How to learn to sing beautifully. How to learn to sing at home? Rules and exercises for self-learning to sing at home

Not every fan of quality music had the opportunity to attend singing lessons as a child. However, in adulthood, you can also learn to sing from scratch beautifully, easily and quite professionally. Today, the doors of numerous music studios are open to aspiring vocalists. Lessons from private tutors help you learn pop vocals. A person with any starting abilities will be able to special labor choose convenient way training.

Remote development of vocal talent

Exist following reasons that prevent you from starting to learn to sing:

  • intense rhythm of life;
  • lack of financial resources.

Self-training will help you learn singing skills for free. A competent book, audio recordings, video lessons will provide the necessary basic knowledge on how to open your voice, study notes, and improve your ear for music.

The site presents a high-quality vocal tutorial, which was developed by experienced teachers of the school. The distance vocal course is designed for people who do not have the opportunity to attend a singing school. The teaching method is as simple as possible: you need to select an exercise, carefully watch the video and complete the demonstrated tasks, taking into account the teacher’s recommendations.

The singing tutorial is characterized by the following advantages:

  • Classes are held at a convenient time anywhere. You find the video you need, and then train on the road, on a business trip, outside the city. The duration of the lesson is also determined independently;
  • The teaching technique is understandable even to an inexperienced singer. A self-instruction manual for singing from experts, the site contains simple exercises, explained in detail and clearly demonstrated;
  • No training required financial costs. You can download the torrent for free or study online.

Full-time singing training

No matter how tempting self-learning may seem, this method there are serious shortcomings. It is impossible to become a professional performer using only information from a tutorial, and there are several reasons for this:

  • An inexperienced vocalist is not able to do two things at the same time: sing and evaluate the effectiveness of his training. An outside observer with the necessary knowledge must monitor the correct execution of training tasks;
  • The work of muscles, larynx, and ligaments during the singing process is complex and multifaceted. It is extremely difficult to understand the essence of a singer’s actions with the help of educational articles, videos and audio material;
  • Each person's musical talent is unique. Accordingly, the performer requires an individual training scheme, his own set of teaching methods. Without special knowledge, you will not be able to choose the optimal program.

We recommend the instructional video as an introduction to the art of singing. This is also a great help for home workouts. It's about that, in addition to lessons with a tutor, the student must independently hone the acquired skills at home. This is where the videos we developed come in handy.

First of all, it must be said that the process of learning to sing, frankly, is not quick or easy. People have been learning to sing for many years. Ideally, you should continue to practice vocals even after you become a professional. Therefore, in any case, do not expect miracles. There are people with the so-called “natural voice”, but this is an exception to the rule, this is a unique phenomenon.
In fact, even the term "learn to sing", perhaps not entirely correct, because learn it is essentially impossible to sing: there is no limit to perfection. It is necessary to understand this! Exactly the moment you decide that learned(“That’s it, I’m a master, I’m a guru, I can do everything”), you will stop developing and begin to degrade. Singing is an art and you can't stop here, otherwise you won't achieve anything else.

The second point that cannot be ignored. In the process of learning to sing, ability and talent play a huge role. What is important here is your very nature, the so-called vocal abilities (although in many cases the voice can be developed, “reached”). We are talking about how nature has gifted you with regard to strength, “mass” of the voice (roughly speaking, volume), beautiful, rich, pleasant (or not so) timbre. Musical abilities are also important, such as an ear for music, coordination between hearing and voice, a sense of rhythm, musical memory, the ability to feel music (musicality), and the ability to express these emotions when singing (expressiveness).

For a real vocalist, the issue of appearance is also important - not everyone voices this, but it’s true. They look at the vocalist. He must not only sing beautifully, but also to look good, catch the eye, and delight him. They say “the stage loves tall people.” And beautiful, I might add.
But for truly outstanding vocal and musical talents, the public can forgive anything! Remember that every rule has an exception!

I understand that many will be interested in questions " how to learn to sing at home from scratch " And " how to learn to sing on your own ". I will talk about this below. Still, this is not quite the right and “solid” path - much like self-medicating, this path can be fraught. The correct path is this:

You need a mentor, a vocal teacher. It will help you avoid the mistakes you make when trying to learn online using video lessons. You can find a private teacher and study with him, or go somewhere to study. A separate big topic arises here: “how to find his teacher." I’ll write briefly. The teacher’s recommendations, whatever they may be - technical, rational or comparative, operating on associations - should be clear to you, and from lesson to lesson you should feel progress, you should feel that in small, tiny steps, but you are moving forward! It doesn’t matter what the teacher’s methodology is, the main thing is that it gives results! In addition, you must trust your vocal teacher, otherwise change him.

A private vocal teacher is the right path, accessible to almost everyone at any age, but to learn to sing, This is not enough! You will need (if you don’t want to stop at the “sing karaoke with a group of friends or relatives”) solfeggio and musical literacy. Of course, you can find a private teacher for solfeggio, or at the very least practice solfeggio on your own. But it's better to look for a place with music educational institution, where there will be some kind of systematic education: vocals, solfeggio, and, probably, musical literature, and a choir, and general piano, and maybe something else. The older you are, the more difficult it is to find such an institution.

If you want your child to learn to sing, look for music schools first. Or vocal and choral studios (or simply choral studios) - such studios often operate in houses and palaces of children's creativity. You probably won’t find vocal departments as such in these institutions. People begin to study vocals seriously at the age of 16 (in music schools), after the final formation of their voice. But sending your child to a music school or choir studio is the right path. Singing in a choir perfectly develops initial singing skills (and not only singing, and not only initial ones). Classes at a music school provide musical literacy, ear development and all other musical abilities.

The classical path of any academic singer: music school (the specialty is not too important: the piano is perfect) - a music school for vocal classes - a conservatory for vocals. Total: 7 years + 4 years + 5 years = 16 years. This is if without graduate school (assistance-internship). It happens even longer. However, nuggets enter the school and/or conservatory without a previous level - that’s why there are fewer. But if I were you, I wouldn’t consider myself a nugget - I’ve seen too few nuggets in my place, and I don’t consider myself a nugget, it’s generally harmful for self-development, I think so;)

If you do not want to sing in an opera or in a philharmonic society, your path may be different, but in any case, throughout the entire period of study you will need a “live” vocal teacher and musical literacy, knowledge of solfeggio. And a systematic, comprehensive music education is also desirable. If you dream of being a vocalist in a group or doing a pop solo career, maybe you will not vitally need the skill of sight singing and solfeggio in general, especially if you are prepared to be a not very competent musician (imagine, for example, how good you will feel if, for example, your “sound player” turns out to be someone more musically literate than you will ask you to sing more confidently that fourth in cadence while recording in the studio, and you won’t know what he’s talking about).

Now about

How to learn to sing at home

Not a single adequate professional teacher will advise you to learn to sing on your own at home. From scratch - even more so! Not because we are all greedy and want to earn more. But because, in fact, learning to sing on your own at home is almost impossible. Yes, on the Internet there is a huge variety of manuals and video lessons on vocals - simply because if there is demand, there will be supply. Very few of these video lessons are recorded and compiled by professionals. And even if they are, the person from the video tutorial will not be able to correct your mistakes in a timely manner. And these mistakes can become an incorrect skill, which will later be extremely difficult to get rid of. It’s like in sports: you need to immediately form correct technique, because relearning is more difficult, much more difficult! By practicing at home with the help of self-instructions and online lessons, you can “sing” the wrong skills, and in the worst case scenario, ruin your voice.

But still. Not everyone has the opportunity - both financial and technical - to engage with professional teacher. What after all Can do it at home?

You probably like some kind of music. Maybe some group or some artist. And you have already listened to some songs several hundred times. Try (quietly and carefully at first) to sing to a recording of your favorite artist, and sing along with this artist. Learn the melody properly and try to imitate the vocalist’s style, copy his voice, and sing a beautiful duet with him. Then record all this on a voice recorder. Listen for yourself. Be horrified. Drink some more. Write it down again. Let your friends listen to it. Don’t particularly listen to those who said “Wow, cool”, listen to those who said “You’re not hitting the notes”, “you’re lying to the melody”, “your voice is kind of tight” and expressed some other constructive or not very constructive criticism.

Is it possible to learn to sing on your own from scratch?

To be honest, it's unlikely. True, it also depends on the style of singing. Theoretically, one can imagine that a talented person could learn to sing in a pop style from scratch. But learning to sing on your own in an academic manner is impossible! Moreover, at the stage of forming the first skills, most vocal teachers prohibits students from singing at home on their own! So that they do not spoil what was barely felt during vocal lessons, barely created, but has not yet been absolutely consolidated and has not become a stable skill.
And learning to sing completely on your own... There are exceptions to the rules, there are nuggets and unique talents, but you must admit, even according to the theory of probability, there are too many chances that you are not one of them (with great respect to you, my reader!))) .

But - what to do - of course, sing! It's better than not singing at all! But At the first sign of discomfort, stop practicing on your own! It is important! At the first sign of any discomfort!

  • Never start singing from high or extreme low notes. Start chanting with a comfortable tessitura, i.e. start singing with notes that are clearly comfortable for you and that are in the middle of your vocal range (in the primary zone).
  • Be very careful with high notes. Approach them when the vocal cords are already sufficiently warmed up, that is, you have already sung for some time. Try not to scream when singing high notes.
  • Remember that any tightness is harmful (but, in truth, you are unlikely to be able to control it on your own).
  • Try to sing at home so that your voice sounds beautiful (at least to some extent, you can probably be guided by this criterion).
  • Maintain basic vocal hygiene.
  • Listen to your feelings and if you experience any discomfort (I will repeat it again, because this is important!), or if you feel tired in your throat, stop exercising immediately.

Better yet, look for a good, professional teacher.

So, let's summarize?

To learn to sing beautifully:

  1. You need a "live" vocal teacher. Preferably, of course, experienced. Preferably one with which you will make progress, and let it move slowly, but move consistently and in the right direction.
  2. You need to study musical literacy and solfeggio, and even better - systematic music education.
  3. Be patient. Learn to sing in 1 day impossible!

Sing! And may singing bring you joy!


  • How to do it right

Today we will try to answer the question of how to learn to sing beautifully. The thing is that the human voice is a unique natural musical instrument, gifted, as biologists say, by a coincidence of circumstances.

Compared to musical instruments created by human hands, it has an impressive number of advantages:

  • he is always near us, regardless of place and time;
  • in addition to music, he is able to reproduce words;
  • can be reconfigured in timbre in a split second;
  • able to express all our emotions.

Nowadays, quite a lot of people want to learn how to sing beautifully, without having any special skills or predisposition to this activity.

For most of the population of our country, “the bear trampled on their ears.” More precisely, this is their purely personal opinion. The thing is that hearing is present in each of us, but in a different state of development. For many, it remains in an embryonic state.

If a child is surrounded by music from the first years of life, his hearing will develop independently. In this case, the same statement applies to singing. Showing interest in it since childhood, having the desire to learn to sing beautifully, he will achieve his goal. In the absence of even the slightest desire to comprehend this science, all attempts will end in absolute failure.

Anyone can learn to sing, even as an adult. The main thing is to sincerely want it and make every effort, and talent in this case is a secondary phenomenon.

What is needed for proper vocals?

Answering the question of how to learn to sing beautifully, we have already said that an irresistible desire is required to achieve the required positive result. However, desire alone will not be enough.

You will also need a room with good acoustics. The student's voice should not sound muffled or constantly strive upward, as often happens in a small and confined space. The acoustics should not be filled with extraneous sounds.

Teachers advise practicing singing in rooms that have large windows, capable of reflecting sounds well, acting as additional resonators.

To master vocal lessons, you must have good health, in particular, developed lungs will be required. Indeed, in deciding the question of how to learn to sing beautifully, they occupy a dominant position. The last and probably most important thing is the presence of self-confidence. Learning vocal technique is thoughtful work. Based on the fact that everything is led by the head (mind), the psychological aspect also plays an important role here.

Nature's help

Nature has endowed man with everything necessary so that he can not only sing, but also do it beautifully. We are talking about resonators - places in our body in which the sound entering them is amplified many times over and becomes not only more powerful, but also more voluminous and fuller. They are the ones who are able to answer the question of how to learn to sing beautifully.

The vocal cords alone cannot create such a strong sound. Therefore, the next step will be to study your resonators. This task is not difficult. The main thing is adherence to technique and the presence of desire.

In search of resonators

Only by mastering the science of resonances can you answer the question of how to learn to sing beautifully. Translated from French, “resonance” means “echo.” It works on the principle of a microphone, significantly amplifying the sound coming out of the cords. Ordinary pressure on them will simply lead to a breakdown of the voice. This situation occurs among inexperienced people who master singing without any knowledge in this matter.

Our body has many such natural resonators. There are especially many of them on the head. For the most part this is:

  • skull bones;
  • jaws;
  • maxillary sinuses;
  • teeth, which also have the property of reverberation.

Therefore, the answer to the question of how to learn to sing beautifully depends on finding and being able to use your resonators.

Do you need talent?

During self-training to sing, a natural question arises - what role does talent have in all this?

Without a doubt, talent is a fairly useful factor that can significantly make a student’s life easier. However, it does not play a decisive role. It all depends on the desire and diligence applied.

It is equally important to develop a sense of beauty in yourself, which will help you hear exactly the voice you need to strive for. It will be possible to hear it when it can be imagined, and this will require a well-developed imagination.

Beautiful singing lessons

Don't believe those who say it's impossible to learn to sing. The main thing is to know how to learn to sing beautifully. Everyone can achieve what they want, but only if they are prepared for difficulties. You will need to stock up on strength, patience and a huge amount time.

There are several tips that are always useful and will help a beginning vocalist in difficult times.

You need to learn how to control your own voice, and also be able to “present” it. Proper belly breathing plays a huge role in the singing process. While singing, you should not try to take in air. full breasts. You need to imagine that inside you, starting from your stomach and ending with your throat, there is a light rod with the base in your stomach. During the birth of sound, the stomach should grow, but under no circumstances should it retract. Therefore, without knowing how to learn to sing beautifully, you should start with correct breathing– and this will be the right step.

In the case of speech therapy problems, which consist of incorrect pronunciation of sounds, stuttering, vocal lessons will quickly and effectively cope with these problems, even if they are congenital or acquired speech defects. Vocals also perfectly develop diction.

Tongue twisters and reading texts will contribute to correct declaration. Exists Golden Rule art - vowels are sung, and consonants are pronounced.

In addition to this, there is also musical notation, namely: the duration of notes, musical signs, tonality, pauses, bekar, sharp, grace notes and much more, which you will also have to take care of and learn for yourself without fail.

Exercises for beautiful singing and more

If you still don’t know how to learn to sing beautifully, then we will help you find correct solution your problem. For this purpose, it is not necessary to attend any singing schools or leave the comfort of your home. It is enough to rehearse simple exercises every day, which should be carried out in front of the mirror.

Exercise 1. Sing the vowels of the alphabet: e, y, u, o, i, e, a. Pay special attention to the sound “s”. You need to imagine that you are painting your lips. The mouth is half open, creating a barely noticeable smile. On the “o” sound, the lips should create a kind of donut. When you sound “i,” your lips should move towards your ears to create a charming smile. With the sounds “e” and “e” you need to remember opera singers, rearranging your oral apparatus into an open mouth with a barely noticeable smile. When the turn of the sound “a” comes, the mouth should be wide open so that, conditionally, “the lower jaw touches the chest.” Having rehearsed each letter, now separately try to sing all the vowels in the announced order. If you fulfill this condition completely satisfactorily, then you can begin serious works.

Exercise 2. If you want to learn how to sing beautifully, it won’t hurt to learn several chants. The most popular since school days is the following: “mi-me-ma-mo-mu”. However, you can use whatever you like, the main thing is that the ligaments are warmed up and ready for prolonged singing.

Exercise 3. When choosing a song to perform with a backing track, you need to take into account the fact that it must be in the same key as you. After all, even if you meet the conditions that guarantee professional singing, the wrong key will ruin your entire preparation time and your first performance.

Exercise 4. Never sing on the street. This remark especially applies to the cool season. Before performing a song, protect yourself from eating cookies, bread, and chocolate. Avoid drinking cold drinks.

Almost everyone can sing. Of course, some have more natural talent than others, but even a bad voice can be improved with effort and practice. Whether your voice graces the shower or the stage, there are a few steps you can take to open up your airway. Start with the basics, which include proper posture, breathing, and vocal technique. Once you have mastered the basics, practice singing regularly. Enlist the help of a teacher, vocal coach, or instructional videos to let your voice shine through.


Part 1

Correct posture and breathing

    Practice breathing exercises. Try the practical and very fun book method. Lie down on the floor and place a book on your stomach. Sing a comfortable note and as you exhale/sing, try to make the book rise.

    Learn to inhale quickly. To sing well, you need to learn to take in a lot of air with a quick breath. Using your lungs and a little imagination, this method will not be difficult. Start inhaling, imagining that the air is heavy. Let it penetrate deep into your body. Then inhale faster, still imagining the air as heavy, but letting it sink into your body at a faster rate. Keep doing this until you can inhale a lot of air at a fast pace.

    • If you have a rich imagination, you can also imagine that your lungs are Balloons which are filled with air.
  1. Control your exhalation. And if you want to surprise others (or yourself) with a strong, smooth voice, then work on exhaling softly and continuously. To do this, practice exhaling while blowing on the feather. Take a feather and try to make it fly into the air with one long exhalation. When you do this, your stomach should return to normal size, but the chest should not fall. Repeat this exercise until you can breathe out long, evenly with ease.

    • Exhale until you feel like you have expelled all the air from your lungs.
  2. Working on dynamics. If your heart has ever beat a little faster when a song transitions from a soft melody to a loud, emotional chorus, you probably understand the power of dynamics. The more you practice, the louder and softer you will be able to sing. Start singing at a comfortable pitch, gradually increasing the volume, and then decreasing again to a soft singing. When you start, you will probably only be able to sing from a moderately soft tone (mezzo piano) to a moderately loud tone (mezzo forte), but with practice your range will increase.

    Work on your agility. Sing from C to B, then back to C, quickly back and forth, trying to hit all the notes. Do this in increments of semitones on different syllables. This "stretching of the voice" gives it greater flexibility.

    Pronounce vowels correctly. Sing vowels at each level (high, low and in between).

    Practice scales. Practice them often, especially if you have difficulty with high notes. Most trainers recommend starting with 20-30 minutes a day as this will also strengthen the muscles used for singing. Developed vocal muscles will give you more control. To practice scales, identify your range (tenor, baritone, alto, soprano, etc.) and learn how to find notes that cover your range on the keyboard or piano. Then practice the basic scale in each key, moving up and down with the vowel sounds.

Part 3

  1. Make time for singing every day. Practice, practice, and practice again! To improve your voice, you need to practice every day. Consider singing as voice training. If you take a long break from training, you'll be sweating, out of breath, and collapsed the next time you exercise. Even if you only have time to warm up in the car on the way to work, that's a good thing.

    • If possible, set aside a specific time to study each day. For example, if you know that you will have a time from 9 to 10 am, then mark that time in your planner for studying.
  2. Exercise for a short period of time. Musicians can practice for several hours, but this is not the case for ordinary singers. An overworked, stressed voice is an unattractive voice. Try to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes a day. You should not exercise for more than 60 minutes. If you are sick or very tired, it is better to give your voice a little rest.

    • Don't force yourself if you feel like you can't exercise for thirty minutes.
  3. Learn to sing for free. There are hundreds of vocal training videos on YouTube, filled with everything from amateur tips to polished professionals. Of course, the internet is a chaotic place, so finding a good vocal coach can be difficult. However, if you find someone suitable, they can be an extremely valuable resource for you. Browse through vocal lesson channels and see which ones provide the most useful and truthful information.

    • Be careful! Not all the information you find will be reliable, and even if it is, there is a chance that you will misinterpret the instructions. A teacher or vocal coach is the best choice.
    • Please be aware that you may be required to audition to join the choir. Relax and show yourself off top level. You will succeed!
  • Drink warm tea with honey or water room temperature when you feel thirsty. This helps with dryness and the tea will help soothe your throat.
  • Avoid smoking as smoking can damage your vocal cords.
  • Clear your nose if it's stuffy to avoid a stuffy voice or shortness of breath.
  • Don't try to sing high until you're warmed up and properly prepared. Don't overstrain your vocal cords, it's harmful. And if you know that you have a long part, then before you sing it, take a deep breath, and then sing.


  • If your vocal cords start to hurt, stop singing for an hour, warm up, and then try again. Not only will you damage your vocal cords, but your voice will sound strained and unpleasant if you don't take a break.
  • If your vocal cords or throat are very sore and you notice that you can't even speak without pain, don't use your voice at all. You must remain silent for the rest of the day. Drink plenty of warm tea and breathe in the steam for 20 minutes. If the problem persists, consult a doctor.
  • Pre-existing tension in the jaw, shoulders, neck muscles and surrounding areas can cause pain. Make sure you are completely relaxed before singing. If your jaw trembles while singing, this is a sign of tension. If you continue this way, it can lead to muscle tissue tearing.
  • If you try to sing a low note and create a high-pitched sound, you will damage your voice. This can cause harmful lumps. A rough growth on the vocal cords will not go away without surgery or a long break from singing.

How to learn to sing at home? Is it even possible to learn to sing well at home? First, you need to pay attention to the fact that people with natural singing abilities will be able to learn to sing faster... In other words, musical development certainly depends on the natural abilities of any person. However, this still does not mean that people without natural abilities will not learn to sing. In fact, anyone can learn to sing on their own. However, vocal technique plays a very important role in professional and beautiful singing. Despite this, learn vocal technique and control your voice like any other musical instrument, every person will certainly be able to. So, how to achieve this? Many people claim that learning to sing from scratch is completely unrealistic. Don't believe it, it's not true! Any stubborn person can learn to sing on his own, although earlier he was asked to shut up now and not spoil a good song. But you need to remember that it will take a lot of effort, patience, and of course, time.

First of all, you need to learn how to adjust the beautiful sound of your voice to absolutely any sound. How to do it? To begin with, you need to practice on a monotonous sound, for example, on a pressed piano key or just on a regular phone beep. Thus, being close to a similar sound, through trial and error, you need to try to produce such a sound in different ways. And sooner or later you can still get there! And you can definitely feel this, because if two sounds begin to merge in unison, then the sound intensifies approximately twice. This phenomenon is called resonance. Then you can practice on other sounds, gradually moving from the simplest to the more complex.

Also to achieve good result you can use these exercises. They will bring into working condition all the organs responsible for sound production and breathing, namely the diaphragm, laryngeal muscles, and vocal cords. Before this, it is necessary to mention that during the exercises it is necessary to train inhaling through the nose, and it should be noisy, sharp and at the same time short. You need to start with pump exercises. You need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, your arms need to be extended along your body. With a round back, you need to make a slight bow, as if pumping up a pump. And from the second half of such a bow, you need to start taking a short breath through your nose. The exercise is done 12 times. The next exercise is called “hug your shoulders.” You need to raise your arms to shoulder level and bend them. The essence of this exercise is that you need to throw your arms towards each other, tightly hugging yourself by both shoulders.

And finally, it must be said that singing, like any other science, has theory and practice, but without theory it is unlikely that it will be possible to practice effectively. And besides, a specialist who can create a voice will increasingly develop your abilities.

Video vocal lessons!

1) How to learn to sing smoothly

2) How to breathe correctly when singing