How to update Telegram on your phone to make calls. How to update telegram to the latest version on all platforms. The benefits and harms of software updates

How to update Telegram if the messenger does not download updates automatically? We are accustomed to the fact that both the phones themselves and the programs installed on them download and install the latest software in the background. But there are situations when the version of the messenger continues to become outdated for a long time. And this is where we have to take matters into our own hands.

How to update Telegram on Android phone

In the mobile version of Telegram, updating is not controlled from the program settings, i.e. there is no “update automatically” button. The application itself makes periodic requests for new software from the developer, downloads it as it becomes available and installs it. All this happens in the background. If you suspect that this is not happening, you can forcefully initiate the process of downloading the necessary files.

To update Telegram to latest version you need to find out if new software is available for Telegram:

  • Open from the desktop Play Market ;
  • In the upper left corner of the screen, click the “Menu” button or swipe the screen from left to right:
  • In the menu that opens, select “My applications and games”, and then the “Updates” tab.
  • Let's see if there is a Telegram icon in this section. If there is, click on the “Update” button opposite it. The process will then proceed automatically. No means there are no available packages.
  • If there is nothing to download, look at the list below. It displays apps that have recently been updated. If Telegram is there, it means you don’t need to do anything else. No - move on to the next part of the instructions.

Let's check if the settings are correct:

  • Go to the section "Installed" and scroll the list until we see the messenger icon;
  • Click on the logo (not on the “Open” inscription!);
  • In the window that opens, click on the “Menu” button (upper right corner);
  • A white rectangle will appear that says “auto-update.” There should be a check mark next to it. If not, put it on;
  • If Telegram auto-update was disabled, then after enabling it, simply exit Play Store and wait for a while. The download and installation of files will begin automatically. All you have to do is go back to the “My applications and games” section and make sure that the program has been updated and appears in the corresponding list.

How to update Telegram on iPhone

We will also operate through the Store. Only in this case intended for devices running on iOS. Therefore, we look on the desktop App Store and open it. In principle, the procedure for further actions is almost identical to what was described in the instructions for Android. But there are still small functional differences, so we have prepared a separate manual for iPhone owners.

  • In the App Store, look at the very bottom of the screen. Click on the button at the bottom of the screen:
  • In the list we look for the messenger icon. If there is an “Update” button opposite it, click and let the device “get busy” installing new software. No - click on the Telegram icon (not “Open”!):
  • The screen will display “What’s new”. Directly below it is information about the last loaded software. If the Telegram update number matches the current version number presented at the office. developer’s website – we don’t do anything else: everything you need is already installed. The number does not match - see the next part of the instructions.

The system may not be able to update Telegram due to your smartphone settings. iPhones, unlike Androids, have a button automatic download The latest software is located not in the application window (directly in the Play Store), but in the settings of the device itself. You can check this like this:

  • We exit the App Store and open the phone settings from the desktop.
  • Scroll the screen to the very bottom, look for the messenger icon and click on it.

Russian messenger Telegram

provided updates for Android platforms and iOS. It consists of two new functions: viewing and listening to media files without leaving the application and searching in chats.

SoundCloud, Vimeo And Youtube— it is from these services that you can play video or audio without leaving the chat. For this purpose, users of the Russian Telegram you need to click on the external link of the media file. The developers also worked on organizing media files in the chat.

Users of the application on Android devices also received a new menu for transferring files, media and contacts. In fact, now it resembles the same menu that iOS users have been using for a long time. And here it’s a carbon copy.

Previously, the search for keywords in correspondence was carried out in common field to search throughout the application. This means that according to key queries users saw not only snippets of correspondence, but also applications, files, links, etc. Now the developers have implemented search only in a specific chat. For Android and iOS, the search function is implemented differently.

In the iOS version of the app, users will need to select a specific chat and click on Search in the top left corner. Users Android devices will have to use the Action Menu.

Search will highlight keywords in chats, which will allow the user to find the desired message in the correspondence.

It is worth noting that chat search has long been implemented in WeChat. Finally, the tendency to copy Asian developments has reached Russian Telegram.

Telegram - quick application for communication that fits all devices. For great job, it needs to be updated to provide new additions and functions. We'll tell you how to do this.


Updates keep its features up and running. Features of new versions:

  • Speed: the fastest among instant messengers.
  • Cross-platform.
  • Synchronization.
  • Sending an unlimited number of messages, megabytes, files. At the same time, it does not take up disk space, and all information is stored in its own cloud, unlike WhatsApp.
  • Security and confidentiality of personal information.
  • Create group chats with a huge amount participants (up to 100 thousand members).
  • Presentation of bright graphic additions to text (emoticons, gifs, stickers), which are absolutely free and have a wide variety.
  • Simple and intuitive interface.
  • Secret chats for extra privacy that are quickly destroyed.

Why do you need to update?

To ensure the continued security of personal data, including protection from hackers, improve system performance and integrate new functions into the program that make it more comfortable to use.

Also, over time, the outdated version begins to work worse, and as a result does not open at all on some devices.

How to update desktop Telegram on a computer or laptop

Determine if the program requires an update.

  1. Open it and look at the upper right corner. If you find a download icon there, click on it.
  2. The update will begin downloading. Wait until the download completes. Telegram will restart and a notification will be sent to your personal messages.

If you are interested in the characteristics of the program version, then follow the following instructions:

How to update Telegram on Android

Automatic updates are included in the Play Market on Android. Every time the official bot of the application sends information about innovations to the chat. But if it seems to you that Telegram has not received improvements for a long time, then try installing them manually.

  • Open Play Market and check if you are authorized.
  • Type the name of the program in the search bar.

  • If you see an option to update next to the delete button, you have one of the older versions.
  • Click on the green button.
  • Wait for the latest version to install on your device.

Another way:

  1. Go to the side menu by swiping to the right.
  2. Open My Apps & Games.
  3. You will see all the applications that need updating. Check if Telegram is among them.

How to enable or disable auto-update:

  • First way. Go to “My Apps and Games”, click “Update All”. If auto-updates are disabled, Play Market will prompt you to enable the feature.
  • Second way. Go to the specific program page. Click on the three dots and check/uncheck the “Auto update” box.

Don't forget to go to the Market and check the status of all installed programs.

How to update Telegram on iPhone

Attention! If you have an outdated program installed, but the old version does not change, then:

  • Go to your phone settings.
  • In applications, find Telegram and click on it.
  • Near the column with updates, move the slider to the right.

What to do if Telegram is not updating

  1. Reboot your device and try again.
  2. Free up memory: you may be running out of memory.
  3. Check your auto update settings.
  4. Check your internet connection.

Let's sum it up

How to update Telegram on your phone: go to Play Market or AppStore. Check for improvements and install them. It’s even easier on a computer: the program is installed automatically. And if not, set auto-update in the settings. Stay tuned for new developments to protect your privacy.

Telegram messenger is mainly presented as an application for computers and smartphones. Today the program is supported by developers, updates are regularly released that fix bugs and add new features. In order for you to take advantage of the new features in the program, you need to download and install the update on the messenger. We'll talk about this in more detail in this article.

How to update Telegram to the latest version

Updating an application is quite simple, since the process is done through its settings or through the application store through which it was downloaded. However, the instructions will vary depending on which platform the application is used for.

Below we will look at all the available variations.

Option 1: Telegram Desktop

For mainstream computers operating systems It also has its own application – Telegram Desktop. There is also a web version of the messenger, but there is no point in updating it. Updating the messenger program on a computer is a fairly easy process, but difficulties may arise for users from Russia, since the messenger is blocked in this country. To avoid possible problems, it is recommended to use VPN programs and various services that offer the necessary functionality.

The process for updating the Telegram Desktop application is as follows:

If you are unable to update the application correctly this way, there is an alternative. You can just download new version from the official website of the developer (the latest versions are always presented there). This method updates are more convenient if the application itself cannot download the necessary files due to blocking. The instructions will look like this:

We have a more detailed article on our website dedicated to the process of installing the Telegram application on a computer running Windows.

Option 2: Update from a smartphone

The most popular versions of the application are for smartphones on Android or iOS. Updates are also released regularly for mobile versions of the application. True, the process of installing these updates will differ significantly from that on Windows. The thing is that you will have to update the application through the application store interface on your smartphone. Android has this Google Play Market, and for iOS smartphones this is the AppStore.

As an example, let's look at how you can update Telegram on Android OS. The instructions for iOS will have some differences, but not very significant.

There is nothing complicated in the process of updating the Telegram application, since most of the actions occur automatically. Because of this, you will need no more than a few minutes to “go through everything.” The only difficulties may arise due to blocking in some regions.

Bona Tarda from Catalonia! Previously, when new versions of programs were released, you had to either buy them as a separate disk, or wait for a package from the developer by mail. Now everything has become much simpler: to update telegram or download a program update for free to your computer, you just need to make a couple of clicks on in the right place. But today we will look at where these very places are and when you need to click on them in all the details.

First, let's figure out how you can update Telegram and how it works. Many users fear that the messenger will one day reset all settings (we remind you of the instructions on how to set up Telegram).

For example, there was a native version in Russian, installed with such difficulty, and now it’s gone. And everything will have to start all over again. Similar concerns are associated with dialogues, contact lists, and even set passwords.

But the time has come to dispel all your doubts: this will not happen. All settings, dialogs and passwords will remain in place, and the Russian version will remain Russian. The installed translation patch will be updated without your knowledge.

The general update algorithm on a PC looks like this:

  • Next to the close and lock buttons (top right), look for the download icon. It only appears if the update is already available - at other times you don’t even have to look for it.
  • Click on it.
  • Wait a little.

That's all. The client will do the rest for you.

Try to download updates only this way.

But this algorithm is only relevant for computers. But what about the situation on the phone?

How to update telegram on android phone, iphone

Everything couldn't be simpler here. If you have a nokia, samsung, xiaomi, eta, or lenovo - in general, an android phone, just wait for the new update to come out. And it will immediately install itself: the phone will even notify you about it.

However, owners of Samsung phones and other similar ones sometimes have the following problem: a new version arrives on the smartphone, but is not installed.

The solution to this is simple:

  • Go to Google Play.
  • Go to "My Games and Applications".
  • Find Telegram in the list.
  • Click on "Update".
  • Wait a little.

On an iPhone, everything works exactly the same - either we wait, or we forcefully download it from the AppStore.

But some people prefer to go longer and thorny path.

Where to download the updated telegram

Namely, download the long-updated Telegram not online, but using a torrent. Moreover, this same torrent is best found in Yandex and added to it “without registration.”

This path is more dangerous. When looking for a client, you can easily stumble upon a lot of viruses, data thieves, worms and just Trojans. In addition, this way you can only update the version for a computer - this will not work with a mobile device. However, the application store already presents the latest version.

To find the same one on your PC, you just need to enter the corresponding query in the search bar. But be careful and carefully check all sites before downloading anything from them.

It is best to take a ready-made new version from the official website or its Russian-language version (Russian Telegram website). It will be more reliable this way.

Well, now, as is our custom, we will look at a couple of the most popular questions and problems.

How to update your contact list in telegram

As a rule, such an update occurs automatically as soon as you decide to add a new friend. But if this does not happen, try restarting the application completely: it is highly likely that it has simply frozen.

If this solution does not help, then there is something wrong with the program.

First of all, try updating it. Often this problem occurs due to some kind of system error. old version. Didn't help - reinstall.

It also happens that it simply does not have access to your phone book. He needs to be given one. This is done through “Settings - Applications - About the application - Permissions - Read status and phone ID”.

How to cancel telegram update

As a rule, you will not be able to stop this or that update - the reason for this is its rather light weight. However, you can try. As soon as you see a familiar icon at the top of the screen, immediately click on it and look for the coveted cross.

You cannot completely disable updates. One way or another, even after six months of use, he will download this very patch by hook or by crook. No new loopholes have yet been invented on the phone.

There is a way out for PC users: you can simply delete the new version and download the old one using the request “download Telegram version 2.0”. And so on until the next major and necessary update.

Why does telegram sometimes not work after updating?

This problem may occur immediately after last update, and during it. For example, iPhone users are often plagued by an update error that prevents them from using the program without worry.

To prevent this from happening, try completely reinstalling the program. Remove it using the app store or third-party software. And download again - but this time the newest version.

If this does not help, contact official technical support - telegram technical support almost always helps users. Perhaps your error is strictly individual, and we cannot help you. It is quite possible that, according to their instructions, you will have to update your client by force or, on the contrary, roll back the patch.


Thanks to today's article, you learned how to update the popular instant messenger in a timely manner. However, this knowledge will not be useful to retrogrades - fortunately, Telegram does not force anyone to update.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of the update:

  • Some bugs have been fixed.
  • New useful features have been added.

Cons of the update:

  • You may not like it.
  • Sometimes updates completely break the client.

Video review

Here good example what can be added or changed in the new Telegram patch:

Comments on the article "How to update telegram for free on a computer, Android, iPhone"

Telegram 4.3.1 free download - Telegram for computer in Russian

Telegram is a free messenger program from Pavel Durov, founder of Vkontakte, developed as a replacement Email and SMS.

Download the free Telegram messenger and use the possibility of unlimited file sharing. You can chat easily and securely with it, as well as send photos, videos and other media files in various formats, including GPS coordinates. The Telegram application is developed for Android or iPhone, for a Windows or Mac computer, as a safe and high-quality application with the benefits of functional advantages.

New in latest version:

  • Fixed many minor errors and bugs in Telegram for computer;
  • Updated and improved design of Telegram for Windows;
  • Improved UI lock feature for Android;
  • Added auto-download feature in the background;
  • Added new vibration mode types;
  • Fixed management of interrupted downloads for Android;
  • Added the ability to send voice messages in a private chat for Windows Phone;
  • Improved startup update speed.

Downloading Telegram to your computer for free in Russian is recommended for those users who spend more time on their desktop PC and want to always be in touch with friends!

Open description

At first impressions, Telegram is fundamentally reminiscent of another super-popular application - WhatsApp.

Not surprisingly, many users notice the clear similarity of buttons, tools and, of course, the ideology itself and the method of data transfer. In this messenger, registration in the service is implemented according to the already proven scheme of linking an account to a user phone number. Like the aforementioned WhatsApp, this program automatically adds numbers connected to the application to Contacts, and you can send an invitation to users who are not in the drop-down list.

Download Telegram on Windows computer 7, 8 and 10 in Russian are available for free from the official website using the link below. Recommended for users who spend a lot of time working on a laptop or desktop computer.

In the settings of Telegram Messenger for Windows, you are allowed to change your personal profile data, i.e. change your photo and name, set up sound alerts, select the background of the dialog box, block unwanted callers, and more. The speed parameters of data transfer deserve special attention. Telegram's transmission speed is truly excellent, regardless of the content - all file data, including “large-sized” documents, are sent very quickly.

In general, given the rate of continuous growth of its client base, Telegram is already a powerful competitor to other software alternatives, captivating with its excellent functionality, ease of use and, of course, its free nature.

How to Russify Telegram

Download for smartphone/tablet

Telegram for computer

Telegram Sep 7, 2015 09:26

Today there are many different applications for communication. Everyone chooses the most suitable option for themselves. Some people rely on functionality, while others prefer free services. There are applications that combine all these options. This is Telegram for the computer. It is available absolutely free and allows users to communicate despite the long distances between them. Distinctive feature messenger is its security. It was created specifically so that users could send text messages to each other and not worry that their personal information would become known to someone.

General characteristics

The program was created in 2013 by the Durov brothers. And the first version of the utility only worked on the iOS platform. Over a short period of time, she gradually won over target audience and today it is a worthy competitor to most similar programs. After all, like other Telegram utilities, the computer application instantly sends messages and files of various formats. A special feature of the program is that it was initially aimed at foreign users, so the main interface language was English. Only in 2014 the language panel was expanded, and the Russian-language interface became available to users.

Download Telegram for computer

The creator company worked carefully on creating telegrams and made sure that the application works on almost all operating systems and devices. They worked successfully and now the utility is available on such mobile platforms Oh:

  • Windows Phone;
  • Android;
  • Windows;
  • Mac OS

Today these are versions that are still being finalized. If you own an Apple PC, you can either download the application or use the online version. Both app and web development are available for Windows device owners.

To clarify, I would like to remember that the utility creates a binding to mobile phone. When you first start, you will need to indicate a valid phone number and wait until you receive an SMS with an activation code. Then you need to enter it in the appropriate field. Thus, the telegram is activated and you can start finding friends and communicating. After all, it is so important that talking is not only easy, but also safe.

Download Telegram for computer


Telegram is a practical messenger linked to mobile number, allows you to communicate with an audience of over 50 million users.

Free for:

Home work

It is impossible not to highlight the interface of this application as a separate one. You often see comments on forums and hear opinions about how strange and even unpleasant appearance from the same WhatsApp. It is difficult to blame this program for this. Its interface is fully in line with the latest fashion trends and is maximally optimized for user convenience. It’s very easy to verify this – you just need to download Telegram for Windows for free.

How to install Telegram on your computer

Telegram Messenger is a popular application for messaging, making calls and sending media files. One of the main advantages of the messenger is high degree protection. There are versions of the program not only for mobile platforms, but also for PCs. This article will discuss how to install Telegram on a computer.

Installing Telegram client for PC

The Telegram client must be downloaded from official page or from trusted sources. It is advisable not to download the program from little-known resources, as there is a risk of getting a virus. The messenger is compatible not only with Windows operating systems, but also with PCs running Linux and MacOS.

Once the distribution is downloaded, you can begin the installation. It is no different from other programs, just follow the instructions. The whole process will take no more than two minutes. In the first window you need to select the installation path, initially this is the system folder, but you can specify any other folder, including those with Russian characters in the name. Then you need to click the Next button three times in the pop-up windows, wait for the installation to complete and close the window.