How to find the area of ​​two triangular pediments. How to calculate a pediment - how to calculate the area. Features of installation

Features of a gable roof structure

  1. Determining the slope angle
  2. Calculation of the height of the ridge run
  3. Calculating the area of ​​the pediment
  4. Calculation of the area of ​​a gable roof
  5. Help from online calculators and specialists

Arrangement - a gable roof, although the final stage of construction of any house, is one of the most significant elements of the building. Its role is not inferior in importance to either the walls or the foundation. It will protect your home from moisture and precipitation, prevent the penetration of cold, and help create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere inside, while making the exterior complete and presentable. Today there are different types of roofs, and traditionally the most common are gable roofs; they are simple and comfortable, and have earned centuries-old trust.

What is typical for a gable structure, and which elements are subject to mathematical calculations

Before we figure out how to calculate the roof of a gable roof, we note that structurally this option is the simplest of all existing types and shapes. Such a roof consists of two inclined surfaces, called slopes, which are located at a certain angle in relation to the outer walls of the house. This required condition, i.e. due to the slope, there is a natural drainage of rainwater and the removal of melted snow, so there should be an angle of at least five to ten degrees. It is noteworthy that in many cases it is advisable to tilt even more than 60 degrees.

Always when constructing this type of roof, a gable roof is formed ridge run, better known to everyone under the name “horse”. It represents the upper, horizontally located edge of the structure, which was formed by the intersection of two roof slopes. The height of this bar depends on the angle.

Another distinctive feature of this type of construction is the pediment, often called the “face” of the roof. This element has the shape of a triangle, it is formed by a cornice and two slopes, and becomes the upper part of the front facade of the building.

When building a small country house, many people prefer to build this simple and easiest-to-install form of roofing themselves. This is indeed possible, but you need to understand how important it is to perform the most accurate calculations. It is impossible to say exactly how to calculate a gable roof, because... There is general rules and directions of calculations, but it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each building and a number of nuances.

How to decide at what angle to install pitched surfaces

Which angle is most rational to use for construction depends on many factors:

  • climate of the region;
  • material used;
  • architectural idea.

If we are talking about a region where dry weather prevails, with minimal annual precipitation, then the sloped surface can be made flat without using a large angle (you can take 10-15 degrees or a little more). If there is a lot of precipitation in a given area, then you need to install fairly steep slopes. They will ensure the natural outflow of water and snow, preventing it from accumulating and leading to the gradual destruction of the material or its sagging under the weight of snow accumulation.

The influence of winds must also be taken into account for a gable roof, because For regions with raging wind conditions, steep slopes are irrational; their covering will often be torn off. In addition, the location of pitched surfaces at a large angle is desirable when using soft and loose roofing coverings, and it is advisable to select denser and harder ones for flat planes.

For all European countries, the most rational solution is to arrange an angle of 35-40 degrees, this has been proven taking into account the climatic conditions that are fashionable here design solutions and the most used materials.

Gable roof: how to determine how much to raise the ridge

Having decided on the slope of the pitched planes, you can find out what the height of the roof should be. Anyone who even slightly remembers the school geometry course can cope with this task. We recall that in a right triangle, the length of one leg will always be equal to the length of the other, multiplied by the tangent of the angle formed with the base. From here, if we take the height as one of the legs, then we can calculate it like this:

  • we select optimal angle tilt (let's say 35 degrees);
  • calculate the tangent (we get approximately 0.7);
  • take half the width of the building (for example, 9 m /2 = 4.5 m);
  • As a result, the required leg is 4.5 m * 0.7 = 3.15 m.

Gable roof: how to find out the gable area and why it is needed

Find out how to calculate the gable roof gable, or rather its area, because its height is equal to the distance to which the ridge girder is raised from the base, it will be necessary in order to determine how much material will need to be purchased for its cladding, as well as insulation and lining. For calculations, we use a formula from trigonometry, according to which, to find the area of ​​a triangle, you need to multiply the height by the width and divide the result by “two”.

In our case:

  • width is 9 m;
  • height – 3.15 m;
  • area = (9 * 3.15) / 2 = 14.18 m2.

How is the total area determined?

  • the roof area consists of the sum of the areas of each pitched surface;
  • if the slopes are the same, then to get the final result you need to calculate one of them and multiply by “2”;
  • if sloped surfaces different sizes(which also occurs, although rarely), then the quadrature of each is calculated separately, and they are summed up;
  • for a simple shape of a pitched surface (regular rectangle), when the angles are 90 degrees, the calculation is based on determining the area of ​​the rectangle. If the shape is irregular (there are angles that are not equal to 90 degrees), then it is more appropriate to divide the slope into smaller figures - a right triangle with a rectangle, and then sum up the areas found for them;
  • When planning to calculate the roof area of ​​a gable roof, do not forget about whether there is skylights, ventilation holes, chimney pipes, parapets, and you also need to pay attention to the cornices and gable overhangs.

Now let's remember a few formulas from the geometry course and try to make calculations for the simplest type of structure. Armed with a regular calculator, you can calculate the area of ​​a gable roof, and for this you will need primary data.

Gable roof - design and area calculations

First of all, you need to know each side of the rectangle, because... The area will be equal to their product:

  • one of them will be equal to the length of the slope, to which the amount of the eaves overhang is added;
  • the second - the length of the house along with double the value of the front overhang (do not forget to take into account that it is added on both sides).

Let's say our house is 9x10 meters. The length of the slope can be found based on the essence of the Pythagorean theorem, according to which the square of the hypotenuse (for us it acts as the length of the slope) is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs (in our case, this is the height of the ridge and half the width of the building - 3.15 m and 4.5 m ). After performing several arithmetic operations, we obtain a slope value of 5.5 meters. The gable overhang will be 0.6 m, and the cornice overhang will be 0.5 m.

Substituting all the data into the main formula, we get:

S=(10+2*0.6)*(5.5+0.5)=67.2 sq. meters.

We have obtained the area of ​​one pitched surface, and to determine the entire roof it must be multiplied by “2” (if the two sides are the same size).

Result: S total. = 134.4 sq. meters.

All this data must be obtained at the design stage in order to include everything in the estimate. necessary expenses for the purchase of materials for the construction of a gable roof. When buying roofing, you need to take a small supply, because... it will definitely overlap, which means it will cost a lot of money. The steeper the pitched surfaces and the higher the angle of inclination, the “consumable” the gable roof covering will be; generally, they take from 8 to 15 percent as a reserve.

Can modern online calculators be trusted?

Construction is, in essence, a whole science, which does not tolerate and does not forgive even the slightest inaccuracies in any calculations. Specialists, of course, know how to correctly perform certain actions, how to quickly determine any of the indicators described above. For a non-professional who is going to arrange and cover the roof of his, for example, a small country house, the task will be much more difficult to cope with. Gable structures are the simplest option, but it also requires increased scrupulousness in calculations.

Today on the Internet there are many sites that have an online gable roof calculator; you can use it to calculate a gable roof in a few seconds if you enter the requested data in the appropriate fields. It's convenient and quick way solving the problem, but you must also understand that each calculation is an individual matter, everything must be done taking into account the nuances of a particular object.

Required calculation accuracy

can be obtained solely from the results of manual manipulations, of course, using a regular calculator. An online resource can become convenient option only for the initial stage, when you are planning construction, and only preliminary estimates of what you will need. For preliminary calculations, it will really help you quickly.

In the future, it will be necessary to perform calculations in more detail, the principle of which is described above, without forgetting the importance of making accurate measurements. If the roof being built has a complex shape (for example, it combines two or four gable structures) and it has chimneys, a parapet, roof windows or other elements, then it is most rational to seek help from specialists involved in design work.

Information to note: , .

The construction of two-story residential buildings is most common today in cottage and country house construction. Compared to one-story houses, such houses save land area while maintaining their functionality.

Structurally, the following options for constructing the second floor can be distinguished:

    1. Full second floor.
    2. Attic floor.
      a) located under a gable roof;
      b) located under the roof mansard type(broken profile).
    3. One and a half story house. The lower part of the second floor is made of solid external walls, and the upper part is of the attic type.

The second floor in this case most often structurally repeats the dimensions of the first floor, both in area and in height.

The advantages of such a house are:

  1. The full height of the premises over their entire area. The flat ceiling and the absence of roof slopes on it maintain a feeling of air and space in all rooms of the second floor.
  2. The solid external walls of the upper floor allow the device natural light through windows along the entire perimeter of the building, which cannot be done on an attic floor. In the attic, windows are provided only on the gable side.

The disadvantages of such a space-planning solution, compared to other options, are:

  1. The walls of the second floor create additional load on the foundation, which leads to the need to design a more powerful structure.
  2. The price of a house increases due to an increase in the volume of capital structures (walls, foundation).
  3. Such a building is taller than a one-and-a-half-story building or a house with an attic. More compact house it looks more comfortable and provides less shade on the site, which is sometimes very important for plantings growing near the house and for small areas.

Attic floor

The attic floor is located entirely in the attic space; in fact, it is a usable attic. Its main and rear facades are formed by the building's pediments, and the side facades are represented by the roof surface.

A mezzanine may also be provided in the roof space. It is a superstructure above the roof surface (roofing tower, belvedere). It also houses residential or auxiliary premises. The roof above the mezzanine can be either its own or combined with the roof of the building. Part of the mezzanine is sometimes designed open, and its entire structure can be a roof gazebo.

The advantages of a house with an attic floor are the following:

  1. Maximum possible use of the entire internal volume of the building (unlike a two-story house, where the attic is usually non-residential).
  2. Less load on the foundation compared to a two-story building.
  3. Lower cost of building a building compared to a two-story or one-and-a-half-story house.
  4. A building with an attic floor is lower than a two-story one, which is visually more comfortable for a person, and the garden plot is also less shaded.
  1. The volume of some rooms is truncated due to the slope of the roof.
  2. Naturally, rooms can be illuminated only from the side of the building's gables.
  3. The total area of ​​the second floor is smaller than the first.

The space-planning solution for the upper floor of the attic type differs depending on the design of the roof truss system.

It is most often designed with a gable or broken profile (attic).

A gable roof does not allow the entire volume of the internal space of the attic to be equipped for living quarters so that the floor height is comfortable for people. The number of rooms in this case is reduced and their area is correspondingly reduced.

The advantages of an attic under a gable roof include low price and structural simplicity.

A mansard-type roof is more suitable for arranging residential premises within its volume. In this case, the ceiling height in the attic will be full across the entire area of ​​the rooms, which is more convenient.

At the same time, the width used for living quarters is 1 meter less than the width of the first floor.

One and a half story house

This is a compromise option in comparison with the above types of second floor construction. Accordingly, its advantages and disadvantages also have an average value between a full and attic second floor. The area of ​​the second floor in this case is the same as the first, but the ceiling along the walls adjacent to the roof slopes has slopes. The height of the side walls of the 2nd floor at the place where the rafters support is selected, as a rule, in the range from 0.9 to 1.8 m.

This type of house is very popular in modern construction, since it allows for a compromise price to make maximum use of the building area, while obtaining an architectural composition balanced in height and proportions.

The main disadvantage of one-and-a-half-story houses is the complexity of the design, which places special demands on the execution of the walls of the 2nd floor, the rafter system and the roofing “pie”.

Features of the construction of the second floor in log houses

Full second floor

In two-story log houses, the second floor is made of logs and its design is practically no different from the first. The gables in this case can be of a frame type or are a continuation of the log wall. In the latter case, each subsequent log has a shorter length in height, thus forming the required roof profile.

The choice between a log and frame gable in a two-story house with an attic is determined solely by aesthetic appeal and price.

The roof of a two-story house can also be of the hip or hip type, without gables.

Attic floor

Two walls of the attic floor are part of the roof truss system, the other two are gables. The design of the latter can be the same as in the case of the roof of a full second floor, log or frame. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of the log wall of the attic floor:

  1. Capital, strong and more durable (compared to the frame version) construction of the second floor.
  2. A log wall has the ability to allow air to pass through, supporting the process of natural ventilation in rooms (perhaps the main advantage of log gables).
  3. Wood is an environmentally friendly building material that creates an atmosphere in the house that is beneficial for the human body.
  4. The log has low sound and thermal conductivity. If its diameter is correctly selected for external walls, it does not require additional thermal insulation.
  5. As noted earlier, a solid log wall along the entire height of the building is more decorative than one made of different materials.


  1. The log gable somewhat complicates the roof structure.
  2. A more expensive option, given the cost of logs, a reinforced foundation, as well as the complexity of installing a log gable.

Advantages of the frame wall of the attic floor:

  1. Simple design and installation technology.
  2. Has low volumetric weight.
  3. Properly selected insulating material gives low sound and thermal conductivity.
  4. Provided that inexpensive materials are used, it is a more economical option compared to a log wall.


  1. The vapor barrier material in the frame wall does not allow it to “breathe”; it is necessary to provide methods for ventilation of the premises.
  2. A frame wall, even if environmentally friendly materials are used, is still inferior to wood in terms of beneficial effects on humans.

One and a half story house

Part of the wall of the upper floor of a one-and-a-half-story log house is a full-fledged crown, and a mansard-type structure is erected above. The gables in such a house are almost always made of logs, since here this is an obvious solution from the point of view of aesthetics and functionality.

In our catalogs you will find many beautiful and functional designs of houses made of timber and log houses of various heights.

Finished projects

Building the roof of a house yourself requires attention, special knowledge and accurate calculations. To ensure that the structure reliably serves homeowners for for long years, experienced roofers create a project that reflects all the technical characteristics and dimensions of the roof. An important element, the construction of which should not be approached thoughtlessly, is the pediment. This article will tell you how to calculate its area, height and required amount finishing material without using a calculator program.

Pediment design

Builders call a pediment a part of the end wall, bounded on the sides by the slopes of the roof and below by a cornice. The shape of this structural element depends on the geometry of the slopes. The most common type of pediment is triangular; it is typical for a gable roof. However, trapezoidal, pentagonal and even oval shapes are found. According to the installation method, there are two types of pediment:

Important! The height and area of ​​the pediment must be calculated at the stage of creating the project in order to determine what material to cover it with and to include the weight in the calculation of loads on the foundation. Calculations of the basic parameters of the roof are based on simple geometric formulas familiar to most from school textbooks. However, to eliminate accidental errors, as well as to facilitate the task of novice masters, there is an online calculator that performs calculations automatically.

House parameters reflected in the design documentation

Height calculations

Calculating the height of the gable is the most important stage in drawing up a roof project. This parameter depends on appearance, functionality of the house. During the calculations, 2 factors are taken into account:

Calculation of the height of a gable roof

Note! The height of the gable determines whether the roof looks harmonious or not. If this parameter exceeds the height of the house from the ground to the last crown, the roof takes an overwhelming position. Otherwise, when the distance from the eaves to the ridge is too small, the structure looks squat. To achieve optimal results, the ratio should be 1:1. Using a calculator program, make sure that the house with the roof it calculates looks harmonious.

“Golden” proportions in designing a house roof

Area calculation

It is important to calculate the area of ​​the pediment in order to determine how much material to purchase for lining, insulation or cladding. Knowing the school trigonometry course, these calculations can be done manually or using an online calculator, into which you only need to enter the initial data and then press a button. The method for determining the area of ​​a pediment depends on its shape:

Determination of the area of ​​gables of different geometric shapes

Note! If the roof has an asymmetrical shape and several gables, you need to perform calculations for each of them separately. To calculate dimensions complex figures and roof configurations, it is better to use a calculator program that will perform accurate calculations in a matter of seconds.

Material calculation

Most often, the purpose of calculating the height and area of ​​the pediment is the need to determine how much material to purchase for its finishing. Knowing the dimensions of this element, it is easy to calculate how much brick or siding is required, subtracting from total area area of ​​window openings:

Important! When purchasing materials for sewing and finishing, be guided by the number shown by the online calculator, but do not forget to add to it a margin of 15-25% required for fitting and discarding. If there are only small dormers on the gable, you can ignore these elements to simplify the calculations.

Video instruction

Preliminary calculations Main pros and cons How to do it yourself

  • Preparing the template
  • Construction technology
  • How to strengthen

How to sheathe with imitation timber

  • How to sheathe correctly

The pediment completes the façade of the building and serves as the wall part of the attic. The comfort of the temperature in it depends to a large extent on this element, therefore the construction of the gable is considered an important phase in the process of constructing a roof.

When constructing wooden houses, gables are usually built from timber or boards. Although due to high thermal conductivity, the latter are much less in demand. Panel elements are often even replaced with timber ones.

The timber pediment is installed after first performing all the necessary calculations, for example, the amount of material required, etc.

Preliminary calculations

When constructing the pediment of a house made of timber, first of all, it is taken into account that it is constantly exposed to loads created by the wind. Any mistake made in the calculations can have serious consequences, including the collapse of the roof and even walls. To calculate the amount of material important role plays the area of ​​the structure. In addition to those already noted, the following factors must be taken into account:

A pediment made of profiled timber has its own characteristic features, which play an important role in the calculation and construction.

For example, it should be taken into account that this material is far from perfectly smooth, so cracks form on the surface of the structure different sizes. They are filled with tow. In a similar way, the cracks in the pediment made of laminated veneer lumber are also caulked. Gaps are filled regardless of the type of cladding chosen.

When performing a preliminary calculation of such a gable wall, one more very important point– shrinkage of its triangle and frame, which occurs during at least the first two years.

In one-and-a-half-story houses, gables are cut from 150x150 timber. As for internal partitions, then others are used for them - 100 by 150. Their height can reach 2.5 m. However, many builders adhere to the so-called gold standard, To How to make a roof: the pediment for buildings optimally has a height of 150 cm, in other words, it has 10 crowns.

Main pros and cons

The advantages of this design are:

  • aesthetics,
  • ensuring the uniformity of the facade,
  • no need for additional finishing.
  • Their main drawback lies in the frequently used expression: “led.” Let's figure out the cause of this problem and how to eliminate the hanging of the profiled timber on the pediment.

Due to the natural shrinkage of the profiled material, the size of the rows decreases by about 20 mm/m. In this way, the height of the structure is also reduced, which increases the pressure on the upper rows of the log house. This is fraught with destruction of the roof structure, and in extreme cases, even the house. The problem could be resolved if it is possible to concentrate the weight of the roof structure on the ridge crossbar, from which the load will be distributed to the gable walls.

It should also be taken into account that the rafters almost do not change in length, that is, if you install a system with a rigid fastening of the upper point, then the opposite one “crawls” down and, conversely, if the lower point is rigidly fixed, the ridge beams will “hang” in the air.

The problem is solved as follows: instead of a rigid classical rafter system, a special roof with a sliding rafter system is needed. The latter differs in the way the rafters are attached to the mauerlat - direct fastening is completely eliminated, they are placed on sliding fastenings. In the area of ​​the ridge, the rafter legs are fixed with an overlap, allowing the angle between the slopes to change. At the same time, the slides allow the rafters to lie smoothly along the walls.

On a note

A gable roof of this design resembles a tome, the spine of which is a ridge. When it shrinks, it acts like a big open book.

The gaps between the crowns are eliminated with caulk. A twisted linen rope will look more attractive. As for the leading angles, then in in the right places they put jute on it. Since the formation of cold bridges is possible, the corners must then be carefully sheathed.

How to make it yourself

Preparing the template

  • A sketch of a house does not give a complete idea of ​​the nuances of the future design, so professionals recommend first making a life-size gable wall template. It is made from edged boards of appropriate length. They can subsequently be used in other areas.
  • On a flat surface different boards lay out the outline. To do this, mark the center of the board, corresponding in length to the width of the wall, and drive a peg at a distance equal to the height of the gable wall. The top point of the structure is connected to the end of the wall with boards.
  • The appearance of the resulting figure is assessed from the outside and, if necessary, adjusted by moving the boards and their upper joint.
  • Once the desired shape, proportions and design parameters have been obtained, the elements are measured and the base material is cut in accordance with the obtained values.
  • If the presence of a window is assumed, then the window opening is also laid out on a layout made of boards.

Construction technology

Let's dwell on one of the options, which many masters consider optimal.

  • Construction works performed on the ceiling of the upper floor.
  • The structure is assembled according to the template. The post beam is laid. The pitch is selected based on the configuration and dimensions of the structure. Usually it is about 0.5–0.6 m. If there is a window, its opening is also assembled.
  • Finish the outer part. Everything is ready to go.
  • The structure is moved to the installation site and the bottom is fixed to prevent it from moving.
  • After lifting, the verticality is checked and the structure is finally secured to the ceiling. The upper part is fixed using braces.

This option is good because it eliminates the need to install scaffolding. However, if the gable wall together with the final finishing with outside turns out to be too heavy, you can only mount the skeleton of the pediment (the template will “tell you” what kind of timber to assemble it from), and you will have to sew it up with scaffolding.

The strength of the pediment directly depends on its height and width. Obviously thin high design less durable, so it needs additional strengthening.

How to strengthen

We offer you three different options:

  • Dividing wall. It should run at right angles to the gable wall. In order for it to provide optimal rigidity to the system, its thickness should not be less than 24 cm. It is important to note that solutions such as a plasterboard wall or a partition wall are not suitable for these purposes.
  • Columns and pilasters. In this way, you can firmly and efficiently close the false cornice, which, of course, will extend the service life of the structure. However, this method is not very popular, since many difficulties have to be overcome in the process, and they also somewhat spoil the design of the house.
  • Reinforced concrete frame. This option is great for small houses. A frame with a cross-section of 25 cm is reinforced with four rods with a diameter of 1 cm. However, it is not recommended to use this method for building houses in areas with high wind intensity.

How to sheathe with imitation timber

The desire to use laminated or profiled timber in construction and financial capabilities coincide closely. Covering a pediment with imitation timber is practically no different from the real thing, but it is much cheaper. In addition, you can do the finishing yourself.

How to sheathe correctly

  • Sheathing is done by laying panels on the sheathing from bottom to top. Installation begins with the guide strip. It is installed level, since strict horizontality is mandatory for it, otherwise the casing will be beveled when fixed.
  • The imitation timber is fastened with the locking joint facing downwards. Firstly, it’s more convenient, and secondly, less moisture and dirt gets into the locking joint.
  • When laying the panels, leave a small gap (about two to three mm). Otherwise, the next element will most likely be damaged when attached to the tenon of the previous one.

Depending on the thickness of the panels, they are attached different ways.

  • Self-tapping screws or tenon nails at 45°. To avoid cracking of the panels when tightening the screws, it is recommended to first drill holes for them in increments of 0.6 m. With this mounting option fastener practically invisible.
  • Self-tapping screws and nails all the way through the front side. To hide the fastening, they make a so-called hidden one. Holes are drilled in the panel, the diameter of which larger diameter heads of the fastening element, depth 0.5–1 cm. A self-tapping screw screwed into this hole will lie deeper than the surface of the panel. The height difference is compensated by a plug, which is inserted onto the glue. The holes can also be hidden under putty made from a mixture of sawdust and varnish. In this option, the surface must be sanded after drying.
  • Kleimers. These special types of fasteners are used only for relatively light panels so that they can support the weight.

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The pediment is the front part of the facade of a building, bounded by a gable roof. Its role is not limited to decorating the house. Thanks to the pediment, the attic is protected from the effects of precipitation and gusts of wind. And in order for the end wall in the roof to be a reliable “guard,” you need to approach wisely the choice of its type and method of construction.

Types of pediments

A wall bounded by roof slopes can be compared to many geometric shapes. Based on this, the following types of pediment are distinguished:

The shape of the pediment can be even more complex, although this is very rare. Only a virtuoso builder can build an end wall on the roof in the form of steps, a semicircle or a bow.

The stepped pediment visually lengthens the building and makes it look like a castle.

If we take into account the method of constructing the pediment, we can identify the following types:

For those who do not feel sufficiently connoisseur roofing works and calculations, it is wiser to use the second method of constructing a pediment.

Calculation of the gable wall

What the height and area of ​​the pediment will be must be decided during the design process. This will allow you to decide in time on the choice of cladding material and include the weight of the pediment into the calculation of the load that the foundation of the house will experience.

When calculating the dimensions of the pediment, standard formulas from school geometry textbooks are used.

Measuring the gable is as important as measuring the walls of the house and the roof slopes

Gable area

Without knowing the area of ​​the gable, it will not be possible to find out how much material will be needed for cladding, insulation and decoration of the end part of the roof.

The formula for calculating the area of ​​the pediment is determined by its shape.

The mathematical expression for determining the area of ​​the gable can be as follows:

Let's say the roof gable is similar to a trapezoid with bases of 4 and 2 m and a height of 2 m. This means that the area of ​​the roof end is 6 m² ((4 + 2)/2) x 2 = 6).

For complex figures, several formulas are used. For example, a pentagon is divided into triangles and a rectangle. The resulting areas of the figures are added up.

When the roof is complex, that is, its gables are not the same in shape, the area of ​​each end is calculated individually. At the same time, they use a reliable and efficient assistant - a calculator program.

Pediment height

This value affects the appearance and functionality of the building. Therefore, when determining it, they rely on several statements:

The height of the gable determines whether the roof and the house will look like a single ensemble. If this parameter exceeds the permissible limits, the roof will turn into a bulky structure. If the distance from the eaves to the ridge is compressed, the building will seem too low.

To be satisfied with the result of building a house, when calculating the height of the walls and gable, you should adhere to the 1:1 ratio.

According to the rules, the height of the pediment should be equal to the height of the walls

Amount of material per gable

Having determined the height and area of ​​the pediment, you can easily find out how much material will need to be finished.

The area of ​​the pediment is taken as the parameter from which the area of ​​the window opening is subtracted.

Depending on the type of material, the calculation of its volume may be as follows:

The figure obtained by dividing the total area of ​​the pediment by the area of ​​one element of the cladding material must be rounded up.

You need to add 15–20% to the number shown by manual calculation or calculator. A spare quantity will be needed when screening out defects and adjusting material elements.

Construction and installation of a pediment

The pediment can be constructed as an extension of the walls, which means it is constructed from bricks, stone blocks or wood. But most often the end area of ​​the roof is created by frame technology, the essence of which is to attach the sheathing material to a specially prepared lattice made of wooden blocks or metal corners.

Pediment frame gable roof assembled from special elements - vertical posts, braces placed diagonally, and ties that strengthen the connection of the frame with the rafter system.

The frame of the pediment is made up of differently located beams

A “pie” is mounted on the frame, consisting of a wall base, vapor barrier material, sheathing, insulation, waterproof film and sheathing material. The most important tasks are laying insulation, as well as cladding and decorating the gable.

Insulation of a gable wall

It is possible to make the attic space warm using one of the following methods:

Experienced craftsmen claim that internal insulation of the gable guarantees a better result than external insulation.

The following are used as heat-insulating materials for insulating the pediment from the inside and outside:

Gable trim

The final stage of work with the pediment is aimed at masking the unpresentable-looking insulation and protecting the “pie” made from various building materials from dampness.

Whatever the material for covering the gable wall, it must be attached to counter-lattice bars.

In most cases, the cladding material for the pediment is:

Wooden cladding must not be used in combination with a metal frame, because wood expands under the influence of moisture, but metal does not. Boards fixed to metal parts, risk becoming covered with cracks.

Video: gable trim

Decor on the pediment

The front of the house is often decorated in the ethnic Russian style. To do this, create the following elements:

When decorating pediments in the Russian style, various carved elements are used

Striving for originality, the pediment wall is decorated in oriental style. In this case, the same wooden elements are created, but at the same time they do not hesitate to use wood of any colors and shades, for example, acacia in combination with cedar and bird cherry.

When using wood of various species, you should not resort to treating the material with stain or any other impregnation.

By the way, ready-made elements for decorating a pediment are not only made of wood. The following are always popular:

However, the pediment can be given an amazing look even at the cladding stage. To do this, you need to do one of the following:

When thinking about which way to decorate a pediment is better, you should focus on the material used in the construction of the walls of the building and the amount you are willing to spend.

In order for the gable of a house to serve properly, the first thing to do is decide what shape it will be. Then they move on to sizing and installation. At the same time, do not forget about decorating the gable wall.

My father is a builder. Therefore, I have something to tell home craftsmen.

The pediment is the end side formed by the roof slopes. In addition to the fact that the pediment gives the roof of the house a complete and attractive look, it also performs a protective function. Its main task is to prevent precipitation and wind from entering the attic.

The pediment is a very important part of the roof, thanks to it, wind and precipitation do not penetrate into the attic.

The importance of the gable in roof construction

The question of how to calculate the area of ​​the gable is very important for those who independently build the roof. Before getting an answer, it is important to decide on the shape of the device, which directly depends on the structure of the building’s roof. Exist different kinds roofs, which can simultaneously consist of several elements. For example: a multi-pin design with a cone or half-hip on one side and a mansard on the other.

There are no limits to the imagination of architects and designers. But even with such diversity, the most common forms of pediments are considered to be trapezoidal and triangular. Experts recommend starting to build the end parts after installing the rafter system.

Otherwise, there is a risk of the structure collapsing, and serious errors can be made in area calculations, which will lead to significant costs for materials. In addition, errors in calculations can lead to misalignment of the rafters in cases where the gables serve as support for transverse beams. To avoid troubles, experts suggest further strengthening rafter system roofs.

How to calculate the area and height of a pediment?

The seemingly complex calculation of the quadrature of the ends can be carried out using geometry. Since the pediment in its shape can resemble either a trapezoid or a triangle, you will have to use geometric formulas to calculate the area. First of all, you need to calculate the height of the roof, and for this it is worth determining the existing types of floors:

  1. Tent.
  2. Hip.
  3. Single slope.
  4. Gable.
  5. Attic.
  6. Shchiptsovoye.

All types are calculated according to the same principle, since even the most complex designs consist of several simple ones. Next, you need to determine the angle of the roof. It often varies from 11° to 60°, but the most common values ​​are 35-45°.

A roof with an angle of less than 35° is flat; its main disadvantage is that in winter it is subject to heavy loads from heavy rainfall. A roof with a slope of 45° or more is exposed to strong winds. After determining the angle of inclination, you can proceed to calculations. The height of the ridge - the unknown leg a - divides the triangular roof into rectangles, which means: a=b*tg α. Leg b is calculated by dividing the width of the house in half.

Example. The building is 5x10 m, with a roof angle of 40°. The width of the building must be divided by 2, which makes it possible to calculate the leg b = 2.5. Tangent 40° = 0.84. Optimal ridge height: 2.5*0.84=2.1 m.

Once the height has been determined, you can begin to calculate the area of ​​the pediment. In this case, you need to use the parallelogram method. The triangular pediment needs to be extended with a line to form a parallelogram figure and use the formula: S=ah. S is the total area of ​​the figure, h is the height of the pediment and the figure, and is the length of the base. By dividing the result by 2, you can determine the area of ​​the roof gable.

Correct calculations will help you determine the quantity yourself necessary materials and avoid unnecessary waste.

If you decide to build a house, then you definitely need to think about what the gable roof gable will be like. To arrange it, it is necessary to make accurate calculations and choose the right material for finishing. It is important to select the lightest materials, but their quality characteristics should also include strength. After all, the pediment will be constantly exposed to negative environmental factors throughout the year. The surface must not only withstand the influence of aggressive factors, but also maintain a decent appearance, since the facade of the house is the calling card of its owners.

Pediment structure

If we're talking about about a simple gable structure, then first you need to install gables on both sides of the building. Next, you should create a support for the rafters, using a massive Mauerlat as a supporting base. It is made from hardwood. The cross-section of the beam is usually square, and its side is 10 cm.

Before installation, it is important to thoroughly treat the elements with antiseptics. This will significantly extend the lifespan of the materials at the base of the pediment. This way you will protect them from rot and mold. This is especially important if the house is built in conditions of constant winds and frequent precipitation, which can negatively affect the wood.

Using bricks

If brick will be used in the construction of the pediment, and the structure will have standard dimensions, then it is necessary to prepare 35 elements per 1 square meter. As for the weight of the brick, it varies from 2.5 to 7 kg, which will depend on the type and thickness of the product. In order to lighten the structure, it is recommended to use hollow bricks, this will reduce the load on the floor.

The pediment can be made using blocks that have an external glazed finish. This eliminates the need for finishing work. Among other things, if the design does not include decorative materials, then this will not put additional load on the walls and foundation. It is necessary to build a pediment using 1/2 brick.

Features of installation

If the upper part has a significant area, then it is important to strengthen the structure. To do this, the lower rows must be reinforced. After this, concrete is poured. However, it must be remembered that such a gable roof gable will have more significant weight. In order to solve the problem, it is recommended to strengthen the structure by erecting walls in the form of spacers from the attic side. In order for the attic space to be warm, the gable inside should be insulated. This procedure can be combined with roof waterproofing, which should be done after the roof is installed.

In order to make the gable more aesthetically pleasing, you can use plaster, sandwich panels or siding. In some cases, decoration is carried out using plastic panels or wooden planks. Before starting work, it is important to determine what height and shape the pediment will have. A mast must be mounted in the area where the top of the structure is fixed. Afterwards, the cord is pulled from the top of this element, then it is necessary to fix it in a taut state. At the next stage, you can proceed to installing the structure itself.

The pediment of a gable roof for a residential space, as a rule, has a height of 0.7 m. This is true in the absence of an attic. When arranging a full-size pediment, which is one of the walls of the future attic, the height should be 1.5 m. If you plan to build a full-fledged room, then this figure can be increased to 2.1 m.

Strengthening the pediment

The installation of a gable roof requires strengthening of the pediment. This allows the structure to be firmly fixed. To ensure rigidity, a dividing wall must be erected, the minimum thickness of which is 24 cm. It must be installed perpendicular to the gable wall. Can be used to strengthen a column. Some builders use the method of constructing a reinforced concrete frame; it is reinforced with four rods whose diameter is 10 cm.

Method of constructing a pediment

A wooden pediment requires the use of boards 3 centimeters thick. They must be laid horizontally, positioned in the roof gap. In this case, finishing can be done facade plaster or sheet materials like siding. If we are talking about unheated and utility rooms, the pediment can be made in the form of a frame structure made of steel mesh. To do this, it is necessary to assemble the frame using corners, which are fixed mechanically and secured to a chain-link mesh.

Before making the gable of a gable roof, you need to take into account what slope it has. If it is insignificant, then metal siding can be used for decoration. The use of this material will provide a good aesthetic appearance and protection from climatic factors. However, the disadvantage is its low strength.

Carrying out calculations

Once you have found out what type of structure a gable roof has, you can ask about the specifics of the calculation. This will determine the area of ​​the structure. If we are talking about a triangular shape, then the ridge will act as the vertex of a right triangle. Its height is the leg. The second leg will be the width of the house if we are talking about B gable design the second leg is the width of the house, which must be divided by two. The height of the ridge can be determined by multiplying the leg length by the tangent. A table of tangents can be found in a geometry textbook.

Before deciding how to sew up the roof gable, it is necessary to make calculations. Thus, if the house is 10 meters wide and the slope is 35 degrees, then the tangent will be 0.7. This indicates that the height of the pediment is 3.5 meters. This indicator was found by dividing 10 by 2 and multiplying by 0.7. Once this value has been calculated, you can determine the height should be multiplied by the length of the base, and the result obtained should be divided by two. In the example given, this value will be 17.5 square meters.

Finishing the gable with siding

If you are thinking about how to cover the roof gable, you can use siding for this. This technology involves the use of guides that are mounted vertically. These elements will form the frame and should be 40 cm apart from each other. If you decide to use wood as the basis for the cladding, then it must first be treated with an antiseptic composition. During installation, a certain distance must be left between the ends of the panel; it will compensate for temperature changes in linear dimensions.

In order for all elements to be securely fastened, special nails should be used. When finishing the roof gable with siding, you need to choose self-tapping screws that do not have a drill at the end. The length of the hardware should be 30 millimeters, this will be enough to securely fasten the panels. The average consumption of self-tapping screws when installing siding is approximately 1600 pcs. per 100 square meters.

Cladding of the pediment with clapboard

The finishing of the roof gable can be done using lining. In this case, L-shaped profiles based on PVC should be used as guides. These elements are installed using self-tapping screws that have a wide head. They must be installed around the perimeter of the pediment and around the door. If it is to be finished, then this profile should be installed around its perimeter. The step between the clamps should be 35 cm, but no more.

Features on the pediment

The gable cladding must be made taking into account strength. To prevent the profile from being torn off by the wind, PVC panels must be installed vertically. At the same time, installation can be done much easier, because the oblique cut will have to be made only on one side. If cutting is necessary, you must use a construction knife with a removable blade. During the work, it is recommended to use stainless steel screws that have a wide head. The use of metal staples that are clogged with a stapler should be avoided. Ordinary self-tapping screws of small diameter will not work either. A strong gust of wind may tear off the panel if they are used.

In order to secure the last panel, if the guides are already installed, it is necessary to determine the distance from the edge of the front part last panel to the center shelf This will give you a clean size. Then 5 millimeters should be subtracted from it, which will indicate the width of the last panel. Several such measurements need to be made, taking into account the fact that the panel will be installed obliquely. The workpiece must first be installed in the guide until it stops, and then the chamfer must be slightly pressed. In this case, the lining should lie firmly on the plane.


Once the installation of the gable roof has been completed and the installation of the finishing material on the gable has been completed, we can assume that you have managed to cope with the process. It is important to follow technology, choose quality materials, and then the result will be as expected, which means it will please your whole family.

Often, when building a roof, owners forget about some seemingly insignificant details. We propose to consider how to sheathe the roof gable, what it is, and also how to construct this area with your own hands.

General concepts about the pediment

The pediment is the triangular part of the wall between the edges of the gable roof. The shape of the pediment depends on the rafter system, climate, and aesthetic preferences. There is also the concept of a gable wall, which refers to the entire wall located directly below the triangular area.

Photo - Pediment wall

Most often you can see gable roofs with gables; these types of coverings are used for finishing using various profiles (corrugated and flat), plasterboard, and wooden boards.

Houses in average climate zones are often equipped with a pediment, for example, if a sloping or multi-gable roof is used. Despite its practicality, this structure has its drawbacks, for example, it is rarely used for a pitched roof, private log houses (they are immediately built with a gable wall) or places where hurricanes are frequent.

The overhang of the pediment may be different, but before installation you need to calculate how to make the slope correctly, what distance is maintained and what material can be used to sew it up. For these purposes, it is recommended to call specialists, because they will take into account the characteristics of a particular region, the requirements of the owners, and the load-bearing capacity of the house.

Photo - Pediment frame

Video: pediment installation

Making a pediment

To sew up a pediment yourself, install it or dismantle it, you do not need any special skills; just look at our photos and videos. Step-by-step instructions on how to make a pediment on a mansard, multi-gable, lean-to, hip or half-hip roof.

From the formula it follows that h is the height; a is the width of the end, the resulting number is equal to the area of ​​the pediment. If the roof has three gables, then the calculation is carried out for each separately.

Main elements of the pediment:

  1. Ridge board;
  2. Fastening steel studs;
  3. Rafters.

You may also need several triangular (or others in the shape of the roof) parts, screws, a level, insulating materials (films, corrugated cardboard, sealants, glue).

The ridge board runs along the peak of the roof parallel to the exterior walls. At the top, the common rafters are nailed to the board and sloped down toward the exterior walls, where they are nailed to the ceiling joists and side surfaces.

Photo - Clapboard pediment

All rafters are the same size, length of each span and roof pitch. The pediment is performed according to the Pythagorean theorem, the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse (if the roof is isosceles triangular), if the shape of the slope is different, then use the appropriate rule to determine the area of ​​the pediment.

Before starting work, you need to make sure that the roof and walls are connected to the drainage system, covered, and, if necessary, valleys and other elements are installed. Once all this is done, you will need to build a strong platform that will serve as the basis for the future gable. Craftsmen often use board similar to loft framing to create a stylish design.

Photo - Pediment made of corrugated sheets

If the roof slope is very steep or the rafters have a long span, then you will need to install insulation and support. In order to construct a reinforcing structure, you will need to measure the center of the inclination of the boards, and then install some kind of supports there. They are best made from reinforcement with a cross-section of at least 5 cm or wooden boards (at least 6). Always use straight timber for the ridge board, this will make the gable installation easier and the job neater when finished.

On a three-gable roof It’s a little more difficult to work with; you need to take into account not only the load on the side parts of the roof, but also the combined weight. To prevent the structure from collapsing, you will need to attach the boards in the center to the rafter system, and at the pivot joint, connect them together. The result is a cone-shaped system; it is considered quite strong, especially if the rafter system is made of wooden boards. The connection is recommended to be made with roofing nails (100 or 200) and screws. If you work with metal, then self-tapping screws and rivets are useful; the diameter is selected based on the type of material.

Photo - Sheathing the pediment with plastic

Next you need to cut out the structural supports. These supports will connect both pointed ends and ensure simplified installation of corrugated sheeting on the roof. We recommend selecting boards with a cross-section of 4 cm or more. Using a countersink, make space for screws in each side of the gable to attach the side pieces and structural supports. Use external glue and 1-1/2 inch deck screws for assembly.

Photo - Structural supports

Now fill each threaded hole with a wooden plug. This will increase heat resistance, improve the quality of the roof and its aesthetic qualities.

Photo - Roof with plugs

Next, we begin to install the upper part of the roof. The filing is carried out from top to bottom, i.e. from the ridge, this design helps to connect the sides of the roof as tightly as possible and minimize the likelihood of leakage. You can work with corrugated sheets, metal tiles or wooden boards, but it is recommended to install plywood directly on the gable.

The design of the pediment frame may include other elements intended not only to strengthen the pediment wall, but also for convenient cladding of the frame, as well as installation of insulating material.

As an example, you can consider installing an attic with a gable roof on an old house.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation performed
A decision was made to replace the conventional gable roof with a mansard structure with a living space located in it. To do this, the ceiling in the attic must be raised to a height of at least 2300÷2500 mm. In addition, the task was set to preserve the original area of ​​​​the room as much as possible.
For this purpose, craftsmen install a frame 600–700 mm high on the walls of the house, which retains the area of ​​the attic floor throughout its entire height.
Thus, this part of the frame will become the lower part of the walls of the future room, as well as an element of the pediment of the front and rear parts of the building.
In the example under consideration, a frame made of timber with a cross-section of 150×100 mm is attached to the upper part of the walls of the house, on which, according to the markings, racks are installed in increments of 500÷600 mm. These elements can be fixed to the harness using nails or metal corners and screws.
On top of the racks, on each side of the building, the upper frame of this part of the frame, consisting of timber, is mounted.
The result is a kind of “staircase” installed horizontally.
To give this part of the frame rigidity, two diagonal beams are additionally fixed on each side, extending from the upper corner to the middle part of the “stairs”.
It should be noted that each of the elements of this part of the frame can be assembled on the ground, and then raised and secured to the walls of the house, after which it is fastened at the corners of the building with metal corners.
When Bottom part When the frame of the attic walls is ready, they proceed to the construction of a rafter system, in which the upper frame of the previously installed frame is used as a Mauerlat for the rafters.
However, first end sides structure, markings are made on the installed frame, during which the middle of the strapping beam must be found, to which a stand will be temporarily attached, determining the location and height of the ridge.
Then, these posts are connected at the top with a stretched cord or a long strip, with a guideline towards which the ridge will be formed.
When installing a mansard roof rafter system, in particular when installing sheathing, we must not forget about the formation of front overhangs, which must protrude beyond the gable wall by at least 300 mm.
Overhangs are formed when installing beams or sheathing boards, the protruding parts of which will subsequently be cut to the same size and then fastened together perpendicular to the board fixed on them.
In the upper part, at the height of the future ceiling of the room, strings are attached to the rafters. These elements will become a kind of frame for insulating and covering the ceiling, and the tie rods located on the outer rafter pairs will be included in the design of the gable frame.
Next, relying on the already fixed parts of the frame sheathing, the remaining parts of the structure are secured - additional racks and jumpers between them.
In this option, a window is supposed to be placed on the gable wall, so first of all, the frame of the window opening is installed, and then the additional bars frame.
There is probably no need to say that the entire structure must be rigid and durable, otherwise it will not last long.
Now everything is ready for the external cladding of the gable frame and side walls, as well as the gable overhangs.
For the external cladding of the entire attic, the owner of the house chose a wooden board, which they begin to install from the eaves line, gradually rising first to the window opening, and then to the ridge.
The boards are attached to the frame using nails or self-tapping screws.
The length of the fastener is selected depending on the thickness of the board, taking into account the fact that the nail (screw) must enter the sheathing beam at least 25-30 mm.
For the fixed overhangs, the same material was used that first covers the inside of this section of the pediment, and then the end side.
In this option, the process of reconstructing an old house includes not only updating the roof and turning it into an attic, but also combining it with the walls of the house by finishing it with one material - natural lining.
The result of the construction and decorative cladding of the pediment is presented in this illustration.
In addition to the process described above, you can imagine a frame pediment, which is installed before the construction of the rafter system.
The gable frame can be completely assembled on the ground and in finished form exposed on the end walls of the building, and then temporarily, until the structure is connected to the rafters and purlins, secured to the attic floor using a support beam.
However, in this case, several assistants will be required to complete the work, since it will not be possible to lift the structure to a height alone.
If there is nowhere to wait for special help, then you can prepare and adjust all the elements of the frame to size on the ground, and then raise the workpieces to a height and assemble the frame alone or attract one assistant for this purpose.

Gables made of logs or timber

This type of pediment is called chopped and is most often erected if the walls of the house are built from the same material.

To build a chopped pediment, use a log with a diameter of 220÷250 mm or a beam with a cross-section of 150×150 mm. The blanks will have different lengths, gradually decreasing towards the ridge point.

Before starting to build a timber structure, a template for the future pediment, made from boards, is often installed on the attic floor. Using this template it will be easier to trim the sides of the future triangle.

The logs are stacked and cut to the crown of the house frame using dowels, and their installation is carried out in the form of a pyramid, that is, each subsequent log is shorter than the previous one.

A peculiarity of the construction of pediments from logs is that the structures on both walls are mounted simultaneously, since they must be connected to each other by slabs (log purlins) laid on the edges of the pyramids being erected. To do this, special semicircular grooves called cups are cut into the slugs.

If the distance between the two gables is more than 6000 mm, the logs are assembled from two logs, joining them along the length on the internal load-bearing wall.

The uppermost leg, connecting the vertices of the triangles, is called the “prince” or “princely” - it will serve as a support for the ridge (ridge purlin) in the design of the rafter system. The rest, ordinary legs, located horizontally, will become supporting for rafter legs along their entire length. The distance between the slabs, when measured along the gable slope, can vary from 800 to 1500 mm, depending on the height and width of the rafter system.

After the construction of the gables is completed, the cut is marked. It is done at the top point of the legs, tangentially to them. For this purpose, it is best to use a painting cord, which is stretched from the “prince” to the bottom row, and with the help of it a line is drawn.

This illustration shows the main design elements of a rafter system with a log gable:

1 - Rafter legs.

2 – “Princely” slightly.

3 – One of the privates fell ill. The distance between the legs is from 800 to 1500 mm.

4 – Sheathing details for the chosen one roofing material, which are placed parallel to the slugs.

5 – “Filly”, lengthening the rafter leg and forming a cornice overhang over the side walls of the house.

This diagram showed a design where the first rafter pair is installed inside the attic, and the gable overhang will be formed later, after the installation of the entire roof is completed. But they often do things differently:

This option involves moving the first rafter leg beyond the pediment. it will also become the framing element for the gable overhang.

Both in the first and in the second constructive solution To secure the rafter legs more rigidly, semicircular grooves are cut into them, which can also be called cups.

It should be noted here that it is not recommended to take on work with logs without experience and developed skills in carpentry, since this process requires special knowledge and skills. Therefore, if you decide to build log house, then it’s better to invite professional craftsmen, who are familiar with this technology first-hand.

Arrangement of an overhang over the pediment

An overhang is almost always installed above the pediment, which is designed to protect walls and windows from the direct impact of precipitation. This structural element can be formed in different ways and have different widths, which vary from 200 to 500 (and sometimes even more) millimeters.

In any case, for the overhang to be strong, it must have a reliable connection to the rafter system.

The design of the overhang formation must be decided at the roof design stage, otherwise during its construction you will have to face various difficulties in securing the frame of this pediment part.

To arrange the frame of a gable overhang, a board of the same cross-section as for the rafters is most often used, therefore, when purchasing material, you must immediately take into account the number of necessary parts. In addition, when installing the ridge, you can provide for the extension of the ridge board forward to the width of the overhang, since it will become one of the structural elements.

In the same case, if the ridge board is not long enough, then it will have to be lengthened with an insert, which is made from the material of the same cross-section as the ridge girder, and is superimposed on it by 400–500 mm, fastened in 5–7 places with bolts through a metal plate.

In the lower part of the structure, the eaves board of the gable overhang is fastened to the end girder board, as shown in Figure (b).

The eaves board is fastened to the rafter system by means of the necessary extension of the boards or sheathing beams.

This overhang option can be called the most reliable, since it is formed simultaneously with the sheathing of the rafter system, and forms single design. To do this, the sheathing boards, when secured to the counter-lattice, are moved forward to the planned width of the overhangs (usually with a small margin for subsequent precise trimming).

Another option for forming an overhang is to install external crossbars (fillies) on the pediment frame and the outer rafters, and then they are connected along the edge with a cornice board.

After completing the installation of the gable overhang frame, they begin to cover it. For these purposes, plastic or wooden lining, as well as moisture-resistant plywood for painting.

However, no matter what material is chosen, when installing it on the frame it is necessary to provide ventilation ducts for ventilation of the under-roof space, which should extend from the eaves overhang of the slopes to the ridge. When used for sheathing plastic lining, in combination with it, additional elements are used, such as guide profiles, corners and perforated panels-soffits for ventilation, which are built into the casing.

If the pediment of the building is planned to be visually separated from the walls, then a longitudinal sheathing beam running along the wall is mounted along its bottom line, as well as on the lower end edges of the overhang.

The two lines of timber should create a slope from the wall of approximately 15 degrees. From below, to create rigidity, two lines of the beam are connected by crossbars and stop bars, fixed to the wall.

Then this frame is covered with a metal canopy. Typically, roofing material is used in this capacity - corrugated sheeting or metal tiles, the same one that is used for the entire roof of the house.

It would be wise to use an ebb corner in combination with a metal canopy, which is fixed to the gable wall before installing the finishing material on it. The ebb is placed above the canopy, and then they can be fastened together with roofing screws with sealing press washers. Then, when installing the decorative trim, the upper flange of the ebb will disappear under it.

The underside of these overhangs is hemmed with clapboard along with the overhangs of the slopes.

Insulation of the gable

Installation of insulation on a gable wall is most often carried out if the attic or attic will be used as a living space. However, thermal insulation of the roof and gable, among other things, will never hurt, except, perhaps, only in those cases when a cold, constantly ventilated attic is needed.

Thermal insulation of frame gable

This process is most conveniently carried out simultaneously with insulation of all walls and slopes of the attic superstructure.

An approximate diagram of a thermal insulation structure used for insulating frame gables is as follows.

Work on creating such sandwich panels is carried out in the following order:

  • After the construction of the pediment frame (item 2), a hydro-windproof film (item 3) is stretched and secured onto it from the street side. Its installation is carried out on staples driven in using a stapler. It does not allow moisture and wind to pass into the thermal insulation layer, but at the same time it will not prevent the free escape of water vapor from the insulation, ensuring its ventilation.
  • On top of the film along the frame elements are slats 15÷20 mm thick, which cover the outer decorative lining of the waterproofing membrane and help create a ventilation gap.
  • Next, the outer part of the gable wall is sheathed with the selected finishing material (item 2) - this can be plastic or wooden lining, siding, or moisture-resistant plywood for painting. If wood finishing is chosen, then the boards must be treated with antiseptic impregnation in advance.
  • The next stages of work will be carried out from inside the attic. The first of these will be the laying of thermal insulation material (item 4). Most often, high-quality basalt mineral wool is used to create warm gable walls. The insulation mats are tightly installed between the frame elements, so that they stand apart, without gaps.

You can find examples where the owner uses expanded polystyrene (foam plastic) to insulate a frame gable. Without disputing the thermal insulation properties of this material, we still cannot agree that this is a good option. With an absolute gain in cost, the owner receives a lot of disadvantages, the main one of which is the increased fire hazard of the material. The roof is always the most vulnerable part of the building in this regard, and when using polystyrene foam it will be almost impossible to extinguish the fire that has started. In addition, when burned, it releases extremely toxic gases that are deadly to all living things.

  • Above mineral wool a vapor barrier film (item 5) is stretched onto the frame sheathing beams, which will not allow water vapor from the room to penetrate the insulation. In addition, small fibers from the insulation will not fall into living rooms.
  • Next, on top of the vapor barrier, boards, bars or slats are attached to the elements of the frame sheathing, on which the sheathing material will be mounted (item 6) - this could be, for example, plywood, natural wooden lining or plasterboard.

Another option for insulating a frame gable can be the use of polyurethane foam, sprayed onto the outer skin from the inside or poured into the cavity between the inner and outer skin. This material has excellent thermal insulation characteristics, after polymerization and hardening it becomes absolutely safe from an environmental point of view, and is a self-extinguishing insulation material that does not spread flames. The only difficulty is that applying such polyurethane foam thermal insulation requires special equipment and some experience in its use.

External gable insulation

It is recommended to insulate a pediment built from blocks or bricks from the outside, since internal insulation can lead to very big problems. Walls in winter period will freeze through, and moisture will begin to collect between them and the insulation, which will ultimately lead to the formation of fungus and mold. As a result, the thermal insulation system will not function properly and will soon require repairs or even complete replacement, and the walls will have to be “treated” with antiseptic solutions.

Most often, external insulation of the pediment is carried out simultaneously and inextricably with the thermal insulation of all walls of the facade.

The opinions of experts on this issue differ diametrically.- some argue that you first need a finished pediment, others definitely advise building the roof first. Therefore you can definitely consider both options to be equivalent.

You can find out about the types of rafter system.

The procedure for installing gables

How to calculate area and dimensions

The need to calculate the area of ​​the pediment may arise when determining the number of building or finishing materials for its construction.

Calculation of the area and size of the pediment is based on geometry and is based on house design data.

How to calculate the area of ​​a pediment gable we roofs we can find out according to the formula The area of ​​a triangle is the product of the base and the height divided in half., where the base is the width of the end wall of the house, the height is the height of the roof from the ceiling to the ridge.

If the height is unknown, but the width of the wall is available, then you can determine the height by multiplying the width of the end (gable) wall by the tangent of the angle of inclination, determined from the Bradis tables. Most often, the height of the future roof is known in advance, so complex calculations are rarely necessary.

When designing a house, it is important to calculate the load on the foundation, because the weight of brick or cinder block gables makes serious adjustments to the load distribution. Therefore, all dimensions are most often calculated at the project development stage.

Pediment calculation

What materials are gable walls made of?

The best solution is to build a pediment from the same materials as the walls. That is, brick walls - brick pediment, log walls - log pediment, etc. At the same time, this preference is made mainly for aesthetic reasons, for the perception of the integrity of the building, greater accuracy and composure of the building.

Nevertheless, often a different material is chosen for the pediment, which is due to the desire reduce the load on the walls and foundation, simplify the construction and insulation of the pediment. For example, frame type has significantly less weight, it can be easily erected both before and after the construction of the roof, it has excellent heat-retaining properties, in addition - it is much cheaper than any other.

Such properties make frame gable most commonly used in construction. One way or another, all considerations regarding the choice of material have their pros and cons.

The main options are:

  • Brick(cinder block, aerated concrete blocks etc.) pediment.
  • Wood, timber, log type.
  • Frame type of construction, the lightest and with a lot of finishing options.

The final choice of material is made by the owner himself based on these specific conditions and features of the building.

Brick version

Wooden version

Gable roof rafter system: gable and tying methods

There are two options: with wood or with brick. Let's take a closer look at them.

Wooden pediment

Often it is, in fact, sheathed on the outermost row of rafters. If it is made of timber or logs, then its shape exactly follows the outlines of the rafters, and the pediment is connected by a sheathing to the rafter system.

It must be remembered that timber or logs are heavy materials that do not allow the construction of a pediment after the roof is erected. But the frame option is more convenient for work after the roof has been built, since the boards are an easily processed material, light in weight, and are quite suitable for work on site.

Usually a wooden pediment is not considered as an independent element, it can be built in parallel with the rafter system, since this does not require a solution or other “wet” binders. In addition, simultaneous construction allows for a more precise fit of the parts and elements of the rafters and gable to each other.

Wooden tying method

Installation of a wooden pediment

Brick pediment

Requires priority construction. There are cases of subsequent filling of the end section of the roof with brick, but these are just special cases that occurred due to circumstances. It is necessary to lay on the finished gable wall cross beams that they carry. To do this, its edges must be smooth to prevent curvature of the roof cut.

Laying is carried out along a stretched cord, one end of which is attached to the rail and marks the top point of the skate. The other end of the cord is attached to the bottom point. The top is equipped with a recess for the ridge beam, the same recess is made in the base for the Mauerlat.

For a large area of ​​slopes, additional intermediate bars are used, located in the middle of the slopes and providing support for the rafters in the middle. The subsequent installation of rafters and sheathing firmly connects all the supporting beams to each other and strengthens the pediment, protecting it from wind and other loads.

Stone tying method

Installation of a stone pediment

Insulation of gable wall

gable wall is important when planning to use the attic for housing or for a long stay for other purposes - workshop, office, etc.

The wooden and frame types themselves are good heat insulators, and the frame type already has a layer of insulation inside the sandwich.

Two methods of insulation are used - inside and outside. From the point of view of convenience and safety of work, insulation from the inside is preferable.

But from the point of view of physics, it will be more effective to insulate from the outside, since in this case the dew point is moved outside the wall and the moisture has the opportunity to evaporate into the atmosphere, and not inside the house or the insulating layer.

There are a lot of insulation materials that work well in such conditions:

  • Glass wool;
  • Minvata;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Penoplex.

These and similar materials successfully perform their task. Siding or other sheathing materials can be used for exterior cladding.


The pediment of the building, being a support for the rafter system, at the same time partially increases the load on it due to the influence of wind. Therefore, its construction must be carried out with an understanding of all loads and ways to compensate for them., otherwise there will be excessive pressure on the rafter system, which can lead to deformation of the roof.

The pediment is the front part of the facade of a building, bounded by a gable roof. Its role is not limited to decorating the house. Thanks to the pediment, the attic is protected from the effects of precipitation and gusts of wind. And in order for the end wall in the roof to be a reliable “guard,” you need to approach wisely the choice of its type and method of construction.

Types of pediments

A wall bounded by roof slopes can be compared to many geometric shapes. Based on this, the following types of pediment are distinguished:

  1. Triangular is the most popular option, formed in a roof with two even and identical slopes. He managed to win the sympathy of builders due to the ease of construction. With a triangle-shaped pediment, the house receives a room whose furnishings will always be unusual due to the absence of a ceiling.

    The shape of the pediment resembles an isosceles, equilateral triangle, two sides of which are formed by an overhang of slopes, and the base is a cornice

  2. Pentagonal is an interesting type, formed by the connection of two broken slopes and representing the fusion of a triangle with a trapezoid. In a building with such a roof end, the attic looks like a room with a small triangular ceiling. This means that it is much more convenient to move around it than in the attic, where there is no ceiling at all. But to create a spacious attic you will have to work hard - to provide the pentagonal pediment with a strong frame.

    The pentagonal pediment has a huge area, so its installation involves the assembly of a reliable frame

  3. Trapezoidal is the end area belonging to houses with half-hipped roofs or Dutch and Danish roofs. Similar to a trapezoid, the gable ensures that the space in the attic does not feel constricted. The facade of a building of this type is made if they want to get a lot of space under the roof.

    The trapezoidal pediment is the “highlight” of the half-hip roof

The shape of the pediment can be even more complex, although this is very rare. Only a virtuoso builder can build an end wall on the roof in the form of steps, a semicircle or a bow.

The stepped pediment visually lengthens the building and makes it look like a castle.

If we take into account the method of constructing the pediment, we can identify the following types:

  1. The pediment, installed before the construction of the roof, is the side zone of the facade, which comes to life even before the installation of the rafter legs. During its construction, for example, laying out bricks, nothing interferes with the builder. True, you will need to make accurate calculations, otherwise the roof of the house will be skewed.

    The pediment, installed before the construction of the roof, involves the installation of a mast, from the top of which a cord is stretched to the corners of the walls

  2. The pediment, installed after the roof slopes appear, is an area of ​​the roof that can be covered with boards or covered with bricks without first calculating the height and area. A small mistake made when finishing the pediment after the roof has been erected will definitely not result in deformation of the slopes.

    The pediment, mounted after the roof, is easy to construct, as it is limited by the roof slopes

For those who do not feel sufficiently proficient in roofing work and calculations, it is wiser to use the second method of constructing a pediment.

Calculation of the gable wall

What the height and area of ​​the pediment will be must be decided during the design process. This will allow you to decide in time on the choice of cladding material and include the weight of the pediment into the calculation of the load that the foundation of the house will experience.

When calculating the dimensions of the pediment, standard formulas from school geometry textbooks are used.

Measuring the gable is as important as measuring the walls of the house and the roof slopes

Gable area

Without knowing the area of ​​the gable, it will not be possible to find out how much material will be needed for cladding, insulation and decoration of the end part of the roof.

The formula for calculating the area of ​​the pediment is determined by its shape.

The mathematical expression for determining the area of ​​the gable can be as follows:

  • S = 0.5 x H x B, where H is the height and B is the width of the pediment (for the triangular end of the roof);

    The area of ​​a triangular pediment is half its height multiplied by the width of the house wall

  • S = C x (A + B)/2, where C is the height, A is the first base of the trapezoid, and B is the second base of the trapezoid (for a trapezoidal pediment);

    The area of ​​a trapezoidal pediment is equal to half the sum of the sides (A, B) multiplied by the height (C)

  • S = ((B - C) x H) + ((C x D)/2) + (C x H), where B is the width of the pediment, C is the first side of the rectangle (and the base of the triangle), H is the second side rectangle, D - height of the triangle (for the pentagonal end of the roof).

    The area of ​​the pentagonal pediment is the sum of the areas of several figures

Let's say the roof gable is similar to a trapezoid with bases of 4 and 2 m and a height of 2 m. This means that the area of ​​the roof end is 6 m² ((4 + 2)/2) x 2 = 6).

For complex figures, several formulas are used. For example, a pentagon is divided into triangles and a rectangle. The resulting areas of the figures are added up.

When the roof is complex, that is, its gables are not the same in shape, the area of ​​each end is calculated individually. At the same time, they use a reliable and efficient assistant - a calculator program.

This value affects the appearance and functionality of the building. Therefore, when determining it, they rely on several statements:

The height of the gable determines whether the roof and the house will look like a single ensemble. If this parameter exceeds the permissible limits, the roof will turn into a bulky structure. If the distance from the eaves to the ridge is compressed, the building will seem too low.

To be satisfied with the result of building a house, when calculating the height of the walls and gable, you should adhere to the 1:1 ratio.

According to the rules, the height of the pediment should be equal to the height of the walls

Amount of material per gable

Having determined the height and area of ​​the pediment, you can easily find out how much material will need to be finished.

The area of ​​the pediment is taken as the parameter from which the area of ​​the window opening is subtracted.

Depending on the type of material, the calculation of its volume may be as follows:

  • the required number of bricks is found by dividing the area of ​​the gable wall by the area of ​​one brick block (size 250x120x65 mm), taking into account the type of masonry and the thickness of the seam (5 mm);

    When determining the required number of bricks, it is important to consider the thickness of the cement mortar

  • the number of boards is determined by dividing the area of ​​the pediment by the area of ​​one wood panel, which becomes known after multiplying the length of the element by its width;
  • the number of siding panels is calculated in the same way as the number of boards, but to determine the area of ​​one element, only the useful width of the element is used (without taking into account the edge with special holes);

    Calculation of siding is complicated by the need to take into account only the usable width of the plastic panel

  • When calculating the amount of corrugated sheeting for cladding, the area of ​​the pediment is first calculated, minus the existing window openings, and multiplied by two. The resulting value is divided by the area of ​​one profiled sheet - this gives the number of sheets required for finishing.

    Profiled sheets can be laid horizontally or vertically

The figure obtained by dividing the total area of ​​the pediment by the area of ​​one element of the cladding material must be rounded up.

You need to add 15–20% to the number shown by manual calculation or calculator. A spare quantity will be needed when screening out defects and adjusting material elements.

Construction and installation of a pediment

The pediment can be constructed as an extension of the walls, which means it is constructed from bricks, stone blocks or wood. But most often, the end area of ​​the roof is created using frame technology, the essence of which is fastening the sheathing material to a specially prepared lattice made of wooden bars or metal corners.

The frame of the gable roof gable is assembled from special elements - vertical posts, braces placed diagonally, and tie rods that strengthen the connection of the frame with the rafter system.

The frame of the pediment is made up of differently located beams

A “pie” is mounted on the frame, consisting of a wall base, vapor barrier material, sheathing, insulation, waterproof film and sheathing material. The most important tasks are laying insulation, as well as cladding and decorating the gable.

Insulation of a gable wall

It is possible to make the attic space warm using one of the following methods:

Experienced craftsmen claim that internal insulation of the gable guarantees a better result than external insulation.

The following are used as heat-insulating materials for insulating the pediment from the inside and outside:

  1. Glass wool. Inexpensive, common material, has high fire resistance and low thermal conductivity. But it is not very convenient to use and can cause allergies. Available in rolls or mats.

    Glass wool can be in rolls or mats

  2. Mineral wool. More environmentally friendly than glass wool. Non-flammable, does not absorb moisture, and has good sound insulation. Suitable for insulating residential attic spaces.

    Mineral wool is suitable for insulating residential premises

  3. Styrofoam. Well suited for external insulation. Thanks to its low weight, it is easy to install independently. It has high heat-insulating properties, but is fire hazardous and unstable to external influences, so it needs durable cladding.

    When insulating a pediment with foam plastic from the outside, two layers of sheathing will be required.

  4. Extruded polystyrene foam. Has more high cost than polystyrene foam, but surpasses it in thermal insulation, fire safety and strength.

    Extruded polystyrene foam is suitable for insulating any surfaces

  5. Polyurethane foam. The suspension is sprayed onto the sheathing using a special installation, which allows for a uniform coating without voids or gaps. Has good moisture resistance and vapor permeability.

    To apply polyurethane foam you will need a special installation

Gable trim

The final stage of work with the pediment is aimed at masking the unpresentable-looking insulation and protecting the “pie” made from various building materials from dampness.

Siding is fixed on metal profiles

  • wood (edged boards, lining or planed boards imitating beams), which differs in installation on wooden frame and a prestigious appearance acquired due to natural origin and natural color;

    The boards are nailed to wooden base pediment

  • corrugated sheet - is a metal corrugated sheet with galvanization or polymer coating. To cover the gables, wall sheets marked C are used, which can be laid vertically or horizontally, on a metal or wooden frame.

    Corrugated sheeting has low thermal insulation, so when covering residential premises with it, careful insulation is necessary

  • Wooden cladding must not be used in combination with a metal frame, because wood expands under the influence of moisture, but metal does not. Boards fixed to metal parts run the risk of cracking.

    Video: gable trim

    Decor on the pediment

    The front of the house is often decorated in the ethnic Russian style. To do this, create the following elements:

    When decorating pediments in the Russian style, various carved elements are used

    Striving for originality, the pediment wall is decorated in oriental style. In this case, the same wooden elements are created, but at the same time they do not hesitate to use wood of any colors and shades, for example, acacia in combination with cedar and bird cherry.

    When using wood of various species, you should not resort to treating the material with stain or any other impregnation.

    By the way, ready-made elements for decorating a pediment are not only made of wood. The following are always popular:

    • plastic openwork is an economical and practical option, because plastic is not afraid of either time or precipitation;

      Plastic pediment elements are invariably popular, as they do not lose their presentable appearance for a long time

    • metal openwork decorations are durable and wear-resistant elements that are easy to care for, but weigh a lot, which is why they can be torn off by strong winds;

      The metal elements of the pediment can be painted in any color, thereby giving the house a special “mood”

    • elements made of MDF - fancy and complex patterns made of wood fibers, which will make the decoration of the pediment unique and, unlike ordinary wooden elements, are not afraid of moisture.

    However, the pediment can be given an amazing look even at the cladding stage. To do this, you need to do one of the following:

    When thinking about which way to decorate a pediment is better, you should focus on the material used in the construction of the walls of the building and the amount you are willing to spend.

    In order for the gable of a house to serve properly, the first thing to do is decide what shape it will be. Then they move on to sizing and installation. At the same time, do not forget about decorating the gable wall.