according to the “salary plus interest” scheme.

About 50 thousand rubles will need to be spent on advertising. It is worth using all the methods: ticker tape on popular TV shows, radio, leaflets, free newspapers in shopping centers etc.

When will the costs be recouped?

Is it profitable to open a medical center and when can you make a profit? Not earlier than in a year. But that's the best case scenario. Most often this takes several years. Again, how much money is invested plays a role. The more powerful the financial platform, along with the class of doctors, the quality of equipment, and the organization of work, the faster and more efficiently the costs will be recouped.

The main indicator of operational efficiency is the repeated registration of patients. If they come back again, then everything is fine, the client liked the institution, he will recommend it to his friends.

Opening a medical center is a difficult task, but feasible. The main thing in this matter is to ensure the trust of patients in yourself and not to deceive their expectations. To do this, you need to pursue an honest policy, carry out effective advertising campaigns, work conscientiously.

Each entrepreneur can open his own private clinic, even without having special education and this could become quite promising for your future business.

This requires desire financial resources and persistence.

Experts say that such a business would be better managed not by a practicing doctor, but by a specialist with organizational or entrepreneurial skills.

Where to start opening a private medical clinic

There are often cases when private clinics open Insurance companies . Thanks to this, they reduce the costs of providing first aid medical care under their own insurance policies.

But entrepreneurs mostly open medical centers with a narrow specialization.

Thus, it is possible to reduce investments in the first initial stage, and this project It will pay off quite quickly, but you don’t have to risk opening a medical clinic, but start with a pharmacy, selling medicines.

The most popular and profitable areas in the medical field are considered to be dentistry, gynecology, urology and cosmetology.

If you are familiar with any of these areas, develop it.

For example, you can open a specialized solarium if your town doesn’t already have one. Such a business is considered profitable and promising.

How to choose a room for a private clinic

In almost any business important role the location of your institution plays a role. The same applies to private clinics. It is best if it is located closer to the city center, a busy transport route, or near one of the metro stations.

As for the area of ​​the premises, it depends on what range of services you are going to provide. So for a dental office, 30 square meters will be quite enough. meters. 15 of which will be needed to set up a doctor’s office.

The remaining space will be needed for the administrator and the hall for visitors. For a room for sterilization work, 5 square meters will be enough. meters. All these sizes comply with established norms and rules.

Also, do not forget that according to the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service, the premises must have special ventilation, lighting, and repairs.

And for operation medical hospitals and hospitals are presented with special hygienic requirements to equipment, placement and arrangement.

What equipment to choose for a private clinic

The main costly part of opening a medical institution is the purchase of specialized medical equipment. Modern devices are quite expensive.

For example, an ultrasound machine will cost you $160,000, and in order to create a diagnostic laboratory you will need from 10 to 70 thousand dollars.

In the initial stages, businessmen can save a little by purchasing used medical equipment.

If you employ qualified doctors, the quality of medical services will not suffer from not entirely new equipment.

But if you are going to open a modern clinic according to Western standards and at high prices, then the equipment must be appropriate.

Do I need permission to open a medical clinic?

It doesn’t matter what type of activity your medical clinic operates, in any case it is subject to licensing.

In order to obtain such a license, there must already be premises, personnel and a certain list of the same certified equipment.

Once you submit your license application, it may take up to two months to be reviewed.

According to unofficial data, in order to form the entire required package documents, the licensing process can take up to a year.

Also, a license can be valid only for a predetermined address of the clinic, and in addition, each type of medical services must have its own separate license.

In order for your clinic to have the right to issue sick leave certificates, there is also a separate license or your staff must have a specialist with a separate certificate.

Before you plan the budget for creating a clinic, you need to take into account the downtime of the clinic when preparing documents and licensing.

What personnel to choose for a medical clinic

As for the selection of service personnel, you must treat this procedure with the utmost importance.

If necessary, consult a specialized specialist.

All employees of your clinic must have a diploma medical education, higher medical categories and academic degrees.

They must also have valid certificates and preferably an internship or work experience abroad, sometimes they even need to speak a foreign language.

Average monthly wage Doctors in private institutions today range from 800 to 2000 dollars, but nurses are about 300 dollars. All this depends on the region, profession, work experience and other factors.

Very often in the field of private medicine, doctors are lured from one institution to another. Everyone wants to have a qualified specialist who would be an advertisement for clients. Therefore, selecting the appropriate personnel will not be so easy.

How much money do you need to open a private medical clinic?

So let's get to it important issue. How much money is needed to create your own medical institution? If this is a small rented space and a narrow-profile clinic, then such a business will cost you from 30 to 50 thousand dollars.

To open a highly specialized clinic you will need:

  1. acquisition or rental of premises, as well as its redecorating– from 4 thousand dollars;
  2. medical instruments and consumables – about 2 thousand;
  3. equipment for one type of activity - 20 - 25 thousand dollars;
  4. license for one type of activity – from $200;

The resulting amount for one type of activity is around 30 thousand dollars.

For one type of service, for example dentistry or a solarium, this will be quite enough.

In order to open an institution with diagnostic equipment, where different areas will be represented, you will need about 100 thousand dollars.

Often entrepreneurs in this field start with a small, highly specialized clinic. And after their business improves and begins to make a profit, they expand both the area of ​​​​the premises and the types of services.

Then a small office turns into a serious medical center. For an average clinic you will need several specialized doctors and nurses. These personnel will work in shifts. A clinic administrator and accountant are also required.

How much can you earn from the services of a private medical clinic?

Under the condition of full occupancy - about 50 visitors per day, the monthly income of such a clinic will be 2 million rubles. Considering that the average cost of one visit will be around 1,500 rubles.

Popular medical services

Among the most popular medical services, the first place is occupied by dentistry.. Next comes gynecology. The third place is occupied by urology. After it comes sexopathology, plastic surgery, medical cosmetology.

And then ophthalmology and vision correction. And in seventh place are various multidisciplinary clinics. But you can also try to create a clinic that does not have services in your city. Then you will certainly receive regular customers, even despite the high pricing policy.

This business idea is very promising and the right approach can bring just a lot of money.

How much can you earn

Despite the fairly high initial investments required to open a private medical institution, business in this industry is considered to quickly pay for itself and is highly profitable. By opening a small private clinic and investing about 3-4 million rubles in starting a business, you can count on an average payback time of one year. According to experts, the maximum monthly income of a private clinic in the first stages of business implementation can reach 3 million rubles, without deducting taxes and other monthly expenses. At the same time, your clinic should have about 50 visitors every day with an average cost of one visit of 2000 rubles. You can earn money by conducting diagnostics, taking tests and preparing medical consultations.

Which OKVED code must be indicated for a private medical clinic?

To register a medical clinic with the tax service, you must indicate the relevant OKVED codes from section: “ HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES ACTIVITIES" Most suitable codes for of this business there will be a code 86.10: ACTIVITY OF HOSPITAL ORGANIZATIONS.

What documents are needed to open

First of all, a novice businessman needs to register his activities in the organizational and legal field. To do this, you must register with Pension Fund and submit documents for registration individual entrepreneur or LLC. To register an individual entrepreneur, the list of documents is as follows:

  • Passport.
  • A copy of the taxpayer code.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • A notarized application for registration of individual entrepreneurs indicating all suitable OKVED codes.

Since licensing is required to operate a medical clinic, the relevant documents should also be prepared. At the same time honey. the center must have suitable premises, qualified personnel, equipment and relevant certificates for it. In addition, you need to obtain separate permission to provide medical services and issue sick leave.

Which tax system to choose for a private medical clinic

For a private clinic, the simplified taxation system (STS) is more suitable, amounting to 6% of revenue or 15% of total profit companies.

Business technology

To open a small medical center you will need to hire a small staff. Among them should be:

  • Two doctors (for shift work).
  • Two nurses.
  • Accountant.
  • Administrator. You can act as it yourself.

At the first stages, it is better to provide narrow-profile services, for example, in the field of dentistry or ophthalmology. In the future, it is recommended to expand the clinic, staff and services provided. It is necessary to monitor the microclimate in the room, maintain comfortable temperature and air humidity. Before opening, you should also think about the successful location of the medical clinic. It is better if it is located in a densely populated area of ​​the city or near a metro station.

Opening a medical center is one of the most profitable and most difficult business endeavors. Before opening, an entrepreneur needs to rebuild or reconstruct the premises, purchase expensive equipment and find highly qualified medical specialists. At each stage, large investments and their competent development are required. The advantage of owning a private clinic is not only the high profitability of the business, but also the ability to provide clients with high-quality medical care. Working for the benefit of society will bring the businessman honor and respect from the townspeople. But to achieve such a result, you will have to work actively.

Industry Overview

For many years, medicine in Russia was under the strictest control and management of the state. Public health care formally provided the same services to all patients. The services were free and not always of high quality.

Despite the fact that since the 90s of the 21st century the situation began to gradually change towards the formation of private medical business, today, almost thirty years later, it cannot be said with confidence that a strong market for private medical practice has developed in Russia.

The main problems of modern medical business:

  • lack of transparency in government regulation industries;
  • lack of qualified personnel;
  • public distrust of private medical practice;
  • high cost of services.

As you can see, the list of problems does not include high competition and lack of demand for services. This is because the market is at the very beginning of its development and the main market levers (demand and competition) have not yet formed.

Some entrepreneurs consider this situation to be very favorable for opening a medical center from scratch. But we must not forget that the underdevelopment of the market implies the absence of clear rules of the game, and this is the main risk factor in the Russian private medical business.

The following areas are considered the most successful:

  • cosmetology and aesthetic medicine;
  • reproductive medicine;
  • laboratory and hardware diagnostics.

Patient interest in comprehensive medical care in private clinics is also growing, since this format for receiving medical services allows one to avoid long queues, incompetent staff and medical procedures using outdated equipment.

The most successful formats of a private medical institution in this moment are:

  • specialized medical center;
  • private clinic;
  • specialist's medical office.

If you have found investors and have your own ideas for organizing a medical facility, then the right decision there will be a choice of exactly one of the proposed options organizational structure for private medical practice.

How to open a private medical center

A specialized medical center is a comprehensive medical and diagnostic institution, the structure of which includes the following divisions:

  • administration;
  • medical unit;
  • junior medical staff;
  • pharmacist;
  • laboratory;
  • Purchasing Manager.

The main difference between a medical center and a clinic is providing patients with the opportunity for comprehensive diagnostics and treatment. That is why the center must have at least 5-6 doctors, each doctor must have a nurse, plus orderlies and laboratory assistants. In total, it will be necessary to hire about 30 workers.

And this parameter must be taken into account when creating a business plan for a medical center.

To provide normal conditions labor and comfort for visitors, the center should be equipped with a building of one thousand square meters. The cost of such a building at average Russian prices (excluding Moscow and St. Petersburg) is about six million rubles.

If it is possible to rent with the right to buy, then at the first stage you can do without purchasing the building. But there is a risk that the owner will change his mind and, in this case, the entrepreneur may become a hostage to the situation. Therefore, if you rent premises, then study the contract as carefully as possible and involve a good, experienced lawyer in concluding the deal.

Renting a thousand square meters will cost approximately 60 thousand rubles and these costs will not greatly affect the cost part of the medical center’s business plan. The lion's share The cost will be labor costs.

The entrepreneur will have to pay about 1.5 million rubles to his employees every month. And this is the main expense item.

When including an estimate for equipment in the business plan of a medical center, it should be taken into account that the most expensive equipment is:

  • diagnostics (x-ray, tomography);
  • equipment for laboratory research;
  • equipment for physiotherapy.

But not all of the equipment listed needs to be purchased at once. Before opening a medical center, an entrepreneur must purchase only diagnostic equipment. This is necessary in order to attract customers. It is known that in municipal clinics there are long queues for hardware examinations and patients who urgently need examination results seek offers from private medical centers.

What if the patient sees high level medical care in the clinic, then the chances are high that he will continue treatment here.

The cost of one device is about 30 thousand US dollars. You need at least four of them for the center. Thus, the cost of equipment will be about 7.5 million rubles.

If you do not have enough funds to organize a diagnostic division, then you can separately draw up a business plan for a medical laboratory and look for investors for this project.

Cost of starting a medical center:

Monthly costs:

Today, when determining prices for medical services, entrepreneurs proceed from the fact that their cost should be no more than 70%. Consequently, the center’s operating income cannot be less than 2.3 million rubles. On average, the institution’s daily earnings should be about 80 thousand rubles.

At such turnover, the center will pay for itself in a year.

How to open a private medical clinic

A private clinic is a more budget-friendly project and will not require significant investment from the entrepreneur. The structure of this medical institution consists of two or three doctors' offices of a certain specialization (for example, pediatric ophthalmology), two nurses and two administration workers. In total, before opening a clinic, an entrepreneur will need to hire up to ten employees.

A business plan for a private clinic assumes start-up costs of about 4 million rubles. This amount includes:

Monthly costs:

When calculating the cost of services, before opening a private clinic, an entrepreneur must take into account that for this type of business the maximum markup level is 20% above the cost. Thus, monthly revenue should be within 700 thousand rubles.

The clinic cannot operate seven days a week, so there are only 20 working days to generate operating income. The clinic's daily earnings must be at least 35 thousand rubles.

Opening a medical office

A medical office is a private practice of one or two doctors in a certain specialization. Opening a private medical office is the easiest business idea to implement. But in this case, the problem is not so much the amount of funding as the search for good specialists.

Typically, those doctors who independently think about how to open a medical office do not want to take entrepreneurs as partners, but start their own business project on their own.

In fact, the operation of such an office requires only the medical knowledge and business accuracy of the doctor. Starting and monthly expenses in this type of business are minimal (cosmetic repairs - 60 thousand rubles, rent - up to 10 thousand rubles per month, plus a nurse's salary - 40 thousand rubles). In total, 110 thousand rubles come out with the start. But the monthly income can be quite decent.

A consultation with a doctor costs about 1 thousand rubles. The doctor sees about 10 patients a day. 20 working days – 200 thousand rubles. Minus costs - 50 thousand rubles. Net profit – 150 thousand rubles. The business will bring a stable small profit with minimal expenses.

Promotion of medical services

One of the most promising areas for advertising the clinic’s services is publishing your own magazine or publishing articles in local news magazines and publications.

At the initial stage of the formation of a private medical institution, publishing your own printed magazine is a very expensive undertaking, and during this period it is better to invest money in improving the quality of medical services.

Another option for PR is publishing an online magazine on your own website. This magazine may contain not only contacts of the clinic and a list of its services, but also information articles on the profile of the medical institution.


As can be seen from the review, at the stage of planning a business in medical services, the most important thing is to correctly calculate your financial capabilities and correctly determine the format of the future enterprise. If informed decisions are made in these two areas, the company will be able to receive its first profit within six months. Otherwise, the lack of finance for the chosen format will put the entrepreneur in front of the need to attract expensive credit resources. Another imbalance is the excessive funding of a small center. In this case, the cost of services will increase significantly, while the price for the consumer will remain at the market level, and the initial investment will take a long time to pay off due to the low markup.

Nadezhda Fedulova, Ph.D., MBA, Head of the D-ZERTS Agency

D-ZERTS times N1, August 2017

A consistent plan for opening a private clinic with lower risks and a guarantee of success in the market

Step 1. Come up with a competitive idea or several ideas and discuss it with your acquaintances and friends, collect outside opinions

Step 2: Study the market. You need to understand whether the clinic you want to open is generally needed by the market today? And why will the patient come to you?

Step 3. Find the premises in which you are planning your clinic and evaluate the correctness of its choice from the point of view of medical technology

Step 4. Work on the concept of the future clinic

Step 5. Based on the concept and premises, make an accurate list of all equipment, medical and office furniture with total expenses

Step 6. Calculate the clinic’s business plan itself with all cost items. Working without a budget is fraught with losses

Step 7. Make a detailed plan for all work from start to opening and understand all the critical points for the project

Step 8. Order design from professionals

Step 9: Hire a repair crew

Step 10. Develop detailed marketing plan to promote your clinic

Medical business is first and foremost a business

The risks lie in the fact that those who want to start a private medical business treat it like doctors treat the diagnostic and treatment process, but we must understand that this is a business with all the business rules. This requires professional economic, managerial, and entrepreneurial skills. When they are not there, you need to study, or consult with experts in the market.

What is the concept, you can look at

Watch the video on the topic "Open a clinic. 10 steps to open a profitable private clinic":

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How to open a private clinic - 4 stages of preparation, rules for choosing a location and financial calculations+ 5 tips from experts.

Capital investments: from $30,000.
Payback period for the clinic: 2-3 years.

How to open a private clinic, any entrepreneur can figure it out, even without extensive experience in the medical field.

After all, the main thing is the ability to organize the process from scratch, find an approach to staff, plan the development and promotion of the business.

And for this you need an entrepreneurial spirit.

Undoubtedly, a private clinic is a serious organization.

Implementing this business idea will be much more difficult than, for example, starting to grow potatoes for sale or even opening an accessories store.

However, after serious preparation and by drawing up a business plan, you can “conquer this Everest.”

What preparation is required to open a private clinic?

Before embarking on the practical part of implementing the idea of ​​opening a clinic, an entrepreneur must analyze the available resources and the current situation in the market.

The analysis can be divided into several stages:

    As already said, To open such a serious organization, you need entrepreneurial experience.

    If you have “gaps” in knowledge and skills, you should make up for them before implementing your business idea.

    There are various courses, both short and long-term.

    What you should focus on first is personnel management.

    If you have the opportunity, get a job in a clinic.

    The position is not essential.

    The main thing is to study the basics of work from the inside, communicate with staff, and identify basic problems.

    Conduct a marketing analysis of the market in your chosen region.

    There is no need to include public hospitals in the list of competitors.

    But research into the level of solvency and demand of the population for certain clinic services is mandatory.

  1. Expense itemAmount (rub.)
    Total:from 2,000,000 rub.
    Obtaining a license for one type of service13 000
    Repair and refurbishment of premises190 000
    Purchase of equipment for one type of service130 000
    Purchasing consumables80 000
    Buying small tools40 000
    Advertising campaign (website creation, external advertising)30 000
    Unexpected expenses20 000
    Financial cushion for the payback period1 500 000

    Monthly investment in work and promotion

    A financial “cushion” is laid in order to ensure uninterrupted operation and its progress until the moment when the profit will fully compensate for the costs of opening and maintaining it.

    Payback period and profitability of the project

    Before deciding to open a clinic, you should stock up on enough funds to invest in work for several more years.

    After all, practice shows that it will take 2-3 years for a private, highly specialized clinic to break even.

    On average, monthly income will be about 1,000,000 rubles.

    And at least 400,000 rubles need to be spent just on maintaining the operation!

    The conclusion arises that only a person with large investment capital can open a private hospital, nothing else.

    Advice from more experienced entrepreneurs on how to open a clinic will help you shorten the payback period and increase profits.

    To become a successful owner of a private clinic,

      The management of a private clinic, unlike government agencies, must keep a “finger on the pulse”: monitor innovations in treatment regimens, buy new equipment, experiment with marketing policies.

      If conventional hospitals are “stuck in the USSR,” you must always be ahead.

      The clinic cannot be advanced with old equipment.
      Purchase and installation new technology– it’s not an easy matter.

      But in your development plan this item should take first place.

      Many managers focus on doctors, leaving out the rest of the staff.

      However, the very first impression is created by the receptionist and nurses.

      For example, days of free diagnostics or cooperation with companies that sell coupons.

      However, these moves subsequently bring significant profits.

      Develop marketing strategy with a long term perspective.

      Don’t be afraid to invest in your specialists, equipment for their convenience, advanced training courses and cash bonuses.

      If a person feels comfortable at work, he will not leave for competitors.

      And personnel rotation is a big problem for any business.

    After reading the article, you should have understood the basic principles of how to open a clinic.

    Of course, it is impossible to contain all the ascetics of the matter and its subtleties within one text.

    However, understanding the basic principles should add to your determination to start and organize this serious, profitable view business.

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