How to beat the inner corners of a log house. Finishing a wooden house: technology for independent implementation. Installation of block house and wooden lining

Finishing siding on a log house: features, recommendations and our experience

If you are a happy (hopefully) owner log house, then you know that these houses are special, and when protecting such a house from the weather with “vinyl armor,” this must be taken into account.

In this article we will look at what are the main differences between siding a house made of round timber, and what you should pay attention to.

Why decorate a log house with siding?

A wooden house, in addition to its undeniable advantages, has a number of disadvantages.

It's cold in the house

Log house, like timber house, consists of “crowns” - horizontally stacked tree trunks (logs or beams).

Because of this, the thickness of the wall is uneven: in the middle of the crown it is maximum, in the place where the crowns are connected to each other (between the logs) it is minimal.

Heat is like water: it flows where there is the least resistance. Therefore, the thermal conductivity of the wall is determined by the thermal conductivity of the “coldest” section.

In a house made of logs, there are exactly the same number of such areas as the number of crowns that make up the wall. The thicker the log, the fewer crowns. The thinner the more.

If we take the most common thickness of a log house log (25 cm), it turns out that a wall 2.5 m high will consist of 14 crowns (including a bowl in each crown).

Even if your log house was made by masters of their craft, it is still impossible to achieve perfect contact between the crowns. To reduce heat loss in the cracks between the logs, the house is insulated interventional insulation and caulk the cracks that formed during the shrinkage of the house.

But, whatever one may say, it is impossible to completely solve the problem of cracks. That's why log house, like timber, lose heat much more than, for example, frame.

If a house loses heat, then it must be insulated, otherwise it will only be warm inside in the summer. And the simplest and effective method insulate log wall- This is to mount the insulation on the outside and cover it with siding.

The house has "lost its appearance"

Log is a very beautiful material. Of course, there will be people who disagree with this, but there are fewer of them than who agree.

A new and fresh log house looks great: golden-yellow trunks, natural wood pattern pleasing to the eye.

But if the house has stood for 20-30 years, then its appearance is no longer so pleasing: somewhere it has turned black, somewhere it has turned green, somewhere dust has eaten into the wood.

When a tree is alive, it is covered with bark, and its vital forces help fight external influences. But when it is cut down and “stripped”, it becomes defenseless to the changing seasons, rain, sun and dust.

That's why old log house it no longer looks so festive and pleasant, and is not pleasing to the eye. I want to cover it with something.

And again it comes to your aid vinyl siding, which quickly and easily solves this problem.

Exterior cladding increases the lifespan of a home

A tree deprived of natural protection quickly becomes unusable. And if you want your log house to last you longer, you will have to help it.

In order to increase the service life of a log house, you need to take care of it: treat special compounds outside, caulk the cracks, immediately remove fungus and mold.

It's not the most enjoyable job, and it takes time and effort.

Another option is to encase your home in “vinyl armor,” which will protect it from the elements and UV rays.

The main advantage of such protection is that you don’t have to take care of it: just trim it and forget it.

In addition, if the cladding is professionally installed, it will provide everything the necessary conditions: protection from external influences and proper ventilation outer surface.

This will make your home last longer.

Why do some people think that a log house cannot be sheathed with siding?

Among amateurs wooden houses, as well as log house builders, there is a widespread opinion that it is impossible to cover a log house with siding.

They usually say that “the log under the siding does not breathe, so it rots.”

And this is true if the people who install the siding do not understand the technology.

Properly installed siding provides all the necessary ventilation for any house: log, timber, aerated concrete or frame.

In order for the house to “breathe”, it is necessary to follow the technology: order and correct fastening of membranes and insulation, as well as a ventilated gap under the siding.

From our experience working with vinyl panels since 2009, we can responsibly declare: a log house properly covered with siding does not rot and lasts longer.

What is the main difference between the walls of a log house when finishing with siding?

The surface of the log house is uneven. Of course, if your house is not built from a gun carriage, hewn on both sides. But then it will be more suitable for you, because the walls made of carriages behave like a timber house when installing siding.

The surface of "round timber" is entirely made up of waves, and this distinguishes it from other materials. It is more difficult to attach insulation and membranes to it than to a flat surface.

There are no more differences. Everything is the same: films, frame, panels and accessories.

Features of installing siding on log walls

Due to the unevenness of the wall, there are a number of features for installing the frame and insulation if the walls of your house are insulated.

Let's look at the most basic features so you know what to look for when you order siding for your home.

Installation of the frame on a log wall

Due to the wavy surface of the wall, installing the frame on which the vinyl panels will be attached becomes more difficult.

The logs in the crowns of your log house can be different thicknesses or have convexities and concavities in the most unexpected places. This leads to the fact that the frame has to be aligned with the most “protruding” crown.

As a result, it may happen that one log in the middle of the wall will become a supporting one and will determine the passage of all the sheathing posts.

If the house is insulated, this is not so noticeable, because the insulation will partially hide the unevenness of the facade.

The next factor that complicates the alignment of walls is the presence of outcroppings of logs (they are also remnants, they are also corners).

If in the case of, for example, a frame house, we first set the corners, and then align all the other frame posts with the corners, then here we simply do not have external corners due to the protruding ends of the logs.

The only way to level a wall in a vertical plane is to align the outer boards on the wall, secure them and push off from them as a base.

Bypassing siding of log outcrops (corners, remnants)

Another difficulty with the cladding of a log house lies in these very remnants of logs: in order to make a warm corner with a strong lock, the logs are adjusted to each other in a special way.

There are about 30 forms and names of these castles, and we are not so well versed in log construction to consider them all. And there are construction methods in which there are no corners:

But most castles have one obvious property in common: when the logs are placed one on top of the other, cross-shaped joints are formed at the corners of the house, which cannot be sawed off to level the facade.

Such angles complicate siding and lead to higher prices for materials and work.

To get around the corners of a log house when installing siding, we use three methods.

Method number 1. Box on the corners

With this method, we make a box in which the takeout is completely hidden.

In this case we use:

  • external on the side of the wall;
  • external on the corner of the box.

It turns out that for such a walk we will need three external and two internal corners on each corner of the house.

Many customers do not like this method, because the house becomes bulky in appearance.

Method number 2. Walking along the surface of the log

In this case, we go around all the outlets, as if covering them with siding from the outside.

For one corner we need:

  • internal angle between the wall and the extension;
  • external from the wall side;
  • external from the corner side;
  • internal between perpendicular extensions;
  • external on the second extension from the corner side;
  • external from the side of the second wall;
  • internal between the second extension and the second wall.

This bypass method is the most material-intensive, but it has its advantages.

For example, a house sheathed in this way retains an appearance close to the original: the cross-shaped corners are preserved.

In addition, this covering allows you to make the stems less bulky and conspicuous.

Method No. 3. Preserving raw corners

In some cases, customers ask to preserve the stem without covering it with siding.

We approach the corner along the wall and finish the siding with J-profile. The stems are left as they were, and the customer usually paints them in a color that matches the color of the panels or roofing.

The disadvantage of this approach is that the corners of the log house continue to be exposed to environment, and they are not protected by vinyl.

Another disadvantage is that the corner remains cold, and if the walls are insulated, then heat will flow away there.

But from the point of view of material consumption, this method is the most economical.

Method number 4. Sheathing "flat"

If the ends of the logs do not stick out very much, then sometimes they can be hidden with a frame so that from the outside it will not be clear whether there were corners or not.

In this case, after the cladding, the house looks as usual: no boxes or leftovers.

Insulation of a log house under siding

If a log house is insulated during finishing, then the “pie” of this insulation is no different from the standard “pie” that we use on other houses.

First, the log house is covered with a vapor barrier, and it is mounted closely, enveloping each crown.

Then hangers are mounted on the vapor barrier, on which the frame will be attached.

After this, insulation is placed on the hangers, which is then pressed against the first layer of the frame.

In some cases, the customer believes that without a vapor barrier the house will “breathe” better. People who read construction forums, where users of varying degrees of sophistication share tips, especially often think this way.

We have nothing against sharing construction experience, but we ask you to take into account that anyone can write an intelligent and confident post on the forum: a professional with 20 years of experience, or just a person who does not understand anything about construction , but likes to give advice.

And you won't be able to distinguish one from the other. So be careful and listen to those who are responsible for their recommendations with money.

In addition to insulating walls, remember that heat leaks through corners and openings: windows and doors. And, of course, through the roof or ceiling in a cold attic.

So, even insulated walls do not always guarantee that the house will become warmer. Heat is like water, it flows away where there is less resistance, remember?

And if you decide to insulate a log house under the siding, approach this task comprehensively. Better yet, turn to professionals.

That's all.

When developing a project for a private building, you must immediately decide what to cover the outside of the house with. After all, it is correct finishing facade will make the house not only presentable, but also warm, so you need to carefully select materials for its insulation and decorative design. Without good finishing, the house will look ugly and untidy, and will not be protected from destructive external influences, such as moisture, active solar radiation, wind, thermal changes, etc..

The modern construction market offers a very large assortment of insulating and decorative materials, from which you can choose the ones that suit every taste and financial capabilities.

Requirements for façade cladding materials

To prevent dampness from appearing in the house, to be comfortable and warm, and to make the house look aesthetically pleasing from the outside, cladding materials must meet certain requirements.

Based on them, you should choose the right option. So, the cladding must have the following qualities:

  • Have low thermal conductivity to retain heat inside the house.
  • Be vapor permeable—condensation should not form inside the insulation layers.
  • Be moisture resistant - do not absorb or retain moisture inside the material.
  • Have absolute or increased heat resistance - the sheathing must withstand high temperatures and not deform or ignite under their influence.
  • Be inert to chemical influences - do not change its characteristics when such substances come into contact with it.
  • Be protected from the influence of microorganisms and not serve as a breeding ground for insects and rodents.
  • Do not decompose or lose physical properties when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

In order for the cladding to be effective in all matters, you need to not only reliably attach decorative material to the walls, but, following the technology, cover them the whole system layers, each of which will play its own role.

There are two main systems for insulating a house, and the choice will depend on what material you plan to use for decorative finishing and on the insulation used. In one of their systems, the insulation is attached directly to the wall using glue, in the other - along the created sheathing.

Plastering a house with plaster

When using insulation boards that have a sufficiently high density, for example, polystyrene foam, fiber cement or tightly compressed glass wool in mats, which will later be covered with plaster on top, wall sheathing is not necessary.

Most often, this principle is applicable on smooth brick or reinforced concrete walls. In this case, the plating is done as follows:

  • On the wall of the house at the height at which insulation will be installed and secured metallic profile- a holder selected according to the thickness of the selected insulation boards. The profile is leveled to a perfectly flat horizontal level.
  • The walls are cleaned of dust and, before applying glue, moistened with water for better adhesion.
  • Next on insulation boards pre-diluted special glue is applied.

  • The first row of slabs is installed on a metal profile and pressed firmly against the wall.
  • The next row is installed on the first according to the brickwork system - in a dressing.
  • Having secured two or three rows of slabs with glue, each of them is additionally secured with dowel fungi.
  • Further work continues according to the same system to the very top. Then the insulation is installed on other walls in the same way.
  • When the layer of glue under the insulation has dried, it is necessary to glue all corners of the building, window and door slopes with corners with reinforcing mesh. They are fixed with the same glue, its excess is removed with a spatula.

  • After the corners have dried, the reinforcing serpyanka mesh must be secured to the entire insulated surface.
  • The surface on which the serpyanka sheet will be glued is coated with a thin layer of glue. A reinforcing mesh is fixed on top of it, smoothed with a spatula, and excess glue is also removed.
  • When the surface dries well, it needs to be covered with polymer plaster, a layer of 2-3 mm.
  • The final step will be the application decorative plaster, chosen in the appropriate design style of the building.

Sheathing a house using sheathing

Insulation facade system using lathing, can be installed in one or two layers. The position of the frame bars will depend on how you plan to install the decorative cladding.

  • To install the sheathing correctly, it is better to first mark the wall. In this case, you need to take into account the width of the insulation mats.
  • Then bars or metal profiles are mounted on the surface of the walls.
  • If you are sheathing a wooden wall, then before laying insulation, you should attach a vapor barrier film to the entire surface of the walls.
  • Next, insulation mats are laid between the sheathing bars. If necessary, they are secured to the wall with mushroom anchors.

  • Having installed the insulating layer, they stretch it on top superdiffusion membrane, securing it to the sheathing bars with construction staples stapler.
  • Next, you can install decorative cladding material.

Another option for installing the sheathing is done a little differently.

  • Markings are also made on the wall and hangers are fixed along it at a distance of 40-60 cm from each other. Their edge holders should protrude from the wall to the thickness of the insulation and wooden blocks that will be attached to them.

  • These elements will be fastening not only for the bars, but also for the installed insulation.
  • Insulation mats are marked and cut in places where they will be placed on metal elements.
  • Then the insulation is mounted on the wall, and a diffuse membrane is stretched and secured on top of it.
  • Next, bars are installed in the hangers wooden sheathing, press the insulation tightly against the wall and secure them in metal holders with self-tapping screws.
  • Decorative sheathing material is also installed on top of this system using installed beams lathing as guides.

Types of decorative cladding

Modern materials make it possible to create an imitation of brickwork on a wooden wall, or vice versa - brick house transform into wooden frame. For this purpose, claddings such as siding made from different materials, wooden lining, block house, thermal panels, ceramic or stone tiles and others. It is necessary to find out in advance how each of the skins is attached and what it looks like in the end - this will largely determine which insulation system to choose for it.

Clinker thermal panels

Clinker thermal panels are one of the modern materials for insulation and decoration of facades.

They have appeared on the construction market relatively recently, and have already gained wide popularity. This is not at all surprising, since they have many positive qualities.

  • One of the main advantages is that this material performs two functions at once: insulation and decorative cladding.
  • The panels perfectly imitate brickwork and are produced in a variety of colors, so they can be matched to any style and taste.
  • They give the surface absolute neatness and aesthetics.
  • This type of cladding is convenient and relatively easy to install on the wall.
  • Thermal panels can be used to cover any surface - wood or brick.
  • The light weight of the panels makes it possible to do without additional strengthening of the foundation of the old building.
  • Since the materials have a low percentage of water absorption, the façade can be washed from sludge with water under high pressure.
  • The tightness of the panels on the wall does not allow cold air to penetrate to the wall of the house.

Thermal panels have a polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam base onto which clinker tiles are pressed. The warm substrate increases the thermal insulation qualities of the panels by two to four times, and creates an optimal vapor permeable microclimate for the walls, which allows you to preserve the material from which the house is built for more long term.

The structure of the panels is a layer of insulation and decorative tiles “like brick”

  • Clinker tiles protect the insulation base from external factors such as wind, precipitation, and direct solar ultraviolet rays.
  • Clinker panels are very securely attached to the wall and can last without repair work 45-60 years without losing its original appearance.
  • The panels are assembled into a single plane using existing locking joints (tongues and grooves), which ensures tight adhesion.

  • Straight, wall thermal panels and corner elements for them are produced, which facilitate the task of decorating the corners of the building, making them absolutely neat, no different from general view walls

  • Thermal panels are reinforced with plastic guides that prevent deformation and mechanical stress facing material.

Installation of thermal panels

  • Before you begin installing the panels on the wall, it is necessary to inspect it for various bulges, significant depressions and chips, which can greatly impede quick installation. Therefore, it is necessary to bring the surface of the walls to a perfectly smooth state.

  • When installing panels on surfaces that have large irregularities, for example, the walls of a log house, they are covered with a lathing made of wooden beams.

  • In this case, it is very important to correctly calculate the location of the sheathing elements so that the fastening of the panels is successful. Each of the panels to be fixed must have at least three sheathing bars to create the necessary rigidity of the sheathing.

The diagram clearly shows the places of fastening to the wall or sheathing and the dimensions of the panel itself and the protruding locking ridges.

  • After the wall surface is completely covered, the seams between the individual tiles are filled with a special grout. This completely isolates the insulation from external influences and gives the wall design the look of natural brickwork.

Video: facing a house with clinker thermal panels

Covering a house with siding

One more is enough popular way to transform the facade is It is produced in various types, imitating wooden and stone wall coverings.

It is made from different materials using two technological processes- monoextrusion or coextrusion. The first of them is the molding of siding panels from a homogeneous mass, and second - manufacturing two-layer elements. The top layer of material is protective from external influences, and the bottom is the basis of the panel.

Truly high-quality siding has a whole range of advantages:

  • It is resistant to mechanical stress, such as impacts and scratches, while at the same time having good elasticity.
  • The material is fire-safe and resistant to thermal extremes. The high performance qualities of the material allow it to be used in various climatic conditions.
  • Siding is not susceptible to the formation of colonies of microorganisms or damage by insects.
  • On quality material ultraviolet rays do not have a serious impact, so it does not lose its original appearance long years. The service life of siding is about ten years.
  • The panels provide reliable protection for the building walls from wind and precipitation.
  • The material does not require special care and can be easily tidied up with a stream of water under strong pressure. The surface itself does not absorb dirt.
  • Siding sp is special to give any facade an aesthetic appearance. Numerous shades and the possibility of combining them open up great possibilities for design solutions.
  • The material is non-toxic and therefore harmless to human health.
  • In addition, compared to other materials, siding is quite easy to install and affordable.

Types of facade siding

Saydi ng For cladding facades, they are made from vinyl, aluminum, thin steel, cement-cellulose mass and based on wood raw materials.

  • Aluminum and steel siding is mainly used in industrial facilities, but is also used for finishing private homes. The material is produced in a variety of colors, so it will perfectly decorate any facade of the house.

  • The facing material from wood fibers and their connecting components is made by pressing raw materials under high pressure, and then covered with protective paints. This siding is also well suited for cladding the facades of private houses.

Fiber cement siding - great for covering plinths

  • A cement-cellulose version of the cladding material is most often used for cladding the basement sections of a building.

The most common is vinyl siding

  • The most popular and affordable is vinyl siding. It is widely used for finishing private buildings, and it justifies itself with a long-term operational period and other positive qualities. Since this material is purchased and used more often than others, it is worth considering in more detail.

Vinyl siding

This type of siding is produced in the form of stacked panels-strips that have a perforated edge through which they are attached using nails or self-tapping screws. In addition, the strips have a latch lock for connecting adjacent panels to each other.

The material is available in the form of one, two or three “boards”, which simplifies and speeds up the installation of siding on the wall.

The pattern of the siding can also be different. Often this is the usual “lining”, but other types are rapidly gaining popularity, for example, “ship plank” or “herringbone”. The surface of the material can imitate the texture and color scheme of different materials. The panels can be attached in a horizontal or vertical position, but for everything to go well, you need to foresee the location of the sheathing bars in advance.

At the production stage, vinyl siding is often coated with paint containing titanium dioxide, which keeps the surface in its original condition for many years and gives any color a pastel softness. At the same time, you need to know that bright shades of the material indicate the absence of this component, so such coatings lose their original color much faster.

Installation of siding panels

Installation work for installing siding horizontally begins from the bottom of the house. Adjacent panels are overlapped and secured with a lock. The panel is secured to the sheathing with nails along the top, through special holes.

When installing, you should strive to minimize the number of vertical joints. If the dimensions of the wall do not allow this (longer standard sizes panels), use a special joining profile, installing it strictly vertically from the bottom to the top of the wall.

During the installation of siding on the walls, additional decorative elements are installed, which will give the facade completeness - external and internal corners, soffits, ebbs, window and door slopes and so on .

Video: installation of facade siding

Block house

The block house is made of natural wood and is a board with a semicircular surface. A house sheathed with this material imitates a log house.

On the flat side of the block house board there are two longitudinal grooves, which are designed to relieve stress from the load and improve ventilation. In addition, for convenient installation, there is a groove on the lower edge of the panel, and a tenon on the upper edge.

Block house panels are available in several standard sizes - from 3 to 6 m in length, from 20 to 45 mm thick and from 99 to 220 mm wide.

For the manufacture of this cladding material, they are mainly used conifers, such as pine, spruce, larch. With proper processing and quality raw materials, this wood will serve for many years as facade cladding. Wood is naturally endowed with excellent qualities, which man has skillfully used to build and decorate homes.

What are the main advantages of this facade material:

— ecological purity characteristic of natural wood;

- lightness and strength;

— resistance to high and low temperatures;

— ease of installation;

- the ability to “breathe” - this creates a special comfortable microclimate in the house;

- affordable price compared to solid logs.

The material is easily attached to the sheathing of the insulation system and is perfect for finishing not only facades, but also interior walls.

Installation of a block house

  • The first thing that needs to be done is to adapt the wood to the conditions in which it will be attached to the facade. To do this, the panels of the block house are laid out on a prepared base, for example, spread polyethylene, and left for a day.
  • Each panel should then be completely covered with the first layer of antiseptic.
  • After it dries, as a rule, all the flaws of the material appear, such as roughness and unevenness. They must be removed using sandpaper.
  • A second layer of antiseptic must be applied to the leveled surface. There are similar products on sale that already contain dyes - they will help protect the wood from exposure to ultraviolet rays. If such processing of the material is used, then it no longer requires further painting or varnishing.
  • The block house is attached to the sheathing, starting from the bottom of the house wall. The first panel is laid with the tongue facing upward - this is done so that during precipitation, water does not get into the groove of the panel.

  • In places where you have to screw the board right through, the self-tapping screw should be recessed and disguised. As a composition for covering such holes, you can use wood glue mixed with fine sawdust. You can close the hole with a dowel, the cut of which is leveled and tinted to match the color of the panel.
  • Installation continues using the tongue-and-groove system along the entire plane of the wall. The material is secured with self-tapping screws to the sheathing.

  • At the corners, the panels are joined through installed corner boards or through a cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • If it is necessary to lengthen the panel, two of its segments are connected with a block of the same width as the boards themselves. It is secured on the reverse side, and then the joint is sealed with the mentioned mixture of glue and sawdust.

Video: cladding the facade with a block house

It should be noted that, in addition, metal and vinyl block houses are produced, which imitate the shape, texture and color of natural wood. Its cost is usually lower than that of panels made from natural quality wood. Artificial material It will last a long time and will also decorate the facade well, but it still cannot replace the warmth and beauty of the texture of natural wood.

There are other materials for cladding the walls of a private house - it is simply impossible to talk about them all in one article. Follow the publications of our portal - each type facade finishing Special attention will definitely be given.

Wooden houses are quite attractive in themselves, but with the right cladding they can be given an even more aesthetic appearance. The main rule is to choose the finishing materials wisely. At the same time, they should reflect the personal preferences of the owner of the house and not be very expensive. Many modern materials finishing not only gives the facade an aesthetic appearance, but also performs the function of insulation. You should familiarize yourself with the most popular options for finishing wooden buildings in more detail. Exterior finishing wooden house has a number of subtleties that must be taken into account when choosing a specific material.

The need for wall cladding

Why is it worth decorating the outside of a wooden house with cladding material? There may be several answers to this question:

  • At correct selection finishing material The aesthetics of a building can be improved without spending a lot of effort on its installation. Thanks to large selection finishing materials, the walls of wooden buildings can be lined in one of many ways.
  • The finishing acts as protection for the walls from rodents. If the structure is not protected from pests, beetles and mice will quickly damage the wood. As a result, the walls will lose their attractiveness, and the building itself will lose strength. By doing a reliable finish, pests will enter the house.
  • Modern facing materials protect the house from adverse weather conditions. At high humidity, as well as constant exposure to snow and rain, the wood begins to rot. To protect the walls they must be treated antiseptic. If you treat the facade regularly, a lot of money is spent on it.
  • The cladding plays the role of a heat-protective barrier. In cold weather, the house stays warm better, and in hot weather, it stays cool.
  • Finishing materials are highly fire resistant, which helps protect the house from fire.

Panels for cladding the facade of a house must have a certain degree of fire protection in order to wooden building was reliably protected from fire.

Finish classification

Various materials for finishing the facades of wooden houses are divided into two large groups - according to the type of construction and installation method. You should be very careful when finishing plastic windows outside. The installation method of the facing material must be selected taking into account the selected material.

The installation method can be dry or wet. Dry is a method that does not require gluing panels or priming the surface. In this case, compositions based on water are not used. For example, this method includes finishing the outside of a wooden house with a block house or plastic panels. They are attached to the surface using self-tapping screws or dowels.

For wet installation, it is necessary to use aqueous compounds. The surface of the walls can be covered with plaster or clinker tiles. This installation method has some features. It is better to finish the house at a positive temperature, when the street is not lower than -5 degrees.

Depending on the type of construction, facing materials can be:

  • ventilated;
  • no ventilation.

Structures that are classified as ventilated are installed in such a way that there is a certain gap between the facing material and the facade of the house. Thanks to this solution, the walls are protected from condensation, and mold and mildew do not develop. In addition, installing a facade with ventilation will allow you to insulate the walls.

If ventilation is not expected, the exterior finishing is fixed to the facade without gaps. In this case, the insulation must be installed from inside the building. Photo of window trim from outside wooden house presented below.

Experienced experts still recommend choosing a ventilated façade. This will reduce the likelihood of mold and mildew appearing on the walls. At the same time, the house can be insulated in such a way that it becomes much warmer, and the living area does not decrease.

Finishing materials

Wooden houses are often finished with a variety of materials that have different properties and characteristics. Among them may be:

  • siding;
  • imitation timber;
  • facade paint;
  • brick;
  • Block House panels;
  • clinker thermal panels;
  • porcelain stoneware

Important! In any case, before installing the cladding, it is worth leveling and cleaning the surface. In addition, the walls are treated with an antiseptic.

Log houses must be caulked. Exterior finishing of a wooden house includes many tasks that are performed in accordance with the selected material.


Siding panels are most often used for cladding wooden buildings. They can be made of vinyl or metal. If the fire risk of a particular house is higher than the standard indicator, it is better to use concrete siding for finishing the facade. It has the following advantages:

  • simplicity and high speed installation;
  • reliable protection of walls from mechanical influences;
  • large selection of textures and color solutions;
  • the material does not rot;
  • it is easy to care for;
  • concrete siding can be attached with a gap;
  • the thermal insulation of the house turns out to be quite high;
  • The walls are reliably protected from moisture.

Siding can be installed on walls in any weather. This work is done simply and quickly if you follow the instructions.

Block house

This material is extremely popular among lovers of the “original Russian” style. The house, lined with a block house, resembles a log cabin. The material is wooden boards, which have a convexity on one side.

Advantages of the material:

  • the façade takes on an attractive shape;
  • the material is very easy to install;
  • sound insulation and thermal insulation of the building are very high;
  • The block house serves for many decades without changing its characteristics.

This material also has several disadvantages:

  • wooden elements must be impregnated with an antiseptic;
  • the cost of such material is higher than that of siding;
  • The fire hazard of such material is higher.

When purchasing cladding, you must take into account both the positive and negative sides.

Imitation of timber

Such products are a type wooden lining. For reliable protection The façade is made from 2 cm thick boards. There are many advantages of finishing a house with imitation timber:

  • high environmental friendliness of the material;
  • even an inexperienced builder can install the panels correctly;
  • the service life of imitation timber is quite long;
  • The thermal insulation of walls when using such material increases significantly;
  • cladding is completed quite quickly;
  • Wall defects are much easier to hide.

The disadvantages of imitation timber include high degree fire hazards and the need for regular treatment with protective substances.


Brick cladding for a home is a fairly aesthetic finish, superior in many ways to cheaper options. It has a lot of advantages:

  • increased thermal insulation of the building;
  • low level of moisture absorption;
  • high degree of frost resistance;
  • long service life;
  • high reliability and strength of the material.

The disadvantages of brick include the complexity of the installation process, as well as the need to strengthen the foundation. In addition, such cladding has a high price.

Clinker panels

Today, wooden houses are increasingly being clad with clinker thermal panels. This is due to the many advantages of the material - low cost, high level of thermal insulation.

Additional properties of clinker panels include:

  • high resistance to mechanical influences;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low degree of moisture absorption and vapor permeability;
  • long service life of the product;
  • non-exposure to solar radiation;
  • ease of care.

Clinker thermal panels are attached to the sheathing.

Porcelain tiles

Porcelain stoneware slabs are made from clay and dyes. This material also contains feldspar, kaolin and quartz sand. Clinker slabs are an excellent material that is perfect for attaching to the walls of wooden buildings.

They have a lot of advantages:

  • fairly high mechanical strength;
  • resistance to impact low temperatures;
  • clinker slabs can be installed using the “wet” method;
  • high degree of fire resistance.

Porcelain stoneware slabs are attached to a metal sheathing.


Quite often, owners of private wooden houses do not install cladding material on the walls. They simply paint the facade with special paint. This solution has several undoubted advantages:

  • walls become protected from weather conditions;
  • paint protects wood from temperature changes;
  • the wood is protected from fading as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

In order for such paint functions to really perform, you need to carefully consider the selection of the coloring composition. It is better to choose from these options:

  • paint diluted with water - polyvinyl acetate;
  • glazes and varnishes;
  • acrylic emulsion;
  • oil-acrylate compositions.

Each of these compositions has its own characteristics. Many of them have properties that should be taken into account when working. For this reason, before choosing a composition, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the composition.


As you can see, the exterior of a wooden house can be cladding different ways and using a variety of materials. This work is quite painstaking and requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions. It is necessary to choose the right material and observe some installation features.

When constructing a new building or during the renovation of an old facade, the question arises about its further decoration. The finishing of the external walls of the house is carried out using various building materials. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into account when choosing. Installation technologies differ greatly. In addition to its decorative function, a well-installed cladding helps to increase the service life of the entire building. A wide variety of finishing options allows you to decorate the building beautifully, in the desired style. The combined method of façade design is shown in the following photograph.

Functions of facade finishing

External wall decoration is necessary work, but creating a spectacular façade decoration is not easy. The use of various facing coatings makes it possible to achieve effects that improve the appearance of a building when improving its appearance. performance characteristics and living conditions inside the building. The outer cladding of a structure, when chosen correctly, allows you to:

  • ensure protection of the walls of the structure from the destructive effects of factors external environment: moisture, temperature fluctuations;
  • improve (in most cases) the level of thermal insulation of the structure, which significantly saves money on heating;
  • create an additional soundproofing layer that prevents external noise from entering the home, which is especially important when located nearby noisy neighbors or highways;
  • decorate the house efficiently and beautifully;
  • increase the fire safety level of wooden buildings;
  • maintain natural circulation of steam and air.

Insulation of the facade allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature in the summer without the use of air conditioning systems.

The achieved diversity in design is incalculable. One example of harmonious decoration is shown in the photo below.

It is easier to properly clad a house and maintain the functional state of the created cladding than to repair load-bearing structures. Decoration is one of the main tasks when arranging a facade.

Cladding methods

Facade work places increased demands on finishing materials. Despite their wide variety used for wall cladding, there are 2 groups. They are presented below in the table.

Wet facades are understood as a set of materials, the installation technology of which requires the use of water mixed plaster solutions And adhesive compositions. This is the largest group. The peculiarity of such decorative coatings is their integrity with load-bearing structures.

Dry facades are installed on a pre-assembled frame made of metal profiles or wooden slats. In this case, no binding solutions are used. This option is considered easy to install and further maintenance. The ventilated siding façade is shown in the following photograph.

Decorating the walls of the house different types requires different technological approaches. Wet and dry options have their own advantages and disadvantages, determined not only by the installation method, but, first of all, by the material used. In practice, a combination of cladding coatings is often found, which gives originality and uniqueness. The choice of how to decorate the outside of a building is very large.

Plastering and painting

Among the “wet” methods of finishing the outside walls of a house, a popular option is plaster for bases made of brick, monolith, cinder block, and aerated concrete. It is applied directly to the rough surface, or on top of the layer. It is also common to use it for interior decoration, but the composition is different. Facade varieties are widely used in rooms with high level humidity.

The traditional option is mixtures based on sand and cement. New formulations are becoming increasingly common:

  • silicate;
  • acrylic;
  • polymer;
  • silicone.

For external work, only moisture-resistant mixtures are used. Compositions based on gypsum or clay are not suitable.

Based on the appearance it creates on the finished surface, plaster is divided into textured and smooth.

The first one is well suited for both professionals and beginners, because it makes it easier to hide minor flaws.

Creating a smooth facade for subsequent painting is a complex, highly skilled job.

The main advantages are the following:

  • relative cheapness compared to other materials used to decorate the exterior walls of buildings;
  • a wide variety of colors, application options (created textures, patterns) allows you to implement various design solutions;
  • the simplest design methods are available to beginners in construction;
  • combines well with other finishing coatings;
  • plaster solutions are easily applied to the insulation.

The disadvantages are:

  • relatively short operating time (about 20 years) compared to analogues;
  • Often after repairs its traces remain visible.

The technology of working with decorative compositions differs in obtaining different effects on the surface. The result of finishing (“bark beetle”) is shown in the photo below.

Using paint, decorate surfaces from various materials: plastered, brick, stone, wooden, panel. The created layer protects from moisture, dust, and solar radiation.

When applying paint, the surface is first prepared accordingly.

For coloring, compositions are used based on the type of base.

Created plaster layer closes cracks, joints, levels the surface. At the same time, sound and heat insulation is improved. The coating protects the base well.

Using bricks for decoration

Brick is an expensive material for exterior finishing. The job also requires certain skills. A beginner will not be able to do high-quality veneering. The work process itself is highly labor-intensive.

An attractive point when using brick is the durability and reliability of the created finish. In this case, it is possible to lay insulation between the load-bearing walls and the cladding. And its flammability and environmental safety do not play a special role.

Bricks are made from different components. As a result, the final product is distinguished by its characteristics and appearance. The following types of bricks are laid out as facings:

  • : produced by strong pressing without firing, has high strength, resistance to low temperatures, ease of processing, but has poor thermal insulation properties;
  • ceramic: has good thermal insulation properties, durable, attractive in appearance;
  • clinker: characterized by a wide variety of textures and colors.

The photo above shows a brick-clad house.

When using bricks, you should take into account its significant weight. The foundation must be able to withstand the load created by such a decorative coating.

Finishing with natural and artificial stone

Decorating walls with natural materials is evidence of success and prosperity, a demonstration of taste. The formed coating has a number of the following advantages:

  • long service life;
  • high strength;
  • spectacular appearance;
  • treatment modern compounds gives excellent performance even to inexpensive (porous) varieties of natural stone.

The material is used for both full and partial finishing (for example, plinth, corners). Use pre-processed stones or in their natural form. Working with the latter with your own hands is more problematic.

The following types of stone are available on the market:

  • granite;
  • marble;
  • sandstone;
  • calcareous tuff (travertine);
  • slate;
  • limestone;
  • quartzite;
  • gabbro;
  • syenite;
  • labradorite and others.

Each of them differs in price and properties.

The main disadvantages of using natural stone:

  • heavy weight of the cladding;
  • high cost of material and installation;
  • labor intensity, complexity of work.

The option of incompletely finishing a house with natural materials is not shown in the photo above.

Artificial finishing stone- This a good option for finishing the walls of the house outside. In its properties it is close to natural material. Its appearance is also aesthetic. When using it, less costs will be required than when using a natural analogue.

Choice of textures and colors of natural and artificial stone large, which allows you to give buildings a magnificent, unique look. However, “fake” analogues are more affordable.

Facing tiles

When choosing decor, this option deserves special attention. Different kinds material can be fixed dry, or wet method. Common varieties are porcelain tiles and clinker tiles. They perfectly imitate natural analogues.

The advantages of the material are as follows:

  • light weight;
  • fire resistance
  • durability;
  • high strength;
  • compared with natural stone and brick - lower price;
  • ease of replacement during repairs;
  • large selection of colors;
  • resistance to frost.

The decoration of the building with porcelain stoneware is shown in the photo above.

Cladding tiles are a good option for covering a building at an affordable price, while still obtaining a high-quality coating.

Decoration with facade panels

Cladding the walls of a house with facades, which are made from various materials, is a very broad category. It includes the following products:

  • siding;
  • thermal panels;
  • sandwich panels.

The following types of panels are also used:

  • glass;
  • vinyl;
  • metal;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • fiber cement.

Examples of the appearance of the panels are presented in the photo below.

The varieties differ in their characteristics, structure and dimensions. The advantages and disadvantages of all panels are different.

Among all the options, siding is popular. Its advantages are:

  • attractive appearance;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations and biological effects, corrosion;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • long service life;
  • mechanical strength;
  • low price.

Siding is installed using a frame method. Insulation is often additionally used. The disadvantage is poor compatibility with other types of design.

Facade panels are widely used in exterior finishing of buildings due to their affordability and relative ease of installation.

Wooden lining in the exterior of the house

This is finishing natural material for the external walls of the house. Cladding with boards allows you to give the building an attractive appearance, insulate it and further reduce external noise.

Lining has all the disadvantages of wood. Additional processing is definitely required.

Often boards are made from:

  • pine trees;
  • oak;
  • ash;
  • alders;
  • linden trees

For the facade it is better to use moisture-resistant wood species. They have a higher price, but at the same time they are durable. Lately, imitation logs and eurolining have been gaining popularity.

Recommendations for choosing material and carrying out work

To decorate the walls of a house outside, you can choose from the existing variety of materials that are affordable and have suitable properties. Plastering and painting remain the cheapest and most accessible types of decoration. They also combine well with other types of decorative coatings.

The photo above contains an image of a successful combination of plaster with artificial stone.

Materials popular for exterior wall decoration have noise and heat insulation characteristics and are resistant to fire to varying degrees, so they are selected for a specific type of base and operating conditions. For example, wooden structures should be additionally protected from fires, but their thermal insulation performance is much higher than that of concrete or brick, so the insulating properties of the cladding are less important than its fire resistance.

When planning to replace the casing, it is important right choice finishing material for specific conditions. It is also recommended to take into account its harmonious combination with the surrounding environment and structural elements that will not be affected by repair work.

When choosing a heavy facing material, you will need to calculate the load-bearing capacity of the structure, mainly the foundation.

  • Exterior work should not begin before the installation of window and door units;
  • before carrying out decorating activities, it is better to wait some time so that the building shrinks (one year) and the created coating does not deform;
  • after this process, it is necessary to check the condition of the walls with a level, and, if necessary, perform alignment;
  • in most cases, installation of decorative coating can be carried out all year round, but when using some materials for finishing, work should be carried out at a temperature ranging from +5 to +25 degrees to avoid compression and expansion of the cladding material;
  • it is necessary to take into account the permissibility of additional load on the base.

The correct choice of material for cladding and adherence to the technology of its installation are an integral guarantee of obtaining a high-quality result. To save money Money It is recommended to purchase the type of cladding that you can install yourself with your existing experience and skills.

External wall decoration requires a serious approach. Not only the appearance of the building, but also, to a certain extent, its durability depends on it. The saturation of the modern construction market allows you to choose the facing coating for Various types grounds. When choosing a design method, an important role is played by the possibility self-installation materials. Some of them can be installed quite easily with your own hands, while the use of others requires the involvement of professional builders.

Popular façade design options are shown in the following video.

The video below contains examples of beautiful and practical home decoration.

A limiting factor in the spread of some types of coatings, which also have a number of positive characteristics, is their high price. But any of the considered cladding options, if performed well, finishing works allows you to beautifully decorate your home.