How to purify tap water at home. How to purify tap water without a filter. Soda at home? Easily

Water comes to our tap through the water supply system, passing a long way from underground water sources or reservoirs through a network of pipes, pumps, filters, iron removal and disinfection installations. On the inner walls of the pipes, throughout its entire length, various living organic matter can live and actively reproduce:

  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • fungal colonies;
  • small insects.

You can easily verify this by running your finger along the inner surface of the kitchen faucet - it is often slimy, such mucus consists of the bodies of microscopic organisms. Most of them are dead, but some, especially resistant to the disinfection process, survive and can cause serious problems with health.

The longer and more dilapidated the pipelines, the more microbiological contaminants are concentrated at the outlet to the consumer. The concentration of this type of contaminant in drinking water from the tap depends on seasonality, initial characteristics, and water temperature. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to use disinfection technologies.

Disinfection (or disinfection) drinking water- This is the neutralization of living organic matter that can harm the human body.

The essence of disinfection is the use of disinfectant reagents various quality and characteristics.

What harm does tap water cause to your health?

Traditionally, chlorine (or less toxic sodium hypochlorite) is used to disinfect drinking water. Such substances in pure form negatively affect all living things and destroy most microorganisms. However, as a result of this interaction, by-products are formed - different kinds organochlorine compounds. They have a detrimental effect on human health, due to the fact that they also have increased toxicity.

For example, chloroform and trihalomethane negatively affect the functions of the respiratory system, digestive tract, and genitourinary function. The larger the chlorocarbon particles, the more carcinogenic it is. Specially conducted scientific research has revealed the extreme danger of such mutagenic connections. Every person out of ten thousand who regularly consume chlorinated water develops cancer. Bladder and intestines.

Chlorine-related toxins may be “major environmental carcinogens that cause cancer.”

In addition, surface contact internal organs, mucous membranes, skin with chlorine often causes allergic reactions and painful irritations. Experiments on rodents conducted in the seventies by the National Cancer Institute in the USA showed that chloroform and chlorination by-products cause cancer and a radical decline in reproductive rates.

In general, we can say that humanity in the twentieth century was faced with a choice of two evils: either regular epidemics from living microbes, or the carcinogenic effect of chlorine compounds on people. Then the choice was made in favor of chlorination of drinking water, but inquisitive minds were constantly in search of alternative, harmless water treatment technologies.

Modern methods of drinking water purification

Progress does not stand still and today the problem of clean and healthy water is solved by using a natural disinfectant - ozone. Ozonation is increasingly used directly in apartments and private houses as a method of additional purification of tap water from organochlorines. Compact ozonation units saturate water with ozone, which binds hazardous components dissolved in it and converts them into a suspended insoluble form. After a few minutes, the active ozone on the filter media is converted into ordinary harmless oxygen.

At the final stage, the resulting harmful precipitate is captured by the surface of the activated carbon poured into the filter container. To further remove deposited substances, such a filter is periodically washed without replacing any Supplies. This method Purification of drinking water is called “ozone filtration”. It stands out for its simplicity, efficiency and cost-free operation.

Ozone is a natural substance, its oxidizing power is four times more powerful than chlorine and fifteen times more effective.

Unfortunately, conventional flow-type mechanical filters only remove suspended, visually visible particles. Whereas the hidden danger of poor-quality drinking water lurks in dissolved compounds invisible to the eye. Water can be crystal clear, but at the same time contain unacceptable levels of chlorine, organics, heavy metals, nitrogen, fluorine, petroleum products, etc.

Ozone installations for purifying tap water of the OZON-M brand with various capacities can be purchased by contacting the OZON-MONTAZH manufacturing company. In areas of multi-storey residential buildings, water treatment is carried out at centralized water intake units. Therefore, in most cases, for apartment-type installations with one spout tap, a preliminary water analysis is not required. Drink water purified by natural technology and be healthy!

Alternatives to ozone technology for:

- efficiency

- environmental friendliness

- no further costs


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Very often, the water coming from the water tap in the apartment does not meet the standards for drinking water. It may contain substances that are harmful and dangerous to human health - metal salts, ammonia, iron, acids, nitrates, etc. This is despite the fact that the water is thoroughly purified at city water treatment plants.

Even if effective purification technologies are used, the water entering apartments through worn out, rusting pipes is far from ideal and completely unsafe for consumption. In addition, chlorine is used to purify water from harmful bacteria, and using chlorinated water for drinking without preliminary purification is strictly prohibited. Therefore, it is so important to purify tap water, for which there are many methods - both the simplest and quite complex, which require modern filter systems.

Relevance of tap water purification

Tap water requires treatment even if the house is recently built and all communications are new. We are talking about mandatory cleaning of water pipes. water is coming if the house is already very old, wear and tear water pipes high. Water coming from the water supply is subject to various methods cleaning, if it has a cloudy color, bad smell, too hard, contains an excessive amount of chlorine compounds and an increased amount of dissolved iron.

Water in private households, depending on the source, can be saturated with heavy metal salts, organic and inorganic components, petroleum products, even viruses and bacteria. To choose The right way cleaning, it is better to conduct a preliminary water analysis, which will reveal quantitative and qualitative indicators all components.

What types of drinking water contaminants are common?

Depending on what substances are contained in excess quantities in water, appropriate purification methods and filtration options are selected. The following types of water pollution are considered the most common:

  • mechanical impurities – sand, sludge;
  • biological contaminants – bacteria, viruses, fungi, human waste;
  • organic pollution (pesticides, phenols) and inorganic substances(salts, acids, alkalis);
  • excessive content of various chemical substances – iron, chlorine, manganese, etc.;
  • excess content of bicarbonates and sulfates which causes an increase in water hardness;
  • mixed pollution , which may include mechanical impurities and an excess of chemical elements.

If water is sent to a laboratory for analysis, then most often mixed contaminants are detected, which can be dealt with using a set of measures for purifying tap water and various filters.

Tap water purification methods

Today we can conditionally divide all methods of purifying tap water into:

  • chemical – include the treatment of water with oxidizing agents, carrying out coagulation and flocculation processes, the essence of which is the aggregation of finely suspended turbidity particles that are easily removed from the water after enlargement by filters, the use of ion exchange substances to soften water;
  • biological – used for cleaning Wastewater using anaerobic or aerobic microorganisms;
  • physical – include settling, straining, disinfection with ultraviolet rays;
  • physico-chemical – these include pressure aeration, electroosmosis, electrocoagulation, electroflocculation.

Often, several methods are used to disinfect water, which makes it possible to achieve high efficiency purification process and obtain the purest water for drinking and food.

Simple ways to purify tap water at home

If it is not known what quality the water entering the apartment through the water tap is, it is better to use the most simple methods, which will make the water safe and completely suitable for drinking. These include:

  1. Advocacy. This method helps rid water of chlorine, ammonia, and heavy impurities with sediment. In order for the water to settle, you need to put it in a wide basin or barrel and keep it, without covering it with a lid, for 8 hours. Then upper layer(about half) can be used for cooking or drinking, and the remainder for technical needs. When a couple of settlings have been carried out, it is necessary to rinse the inside of the container using a solution of acetic or citric acid.
  2. Boiling. The simplest way, which allows you to remove pathogens and calcium salts from water. If the water is very hard, then after boiling, scale will form on the walls of the cookware. To kill pathogens of infectious diseases, you should boil water for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Silver cleaning. To rid the water of harmful substances, it is enough to leave it in a silver bowl for several days. If in household If there is no silver container, then you can pour water into an enamel bowl, at the bottom of which put a silver cutlery. The water also needs to be infused this way for at least two days, after which it can be used for drinking and cooking.
  4. Purifying water using a filter jug. This is one of the simplest and inexpensive ways water purification at home. Using such a filter, you can soften water and remove debris, chlorine and rust from it. It is important to change on time replaceable cartridge for filtration, so that all previously filtered harmful substances do not re-enter the purified water.

Types of simple filters for water purification

For tap water that has already been purified from mechanical impurities, bacteria, viruses, and organic compounds, a filter jug ​​is quite suitable for post-treatment. Filter dispensers that can handle large volumes of water have a similar principle of operation. In addition to cleaning, dispenser filters carry out bacterial purification and mineralization of water, thereby increasing its taste properties.

It is very convenient to use nozzles on water taps in apartments, which can be used in cases where water is required for drinking or cooking. In other cases, the nozzle can be removed, which can significantly extend the time of use of such flow filters.

Next to the sink, you can install and connect to the tap a diverter, which allows you to switch the water supply for cleaning. You can choose to use filtered water or untreated water.

Complex ways to purify water at home

More complex ways to purify tap water at home include:

  1. Distillation- an effective, but very complex way to purify liquid from harmful impurities, its essence is to boil tap water and use the resulting condensate from the steam for its intended purpose, for which it is necessary to use a special apparatus;
  2. Freezing– this method, like boiling, allows you to purify water from pathogenic bacteria; salts are almost completely removed from frozen water.

Distillation separates a liquid from its dissolved solids and liquids, which have different boiling points. This option allows you to get clean water, but it takes a lot of time and is not cheap.

To use freezing, you need to pour tap water into a plastic bottle, which you then place in freezer. It is important to monitor the condition of the water during the freezing process - when the liquid in the bottle has frozen halfway, you need to drain the rest, and defrost the ice and use it for drinking or cooking.

The most effective ways to purify tap water

Among the most effective ways purification of water from the water supply can be distinguished:

  1. Mechanical filtration. The simplest method, the essence of which is to capture particles of undissolved substances, which is possible due to the difference between the particles themselves and the channels of the filter through which the liquid flows. Simply put, this cleaning method is similar to passing water through a sieve. For example, filters that have activated carbon with a diameter of 0.1-1 mm as a retention element can trap similar particles. This cleaning method is widely used in water treatment plants. In urban environments, mechanical filtration is carried out using pre-filters.
  2. Electrochemical cleaning. Its essence is in redox reactions that occur in water when exposed to a strong electric current and lead to the appearance of “living” and “dead” water. The method ensures water purification from all microorganisms, but at the same time some organic substances are destroyed in it.
  3. Ion exchange. It is a specific method of sorption of charged ions. As a result, the absorbed ion enters the solution of another ion, which is part of the sorbent substance. The ion that needs to be removed from the water is attracted to the sorbent and fixed on it. Thus, some ions (unnecessary) are replaced by others (harmless). Often, ion exchange makes it possible to remove nitrates and heavy metal cations, which pose a great danger to human health. Ions also soften water, reducing the amount of calcium and magnesium ions in it.
  4. Reverse osmosis. This cleaning method involves using a reverse osmosis membrane. The liquid is passed through an ultra-thin membrane with pores, which is a kind of sieve. As a result, water passes through, and impurities dissolved in it are retained. It turns out water highest degree purification, which is close to distilled. But this is also one of the disadvantages of such purification - the water becomes deprived of microelements necessary for the body, which must be added after the purification process. Also, the cost of installing a reverse osmosis system is very expensive, and the productivity is too low, which requires the installation of a storage tank.
  5. Sorption purification. During this filtration process, impurities from the liquid are absorbed solids, which are called sorbents. The essence of this method is to pass liquid through a vessel that is filled with a sorbent and acts as a sorption filter. With the right sorbent and filtration mode, the desired result is quickly achieved - the water is purified from harmful impurities. Most often, sorption filters contain activated carbon, which acts as a universal sorbent capable of removing impurities of various chemical natures.

Choosing a water purification option depending on contaminants

IN different systems For filtration of tap water, several purification methods can be used at once, designed to affect various types of contaminants:

  • mechanical impurities are removed by settling water, by the method of particle sedimentation when using chemicals, the use of filter materials;
  • excessive iron content is reduced by aeration, treatment with active oxidizing agents (ozone, fluorine), and special filtration, due to which sediment and divalent iron disappear;
  • pathogenic bacteria are removed by chlorine and ultraviolet irradiation;
  • ozone has a detrimental effect on viruses and spores, but you need to wait until it disintegrates before drinking water, as it is a poison;
  • increased hardness is eliminated by boiling, exposure electric shock and using a reverse osmosis system.

Purification of tap water is necessary not only to reduce the amount of harmful substances, but also to reduce its hardness, mineralization and, if necessary, saturate it with silver ions. And here both the simplest filters and entire water purification stations can be used, varying in power and performance.


You cannot argue with the statement that water is the basis of life and the guarantee of our health. Therefore, water purification is the most important household process that needs to be given due attention.

We bring to your attention an overview of the most popular water purification filters, which you can make yourself at home without significant material costs.

1. Water purification by boiling

However, a similar effect can be obtained by observing two conditions:

  • Boil water for at least 15 minutes.
  • The container in which water is boiled must not be covered with a lid.

Despite its simplicity and popularity,this method has significant disadvantages:

  • Fresh water contains oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium ions. Boiling displaces oxygen from water. Ions react with each other under the influence of high temperatures, as a result of which calcium salts and other elements are formed, deposited in the form of scale on the walls of dishes for boiling water. As a result, we get not just “dead” water, but also harmful to health: for example, calcium salts over time can become one of the triggers for the formation of kidney stones, the development of arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Boiling cannot remove salts of iron, lead, mercury and other heavy metals that are hazardous to health from water.
  • Finally, chlorine and its compounds, reacting with organic compounds, form trihalomethanes and dioxin - carcinogenic substances that, accumulating in the body, can lead to the development serious illnesses, including oncology.

2. Water settling

This method of water purification involves settling of tap water for 8 – 12 hours(this is exactly the time needed for chlorine and other volatile impurities to evaporate).

To speed up the process of evaporation of harmful substances It is recommended to stir the water periodically.

But keep in mind that settled water retains heavy metal salts that settle at the bottom, so it is not recommended to stir the water an hour to an hour and a half before the end of purification.

In order to obtain water purified from heavy metals at the outlet, it is recommended to carefully pour 2/3 of the liquid into another container: this must be done so that the sediment remains at the bottom.

3. Freezing water

Freezing is simple and effective method, which allows not only to purify water from salts and other harmful compounds, but also to improve its quality by saturating it with oxygen.

The benefits of melt water are undeniable:

  • Removing cholesterol and salts from the body.
  • Strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's resistance to various diseases.
  • Reducing the risk of developing allergies.
  • Rejuvenation of the body.

How to get melt water? Very simple:

  • Do not fill a plastic container (not a plastic bottle) or a special plastic freezer bag with water to the brim, remembering that water expands when freezing. For the same reason, you should not use glass containers, which can burst under the pressure of frozen water.
  • Place a container of water in the freezer until 2/3 of it is frozen.
  • Drain any water that has not frozen from the container, as it contains salts that inhibit the freezing process.
  • Thaw the remaining ice - this is healthy melt water.

4. Water purification with activated carbon

Activated carbon is budget-friendly, but at the same time effective remedy for water purification, absorbing various harmful impurities and unpleasant odors.

By the way, household filters for water purification are equipped with carbon filters.

We suggest making such a reliable filter yourself.For this you will need:

  • Activated carbon (50 tablets).
  • Gauze (or wide bandage).
  • Cotton wool.
  • Liter glass jar.
  • One and a half liter plastic water bottle.

Let's start making a three-layer filter:

  1. Cutting off the bottom plastic bottle and insert it neck down into the jar.
  2. We cut off a piece of gauze (20*20 cm) in which we wrap cotton wool - this is the first layer of the filter.
  3. The second layer consists of crushed activated carbon tablets, which we wrap in cotton wool.
  4. The third layer is identical to the first.

Our filter is ready! It is important that the filter layers fit tightly to each other, then the water will be purified not only from harmful impurities and odors, but also from mechanical particles and rust.

If you have neither the time nor the desire to make a carbon filter, we suggestlightweight water purification option:

  • Activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per liter of water is placed in a gauze bag.
  • The tied bag is placed in a container of water for 6 – 8 hours.
  • Enjoy purified water!

5. Water purification with silver

This method of purifying water from microbes, viruses, bleach and other harmful substances was practiced by many generations of our ancestors.

Purifying water with silver is as easy as shelling pears – just enough place any silver item in a container of water for 8 – 10 hours.

Silver not only disinfects water. This metal has a beneficial effect on the immune system, improves the condition of the skin and hair, accelerates metabolic processes, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! Do not use colloidal (or liquid) silver to purify water! It accumulates in the body, provokes poisoning and can lead to the development of a serious disease called argyrosis, which is characterized by darkening of the skin, which acquires a darkish gray tint.

6. Water purification with silicon

The procedure for purifying water with silicon is simple, but at the same time effective.

To carry it out, you will need a stone weighing 5–10 g, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Procedure for purifying water with silicon:

  1. Rinse the silicon under warm running water.
  2. Place the stone in a glass container with cold running water (use 5 g of silicon to purify 1 liter of water).
  3. Cover the container with gauze folded in two layers.
  4. Leave the water to steep for 3 days: it is important that direct objects do not fall on the container with water. Sun rays, but also in dark place It is not recommended to infuse liquid.
  5. After three days, carefully pour the water into another container, leaving a third of the settled water at the bottom, since this sediment contains salts and heavy metal impurities.
  6. The stone itself must be thoroughly washed and brushed regularly after each use.

Water purified with silicon has a beneficial effect on the immune and circulatory systems, and also has a rejuvenating effect.

7. Water purification with shungite

Another stone used for water purification is shungite, which, like silicon, can be purchased at a pharmacy.

This mineral attracts and absorbs chlorine, phenol and acetone compounds, removes harmful bacteria and microorganisms from water, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body.

To purify a liter of water you will need 100 g of shungite.

Procedure for purifying water with shungite:

  1. Rinse the stone thoroughly.
  2. Place the shungite in a container with water room temperature and leave to infuse for 3 days: there is no need to close the container (you can cover it with gauze).
  3. At first the water will take on a black tint, but will gradually become transparent, and black mineral dust will settle to the bottom.
  4. After just an hour of infusion, the water will be cleared of bacteria and nitrates, and after three days it will acquire healing properties, at least that’s what traditional healers say.
  5. Drain the infused water, leaving about 3 cm of water at the bottom.

After each use, the stone should be washed thoroughly, cleaned with a brush once a month, and replaced with a new one every six months.

Unlike silicon water, water purified using shungite hascontraindications:

  • Tendency to thrombosis.
  • Oncological diseases and the tendency to develop them.
  • Increased acidity.
  • Diseases in the acute stage.

Therefore, before using this stone as a cleaning filter, it is better to consult with your doctor.

8. Folk remedies for water purification

Traditional medicine offers a lot of water purification methods, but we will look at the most popular and effective ones.

And let's begin with apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of which is diluted in a liter of water, after which the liquid is allowed to brew for 2 - 3 hours so that the microbes die.

Instead of vinegar you can use 5% iodine, which is added to water at the rate of 3 drops of iodine per liter of water. Let the water sit for 2 hours, after which you can consume it.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that water purified using vinegar or iodine (and some recommend using these components simultaneously for purification) has a rather unpleasant odor and unusual taste.

In addition, it should be remembered that excess iodine in the body can lead to malfunctions:

  • Muscle weakness.
  • Persistent low-grade fever in the absence of signs of any disease.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Mood swings.

Therefore, you should be careful when purifying drinking water with iodine.

Purified water has a pleasant smell and taste. bunches of rowan. By the way, some experts put the use of rowan on par with water purification with silver or activated carbon in terms of effectiveness.

To purify water, simply place a thoroughly washed bunch of ripe rowan berries in a container of water. Natural antibiotics, which this plant is rich in, will destroy bacteria in 3 hours no worse than chlorine.

Instead of rowan bunches, you can use onion peels, bird cherry leaves and juniper branches to purify water, but then, in order to purify, the water must be infused for at least 12 hours.

Important! To enhance the cleansing effect, it is recommended to filter the water after infusion.

Despite its simplicity, traditional methods They are not able to completely purify water from chlorine compounds and microbes, so you shouldn’t place much hope on them.

In any case, from the proposed list, you can choose the most suitable purification option for yourself, thanks to which the water will become not only healthy, but also tastier!

20 01.16

The basis of the basics is water. You can eat healthy as much as you like, but if you absorb contaminated water day after day, sooner or later your body will begin to malfunction. Water quality is directly related to quality of life.

If you care about the health of your loved ones and are aware of the need for clean water for the body, then you need to know simple methods and techniques for purifying it. How to clean tap water at home without buying expensive equipment? Let's try to figure it out.

Several reasons to choose cleaning

Tap water, especially in megacities, has an excessive amount of impurities. It's hard to get rid of chlorine chemical compounds, which have a dangerous effect on the body. This is often due to several reasons.

  1. The equipment is outdated and needs updating.
  2. There are components that pollute water resources.
  3. Advanced cleaning technologies are not used.
  4. Instead of environmentally safe methods chemicals are used.
  5. Old system water supply does not allow creating conditions for preserving clean water.

Words cannot correct the catastrophic situation with the city's water supply and sewerage system. But you can improve the water itself with simple, inexpensive and reliable means that can be easily used at home. It will be suitable for drinking, cooking and hygienic purposes.

When we lived in Pyt-Yakh, the water sometimes flowed like this, and our hair turned red. It's good that we quickly got away from there. However, clear water does not mean high quality.

Once you learn how to make clean water yourself, you can:

  • do not worry about its quality, it will always be excellent;
  • choose methods, change techniques and methods, comparing what works better;
  • save significantly on purchases of filters, jugs, cleaning systems by using traditional methods for better results;
  • learn new things about the quality and composition of water in the region of residence;
  • based on the data, select best views,methods.

Effective approaches

  • The simplest and most common method, but not the most effective, is boiling. Did you know that chlorine won't go away? And the water doesn't taste very good.

By the way, if you boil for 15-20 minutes, but not in a kettle, but with open lid in an enamel pan, the water will become ionized. It should be poured into a thermos and drunk a little throughout the day. Moritz wrote that such water is capable of removing toxins.

I haven’t done this myself, but if you have tried it or have your own opinion on this matter, write in the comments.

  • You can clean it from harmful microorganisms by mixing it with table salt. This method is more suitable for cooking or for hiking conditions. At the same time, you need to remember that you should not consume a lot of salt, although salt is an excellent antiseptic.

  • Much better use a small piece of silicon, the effectiveness of which has been proven by special analysis. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or online. The technology is simple.

  1. A mineral weighing up to 10 grams is placed at the bottom of a 2-liter jar.
  2. Fill with water.
  3. Leave in the light, but not in direct sunlight, for a day.
  4. After this, the silicon-purified water is drained and drunk.
  • Since ancient times, water has been purified with silver. To do this, you can put any silver item at the bottom of the jar. Bactericidal and healing properties are guaranteed. Just 8 hours is enough.

I used this method before. I had a silver spoon and I put it at the bottom of the jar. The water became so tasty. As I write, I understand that this process needs to be resumed. I think I could put some decoration on the bottom. By the way, I really love silver, much more than gold.

  • Freezing and thawing gives a good cleansing effect. Water is poured into convenient containers and placed in the freezer; in winter you can use it on the balcony. The first frozen crust, which forms after an hour or two, is thrown away.

The water is overflowed and re-frozen. When it is about two-thirds frozen, remove it from the freezer again. This time the liquid is drained, but the ice remains.

This ice is pure, beautiful “zeroed” water. After such a procedure, it is believed that it turns into “living” and has healing powers.

It’s better to make melt water for the first time on a day off in order to understand the process and time the different stages so that it will be easier later. And, of course, it’s good to freeze a lot of water at once.

  • The method of cleaning with the mineral shungite is becoming increasingly popular. It is controversial about its effectiveness, as there are contraindications for individuals prone to the growth of cancer cells (although this issue is controversial). Shungite is even recommended by Zealand himself.

The method is similar to the silicon approach. You don’t have to change the stones often, just clean them once every six months. sandpaper from lime, impurities.

  • An interesting method using activated carbon.

  1. Take a funnel.
  2. Place a cotton swab or disk on the bottom.
  3. Grind the activated carbon blister.
  4. Wrap it in thick cloth and place it on cotton wool.

The home filter is ready. It is simple and reliable in operation. Detains heavy metals and does not change the taste of water.

Questionable procedures

  • Among folk remedies willow bark, elderberries, bird cherry leaves, iodine, wine, vinegar are used. A specific smell, highly controversial effectiveness and other limitations...
  • The method of cleaning with magnets is questionable. It is recommended to wrap the pipes with magnetic tapes, creating a field. It is unlikely to be of any use. What do you think?
  • By settling, you can achieve some results, for example, some impurities will disappear, but the metal will remain at the bottom of the dish. Do this in 3-liter jars for at least 2 days. With this method, some of the water is lost, which is not economical. You cannot drink water that has sediment.

Whatever method is chosen, you need to know how effective the cleaning was. You can take the water for analysis to the SanEpidemStation, both before and after purification, for comparison.

Keep in mind that water resources are different everywhere. Try several options and find the best one for you and your family.

How to make a filter yourself (video)

I already described the process above, but I found a video to make it clearer:

In this regard, I ask:

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Thank you for your attention. Drink clean water! Be healthy.

Until we meet again, your Evgenia Shestel

It just so happens that tap water is often the only source of water for a modern city dweller. At the same time, such water in our country almost never meets the quality criteria, either for drinking or for cooking.

Not everyone can afford special filters, devices, and their components. What can be done in this case, how to purify water at home yourself?

Homemade water purification methods

These methods are simple and do not require any costs, or these costs are insignificant. The most famous of them are boiling, freezing, settling, as well as cleansing with activated carbon, silver, and shungite.


The main advantage of boiling is the guaranteed total destruction of bacteria. When boiled, these disintegrate chemical elements, like chlorine, ammonia, radon and some other heavy compounds.

Boiled water is safe for consumption. A certain cleaning method by boiling exists, but has its disadvantages:

Firstly, this is a change in the structure of water. Boiling “deadens” water, since in this process, along with the destruction of harmful substances, oxygen is removed.

Secondly, in the process of evaporating some of the water, the concentration of salts in the remaining liquid increases. Salts in the form of scale and limescale deposited on the walls of the dish. Particles of this sediment fall into our stomach every day.

It is not difficult to imagine the consequences of such processes: these include kidney stones, arthrosis, and liver dysfunction.

Important! Several years ago, scientists proved that during the boiling process one unsafe substance is formed - chloroform. It is a derivative of ordinary chlorine and, when ingested for a long time, promotes the formation of cancer cells. Conclusion - the boiling method should not be the main and only method of water purification.


The essence of the method is to filter the liquid by crystallizing it. Freezing gives best result cleaning. But in order to get truly purified water, it is not enough to simply freeze and defrost it. To achieve high-quality cleaning, you need to ensure that the freezing process occurs smoothly.

After freezing, you need to remove the frozen water located in the middle of the container; it is this that should not be consumed. When a liquid freezes, the main component crystallizes in the coldest place. That is, only clean water freezes first, and if it is separated from impurities and heavy metals, the purification is a success.

You can remove frozen liquid from the middle like this:

  • remove and place the central part under warm water, leaving it there until a thawed area forms in the center. After all, it is there that all the heavy metals and pollution that are undesirable for us will accumulate.
  • The ice that remains is the most valuable. This will be the most purified water.


This method is based on the fact that heavy metals will settle and the upper layers of water will become cleaner.

Most often, settling is used to remove chlorine from tap water.

The method is suitable if nothing else can be done. The water should stand for at least 2-3 hours and not be stirred.

After settling, the percentage of chlorine in the upper third of the tank will decrease significantly.

But settling does not in any way solve the problem of cleaning from dirt, bacteria, and pathogens. Therefore, after settling, the water still cannot be consumed without boiling.

Water purification with activated carbon

Activated carbon is part of many coagulants (lat. coagulatio coagulation), so we can assume that this method really works. Activated carbon is able to cope with unpleasant and specific odors, if any, and also, like a sorbent, it will “pull out” all harmful impurities from the liquid.

The cleaning process is as follows:

  • Five tablets of activated carbon are tightly wrapped in gauze and placed at the bottom of a container of water.
  • Cleaning time is five to six hours. Next, activated carbon begins to act.
  • After this, the water can be safely consumed. The method is simply irreplaceable in extreme conditions: on a hike, during military operations, and even on a desert island.


No less interesting is the method of purifying water with silver, which came to the world from Ancient India. The ancient inhabitants noticed the amazing properties of silver and copper dishes; the effect of water was especially strong if the contents of the vessel were exposed to the sun. Water that has received a charge of silver ions is not only completely disinfected, but also improves metabolic processes and has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

“Silver water” has long won many adherents of this method around the world. Hundreds of scientific treatises have been written on the topic of water positively charged with silver ions. The whole “salt” is this: water enters chemical reaction with silver molecules, enriching it with positively charged ions.

Important! A concentration of 20-40 mcg makes silver water healthy and safe to drink.

For external use - masks, lotions, cleaning dishes - doctors recommend a concentrate - 10,000 mcg, which in its effect can be compared to a powerful antiseptic.

Carefully! It is absolutely forbidden to drink such a solution - this will lead to poisoning. Like everything useful, silver water has a downside, so the main thing is not to overdo it.

To purify water using homemade silver, simply immerse a silver spoon, bracelet or other silver jewelry in a decanter.

Water interacts with silver for 2-3 days and only after that it becomes ionized. With such an ionization period, there is no risk of obtaining a concentrate - this would require much more time.

Water purification with shungite

Another method that has gained wide popularity recently is water purification with shungite.

Shungite is a natural mineral. The uniqueness of the stone is explained by the rare form of carbon molecules called fullerenes. Shungite is used to condition water. When interacting with a liquid, the globular carbon of shungite shares its miraculous qualities with it. Possessing bipolar properties, it is able to mix with components of living and inanimate nature.

Shungite water is prepared as follows:

  • Rinse the shungite thoroughly.
  • Pour at the rate of 150 g per 2-3 liters of water.
  • Infusion for 3 days.
  • Can be used for bathing, drinking, cooking.

“Water” and “life” are related and complementary concepts. No water - no life.

The human body consists of two-thirds water and everyone, on average, drinks neither more nor less throughout life - about 75 tons of water. That is why it is very important to monitor the purity of this vital product.

How to purify water at home is up to you. The main thing is to make the right choice and enjoy the taste - after all, there is nothing more amazing than real clean water.