How to bleach timber logs with your own hands. Wood bleach - which one is better to choose for use at home How to bleach old boards

Long-term use of wood most often ends with the appearance of blue stains on it. Especially if the tree is not periodically coated with special protective compounds. In this case, in order to avoid rotting of the wood, it is necessary to urgently take measures to bleach it. We’ll look at how to bleach a wooden frame yourself further.

The presence of fungi or algae on the surface of the wood causes it to become covered with a grayish coating. These microorganisms develop very quickly, especially inside the bathhouse, since this is where the conditions suitable for their reproduction are located: high humidity and high temperature. Therefore, if there are even the slightest spots of blue on wooden log house in the bath, you need to take care of bleaching.

After installing the log house, first of all, you should take preventive measures aimed at preventing the formation of mold on the surface of the wood. The main condition for its development is high humidity. Therefore, before installation, wood is treated with special protective compounds that prevent moisture from entering it. In addition, the premises must have high-quality ventilation system, which allows you to get rid of excessive humidity at a time when the bathhouse is not used for its intended purpose.

The outer part of the wood, located on the street, is also covered with special compounds, which must be renewed periodically. After all, it is affected by precipitation, sudden changes temperature regime, moisture, wind, solar radiation.

Most often, the reason for the appearance of mold on wooden surfaces is the fact that after the first coating with protective compounds, they are removed over time, and subsequent coating is not carried out. In this case, mold appears on the surface of the wood, without removing it, the wood very quickly rots and becomes unusable.

Another condition for the development of fungus inside the house is the presence of sunlight. If in the future the walls of the bathhouse are covered with panels or lining, then internal bleaching is not necessary. When covering wood with clear varnish, it is imperative to bleach it.

We suggest considering the option of bleaching the bath using a product called BIOSHIELD. With its help, it is possible to get rid of wood-staining fungi, various molds, gray tree. After applying the composition, the wood acquires its original shade, without destroying its structure. This composition can be used to bleach almost any type of wood.

The duration of the drug is about ten years. The composition provides protection against the appearance of rot, fungus, insects, and algae. After applying the drug to the surface of the wood, its structure remains unchanged, while vapor permeability also remains at the same level.

There are drugs intended for internal and exterior finishing building. Most often, the composition has a concentrated form, which can be changed in relation to the degree of damage to the tree.

Use a roller to apply antiseptic to the surface. Pigment paint, a few hours after applying the composition, begins to discolor. After the surface dries, salt may be released in crystalline form; use plain water to remove it.

If work is carried out indoors, make sure that it is well ventilated. The temperature for applying the composition outside should be from 0 to 20 degrees. For one square meter From one hundred to two hundred grams of material is consumed. If the fungus has affected the tree by more than three millimeters, it is recommended to cover it in several layers.

A newer and stronger version of BioShield is a composition called BIOShield2. With its help, it is possible to bleach almost any wood of the most advanced form of damage.

When applying bleach to a surface, use a stiff brush or roller, apply some force when applying the composition to the surface, and rub it in well. Thus, it will be possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of fungus removal.

Prevention of appearance on wood: bleaching logs

In order for the log house to serve you as long as possible, you must adhere to certain recommendations not only for its operation, but also for transporting the logs. Before transporting logs to the construction site, it is necessary to cover them with weak protective compounds; such protection will last them a little more than a week.

To prevent or slow down the development of fungus on logs, care should be taken to properly store lumber. Improperly stacked logs are an excellent place for fungus to grow. Therefore, at the installation site of the log house there must be stacks for ventilation. They must be installed on dry ground, in the shady part of the site. In addition, the presence of a special canopy should protect the tree from exposure to moisture. At the same time, additional ventilation between the logs is mandatory.

Since the main sources of development of fungus and mold are light and moisture. By avoiding these two sources, it will be possible to keep the timber in maximum integrity and safety.

How to bleach the inside of a log house: means for bleaching a log house

Almost all wood bleaches are based on the use of bleach or hydrogen peroxide. The use of one or another composition must be justified by the nature of the damage to the wood. The opinion that bleach is a more dangerous substance to human health than hydrogen peroxide is erroneous. Both compositions are quite toxic. Therefore, the choice of a wood protectant should be based solely on the effectiveness of application.

These substances are highly effective oxidizing agents and are capable of penetrating deeply into wood. With the help of these substances it is possible to get rid of not only the fungus, but also its spores. However, it is not always possible to remove all fungal spores, so conditions for their development should also be prevented after treating the wood.

Among the main compounds used to bleach a log in a wooden frame, we highlight:

  • bleach NeoMid - has a fairly effective whitening effect, has become the most widely used and popular due to good quality whitening;
  • SENEZH bleach, neo - has a gentle effect on wood, effo - deeply bleaches the surface of wood;
  • FROST - also has several compositions that provide both deep and gentle whitening.

The use of one or another composition can be either successful or not very successful. Therefore, before choosing a wood bleaching agent, you should take into account all the individual characteristics of the wood to be used. The wood should not be coated with a film-forming compound before treatment, since in this case it will be difficult for the compound to penetrate into the wood.

In addition, the climate and timing of the work also determine the work efficiency. The effect of whitening at low temperature and high humidity lower than under optimal conditions of 18 degrees Celsius and 60% humidity.

It is preferable to sand the wood before applying the composition. In this case, you will be able to get rid of 10-20% of the blue stain. Before starting treatment, determine the condition of the logs; if there are deep lesions on a wet log, it is necessary to increase the concentration of the composition without adding a lot of water to it.

If the wood for processing is dry, and the lesions are not deep and local, then follow the precise proportions specified by the manufacturer. Using a higher concentrate will destroy the wood structure.

Do not pay attention to the low cost of the composition, buy protective equipment from trusted sellers with certificates confirming the quality of the product. Pay attention to the date of manufacture of the composition; the highest performance is for compositions that have not passed more than one or two months from the date of manufacture.

Therefore, when answering the question of how to bleach the blue of a log house, be guided first of all individual characteristics wood, the degree of its damage, humidity, etc.

How to bleach a log house: work procedure

After transporting the logs to the site, they are treated with protective compounds before being laid in the log house. If there are small localized lesions, it is enough to treat only these areas. After applying bleach, the surface of the logs is treated antiseptic composition, do not forget about processing the ends and bowls.

Please note that the antiseptic must be of high quality and preferably have deep penetration. Application of a film-forming composition after bleach will lead to damage to the wood after a year of its use. If the log has not previously been bleached, then coating with an antiseptic is not necessary.

Next, the log house is installed under the canopy until completely dry. After the logs have dried, you should inspect them for blueness. Improper storage of logs or too much rainfall can cause the formation of fungus. For dark spots, also use bleach. Next, the log house is polished, with the help of which it is possible to get rid of mechanical damage to the wood.

After the first sanding, if there are dark spots on the surface of the wood, they are bleached. After the bleach has dried, a final sanding of the wood should be done with a fine abrasive. Next, you should immediately coat the wood with an antiseptic composition, fire protection and finishing impregnation.

When answering the question of how to bleach the outside of a log house, first of all, it is clear that you need to choose products from one manufacturer. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve the maximum high efficiency bleaching. In addition, before you start using the composition, carefully study the instructions for its use, optimal conditions to apply the solution and strictly adhere to these recommendations.

Some bathhouse owners do not want to use wood preservatives because they are not environmentally friendly. However, most chlorine-containing compounds evaporate quickly enough, and the damage from fungus is much higher for untreated wood than for treated wood.

When carrying out internal bleaching of a log house, take care of the presence of drafts, which will help get rid of harmful components of the compositions. Perform work using a respirator. Since chlorine can burn the respiratory tract.

Before using the sauna for its intended purpose, it is recommended to heat the stove idle several times to more thoroughly clean the wood from chlorine fumes.

In order to avoid the appearance of fungus on wooden surfaces, follow these recommendations:

  • provide good waterproofing wooden surface, especially in areas of contact with the foundation and roof;
  • when arranging the roof, build long overhangs that will provide reliable protection upper crowns from moisture;
  • in rooms with high humidity a ventilation system must be organized, as well as means for removing moisture.

How to bleach a log house at home

Before, when it didn't exist special compounds for bleaching wood, for performing this process used available home remedies. The first of these is salt. With the help of salt, it was possible to slightly prevent the development of fungus on the surface of the tree. However, it was not possible to bleach wood using this method.

The second composition for bleaching wood is whiteness. Using this laundry detergent, it was possible to make an excellent bleach for wood. It is effective if the tree is affected from the outside. In order to bleach the inside of the tree, you need to loosen it a little, and then generously cover it with white, thoroughly rubbing it into the inside of the tree.

It is more effective to use special concentrated bleaches. In this case, you will be able to save time and get high-quality results. Besides, modern compositions are able not only to bleach wood, but also to preserve its natural structure and color.

Another fairly effective way to bleach wood is sanding it. By carrying out this process it is possible to get rid of large quantity blue located outside the tree. After sanding, if there are dark spots, they are coated with a brightener.

When using factory-made compounds, take care of your safety. Use a respirator and goggles to avoid chemical burns. Keep these compounds away from children and pets. Also, use gloves when applying the composition. The main rule of high-quality whitening is the right concentrate for the job. Dilute the composition exclusively according to the instructions. Excessive concentration of bleach will cause the death of the tree and loss of its aesthetic characteristics.

How to whiten a log house video from blackness:

It is with deep regret that I inform you that you have landed on a blue page. And this blue stain must be urgently removed from the timber of your log house - how bleach log timber! Unfortunately, our warm, beautiful, natural wood(more precisely wood) is susceptible to rotting and can deteriorate under the influence of fungi and mold. Blue stains on timber or logs, on boards or linings are the result of improper storage or conservation of wood products.

Diverting from the topic of direct bleaching of wood, let me remind you that this matter must be stopped at all stages of processing the wooden parts of a wooden house. Immediately after harvesting the trunks (transport preservation), during storage (temporary preservation) and after making crowns or installing walls (antiseptic treatment and final painting)

How to bleach wood, depends on what kind of damage the parts of the log house received. Typically, blue stains appear on fresh, damp wood even before the stage of final processing of parts. It is during storage with poor ventilation that the fungus begins to spread as quickly as possible. They can only help.

Causes of blue wood products:

Conclusion: in order not to bleach the wood of the wooden parts of a bathhouse or house in the future, it is necessary to use construction chemicals at each stage of construction.

Wood bleach

In the old days, so as not to bleach the wood, they sometimes added salt to it! This delayed the process of the appearance of fungal infection for some time.

One of the oldest methods of bleaching wood using household chemicals– use of laundry bleaching products. Alas, it makes no difference where this mold settles, so the methods of control are the same. “Whiteness” is a remedy for housewives. But it can save the initial stage of defeat upper layers boards or logs. If the blue begins to turn into black, then one pass of the brush is not enough.

To bleach wood more effectively, it is necessary to prepare it for this process, namely: make the smooth surface loose so that the agent for destroying mold and fungi gets as deep as possible. Therefore, many masters recommend using Sagus before bleaching. Chlorine wood bleach « Sagus", according to the manufacturer, can cope with any lightening and restore natural color. But where is the line that separates the natural color of wood from dead whiteness?! To be precise, chemical bleaches do not really remove color from wood. By reacting with the chemicals that make up the blue stain, the bleach forms another substance that is no longer blue or black. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that there are no parts of any kind on the surface. protective coatings in the form of paints, varnishes, emulsions, fats, etc. Translucent azures “transmit” blue well even through themselves. Therefore, it is impossible to simply cover a blackened log with paint: 1) it will still be visible through the varnish, 2) it is fraught with deep damage to the log house or timber.

Some “Kulibins” recommend this brutal method how to bleach log beams and get the original look of wood - treat the surface hypochloride. They argue this by saying that all other drugs of modern chemistry contain this substance. Personally I don't like it Such methods can lead to the fact that the wood can receive a chemical burn and lose its aesthetic properties. Stabilizers are added to concentrates created in factories to prevent destructive effects. chemical compositions. They limit the depth of their penetration and stop activity after a certain time of exposure.

I wouldn't discount this either complex method bleaching a log or beam as grinding, which removes the damaged layer deep enough. But this method is the most expensive and does not guarantee cleaning of fungus and mold in the corners where grinding wheel won't be able to get there. recommended for very deep wood damage, when chemically it is not possible to remove all areas of blackening and blueness

Factory-produced wood bleaches - they can and know how to bleach the timber of your log house.


Laundry detergent

A folk remedy when nothing is at hand

"Sagus" ( LLC "Sagus")

Wood bleach

No comments. Folk remedy

Test before use!

Wood regenerator.

it is necessary to dilute the drug with water in a ratio of 1:1

Bleach TM "Neomid"

After use, a residue remains in the form of salt crystals, which must be washed off with water.


A means of protecting wood from rotting and at the same time - Bleach

Senezh EFFO or

Senezh NEO

For quick deep or superficial lightening of wooden surfaces darkened by mushroom stains

Concentrate for the production of water-based whitening compositions

WoodMaster Frost

Whitening and protective composition. Whitening and protective composition for wood. Removes blue stains, rot, mold

All chemical substances, included in wood bleaches, as a rule, contain substances that are not safe for health and can be dangerous if used incorrectly. Be sure to take precautions to protect yourself from contact with such substances and avoid inhaling their fumes. Wear gloves and safety glasses. If necessary, use a gas mask (not a respirator)

Before bleaching, consult with specialists in How to bleach timber.

The best bleaches are those that do not destroy lignin, the basis of wood.

It is better to bleach the entire surface of the wall so that individual logs of the wall do not look like black sheep in the design.

Using too much chemicals can kill the wood's grain and shades, making them look like plastic sticks.

The air temperature during bleaching is not lower than 5 degrees Celsius, so that the reaction takes place intensively.

With the help of bleaching, you can not only soften the natural tone of the wood, but also remove unwanted stains. There are several ways to do this.

Tools and materials:

  • bleaching powder
  • crystal soda
  • sodium hydroxide
  • perhydrol (30 percent aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide)

Attention! This work should be performed with gloves.


We choose a bleaching method and prepare a special solution.

1. Mix 8 parts of bleach with 1 part of salt, and then add 35 parts of water to this. Mix. Let the solution brew. We process wood.
2. Make a sodium hydroxide solution by mixing 48 g of this chemical with 100 g of water. Apply sodium hydroxide solution to the surface of the wood. Dry it.
3. Treat the wood with perhydrol. Dry it. If whitening seems insufficient, repeat the procedure. To neutralize this area, wash it with a 4% acetic acid solution. Dry it.
4. Add hydrogen peroxide to a 15 percent aqueous solution ammonia- in such quantity that the composition has a strong smell of ammonia. We wet the wood with this solution and leave it for several days. In this case, the tree will become completely white.

How to bleach wood? Wood bleach (video):

In the warm season, from May to October, wood is easily affected by wood-staining fungi. They do not cause any particular damage to the tree, but the presentation is lost because the wood turns blue and black. In addition, blue color creates a breeding ground for wood-decaying fungi. The color of the wood on open space, also changes under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, first acquiring a yellowish tint, gradually turning into a dirty gray. The problem of mushroom stains can arise in sawmilling, during the storage of sawlogs and lumber, during the construction process, as well as in a constructed wooden house.

It is especially offensive to the owner of a newly built house - a black log house is not at all pleasing to the eye. You can combat this sad fact in several ways: paint, sheathe it with other material (for example, siding), sand or trim off unsightly stains and, finally, use chemical bleaching, which will be discussed. Bleaching can be used both during primary woodworking and in wooden house construction, carpentry and furniture production, as well as in pulp and paper industry. The natural color of the wood is restored, and the structure is completely preserved. However, it should be taken into account that lumber, which will subsequently be subjected to further processing, can only be bleached superficially; during planing and profiling, colors may again appear on its surface. Another thing - wooden house. It will look like new. In furniture production, bleaching is used to make the wood surface more light color, evening out the color of the core and sapwood and removing stains. Pulp bleaching - complex chemical process carried out using a variety of chemicals and technological equipment in conditions high temperatures and pressure.

What types of wood bleaches are there?

Conventionally, bleaching chemicals can be divided into two groups: those containing chlorine and those not containing it. The first include sodium and potassium hypochlorite, bleach, chlorine dioxide. The second includes various salts and alkalis in combination with hydrogen peroxide, oxalic acid, acetic acid, ammonia, ozone.

Active oxygen-based bleaches work great on aged wood, but are less effective against staining fungi. They do not have unpleasant odor(if they do not contain ammonia) do not require thorough rinsing with water after treatment, but their working solution is viable for a short period of time.

In addition to the main components, the bleach contains substances such as stabilizers that slow down the decomposition of bleaching components, fungicidal additives, agents that improve the penetration of the solution into wood, catalysts, thickeners and surfactants ( detergents). Fungicidal additives serve to protect against fungi and mold after bleaching; agents and catalysts do not themselves participate in bleaching, but help the bleaching agent penetrate the pigments. Thickeners allow you to apply a larger layer of bleaching composition to the surface of the affected wood, and surfactants help wash away contaminants.

How is wood bleached?

When wood is treated with bleaches, the pigment bonds of lignin become discolored due to the destruction of chromophore groups and discoloration of the cells of wood-staining fungi.

When is wood bleaching necessary?

In wooden house construction, the need for bleaching may arise as a result of improper storage of the material, in warm and humid weather, or in conditions of unventilated timber.

It is impossible to plan damage to wood; it can occur at any time during construction. It is advisable to carry out bleaching immediately after detecting that the wood has been painted in an uncharacteristic color.

The need to bleach lumber usually arises for two reasons: damage to the lumber stock and damage to the lumber.

In the first case, it is possible to determine the need for bleach, but in the case of lumber, it is impossible to plan for such a need; it arises as the problem is identified.

Both builders and lumber manufacturers are among the most common users of bleach. This is sometimes explained by purely economic considerations, because the cost of blue-affected lumber is $80 per 1 m, and the cost of high-quality lumber reaches 250 euros per 1 m. However, in the case of lumber processing, it must be remembered that after planing the fact of bleaching will be obvious, since the impact of chemicals is less deep to whiten the wood throughout its entire thickness, and is about 2 mm.

Another thing is bleach treatment. finished products, for example rounded logs or joinery. The need for bleaching arises if you need to cover them with transparent compounds, lighten the overall background or remove stains. The requirements for the surface of joinery products are high, therefore the bleaching composition should not destroy the structure of the wood or impair adhesion, and the action of the composition should be gentle in order to preserve the natural pattern.

What is required from wood bleaches?

Bleaching agents used in sawmilling, home construction and carpentry must have certain necessary properties. The composition should not destroy wood. Should be easy to prepare and apply.

Of course, the natural color of the wood must be preserved. Necessary properties also include maintaining the possibility of applying tinting coatings, adhesives and transport, as well as preservative antiseptics after bleaching. The bleach must be safe.

It should be taken into account that bleaching is not a protective measure and the affected wood, after restoration of its natural color, can be again affected by wood-staining fungi.