How to decorate a veranda at the dacha. Finishing the veranda inside and outside. – Wood and composite coverings

Open verandas require a more careful approach to the choice of materials for finishing the ground. The solution from which to install the ceiling on open veranda, it should be taken into account that as seasonal influences change, the effects of moisture on precipitation and other atmospheric influences will be subject to temperature fluctuations. With this in mind, it is necessary to select a design and material that can withstand such rigorous operating conditions.

The main problem will be choosing the most suitable material.

The house has a veranda: expanding the usable space (more than 120 best projects)

It should be waterproof, strong and beautiful. At the same time, it is very important that the ceiling cover on the open veranda is well connected with the decoration external walls house, which is part of this room. The choice of materials available in stores that meet these requirements is not overwhelming:

  • Plastic panels
  • Both and boards
  • Paving with plastic or metal
  • drywall
  • OSB panels

In the case of the last two materials, you will not only have to trim the ceiling, but also finish the surface.


If you choose how to cut the ceiling on outdoor porches, it is relatively inexpensive and quick, then the most convenient option will be a plastic panel.

Coverage is simple and takes some time. The cost of such materials is also not too high, which will allow you to get an excellent upper limit at minimal cost.

There are only a few disadvantages to this resolution.

These include relatively low cold strength - the plastic becomes brittle and can be easily damaged. In addition, the assembled surface is far from perfect in an aesthetic sense - the cheapest slabs do not look very nice, but they are very suitable for finishing on a budget.

Both and boards

One of the best options for the relationship between beauty and value.

For a small amount of money you can get a lot beautiful ceiling made from natural wood. You can draw it in desired color and repeat if necessary. Installation is not a problem - even an experienced person will be able to handle it, and time for all the work will be at least a must.

In addition, wood is completely compatible with any type of wall decoration. If you decide to cover the ceiling on your patio, with a smaller renovation budget, you can stick with the base, but if they allow it, you can buy beautiful plates made from different types of wood.

The disadvantages of this option are seasonal deformation of the material and the need to treat wooden parts with special compounds that prevent rotting and damage by pests.

In addition, panels and substrates may become deformed due to temperature changes. The installation must be taken into account.


The material, originally intended for finishing vertical surfaces, will perfectly serve as a decorative ceiling in this part of the house. The panels are made of durable plastic or metal and are ready for any difficulty when used outside the living space, so it is recommended to install the ceiling on the veranda.

There are virtually no downsides to this design, except that some grades of plastic parts may fade over time.

The cost of the cover is completely affordable, and installation is very simple, with special fasteners.

Drywall and OSB panel

Both materials can only be used if they are purchased as waterproof. Their standard types have one drawback - poor water resistance.

Therefore, when purchasing, pay attention to the markings of panels and sheets. Installation is not particularly difficult, depending on the size of the parts, it may take some time.

However, additional complications begin - GKL must be installed with a special plaster suitable for external use, and after both types of wallpaper must be painted with weather-resistant paints.

Other things that are the same, when choosing what to cover on an open veranda, it is better to give priority to the OSB panel. Unlike GCR, it does not require any additional output other than coloring.

Finishing the veranda inside and outside

Decorating the veranda: finishing in style

A veranda is usually called an extension adjacent to one of the walls of the house. This building belongs to the category of summer, unheated premises. By design, verandas can be either open, that is, under a roof, but not glazed, or closed.

It is quite natural that the decoration inside the veranda is made depending on this fact. Also, the configuration of the extension and its exterior decoration must harmoniously fit into the exterior of the house.

Design features of verandas

The veranda plays not only a decorative function, but is also necessary from a purely practical point of view.

A well-lit room, without cabinet furniture, decorated with many indoor plants, is ideally suited for a pleasant stay in summer time.

Covered veranda with many plants

  • The veranda can be combined with the main entrance to the house. In some cases, the entrance to the veranda can be from any room, that is, it does not have access to the street.

    This is exactly the veranda shown in the photo above. But such an extension must be provided for during the construction of the house.

  • If there was no veranda in the project, then it can be attached to the house later. But so as not to have to punch doorway in a load-bearing wall, this is done on the main facade, in front of the front door. You won’t have to install any utilities there, so you can build a veranda with your own hands.
  • Naturally, the extension should correspond as much as possible to the structure of the house.

    The main thing is to properly build the foundation for the veranda. It is better to do this in the summer, otherwise, after thawing, the soil may sag and your veranda will simply move away from the wall of the house.

    Think carefully about what it will be built from and how the outside is finished so as not to spoil the appearance of the building.

  • Usually, a columnar foundation is made under the veranda. This is quite enough to support the weight of the frame and its cladding.

    Brick foundation pillars are laid out in holes up to one meter deep, under each corner post. If the veranda is more than one and a half meters long, intermediate pillars are also made.

Columnar foundation diagram

  • In the holes dug for the foundation, sand cushions are first arranged, about twenty centimeters high.

    Fine crushed stone is poured over the sand and filled with liquid solution. To ensure that the water from the solution does not go into the sand, before filling it with crushed stone, it is better to lay roofing felt with a bend of 10 cm along the walls of the pit.

  • The resulting concrete pad will serve as a support for the brick column. Before laying it out, the concrete must be coated with liquid glass or bitumen. Any other waterproofing composition will also work. The height of the pillars must be calculated so that the floor level of the veranda is 20-25 cm lower than in the house.
  • After the masonry is completed, the internal cavity of the columnar foundation is filled with gravel, stone, broken brick - any available material.

    The outer surface of the pillars is also coated with a waterproofing compound.

  • Wooden beams (joists) will rest on the foundation pillars. Beams must be treated with an antiseptic solution before installation. This will not only protect them from moisture saturation and rotting, but will also protect them from damage by insects and rodents.

This is just one of the options for constructing a foundation for a veranda. It may have a different design, depending on the size of the veranda under construction and its walls, if any.

In each specific case, you need instructions, and best of all, a project.

Veranda wall decoration

If the house to which the veranda is attached is made of logs, timber or frame-panel, then the most organic option would be to make the walls of the extension from wood. Although, you can make a frame from a metal profile, and then simply cover it with clapboard. Moreover, if the veranda is planned to be glazed.

Aluminum stained glass windows in the glazing of the veranda

  • Then for this purpose you can use aluminum stained glass windows installed directly on the base of the veranda.

    Their use solves two problems at once: the construction of walls and their finishing, or rather, the lack thereof. We washed the glass - that's all the finishing was done.

    All that remains is to decorate the base and intermediate racks: facing bricks, or, for example, a stone.

  • Such a problem as finishing verandas combined with the construction of walls can be solved with the help of glass blocks. This material is both constructive and decorative.
  • In addition, the country's construction markets offer a truly huge range of blocks: with corrugated glass, colored glass, frosted glass.

    There are block options with decorative appliqués in the inner cavity - it’s so beautiful!

Veranda walls made of glass blocks

  • Various types of glass blocks can be combined in any way you like, creating panels, making lighting.

    Of course, the price of such a veranda will be more expensive than one whose walls are lined with plywood or plastic, but the beauty that you will receive in the end is worth it.

  • In the example we gave, the windows of the veranda are small and located high from the floor. But thanks to the light transmission of glass blocks, it is light on the veranda without additional lighting.

By the way, in this case, window openings could be done on the roof, in the manner skylights.

In the construction of the walls of the veranda, you can combine both options mentioned above: one wall can be made of glass blocks, and the other two – from aluminum stained glass windows. The fourth wall is bearing wall Houses. It will be decorated during the interior decoration of the veranda.

Wood in the decoration of the veranda

If the veranda is open, then the concepts of exterior and interior decoration are mixed. And most often, such verandas are made of wood: structural elements, and decorative.

  • Of all the materials that can be used to build and decorate a veranda, it is wood that will create the most favorable environment for relaxation, saturating the air with its unique aroma.

Open veranda trimmed with wood

  • The racks supporting the roof of the veranda can be made of rounded logs or timber with a cross-section of 15*15cm.

    In the simplest version, as in the example above, the floor of the veranda is made of ordinary edged boards, not even painted. The ceiling is lined with standard clapboard, and the parapet is made of ordinary bars used for installing sheathing.

  • But many home owners do not want to save on finishing the veranda, and prefer to decorate this relaxation area, solidly and well, as they say, for centuries. For such cases, manufacturers of wood finishing materials will always have the right offers.
  • One of these options used today in exterior finishing is decking.

    Methods of finishing and insulating the ceiling on the veranda: choosing materials

    Otherwise it is called a terrace board. This concept can also include garden parquet and deck boards.

Veranda floor lined with garden parquet

  • It is made not from solid wood, but from a wood composite. That is, it contains polymer additives.

    But in this case, this only improves the characteristics of products that are very durable and are not afraid of moisture. And this is very important both for an open room and for a closed, but not heated one.

Exterior finishing of the veranda made with planken

  • Dear and quality wood for exterior decoration, planks made of larch or ash are used.

    This is the name of the façade planed board obtained from solid wood. Planken differs from ordinary planed boards in its cross-sectional shape, which has beveled and rounded chamfers. Planken does not have connecting grooves, like a lining board, which allows it to be mounted with gaps, and not just end-to-end.

Installation of plank with a gap

  • In principle, a wooden veranda can be attached not only to a wooden house, but also to a brick or stone house.

    The main thing that color scheme its finishing was harmoniously combined with the decoration of the facade. But wood can not only be painted, but also carved into the design of its surface, and there have always been plenty of craftsmen in Rus'.

Exterior finishing: wooden veranda with carved elements

Here is a wonderful example of using carvings in a veranda design.

There are twisted pillars, a beautiful carved parapet, painted in contrast to other structures, and hanging arched elements with a lace pattern. Take note!

Interior decoration of the glazed veranda

The interior design of a glassed-in veranda can, in principle, be considered as the decoration of a loggia.

But the veranda, as a rule, is more spacious, which means it has more design opportunities. So:

  • Although this room is considered a summer room, nothing prevents you from installing heaters on the veranda, as in ours following example, and use the veranda all year round, and not just in the summer.

    Then absolutely any finishing materials can be used.

Heated covered veranda

  • And here is an example of the interior design of a veranda. In addition to the stained glass windows, the roof of the room is also glass, so the room is simply flooded with light. To avoid direct sunlight, frosted acrylic glass is used in the glazing of the roof windows.
  • An excellent addition to the interior of the veranda can be some unusual blinds or original curtains. The design of the ceiling, of course, will depend on what kind of roof is made. In addition to wood, you can use plastic and MDF in its finishing, line it with plasterboard and paint it, cover it with polystyrene tiles, make a suspended ceiling - whatever you want.

Carpet on the floor of a glazed veranda

And the walls can be decorated in different ways, but almost always in light colors.

The floor on such a veranda can be almost anything: from tiles to parquet. In the image above: the floor under the baseboard is covered with carpet, along the entire perimeter of the room. You can’t do on the veranda without upholstered furniture– what’s a vacation without a comfortable sofa!

Do-it-yourself finishing of the veranda inside and outside

Most often, when we talk about a veranda, we mean an open or closed extension to one of the walls of the house, where it is convenient to spend time relaxing or having lunch. But the terrace, being one of the types of extensions to the house, differs from it, although their concepts are somewhat similar.

A terrace is a structure that has supports on pillars and a roof, adjacent to the house on one side. On this side there is an exit to the terrace from the house. The remaining sides are open, the effect of unity with nature that the terrace gives is very strong. Even heavy rain, which can be observed under the roof of the terrace, fully feel its dampness, humidity, hear all sounds, will not wet someone who is on an area open on three sides.

A cup of tea before bed, in a chair in the fresh air, is a luxury not available to many.

As for the veranda, this building can be found both on the first floor and on the second.

Interior decoration of a veranda in a private house photo

Cottages with such a structure on the second floor look quite stylish and impressive. Therefore, the finishing of the closed veranda on the second floor is given great attention- this indicates the status of the owner, his taste. This room also has a roof, which can be made in a traditional way, or it can be made of glass, which will allow a large amount of daylight to enter the room during the day.

Decorating an open veranda at the dacha (you can see from the photo that it can be stylized to look like anything) requires a special creative spirit.

You can decorate it with evergreen cypress seedlings around the perimeter, then it will turn into a structure in greek style. You can decorate the veranda inside in the form winter garden or a stone palace.

A carefully thought-out interior will give this building a special look, make it an ordinary house your own corner of creativity and imagination.

Decorating the veranda pillars with wood carvings or decorating them with climbing ivy or vines will add a charming look to your terrace design.

This design is built on one side of the house (open or closed type), and around the house. If it is built lengthwise along the perimeter of the house, the structure looks like a gallery, but if it is a rectangular extension, it looks like a pavilion.

For the summer period, the structure is built without insulation and glazing. Wall decoration on the veranda can be done in different materials. And for winter, the living space moves into one where the windows are equipped with double glazing. The decoration of a closed veranda in a private house (see photo) even allows for the installation of a fireplace (bio-fireplace or false fireplace) to create a cozy atmosphere in which you will be comfortable.

How to decorate a veranda at the dacha, photos, ideas

There are verandas different types, depending on how the design of the house is planned, open (terrace) or closed (glazed) types are chosen.

Different cladding options will create different impressions when creating a design.

It is also important what the decoration of the veranda will be like, because the main purpose of this extension is the comfort of those who spend their leisure time here.

Guided by your own taste in the finishing process, do not forget about some rules in order to get the desired result.

If the decoration of the veranda in a private house (pictured) assumes that it will be open, you need to ensure that the building materials that you will use for decoration are resistant to precipitation and dampness, and can withstand high humidity.

Do-it-yourself wood finishing on the inside of the veranda requires mandatory preliminary impregnation with an antiseptic; this step will avoid not only premature deformation of the wooden elements, but also protect the walls, floor, and pillars from rodents.

Finishing an open veranda in a private house, photo

If a private house, in which it is planned to build a terrace, is located on the sea coast or on the shore of a reservoir, there will be interesting solution decorate the veranda with polycarbonate - transparent walls will protect you from dampness on cool evenings, but will not interfere with the wonderful views opening from there.

Typically, summer rooms do not need glazing; it is used only in the warm season; this seasonality does not provide for monolithic buildings or stationary cabinet furniture.

Light plastic models of chairs, tables, or transformable furniture are more suitable here. Wicker chairs, tables, rocking chairs, and fresh flowers suspended in pots around the perimeter of the terrace perfectly create a themed interior.

Materials for constructing a veranda

One of the fashionable solutions in construction today is the choice of a frame veranda.

To build such a structure, you will need to lay a foundation and erect a frame for the building. Options for finishing the veranda are a matter of taste and possibilities, but the principle of creating the structure is almost identical.

Will be required concrete pillars concrete (to build a foundation), wooden beam to build the frame, lathing around the perimeter for its lower part and finishing materials for the interior decoration of the walls of the veranda (stone trim in the photo):

  • wooden or plastic lining(pvc),
  • polystyrene tiles,
  • MDF panels,
  • composites, stone, perforated sheet metal, etc.

If you purchase brackets, corners, screws, anchors, and tools, you can make a veranda with your own hands.

Wood, metal, profile sheets, metal tiles, glass, etc. are used as roofing upon request.

Finishing the closed veranda inside (pictured wooden roof), you need to take into account the degree natural light, because the only communication needed here is electricity.

The floor will need waterproofing, and depending on the style chosen, the type of surface, whether floor slabs or stone are used, beautiful high-quality linoleum can be laid.

You should not rely on the fact that a plank floor or laminate will be used while remaining just as spectacular and beautiful - if the option is open, summer, the interior decoration of the veranda in a private house (see photo) for the floor is also susceptible to dampness and humidity. Therefore, it is better to give preference to those materials that do not absorb moisture.

A perforated sheet for finishing the veranda inside will help to divide the room into zones (for example, a dining area and a relaxation area); if you show your imagination, you can perfectly decorate the ceiling with it.

It is important to correctly calculate the lighting in the interior decoration of the veranda.

Wall decoration on the veranda inside

One of popular ways to make a closed terrace not only beautiful, but also warm - finishing the veranda with plastic panels (you can see this option in the photo).

In itself, it is a lightweight structure, so the interior decoration of the veranda at the dacha (the photo illustrates one of the options) makes it possible to make windows without using double-layer glass.

It will be much more effective to take care of insulating the floors and walls. Moisture-resistant plasterboard slabs are suitable for finishing the inside of a veranda at the dacha; you must first waterproof the walls of the structure on both sides: inside and outside.

To insulate walls, you can use mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam. The interior decoration of the veranda (photo) is a layer of insulation, which is carefully sandwiched vapor barrier film, and sheets of MDF and plasterboard are placed on top, reinforced with PVC panels or clapboard.

When choosing mineral wool as insulation, remember about its moisture absorption, so that the insulation does not soon crumble into dust, provide waterproofing to the walls!

Wall panels for interior decoration for the veranda can be made of any material, even painted with decorative plaster. Wooden panels will look very impressive and respectable, but you need to remember that they need to be taken care of.

It is cheaper and more practical to decorate the veranda with imitation timber (photo); even on an open structure, this type is preferable due to its durability.

Lining is one of the simplest materials, characterized by wear resistance, good qualities for wet rooms, and low maintenance.

The advantages of finishing the veranda with clapboard include its following qualities:

  • The lining is easy to install, allows you to create a smooth, even wall due to its own texture,
  • Is an excellent soundproofing material,
  • It is durable and easy to replace damaged areas if necessary.

Finishing the veranda with clapboard inside (photo) gives great prospects in terms of choice of colors, neat and easy installation, but the disadvantage of clapboard is fragility, especially in the cold season.

Glazing of the winter veranda

Today it is fashionable to use extraordinary solutions in glazing, one of the ways to make your home aristocratic and sophisticated is the French decoration of the veranda (photo).

It represents the installation metal-plastic windows in various forms and big size. If possible, stained glass windows built into the French decoration look good in the interior.

The decoration of the veranda and porch inside, the design of which involves the use of natural materials, looks beautiful in stone or wood.

Exterior finishing of the veranda

A beautiful appearance for the veranda is the image of the owner of the house.

Stone, wood - classic options, looks especially beautiful and impressive carved wood in finishing. It is cheaper, more practical, and easier to maintain when finishing the veranda with siding (the photo illustrates this option).

Among the advantages vinyl siding– high performance, large assortment of colors, ease of installation, affordable price. Horizontal panels make the structure very aesthetically pleasing.

How to hem the ceiling on the veranda?

Some rooms in the house require special finishing of the floors due to the fact that the operating conditions of the materials here are very different from the standard ones. For example, when choosing what to put on the ceiling on the veranda, you need to take into account that this area is essentially located on the street and the conditions here differ from residential premises.

Basic requirements for materials

In order for the design to please you for as long as possible and not cause trouble during operation, it is necessary to select coatings with the appropriate characteristics.

The basic requirements that the ceiling covering on the veranda must meet are as follows:

  • Moisture resistance
  • Strength
  • In cases of self-assembly - ease of processing and installation
  • Match the appearance with the rest of the home's finishes
  • Resistance to low temperatures V winter period
  • Affordable price for budget repairs

Particular attention should be paid to resistance to frost and moisture - even glazed rooms, as a rule, are not heated, and there is a lot of moisture in the street air, for example, during rain.

The remaining parameters are also important, but some assumptions are possible here, taking into account the personal preferences of the home owners.

Popular options

If desired, the finishing can be done in any way in an accessible way. However, the most suitable and popular options for lining the ceiling on the veranda are:

Despite the fact that everyone is accustomed to seeing stretched fabric exclusively in residential premises, it is also perfect for repairs open spaces provided that textiles are selected and not PVC film.

The film will not work, as frost causes it to lose its elasticity and crack.

It is also better not to use plasterboard, which is very popular when decorating residential spaces.

Even its moisture-resistant variety will not be able to withstand the vagaries of the weather and will eventually absorb moisture.

How and how the interior decoration of a veranda in a private house is carried out

This will affect the appearance of the surface in the most negative way - it will swell with bumps and become covered with unsightly spots, after which the structure will have to be completely dismantled.

Suspended solutions made from panels are very inexpensive and are in demand for renovations on a small budget. In addition, the installation of panels both on a frame and on a simple sheathing is very easy and is within the capabilities of even novice craftsmen.

Of the remaining materials, the most popular option and suitable for almost any design style is ordinary lining.

It is affordable, easy to install and after processing special compounds will be able to withstand atmospheric conditions.

Rare repair methods

If you want to be known as an original, then when choosing what to cover the ceiling on your veranda, you can pay attention to one of the materials mentioned below.

They have not yet earned such popularity as the previous ones, but they look very original and are suitable for decorating this part of the house according to their characteristics.

In principle, there are a lot of finishing options. It is important to consider whether the room will be open or closed. For open verandas or areas with partial glazing, it is better to select finishes with increased weather resistance and durability.

Completely enclosed areas can be decorated with less weather-resistant materials.


If you do not see this or that finishing option with your own eyes, it is very difficult to decide on a specific type of design. Therefore, below are several photo examples of what can be used to line the ceiling on the veranda and how the coating will look in the end.

Almost all of the options for finishing the veranda presented in this article can be done independently.

The exception will be suspended ceiling, but, if desired, even such a coating can be installed with your own hands. The choice of a specific type of design should be made taking into account the appearance of the entire house, the available budget and the personal aesthetic preferences of its owners.

One of the most significant advantages of living in a private house is the opportunity to go outside at any time of the day or night. Fresh air and enjoy the aroma of flowers in summer or the enchanting smell of rotten leaves in late autumn.
Covered veranda in country house can easily be turned into a dining room where the whole family will gather for Sunday lunch: share impressions, make plans and just chat. An important role in creating the necessary mood is played not only by the view opening from the windows, but also by the decoration of the veranda. It is she who will help you create an atmosphere of home comfort and peace.

Selection of materials
The choice of materials for finishing the veranda is not only aesthetic, but also practical. As a rule, the word “veranda” means unheated room. In some cases, an open veranda is more like a gazebo attached to the house, so there is no question of heating here at all. This means that the decor should not only be beautiful, but also resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.

In winter, the room will be damp, and if you use non-moisture resistant facing materials, then after two or three years the repairs will have to be done again.
Usually, the bottom of the wall is lined with modern finishing material - PVC plastic wall panels. The surfaces of the walls from panels to the ceiling are covered with moisture-resistant paint.

It is not recommended to use laminate when finishing the floor on a closed veranda. Since under harsh operating conditions, in a damp room, even moisture-resistant high-quality expensive laminate will lose its original appearance and shape.

Ceramic tiles, on the contrary, will not lose their wonderful properties and original appearance in such conditions. If you use tiles as a floor covering, it is better to use large tiles as they are easier to install. As a result, if the seams between adjacent tiles are reduced to a minimum, or removed altogether, a smooth, visually uniform surface is obtained.

After final finishing floors, it is necessary to install plastic skirting boards, since they are considered the most durable compared to wooden skirting boards and are not susceptible to moisture.

Warming the veranda.
Of great importance proper thermal insulation the lower part of the walls (under the windows) and the ceiling. The interior decoration of the veranda begins with it. If insulation is carried out correctly, the room can be inhabited until late autumn.

You can insulate the veranda ceiling with almost any thermal insulation materials: mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam (EPS), polystyrene foam or liquid spray polyurethane foam. Having chosen polystyrene foam, you must be prepared for the fact that for high-quality thermal insulation you will have to lay a fairly thick layer of this material, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the ceiling level by 10 -15 cm. Sprayed polyurethane foam is an effective, but expensive insulation material. And here is the EPS and mineral wool at a fairly affordable price they can perfectly protect your veranda from the autumn cold.
Important! It should be remembered that mineral wool is very susceptible to dampness. Under the influence of moisture, after just a few years, such insulation turns into dust.

Finishing with PVC panels

Most budget option finishing the veranda walls last years are plastic panels. This material is resistant to high humidity and temperature changes. In addition, it is quite easy to install and clean.

The only disadvantages of plastic include low environmental friendliness and fragility - it is very easy to break by carelessly moving a chair or accidentally hitting the wall with your knee.

Wooden slats with a cross section of 30*20 or 30*10 mm or a metal profile for mounting drywall can be used as a frame for PVC panels. When using wood, it must be pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Helpful advice! On the walls of the veranda facing the street, it is better to use wooden slats for lathing. Fastening metal profiles can create “cold bridges”, which will significantly reduce the quality of thermal insulation. But for those who are not too smooth interior walls It is better to use a profile on special hangers.

The slats must be fastened perpendicular to the direction of laying the panels. So, if the plastic is placed vertically on the wall, then the slats are installed horizontally in increments of no more than 50cm.

Important! The walls of the veranda are decorated with panels with a pattern from left to right. You can start installing plain panels from any side of the wall.

When the sheathing is ready, a starting profile or mounting angle is attached in the corner of the room using nails or self-tapping screws. The first is used if the adjacent wall will be finished with a different material, and the second will allow PVC panels to be joined together.
Then the first panel is inserted into the guide profile so that the wide mounting flange is directed towards the installation.
To fix the panel to the sheathing, you can use metal holders, or you can simply screw it to the batten with a self-tapping screw.

Important! If you are not using holders to mount the panels, do not overtighten the screw. Otherwise the panel will “drive”.

We insert the next panel so that there is no gap left and fasten it.
Remember that PVC panels are subject to thermal expansion. To compensate for this, it is necessary to leave a gap of 2-3 cm at the top and bottom of the wall and cover it with a plinth.

MDF - cheap imitation wood

Another popular finishing material is MDF panels. They are somewhat stronger than plastic, but less resistant to moisture. You should not use this material on open verandas, but for closed ones it is quite suitable.

MDF panels are installed in the same way as plastic ones.

Wooden lining- classics of the genre

When listing materials for finishing a veranda, it is impossible not to mention the most traditional of them - wood. Most often this is the so-called lining.

Lining is a cladding board, up to 22mm thick, with special grooves that facilitate installation and joining.

This material is used to cover not only the walls, but also the ceiling of the veranda. After treatment with antiseptics, the lining will serve you for up to 20 years. Talk for a long time about the advantages of wood over artificial materials not necessary. Just look at the delightful woody smell that will be felt on your veranda for many years.

Choosing wooden lining

First of all, it should be said that according to the production method, the lining is divided into jointed and solid. In the first case, the highest quality pieces of wood are joined in a special way. Despite the fact that this material looks excellent - there are no knots, cracks or other putty defects on it - it is not suitable for finishing an open veranda. With high humidity, cracks may form at the splice site, which will greatly spoil the appearance of the finish.

Important! When purchasing material, be sure to unpack it. Very often, in the middle of the pack there are defective or low-grade planks.

Perhaps this is all about the interior decoration of the veranda.


After the veranda is attached to the house, it's time to do the interior finishing work. Considering that this room connects the street and living quarters and is a kind of communication gateway between them, preference should be given to practical finishing materials that are resistant to temperature changes, since most often the veranda is not heated, to moisture, and to mechanical stress.

Materials should be easy to maintain and use. Our publication today is about what the decoration of a veranda in a private house could be like.

The choice of finishing materials primarily depends on the design of the veranda and its purpose - whether it is open or closed, whether it will be used as an outdoor room in which you can walk in street shoes, or as an indoor one.

Before going to the store to buy materials, it is recommended to complete preliminary design veranda interior design - this will help you correctly calculate the required quantity, choose the right color scheme and think through every little detail to create an organic space that will match the appearance of the house.

According to their intended purpose, the materials can be floor, wall or ceiling. There are a large number of finishing materials that are universal in their performance properties and can be used for both open and outdoor applications.

Wall finishing materials

A wide range of finishing materials for walls allows you to choose a finish that will not only have excellent performance characteristics, but also attractive appearance.

Important! When choosing a material, take into account special conditions for unheated veranda. Yes, ordinary paper wallpaper They will burn out very quickly and become unusable. It is better to choose glass wallpaper or other varieties that are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and moisture.

Decorating the walls of the veranda with clapboard

The use of lining for covering the walls of the veranda allows not only to create a warm atmosphere in the interior, but also to efficiently insulate the room.

  • The lining consists of slats of small width (from 5 to 10 cm). It can be wooden or plastic.
  • Wooden lining looks natural, it has all the beneficial properties natural wood and requires periodic treatment with antiseptic compounds.
  • The shade of wooden lining is determined not only by the type of wood from which it is made, but also by the method of processing the wood - stain, oil-wax, varnish.

  • Plastic lining looks neat and tidy, is easy to care for, and does not require additional processing. The material is resistant to moisture and temperature changes.
  • Outwardly, it can imitate any type of wood, but it will never look as noble and beautiful as natural wood.
  • Reliable fixation of the planks to each other is ensured locking system"tenon and groove". Thanks to this, wall covering is quick and easy.

The planks differ from each other in the profile of the groove and the way the edges are processed, which affects the optical effect that is obtained after fixing the lining to the wall.

The profile is:

  1. Standard having beveled edges, due to which noticeable transitions are formed between the lamellas;
  2. "Calm", which has smooth transitions due to the fact that the corners are less ground down when forming the profile;
  3. Euro profile, forming a special pattern after installation of the coating.

Conventionally, according to the fastening method, the lining is divided into “American”, which imitates overlapping laying, and “European” with additional ridges on the front side that cover the joints. Wooden lining can be made from solid wood and MDF.

The first one is the most difficult to maintain and can shrink after installation on the wall. MDF lining does not shrink, but when the humidity in the room increases, it can absorb moisture, which negatively affects the performance properties of the material.

Wall decoration with decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a universal finishing material equally suitable for both interior and exterior work. The material is applied to the wall in the form of a plastic mixture, which, when dried, creates a durable, monolithic coating with high performance properties and decorative properties. When using colored and textured plasters, additional wall finishing is not required.

From all the variety we can highlight:

  1. Colored plaster with a large selection of shades;
  2. Stone plaster imitating the surface of natural stone;
  3. Venetian plaster imitating a marble pattern;
  4. Silk plaster (liquid wallpaper) with natural or synthetic fibers in its composition.

Important! Liquid wallpaper is recommended to be used only on heated verandas. To protect against moisture, the coating is treated with transparent varnish. If the veranda is very sunny, then it is better to use a composition with silk fibers - this coating does not fade and is quite durable.

How the coating will look after drying is influenced by the method of applying the composition - various visual effects are created due to the type of application technique and the direction of the strokes.

Wall decoration with PVC panels

PVC panels belong to the category of budget materials.

Among their main features, the following can be noted:

  1. Panels can take any shape and color, they can imitate the pattern of any material, have a realistic image on their surface or an ornament;
  2. The coating is resistant to high temperatures;
  3. The panels are light in weight, so they do not put a load on the supporting structures;
  4. The coating is absolutely not afraid of moisture and is easy to care for;
  5. PVC panels are inexpensive.

Externally, PVC panels are wider than the lining, but are fastened in the same way - using clamps and screws. TO flat base You can attach the panels with glue. When fixing the finish to the sheathing or frame, it is possible to hide communications and lay insulation.

Mechanical fragility of PVC panels occurs when the air temperature drops to –15 degrees.

MDF is fibreboard medium density, in the manufacture of which wood shavings of different species are used, compressed under high pressure.

The panels have the following properties:

  1. They are environmentally friendly;
  2. They have sound and heat insulating properties;
  3. Easy to process and install;
  4. Not afraid of high and low temperatures;
  5. A wide range of decorative coatings for the front layer.

Disadvantages include vulnerability to moisture, under the influence of which the slabs eventually lose their integrity and collapse.

Ceiling finishing materials

The ceiling material is subject to the same requirements as for walls - resistance to moisture, temperature changes and low weight. The ceiling finish should allow the safe and efficient placement of artificial lighting sources.

It is worth remembering that in addition to the material for covering the ceiling, you will need baseboards, which are installed around the perimeter of the room. They will complete the repair and allow you to hide the technological gap between the ceiling and the wall

Ceiling trim with clapboard

The method of installing lining on the ceiling is in no way different from installing it on the wall. Such decoration gives the room a noble appearance, creates a cozy, homely atmosphere, gives a feeling of harmony and closeness to nature.

One of the advantages of lining is that by using the direction of the slats, you can create the necessary optical effect and visually make the room taller or wider - the slats are placed horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Herringbone installation is especially chic - it looks stylish both on the walls and on the ceiling.

When laying lamellas under different angles You can even create an original design on the ceiling. A special type of lining is used to cover the ceiling - it is lighter and has a thickness of 7 mm.

Important! When installing lining on the ceiling around the perimeter of the room, leave a gap between the covering and the wall in case it moves when the wood expands. The gap is closed with a decorative plinth.

Plasterboard ceiling

Hanging plasterboard structures can be used as a ceiling design material on a closed veranda, provided that the roof of the building is well insulated. It is recommended to use moisture-resistant drywall.

The advantage of this material is:

  1. Possibility of choosing the ceiling height;
  2. Masking communication;
  3. Installation of built-in lamps;
  4. Creates a perfectly smooth coating.

The decorative finishing of such a ceiling has many options, but you need to choose those that will withstand special operating conditions. If the veranda is insulated and heated in winter, then the finishing can be anything.

Advice. On an unheated closed veranda, it is quite possible to use a suspended fabric ceiling. Besides all the qualities suspended structure, it is also characterized quick installation. The downside is high price coverings.

Ceiling finishing with PVC panels

The installation of PVC panels on the ceiling is justified by their low weight and excellent performance properties of the material, which can be combined with other wall finishes.

The main advantage is that installation occurs on a metal frame, so the base does not require careful preparation, and the height of the ceiling can be chosen at your discretion. This allows for hidden installation of communications and electrical wiring located under the ceiling, as well as installation of built-in lamps.

PVC ceiling panels are thinner than wall panels, but they are also equipped air chambers between the stiffeners, which guarantees the strength of the material, its rigidity and thermal insulation properties. The width of the planks is chosen depending on the desired visual effect and the area of ​​the room.

To make the veranda seem more spacious and lighter, preference is given to light PVC panels with a glossy sheen.

Polycarbonate ceiling

The material of the veranda roof structure sometimes does not require additional finishing - for example, if it is made of polycarbonate. This material allows light to pass through, so the room will always be bright.

Polycarbonate can be monolithic or cellular. For the roof, you can choose a transparent material that imitates clear or tinted glass, or colored polycarbonate - then the veranda will take on a special look.

Installation of a polycarbonate roof is simple. It is carried out using a frame, which can have a semicircular shape - cellular polycarbonate Quite flexible and easy to process.

Veranda flooring

The floor covering for the veranda is selected based on the operating conditions and the type of room - is it open or closed, will people walk on it with shoes, how often will the floor have to be washed, will it experience serious loads. So, if on the veranda there is summer cuisine, then all surfaces must be moisture-resistant, easy to clean, resistant to dirt and high temperatures.

Floor tiles

Floor tiles are the most practical material, although its installation requires considerable effort and time.

Among the features of this coating, the following can be noted:

  1. It is impact resistant;
  2. Easy to care for;
  3. Resistant to temperature changes;
  4. Resistant to moisture;
  5. A variety of color options and textures.

With tiles, you can lay out a geometric pattern using a combination of tile shapes and patterns on its surface. The installation process requires preliminary preparation of the base - leveling and screeding. This will ensure an even, stable coating.

To lay tiles, use a special tile adhesive, which is applied to the back of the product and to the surface of the base. The tile is lightly pressed down and, tapping rubber mallet, adjust the height of its location in accordance with the level and markings on the wall.

The distance between the tiles is formed using spaced plastic crosses, which are subsequently removed, the seams are cleaned of excess glue and covered with a special grout. The tiles can be used on open and closed verandas.

Terrace floor board

Decking is one of the popular materials for veranda flooring. Deck board is a special type of three-layer lumber. The bottom layer contains ventilation grooves, the middle layer provides cavities for expansion of the material, the front layer is smooth and decorative.

The advantages of the material include the following:

  1. The deck board is easy to install;
  2. The coating is strong and durable;
  3. The decking surface retains heat well;
  4. The material is environmentally friendly and safe;
  5. If necessary, you can quickly make repairs by replacing the damaged element without disassembling the entire coating;
  6. The surface of the decking board can withstand high and low temperatures;
  7. The service life of the coating is 20-25 years;
  8. The board has the correct geometric parameters, which greatly facilitates installation;
  9. The material is not exposed to insects, microorganisms, fungus and mold;
  10. The coating is not afraid of water;
  11. This floor has mechanical strength, wear resistance, the material is able to withstand point loads.

This coating fits naturally into environment and combines with trees and green plants, many natural materials.


Linoleum belongs to the category of budget flooring materials of artificial origin:

  • The advantages of such a coating include moisture resistance, solidity, impact resistance, simple installation and maintenance, low cost and availability.
  • Linoleum can imitate a large number of materials, their textures and shades, but its unnaturalness cannot be hidden.
  • Use linoleum on the floor in enclosed spaces.

  • The disadvantages of linoleum include its vulnerability to point loads from heavy furniture, and the impossibility of repairing the coating if its integrity is damaged.

Rubber coating

Rubber cover on the veranda it can be laid in the form of tiles or roll coverings.

  • This one is unique flooring material has high impact strength, it is absolutely waterproof, is not afraid of temperature changes, does not slip, has high strength and wear resistance.
  • Placed on a flat surface.

  • It is recommended to give preference modular coating, which has a special collapsible locking system.
  • A damaged element can be easily replaced.
  • There are cheaper ones rubber tiles, which are mounted end-to-end with glue. When laying roll material, the joint between the sheets will need to be welded using a special soldering iron, construction hair dryer or polymer glue.

At first glance, the concrete floor on the veranda seems the most simple option, but it is heavy, and therefore requires the construction of a reliable, monolithic foundation or the installation of floors made of concrete slabs.

The advantage of this coating is that it is impact-resistant, waterproof, it is resistant to temperature changes and does not require careful maintenance. In order for the concrete surface to have a neat appearance, it must be sanded and polished.

Options for finishing a veranda in a private house are shown in the video.

When people talk about a veranda, they usually mean an extension that is adjacent to one side of the main structure of the house. The veranda is usually used only in the summer, that is, there are no heating devices.

The design of such premises can be different - open (when the veranda is under the roof), closed. There are both glazed and non-glazed verandas. Finishing work completely depends on this factor.

What is also important is that this extension and its exterior decoration should fit as naturally as possible into the general exterior country house.

The purpose of this room is not only decorative functions; there is also a practical side to the matter. A well-lit room, where there is no unnecessary furniture, but there is plenty houseplants- all this best contributes to a pleasant summer vacation. This is why many people wonder how to decorate a veranda.

Some facts about verandas:

  • The extension can be combined with the main entrance to the house. Sometimes the exit to the veranda is done in some room - in this situation the exit to the street is not done. These features are thought out at the stage of construction of the main house;
  • If initially there was no veranda in the design of your house, you can always add one - even later. But so that there is no need to punch doorway in some kind of load-bearing wall, this is done directly on the main facade - usually right in front of the entrance doors. There are usually no utilities installed on verandas, so you can carry out the construction on your own;
  • The basic rule is that the new extension must complement the structure of the house. The main task is to create a veranda good foundation; It is best to do this in the warm season, otherwise, when thawing occurs, the soil will sag - that is, the veranda will move away from the wall of the house in such a situation. Thoroughly think through all the nuances - what are you going to build the veranda from, how to decorate the veranda from the outside so that the appearance of the building is not spoiled;
  • As practice shows, a columnar foundation is usually installed for verandas. It is quite enough to withstand the weight of the sheathing and the frame itself. The foundation pillars are made of brick, they are installed in holes (a depth of 100 cm is sufficient for them). This applies to every corner post. If the length of the future veranda is more than 150 cm, posts for intermediate purposes must be installed.

Watch a video about how a columnar foundation is made, which is ideal for constructing a veranda. In fact, the work is quite simple, but many people make mistakes because they approach this issue without due attention.

Preparing holes for the foundation looks like this:

  1. When the hole is dug, a sand cushion is first made in it - up to 200 mm. Fine crushed stone is usually poured on top of this sand, and then a liquid solution is poured onto it;
  2. To prevent water from the solution from being absorbed by the sand in the future, roofing material is often laid on it before backfilling the crushed stone. A bend must be made along the walls of the pit - up to 100 mm;
  3. The concrete pad, which was obtained as a result of the work described above, will serve as a support for brick pillars. Before laying it out, it is customary to coat the concrete with bitumen (if you have it on hand). liquid glass– that’s what they use). However, other waterproofing compounds can also be used here. The height of the posts should be calculated so that the floor level is located somewhere 250 mm lower than in the main house;
  4. When the masonry is completed, the internal cavity of the columnar foundation should be filled with stones, gravel, here you will also find use for broken bricks - a variety of available materials can be used. The outer surface of the posts also needs to be waterproofed with some kind of compound;
  5. Our foundation columns for the veranda in the future will support the logs (wooden beams). Before laying these beams, they must be treated with some kind of antiseptic.

Treating wood with an antiseptic is necessary in order to provide protection in the future: not only from rotting and moisture saturation, but also from rodents and insects.

We looked at one of the most popular options for arranging a foundation for a veranda. The design may be completely different - depending on the dimensions of the future room, on its walls - if the design suggests this. It is best to have instructions for each specific case, or even better - a full-fledged project.

How to decorate the walls of the veranda

If the structure of the house to which you are going to attach a veranda is made of timber or logs, or it is a frame-panel structure, the most effective option is wooden walls for the extension. However, to make the frame, you can always use a metal profile, and then line it with clapboard.

The option with a metal profile is especially good if you plan to glaze the veranda in the future.


  • If glazing is planned, stained glass windows made of aluminum are suitable for arranging the walls - they are placed directly on the plinth. The use of such elements helps to solve two problems at once - both the construction of walls and their subsequent finishing. More precisely, finishing is not even required here - you just need to periodically wash the glass. You will only need to worry about the issue of decorating the intermediate posts and the profile itself. Stone or facing bricks are perfect for this;
  • Glass blocks are another way to finish a veranda at the stage of wall construction. This material is good because it is not only decorative, but also very constructive;
  • The modern building materials market offers its consumers an impressive assortment of a wide variety of blocks: if you want, you can find frosted glass; finding colored ones is no problem, just like corrugated ones. There are even varieties of blocks with special decorative applications - they are made in the internal cavity. It looks really beautiful - those who have seen it know;
  • Different variations of glass blocks can be combined with each other as you wish. If you have a desire, make some kind of panel. There is an opportunity - accompany all this with spectacular lighting. Of course, the cost of such a veranda will be much higher than that of a structure with plastic or plywood walls, but beauty requires costs, and the end result is worth all these investments;
  • If the wall is made of glass blocks, you don’t have to worry about light transmission. The room will always be light, even if you install small windows.

An interesting option is to arrange window openings directly on the roof of the veranda (the result will be something like roof windows). In any case, during construction you can skillfully combine both options - let one wall be made of glass blocks, and the rest made of stained glass.

The fourth wall of the veranda is the load-bearing wall of your house. Its decor will be completed when finishing is done inside the veranda.

Using wood to decorate a veranda

If you have an open veranda, then the concepts of interior and exterior decoration of the room are mixed. As a rule, such structures are usually made of wood: this applies to both decorative and structural elements.

And now in more detail:

  • In comparison with other materials that can be used for the construction and finishing of a veranda, wood is ideal - it will create a very favorable atmosphere for relaxing here. The air will always be saturated with a woody aroma;
  • The elements that support the veranda roof (posts) can be made of timber with a section of 150 by 150 mm or from rounded logs. In the simplest case, the floor on the veranda can be obtained using a simple edged board - for this the material does not even have to be painted;
  • The ceiling can be hemmed with ordinary clapboard, the parapet can be made from bars, which are usually used to create sheathing;
  • Many homeowners do not want to save money when it comes to finishing the veranda - they prefer to decorate this place with high quality, solid, after all, there will be a place to relax here in the future. For such situations, manufacturers find different solutions;
  • For example, this is a very popular option, which is now actively used for cladding verandas. This material is also known as terrace board. This also includes deck boards and garden parquet;
  • For the manufacture of deck boards, it is not solid wood that is used, but a composite. That is, in addition to wood, the material also contains polymer additives. Due to this, the characteristics of the products are improved - they acquire impressive strength, and they are no longer afraid of moisture. All this benefits not only open, but also closed verandas. Even an unheated structure can be lined with such material;
  • Planken made from larch (or ash) is also a high-quality, quite expensive wood with which you can produce exterior finishing verandas. Planken is a planed façade board made from solid wood. What is the difference between planken and a simple planed board? Here it’s all about the shape of the section - the planken has rounded chamfers, while being beveled. There are no connecting grooves here, like lining, - due to this, installation is not done end-to-end, but with gaps;
  • A veranda made of wood is good because it can be attached to a variety of structures - stone, brick, wood. The point is that the finishing of the facade is color plan fully consistent with the finish of the veranda. Wood is often not just painted, but the surface is decorated with carvings.
A very worthy solution is to decorate the design of the veranda with carvings. Twisted pillars and a beautiful carved parapet will look great here. The last element, for example, can be painted in contrast to other structures. Arched hanging elements will also look appropriate if a lace pattern is applied to them. There are many options - everything is limited only by your imagination.

How to decorate the inside of a glazed veranda

Decorating the interior of a glassed-in veranda is about the same task as decorating a loggia. But the veranda is usually more spacious room, therefore, there are more design opportunities here.

Let's look at it in more detail:

  • The veranda is a structure that is considered a summer one. But nothing will stop you from making heaters here and using the space throughout the year, not only in the summer. In this case, you can safely use a variety of finishing materials;
  • A great example of how you can organize the interior design of a veranda. Stained glass windows are installed, the roof of the structure is made of glass - due to this, the room will always be flooded with sun.

Many people refuse glass roofs only because they are afraid of direct sunlight, their negative influence. In fact, it is very easy to protect yourself from this - just use acrylic frosted glass.
  1. A worthy addition to the interior decoration of the veranda are curtains of some original color or unusual blinds. Of course, the design of the ceiling on the veranda depends entirely on how exactly the roof is made;
  2. In addition to wood, in finishing the veranda ceiling, you can safely use MDF, plastic, make plasterboard linings, and paint. Many people decide to cover their veranda with polystyrene tiles. Suspended ceilings and much more will look decent here.

Watch the video for more details on how to decorate a veranda. This material will be useful for both experienced decorators and novice builders, who just want to improve their veranda.

Wall decor on the veranda can be done different ways, but most often they opt for light colors. The floor in such a room can be made in any way - even using parquet or laying tiles. If you want, for example, you can cover the floor under the baseboard with carpet - right along the entire perimeter of the room.

Upholstered furniture on the veranda, if its finishing is done correctly, will also never be superfluous. After all, a comfortable rest is hardly possible if there is no comfortable chair or comfortable sofa at hand.

Not a single private house or cottage is complete without a veranda - a place where home comfort and the tranquility of wildlife meet. What finish to choose, how to arrange furniture and fit the structure into the surrounding space?

A veranda is probably the best place in a country house or country house where you can fully relax and feel at one with nature. It can be solid, insulated, functionally planned and thoroughly furnished. Or be light, furnished with country-style simplicity - so that with the onset of cold weather it could be freed from furniture. However, any veranda needs a certain interior decoration, which will create that unique atmosphere of closeness to nature.

The most important thing is that the veranda is in harmony with the architecture of the house, its interior decoration echoes the interior. It is also important that it fits well into the surrounding landscape.

Veranda style

It all depends on the style of decoration of the house itself. But at the same time, the decor of the veranda should convey its purpose - a place for relaxation and meals. Therefore, rustic styles are perfect, for example, country, Provence, Russian style, in which comfort is intertwined with the simplicity and charm of rural life. If you want something special, you can choose Japanese or eco-style. Or build a Roman-inspired patio with fountains, planters and terracotta floor tiles.


In the interior, only natural materials. The walls can be decorated with stone or brick, making a reference to the loft style. The tree will also look organic. For finishing floors, it is better to use wear-resistant, unpretentious material - for example, porcelain stoneware. Panoramic glazing traditional for most verandas: sunlight passes through it and the greenery of the garden is visible. If you equip your veranda with sliding glass doors, you can let the garden and its freshness inside at any time, or isolate yourself from the dampness when it rains.

It is also better to choose a natural palette for finishing the veranda. In this border area between the house and the garden, natural green, gray-brown, terracotta shades with bright accents will look very beautiful.


It is important to plan the space inside the veranda in accordance with your expectations and functions that the veranda will perform in the house. If you rarely use it for cooking, but more as a place where you can sit and drink tea in the shade, you will need a simple dining group (table and light chairs) and small grill to sometimes cook barbecue for the household.

If you are a connoisseur of country feasts with many friends, then it is better to make a competent layout on the veranda. Highlight dining area and a cooking area, organize an entire kitchen: build a stove, including an oven, a hob, a hearth with a spit, a grill and a tandoor, and also put a cutting table, hang cabinets for dishes. Then you won’t need a hotel kitchen inside the house.


The open veranda should be furnished with special garden furniture. It is made of resistant materials that are not afraid of moisture, cold, and do not deteriorate under direct sun rays. You definitely need a table and a few chairs for the household. Dishes and food can be safely stored at home, so cabinets will most likely not be needed. But flower pots or a flowerpot, a rocking chair or a hanging chair, a sofa swing will be very useful on the open veranda.

You will need much more furniture if you are working on finishing a glass veranda, which plays the role of a kitchen-dining room at home. Here, for the interior furnishings, you can already choose a solid expensive furniture: soft sofas and armchairs, round table so that it can accommodate more guests. An undoubted decoration will be wooden dish shelves - the perfect place for beautiful plates. Let's not forget grandma's old buffet.


The finishing of the veranda is completed by the choice of decor and accessories. Since this area combines the functions of a relaxation corner and a kitchen-dining room, the decor should be appropriate and cozy. A warm mood will be created by family photos on the walls, paintings of landscapes and still lifes, painted dishes and intricate candlesticks.

More examples of interior arrangements of verandas can be found in the photo with design projects from professionals.

Surrounding area

A private house or private estate forms a single whole with the territory adjacent to the house. The veranda should look organically in the surrounding landscape, and the garden approaching it should be a continuation of the chosen style. In short, if preference is given English style, then the garden should be English. And the eastern veranda will fit into a Japanese rock garden. By the way, the veranda can be combined with another functional area:

  • winter garden, greenhouse or even greenhouse
  • children's playground so kids don't get bored while adults feast
  • bathhouse or sauna to combine the pleasure of eating kebab with water procedures.