How to open a children's club business plan. Cost of services at the early development center. How to choose and arrange a room

Business in Russia. Guides to starting a business in the regions.
700,000 entrepreneurs in the country trust us

600,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

2,000 ₽

Monthly subscription cost

40-50 sq. m.

Min. square



Today, products and services for children are becoming increasingly popular. One of the first places is preschool development centers. Due to the catastrophic shortage of places in government institutions, developmental centers for kids are a great idea.

Modern parents are increasingly using the services of children's development centers. According to surveys conducted in large cities among parents of children from 8 months to 7-8 years, more than half of mothers already take or are planning to take their children to educational activities. Moreover, if previously visiting commercial centers was expensive, now such preschool education and development is available even to people with an average income.

More and more new mothers are thinking about opening their own kids club and turn it into a permanent source of income. Despite high competition, business in this area remains attractive and profitable, as the number of children increases every year, and there is still a shortage of good childcare facilities for preschoolers.

Classification of children's centers

There are children's centers various types. The owner of such a center himself determines the areas of work that interest him, the level and list of services provided. Regardless of whether you plan to take out funds to organize your own business or are going to make do with your savings, before starting work, experts advise drawing up detailed business plan. Such a plan for a preschool institution, which aims to develop the intellectual and creative skills of children aged 1 (less often younger) to 8 years, includes several sections: an overview with a description of the specifics of the industry, a description of the enterprise itself, a list and description of the services that you plan to provide analysis modern market, production plan.

If you do not have the means to consult specialists, conduct your own marketing research similar organizations in your city and in the area where you are going to open the center. Interview potential clients– parents of children (respondents can be found at playgrounds, children’s clinics or kindergartens). Ask them questions about the location of the club, where they would like to take their children, about the program they are interested in and teachers. Find out what they look for first of all when choosing a child care center for their kids.

First of all, to organize your own children's center you need to find optimal premises. Most entrepreneurs do not venture into large areas, preferring rent a small establishment with an area of ​​about 40-50 sq. meters. The main selection criteria: convenience of location (in the city center or at least in a large residential area, in a place with high traffic), minimal need for repair work (although this, most likely, cannot be avoided), the presence of a separate bathroom and space, where parents will wait for classes to end.

Let's return to the question of choosing the area where your center will be located. It depends not on your preferences and convenience, but on the target audience you are targeting. Assess your financial capabilities. Children's center claiming high price segment, with excellent renovation, the most qualified teachers, a professional administrator and demanding clients, will not be cheap. Such an establishment should be located in the city center, where rent will cost a pretty penny.

For a simple children's club with low cost Even the first floor of a multi-storey building in a residential area is suitable for classes. Decide in advance on those areas that are not uniquely suitable for you due to remoteness (you will also have to travel to work every day) and/or due to the population and solvency of the population, competition and other factors. The area of ​​your premises also depends on your goals and objectives. The study room (if there is one) must be at least 30 square meters. meters. Some children's clubs open in office buildings or shopping centers. Ideally, they should be located on the lower floor so that little ones do not have to go up the stairs or in the elevator. In this case, there may be several classrooms, but most likely they will be small in area.

In any case, your center should have a waiting room. Often, center managers try to save on rent and do without it. However, many parents will wait for their children while they study. If they have to stand outside all that time, they are unlikely to go to your center for long, no matter how good it is.

Taking into account the classrooms, waiting room (or hall) and bathroom, the area of ​​the children's club should be about 50 square meters. meters. If you do not have the funds to rent a large space and can only afford one training room, of course, such an institution can be profitable, but you are severely limiting the choice of courses you offer. No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to cram your entire day into activities. Kids come to study in the first half of the day - before lunch and naptime.

Older children attend classes after 17-18 hours (when they are picked up from kindergartens). The period from 13 to 17 hours (essentially half a day) simply falls out of the schedule, since older children spend this time in kindergarten, and the little ones sleep.

Alternatively, you could offer discounts on classes during this time, but this is unlikely to completely solve the problem. On the other hand, the main rule of rented premises is that every meter of it should bring you profit. So rent or buy large area, which you simply have nothing to occupy yourself with, is also not worth it. A list of classes in your center and a schedule of lessons in each room must be drawn up at the stage of choosing a room.

When searching for premises, it is necessary to take into account the standards of the SES and Fire Supervision Authorities. For example, child Center cannot be located in a basement, semi-basement or ground floor. The premises must be well ventilated, have a separate entrance and a separate bathroom. Great importance has both convenient access to your center and the availability of a parking space (this is especially true for the city center, where it is very difficult to find a free space during rush hour).

One of the main conditions for the success of your establishment is its staff. Moreover, this applies not only to the teachers themselves, but also to administrators. True, it will be easier to find a good administrator than a teacher who loves and understands children, knows how to find an approach to them and captivate them in any activity. For the position of administrators who will answer phone calls, receive visitors, schedule classes and solve other issues organizational matters You can take students or recent graduates. Administrators usually work in shifts. At first, you can take on their responsibilities, unless, of course, you intend to conduct the classes yourself.

It is much more difficult to find good teachers. Qualified teachers with great experience work in kindergartens or even schools will not be cheap, but the worst thing is that having a diploma of a special higher education, certificates, diplomas and other documents do not guarantee that your teacher will be able to find mutual language with children, and will not discourage them from learning. It also happens that recent graduates of pedagogical faculties turn out to be better teachers who are liked by both children and their parents.

Personally interview potential employees at your child care center. Pay attention to them appearance, manner of communication, evaluate their passion for their work, initiative and innovation. Sometimes even mothers of children who do not have special education, but who are very passionate various methods development of children, constantly attend various courses and seminars, are interested in new phenomena in the field of preschool education and, most importantly, understand what exactly their children need. On the other hand, it will, of course, be useful for your employees to have a diploma in pedagogical education, but still this cannot be the only criterion for choosing an employee.

Do not forget also that the services of your center must be advertised. Your target audience is, first of all, mothers of children. preschool age. They are the ones who, as a rule, choose clubs for their children. Of course, the best advertising is your favorable reputation, thanks to which parents will themselves recommend your center to their friends and acquaintances. However, the reputation still needs to be earned. To attract clients at the first stage of work, you can use standard advertising methods: posting advertisements, distributing leaflets, advertising on the Internet on forums and websites dedicated to the topic of raising children.

Provide the opportunity for a free visit (or with a significant discount) to the first trial lesson, at which mother and baby can decide whether your center is suitable for them or not. As a rule, centers offer two options for paying for visits - one-time at higher prices and a monthly subscription. In the latter case, the cost of the lesson is 15-20 percent lower.

Let's say a few words about the legal side of the issue. Until recently, many children's centers that provided services in the field of preschool education tried to avoid directly mentioning this in their names and documentation. This was explained by the fact that obtaining a license to carry out educational activities is quite complex and costly. Therefore, most small centers and courses for preschoolers were opened as individual entrepreneurs (IEs), rather than non-state educational institution(NOU) and did not license their activities. They positioned themselves as leisure centers, clubs, private tutors, etc. However, now the situation has changed.

According to the new Federal Law"About Education" individual entrepreneur has the right to officially conduct educational activities with the involvement of other teaching staff, but for this he must obtain the appropriate license before January 1, 2014.

In the near future, by-laws are expected to be issued that will clarify the procedure for obtaining a license for an individual entrepreneur and the conditions that such a preschool educational institution and its employees must meet.

Let's calculate the costs of opening a children's center. This includes renting premises (depending on location and area), repairs if necessary (from 150 thousand rubles and above), purchasing necessary equipment and materials (about 200 thousand rubles), purchase of furniture (minimum 80 thousand rubles), salaries for teachers, administrators, cleaners, advertising and promotion (minimum 25 thousand rubles per month). The cost of one subscription for 8 visits starts from 2000 rubles (depending on the city, target audience, program). The payback period for such a project is from one year.

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

rent + salaries + public utilities and so on. rub.

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All the kids are very energetic: some love to draw, others to dance or even perform on stage. For this reason, a complex of children's clubs and studios, united under one roof, can become a very profitable business.

You should not only have a desire to earn money, but also to spend a lot of time with the kids. Experience working with children will also help. But even if they want, not everyone knows how to open a children’s club, since there are still many nuances that need to be studied in detail.

We create training programs

A school for early childhood development must necessarily be based on educational programs. Of course, you can take the easy route and choose ready-made and proven training programs from famous teachers. But in order for your children's center to have its own characteristics and differences, it is better to use your new pedagogical methods. And with qualified teachers, classes at your center will have their own flavor. Of course, if you are new to this field, you can start with the following list of typical activities:

  • preschool preparation classes;
  • drawing;
  • foreign language;
  • development circles;
  • dance studio;
  • music class;
  • consultation with a psychologist;
  • speech therapist lessons.


How to open a children's club? First, you need to officially register it. To register, it is better to select the option non-profit organization, as this will allow you to receive significant tax benefits. Everyone knows that getting a place in municipal institution It’s very difficult for your baby today, so the question of discovery becomes relevant. kindergarten at home. In this case, you must obtain a license by collecting a certain package of documents.

But if you do not plan to create a preschool education enterprise, then licensing is not prerequisite. Then your home-based organization can provide developmental and educational services. This could be a sports club or a regular gaming club. This system is chosen by most beginning entrepreneurs. They open a children's club without a license, sometimes disguising child care businesses as a development center. This is a completely acceptable option, and in the future you will gradually be able to expand the range of services and register another legal entity.

Setting up a children's center

When decorating a room, of course, it will not be possible without the manifestation of creative abilities. But by turning on rational thinking, you will understand that a development center requires not only toys, books and paper with paints, but also furniture, office equipment, carpet covering and much more. Simply put, you need to completely think through the interior of the premises.

Keep in mind that children's furniture is not a cheap pleasure. Thus, high quality tables and chairs for preschool children are offered in very few stores, and their prices are too high. Good way out The best solution to this situation is to order children's furniture, which will allow you to save a lot and get an individual product.

This option is not very suitable for purchasing materials for classes, since cheap Chinese goods are harmful to children's health. It is better to pay attention to toys made of wood from foreign and domestic producers. Wooden crafts, as a rule, are always of high quality, which will allow the toys to please the little ones for much longer.

When calculating the materials you will need for lessons, take into account the lessons already planned so as not to buy a lot and not do extra costs. Buy only what you need for the first time. Helpful tip: laminate all materials made from cardboard. This way their service life will be increased, and the little ones’ pranks will not harm them.

We purchase office equipment

Your children's center will have office equipment a good helper at work:

  • for printing developmental material - a photocopier, or better yet, a color printer;
  • personal computer or laptop;
  • TV for watching cartoons and educational lessons.

When decorating the interior, make sure that the rooms with children have sufficient lighting and ventilation, but there are no objects that can cause injury to the child. From sewerage to electrical wiring, everything must be checked. A plus for the premises will be the presence of an air conditioner that controls temperature regime, since children are very sensitive to temperature changes and can easily catch a cold.

To create coziness, it is not necessary to decorate the walls of the center perfect renovation, children's drawings are well suited for this: the possible failed repair is not visible, and the children are glad that their works are presented for public viewing. And this is also a good advertisement for new parents who will definitely want to donate to your professional hands their little ones.

We are hiring teachers

At first, you can fill the post of caretaker yourself, but with the cleaner and administrator, everything is already clear - they are, of course, needed. But finding qualified teachers and educators is a more serious task. The professional suitability of some of the candidates is often poor, which makes the search especially difficult. And remember, not all teachers strive to teach children; some come only for a salary. During the first few classes, it is better for you to personally attend them, because the entire image of the children's center depends on how everything starts.

Today, products and services related to children in one way or another are becoming increasingly popular. One of the first places in this area is occupied by preschool development centers. Due to the catastrophic shortage of places in public schools, as well as their widespread dilapidation and impoverishment, various developmental centers for children are a great idea.

That is why many mothers, concerned about the lack of quality development of their children, as well as those who are in search of opportunities to earn money “without taking time away from the child,” are increasingly thinking about how to open a children’s center. What needs to be done for this first and how much effort and money will have to be spent on initial stage. We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

Analyzing the market

So, you have decided to open a children's development center. Where to start and what to pay attention to first? As in any other business, it is best to start with an analysis of the existing services market. In order for your upcoming venture to be successful, you first need to carefully look around and soberly assess the presence of potential competitors. Before opening a children's development center, find out if there are such institutions in your area:

  1. State kindergarten. The advantages of such an institution include the relatively low cost of services and the fact that children are supervised all day long. Disadvantages - a large number of children in the group, which negatively affects the quality of learning educational material. In addition, the qualifications and level of interest of educators often leaves much to be desired.
  2. The good things are small groups and high interest of teachers. Negativity can be attributed high level payment.
  3. Sport sections. Quite a narrowly focused development, and besides, children are usually accepted there no earlier than three or four years old.
  4. Fitness clubs. About the same as sports clubs, but the cost of visiting them is much more expensive.
  5. Circles in various interest clubs. The advantages include low pay and the ability to often change direction - if you didn’t like one thing, let’s try another. One of the disadvantages is the “age requirement” - such establishments usually accept children no younger than 4-5 years old. In addition, the pedagogical level of the team does not always meet the expectations of parents.

If your area already has a sufficient number of the above establishments, consider whether you can offer your customers something that can withstand quite a lot of competition.

How to open a children's development center: business plan

As you know, any good business begins with careful planning. Of course, it will not be possible to draw up a detailed business plan within the framework of this article, because each region, city and town has its own prices, and everyone has different starting opportunities. But a few general recommendations can be considered. Before opening a children's development center from scratch, you need to:

  • develop the very concept of the business - think about what services you will provide;
  • prepare and issue all permits;
  • select and prepare documents for the premises in which the center will be located;
  • purchase the necessary equipment, methodological manuals, toys and so on;
  • determine which specialists can help you in your work, arrange a casting for personnel selection;
  • carry out competent advertising campaign, arrange a presentation of a new development center;
  • establish a workflow, eliminate minor problems that cannot be figured out until the center starts working;

Now let's look at some of these points in more detail.

Choosing a room

Of course, the choice of premises will primarily depend on your financial capabilities and the availability of offers. However, anyone who already knows exactly how to open a children's development center from scratch can confidently confirm that there are several mandatory requirements that must be observed when choosing a room.

  • If you do not plan to open a full-fledged kindergarten, even with a mini-prefix, then the premises will be enough for you with total area from 50 to 100 m2.
  • Pay attention to the height of the ceilings - at least 3 m.
  • The room should be divided into several isolated rooms: a locker room/reception area, a training area, a games room, a toilet/washbasin. If your center is designed for long-term stay of children, you also need to provide separate room for sleeping and eating, as well as a room for staff.
  • The finishing of walls and ceilings in all rooms must be such that regular maintenance can be carried out. wet cleaning. Regular paper wallpaper will not fit, you will have to make repairs.
  • In bedrooms and game rooms you need to observe the temperature regime - 19-21˚С.
  • All switches and sockets must be located at least 1.8 m above the floor level.
  • The premises must have a fire exit and be removed from the housing stock.

We are hiring staff

Before you open a children's development center from scratch, think about what services you will provide. It can be said that staffing is the most important step in the opening process. On how qualified and dedicated your employees will determine whether your center will be successful and popular. Minimum set The employees you will need looks like this:

  • director/manager;
  • accountant;
  • teachers/educators by number of chosen areas;
  • teacher assistant/nanny;
  • nurse;
  • security guard;
  • cleaning woman;

If you plan to provide catering, you will also need a cook and dishwasher. Of course, in order to save money, employees can work part-time: a security guard, for example, can perform the duties of a plumber and electrician, and a nanny can combine babysitting with working as a dishwasher. If relatives can help you as service personnel at first, then the selection of teachers (educators) should be taken seriously. special attention. If the kids are bored in class, and mothers remain dissatisfied with the level and speed of development of their child, your center will very soon be left without a clientele.


Now let's move on to the next stage. What else will you need to do to open a children's development center? Where to start attracting clients? Well, of course, with advertising, it is known to be the engine of trade.

Of course, it all depends on your financial capabilities, but general outline Methods for attracting clients can be:

  • colorful invitation leaflets (distributed on the street, you can negotiate with teachers and leave them in the locker rooms of kindergartens or clinics);
  • banners and banners on the streets of the area;
  • advertising in transport (routes passing through your area);
  • events with the invitation of animators for residents of the microdistrict, at children's playgrounds;
  • creation, development and promotion of your own website;
  • creating a group on social networks and forums in the region;
  • viral advertising;
  • advertising on a local TV channel or radio station;

Payback period and profitability

Before opening a children's development center, it is necessary not only to thoroughly study the activities of competitors, but also to carefully calculate the costs. The main monthly expense items will be:

  • rent of premises, utility costs;
  • remuneration of hired personnel;
  • taxes;
  • security during the day and night;
  • One-time expenses are also possible:
  • indoor renovation;
  • purchase of furniture, toys and sports equipment;
  • expenses for processing a package of documents and permits from various authorities (SES, firefighters, etc.);
  • purchase of household and office equipment (boiler, TV, computer, stereo system, etc.);

Based on the experience of people who have already opened similar centers, we can say that depending on the region in which you live, general expenses can range from 50-70 thousand rubles (20-25 thousand UAH) to half a million (150-160 thousand UAH). The payback of such projects is estimated at 2-3 years, and profitability is 20-25%.

So if you dream of quick profits and high incomes, you should look for another way to achieve what you want.

How difficult is it to open a children's development center as a franchise?

If all of the above seems too complicated to you, and you are still afraid to take the first step, you can consider purchasing a franchise. This means that for a certain fee an already existing and successfully operating company will provide you with all its achievements. All you have to do is repeat the path you have taken step by step. Specialists from the franchising company (the one who transfers their experience) will accompany the opening of the center from the first to last day, will bring you, so to speak, “to the result.”

So, what is needed to open a children's development center as a franchise? You can find a lot of offers on the Internet; all you have to do is study them carefully and choose the most suitable one for yourself. At the same time, be sure to carefully study the terms of the franchise, as some companies may impose conditions that may later turn out to be unacceptable. For example, it may be too large monthly payments (royalties).

What is needed to open a center in Russia

Before you begin your work, you need to formalize everything and obtain the appropriate permits. Here is a list of what is needed to open a children's development center:

  • register an individual entrepreneurship;
  • choose OKVED codes, suitable for yours may be: 93.05, 85.32, 92.51, which means personal services, child care and supervision and the organization of club-type establishments, respectively;
  • register and open a bank account;
  • register (register) with the tax service at your place of residence;
  • choose a taxation system - many advise in this case to choose the simplified tax system, this allows you to significantly save on accountant services;

If the activities of your institution are related to education, then in order to open a children's development center, you will additionally need to obtain a license. This is quite a troublesome matter, but there is one unwritten rule here - if the full official name of your center does not contain the words “training” or “educational”, you do not need to issue a license. But it is best to get advice from a qualified lawyer for each specific case. It’s not that expensive, but it will help you avoid troubles and fines in the future.

Features of opening a center in Ukraine

To be honest, the opening of such a center in Ukraine is not much different from its Russian counterpart. The most big difference is that it is quite difficult to open such a center without obtaining a license. Therefore, before opening a children's development center in Ukraine, you should definitely obtain legal advice. Most often it is advised to choose the following OKVED codes:

  • 47.90 - retail outside the store;
  • 96.06 - provision of other individual services;
  • 93.29 - organization of other types of recreation and entertainment;

In Ukraine, you will also have to register a private enterprise, or more precisely, a sole proprietorship - an individual entrepreneur. For work, it is best to choose the second tax group, so you will have to pay less taxes. And one more small nuance: in Ukraine, the employment contract for employees is tripartite - they must be registered with the employment center.

Now you at least know in general terms how to open a children's development center from scratch. At the end of the article I would like to add a few useful tips, which will help you save some money and reduce the payback period of a young enterprise.

  1. If you have chosen “unlicensed” OKVED, do not write to work books employees "teacher" or "teacher". It is better to use the wording “consultant” or “instructor”, the same applies to the employment contract.
  2. Come up with a highlight for your center - something that will distinguish it from other similar establishments. For example, let’s say you only have clowns perform every first day of the month, or in the month when a child has a birthday, he will get a discount on a subscription. Anything, as long as people remember it.
  3. Conduct monthly/quarterly parent surveys. Find out what other skills they want to develop in their children, and what they are willing to pay extra for. Maybe mothers will want to invite a children's yoga instructor, but classes with a French teacher are not interesting to them.
  4. To partially recoup the cost of renting the premises, you can sublet part of it hourly for classes with a psychologist or speech therapist.
  5. Introduce a bonus invitation system based on the principle: “bring 3 friends and get a discount for the next month.” This will allow your center to receive an additional influx of visitors.

And, of course, love your new endeavor. Remember: in order to open and successfully develop such a center, first of all you need to love children.

The author of a popular manual on opening and promoting a children's club, Zarina Ivanter, states: in the coming years, the number of children's clubs will increase sharply, equaling the number of beauty salons. However, now the market is not yet so saturated and many entrepreneurs have a chance to occupy this niche. The distribution of children's clubs across districts cannot be called uniform: in some cases large area with a large population there are one or two clubs, while in a nearby area there are three or four clubs operating on only one street.

How much money do you need to open a children's club?

To launch a children's club, you will need 1-1.5 million rubles. The businessman will begin to receive profit no earlier than in six months, and, most likely, in a year. At first, entrepreneurs spend a lot of time and effort on attracting customers and forming a base of regular visitors. A monthly subscription (about 8 classes) will cost a visitor 4-6 thousand rubles. Of this money, about thirty percent goes to teachers. Most often, parents enroll their children in one or two clubs. The lesson lasts from 30 to 50 minutes. Eight-hour work and the use of a three-room facility theoretically allows for 48 classes per day, but in practice between 5 and 15 classes are held daily. A group of 3-5 people brings the children’s club revenue from two hundred thousand to 1 million rubles monthly. In addition, the entrepreneur can receive additional income, organizing a mini-kindergarten, creating a small store selling toys and children's supplies. Organizing holidays also brings in good additional revenue.

Currently, an entrepreneur can purchase a ready-made franchise from a network club. The popular Baby Club franchise will cost 800 thousand rubles, the somewhat less popular Sema franchise will cost ten times less. However, working with a franchise has a number of disadvantages. The main one is that the businessman will give part of the profit to the founding company of the network. In addition, if parents didn’t like something at the Sema children’s club in Chertanovo or Beskudnikovo, a shadow falls on all institutions under the chain’s brand.

Which room to choose for a children's club

The premises for organizing a children's club should be located on the 1st floor of an apartment building. The area of ​​the room is from seventy to 150 square meters. The best option- the presence of a fairly spacious hall with an area of ​​​​twenty to thirty square meters: in this room parents will wait for their children from classes. From the hall, the doors should lead directly to the rooms where children study. It is necessary to find out in advance from the owner of the premises who will pay for utilities (the minimum payment for Moscow is 10 thousand rubles). In addition, you need to check the availability fire alarm, find out if the landlord has permission for the sign. A landline telephone must be installed in the premises.

The most important point when choosing a room for a children's club is the location. Nai the best option is the central part of the residential area large city with a lot of new buildings. Many young families with children live in new buildings. Will big advantage, if a businessman opens a club near a place that parents and children often visit - a large playground, a children's clinic, etc. Opening a club in the central area of ​​the city or in the old district is associated with certain risks - the infrastructure here has long been established, and the population is very heterogeneous.

The rent for a space for a children's club in any residential area of ​​the capital will cost from 1.5 thousand rubles per square meter per month. In terms of the entire premises, the rent reaches one hundred thousand rubles.

Additional costs for repair work of the children's club

The cost of renovating a room depends entirely on its condition. As follows from practical experience users of the Baby Club franchise, in the Russian capital, repairs will cost about 8 thousand rubles per square meter: this amount includes the cost of materials, equipment, and the work of the repair team. The total cost of repairs will be at least 475 thousand rubles.

Sanitary standards and rules for organizing children's clubs have not yet been developed. However, it is highly desirable to install a fire alarm (cost - from 40 thousand rubles). A fire extinguisher and an evacuation plan should be posted in every room.

It is important that the children's club makes an impression on parents: therefore, it would not be a bad idea to allocate some funds to equip a cozy environment in the waiting room, put sofas, a table with tea, cookies and magazines. The bathroom in the children's club should be clean and comfortable for children and adults. It will be better if a special toilet is installed for children. Such little things will allow parents to feel the difference between the children's club and the House of Culture or the House of Pioneers. The Pioneer House is one of the main competitors for a private children's club, because in this government institution classes are held free of charge.

According to the documentation, most children's clubs are children's leisure centers or family centers. Such centers try to avoid obtaining a license to engage in educational activities. Such licenses oblige their holders to fully comply with the standards adopted for kindergartens, which is very difficult. Not every entrepreneur is able to rent a room in a building no higher than 4 floors, with two or more exits. For those who do not want to follow the “kindergarten” path, there is no need to use the words “lessons”, “education”, etc. in the documentation. Teachers are better called “instructors.”

Lesson program for children

The most common are developmental classes for children, to which mothers most often bring children, as well as classes in English language and activities that prepare the child for school. Before creating a program for your children's club, you need to carefully study the programs of competitors and ask parents what, in their opinion, is missing in the area. For example, very few children's clubs offer classes aimed at the physical development of a child - it is likely that children's fitness will be relevant in your area.

The program should be made as broad as possible - this way entrepreneurs have a better chance of recouping their costs. You should not focus on a specific group of clients or on one area of ​​activity - this reduces the income of the enterprise. In addition, it is necessary to clearly distribute children into groups. The youngest visitors are invited to the club in the morning, and kindergarteners and schoolchildren in the afternoon. Schoolchildren and kindergarteners also come to evening classes.

As is known, children are susceptible various diseases, and for parents the need to pay for missed classes is a very unpleasant moment. It will be very useful to develop an incentive system for children who do not miss classes. For children who miss classes due to illness, it makes sense to organize a compensation system. For example, you can sell cheaper tickets with “working off” missed lessons in other groups, and slightly increase the price for tickets with the possibility of transferring classes to another month.

Children's club staff

A children's club employee is not necessarily a certified teacher with extensive experience. Students who get along well with children or women who have graduated will be able to work successfully with children. pedagogical universities by specialty " preschool education", "defectology". Mothers who are passionate about pedagogy and early child development can be good workers. For one lesson, the teacher is paid from 400 to 700 rubles.

What equipment to choose for a children's club

The children's club needs a place for the administrator equipped with a computer and a printer, chairs, cabinets, tables, materials used by children for modeling, toys, and drawing materials.

Modern children's clubs have abandoned the constant purchase of new educational cards, purchasing a projector once and showing educational pictures obtained from the Internet on a large screen. The basic package of the Montessori environment, which has become very popular, includes materials costing from 100 to 300 thousand rubles. The Montessori environment allows you to organize the process in such a way that children essentially study on their own.


Opening and successfully launching a children's club requires spending on an advertising campaign. Promotion at the first stage will cost from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. In order to attract a clientele, it is necessary to immediately reach the widest possible target audience- people living near the club. Advertisements can be placed right at the entrances of nearby houses, and flyers with information about the opening of the establishment can also be distributed to mothers and fathers walking with children on playgrounds. It is very important not only to inform about the opening of a children's club, but to focus on the opportunity to take advantage of a profitable urgent offer - a free trial lesson or purchase of a subscription at a big discount. If the clientele remains satisfied, the businessman can count on “connecting” one of the most effective tools- the so-called “word of mouth”. It is precisely to launch “word of mouth” that the main promotion work should be directed.

The children's club needs a constantly updated web resource. The development of such a website will cost from 20 thousand rubles. The site should be reflected in search engines for queries such as, for example, “Chertanovo children’s club.” Generally, monthly expenses for advertising a children's club range from 5 to 20 thousand rubles.

Sooner or later, a person moving forward wants to start his own business in order to live according to a convenient schedule and implement his ideas without strict control from management. Rises main question: “How and what is profitable to open a business, with minimal losses and decent profitability?”

Services market

There are a million options, it’s important to decide on personal interests, initial capital and ultimate goals. Having a special education can become the foundation for starting a business.

Women with teacher education People are often attracted to organizing a children's club that promotes the early development of abilities and creative talents.

The country's population is growing, and therefore the problem with kindergartens is the main one in the family circle. The child's device in preschool from the state is problematic and usually goes beyond the required time frame, which creates inconvenience for the mother’s return to work. To solve such nuances, the market offers the new kind services - children's clubs that offer courses in drawing, reading, writing, acting, handicrafts, etc. for children of all ages.

Select an option

Beginning entrepreneurs ask themselves: “How to open a children’s club, what investments are needed, are there any possible risks“For your business to be successful, you will first need to decide what goal you are pursuing by founding an educational club, what specialized classes will be based on, and determine the age range of the target audience.

There are many options, such as:

Preschool preparation of children with the study of classical sciences;

Creative development of children and their self-realization through natural talents;

Courses with a linguistic and mathematical focus.

And this is not the limit.

Interior organization

When the direction of the institution has been chosen, you need to be tasked with creating characteristic interior indoors, plan zoning: where there will be a classroom and where there will be a playroom, in which part to place the reception area for parents to wait, choose colorful decorations and furniture attributes that are appropriate for the theme.

You can set aside a place for a mini-buffet selling juices, sweets, oxygen cocktails, buns and only organic products.


Having outlined the direction of your institution, feel free to sit down and write a business plan for a children’s club. The main thing here is to provide for the important components.

Depending on the focus of the club’s work, you need to create a list of tasks. If it is, for example, theatrical art, then it will be something like this:

Draw up a lesson plan, highlight the relevant disciplines: acting, speech development, stage exercises, creation artistic image and others;

Select qualified personnel, in particular, experienced teachers with pedagogical education;

Come up with a “trick” that distinguishes your club from other similar ones, for example, offer parents a set of activities at a reasonable price and with a bonus - a free lunch for the child with each visit;

Purchase professional literature, teaching aids, board games, themed costumes for the implementation of staged scenarios, musical instruments etc.

Subtleties of business

Don't know how to open a children's club? If you are full of positivity, self-confidence and have a high performance capacity, there is no need to worry. Communication skills will also not hurt, since you will have to communicate with clients (parents), children, and staff. Here you will need to adapt somewhere, be lenient towards complaints (if there are any), smiling and friendly, regardless of your own mood.

Important points

And now, when the idea is described in detail, you can begin to thoroughly draw up a business plan for a children’s club with details. Calculations will include several items: rental of premises, communal payments, special equipment, wages employees, advertising promotion, unforeseen expenses (they also need to be given attention). Next, we will present the stages of drawing up a business plan and tell you what you should pay attention to first.

Selecting an area

The decisive aspect in choosing premises is the entrepreneur’s budget: either it will be a middle-class children’s club, or for wealthy families. In principle, both options will be beneficial if you approach the matter wisely and rent premises in a suitable area.

The elite area is suitable for a prestigious club. But the costs of rent, appropriate repairs and decent wages will increase significantly. Although in the cost/income ratio the profitability will be noticeable.

An ordinary area, but with good traffic, is suitable for an economy class club. If highly qualified employees are hired as teachers, then people from all parts of the city will bring their offspring for additional education.

Although the central area is considered the best option. "Fruitful" places are also fresh streets next to new buildings, where there are practically no offers for services of this kind.

Premises requirements

The total area of ​​the room should be at best 70 squares, but not less than 50. Since at least one room is reserved for classes, it is necessary that there are three or more of them. The presence of a bathroom equipped in accordance with SES standards is also required.

By the way, regulatory authorities require that an institution of this type be located on the ground floor or above (in no case in the basement or basement). Streams of daylight and Fresh air must definitely enter a room where children are present.

It is desirable that there is free access to the entrance to the club, and there are parking spaces nearby for the convenience of visitors.

Recruitment of qualified personnel

The most important rule when selecting personnel to work with children is experienced teachers with appropriate education.

Knowing in general terms how to open your own children's club is half the battle. Further great attention should be given to personnel selection. The well-known phrase “personnel decides everything” was not invented in vain; a productive business will be built on them in the future. It is the teacher who is able to interest children in educational activities, involve them in the subject being studied, and thus keep them in the children’s club, encouraging them to attend regularly. In a word - to inspire the trust of children and their parents.