How to neutralize smoke. How to eliminate the smell of burning indoors. Products for high-quality general cleaning

You will need

  • - ammonia or vinegar,
  • - terry towels or sheets,
  • - coffee beans,
  • - air ionizer.


In this situation, ventilation helps in most cases, but there is significant drawback is the duration of this procedure. Therefore, immediately begin general cleaning, before the smell has time to be deeply absorbed into all surfaces. Take out all the surviving items and get rid of those items that may be the source of an unpleasant odor.

Subject the surviving curtains, bed linen and carpets to a thorough wash with long-term airing in the fresh air or take them to dry cleaning, they will definitely restore your items to perfection. full order. Check that the ventilation is working properly; if the draft is weak, then fix the problem first. Thanks to good ventilation, the burning smell will evaporate faster. Ventilate rooms more often or turn on the air conditioner.

If the fire was not very strong, then you can do redecorating to get rid of the smell of smoke and burning. After a strong fire, if the walls have turned black, you will have to clean the room down to concrete box, removing wallpaper from the walls and deep cleaning them. Discard baseboards and, if any, partitions.

Thoroughly wash the ceiling and doors with some water. acetic acid or ammonia. With this solution you can not only wash away fumes and soot, but also eliminate bad smell, which managed to permeate the entire apartment. A wonderful device - a steam cleaner - will help you get to hard-to-reach places and make the cleaning process easier.

But a steam cleaner is not a cheap “pleasure”, which is its undoubted disadvantage, but traditional methods are not always able to get rid of the consequences of a fire completely.

There is one that will help you cope with surface treatment.

It is very difficult to get rid of such consequences of a fire as soot and soot. This set includes everything necessary tools and funds. You can get rid of soot, soot and carbon deposits by applying a special product, and then cleaning the “lost” layers using special towels or napkins. In addition, the set includes a special costume personal protection, which will help you avoid getting your clothes and body dirty.

After spring cleaning take several or sheets, wet them and hang them on interior doors and in the rooms. A damp cloth will absorb all unpleasant odors, so you should use this effective method. Once the towels are dry, wet them again and hang them up.

Place roasted coffee beans in plates and place them around the rooms. If possible, use an air ionizer, which can absorb and neutralize all unpleasant odors, including after a fire.

But these methods are not always able to remove the burning smell completely.

It will help you. This neutralizer not only masks the odor, but completely breaks it down at the molecular level.

To destroy the “aroma”, it is necessary to treat all surfaces with this solution, first removing soot and soot. First of all, you need to wash the walls, ceiling, and it is also important to touch everything hard to reach places. Then leave the product until completely dry and ventilate the room.

An important advantage SmellOff is it natural composition, consisting of plant extracts and enzymes, which makes the product absolutely harmless and safe.

Something burned in your apartment and you want to get rid of the unpleasant smell? Are you afraid that it will disappear in just a few days? In fact, there is no need to worry at all; you can deal with this problem easily and quickly. To make it easy for you to do this, let’s figure out how to get rid of the burning smell.

How to remove such a nasty burnt smell? If it has just appeared, you should take the following measures:

  • To begin with, the room should be very well ventilated. Be sure to open all the doors and windows for this; if possible, turn on the fan for intense airflow. If you do this right away, the burning smell will not have time to stagnate in the room and be absorbed into the surfaces.
  • Next, you should carry out a full wet cleaning of your premises. Curtains should be washed if possible, and it is also worth going over all soft surfaces with a vacuum cleaner, including sofas and armchairs. If you have a steam mop, be sure to use it for this purpose - it copes best with such troubles.
  • After this, you will need to use fragrances to ensure that the apartment has a fresh aroma again. You can use it for this purpose special means in the form of aerosols or simply spread lemon or orange peels around the apartment - they neutralize any unpleasant odors well.

The measures presented will help get rid of the burning smell in the apartment if something minor has burned. If you have an emergency, for example, a fire in your apartment, you will have to take more effective measures. Let's take a look at them in more detail.

If there is a fire

Removing the smell of burning from an apartment where there was a recent fire is much more difficult than simply getting rid of the stench from burnt food or an electrical appliance. Here we need to act more radically. To get rid of the stench, you will have to throw away all the burnt things, wash the curtains in the machine, and replace the burnt fragments of the floor and walls. If possible, you need to remove the finishing coating from the floor and walls, replacing it with a new one.

After this, it will be necessary to carry out wet cleaning throughout the entire apartment. During such cleaning, it is recommended to add a few spoons of vinegar to the water - this will help you quickly deal with the unpleasant odor.

Video: removing odor after a fire:

Now you need to remove the burning smell that remains in the room. This can be done using various available means. Let's look at them in more detail.

Method 1 - activated carbon

How to quickly eliminate the burning smell after a fire in an apartment? You can deal with this problem by using regular activated carbon. To do this, you will need to take several small containers and place a mixture of ordinary baking soda with coal in equal parts and place throughout the apartment where they will not disturb you. The mixture in these containers should be changed from time to time, otherwise it will no longer absorb the burning smell.


Instead of activated carbon, you can use a mixture of sand and Provençal herbs. The operating principle of this product is the same.

Method 2 - air conditioning

If you have an air conditioner in your home, you can use it to eliminate the fumes. To do this, you will need to close all the windows in the apartment and turn on the device at full power. After a few hours of work, you will be able to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

After the air conditioner removes the stench, you will need to spray an air freshener in the air so that the apartment pleasant aroma. Just do not overdo it with this product, as in high concentrations it can harm your health or your pets.

Method 3 - sheets

How to quickly deal with the unpleasant smell in the house after a fire? Use ordinary sheets for this purpose. You will need to soak them on a short time in a weak solution of vinegar and hang it in all rooms. They will quickly absorb all the unpleasant odors.


If you don't have enough sheets, you can do the same trick with large towels and unnecessary curtains. They will work just as well.

Method 4 - water containers

This method of removing the burning smell can be used immediately after extinguishing a fire, it is so simple to use. As part of it, it is enough to fill several deep pans with water and place them throughout the room. Such pans should be left for several hours, in which case they will be able to completely absorb unpleasant odors.

If you want to speed up getting the desired effect from this technique, you will need to use instead ordinary water a weak solution of potassium permanganate - it usually works much better. This solution will also need to be updated from time to time, otherwise at some point it will stop absorbing fumes.


Boiling water also helps a lot to get rid of the stench. To use this method, you will need to collect several saucepans and place them on the stove to boil. Just remember to refresh the water in them so that the liquid does not boil away completely.

Method 5 - aromatic oils

This technique for removing stench should only be used when the apartment has already been cleaned and ventilated. It is used like this:

  1. Heat several pots of water.
  2. Pots are placed throughout the house.
  3. Add a few drops of essential oil (for example, pine needle or orange oil) to each container and leave it for several hours.


Be careful with this method if you have allergies in your home. Essential oils can provoke a serious attack in them, so in this case it is recommended to use more harmless means, for example, containers with clean water.

You can also use ordinary pine needles instead of aromatic oils. Just bring a few pine or spruce legs into the house and place them in all rooms. It won't take long and they will completely rid your home of the stench.

Method 6 - salt

This is another simple way to easily get rid of the burning smell. It is very simple to use: you will need to take salt (you can choose table salt, but regular bath salt will also work without strong flavoring) and pour it in small slides in all corners of the apartment. It absorbs odor. You will only need to replace the salt slides with new ones from time to time, throwing away the product that has already accumulated soot.


remember that such salt very quickly absorbs various harmful substances. Do not under any circumstances use it for cooking or any other economic needs, just throw it away.

If you want not only the unpleasant odors to disappear from your house, but also a subtle pleasant aroma to appear, use ordinary coffee beans instead of salt. All you need to do is pour it into small containers (you can take ordinary shallow jars or small bowls for this purpose) and place such containers throughout the apartment. After a few hours, the coffee will absorb the burnt residue and all you have to do is throw it away. Like table salt, this product cannot be used for any household purposes after such use.

Video: how to remove the burning smell?

Of course, every person has an unpleasant smell of burning. It brings discomfort to normal life and harms the body. The stench penetrates into all things; aromatic fragrances or perfumes kill the smell only temporarily. Of course, with the help of ventilation you can get rid of a small accumulation of stench, but in the event of a fire this option is not suitable. In the global case, other methods are used.

Spring-cleaning. This method is similar to the usual cleaning of the room, only a special solution is used instead of the usual detergents. You will need 5 liters of water, 1 tsp. ammonia, 1 tbsp. vinegar 9% With this solution, you need to wash the entire room using a rag or give preference to a steamer. Treat the area where the fire was located more thoroughly. You should treat the floors, windows and don’t forget about the ceiling. All textile items must be washed or dry cleaned.

Floors, windows and ceilings should be treated with a special solution

Coffee beans and lemon. Natural coffee will help eliminate the burning smell. To do this, you need to close all the windows, heat the frying pan and roast the coffee beans. After one hour, you can open the windows and ventilate the room. It is recommended to treat surfaces with a solution of water containing a small amount lemon juice. When washing, you can add lemon to the powder.

High humidity. High humidity absorbs burnt smell well. To do this, you need to open the tap in the room with hot water and open all the doors. It is recommended to place a large container of water on the stove and let it simmer gently for several hours. You can add aromatic herbs to the water: lemon balm, cinnamon, cumin, cloves, etc. You can hang it in the rooms wet towels or sheets that need to be washed after 30 minutes and hung fresh.

If the stench is persistent, then a solution can be used. To do this you will need water and 9% vinegar in a ratio of 10:1. Place the liquid on low heat and bring to a boil. Leave to simmer for 3 hours. No people should be in the room at this time.

Fresheners and fragrances. With a slight burning smell, flavors and fragrances can help. The best freshener considered a citrus product. To do this, cut oranges and lemons into small portions and place them throughout the room. You can use an anti-tobacco air freshener; other fragrances are ineffective; they simply mask the smell, but do not remove the burnt aroma. Starch with two drops of ammonia can be an excellent fragrance; place it in different rooms, and it will help remove the foul odor.

Blasting. There is one more effective method to eliminate the burning smell coming out of the apartment. You can use soft blasting. This method uses a special technology that allows you to clean various surfaces. This method uses a solution that is fed under high pressure and cleanses impurities. The solution that is used does not contain abrasive particles, this allows it to avoid causing damage to the surface. The only drawback of this method is the likelihood of flooding neighbors.

Using the methods described is effective, but in some cases, especially in severe fires, they may not work as expected. To do this, you will need to get rid of all burnt things and make a complete repair, following the tips for eliminating the smell. In most cases, the floor is the easiest object to remove the stench without difficulty.


Everyone has had at least one occasion in their life when food got burnt or, even worse, completely burned, leaving behind an unpleasant odor that is difficult to remove. Let's look at tips on how to remove the smell of burning from your apartment.

Burnt food leaves an unpleasant odor that is difficult to remove.

It will not be possible to mask the smell. All fragrances and air fresheners only temporarily mask the air and do not combat the problem in any way. To get rid of the stench, you need to do some cleaning. To do this you will need some things:

  • fragranced laundry detergents;
  • flavorings, give preference to oil-based ones;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • salt;
  • citrus fruits and natural coffee beans;
  • ammonia;
  • if you have it, you can use it quartz lamp.

The funds from the list will be needed for different stages. Let's consider step by step instructions to remove burning smell indoors.

The first thing you need to start with is collecting all the things that can be washed or dry cleaned.

  1. Wash things. At the same time, do not forget about the compatibility of things with each other. Products that must only be exposed hand wash, you also need to wash it, but only separately from other things.
  2. It is better to use conditioner during washing. It will get rid of the unpleasant odor.
  3. It is advisable to place things outside to dry. Things will be further ventilated there.

First, you should collect all items that can be washed or dry cleaned.

It is necessary to do wet cleaning throughout the entire room. In this case, several conditions must be observed.

  1. To get rid of the smell, you need to add vinegar or ammonia to the water for cleaning the room. Solutions have a pungent odor, which allows them to displace other aromas and soon evaporate.
  2. Treat all surfaces of the apartment with the solution.
  3. Towels can be soaked in the solution and hung in each room. This will help the soot to be absorbed into wet materials and lead to rapid air purification.
  4. You can sprinkle salt in every room. It is able to absorb unpleasant odors and helps purify the air from various stench.
  5. The best option would be to wash it. carpets. You can wash them yourself or use dry cleaning services.

Now you need to replace the unpleasant stench with a pleasant one. This method speeds up the process of cleaning the room.

You need to place coffee beans in the container, they will act as a natural flavoring

This will require certain actions.

  1. You need to place coffee beans in the container. For aesthetic pleasure, it is better to take a beautiful vase. It will give pleasure to the eye and work as a natural flavor.
  2. You can place aromatic oils with your favorite scent around your apartment. Not only will this fill the room with a pleasant aroma, but when used with medicated oil, it can also benefit the body. If there is no special lamp or there is not enough quantity to supply each room, then you can simply drop the oil onto a cold light bulb in a chandelier or sconce and turn it on. When heated, the oil will release its aromas.
  3. You can use scented candles or sticks. When using sticks, be sure to place a non-flammable container underneath them. When the sticks burn, they leave behind ash, which falls to the surface and can start a fire. Such methods can help displace the unpleasant odor and replace it with a pleasant aroma.

If it is possible to use a quartz lamp, then this will be a good help for getting rid of burning. Such devices will help get rid of bacteria and germs. It only needs to be left on for 30 minutes, and the room will be disinfected. It must be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to be in the room with a working lamp.

If possible, the things that come from unpleasant aroma, you need to take it outside. Sun rays promote disinfection and get rid of fetid stench.

You can put water and vinegar on the fire, but you must leave the room. Once all the steps are completed, you will need to ventilate the room well.

If you follow all these recommendations, you can get rid of the burning smell with minimal effort. But in order not to eliminate the consequences of a fire or burnt food, you just need to be more attentive and careful in the future, then you can forget about the unpleasant smell in the apartment.

Perhaps this has happened to you: you were cooking or baking something, got distracted, forgot to turn off the oven, or set the wrong temperature. Unfortunately, your dish burned and the burning smell spread throughout the house, getting into every crevice and reminding you of the failed dish. Luckily, this odor can be removed fairly easily with a few household items. After reading this article, you will learn how to remove the smell of burnt food. In addition, you will learn how to prepare solutions that are effective means combating the unpleasant smell of burning. Moreover, you can make your own air freshener that will fill your home with a pleasant aroma.


Cleaning the premises

    Remove burnt food. Once burnt food has cooled, throw it away immediately. Collect all burnt food and place it in plastic bag and dispose of it in the trash outside your home. Don't throw burnt food into the trash can in your kitchen. Throw it in a trash can located outside your home. Otherwise, you will not be able to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

    Open the windows. Open the windows and let fresh air into the room. This is the simplest and quick way get rid of unpleasant odor. Open all windows and doors, especially those close to the kitchen, to ensure the room is well ventilated.

    Turn on the fan. To help circulate air around your home faster, turn on all the fans in your home near open windows and doors. Turn them on maximum power to create air movement. If you have a hood in your kitchen, turn that on as well.

    Wash all surfaces. Thoroughly wash all surfaces in rooms where there is an unpleasant odor. Using bleach or disinfectant, clean all surfaces, including the floor. If the smell is very strong, wash the walls.

    Wash or throw away items that smell bad. Pay attention to fabric items that are in the room where the food was burned. These can be tablecloths, curtains and covers. Use bleach if you can use it to wash the above items. If the smell has permeated carton boxes located in the kitchen, place the contents of the boxes in plastic bags, and use the boxes for other purposes.

Masking the smell

    Create the aroma of fresh baked goods. Preheat oven to 90°C. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Sprinkle the baking sheet with cinnamon and sugar and add a tablespoon of butter. Turn off the oven. Leave the pan in the oven for 2-4 hours. As a result, a pleasant aroma of fresh baked goods will appear in the house.

    Spray lemon water. Pour equal parts lemon juice and water into a spray bottle. Spray the resulting solution indoors if necessary. Lemon freshener will absorb unpleasant odors and fill the room with a natural aroma of freshness.

    Make an air freshener with essential oils. Mix ¾ cup water, two tablespoons vodka, rubbing alcohol or vanilla extract with 15-20 drops essential oils that you like. Pour all ingredients into a spray bottle with a volume of at least 230 ml. Shake thoroughly and spray the resulting solution.

    Spray the aerosol. If everyone in your family tolerates air fresheners well, spray the product of your choice. Do not overdo the aerosol, as if you spray a large number of aerosol, your home will smell too strong. An air freshener is more effective than the above methods.


Article information

This article was produced by our experienced team of editors and researchers, who reviewed it for accuracy and completeness.

Sometimes there are cases when owners forget that they are cooking borscht, porridge or eggs on the stove. As a result, the pan burns, and the whole apartment is saturated with the smell of burning, including clothes. If you can wash the pan, if desired (there are a lot of products that allow you to do this in a few minutes), then it is sometimes very difficult to remove the foul odor. If you smell a burning smell, then first of all you need to run to the kitchen, turn off the stove, and put the pan with the leftover food under water to soak or take it outside.

If there is a hood, turn it on at full power. Turn on the fan. Open the vents and windows to create a draft in the kitchen. Proper ventilation will free the room from burning and smoke, thanks to the flow of fresh air. But during this time, the smell manages to permeate all the objects that are in the kitchen, and in case of heavy smoke, those that are in other rooms.

There is a remedy that will help you get rid of even the ingrained smoky smell. will help you cope with an unpleasant “disease” at the molecular level, breaking down even the smallest particles of this stench.

One of great benefits This neutralizer is its versatility. SmellOff can be applied to both hard and textile surfaces. In addition, the product helps to cope not only with the burning smell after a fire, but also with the smell of burnt food, kitchen utensils and appliances, cigarette smoke.

Treating a room with SmellOff will not require any additional effort from you.

  1. Clean surfaces from soot, carbon deposits and soot;
  2. Apply the product using a spray bottle or sponge;
  3. Leave until completely dry for 24 hours;
  4. Ventilate.

Wet cleaning

Foreign odors are absorbed well by wet fabric. To do this, take two or three large towels or sheets and wet them with water. Then squeeze it thoroughly and hang it on the refrigerator, cabinets and other furniture. When the towels are dry, wet them again. After about four hours, the burning smell should subside. It will also not be superfluous wet cleaning in the room. All surfaces should be wiped with a damp sponge dipped in water and vinegar (take one tablespoon of vinegar for one glass of water). If there is carpet in the kitchen, it needs to be vacuumed. Wash tablecloths, blankets and curtains.

If there are blinds in the kitchen, they need to be washed. If the smoke was strong, such that there is a burning smell even on the pillows and blankets, then it is best to take them to the dry cleaner. In the kitchen, be sure to wash the ceiling and walls. Add a little to water and vinegar detergent and use a sponge to go over the surface.

If you cannot get rid of the suffocating smell of burning on your own, then you can contact specialists who remove foreign odors from premises using ozone. For this purpose, industrial ozone generators are used. When treating the room, it is necessary that it be empty, since a high concentration of ozone is used, which is harmful to all living beings. Specialists individually select the ozone concentration and disinfection time.

Adsorbents and air purifiers

If the burning smell has ingrained itself into the wallpaper, air fresheners will help. The room must be ventilated throughout the week. To eliminate unpleasant odors, you can use gel and oil air fresheners, as well as aerosols in cans. If you are allergic to chemicals, you can place branches of juniper, spruce or pine in your house. They also work well with odor:

  • lemon and orange peel;
  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • cinnamon (cover a baking sheet with foil and grease it with butter. Sprinkle it with cinnamon and sugar and put it in the oven. After a couple of minutes, turn it off. A pleasant aroma will spread throughout the apartment).

Adsorbents will help get rid of burning: activated carbon, soda and salt. They need to be poured into small bowls and placed around the room.

Aromatic herbs will help overcome the unpleasant smell of burning: wormwood, sage, rosemary, lavender or mint. They need to be laid out around the room on paper. The grass will begin to dry and spread a pleasant smell throughout the room. Well, if you don’t have fresh herbs, then buy dry herbs at the pharmacy and boil them, but without a lid.