How nations were formed. Why were Russians called Russians? Origin of the Russian people. Can you draw a line between them? Where is she

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The world's first cable car appeared in Swiss Alps in 1866. It was something like a two-in-one attraction: a short but breathtaking journey over an abyss and at the same time delivering tourists to an observation deck with a magnificent view from there.

...A loud, booming noise did what seemed impossible - it forced me to stick my head out sleeping bag, and then crawl out of the warm tent into the cold. It seemed as if thousands of drums were thundering at the same time. Their echoes echoed through the valleys. The fresh, cold morning air hit my face. Everything around was icy. A thin layer of ice covered the tent and the grass around it. Now my home clearly resembled an Eskimo igloo.

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June 1917 was marked by a sensation: on the Russian-German front, consisting of Russian army Women's military units with the terrifying name “death battalions” appeared.

As is known, the participants in the speech on December 14, 1825 at Senate Square in St. Petersburg there were mainly young officers of the guard or navy. But among the members of the secret society operating at Moscow University at the beginning of 1831, almost all freethinkers were listed as students of the oldest university. The “case”, which was conducted by the gendarmes from June 1831 to January 1833, remained in the archives. Otherwise, the history of Moscow State University would have been enriched with information about students who opposed the “Nikolaev despotism.”

For many centuries, scientists have been breaking their spears, trying to understand the origin of the Russian people. And if research in the past was based on archaeological and linguistic data, today even geneticists have taken up the matter.

From the Danube

Of all the theories of Russian ethnogenesis, the most famous is the Danube theory. We owe her appearance chronicle code“The Tale of Bygone Years,” or rather, the centuries-old love of domestic academics for this source.

The chronicler Nestor defined the initial territory of settlement of the Slavs as the territories along the lower reaches of the Danube and Vistula. The theory about the Danube “ancestral home” of the Slavs was developed by such historians as Sergei Solovyov and Vasily Klyuchevsky.
Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky believed that the Slavs moved from the Danube to the Carpathian region, where an extensive military alliance of tribes arose led by the Duleb-Volhynian tribe.

From the Carpathian region, according to Klyuchevsky, in the 7th-8th centuries the Eastern Slavs settled to the East and Northeast to Lake Ilmen. The Danube theory of Russian ethnogenesis is still adhered to by many historians and linguists. The Russian linguist Oleg Nikolaevich Trubachev made a great contribution to its development at the end of the 20th century.

Yes, we are Scythians!

One of the most vehement opponents of the Norman theory of the formation of Russian statehood, Mikhail Lomonosov, leaned toward the Scythian-Sarmatian theory of Russian ethnogenesis, which he wrote about in his “Ancient Russian History.” According to Lomonosov, the ethnogenesis of the Russians occurred as a result of the mixing of the Slavs and the “Chudi” tribe (Lomonosov’s term is Finno-Ugric), and he named the place between the Vistula and Oder rivers as the place of origin of the ethnic history of the Russians.

Supporters of the Sarmatian theory rely on ancient sources, and Lomonosov did the same. He compared Russian history with the history of the Roman Empire and ancient beliefs with pagan beliefs Eastern Slavs, having discovered a large number of coincidences. Fierce fight against adherents Norman theory is quite understandable: the people-tribe of Rus', according to Lomonosov, could not have originated from Scandinavia under the influence of the expansion of the Norman Vikings. First of all, Lomonosov opposed the thesis about the backwardness of the Slavs and their inability to independently form a state.

Gellenthal's theory

The hypothesis about the origin of Russians, unveiled this year by Oxford scientist Garrett Gellenthal, seems interesting. After spending great job By studying the DNA of various peoples, he and a group of scientists compiled a genetic atlas of migration of peoples.
According to the scientist, two significant milestones can be distinguished in the ethnogenesis of the Russian people. In 2054 BC. e., according to Gellenthal, trans-Baltic peoples and peoples from the territories of modern Germany and Poland migrated to the northwestern regions modern Russia. The second milestone is 1306, when the migration of Altai peoples began, who actively interbred with representatives of the Slavic branches.
Gellenthal's research is also interesting because genetic analysis proved that the time of the Mongol-Tatar invasion had virtually no effect on Russian ethnogenesis.

Two ancestral homelands

Another interesting migration theory was proposed by late XIX century Russian linguist Alexey Shakhmatov. His “two ancestral homelands” theory is also sometimes called the Baltic theory. The scientist believed that initially the Balto-Slavic community emerged from the Indo-European group, which became autochthonous in the Baltic region. After its collapse, the Slavs settled in the territory between the lower reaches of the Neman and Western Dvina. This territory became the so-called “first ancestral home”. Here, according to Shakhmatov, the Proto-Slavic language developed, from which all Slavic languages ​​originated.

Further migration of the Slavs was associated with the great migration of peoples, during which at the end of the second century AD the Germans went south, liberating the Vistula River basin, where the Slavs came. Here, in the lower Vistula basin, Shakhmatov defines the second ancestral home of the Slavs. From here, according to the scientist, the division of the Slavs into branches began. The western one went to the Elbe region, the southern one - divided into two groups, one of which settled the Balkans and the Danube, the other - the Dnieper and Dniester. The latter became the basis of the East Slavic peoples, which include the Russians.

We are locals ourselves

Finally, another theory different from migration theories is the autochthonous theory. According to it, the Slavs were an indigenous people inhabiting eastern, central and even part of southern Europe. According to the theory of Slavic autochthonism, Slavic tribes were an indigenous ethnic group of a vast territory - from the Urals to Atlantic Ocean. This theory has quite ancient roots and many supporters and opponents. This theory was supported by the Soviet linguist Nikolai Marr. He believed that the Slavs did not come from anywhere, but were formed from tribal communities living in vast territories from the Middle Dnieper to Laba in the West and from the Baltic to the Carpathians in the south.
Polish scientists - Kleczewski, Potocki and Sestrentsevich - also adhered to the autochthonous theory. They even traced the ancestry of the Slavs from the Vandals, basing their hypothesis, among other things, on the similarity of the words “Vendals” and “Vandals”. Of the Russians, the autochthonous theory explained the origin of the Slavs Rybakov, Mavrodin and Greeks.

Secular history provides ample evidence that the survivors of Noah's Flood (11th millennium BC) were real historical figures, and their names are indelibly imprinted on many events and things ancient world.

When Noah and his family left the Ark, they were the only people on Earth. It was the three sons of Noah - Shem, Ham, Japheth and their wives who were to repopulate the earth through their descendants after the Flood.

Picture 1. Noah sends a dove. Detail of a 13th century mosaic. in St. Mark's Cathedral.

Genesis 10 talks about Noah's 16 grandchildren. God has left us ample evidence that these grandsons of Noah actually lived, that their biblical names are their real names, and that after the Babylonian dispersion (Genesis 11) their descendants spread throughout the earth and gave rise to different peoples ancient world. The first generations of people after the Flood lived long lives, some of them outlived their children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. This made them stand out a lot.

They were the heads of clans that grew and became large groups of people in their respective regions. Here's what happened:

  • People in different areas were called by the name of their common ancestor.
  • They named their land after him, and often big cities and rivers.
  • Sometimes people slipped into the cult of ancestor worship. And when this happened, it was natural for them to call their god by the name of their common ancestor. Or they revered their long-living ancestor as a god.
  • All this means is that the evidence of history is preserved in such a way that it simply cannot be lost, and human ingenuity cannot simply be erased. Let's take a closer look at this evidence.

    Seven sons of Japheth

    Genesis 10:1-2 says:

    “This is the genealogy of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham and Japheth. After the flood, their children were born. Sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech and Tiras. Sons of Gomer: Askenaz, Riphat and Togarmah"

    Noah's first grandson mentioned in Scripture was Homer. He was the progenitor of the Cimmerians, who originally settled on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Ezekiel wrote that the descendants of Gomer, as well as the descendants of Togarmah (son of Gomer), lived in northern reaches(Ezek. 38:6). There is an area in modern Turkey that in New Testament times was called Galatia. The Jewish historian Josephus wrote that the people who in his time (93 AD) were called Galatians or Gauls were formerly called Gomerites.

    They moved west to an area now called France and Spain. For many centuries, France was called Gaul, named after the descendants of Homer. Northwestern Spain is still called Galicia to this day.

    Some of the Gomerites moved further into the area now called Wales. Historian Davies reports the traditional Welsh belief that Homer's descendants "arrived in the land British Isle from France, about 300 years after the Flood." He also writes that the Welsh language is called Gomeragh (after their ancestor Homer).

    Other clan members settled in areas along the route of settlement, including Armenia. The sons of Gomer were “Askenaz, and Riphat, and Togarmah” (Genesis 10:3). Encyclopedia Britannica says that Armenians traditionally consider themselves descendants of Togarma and Askenaz.

    The borders of ancient Armenia extended to the territory Turkey. The name Turkey probably comes from the name Togarm. Others moved to Germany. Ashkenazi- that's what Germany is called in Hebrew.

    Figure 2. Ruins in Turkey. There is evidence that the name of the country was formed from a descendant of Noah named Togarma (see text).

    The next grandson mentioned in Scripture is Magog. According to Ezekiel, the descendants of Magog lived in northern lands(Ezek. 38:15, 39:2). Josephus writes that those whom he calls Magogitians were called Scythians by the Greeks. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, ancient name area, which today includes part Romania And Ukraine, was Scythia.

    Next grandson - Madai. Together with Elam, the son of Shem, Madai is the ancestor of modern Iranians. Josephus says that the Greeks called the descendants of Madai Medes. Whenever the Medes are mentioned in the Old Testament, the Hebrew word Madai ( medal). After the reign of King Cyrus, the Medes are always mentioned (except once) together with the Persians. These two peoples became one kingdom, ruled by one law - “the law of the Medes and Persians” (Dan. 6:8, 12, 15). Later they were simply called Persians. Since 1935, they began to be called in accordance with the name of their country - Iranians. The Medes also "settled in India».

    Iavan- Hebrew name Greece. The names Greece, Grecia, or Greeks appear five times in the Old Testament, and always in the form of a Hebrew word Javan (Iavan). Daniel speaks of “the king of Greece” (Daniel 8:21), which literally means “the king of Javan.” The names of Javan's sons were: Elisha, Tarshish, Kittim and Dodanim(Genesis 10:4) All of them had family ties with the Greek people. The Aeolians (an ancient Greek people) got their name from Japheth's grandson Elisha. Tarshish or Tarsus was located in an area called Cilicia (modern Türkiye).

    IN Encyclopedia Britannica it is said that Kittim is a biblical name Cyprus. The Greeks worshiped Jupiter under the name Jupiter Dodeneus, who received his name from the fourth son of Javan (Dodim). The name Jupiter comes from the name Japheth. His oracle was located in the city of Dodona.

    Next grandson - Tubal. Ezekiel mentions him along with Gog and Meshech (Ezekiel 39:1). Tiglath-pileser I, king of Assyria, reigning around 1100 BC, names the descendants of this grandson as Tabali. Josephus called them Tobelites, who later became known as Iberians.

    “In the time of Josephus, the Romans called this territory Iberia. Iberia was where it is today Georgia, whose capital and before today bears the name Tubala - Tbilisi. From here, having crossed the Caucasus Mountains, the people moved further to the northeast, calling the Tobol River after their tribe, and hence the name of the famous city Tobolsk»

    Meshech- the name of Noah's next grandson, is the ancient name of the city of Moscow. Moscow is both the capital of Russia and the region that surrounds this city. One of geographical areas, The Meshchera Lowland, to this day is called by the name of Meshekha, having undergone virtually no changes over the centuries.

    According to Josephus, descendants Firasa were called Tyrians. The Greeks changed their name and they became known as Thracians. Thrace stretched from Macedonia in the south and to the Danube River in the north and to the Black Sea in the east. The territories known to us belonged to this area Yugoslavia. The World Encyclopedia says: “The people of Thrace were brutal Indo-Europeans who loved to fight and plunder.” The descendants of Firas worshiped him under the name Turas, that is, Thor - the god of thunder.

    Four sons of Ham

    Next come the four sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Fut and Canaan(Genesis 10:6) The descendants of Ham mainly populated the southwestern part of Asia and Africa. The Bible often speaks of Africa as the land of Ham (Ps. 104:23, 27; 106:22).

    Name of Noah's grandson Khusha- Hebrew word meaning ancient Ethiopia. The word Ethiopia in the Bible is always, without exception, a translation of the Hebrew word Khush. Josephus, who calls them Hus, wrote that “even in our days the Ethiopians themselves call themselves Husseins (Hussians), as the inhabitants of Asia also call them.”

    Noah's next grandson is Mizraim. Mizraim- this is the Hebrew name Egypt. The name Egypt appears hundreds of times in the Old Testament and (with the exception of once) it is always a translation of the word Mizraim. For example, at the burial place of Jacob, the Canaanites saw the crying of the Egyptians and named this place Abel Mizraim, which means the crying of the Egyptians (Genesis 50:11).

    The stories of the great empires of the past: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and Persia are strongly associated with biblical characters directly related to the sons of Noah. The origins of most tribes and peoples can be traced back to the sons of Noah - and this can be easily verified by examining their family tree

    Foot- the name of the next grandson is a Hebrew name Libya. This ancient name appears three times in the Old Testament. The ancient Fut River was located in Libya. By the time Daniel lived, the name had been changed to Livia. Josephus says: “Futians inhabited Libya and called the inhabitants of the country Futians after themselves.”

    Canaan- the next grandson of Noah - the Hebrew name for the territory that was later named by the Romans Palestine, i.e. modern territory Israel and Jordan. It is worth saying a few words about the descendants of Ham (Genesis 10:14-18). They were: Philistae, who is undoubtedly the ancestor of the Philistines (from whom the name of Palestine came), Sidon, the founder of the ancient city named after him, and Hitt - the founder of the ancient Hittite Empire.

    Canaan is also spoken of in Genesis 10:15-18 as the progenitor of the Jebusites (Jebus is the ancient name of Jerusalem - Judges 19:10), the Amorites, the Gergesites, the Hivites, the Arkeites, the Sinites, the Arvadites, the Zemarites and the Himathites - the ancient peoples who inhabited land of Canaan. The most famous descendant of Ham was Nimrod, the founder of Babylon, as well as Erech, Akkad and Chalneh in the land of Shinar (Babylonia).

    Five sons of Shem

    And finally, the sons of Shem: Elam, Assur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram(Genesis 10:22) Elam- this is an ancient name Persia, which itself is an ancient name Iran. Before the reign of King Cyrus, the people who lived here were called Elamites, they are even mentioned several times under this name in the New Testament. In Acts 2:9, the Jews from Persia who were present on the Day of Pentecost are referred to as Elamites. Thus, the Persians are descendants of both Elam, the son of Shem, and Madai, the son of Japheth (see above).

    Since the 1930s, they have called their land Iran. It is very interesting to note that the word "Aryan", which so fascinated Adolf Hitler, is a form of the word "Iran". Hitler wanted to create a pure Aryan “race” consisting of superhumans. But the term “Aryan” itself denotes a mixed line of Semites and Japhetites!

    Assur- This is the Hebrew word for Assyria. Assyria was one of the great ancient empires. Whenever the words Assyria or Assyrian are found in the Old Testament, they are translated from the word Assur. Assur was one of the first people to be deified and worshiped by his own descendants.

    “Throughout the entire existence of Assyria, i.e. before 612 BC, reports of battles, diplomatic and foreign relations were read aloud, referring to the image of Assur; all the Assyrian kings believed that they wore their crown only with the divine permission of the spirit of Assur"

    Arfaksad was the ancestor Khaldeev. This fact "is confirmed by the Hurrian (Nuzi) tablets, where his name appears as Ariphurra- founder of Chaldea." His descendant, Eber, passed on his name Jewish people through the line of Eber-Pelek-Raghab-Serukh-Nachor-Terah-Abram (Genesis 11:16-26).

    Eber's other son, Joktan, had 13 sons (Genesis 10:26_30), all of whom settled in Arabia. Lud was an ancestor Lydians. Lydia was where she is today Western Türkiye. The ancient capital of Lydia was the city of Sardis. One of the seven churches of Asia was located at Sardis (Rev 3:1).

    Figure 3. A huge carved statue of the great Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II.

    Aram- Hebrew name Syria. Every time the word Syria appears in the Old Testament, know that this word is translated from the word Aram. The Syrians call themselves Aramaic, and their language is called Aramaic. Before the spread of the Greek Empire, Aramaic was international language(2 Kings 18:26ff). As Jesus hung nailed to the cross and spoke the words, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani” (Mark 15:34), He spoke in Aramaic, the language of the majority of the people.


    We've only talked briefly about the 16 grandchildren of Noah, but enough has been said to show that all these people actually lived, that they were exactly what the Bible says they are, and that they and their descendants are real, recognizable characters in the pages. stories. The Bible, far from being a collection of myths and legends, is the only key to the history of the earliest eras of our world.


    1. Josephus: The Complete Works, Kregal Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Antiquities of the Jews, 1:6:1 (i.e. Book 1, Chapter 6, Section 1).
    2. D. Davies, History of the Welsh Baptists from 63 to 1770, D.M. Hogan, Pittsburgh, 1835, reprinted by The Baptist, Aberdeen, Mississippi, p. 1, 1976.
    3. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2:422, 1967.
    4. Encyclopedia Britannica, 20:116, 1967.
    5. A.K. Coustance, Three Sons of Noah, vol. 1, Doorway Papers, Zondervan, Michigan, p. 92, 1975.
    6. Encyclopedia Britannica 3:332, 1992.
    7. Bill Cooper, After the Flood, New Wine Press, Chichester, England, p. 203, 1995.
    8. World Encyclopedia, volume. 18, pp. 207, 1968.
    9. Link 1, 1:6:2.
    10. Link 7, page 170.
    11. Link 7, page 172.
    12. Link 5, page 117.
    13. Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34 contain quotations from Psalm 22:1 on Aramaic, but Matthew changed Eloi to the Hebrew word Or.

    For example, we have not attempted here to trace the origins of the Chinese. Information regarding this topic is contained in the article "The Original, "Unknown" God of China", magazine Creation 20(3):50-54, 1998. Also hieroglyphs ancient China show that the Chinese knew the message of the Gospel found in the book of Genesis.

    Harold HUNT and Russell GRIGG

    The question of the origin of the Ukrainian nation is one of the most controversial and controversial. Historians of the “independence” prove that the roots of the Ukrainian ethnic group are the most ancient in Europe, scientists from other countries are trying to refute them.

    Today, in the Ukrainian community, hypotheses are increasingly being expressed more and more boldly, according to which the history of the Ukrainian ethnic group should date back almost to primitive tribes. At least, the version according to which it was the Ukrainian ethnic group that became the basis for the emergence of the Great Russian and Belarusian peoples is being seriously considered.

    Kiev journalist Oles Buzina was ironic about this hypothesis: “That is, according to the logic of its followers, a certain Pithecanthropus, hatching from a monkey in Africa, came to the banks of the Dnieper, and then slowly degenerated into a Ukrainian, from whom Russians, Belarusians and other peoples descended to the Hindus."

    Ukrainian historians, trying to ancientize their roots, forget that for more than a thousand years, the lands from the Don to the Carpathians, subject to invasion by the Sarmatians, Huns, Goths, Pechenegs, Polovtsians and Tatars, repeatedly changed their ethnic appearance.

    Thus, the devastating Mongol conquest of the second quarter of the 13th century significantly reduced the number of inhabitants of the Dnieper region. “Most of the people of Russia were killed or taken captive,” wrote the Franciscan Giovanni del Plano Carpini, who visited these lands.

    On for a long time former territories The principality of Kyiv plunged into social and political turmoil. Until 1300 they were part of the Nogai ulus, from the 14th century they came under the rule of the Principality of Lithuania, and two centuries later the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth came there. And the strong element of the ancient Russian ethnos turned out to be thoroughly eroded.

    In the mid-17th century, Cossack uprisings broke out against Polish rule, which were the first attempts to restore national identity. Their result was the “Hetmanate,” which became an example of southern Russian autonomy under Cossack control.

    Until the middle of the 17th century, the term “Ukrainian” was not used as an ethnic designation. Even the most ideological historians of Square recognize this. But in the documents of that time there are other words - Russians, Rusyns, Little Russians, and even Russians.

    In the “Protestation” of 1622 by the Kiev Metropolitan Job Boretsky there are the following lines: “To every pious people of Russia... to all the pious Eastern Church, to the well-behaved, great-famous people of the Russian people of every spiritual and spiritual dignity, I will become pious people.”

    Cossacks / Ilya Repin

    And here is a fragment of a 1651 letter from Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky to the Turkish Sultan Mehmed IV: “... and all Rus' that lives here, which is of the same faith with the Greeks and has its origins from them...”. By the way, in a thought recorded from the kobzar from the Chernihiv region, Andrei Shuta, it is said: “Why is Hetman Khmelnitsky, a Rusyn, in us.”

    Nezhinsky archpriest Simeon Adamovich in a letter to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich is more specific: “... and because of those my labors, from your royal mercy, I did not want to leave Moscow at all, knowing the inconstancy of my brotherhood of Little Russian residents...”. The phrase “Little Rus'”, as the name of the Dnieper lands, was first recorded in 1347 in the message of the Byzantine emperor John Cantacuzene.

    The term “Ukraine” first appeared in 1213 in a chronicle report about the return of Russian cities bordering Poland by Prince Daniil of Galicia. There, in particular, it says: “Daniil rode with his brother and took Beresty, and Ugrovesk, and Stolpie, Komov and all of Ukraine.” Such an early mention of a controversial term is often used as evidence of the antiquity of the Ukrainian nation.

    However, in the chronicle context, in fact, as in the context of that era, various border, outlying lands in the Muscovite kingdom (“Siberian Ukraine”) and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (“Polish Ukraine”) were called “Ukraines”.

    Writer Vladimir Anishchenkov says: “The science of ethnology does not mark such a people as “Ukrainian” until the 19th century. Moreover, first by “Ukrainians” local residents Poles began to call it, then Austrians and Germans. This name was introduced into the consciousness of Little Russians for several centuries. Since the 15th century."

    However, in the minds of the Cossack elites, a single ethnic group living on the territory of Little Russia began to be isolated and opposed to its neighbors already in the second half of the 17th century. Zaporozhye ataman Ivan Bryukhovetsky, in an address to Hetman Petro Doroshenko, wrote:

    Taking God to the rescue, near our enemies before the Moscow ones, here are the Muscovites, who no longer have friendship with them... so that we are aware of such Moscow and Lyak unprofitable intentions for us and Ukraine, the destined destruction to await, and for ourselves and the entire Ukrainian people to the known decline They were not happy to bring information about themselves.

    The term “Ukrainians” came to the residents of the Western regions of Ukraine, which were part of Austria-Hungary, the latest – at the beginning of the 20th century. The “Westerners” traditionally called themselves Rusyns (in the German version “Ruthens”). It is curious that the pride of the Ukrainian nation, the poet Taras Shevchenko, did not use the ethnonym “Ukrainian” in any of his works.

    But in his message to his fellow countrymen there are the following lines: “The German will say: “You can.” “Mogholi! Mogoli! They teach the Golden Tamerlane.” In the brochure “Ukrainian Movement” published in Berlin in 1925, Russian emigrant and publicist Andrei Storozhenko wrote:

    Observations on the mixing of races show that in subsequent generations, when crossing occurs within the same people, individuals can nevertheless be born that reproduce in pure form ancestor of someone else's blood. Getting to know the figures Ukrainian movement Since 1875, not from books, but in living images, we have gained the impression that “Ukrainians” are precisely individuals who have deviated from the all-Russian type in the direction of reproducing the ancestors of foreign Turkic blood.

    But one of the most popular images of Ukrainian folklore, “Cossack knight Mamai,” is a clear confirmation of such an assumption. Where did the character in folk pictures get a purely Tatar nickname? Is he not the personification of the beklyarbek Mamai, whose descendants took part in the formation of the Cossacks in Ukraine?

    Translated from Turkic languages“Cossack” is a “robber”, “exile”. This is what they called the fugitives from Genghis Khan’s army who did not want to obey the despot and settled in the steppe regions of what is now Ukraine. The medieval Polish chronicler Jan Dlugosz wrote about Crimean Tatars, who attacked Volyn in 1469: “The Tatar army is made up of fugitives, miners and exiles, whom they call Cossacks in their language.”

    The idea of ​​the Tatar roots of the current Ukrainian nation is also suggested by the results of archaeological excavations at the site of the battle of Berestechko (1651): it turns out that the Zaporozhye Cossacks did not wear crosses. Archaeologist Igor Svechnikov argued that the idea of ​​the Zaporozhye Sich as a stronghold of Christianity is greatly exaggerated. It is no coincidence that the first church in the Zaporozhye freemen appeared only in the 18th century, after the Cossacks accepted Russian citizenship.

    One cannot help but pay attention to the ethnic diversity of the population of modern Ukraine. Ethnographers claim that the Pechenegs, Cumans and Tatars played no less a role in shaping the appearance of the “broad” Ukrainian than the Rusyns, Poles or Jews. Genetics generally confirms such assumptions.

    Similar studies were carried out by the Laboratory of Population Genetics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, using genetic markers of the Y chromosome (transmitted through the male line) and mitochondrial DNA(female line pedigree). The results of the study, on the one hand, revealed significant genetic similarities between Ukrainians and Belarusians, Poles and residents of Western Russia, but on the other hand, they showed a noticeable difference between the intra-Ukrainian and three clusters - western, central and eastern.

    In another study, this time by American scientists at Harvard University, the distribution of Ukrainians by haplogroup was analyzed more deeply. It turned out that 65-70% of Ukrainians belong to haplogroup R1a, which is characteristic of steppe peoples. For example, among the Kyrgyz it occurs in 70% of cases, among the Uzbeks - in 60%, among the Bashkirs and Kazan Tatars - in 50%. For comparison, in Russian regions north-west - Novgorod, Pskov, Arkhangelsk, Vologda regions group R1a belongs to 30-35% of the population.

    Other haplogroups of Ukrainians are distributed as follows: three of them - R1b (Western European), I2 (Balkan), and N (Finno-Ugric) each have approximately 10% of representatives, another one - E (Africa, Western Asia) has approximately 5%. As for the indigenous inhabitants of the territory of Ukraine, genetics is powerless here. “The genotypes of modern Ukrainians cannot tell us anything about ancient history population of Ukraine,” admits American geneticist Peter Forster.

    Hello father! This question really bothers me. If God created Adam and Eve, and they were Jews, then where did other peoples and races come from? Help my unbelief.

    Priest Antony Skrynnikov answers:

    Hello, Dimitri!

    When God created Adam and Eve, they had no nationality. Modern nationalities and different nationalities were formed after the Flood, and descended from the sons of Noah: Ham, Shem and Japheth. And Adam and Eve are the ancestors of not only the Jews, but also all other peoples. As a nation, the Jewish people were formed and formed much later (after approximately 400 years) - while living in Egypt.

    This is how Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskaya describes this event in “The Law of God”:

    The multiplied descendants of Noah lived together for a long time in one country, not far from the Ararat Mountains, and spoke the same language. When the human race became numerous, the evil deeds and strife between people increased, and they saw that they would soon have to disperse throughout the entire earth. But before they dispersed, the descendants of Ham, drawing others along with them, decided to build a city and in it a tower, like a pillar, with a height reaching to heaven, in order to become famous and not be subordinate to the descendants of Shem and Japheth, as Noah predicted. They made bricks and got to work. This proud idea of ​​people was displeasing to God. So that evil would not completely destroy them, the Lord confused the language of the builders so that they began to speak different languages and stopped understanding each other. Then people were forced to abandon the construction they had begun and scatter across the earth in different directions. Japheth's descendants went west and settled throughout Europe. The descendants of Shem remained in Asia, the descendants of Ham went to Africa, but some of them also remained in Asia. The unfinished city was nicknamed Babylon, which means confusion. The whole country where this city was began to be called the land of Babylon, and also the Chaldean. People who settled across the earth gradually began to forget their kinship, and separate, independent peoples or nations began to form, with their own customs and language.

    Sincerely, priest Anthony Skrynnikov.

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