How to pump up your breasts? Complete rocking guide. Effectively pumping up the pectoral muscles at home

Hello bulls, eurybadi! Today we will talk about tits! Yes, yes, let's discuss all their advantages, sizes, shapes, colors. Well, maybe not entirely, and not just for women, as you might assume.

Because men also have breasts, and when they go to the gym, they constantly think about how they can develop this part of the body? How to make it powerful so that you can, like Tarzan, pound your ribs with strong fists and shout: “I’m the coolest man in this town”!

Girls, in turn, try to maintain their shape, that is, to ensure that their breasts do not sag. And there are many more factors working against them than against men. This is not only age or buns (although they just make breasts more voluminous), but also pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding.

In general, do you want to know how to pump up your breasts? I'll tell you.

Without anatomy, nowhere

I'll start with what I mentioned earlier. You can’t argue against genetics and you can’t change the anatomical features of your body. But without training these muscles, you simply cannot achieve a beautiful physique.

It is clear that a man with developed pectoral muscles looks beautiful. How to determine whether you have already pumped up this muscle group enough? Very simple: they should be visible when your arms are raised.

Girls are often afraid to pump this part of the body, worrying that everything there will burn. Don't be afraid of negative results. But it’s still worth warning. There are no muscles in the chest; in fact, it only contains glandular and fatty tissue.

However, underneath the mammary gland is the pectoralis major muscle, and if it is tightened, your breasts will become taller and more attractive. But you won’t be able to pump up your tits as effectively as men.

If we look at the chest, we see that we have a lower part and top part, as well as the outer and inner parts of the pectoral muscle.

It is mistakenly believed that these are different muscle groups. The anatomical atlas will clearly show us that this is a single segment. In addition, we also have the pectoralis minor muscle, but it is trained simultaneously with the major muscle.

After we have dealt with this part, one logical question arises...

How to pump up the pectoral muscle?

The most difficult part to pump up is the upper chest. It is not difficult to pump up the outer part, because we work with it in all presses and wide grips.

It is also difficult to work with the so-called undercut, that is, the line under this muscle or bottom breasts
Problems may also arise with middle part chest, especially if it does not meet and there is a divergence or hole in the middle.

The most difficult thing to pump is the collar or pigeon chest, when the muscles reach almost to the neck.

Girls, naturally, usually care very little about this issue. It is most important for them to pump the middle part of the pectoral muscles.

There are several types of different exercises, but if we simplify, we can talk about two types. These are information and presses. At the same time, during such exercises we bring our elbows inward.

It is also very important in what conditions you practice: at home, in the gym or on the street.

Workouts at home

In general, in our home arsenal not that much exercise. You can use double chair push-ups with your legs bent and one-arm push-ups, which will give us the most resistance.

As a burden, attract relatives, pets, string bags with potatoes or bags of bricks. My friend, for example, rocks with a suitcase filled with her husband's tools.

The biggest challenge here will be providing adequate load. For example, regular push-ups will not give you the necessary development of the pectoral muscles.

To be able to pump it up, you must push at least your own weight, and even better, much more.

How do you know what weight you need to use?

If you can do a set of no more than 10 repetitions, then this is exactly what you need. With more repetitions of 15 or 20, it is necessary to urgently increase the additional weight.

What else can you do at home?

Of course, you can also use dumbbells. This can be raises and flyes, bench presses, and with absolutely different angles, even head down or up.

If you have a barbell, great! Do barbell presses on a flat or incline bench while lying on the floor. These can be various pullovers with dumbbells; more about them below.

The only drawback of such training will be that in order to achieve excellent results, you will have to come up with serious tricks with additional weight.

Experts say that during home workouts you can easily pump up your biceps, triceps, latissimus muscles, and deltoids. But the legs and chest muscles can be beautifully pumped up only with a trainer or an experienced partner.

Exercises in the gym. Bench press (basic exercise).

Exercise mission: pump the bottom, middle and top of the chest.
Level of training: any.
Number of approaches:

This exercise is considered the best for increasing chest strength and mass.


1) Lie down on a horizontal bench, the position of the bar should be above your head. Your buttocks, shoulders and head should be pressed against the bench, your back should be slightly arched in the lower back, your feet should be positioned slightly wider than your shoulders and resting on the floor.

2) We take the barbell with a wide overhand grip, that is, the palms are directed away from ourselves, the distance between the palms is wider than the position of the shoulders.

3) Remove the bar from the stops and press it to the top point. At the very top, arms are straight, just don’t block them at the elbows, place the bar above the middle of the chest.

Having completed all three points, you will come to the starting position of the exercise. If you can’t remove the bar yourself, ask a partner to do it.

4) Then take a deep breath and lower the barbell to the lowest point of the chest. Don't pause at the bottom.

After the bar touches your chest, fix your breathing and press the bar up to the starting position, slightly diagonally to the racks.

5) After going through the hardest part, exhale. And at the highest point, take a short break and tighten your chest as much as possible. Then start repeating.

6) Lower the bar slowly or at a moderate pace, and push from the chest at a fast or moderate pace. When pushing the barbell up, do not spring it or arch your lower back.

Dumbbell bench press (basic exercise).

Exercise mission: pump the middle, bottom and top of the chest.
Level of training: any
Number of approaches: 3-5 sets of 8-15 repetitions.


1) Place dumbbells on the sides of a horizontal bench, so that the dumbbell bars are parallel to the bench.

We sit on the bench so that your head, shoulders and buttocks are pressed tightly against the bench. Make sure that your back is arched in the lumbar region, and your feet are positioned wider than your shoulders and firmly planted on the floor.

2) We take dumbbells with an overhand grip, that is, so that the dumbbells look at each other, bend our arms at the elbow joints and lift the dumbbells to chest level, and then, turning our hands at the wrists, squeeze the dumbbells up.

At the top point, the arms are straightened, and the dumbbells are located above the middle of the chest.

3) From the starting position, inhale and fix your breathing, lower the dumbbells in a wide arc to the sides of the chest. Make sure your elbows are straight to the sides.

4) As soon as the dumbbell bars reach the level of your chest, without any pause, push them up, also in a wide arc, until they hit each other at the top point. Anyone who has done this exercise knows this pleasant ringing sound.

5) At the most difficult stage, exhale forcefully. At the top point, the dumbbells should be brought together. That's all - this is one repetition. Do the required number of times.

6) Adjust the weight of the dumbbells to suit you, do not try to load yourself to the maximum.

Incline barbell press (formative exercise).

Exercise mission: pump up the upper chest. Expand and lift the top of your chest.
Level of training: any
Number of approaches:


1) Set the back of the bench somewhere at 35-40 degrees, horizontally. We lie down on the bench, pay attention to the hips, shoulders and head, they should be pressed tightly to the bench, and the feet should be resting on the floor and located slightly wider than the shoulders.

2) We grab the barbell with an overhand grip so that the distance of our palms is slightly wider than our shoulders.

3) Remove the barbell and lower it to the chest, to the upper part. Then inhale, fixate the breath and press the bar upward. Throughout the entire exercise, your elbows should point to your sides.

4) Exhale after passing the heaviest part of the climb or at the top point. At the top, your arms are straightened, and your chest muscles are as tense as possible, just don’t lock your arms at the elbows.

5) From the top point, inhale and fixate your breath, smoothly lower the bar to the lower part of the chest, as soon as it comes into contact with the chest, begin to push the barbell upward. Do required amount repetitions.

Reverse Incline Bench Press (formative exercise).

The purpose of this exercise: pumping the lower and middle parts of the pectoral muscles.
Level of training: average and above.
Number of approaches: 3-5 sets of 8-15 reps.


1) Lower the bench 30-40 degrees below the horizontal level. We lie down on the bench and rest our feet on the support bolsters.

2) The head, shoulders and buttocks should be pressed tightly to the bench, the back should be straight.

3) Grasp the barbell slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Remove it from the supports and pull it up until your arms are straight.

4) Then inhale and fixate the breath. Smoothly lower the bar to your lower chest. When lowering and lifting, make sure your elbows are facing to the sides.

5) As soon as the bar touches your chest, immediately press the barbell up, bringing it to the starting position.

6) After overcoming the heaviest part of the climb, exhale.

7) Perform the exercise as one continuous, smooth movement, without jerking or long stops.

8) Do not try to load yourself with maximum weight. Follow correct breathing. After completing one set, get up from the bench and walk around, do not stay on it.

Incline dumbbell press (formative exercise).

Exercise mission: pump the upper and middle sections of the pectoral muscles.
Level of training: any.
Number of approaches: 3-5 sets of 8-15 repetitions.


1) Raise the back of our bench up by 45 degrees. Lie down on it and spread your feet wider than your shoulders, resting them firmly on the floor. Press your hips, shoulders and head into the bench.

2) Take dumbbells with an overhand grip and lift them to shoulder level, preferably closer to the deltoid muscles.

The palms are directed upward, by the way, the gaze is also directed upward. This pose is called the starting position - the lowest point of the exercise.

3) From the starting position, take a deep breath and hold your breath, pull the dumbbells up. It is necessary that at the highest point they are located strictly above the shoulders.

When raising and lowering dumbbells, watch your elbows; they should move in the plane of your shoulders and point to the sides.

4) Also, after overcoming the most difficult section, we exhale.

5) At the top point, take a short pause and strain the chest muscles as much as possible. Afterwards, take a deep breath and hold your breath, smoothly lowering the dumbbells to your shoulders.

6) As soon as the dumbbells reach chest level, change the direction of movement and squeeze the dumbbells upward.

7) Perform all repetitions smoothly and at a moderate pace. Don't stop at the bottom point. Maintain a natural curve in your spine and do not lift your head and shoulders off the bench!

Dumbbell incline press (forming exercise).

Exercise mission: pump the bottom and inner edge of the pectoralis major muscle. Participates in lifting and trimming the bottom of the chest.
Level of training: average and above.
Number of approaches: 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions.


1) We lower our bench down 45 degrees. We lie down on it and rest our feet on the support bolsters.

2) Pay attention to the position of your head, shoulders and buttocks, they should be pressed against the bench, keep your back straight.

3) Take the dumbbells with an overhand grip and push them up until your arms are fully straightened, so that at the highest point they are above the chest and practically touching each other.

4) From the top point, inhale and fixate the breath, smoothly lowering the dumbbells to the edges of the chest, while the elbows move strictly to the sides.

5) Once the dumbbells are close to your chest, without stopping, push them up. At the top point, bring the dumbbells together so that they click against each other.

6) After going through a difficult section, as with all exercises, exhale and press the dumbbells.

7) At the top point there is a short pause and strong tension of the pectoral muscles, then one or more repetitions.

8) You need to exhale forcefully - this reduces excess pressure. After the set, get up and walk to normalize blood circulation.

Press in the simulator (formative exercise).

Exercise mission: pumps the front delts (partially), the middle part, bottom part and upper chest.
Level of training: any.
Number of approaches: 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions.


1) Find the right simulator You can see what it looks like in the photo. Adjust the height of the handles. Their correct position is when they are located at shoulder level, maybe a little lower.

2) We sit down in the exercise machine, pressing our head and back tightly to the exercise machine, position our legs a little wider than your shoulders, and your knees should form a right angle.

3) We grab the handles with an overhand grip, that is, palms facing forward, grip shoulder-width apart, maybe a little wider, see what’s more comfortable for you.

4) From the starting position, inhale and hold your breath, squeezing the handles away from your chest.

5) After passing the heaviest section, exhale; you can also exhale when your arms are straightened.

6) When your arms are straightened, at the top point, take a short break and fix your breathing, smoothly returning to the starting position.

7) Lower the handles to chest level as soon as they approach it, without pauses or long stops, press the handles away from the chest.

8) If you are working in a machine that allows you to take a neutral and straight grip, alternate it, once straight, once neutral.

Lying dumbbell flyes, dumbbell flyes at an angle (isolation exercise).

Mission: work and pump the middle and inner edges of the pectoralis major muscle.
Level of training: any.
Number of approaches: 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions.


1) We sit on a bench located horizontally or at an angle of 30-45 degrees, so that the head, shoulders and buttocks fit tightly to the bench, and the legs rest on the floor and are spaced slightly wider than the shoulders.

2) Take dumbbells and lift them up so that they are located above the chest. In the upper position, the dumbbells almost touch each other, and the elbows are slightly bent. Maintain the angle at your elbow until the end of the exercise.

3) Then inhale and hold your breath, spreading your arms to the sides, moving the dumbbells in a vertical plane.

4) Raise your arms until the dumbbells are at chest level or lower. Having brought them to the limit, begin to lower the dumbbells, due to the tension of the pectoral muscles, perform the movements along the same trajectory along which you lowered them.

5) After overcoming the most difficult section of the climb, exhale.

6) At the top point, when the dumbbells almost touch each other, take a short break and strain the pumped muscles as much as possible.

Information about the butterfly simulator (isolation exercise).

Mission: work the inner edge and middle parts of the pectoralis major muscle.

Level of training: any.

Number of approaches:


1) We find a “butterfly” exercise machine, adjust the seat to suit you, the adjustment is made in such a way that when you sit down and grab the handles, the upper parts of your arms and shoulders are at the same level, and your forearms and elbows fit snugly against the thrust pads.

2) We sit down in the exercise machine so that the back is flat and pressed against the back, the head should also be pressed. The legs are positioned slightly wider than the shoulders, and a right angle predominates at the knee joint.

3) From this position, inhale and fixate your breathing, begin to bring the stops together. After overcoming the most difficult section, exhale.

4) Bring the supports as close to each other as possible; as soon as this happens, take a short break and tighten your chest muscles as much as possible.

5) Relax your muscles and spread your elbows until they are level with your shoulders. From the bottom point, mix again.

Mixing in a crossover through the upper blocks (isolating exercise).

Exercise mission: pump the bottom, middle and inner edge of the chest.
Level of training: average and above.
Number of approaches: 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.


1) Take the D-shaped handles of the crossover, which pass through the upper blocks, with an overhand grip. We stand in the middle of the machine and take a small step forward - this will allow you to keep your body more stable.

2) Maintain a natural curve in the spine, tilt the torus a little forward, 15-30 degrees.

3) Spread your arms to the sides as wide as possible and lower them down a little, but at the same time the load should be removed from the supports, and your elbows should be at the same level as your shoulders and slightly bent, with your palms facing the floor. Perform movements only in the shoulder position.

4) Take a deep breath and fixate your breathing, pull the handles with your muscles until they touch, or even more, so that they go beyond each other (crossing your arms).

5) As soon as you reach the handles towards each other, exhale, try to tighten your chest muscles as much as possible. Then return to the starting position.

Crossover mixing through lower blocks (isolating exercise).

Mission: pump up the upper and inner edge of the chest, front delts.
Level of training: average and above.
Number of approaches: 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.


1) We also take the D-shaped handles and attach them to the crossover cables, only now not on the upper cable, but on the lower one. We grab the handles with an overhand grip. We ourselves are located in the middle of the simulator and, as in the previous exercise, we take a step forward.

2) Tilt your torso forward by 10-20 degrees, slightly bend your legs and arms at the elbow joints, maintain this position until the end of the set.

3) Then take a deep breath and fixate your breathing, using your muscles to pull the handles until they are brought together in front of your stomach, slightly below chest level. At the top point, the handles should touch each other.

4) Take a short break, exhale and return to the starting position.

What can you do outside?

If you have a horizontal bar and parallel bars near your home and you choose to train at home, then you can work on the street. What could it be?

Do push-ups. To do this, we rest our toes against the bars, and with our hands we hold on to the crossbars and begin to push up as deeply as possible with maximum amplitude.

Then we do standard dips. That is, we stand straight and pull our body up and down, bending and straightening our elbows. You can tuck your legs slightly under you so as not to interfere.

Now we make it more difficult and try to keep the body suspended, in maximum parallel to the ground, and do push-ups in a standard position, holding the bars with your hands.

The legs are suspended. Place your feet on a low bar or bench and also do push-ups from the ground. Maintain your results by doing push-ups as many times as you can just off the ground or off the floor.

What other problems may arise in the breast area?

Many people complain of excess fat tissue or even gynecomastia.

If in this case the male breast grows like a female breast and is not inferior in volume to a respectable lady with a third size, then only drying and training will help you here.

Sometimes it happens that one muscle is larger than another. But one question is when this anatomical feature is noticeable only to you and in fact is no more than one millimeter.

Another question is when you have serious deformities. In this case, only unilateral exercises that will correct the shape of the breast will help you.

In the machine, which is aimed at training the pectoral muscles, you can press with one hand. You can try one-arm push-ups. But decide this issue yourself Not recommended. Consult with your trainer so that he can give you advice on pumping up one part of this muscle.

If you want to achieve ideal relief, then only drying and precise control will help you.

What to do with the hollow in the center of the chest? In general, you won’t be able to change the anatomical features, but you can add muscle mass, thereby adjusting the shape. But if there is no muscle attachment in this place, then there is simply nothing to pump there, so a miracle will not happen in this case.

So, let's consolidate our knowledge. What will help us pump up beautiful breasts?

  • Firstly, heavy weights.
  • Secondly, cyclicality. Here is an example of the simplest cycle for this group. Let's say you're bench pressing your own weight. Let's say it's 100kg on an incline bench press. In the first week we do 80 kg (3 sets of 8 repetitions). In the second week we increase to 85 kg. Then 90 kg. So we reach 100 kg. But we won’t stop. We continue to press 105 kg and so on. Let these be exercises with fewer repetitions. When you reach 3 repetitions of 3 sets, your cycle ends. And now we return to our rams again. Only the initial weight will be a little higher, for example, 85 kg or 87 kg, but the number of approaches and repetitions will be the same - 3x8. This cycle will help you achieve greater muscle mass and strength.
  • Thirdly, you can pump your breasts twice a week. But it will happen one time Weight Limit, and in the second – moderate. This way we will form a so-called microcycle.
  • Fourth, you can do a workout day that targets just your pecs.
  • Fifth, calculate the program correctly. For example, do not do a complex the day before where you work deltoids and triceps.
  • As mentioned above, these muscles, one way or another, will be involved in pumping the chest, and in this case, if they are clogged, they will not allow you to fully complete the task.
  • Sixth, there is no need to do all sets to failure. You should always have some potential several times left on your first approaches. To do this, you can take 70% of your working weight. Then take the full volume and try to do the last two approaches to failure 5-6 times

A little about food

We all know that in order to build up good muscle mass You won’t be able to eat dumplings in bowls and eat them with pies.

In general, the diet for the muscle group of interest will be no different from other recommendations.

You must work on gaining mass. I won’t go into details, I’ll just tell you the basics.

What does a real athlete eat?

Of course, these are proteins. Remember that there should be a lot of them, no less than 2 (up to 2.5) grams per kilogram of your weight. The quantity in certain products can be clarified on specialized websites or on labels.

100 grams of chicken breast does not equal 100 grams of protein in it, keep in mind. Further, carbohydrates should only be complex. That is, ones that your body will process for a long time. These are cereals (not all), durum wheat pasta (only those), and so on.

Fats are mainly complex, such as Omega-3 and Omega 6. They are found in fish, linseed oil and so on. In any case, be prepared for the fact that you will have to reduce the amount of fat in your diet and give up buns, sugar and other Kyiv cakes (fast and harmful carbohydrates).

Also in this case, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is very important for athletes. Typically these indicators are: proteins - 30-40%, fats - 10-20%, carbohydrates 40-50%.

But in this case, a lot depends on the type of figure (endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph), the type of sport, your goal (whether you are gaining weight or, on the contrary, decided to dry out, that is, get rid of excess fat in the body so that all the muscles become prominent) . Each of these cases will have its own nuances taken into account.

I understand that after reading the entire text above, many beginners want to close this site once and for all, go to the mirror and say:

“I love myself the way I am! I’m alone and I’m not going to die in such a ridiculous way, being crushed by a 60 kg dumbbell.” And I understand you well. So start like this.

We train 3 times a week, but the weight should be light.

At first, your task is to work slowly and pay great attention to the technique of performing the exercises.

Moreover, you can not take the dumbbells mentioned above for now, but start with a barbell on an incline bench. Dumbbells can only help with mastering technique, because coordination is very important in this case, and without it you can seriously suffer.

A slight force is enough for the arm to twist and the shoulder to fly out. But you can already try to load weight on the barbell. Don't forget about insurance. At first, you don’t have to increase the weight.

As soon as you reach serious weight, we immediately limit the number of workouts to the volumes recommended above.

As for the number and repetitions, focus on a weight that you can hold for 10-12 repetitions for 3 sets.

Moreover, please note that only beginners need such a number of repetitions to master the technique and consolidate the material.

But if you are already an experienced bodybuilder, then 6-8 is enough for you. And if you are a complete monster, then 3 to 8 will be enough.

In general, for many even this remains a dark forest. I know from myself that at first it seems that the diet of a person involved in sports is some kind of insipid horror.

How can you endlessly eat these chicken breasts and eggs? Is it really possible to lift such crazy weight and not crack the perforations? Why is this all necessary, anyway?

But believe me, over time you get hooked and want more and more. Sport brings joy and sensations comparable to sexual ones, and after a particularly hard approach you feel happiness.

Powerful pectoral muscles a man's is a real sight for sore eyes for a woman; they look impressive regardless of whether they are covered with clothes or not. Of course, you need to work on beautiful, powerful breasts, then women will truly appreciate your work and you will feel more confident.

Modern men often do not have enough time to visit gym, but this is not a reason to sit idly by. Pump up your pectoral muscles at home perhaps the main thing is the right approach. What should it be like? Let's take a closer look.

The pectoral muscles are involved in many movements of a man. This is the so-called muscular support of the arms, so the strength of the arms lies, among other things, in the effectiveness of the pectoral muscles. When extending the arms directly in front of you (in fact, when hitting straight), the pectoral muscles do exactly half the work, the triceps add 30 percent, and the deltoids add 20 percent. The pectoral muscles are also used during other strength exercises: pull-ups and flips on the bar, push-ups, push-ups. Those. The chest muscles are one of the most important muscles in a man. Therefore, you need to approach their development correctly.

First, a little theory about the pectoral muscles

The pectoral muscle in a man is quite wide, it is distributed over a large area, and, accordingly, work needs to be done to strengthen it different ways. There are several types of exercises for each area of ​​the pectoral muscles. Very often, a man who is just starting to exercise has unevenly developed chest muscles.

Many people have a “dip” in the center of the sternum, where the muscles are least developed, while on the sides, in the shoulder area, they are well developed. This can be explained by the fact that in Everyday life men do not load the internal areas of the chest muscles, and for their development you need to do strength exercises special grip.

Let's take a closer look at a set of exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles at home. By following these rules, you can significantly improve the beauty of your chest.

There are several basic rules for pumping up the pectoral muscles, which you should familiarize yourself with before starting the exercises.

How to pump up pectoral muscles at home - rules

Regarding the number of approaches and repetitions, in practice it has been found that for maximum results you need to do 4 sets of 7-12 repetitions with regular training.

Greetings, dear sports fans and healthy image life. Surely, many of you are wondering how to pump up your pectoral muscles at home, without using barbells and dumbbells. It turns out that this can be done, but first you need to decide what you want to see. After a couple of months of training, you want to see pecs like Arnold's in the mirror, in his best years? Or you want to see beautifully defined muscles that will attract attention when you go to the beach.

If you want breasts like Iron Arnie, then we hasten to disappoint you and ask you to leave the page. To have such breasts you need to: have good genetics, use steroids and bench press a barbell with an incredible amount of twenty-five kilogram weights on it. If you don't want this, continue reading the article. After studying all the exercises that we offer, at the end of the article you will find a training program for your chest at home.

How to pump up your breasts at home

So, what do you need to pump up? nursing homes. Firstly, this is proper nutrition, which will promote the growth of your muscles and will not allow the amount of subcutaneous fat in your body to increase. If we allow fat to take over our body, then you will not be able to see your defined pectoral muscles. So, start eating right.

Secondly, you need constant training, 2 – 3 times a week, which will include a variety of push-ups to pump up the upper and lower chest. This is very important, because by pumping the lower part of the chest, you will have a disproportion, and the chest will not look very aesthetically pleasing. So, we include all the exercises described below in our program.

Push-ups on books

The first version of push-ups will work mainly the middle part of the chest. Look at the picture below.

For push-ups we will need 8 books (sheets, 500 each). We place them at a distance of 60 - 70 centimeters, or whatever is more convenient for you, and begin to slowly do push-ups. We go down as far as possible. You should feel a pleasant stretch in your muscles. Spend 6 – 8 seconds lowering. Do 4 sets of 15 reps. The most important thing in the exercise is speed, do everything slowly.

Push-ups with a stop

For the second exercise we don't need books. These will be simple push-ups, but with one nuance. Having dropped halfway down, stop and stay in this moment for 2 - 3 seconds. Then lower yourself all the way down and hold in this position again for 2 to 3 seconds. Do 4 sets of 10 reps.

Explosive push-ups

Enough difficult exercise which requires training. Once you master it, feel free to include it in your program. Lower yourself down, preferably slowly, starting to rise to the starting position as best you can, push off the floor so that your palms come off the floor. You can do a clap, but it is difficult and you don’t have to do it at first.

Do this exercise last, perform 2 sets with as many repetitions as you can handle.

Strengthening the upper pectoral muscles

The most difficult part of the pectoral muscles to train. It is very difficult to pump it up at home, but it is possible. There is only one exercise for this, but we can constantly make it more difficult.

Incline push-ups

The point of these push-ups is to get your legs higher than your body, but otherwise they're just regular push-ups. But we don’t need regular push-ups, so we’ll make it more complicated. The first option is push-ups with a pause at the lowest point stop for 2 - 3 seconds, and then return to the starting position. The second option is push-ups on books. Well, the third option is explosive incline push-ups.

Perform 4 sets of 15–20 repetitions in various variations.

How to pump up your lower chest

To pump up the lower pectoral muscles, we will use everyone’s favorite dips. I think it won’t be difficult for you to go to the nearest sports ground and devote half an hour to training. And if you have beams at home, then this is very wonderful.


Simple push-ups on parallel bars. Everyone knows how to do them, everyone was taught at school. We complicate the parallel bars push-ups by stopping at the bottom point for 2-3 seconds. We perform 4 sets of 15–20 repetitions.

This exercise can be made more difficult by using a weighted vest.

Program for training the pectoral muscles

The article would not be an article if we did not provide a training program consisting of all the exercises that we described. See table.

*If you cannot do the number of repetitions written in the table, do as many as you can. Don't put yourself in a box.

The rest between sets should be 45 – 60 seconds. Always monitor the speed of your push-ups, try to feel your muscles and do push-ups as slowly as possible. The p90x program has a great chest and triceps workout.

We've looked at several types of push-ups that will let your pecs explode. Try not to skip training and you will succeed.
P.S. While the author was writing the article, he did 80 push-ups.

Since the chest is one of the largest muscle groups of the body, in addition to the mandatory progress in working weights, it is important to pay attention not only to the correct exercise technique, but also to their variety, loading the pectoral muscles at different angles for their uniform development.

We also note that when performing any exercise on the chest, not only the pectoral muscles themselves work, but also the muscles upper press, arms (biceps, triceps), back and deltoid muscles of the shoulders. This is why the entire upper body is usually worked in one workout.

Creating a chest training program:

How often to pump your breasts?No more than once every 72 hours (3 days) - or twice a week.
What muscles can it be combined with?It is recommended to combine training of the pectoral muscles with triceps, shoulder muscles and abs.
How many exercises and repetitions should I do?For beginners, 1-2 basic exercises (with heavy weight and 5-7 repetitions) and 1-2 isolation exercises (with lighter weight and 12-15 repetitions) are enough.
Push-ups or dumbbell exercises?Since only 5-7 repetitions of the exercise are needed to grow the pectoral muscles, when this result is achieved in push-ups, you need to move on to dumbbells and a barbell.
How fast do pectoral muscles grow?Because the pectoral muscles are among the largest in the human body, they quickly respond to strength training and increase in size.

Pectoral muscles: anatomy

Training the chest muscles is considered the most important in bodybuilding, since a powerful and developed chest is key characteristic sporty and athletic build. It is also important that strong pectoral muscles help in training the rest of the core muscles, since they are anatomically connected.

The pectoral muscles are divided into major and minor. The pectoralis major muscle has a triangular shape and is woven into the shoulder at one of its bases, due to which the muscles of the chest and shoulders are connected. The pectoralis minor muscle is located under the major muscle and is more of a stabilizing muscle than a working muscle.

The best exercises for chest muscles

Most chest exercises can be performed with dumbbells or a barbell. Dumbbells allow you to use stabilizer muscles in the exercise, focusing on individual bundles, and the barbell is less traumatic for the joints when working with large working weights.

1. Push-ups- the most important anatomical exercise for the chest muscles. If you want to pump up your chest, you just need to learn and be able to feel the pectoral muscles at work. However, push-ups have a limited resource for muscle growth, since they do not allow you to work with additional weight.

2. Dips- one of best exercises for a comprehensive study of the upper body, and, in particular, the shoulder girdle and triceps. When going down, the movement should be slow and controlled, when going up, it should be powerful and jerky (as if you are pushing your body up).

3. Bench press- . When performing the bench press, it is important to monitor your technique - do not relax your chest muscles at the top and bottom points of the movement, do not straighten your elbows and do not touch the barbell to your chest. Raise the barbell up for a count of 1-2, hold for 3-4 and lower for a count of 5-6.

4. Lying dumbbell flyes- a key exercise for working out the shape of the chest and giving it the correct “square” shape. Use light weights on the dumbbells, focusing primarily on the feeling of the muscle stretching. At the bottom of the movement, do not drop your elbows too low or spread your arms too wide.

5. Incline Dumbbell Press- an exercise to work the upper part of the pectoral muscles. When performing the exercise, do not lift your feet off the floor and make sure that the core muscles (especially the abs) are in constant slight tension - when lifting the dumbbells, you should feel how this helps you push the weight up.

Chest muscle development program

Since the chest is a large muscle, its mass is best increased by constantly increasing the working weight. Negative repetition techniques are effective, when they help you lift the barbell, but you lower it yourself, as well as the technique of achieving failure and pumping.

In a simplified form, a training program for the chest muscles of a beginner may look like this:

  • Dips - 2 sets and max. number of repetitions.
  • Bench press – 4 sets of 10 reps.
  • Incline dumbbell press - 4 sets of 10 reps.
  • Lying dumbbell raises - 4 sets of 12 reps.

Breast shaping

The shape of the pectoral muscles largely depends on genetics, but the tilt of the body during exercise and the width of the arms affect how the muscles develop. The outer part of the chest, the most massive, is worked with a horizontal bench press with dumbbells or a barbell.

The upper chest is done with a dumbbell or barbell press on a bench with an incline of 45 degrees, the lower part is done with dips or a barbell press with a reverse incline. Center the pectoral muscles - using dumbbell flyes or butterfly flyes, as well as when bench pressing with a narrower grip.

Why breasts don't grow - main mistakes

If you are training your chest intensely, but the muscles are not growing and the chest is not taking on the desired shape, most likely you are doing one of two things: typical mistakes- either chase excessively large working weights to the detriment of technique, or train the same bundles of the pectoral muscle.

Change the equipment periodically so that each workout contains two or three non-repetitive exercises. In addition, give preference to free weights rather than focusing on machines that are more suitable for completing a workout or for warming up.


Training the pectoral muscles is one of the favorite workouts of bodybuilders, since these are the muscles that create a strong and massive body. The main secrets of successful breast pumping are constant progress of working weights, a variety of exercises and correct technique execution.

All novice athletes are interested in how to quickly pump up their pectoral muscles at home. A large number of beginners do not know how to do push-ups from the floor correctly so that the pectoral muscles receive a sufficiently effective load and begin to grow, or they do not have the knowledge of how to properly do pull-ups on the horizontal bar so that the muscle fibers of the chest are well worked.

To properly pump up different muscle groups of the body, chest, you need proper nutrition and systematic training. All of these measures will lay the foundation for building powerful and muscular pecs.

By performing special and effective exercises, you can quickly give your breasts the desired shape and aesthetic appearance. Pumping the pectoral muscles at home means regular training at least 2-3 times a week.

By following the rules and performing systematic chest exercises, you will achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. And most importantly, desires and self-confidence.

How to pump up pectoral muscles at home - rules

  1. Rule one is probably the most important. The wider the grip or the distance between the hands in support, the more the outer chest muscles are recruited. Therefore, it is recommended for beginners to take a narrower grip, but not too narrow, because... with a narrow grip, more of the triceps muscles will be involved in the work than the pectoral muscles. The optimal grip or support width is slightly wider than shoulder width.
  2. Rule two. The higher your arms are raised above your head when performing a press or push-up, the more the upper pectoral muscles are activated. For beginners, the upper section, as a rule, is less developed than the lower one, because in everyday life we ​​rarely work with our hands above our heads, so it is necessary to include push-ups with the hands resting just above the level of the collarbones in the set of exercises.
  3. Rule three. We clench our hands smoothly and unclench them sharply. A better ratio is to open your hands twice as fast as you close them.
  4. Rule four. Maximum efficiency push-ups - in a position where your legs are higher than your head.
  5. Rule five. Watch your breathing, this is very important. Exhale with the greatest effort, inhale with the greatest relaxation, i.e., when doing push-ups, inhale when moving down, exhale with force when moving up. In general, this rule is true for all strength exercises.
  6. Rule six. Let your muscles rest. With strong physical activity muscles do not have time to rest in a day, exercise every other day. At the same time, you should not be afraid of muscle pain after training - it will soon go away if you exercise regularly. Muscle pain after exercise is evidence that they are growing.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you


Even if you decide to study at home, do not forget about proper nutrition and good sleep. A suitable diet can be found on the Internet; numerous articles and videos will help with this. The main thing here is the proper distribution of proteins, calories and carbohydrates. The choice of diet depends on the desire to gain weight, or, conversely, to lose it. When gaining weight, the main diet consists of proteins in the form of meat, eggs, and cottage cheese. Energy is provided by carbohydrates contained in cereals, pasta, and vegetables. You can consult with experienced musclemen; they won’t say anything bad.

Sleep also has a great influence on muscle growth, because it grows precisely when a person sleeps. Lack of sleep leads to inadequate muscle development, the relief is not fully formed. In addition, the body does not have time to recover after training, and this worsens the immune system, increasing the chance of getting sick, which means a break in exercise. Therefore, it is necessary to sleep 7-7.5 hours so that the muscles develop and the body does not wear out.

Training can be aimed at developing all muscle groups, as well as separate groups. Today we will talk about the pectoral muscles. The relief of the chest gives masculinity, sexuality, and stateliness. Agree, the figure will look inferior if all the muscles are voluminous, but the chest is not.

An effective set of exercises

Let's consider the most effective exercises to quickly pump up your chest muscles:

  • Reduction and extension of arms in prone position

To perform this type of exercise you will need the same two stools. Place them in such a way that they do not cause you discomfort when you lie back on them. After you are in a lying position, place your feet on the floor.

Take dumbbells in your hands and bring them together above your head. When performing this exercise, your arms should be slightly bent at the elbows, and your fists should be facing each other with your palms. Start spreading your arms as wide and low as possible.

Useful information for losing weight

As with the previous exercises, do four sets of 10-20 reps, resting for 2-3 minutes.

  • Unusual push-ups

Thanks to this exercise you will be able to pump up your chest completely, it gives the maximum load and is not so easy to perform. Find a sturdy chair or bench that won't slide on the floor and can support your weight. Place your feet on a chair, and not on the ground, near your hand - on the floor. Legs and body should be perfectly straight.

Push-ups on stools

As mentioned above, push-ups, despite all their effectiveness, are still not sufficient good exercise For full development pectoral muscles.

To complicate the exercise, you can take two stools and place them the width of your arms outstretched to the side, with your elbows bent.

After this, we take the usual position for push-ups, but put our hands on stools. Feet must be placed on a sofa or chair. You need to do four sets of 10-20 push-ups.

During each push-up, try to get as low as possible from the level of the stools. If you feel that you can cope with this without problems, then do not rush to immediately increase the number of push-ups. For greater effect, it is better to start doing push-ups with a load. We perform 4 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Take a break of 2-3 minutes between each set, or more if necessary.

Exercises for the chest muscles using weights

At home, dumbbells and weights are usually used. You need to choose a projectile that is suitable in weight, that is, such that movements with it can be performed at least 10 times.

Using light dumbbells, you can repeat the movements from the warm-up for the pectoral muscles.

Then you need to take heavier dumbbells and lie on your back on the floor. It is better to perform the exercise on a mat.

  • spread your arms to the sides in a cross;
  • As you exhale, you need to raise your arms with dumbbells in front of you, and as you inhale, spread them to the sides.

When performing exercises with weights, you need to remember that the load on the pectoral muscles occurs when the arms are spread to the sides, raised up or down.

Another option is static gymnastics. It's not very common, but it gives good result. Muscles are trained through static force. This effort is very beneficial for the pectoral muscles. After all, when they tense, they increase in volume. Tensing and relaxing. This kind of gymnastics was very popular in the first quarter of the last century.

1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Clasp your palms in front of your chest.

2. As you exhale, make an effort, pressing with one hand on the other. This must be done with maximum force.

3. Relax for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.

Another exercise is to try to forcefully release your hands.

"Moving the wall." Performing this static gymnastics exercise is very simple. You need to stand in front of the wall, rest your hands on it and make an effort, trying to move the wall to the side. Here, too, you need to alternate between effort and relaxation.

It must be said that such an exercise for the pectoral muscles at home does not require any free space.

In fact, pumping up the pectoral muscles for a man is not so difficult. The main thing is to devote enough time to training and monitor your diet.

Pectoral push-ups: program, or paused push-ups

In this exercise, you no longer need to take books. These are familiar simple push-ups from the floor, only here you need to pause for 2-3 seconds in each stage. Lower yourself halfway, pause for 2 seconds, then continue downward and pause at the point of contact with the floor for 3 seconds.

Ideally, you need to do 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions. For improvement physical fitness repetitions will need to be added. For example, today you have 4 sets of 8 repetitions, for a follow-up chest workout you can do 1-2 more repetitions.

It is also advisable to do control points or peaks of progress (maximum number of push-ups per rep, 1 set, 20 - 30 reps). Push-ups can be done anywhere, the main thing is your persistence and belief in success.