How to pump up your lateral press at home: effective exercises for girls. The best exercises for the obliques

Both men and women dream of pumped up abs. He is the pride of his owner and a reason for the admiration of others. But to get a beautiful, toned stomach, you need to work on training its muscles.

Thanks to the internal muscle, we can tilt the torso forward, while the external muscles turn the torso in both directions. They are all in Everyday life they work very little, so special exercises are needed to pump them up. They can be performed as in gym, and at home. Today we’ll talk about how you can quickly pump up your side abs at home.

To exercise on lateral muscles the press brought visible benefits, the following rules must be observed:

The muscles in the abdominal area are quite difficult to stretch, so under load the muscles quickly tire. For this reason, it is recommended to start with easy exercises and then gradually move to heavier and more complex ones.

Exercises to pump up the lateral muscles

To pump up the side abdominal muscles, there are special exercises. There are very simple ones - they are recommended for beginners, and there are also more complex and difficult ones for those who have been training for several days and are already physically prepared.

First of all, let's look at how to pump up the lateral abdominal muscles for beginners. We recommend training using simple exercises. When performing them, it is necessary to ensure that the muscle frame is in tension, but you cannot overdo it, otherwise the exercises may result in injury. Simple and easy exercises, of course, will not give your muscles incredible volume, but they will prepare them for more complex loads.

Torso bends

Classic workout, which is designed for easy training of the abdominal muscles. To perform the exercise, a person must stand up straight, put his hands at his sides, then bend to both sides. The movements should not be done quickly, but at the same time bend as low as possible. When a person is already a little trained, then this exercise is too simple for him; in this case, you can pick up weights, for example, dumbbells.

Please note that the use of weights helps build muscle mass, which is great for men, but not very desirable for women.

Lateral lifts

In this case, a bench is used. You need to lie on it sideways, with half of your body located outside the bench. Fix your legs yourself or ask someone to help you. Raise your body up 25-30 times. Turn over and continue the exercise on the other side. To increase the load, you can take weights.

Leg raises on the horizontal bar

The following workout is suitable for those people who have a horizontal bar at home. If you can’t hang a crossbar in your house, you can use the one that is in almost every yard on the site. The exercise is as follows: bend your knees and lift them as high as possible. At first glance, this is a very simple exercise, but for beginner athletes this is exactly what is needed.

However, if a person has been doing various abdominal exercises for quite a long time, then lifting the legs on the bar will be too much. simple exercise. In this case, it is recommended to move on to more complex ones and simply skip this one.

Another exercise option is the straight leg raise.. You need to grab the horizontal bar and simply raise your straight legs as high as possible. To improve the result, hold your legs at maximum tension in your abdominal muscles for several seconds. There are no specific instructions on how many times to repeat leg raises. It all depends on the physical abilities of a particular person.

Raising the body and legs

First of all, a person should find a flat surface. It is needed to make it convenient to perform the exercise. You should lie on the floor and stretch your legs, put one hand, for example the left one, behind your head, then bend it left leg in the knee. The leg must be raised along with the entire body. You need to bend until the elbow of your left hand and the knee of your right leg touch. Repeat the exercise 5 times, then change arms and legs.

Knee lift - A very effective and simple exercise. A beginning athlete should lie on his side, lean on his elbow, place one arm behind his back, straighten his legs, and then pull them closer to his chest. This exercise should be done 3 times for 15 approaches. After this, turn over to the other side and repeat the procedure again.

Incline with weights

To perform this exercise, you must be perfectly trained lower back. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, place the bar on the trapeze. When a person gets into the original position, it is necessary to tilt left and right. When the tilt reaches its maximum point, you need to freeze in this position for 5 seconds. This exercise should be repeated 10 times in each direction.

When a person has already trained his abs well, it is allowed to add weights to the bar, but you need to carefully monitor the weight so as not to get injured.

Tilts with turns

This type of training is more suitable for those who has been pumping their abdominal muscles for months. The benefit of bending and twisting is that it works many different muscles at the same time.

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, however, the bends are made forward. At the same time, you need to turn your torso to the right or left. You need to turn so that the elbow of your hand is as close as possible to the opposite knee.

Turns on the bar

To complete this exercise you need the presence of a horizontal bar and serious preparation because it is actually quite complex. Place your hands on the bar at shoulder width. It is necessary to raise your legs, they should be straight and parallel to the floor. Hold them in this position and describe the arc. Its amplitude should be maximum. The recommended number of turns is 12−15 times.

Basics of proper nutrition

To quickly become the owner of sculpted abs, you need to be “dry”, that is, subcutaneous fat should be in a minimal amount. The percentage of body fat depends on the ratio of calories consumed to calories burned. If more calories enter the body than are burned, then this difference is stored in the form of fat deposits; if the opposite happens, then the body has to use existing fat to cover the lack of energy.

To quickly obtain relief side press The following recommendations must be followed:

  • The daily calorie deficit should be between 500-600 kcal.
  • Fast carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet.
  • To prevent burning of existing muscles, it is necessary to consume foods that contain a large number of proteins.

After you pump up your abdominal muscles, your figure will become more perfect and toned. However, you should not immediately take up difficult exercises, if your body is not yet ready for this. It's better to start with the first level and then gradually increase the load.

The main thing to pay attention to is regularity of classes and diligence in performing exercises. If you stick to this, you will feel good and in a good mood, and you will be guaranteed excellent results.

Attention, TODAY only!

By the term abs, most people mean the rectus abdominis muscle, which is clearly expressed in thin people, but there are also oblique muscles, commonly referred to as the lateral press . It is much more difficult to pump them up, since the oblique muscles are poorly activated during regular crunches.

From this article you will learn how to properly work out obliques . We will tell you the most important aspects their training and point out the mistakes that prevent novice athletes from achieving the desired result.

Best exercises for side press

The approach to side press training depends heavily on training program specific athlete. The fact is that the oblique abdominal muscles are involved when performing such basic exercises as barbell squats and deadlifts, while they are fully worked out due to the fact that large working weights are used in the base.

Therefore, if you pull and squat, then you don’t need to purposefully do a few abdominal exercises, it will be enough "finish off" it with one exercise of several multi-repetition approaches. If classes are conducted at home, or you do not do basic exercises, then the abdominal work should be more voluminous.

The lateral press is formed by two groups of oblique abdominal muscles - external and internal . The latter do not represent any aesthetic value, since we do not see them, while the outer ones consist of separated (divided) fibers that form distinct relief stripes on the side of the abdomen.

Functional purpose oblique muscles - bending the body in lumbar region, twisting to the right and left, abducting the pelvis back, and they always act together with the rectus abdominis muscle. Also, the abdominal muscles are a kind of containment, holding internal organs abdominal cavity.

For most people, a sculpted, clearly defined press is a symbol of physical perfection. The majority of those who come to the clinic place emphasis on training these muscles. Gym beginners, but the situation here is twofold - thin people don't need to work out their abs , since it is already visible to them, while efforts fat people for some reason they are not rewarded with the desired result.

The visibility of the abdominal muscles directly depends on the amount of fat in the body, so if you want to have sculpted belly it is important not only to pump it up in training, but also diet which will allow you to maintain the required percentage of subcutaneous fat (10-15%).

However, when working on your lateral abs, it is worth considering that the overall shape of your waist greatly depends on the volume of the oblique abdominal muscles. And if for people with a narrow waist such changes will be beneficial, since they can correct excessive thinness, for athletes with wide waist they often cause harm by making the waist area even wider and worsening the proportions of the body.

Changing your diet and approach to training to get sculpted abs

To have ripped abs you need to be "dry", that is, have a minimum percentage of subcutaneous fat. The amount of fat deposits in our body depends on the ratio of two factors - the difference between calories consumed and calories burned. If more is consumed than is burned, the body stores the excess in the form of fat deposits, but if the difference is negative, then on the contrary, it uses the available fat to cover the lack of energy.

The fastest way to get sculpted side press is by following these recommendations:

  • maintain a deficit of 500-600 calories daily ;
  • eliminate fast carbohydrates (sweet and flour, White bread), all carbohydrates should be slow - rye bread, cereals, durum wheat pasta;
  • eat plenty of protein foods to prevent burning of existing muscles during the drying process.

It helps to bring the first outlines of the abs closer, and it makes sense to do them every workout. Running or cycling can be done for a separate time, but keep in mind that the duration of cardio should exceed 60 minutes, since fat burning begins only after 20-25 minutes of jogging , for which the body uses all energy reserves received from food. Shorter workouts bring much less effective results.

The best side press exercises and how to do them

The athlete stands with dumbbells in both hands, placing his feet shoulder-width apart, and performs alternating bends on each side. The amplitude of movement is small, tilts are made smoothly, without inertia. It is not recommended for girls due to the risk of thickening the waist.

You need to lie sideways on a hyperextension bench with half your torso hanging over the bench. Lifts are made on each side separately; at the top point of the amplitude, the body should not rise above parallel with the line of the legs.

You need to hang on the horizontal bar and raise your legs bent at the knees, moving your pelvis to the right and left sides alternately. The exercise can be made more difficult by performing it with straight legs.

It can be performed either on a press bench, trying to touch the kneecap of the opposite leg with your elbow, or on the floor with unfixed legs, in which case, when twisting, the knee must be brought to the elbow so that they touch in the central part of the body.

Belongs to the category of static exercises that perfectly work the internal oblique muscles, thereby improving the athlete’s posture. The plank is a stand in which the body is supported on two supporting points - the feet and the forearm. As you progress in performing this exercise, you need to increase the time you hold the plank; you can start with 30 seconds and aim for 2-3 minutes.

All dynamic exercises with your own weight must be performed in the range of 15-20 repetitions, the last approach in each exercise is to the maximum, until failure or a strong burning sensation in the muscles. Exercises with additional weight are done for 12-15 repetitions, and the weight used should be relatively small and not affect the athlete’s technique.

Abs can be trained in two ways - doing 1-2 exercises after each workout or setting aside a separate day for it. Experienced athletes often include working small muscles—trapezius, calves, abs, neck and forearms—in a separate workout, since constant fatigue of the abdominal muscles when working them regularly can hinder progress in basic exercises. For beginners, this factor is not critical.

Optimal frequency of abdominal muscle training - once every one to two weeks. To avoid muscle adaptation to the training process, we recommend changing exercises every 8-10 weeks. Train hard, eat right, do cardio, and you'll get ripped abs in no time!

Having a figure that passers-by look at with admiration, waking up active and vigorous every morning, is not possible without pumped up lateral abdominal muscles.

This group of muscles is responsible for turning the body. They turn it into the opposite side, i.e. the right extrinsic muscle moves to the left, and the left muscle moves to the right.

In a person with an athletic build, the oblique external abdominal muscle, which runs along an oblique line from the sternum to the lower abdomen, is better visible than others.

The internal oblique muscles cannot be seen because they are hidden under the external lateral muscles. But their contraction also leads to a rotation of the body: the right one turns the body to the right, and vice versa.

  • You need to eat a hearty meal 2-2.5 hours before the start of your workout. You can't give it your all on an empty stomach. In this case, the training is ineffective.
  • It is not recommended to train the lateral abdominal muscles on a full stomach, as this causes Negative consequences, manifested in severe dizziness and nausea.
  • Warm-up is mandatory for warming up: run in the simulator or on the spot, do bends, squats, turns, rotations.
  • Keep it in moderation and don’t exhaust yourself every day. To pump up the lateral abdominal muscles, it is enough to conduct classes 2-4 times a week.

This will help you get a sculpted and beautiful belly. Each exercise performed should stretch the lateral muscles, i.e. the athlete should feel how tense they are. If there is no such feeling, it means he is doing something wrong. After training, you should not eat immediately. As a last resort, if you are hungry, you can eat an apple or drink water. It is recommended to eat 1 hour after training. It is important not to be discouraged if you get tired quickly when training your lateral muscles. The reaction is understandable: The muscular frame of the abdomen is difficult to stretch, so it requires a lot of energy.

The first level is for those who want to pump up their lateral abdominal muscles

The classes are ideal for those new to the sport. During training aimed at developing the lateral muscles, as already mentioned, you need to strive to ensure that the muscle frame remains in tension all the time. But in order to avoid injury, you should not be too zealous.

From initial stage training, you shouldn’t expect much: the muscles will not become large and voluminous, since the complex is not designed to turn a beginner into a bodybuilder. But it will help prepare for further development.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart and clasp your hands behind your head. Bend to the sides to the maximum level. Perform the exercise slowly, smoothly, without jerking, fixing the body at the extreme points. Perform 20 repetitions in 5-6 approaches.

If you feel that the load has become insufficient, strengthen it by picking up a dumbbell weighing 10 kg. Remember that performing exercises with dumbbells leads to an increase in mass, which contributes to an increase in waist size. This is true for girls.

The next exercise is performed on a bench. You need to lie on your side to top part the torso was outside the bench. Fix your legs or hold them with the help of a partner. You need to lift your body up 30 times, then repeat the approaches. Do the same by turning on the other side. If the exercise is easy to do, you can use weights.

Twisting on a bar or horizontal bar

The “Twisting on the horizontal bar” exercise, which can be performed at home, will help pump up the oblique muscles of the press. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. Hang from a horizontal bar or bar. Raise your legs bent at the knees to chest level, moving them to the right and left alternately.

Level two

When the first level of training the lateral muscles becomes easy for the athlete to perform, you can move on. The second level helps to pump up the lateral abdominal muscles at home. Regular implementation of the complex, consisting of 3-4 approaches, including 10-15 repetitions, will make them sculpted and your waist thin.

Leg and body raises

Lie on a horizontal surface, placing one arm under your head and straightening your legs. Simultaneously raise your body and knee until they touch, return to starting position. After changing your hand, do the same with the other leg.

Alternate body lifts

Lie down again on a flat surface, placing both hands at the back of your head and bending your knees. Raising your body, turn it to the side at the same time: if to the right, then touch your right knee with your left elbow, and vice versa, touch your left knee with your right elbow.

Raising the knees as a method of training the lateral abdominal muscles

Lie on your side, straighten your legs and lean on your elbow. Place your free hand behind your back. Both legs should be raised towards the chest without touching the floor. Then, repeat everything while lying on the other side. You will soon notice how much stronger your side muscles have become.

On the horizontal bar

An exercise for the lateral abdominal muscles, performed on a horizontal bar from a hanging position (hands stand shoulder-width apart). Perform lateral raises without bending your legs and holding at the maximum points.

Level three

For those who have been working the lateral abdominal muscles for a long time, the exercises below are extremely useful. The number of approaches and repetitions in them is determined by the physical preparation of the athlete.

Weighted bending

If the lower back is not trained enough, i.e. Since the lateral muscles are not strong enough, it is difficult to perform this simple exercise that helps pump up the lateral abdominal muscles. It is aimed at training the oblique muscles. Feet are placed shoulder width apart. The bar lies on the trapeze. From this position, bend over 15 times in each direction. You need to go as low as possible. At the extreme point, pause for 2 seconds and return to the starting position. An exercise that works the lateral abdominal muscles is performed correctly if the trainee feels tension in the lateral muscles. If you are underweight, it increases by adding pancakes. Keep your body straight while performing the exercise, avoiding tilting it back or forward.

Tilts with rotation

This is an enhanced version of the previous training aimed at developing the oblique muscles. It is performed standing. Feet are shoulder-width apart, the bar without weights or with them is on the trapezoid. Perform 15 bends forward and, twisting the body, to the sides. During the twist, the left elbow is directed towards the right knee and vice versa.

Hanging turns

The exercise for the lateral abdominal muscle is a heavy one, and therefore requires remarkable strength. Take a hang position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Raise your straight legs to parallel with the floor, describe an arc with them with maximum amplitude. You need to perform 10-15 turns.


The movements help to narrow the waist: standing sideways to the frame, grab the handle of the block with both hands and perform chopping movements, twisting the body towards the opposite shin (12 times). Then repeat everything in the other direction.


Exercises on the lateral abdominal muscles will help you create a perfect figure, which are recommended to be performed according to difficulty levels, without starting without preparation for the heaviest one. If trainings are carried out with diligence and regularly, then soon you will become a different person: fit, healthy, beautiful, which will contribute to a good mood.


Video: TWe train the abs and oblique abdominal muscles at home.

So you train and train, you seem to have gained some form and you can even see your six-pack abs. But the trouble is, he doesn’t look the way he would like, namely, the lateral abdominal muscles are not worked out.

This is not the point, you cannot ignore them, because you either do it or you don’t - there is no need for half measures. So, how to pump up oblique abdominal muscles, so that everyone would go nuts when they see you on the beach, or at least look sideways.

The main task of the side press

– They do not exist to win the hearts of the opposite sex, although we use them most often for this very purpose.

His real task lies elsewhere. The obliques, or external abdominal muscles, are constantly in use as they keep our torso upright. Participate in turning and tilting the body to the sides.

They also take on a considerable load when carrying heavy loads. That is, by carrying bags home from the store, you, to some extent, train your oblique abdominal muscles.

Where are they useful?

– In many sports where a sharp turn of the body or its fixation is required to perform an action.

Among them: boxing, wrestling, shot and hammer throw, weightlifting, etc., etc. But in professional sports, these muscles may not be visible.

In bodybuilding and fitness, athletes perform completely different tasks; good, sculpted abs are important to them. And it is achieved as much by training as by a balanced diet.

A nuance worth knowing about

– Although many articles write that by training the oblique abdominal muscles, the waist becomes narrower - this is not so.

Moreover, this is complete nonsense. By flexing your lateral abdominal muscles, your waist just can’t get any smaller. After all, this is logical, the muscle increases, therefore, the waist circumference increases along with it.

However, if you train them, your stomach may visually appear thinner. But, only visually, and only if the muscles of the shoulder girdle and lower body are developed proportionally.


“If you are only interested in the visual appearance of your abs, then you need to train them in an easy mode to acquire and maintain tone”

Training for maximum hypertrophy in this case is undesirable.

3 exercises to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles

– These exercises, in the long term, will make your abdominal muscles an example to follow :

  • Lifting the body with rotation
  • Side crunches
  • Pullover with dumbbell

Each of them individually, frankly speaking, will simply waste your time. To obtain a relatively quick and high-quality result, it is necessary to alternate or combine them.

Lifting the body with rotation

When asked how to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles, this is the exercise that immediately comes to mind.

It can be performed on the floor, on sports ground(do you know there are special pipes for fixing the legs?) or an incline bench in the gym.

How to do:

  • Sit on the floor or bench;
  • Place your hands behind your head and lock them at the back of your head, lock your legs;
  • As you inhale, lean back, keeping your muscles tense;
  • As you exhale, raise your body and touch your left elbow to your right knee. Then lean back again, and then rise and touch your right elbow to your left knee.

I don’t know if it’s worth explaining, but if you do this exercise on the floor, then you need to fix your legs with your knees bent.

Side crunches

This exercise puts more emphasis on the lateral abdominal muscles than the previous one, and also works the serratus lateral muscle.

How to do:

  • First you need to lie on your side, bend your knees 90 degrees and pull them perpendicular to your stomach;
  • The hand on top should be placed behind the head;
  • From this position, perform a slow rise.

After you have completed the required number of repetitions, do the same, only on the other side.


  • To maintain balance when performing side crunches, hold your knee with your bottom hand.
  • There is no need to try to lift yourself by your head, work with your lateral abdominal muscles.

Pullover with dumbbell

An excellent exercise for the pectoral muscles, especially great for finishing them off at the end of the workout.


– What does the oblique abdominal muscles have to do with it?

- Nothing to do with it. Almost…

The fact is that a pullover seriously loads the lateral serratus muscles. And, in my opinion, it is impossible to pump them up to a normal appearance except with a pullover.

By the way, they are playing important role in building a quality torso. Therefore, you should not neglect the pullover.

I won’t describe the technique. I'm such a lazy person. In addition, I wrote a detailed article about this exercise ().

A little about the principles of diet

– Pumping up the oblique abdominal muscles is only the first task. The second is to make them visible.

To do this you will have to get rid of excess fat. Whether you want it or not, you need to follow a diet, otherwise no one will see your efforts.

If you are not very fat, then it will be enough to limit yourself to carbohydrates and postpone their consumption to the first half of the day. In a month or two, everything will be as it should.

Well, if you only have 10 kilograms extra on your stomach, then you don’t need to think about the oblique abdominal muscles. First you need to seriously lose weight, competent drying will help here, which can take from three to five months.

Useful articles:

So, the bottom line

Now you know how to pump up your oblique abdominal muscles, what exercises to use, and how important it is to combine training with proper nutrition. But knowing does not mean doing. Do you want a good lean figure? If you want everyone to open their mouths in surprise at the sight of you, then pull yourself together and act. You will succeed! JUST DO IT!

In the quest for a good figure, the oblique abdominal muscles are sometimes neglected. Their training additionally harmonizes the waist and abs. To achieve the desired effect, exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles are enough to do a couple of times a week.

What is important to know

Why train your obliques?

The need for these exercises is dictated by the following factors:

  • it is these muscles that ensure the achievement of thin beautiful waist,
  • from them an elastic abdominal press is formed, the small tummy that has formed goes away,
  • relevant for athletes who perform body bends, torso twisting,
  • important in collective competitions, when knocking down or hitting the torso at high speed is possible (football, hockey, boxing, etc.),
  • if necessary, lift heavy weights, as well as use them when squatting, trained oblique abdominal muscles serve to protect the lower back from disc displacement.

Before classes start

To effectively perform exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles, you need to remember the following:

  • you cannot start immediately with maximum loads due to the usually low fitness of this muscle group,
  • do not eat an hour before classes, an hour after,
  • significant weights that visually expand the waist should be avoided,
  • It is useful to do a small warm-up before starting, such as jogging, dancing or jumping rope,
  • When performing techniques, tension in the abdominal muscles must be felt; its absence means the need to increase the load.

Complex classes

Each exercise should be repeated 4 to 8 times. If training is performed systematically, then 12 to 24 repetitions are acceptable.


  1. Stand up with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms to the sides. Rotate the body as if around a vertical line in different directions. The inertia of the exercise implies a fast pace of execution.
  2. Position your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your belt. Smoothly rotate your body in different directions. Direction of movement along the cone. As you rotate, muscle tension should roll across your waist.
  3. Take a light barbell. It can be replaced with a gymnastic stick. Sit down and place the barbell on your shoulders. Rotate your torso in different directions.


  1. Spread your legs wide, bend your knees slightly. Place your hands behind your head with a lock. The body is slightly forward. Alternately bend to the sides, maintaining the position, without turning or deviating.
  2. Stand up straight with a dumbbell in your right hand. Free hand on the belt. Strengthen your abdominal muscles and bend towards your free hand. Transfer the dumbbell to the other hand and repeat in the opposite direction. Slightly fix the inclined position.
  3. Place a light barbell on your shoulders. Standing position. The back is straight. Perform bends on different sides.
  4. Take a light projectile in both hands and straighten them up. Legs are at shoulder level, the back has a natural curve. Slowly tilt your torso to the side without changing the position of your pelvis. Hold for a couple of seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat without interruption on the opposite side.

From a supine position

These exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles are especially effective for gaining flat stomach.

  1. Lie on your back, rest the heel of your right foot on the knee of your left. Right hand Place it on the floor with your palm up and your left hand on the back of your head. Pull the elbow of the left hand towards the right knee with tension in the abdominal muscles, slowly return to the starting position. The exercise is performed in both directions. Elbows should be outward, pelvis pressed firmly to the floor.
  2. Position on your back with bent knees and arms extended along the body, palms up. The heels rest on the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your body off the floor. Move your hands to the right, slowly return to the starting position. Perform on both sides.
  3. Lie on your back. Place your feet on the floor. Knees slightly bent, arms extended upward. Alternately lift your shoulder blades off the floor, stretching your arms up.
  4. Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows out. Raise your right leg, reach for the knee of this leg with the elbow of your left hand. Smoothly take the starting position. Do it on both sides.
  5. Position on your back with your legs suspended. Knees bent. Hands at your sides, head slightly raised. Take turns reaching for your shins (or heels) with your hands.
  6. Legs up. Hands along the body. Take turns lowering your knees on different sides, doing a twist. The shoulder blades should be pressed tightly against the body.
  7. Lying with your back, hands behind your head. Straighten your legs, slightly raise them. Using a powerful force from the oblique muscles, bend the knee of one leg and pull the opposite elbow toward it ( middle part the back does not come off the floor). Without a break, go back and repeat with the opposite leg-arm pair. The movements are fast, perfect option reminiscent of cycling.

Lying on your side

High efficiency exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles for women in a lateral lying position is explained by the achievement of both a thin waist and elastic abs.

  1. Lie on one side support hand stretched along the floor, the second is placed behind the head, legs are straightened, brought together. Raise your feet sharply. To maintain load balance, you can move your torso. Fix the position, then slowly lower your legs. It is necessary to concentrate on the oblique abdominal muscles with minimal load on the leg muscles.
  2. Lie on your side, leaning on your forearm with your arm bent at the elbow. The other hand is on the waist, legs together. Straighten your body so that your torso and hips form a solid line. Stay as long as possible. If a feeling of refusal appears, rest for half a minute and repeat on the other side.

It should be remembered that this muscle group can only be trained with the help of special exercises. It is not used for other loads. Therefore, those who are just starting to exercise should start with light techniques to avoid injury. The duration of exercise should initially be kept to a minimum.