What is the name of the poison against cockroaches? An effective remedy for cockroaches. Sprays and aerosols

Every resident apartment building you have to periodically face such a problem as. These insects not only cause hostility to their appearance, but also pose a serious danger to human health. After all, unwanted tenants are carriers of many diseases: dysentery, hepatitis or tuberculosis. When entering into a battle with pests, every person strives to know what is the most effective poison against cockroaches.

What to pay attention to


Aerosols are an effective poison against cockroaches, which are produced in cans. It is enough to spray it in places where insects are most concentrated, and the result will not be long in coming. The effect will be insufficient if the premises are overly infested, when pests are widespread.

Many aerosols have an unpleasant odor, as a result of which the treated room needs to be ventilated after a certain time (indicated in the instructions). And the person who processes the premises must have the means personal protection(mask, gloves, closed clothing). In addition, aerosol agents are not intended for prevention, which is another disadvantage of this method of control.

Today, aerosols are sold in any supermarket or hardware store. The most popular brands are:

  1. Get is a fairly effective poison for cockroaches, the active substance of which is the insecticide chlorpyrifos. The advantage of the product is its safety for the health of households and their pets.
    Get is produced in the form of a suspension saturated with microscopic capsules, which is dissolved in water before use. The apartment is treated with the resulting solution, and after some time it is thoroughly ventilated. The product takes effect within 3 days from the date of treatment. This time is enough to infect all pests.
  2. Raptor- according to consumer reviews, an equally effective remedy. Cockroach poison is made on the basis of toxic substances (cypermethrin, tetramethrin and piperonyl butoxide), due to which insects cannot adapt to poisons. Once in the aerosol-treated area, the insect becomes a dangerous carrier of poison for its fellows.
  3. Spray Baron– cockroach poison, which has no repulsive odor, is absolutely non-toxic. It does not require additional mixing with water, but can be used immediately by spraying from the bottle.

Aerosols of the brands , Kombat, have a similar effect.


Traps are another way to kill cockroaches. They are safe for the health of people and animals, and are also quite easy to use. The device is a plastic box containing poison inside. The device has holes that serve as an entrance for insects. Having climbed into such a house and eaten poison, the cockroach becomes dangerous to its relatives.

The Kombat trap is in particular demand. The insecticide includes hydramethylnon, which has a detrimental effect on cockroaches. An insect that gets into the device and eats the bait will also poison its relatives.

No less popular are the following brands of traps: Forsyth, Taiga, Argus, Jeb.

According to consumer reviews, scented baits are the most effective. In search of a treat, a cockroach runs into a cardboard house and sticks to the sticky tape. An example of this is the Forsythe trap.

You can make such houses yourself at home. To do this, place honey or other sweets at the bottom of the jar, and lubricate the inner walls of the glass container vegetable oil or Vaseline. Once a cockroach gets into the jar, it will no longer be able to get out of it.

Crayons and powders

Crayons (pencils) are one of the oldest methods of fighting cockroaches. Compared to others modern means it is less effective, since in case of a large accumulation of insects it can only temporarily reduce their numbers. The Chinese poison is recognized as a more effective analogue of domestic crayons, such as Mashenka or Clean Dvor.

Powder mixtures have a strong effect on pests. It is enough for an insect to walk on the poison, and this will inevitably lead to its death. But to get rid of cockroaches forever, you will need a large amount of the drug. In addition, powder scattered around the kitchen or bathroom creates a feeling of unkemptness and disorder. And cockroaches often avoid such baits.

Smoke bombs

Insecticidal smoke bombs are a less popular means of poisoning cockroaches in an apartment. The disadvantage of this method of control is the long-lasting smell of burning and white coating, which remains on the surface of the furniture.

Boric acid

Perhaps this is the most effective folk method of getting rid of cockroaches. Boric acid is lethal to cockroaches, but safe for animals and people. It is a white, odorless powder that is used as the main component for preparing cockroach poison. In Moscow boric acid You can buy it at any pharmacy, and it costs very little.

You can use boric acid to poison cockroaches different ways:

  1. All sources of water are sprinkled with powder (sink, toilet, bathroom or shower). Trying to get to water, cockroaches receive a dose of boric acid.
  2. Boron powder can be used as the main component of the poison. In addition to it, it also contains raw egg yolk. These ingredients are mixed until a mushy mass is formed. Small balls are then formed from it, which are placed in places where insects appear.

Borax, another popular poison against cockroaches, has properties similar to boric acid. However, both methods do not allow you to get rid of the Prussians quickly.

On a note! good prophylactic from cockroaches is ammonia. Add a few drops of alcohol to the cleaning water and the insects will leave your apartment. The smell of ammonia repels pests. Vinegar or vinegar essence also has a similar effect.

Ultrasonic repeller

An electronic repeller for cockroaches in an apartment is modern solution this problem. The device produces a sound signal that is inaudible to the human ear, but unbearable for insects, from which they simply run away. Safety is the main advantage of this method of fighting.

Prevention of cockroaches

When baiting insects yourself, it is important not only to choose an effective poison against cockroaches, but also to monitor cleanliness, that is, to create unfavorable conditions for them.

Cockroaches are insects that have long settled near people. Those who are forced to often observe them in their apartments know how unpleasant this neighborhood is. Those who meet them for the first time experience shock. Prolific and nosy, omnivorous and fearless, they cause disgust, but are very difficult to breed.

Over the years, people have been developing ways to get rid of such neighbors. Many traditional methods are still used now, others cannot be used in the city. How to remove harmful insects?

Why do cockroaches appear?

Where do red cockroaches come from in an apartment? They can appear in the following ways:

In order for insects that get into an apartment or house to take root, certain conditions are needed. When moving from neighbors, beetles send a scout into the apartment, who determines the availability of food and water, and whether the temperature and humidity in the room are suitable for insects. If conditions are suitable, settlement occurs.

Unsanitary conditions encourage cockroaches to stay in living quarters. Food residues accessible to insects, spilled sugar or cereal, products in a thin shell will provide them with food for a long time. long term. They can live up to 3 weeks even without food.

Unlike food, they need water constantly. A dripping faucet and an unwiped puddle on the table will provide required amount for the whole colony.

The warmth of a human home with a moderately humid atmosphere is ideal for cockroaches to live and breed. Crevices and corners are especially convenient for them, where they can easily hide from prying eyes.

Harm of cockroaches to human health

Cockroaches are not just unpleasant - being around them is dangerous to human health. The ways in which they can cause harm are varied:

  • Cockroaches lead active image life, they move not only around the apartment, but also visit garbage dumps, garbage chutes, and sewers. Pathogenic microorganisms that live in these places settle on the legs and abdomen of insects. Returning to their habitat, pests bring the infection with them. After a while she ends up on the dishes, open products, baby nipples. These insects feed on waste, and entire colonies of microorganisms form in their digestive organs. Cockroaches carry such dangerous diseases as dysentery, salmonellosis, meningitis, mycoses, and genital infections.
  • Cockroaches are dangerous for allergy sufferers. Their chitinous coverings, shed during molting, feces, and dried corpses gradually crumble and mix with dust. Entering the human body through the respiratory tract or skin, they cause allergic rhinitis, dermatitis and even bronchial asthma.
  • Food spoilage is an obvious result of insect activity. You are unlikely to want to eat food on which cockroaches have crawled, on which they have left traces of their vital activity. Moreover, it is very dangerous. Insects even get into the refrigerator. Any food that is not tightly sealed will be spoiled.
  • Uninvited neighbors prevent you from sleeping peacefully and force you to listen to your feelings. This anxiety is not in vain: during sleep, a cockroach can get into your nose, ear or mouth. It can be quite difficult to remove it - this can only be done in a medical facility.
  • Having carefully cleaned the entire house, you cannot be sure that the danger has passed. Cockroaches can bite, especially if water or food cannot be found. The developed oral apparatus of Prussians allows them to damage the epidermis, bite the skin on the fingers, neck and even eyelids. The lesions become inflamed and heal poorly due to infection caused by insects. The bites itch and may even hurt. Often the consequence is allergic reaction, since when they bite, cockroaches bring protein from their saliva into the wound.
  • Cockroaches eat more than just human food. They can damage electrical appliances and wiring by gnawing insulation. As a result Appliances will fail, and damage to the wiring may result in a fire.
  • Insects can also feed on books, especially old ones. They are attracted by the glue of the bindings, and sometimes by the cover.

  • Unpleasant smell rot in the apartment, the feeling of dampness is also created by cockroaches. The strong smell comes from the black variety - the stronger the population size, the stronger the smell.
  • They are also dangerous for pets. A cockroach poisoned with insect killer, whether alive or dead, can be eaten by a cat or dog. The toxic substance affects the body of a pet and can lead to its death.

How to fight cockroaches?

Effective drugs and tablets for destruction

To control pests, drugs are used that lead to the death of insects after eating or simple contact. Each remedy has its pros and cons. It is advisable to alternate them to obtain maximum effect.

Killer chemicals

Professional tool against harmful insects – “Agran”. It contains 2 active substances: cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos. The remedy for cockroaches enters the insect's body through breathing, through the esophagus and even the chitinous covering. It doesn’t take long to wait for the maximum effect – only 2 hours. An insect poisoned by Agran dies within 20 minutes. However, light and heat weaken the effect of the drug, so re-treatment is carried out after 2 weeks. Like any potent drug, it can cause poisoning, so it should be used with caution.

Another killer against cockroaches is dust. Previously, it was used to combat any domestic insects: bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas. It was also used for pest control in agriculture. The word “dust” meant DDT. Subsequently, it turned out that the chemical compound had a negative effect on people and animals, and its use was banned. Today, the word “dust” is understood by a whole class chemical compounds designed to combat harmful insects. They are produced in the form of powders, but their use can be different:

  • some are intended for direct scattering;
  • others require diluting with water before use.

Dry dusts include “ Clean house", which is produced in Russia. The active ingredients are cypermethrin and tetramethrin, the synergists included in the composition enhance their effect. The powder is odorless and resistant to temperature and humidity. After treatment, it retains its properties for a month.

Another effective domestic product is Absolut dust. Contains deltamethrin and fenthion. The composition contains a substance that prevents dusting. Works for 8 weeks after application.

Dichlorvos aerosol is very poisonous and effective. Despite its long history, it is still in the forefront of the fight against red pests. The modern spray lacks the pungent odor that characterized its predecessor. Its advantages include the instant death of an insect that comes into contact with the product, and the ability to repel uninvited guests. However, it also has disadvantages: it is very toxic, and the beetles get used to it after a while.

The cockroach poison used by professional exterminators is more dangerous and toxic than products intended for independent use. These include Averfos, which belongs to the group of organophosphorus compounds. It is used not only in residential premises, but also for cleaning medical institutions and production areas by specially trained and trained people.

Professionals also use “Sinuzan”, “Sichlor”, “Xulate s25”. These products cost much more than homemade ones and are sold in large packages. If ordinary household poison against cockroaches does not work, it is better to contact a special organization rather than try to use dangerous poisons on one's own.

Traps and devices

The simplest and most harmless way to combat harmful beetles is a trap. They are “houses” made of cardboard or plastic, the bottom of which is covered with durable glue. A bait is placed in the trap that attracts insects with an appetizing smell. Cockroaches following the smell become glued and can no longer get out. These traps are good for keeping out intruders coming through vents or cable openings.

There are also devices that attract insects using bait and then kill them. electric shock. Ultrasonic repellers are also produced commercially, which force beetles to leave their homes. Ultrasound affects nervous system insects The device is extremely easy to use - you just need to plug it into a power outlet.

The advantage of traps and devices is that they are absolutely harmless to people and animals. Using them is also easy: you just need to activate them and place them in places frequented by beetles. They must be placed so that the child cannot reach them - then poisoning will not threaten even small children.

Folk methods of struggle

Over the centuries of cohabitation with cockroaches, people have come up with many ways to defeat this scourge. Besides poison, there are other effective methods. Most of them do not guarantee getting rid of annoying neighbors forever, but they greatly reduce their numbers.

The best remedies for cockroaches, proven over centuries:

What products are safe for animals?

In the top ways to fight cockroaches, except folk remedies, are also produced by industry. Traps and electrical appliances do not harm pets. Some aerosols are also safe for them if they are removed from the room during treatment:

  • the Raptor aerosol will not harm if after 15 minutes you ventilate the room and perform wet cleaning;
  • The “Combat” aerosol, thanks to the design of the cylinder, makes it possible to specifically treat suspicious areas, while other surfaces are not affected;
  • Bars spray, designed to protect animals from ticks and fleas, is the best remedy for cockroaches, as evidenced by reviews from grateful customers.

Where are medications and remedies for cockroaches sold?

You can purchase the medications needed to control cockroaches at hardware stores. Large supermarkets also have departments selling household chemicals protective orientation. Particularly toxic professional products are purchased in specialized stores.

Online stores also offer products against cockroaches, but purchasing poison there is not recommended. When purchasing such a product, it is very important to be sure of the quality and availability of appropriate licenses.

As practice shows, there are situations when apartment residents cannot get rid of cockroaches for months, and sometimes even years (!). So they live next to each other, and the sluggish war does not produce any tangible results. As a result, it may even seem as if cockroaches are not affected by any poison, and that these pests today have become accustomed to almost any insecticide.

In reality, this is not so: by choosing the right poison for cockroaches, the desired result can be achieved in a very short time (even in advanced cases), and the effect will be long-term. It is only necessary to take into account a number important nuances, which we will talk about in more detail later.

“Just two years ago we moved into a new building, but we can’t live with cockroaches! These creatures simply filled the whole house, fat, red, shiny, as if wet. We already have all the wallpaper in their traces, when you kill them they remain, even on the furniture. And they are so impudent, they crawl right over sleeping children! We fought with everything we could, we bought different aerosols, syringes, and boric acid. At least they have something. And they just come running for dichlorvos and ask for more..."

Irina, Ekaterinburg

What types of poisons are used today against cockroaches

Although it is common to glorify the unique ability of cockroaches to survive and withstand various insecticides However, it should be recognized: chemical industry today it is quite capable of giving a worthy rebuff to the invasion of pests. Moreover, certain modern drugs literally wipe out populations of cockroaches in apartments, even when individuals have pronounced resistance to a number of outdated poisons.

On a note

Dust and Dichlorvos, which are still well remembered by representatives of the older generation, are a thing of the past - today, in order to poison cockroaches in your home, you do not need to endure a terrible smell and risk your health, since you can buy much more effective and safe means, which, moreover, do not have such an unpleasant odor.

It should be borne in mind that insect dusts, as well as Dichlorvos, can still be found on sale today. different brands(Dichlorvos Neo, Dichlorvos Varan, etc.), but only according to chemical composition These are completely different drugs. The obsolete organochlorine pesticide DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and the organophosphorus Dichlorvos (dimethyldichlorovinyl phosphate) have today been replaced by safer and more convenient to use preparations, mainly based on synthetic pyrethroids.

According to the form of release and, as a consequence, according to the method of application, cockroach poisons can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Aerosol products are well-known and very popular insect repellent cans (Raptor, Combat, Dichlorvos, etc.). Today you can buy such poison against cockroaches in almost any hardware store or market. Aerosols have the greatest effect when they are sprayed directly onto the hiding places of cockroaches in the apartment. However, as you understand, in advanced cases, cockroach shelters can be located throughout the room, and as a result, as practice shows, aerosol poisons in the hands of an untrained person simply do not have a sufficient effect. In addition, aerosol preparations do not have a prolonged effect and, therefore, do not provide preventive protection of the premises from insects;
  2. Gels are a kind of poisoned bait that attracts cockroaches with their smell and poisons them due to the insecticide included in the gel. The peculiarity of such drugs is that they do not kill cockroaches quickly - it will take 2-3 weeks before the effect of using the gel is sufficiently manifested. However, some insecticidal gels work, although slowly, but very effectively, and can rightfully be considered one of the best. We will talk about these drugs a little later;
  3. Traps for cockroaches with poisoned bait inside (Raptor Double Strength, Combat, Clean House and some others). They are comparable in effectiveness to gels, but are more convenient to use, although they will be more expensive;

  4. Insecticidal pencils (crayons), as well as powders (dusts) are inexpensive poisons that kill cockroaches slowly and are best suited for preventing the proliferation of cockroaches indoors;
  5. Insecticide concentrates for dilution and subsequent spraying in the form of a spray - today some drugs in this group are considered the most effective remedies for cockroaches (certain brands of such poisons, due to their economical consumption and high efficiency, are used by pest control services in their work). Concentrates of a number of so-called microencapsulated preparations are adapted for household use: solutions prepared from them are odorless and allow large-scale destruction of cockroaches even in the most difficult cases.

On a note

Less popular means of poisoning cockroaches in an apartment include insecticidal smoke bombs. As a rule, mosquito repellents (Quiet Evening, City and others with permethrin as an active ingredient) are used for these purposes. The disadvantage of smoke bombs when used in residential premises is the long-lasting burning smell and the white coating of permethrin on furniture.

Various folk poisons against cockroaches can also have a certain effect, among which the most popular are boric acid and borax mixed with egg yolk. However, the disadvantage of poisoned baits with boric acid is, firstly, the impossibility of using it to get rid of cockroaches quickly, and, secondly, if there are accessible sources of water in the apartment, poisoned cockroaches often survive because they “drink up”, thereby significantly reducing the effectiveness of boric acid, which is harmful to them.

And finally, very important point, which is often forgotten when independent struggle with cockroaches: you should not initially focus on finding one, “the most effective” poison that would solve your problems with cockroaches once and for all. The greatest effectiveness is achieved only with a competent combination of different types of means.

See also our experiments on cockroaches:

We catch cockroaches and test for them different means- see the results...

“It was such a nightmare when we started putting my mother’s old apartment in order. We peel off the wallpaper, and behind it are hundreds of cockroaches! I almost fainted when I saw such healthy blacks among them. We decided to give them a total purge. We bought two different gels, I sprayed the furniture with dichlorvos, and my husband additionally treated the entire apartment with some kind of anti-bedbug product, which also helps against cockroaches. The next day, the dead cockroaches were collected with scoops. That's terrible. We talked to our neighbors and they are also infested with cockroaches. But everything is calm with us now, three weeks have already passed.”

Tatyana, Moscow

Insecticide concentrates

As noted above, concentrates of insecticidal preparations adapted for domestic use make it possible to very effectively poison cockroaches in a room, even with a significant degree of its infestation by these pests.

For household use, the following drugs from this group have proven themselves well:

  1. Xulat Micro is a combined microencapsulated insect repellent that is practically odorless. Developed on the basis of three active substances, which sharply reduces the chances of survival of the population of cockroaches, even those that are resistant to any insecticide;
  2. Get is also a fairly effective cockroach poison based on microencapsulated chlorpyrifos. Has almost no unpleasant odor. The drug is sold in small packaging (100 ml), one bottle of Get is enough to treat 100 m² of surfaces;
  3. Delta-Zone is a microencapsulated remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches based on the highly effective insecticide deltamethrin. Also odorless. For processing two-room apartment medium size, as a rule, it is enough to buy one bottle of 100 ml;
  4. Lambda-Zone is a product positioned primarily as a powerful poison for killing bed bugs, but its effectiveness against cockroaches is no less effective. The drug does not have an unpleasant odor; it is based on the synthetic highly effective insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin.

…And some others.

At correct use These drugs are completely safe for humans and pets. They allow you to poison cockroaches in an apartment without creating a long-lasting unpleasant odor in the room, as often happens when using many aerosol insect repellents.

The advantage of using microencapsulated products is that poisoning of cockroaches occurs not only directly during the treatment of the apartment, but also for several weeks after that. The fact is that surviving individuals (including those that will continue to enter the room from neighbors), running over the treated surfaces, will cling insecticide particles to their chitinous covers. Due to the contact poisoning effect, the poison quickly enters the hemolymph of the pest, leading to its death.

Gels for cockroaches

The main advantage of cockroach gels is the combination of ease of use, safety for humans and animals, and fairly high efficiency.

On a note

So-called bitterness is specially added to some cockroach gels. These substances are extremely unpleasant to the taste, so pets and children will not want to eat a drop of poison, even if they find it. At the same time, bitterness does not in any way prevent cockroaches from feasting on the gel.

However, not all gels contain such unpleasant-tasting substances. And if a child has eaten cockroach poison, then usually the situation directly depends on the amount of insecticide eaten. As a rule, if we're talking about simply by licking a cardboard with gel or a finger stained with gel, then no visible changes in the child’s condition are observed. A much worse situation may be when a child eats the gel, squeezing it out of the tube - in this case, you should immediately (without waiting for the child’s condition to worsen) call an ambulance and provide the information from the drug packaging.

As a rule, poisons for cockroaches in the form of gels are sold in syringes or plastic tubes, which makes it easier to apply the product to various surfaces.

The gels contain substances that attract cockroaches. A cockroach that has eaten an insecticidal gel does not die immediately, but usually manages to return back to its shelter, where it dies. Often other individuals eat a dead fellow, also receiving a lethal dose of poison - this is how a kind of chain mechanism of poisoning works. This is why some gels are so effective in controlling cockroaches.

  1. Dohlox;
  2. Brownie;
  3. Trap (Sturm gel paste);
  4. Absolute;
  5. Exil (positioned as a complete analogue of the German Globol cockroach gel, which has no longer been supplied to Russia since 2015).

Gels are applied to surfaces in drops in the form of dotted lines. The distance between drops is 1-2 cm. High-quality gels do not leave marks on furniture and remain effective until they dry out or are washed off during wet cleaning.

“I used Globol for the first time in my mother’s apartment, back in 2001. After that, we didn’t see a single cockroach for five years. It’s really a good remedy.”

Olga, St. Petersburg

Poisons in the form of aerosols

No matter how much advertising praises this or that aerosol preparation for cockroaches, most of them turn out to be approximately the same in their effectiveness in practice. Moreover, many of them even use the same active ingredients.

You can poison cockroaches in an apartment if their numbers are small, for example, with the following aerosol preparations:

  1. Combat Superspray (there is also Combat Multispray, which is suitable for killing not only crawling, but also flying insects);
  2. Raptor for crawling insects;
  3. Raid against cockroaches and ants;
  4. Dichlorvos Neo (or Dichlorvos Eco, Dichlorvos Varan - the good old Dichlorvos is no longer available);
  5. Aerosol Clean House.

It should be borne in mind that aerosol agents effectively poison cockroaches only when sprayed in close proximity to them. Accordingly, if you spray the drug, for example, only on kitchen stove then the cockroaches are on back wall refrigerator, microwave, ventilation duct and they will survive in their other favorite hiding places.

It is also possible to use aerosol products when 10-20 cans are sprayed simultaneously in an apartment. Then it is really possible to poison almost the entire population of pests at one time. However, the problem, again, is that after the aerosol has evaporated from the room, the residual protective effect will be practically zero.

On a note

Among the non-standard aerosol means of combating cockroaches is the use of the Raptor aquafumigator. The essence of the operation of an aquafumigator is that when its metal container is placed inside a can of water, steam containing an insecticide begins to be released. This steam fills the entire volume of the room, penetrating even hard-to-reach places.

Insecticidal sticks and powders

Perhaps the most popular remedy from this group is the well-known cockroach chalk Mashenka. Today you can also buy Chinese insecticidal pencils, which are not inferior in efficiency to domestic ones.

As for the most popular powder against cockroaches, it is, of course, boric acid, some of the disadvantages of using which have already been mentioned above.

When using tools of this kind, it is useful to consider the following nuances:

On a note

The so-called Pyrethrum powder, made from dried Dalmatian chamomile flowers, has a well-pronounced poisonous effect on cockroaches (and bedbugs). All organs of this plant, especially the flowers, contain the natural insecticide pyrethrin. It is in honor of this compound that a whole group of highly effective synthetic insecticides - pyrethroids - got their name.

You can prepare poison against cockroaches from chamomile flowers yourself - just dry them thoroughly and grind them in a coffee grinder into a fine powder.

“We poisoned cockroaches at the dacha a couple of times with karbofos, and all the insects were destroyed. But this year, out of nowhere, the Prussians appeared again. It’s surprisingly simple, it’s a separate building, people don’t live, there’s especially no food. But the darkness of the cockroaches disappeared. We arrived, saw this thing, and had to buy some kind of Chinese poison, a simple pencil, at a local general store. They smeared it all over the baseboards and bedside tables, and painted the walls in the basement. There are clearly fewer cockroaches, and we find many dead ones. But they didn't disappear completely. I don’t know, maybe new ones come from somewhere..."

Natalya, Samara

We combine drugs and get the maximum effect

Workers of pest control services know well that the best effect when fighting cockroaches is obtained by combining different types poisonous agents:

  • The main damage to the pest population in the house is caused by using a highly effective insecticide concentrate diluted according to the instructions (when exterminating cockroaches on your own, this can be Xulat Micro, Get, Delta Zone, Lambda Zone, Agran, Cucaracha, etc.);
  • As additional means, having high efficiency and prolonged action, an insecticidal gel is used (again, if you are fighting on your own, you can buy Brownie gel, Absolute, Exil, etc.).

As a rule, this combination is already enough to completely and permanently solve the problem with cockroaches in the apartment in most cases. However, to increase the effectiveness of the measures, you can also additionally place glue traps in the room and draw lines with insecticidal chalk in places where insects may move.

Don’t forget about the obvious: if cockroaches are crawling into your apartment from your neighbors, then first of all, you need to block the routes of possible migration of pests. To do this, it is useful to put thin mesh on the ventilation openings, seal cracks in the walls, ceiling and floor, and also block the possibility of pests entering through sockets in the walls.

“Tell me, good people, which poison for cockroaches is better? My apartment is completely dark, the whole house is already full of cockroaches, the neighbors are completely drunks. I called the service twice, complete persecution only gave me a break for a month, and then again. I don't know how to defend myself. Now I’ve treated the bedside tables with gel, but this is clearly not enough, cockroaches are walking in herds, on their own corpses.”

Albina, Novorossiysk

if you have personal experience extermination of cockroaches using one or another means (and it doesn’t matter whether it’s positive or negative), then be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page, in the comment field.

Useful video: how to get rid of cockroaches using Get

An example of making your own cockroach poison using boric acid

The appearance of cockroaches in a person’s home is not uncommon, especially since sometimes the residents themselves are to blame for this. Fighting cockroaches is pretty actual topic, considering that these insects are quite tenacious and prolific. Recently, there has been a tendency to reduce the number of these pests, due to the development of modern technologies. Despite this, many families, and sometimes entire multi-storey buildings, suffer from such a neighborhood.

Cockroaches are attracted to human homes by several factors. For example:

  • Free access to food and water.
  • Availability suitable places where you can hide.
  • Suitable temperature conditions.

In some apartments, although cockroaches appear from time to time, they do not stay there. Most likely, these are cockroaches - scouts who are looking for comfortable living conditions for their relatives.

Cockroaches can settle in an apartment if:

  • There are a lot of old, unnecessary things in the apartment, which allows insects to find shelter for themselves.
  • Garbage is not removed from the trash can in a timely manner.
  • After eating dining table leftover food remains.
  • In places where bulk food is stored, you can find something to profit from.
  • You can see a layer of fat near the stove or stove.
  • Not on the windows mosquito nets, baseboards, floors, trims, window sills have dried out and there are many cracks, and holes are visible next to the pipes of the water supply and sewerage systems, etc.
  • The housewife leaves a dirty, wet rag on the sink.
  • Family members practice eating not only in the kitchen, but also in other rooms.
  • IN multi-storey building There is an apartment where cockroaches feel comfortable and actively reproduce.
  • Leaks in water supply and sewer systems allow insects to have free access to moisture.
  • Ventilation systems are not equipped with fine mesh grilles.

It is important to know! You will never be able to completely get rid of cockroaches if you ignore the factors that attract insects to a person’s home. In this case, even the most toxic drugs will not help: after some time after the drug has taken effect, they will appear in the home again.

How do chemicals affect cockroaches?

Many owners use insecticides to control cockroaches. Today, this “good” makes one’s eyes run wild and a person becomes confused, since different means are designed for different conditions applications. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right product so as not to harm yourself and to destroy insects.

To combat cockroaches in an apartment, the following types of insecticides are suitable:

  • Contact action. Insects die when they come into contact with a toxic substance, which then penetrates the chitinous layer of the pests, which leads to their death.
  • Contact-intestinal action. These types of drugs have a complex effect. They not only penetrate the chitinous layer, but also have a detrimental effect if cockroaches suddenly try the bait with this substance.

Advantages and disadvantages

Toxic substances against cockroaches have proven their effectiveness for centuries, and especially recently, when you can purchase products in any form, convenient for use.

The advantages include:

  • Rapid destruction of insects.
  • Residual effect.
  • Mass destruction of pests.
  • Possibility of use in hard-to-reach places.
  • The result is obvious regardless of the number of cockroaches.
  • The product does not repel insects, but has a detrimental effect on them.

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  • Most drugs are highly toxic to humans.
  • When working with toxic substances, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment.
  • When using aerosols, toxic components are present in the air.
  • The use of such means requires the evacuation of apartment residents.

Types of effective cockroach repellents

There are several promising forms of insecticide release. For example:


These types of toxic substances are distinguished by the fact that they do not have toxic fumes, which makes them less toxic to humans. The gel is applied to the surface, after which the cockroaches begin to try it, as the product has an attractive smell. Popular brands: Fas, Dohlox, Sturm, Globol.


Such forms of insecticide release are distinguished by the fact that they are convenient to use, which is why they are very popular. Aerosols penetrate inside the insect both through the respiratory system and through the legs, which leads to death. Their use requires protection of the human respiratory tract. Popular brands: Dichlorvos - Neo, Combat, Raptor, Raid, Get.


This form of release of toxic substances is also convenient and easy to use. In addition, with the help of toxic crayons it is possible to get rid of insects quite quickly. Another advantage of crayons is that they can be applied to any, sometimes even the most complex, surfaces. Popular drugs: Mashenka, Clean House.


In the process of manufacturing such substances, the most modern technologies. Thanks to this technology, it was possible to create a toxic substance in the shell. When insects come into contact with the substance, they destroy the microcapsules, after which they receive their dose of the substance. The product is effective for 3 or 4 months without emitting toxic fumes. Effective compositions: Lambda Zone, Forsyth.


As a rule, traps are made of cardboard and have, when assembled, a box with several entrances. Inside this box is a poisonous bait. Cockroaches visit this box and taste the poison. In addition, cockroaches carry food for their relatives who are in the nest. As a result, it is possible to get rid of the entire colony of longhorned beetles. Traps can have other methods of action: adhesive, electric, ultrasonic. In addition, it is not difficult to make a trap for cockroaches with your own hands from improvised, sometimes unnecessary materials. Popular brands: Combat, Raptor, Forsythe, Raid, Taiga, Clean House.

How to act

The fight against cockroaches requires a certain approach from the owners. That's why:

  • First of all, it is necessary to assess how large a colony of insects has settled in the apartment.
  • After this, you will have to decide on the toxic substance.
  • Then you need to start preparing the room.
  • Study the instructions for use of the drug, specifying the working concentration of the product.
  • Proceed with the evacuation of residents, having decided on temporary housing. At the same time, we should not forget about pets. If you have an aquarium, you will also have to take it out.
  • Wear protective clothing, not forgetting to protect your hands, respiratory system and eyes.
  • You can return home only after the time specified in the instructions. In this case, first of all you should ventilate the room and start cleaning.
  • Take care of preventive measures so that cockroaches do not appear again.

Interesting to know! If you fight cockroaches with the help of traps, then you do not need to prepare and, especially, leave the apartment for a certain time. It is enough to place traps in places where insects appear. At the same time, you need to think about how to ensure that children and pets cannot get to the traps.

Cockroach traps

The best option is to combat such insects using toxic traps. They are more practical because they do not require the evacuation of residents and pets, as they are practically safe for people. Such methods of struggle are not fast compared to chemicals, but that doesn’t make them any less effective.

In specialized retail outlets(in hardware stores) sold ready-made traps factory-made, priced from 120 to 160 rubles. The package contains from 6 to 14 special boxes that will catch and destroy cockroaches for almost six months.

Factory-made traps for cockroaches

TO effective devices should include:

  • Raid. The basis of the trap is active substance abamentin, which has Negative influence for the reproduction of insects. The insecticide acts on different generations of cockroaches. The box has a transparent lid, which allows you to see how many insects are inside the trap. After about 4 months, it is possible to get rid of the entire colony of cockroaches. A set of traps (6 pieces) costs about 150 rubles.
  • Raptor. The bait contains the toxic substance chlorpyrifos. Insects react to an attractive smell, after which they crawl into the trap and try the bait. After this, they can infect other members of the colony. After about a couple of weeks, we manage to get rid of all the cockroaches. The trap can be installed anywhere. A set of traps consisting of six boxes with an active substance costs about 140 rubles.
  • Forsythe. Manufacturer - Russia. The trap has an adhesive effect. Such a tool is located in a trap. The substance does not emit toxic components and belongs to toxicity class 4. Cardboard houses assemble on their own. When cockroaches get into the trap to try the bait, they simply stick to the adhesive surface. A set of traps costs only 70 rubles. The kit includes 5 glue boxes that you will have to assemble yourself.

DIY traps

Despite the fact that cockroach traps are not particularly complex, their effectiveness is quite high. The advantage of this method is that it is easy to make a trap yourself, literally in about 15 minutes. Boric acid or ammonia can be used as the active ingredient.

A simple trap for catching cockroaches can be made from an ordinary liter jar by placing a piece of toasted bread with honey at the bottom. The aroma of the edible substance will definitely attract insects that will crawl into the jar. They will not be able to get out of it if the inside of the jar is greased with vegetable oil. If you install several of these traps, they will quickly reduce the number of cockroaches.

The owners can only look into the container from time to time to destroy the pests.

The appearance of cockroaches in a person’s home is an emergency that immediately mobilizes household members to fight them. The main thing here is to choose the right control tactics to get rid of insects once and for all. Many methods and means of control are suitable for these purposes. Insecticides are considered the most effective, but you need to be quite careful with them. In addition, they cannot always be used, since small children, expectant mothers, elderly, infirm people prone to allergies may live in the apartment. In any case, you need to remember that you can get rid of insects if you act comprehensively, knowing how insects get into your home and what attracts them. Often it is enough to deprive them of attractive factors, and they will never be interested in an apartment. Therefore, carrying out regular cosmetic repairs should become the norm. This allows you to maintain your home in proper technical condition, blocking the barbels’ path into the apartment and depriving them of fluids, which is more important to them than food. Otherwise, even with the help of traps, you will have to catch them for years, wondering why the longhorned beetles did not leave the apartment. It is believed that cockroaches represent unsanitary conditions. This is 90% true, so keeping the apartment in order and the absence of excess garbage and rubbish will not allow cockroaches to find a comfortable shelter for themselves.

Relevance: August 2019

Insects live everywhere, including in our apartments. They can appear both in an old house with a garbage chute, and in a brand new high-rise building that has just been put into operation. You can fight them in different ways, but the most effective is disinsection using insecticides.

We have compiled a list of the best cockroach repellents based on expert assessments specialists and reviews from real customers. Our recommendations will help you make a choice that suits your needs and desires. There are many competitors in the home goods market, but we have selected the best manufacturers and we recommend paying special attention to them:

Budget / Inexpensive

  1. Dohlox
  3. Arnest
  4. Delicia
  1. Raptor
  2. Clean house
  3. Henkel
  4. August
Aerosols Gels Traps Powders / granules

*Prices are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Cockroach repellents: Aerosols

*from user reviews

Minimum price:

Main advantages
  • To quickly get rid of crawling insects, just spray this product for a short time. It is effective against cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and spiders
  • To enhance the effect, the composition contains two active ingredients: cypermethrin and imiprothrin. The first has a paralytic effect and also repels insects. The second is a pyrethroid insecticide, effective against insects that have developed immunity to the main poisons
  • Using an aerosol, it is easy to spray the liquid to the maximum long distance. Uniform treatment ensures 100% destruction of not only insects, but also their larvae
  • One bottle is enough to fully treat an average apartment. The insecticide should be sprayed locally, only in places where insects accumulate. This greatly reduces its consumption and also minimizes the hazardous impact on people and animals.
  • The product is odorless and does not leave marks on the surfaces being treated.
*from user reviews

Minimum price:

Main advantages
  • This well-known product has enjoyed deserved popularity among consumers for decades. It is guaranteed to rid your apartment of cockroaches after one or two treatments.
  • A special bottle in the form of a syringe makes it easier to apply the product. Gel consistency allows it to be applied to vertical surfaces
  • The main active ingredient is fipronil. This component retains toxic properties for a long time, affecting all insects and preventing their reproduction
  • The product contains special additives that attract insects. Therefore, it is not necessary to cover it evenly large areas, even a spot application is enough to completely destroy cockroaches
  • The packaging prevents contact with skin and is sealed. If there is still gel left after processing, it will retain its properties until the next time.
*from user reviews

Minimum price:

Main advantages
  • An inexpensive but effective remedy for cockroaches will get rid of these insects once and for all. The advantages of the gel are that it retains its properties for a long time (up to several weeks), providing 100% destruction
  • It contains special flavoring additives that repel pets. Even if your pet finds traces of the gel, the likelihood that the poison will harm him is minimal
  • The product does not release toxic substances into the air, it is effective only with direct contact
  • The narrow dispenser allows you to accurately apply the gel in small portions to hard-to-reach places
  • After just 6 hours, there will be noticeably fewer insects; after three days they will disappear from the apartment. The effect of the gel will last for several weeks, so even new cockroaches emerging from the larvae will be destroyed
*from user reviews

Minimum price:

Main advantages
  • It is possible to remove all cockroaches from your apartment if you use this product. An insecticide in the form of a gel will help quickly destroy all insects
  • The main active ingredient - lambda-cyhalothrin - ensures the death of the cockroach within 24 hours after contact, and also suppresses the development of larvae, preventing the appearance of new individuals
  • To attract more insects, flavorings (vanilla and apricot extract) are added to the product.
  • The composition also contains moisture-retaining components that allow the product to maintain a gel consistency for a long time. Even if new insects appear, they will also be destroyed
  • The product is also effective against bedbugs, spiders, earth fleas and ants

Show all products in the category "Gels"

Cockroach Controls: Traps

*from user reviews

Minimum price:

Main advantages
  • This product is convenient to use to kill crawling insects in private houses and apartments. It is enough to simply set traps, and in a maximum of a week the insects will be destroyed
  • The baits have a prolonged action, they are effective for two months. In this way, the entire insect population can be completely eliminated.
  • The product is odorless, the design of the trap prevents the poison from spilling out. Safe for pets, does not release toxic substances
  • Can be used as a preventive measure in old panel or private houses where there are crawling insects
  • The traps come with adhesive tape that allows them to be attached to any surface.


Main advantages
  • A new, highly effective cockroach repellent helps kill even those insects that have become resistant to other poisons.
  • The set includes 6 traps with insecticide inside. Cockroaches, crawling inside, not only poison themselves, but also transfer the poison to other insects, starting a chain reaction of damage
  • The main active ingredient is hydramethylnon. It has a toxic effect, affects the organs of the insect and leads to the death of the entire population within 4-7 days
  • The pesticide has a faint odor reminiscent of sunflower oil, which attracts cockroaches. This guarantees fast speed spread of poison within the colony
  • Traps can be glued to horizontal and vertical surfaces. The poison does not spill out, it is securely fastened inside the container