How to put a corrugated connection on a toilet. Installing corrugation on a toilet: types and features of selection, step-by-step connection procedure. Repair and connection methods

If previously, to carry out work related to replacing the corrugation for the toilet, it was necessary to for a long time If you wait for specialists, now you can do it yourself.

Modern toilet corrugation has replaced the once cumbersome outlets and now the work has been simplified significantly. All the nuances of installing corrugation on a toilet should be discussed in more detail.

What is corrugation needed for?

This material is usually made of plastic. This way the corrugation turns out to be quite strong, but remains flexible, which allows it to be changed by people who are not professionals. The plastic outlet is intended to connect the toilet to the sewer and is used not only for the toilet, but also for bathtubs and.

The corrugation is very versatile, as it can be stretched as much as needed

The corrugation can serve for a long time, but if you need to replace it, it is better to choose a material made foreign manufacturer. Domestic ones do not yet differ in the quality that is important in this case.

Nowadays they often use a fan pipe together with corrugation

Corrugation installation

Before starting work, it is important to make sure that the corrugated pipe is the right size and whether it has any cracks. If you intend to replace it along with the toilet, then it is most convenient to put on the corrugation before installation, which will subsequently save you from many inconveniences. But if the plumbing is old, then it is important to follow all stages of work:

When putting it on, you need to press very hard on the corrugated pipe, since only then will the seal be able to stretch and fit tightly. It is very important not to forget about the sealant during the work process. Of course, due to the membranes, the pipe usually fits very tightly, but sometimes leaks can still be unavoidable. Moreover, it is worth noting that the application of sealant is required not only from the entrance side, but also from the side where the corrugation will connect to the sewer hole. But it should be lubricated inside, not outside.

Installation nuances

Once the pipe is connected to the sewer, the job is largely finished. It is worth noting that additional lubrication with sealant of the external parts of the pipe is usually not required. In order to check how good this indicator is, after the solution has hardened, you need to pour a certain amount of water into the toilet. If all places remain dry, then a puddle will not form. If drops were noticeable, in the place where they formed, it will be necessary to additionally apply a layer of sealant. Then after some time you will need to repeat the procedure.

Often, old plumbing does not fit into the design of the room being renovated and needs to be replaced. But what if you can’t install it in its original place? If there are no problems with the sink, then with the toilet it’s not so simple, however, the use of corrugation helped solve this problem. After reading the article, you will learn how to install corrugation on a toilet, after selecting a suitable product.

Types of corrugations

In fact, there are many varieties of toilet corrugations, but people do not always buy what they need, since they are not even aware of the possibility of choice. In the photo you can see corrugations, which differ in shape and connection method. They also differ in characteristics that you need to know about.

  • Although corrugation stretches like an accordion, it is still important to take into account that there are limitations. When choosing, find out what maximum length pipes in a stretched state.
  • Corrugation can be either hard or soft. A rigid pipe is more resistant to wear and mechanical damage, but it cannot always be bent as desired. When choosing a product, this factor must be taken into account.
  • The rigidity of the corrugation is affected not only by the thickness of the material from which it is made, but also by the reinforcement. Springy thin wire enhances the rigidity of the structure and extends its service life. The flexibility of such a pipe is very insignificant.

Video: types and differences of toilet corrugations

The nuances of using corrugated pipes

The use of corrugated pipe has greatly facilitated the installation of the toilet, especially in cases where it needs to be moved or deployed. But it is important to remember that this is not a panacea, and this type of connection, in addition to its advantages, has its disadvantages.


  • To install corrugation, you do not need to have any special knowledge or skills. Just read the instructions described in the article, and you can do the work yourself.
  • Replacing a toilet bowl's corrugation is easy to do with your own hands.
  • In some cases, connecting this plumbing fixture can only be done with a corrugated pipe.


  • A soft pipe has low strength - it can be accidentally pierced with a sharp object.
  • Some chemicals react with the material from which the pipe is made, so its walls may gradually become thinner. The plastic will become deformed if boiling water is poured into the toilet. To be fair, it should be said that even a piece of earthenware can burst upon contact with boiling water.
  • The service life of a corrugated toilet pipe is short, so untimely replacement can lead to leaks, but considering how much corrugation costs and the ease of replacing it, this drawback can be considered insignificant.
  • If the corrugation is visible, then appearance the premises may not be very attractive. This problem is solved by installing a box, which leads to additional costs.
  • A strongly stretched corrugation will sag, which will lead to accelerated clogging of the pipeline in this place. In this case, you will have to figure out how to prop it up.
  • The disadvantage of any corrugated pipe (used for sewage drainage) is that the ribbed surface does not allow debris to pass through well. Therefore, compared to an ordinary smooth-walled plastic pipe, this pipe will become clogged more often.
  • There is a high probability of purchasing a low quality fake.

After studying the information presented, as well as weighing all the pros and cons, you can begin installation.

Installing corrugation: step-by-step instructions

Now let's look at how to put the corrugation on the toilet, depending on its configuration and location.

At first glance, it may seem that corrugation is not needed here at all, but if you take a closer look, you will notice that the toilet is slightly turned around, so the connection could not be made with a simple pipe.

The connection could be made smoother by using an angled corrugation. This option is often abandoned due to the fact that such corrugations are made from more expensive polypropylene or polyethylene.

In this case, the sewer pipe was removed from the floor, but due to the displacement of the toilet, a corrugated pipe had to be used.

If it is not possible to make a connection with plastic sewer outlets because there is no product with a suitable angle, then there is nothing else to do but use corrugation.

Using a very long soft corrugation (or 2 spliced ​​ones), you can radically change the location of this plumbing fixture.

Using a corrugation, you can connect a plumbing fixture that is moved to the side.

Or such a connection can be made mixed using different pipes.

The connection between the toilet and the sewer is done not only with corrugation. In some cases, especially when the device is located next to a sewer pipe, it is better to use an eccentric.

Having chosen a suitable corrugation, you need to install it correctly. Let's consider the procedure.

  • Select appropriate place and put a toilet there.
  • Now you need to decide on the type of connection to the sewer.
  • If possible, it is better to take advantage PVC pipe. Sometimes it is enough to slightly move the toilet to the side. If it works, then assemble all the elbows by pulling out the seals from them, “connect” the device and outline its location.

  • Secure the toilet to the floor using a fixture specifically designed for this purpose. To prevent metal fasteners from rotting due to water, the toilet must be installed on a bed made of cement-sand mortar or after installation, seal the cracks with sealant.
  • When using corrugation, decide on its type and length - after installation it should not be stretched to the limit. It is also better to avoid strong bends.

  • When connecting the device with a corrugated pipe to a cast-iron sewer pipe, the socket of the latter must be well cleaned.
  • In order for the connection to be made airtight, the joints are lubricated with sealant.

  • First, the corrugation is inserted into the socket of the sewer pipe, and then pulled onto the neck of the toilet outlet (the procedure may be different). To prevent it from jumping out of the socket while stretching the corrugation, it must be held.
  • Check that the corrugation does not sag, and if necessary, support or tie it.
  • If the question arises of how to change the corrugation after it becomes unusable, then there will be no problems with this - just remove it, remove the remaining sealant and put on a new one in the same way.

After waiting for some time, you can check the tightness of the connection by draining the water from the tank. If everything is in order, then from now on the toilet can be used.

Video: installing a toilet using corrugation

A toilet corrugation is a hose that can have different sizes and is used to connect the riser pipe and the toilet.

Problems with corrugation can lead to many unpleasant consequences. Therefore, if a pipe is leaking, you need to know in advance what to do and how to quickly replace the damaged hose.

The basic rule for long-term use is to prohibit throwing any garbage into the toilet.

Types and purpose of corrugations

As a rule, malfunctions of this particular category of equipment bring the greatest discomfort.

Do not forget that residents apartment buildings not only do they themselves suffer damage, but they also risk causing significant harm to neighbors living in the apartments below.

Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of one of the essential elements sanitary equipment - corrugations.

To understand why a toilet corrugation is needed, you need to think about where the water moves next after the flush has occurred.

The toilet itself is located at some distance from the riser pipe, and a plastic tube is stretched between them.

This tube is called corrugated because it has a characteristic corrugated surface.

Thanks to this feature, the distance between the toilet and the pipe can vary and be set independently, depending on the needs of the owners.

It should be noted that corrugation is used not only when installing a toilet, but also for any other sanitary equipment, for example, kitchen sink, bathtubs and some other elements to connect them to the sewer.

Modern corrugation for toilet bowls appeared in the CIS countries relatively recently. Before this, builders and plumbers used more massive structures when installing toilets.

The old type of cutting is still found in houses built during the Soviet era.

This kind of engineering design, of course, is not without significant advantages, the main one of which is a fairly long period of operation.

Old style pipes can allow almost any type of debris to pass through without causing blockages.

In the past, after completing the installation of pipes, some builders deliberately passed relatively large debris through them, which was most often a piece of cloth or an ordinary floor rag.

If after such a test there is no blockage in the riser, then everything plumbing work were considered completed.

For long-term use of the hose, it is important to know what not to do. Corrugation modern look, unfortunately, cannot boast of resistance to external adverse factors.

Just a few decades ago, most people in the country would have been surprised by the fact that, for example, used toilet paper It is not flushed down the toilet, but is collected and thrown away with regular trash.

On this moment Almost everyone is forced to resort to this method of disposal of waste, since even the thinnest toilet paper, thrown out and flushed down the toilet, can cause serious damage to the entire complex of sanitary equipment.

Modern corrugation will not only not let you through a doormat, but can also be seriously damaged by any solid debris that can penetrate the surface of the corrugated hose - in this case, the pipe leaks and needs to be replaced.

If handled incorrectly, there are situations when the hose leaks only a few drops at a time - for a non-specialist this damage is not noticeable from the outside.

Even microcracks on the surface of the corrugation can cause many unpleasant consequences, since a small amount of water regularly flows through them for quite a long time.

If the pipe is leaking, damage will be caused to the premises located below, while real reasons problems may not be identified immediately.

In the most toilet room humidity will inevitably increase, which, in turn, can bring a lot of troubles, including the formation of fungus.

But this does not mean that corrugation is an unsuccessful modern invention. At correct operation it will bring great benefits to the owners of the house.

The hose varies in diameter, so before installing the corrugation on the toilet, it is advisable to measure the pipe holes (it is best to use a caliper, but a simple ruler or soft meter will also work).

Corrugated hose can be sold in various lengths. It should be remembered that, due to the peculiarities of its structure, the corrugation can be longer than it might seem at first glance.

But we must not forget that the more the corrugated hose is stretched, the greater the likelihood that its service life will end much earlier, so it is not recommended to buy too short a corrugation if the toilet is located at a relatively long distance from the pipe.

DIY toilet corrugation installation

Installing corrugation on a toilet, as a rule, is not associated with great difficulties - almost any person can cope with this task. This is its main advantage compared to other, earlier engineering designs.

To correctly install the corrugation or replace it, you should know exactly the dimensions of the required hose. First, determine the diameter of the hole of the pipe that needs to be connected to the toilet.

The diameter of the corrugated hose, the end of which must be connected to the toilet, is the same on all models, since it is determined by special production and construction standards, installations and instructions.

The diameter of the riser pipe varies, since it depends on the material from which the pipes were made.

Despite the fact that there are models of corrugated hoses that less pipe in diameter, now experts recommend not resorting to this option when installing equipment.

After finishing preparatory stage You can proceed directly to install or replace the corrugated hose if it is leaking.

First of all, it is necessary to completely remove the old diverter installation, and it is necessary to ensure that not a single element remains from it.

When disposing of an old drainage installation, there may be a small amount of water on the floor, especially if old pipe leaks.

The next stage of installation is the direct installation of a new corrugated hose.

Connecting the toilet to the sewer is not difficult, and in no case should you confuse the ends of the corrugation, although this is difficult, because the diameters of the toilet hole and the riser pipe differ significantly from each other.

When installing a corrugated hose, all its ends should be pressed as tightly as possible to the openings of the toilet bowl and riser pipe, respectively. This is the main stage of installation.

After the corrugation has been installed, it is necessary to check how securely and correctly it is mounted. To do this, you just need to flush the toilet.

If the pipe does not flow and does not leak even a few drops, then we can say with confidence that the installation was carried out well and the dimensions were chosen correctly.

With proper use, the corrugation can last for for long years. The most important thing is to remember that you should not throw any garbage into the toilet.

Non-pressure corrugated plastic pipe or the cuff is used to connect the toilet to sewer system. It replaced heavy cast iron products that had to be caulked at joints for tightness. The corrugation allows you to move the device to a convenient position up to 200 mm and even rotate it, which could not be done during use metal pipes. With this device you can replace your plumbing fixtures yourself. The plastic adapter is easily removed during dismantling.

Features of replacing corrugations on a toilet

Corrugation for toilet

The release can be vertical, horizontal and oblique. Whatever the shape of the toilet pipe, when connecting the device to the waste system, the installation rules dictated by SNiP and operating experience must be followed:

  • The diameter of the corrugation must correspond to the size of the outlet section and be at least 110 mm. If the wiring combines several branches of the drain system, it is permissible to use an adapter bigger size to increase cross-country ability.
  • Installation of horizontal sections is carried out with a slope to maintain the principle of gravity. The slope for pipes with a diameter of 110 mm is 2 cm per linear meter.
  • To avoid sagging in horizontal sections, fastenings are provided to increase the rigidity of the collector. The step between them is no more than ten times the diameter of the pipes.
  • To prevent uncoupling of the vertical risers, a fastener is installed under each socket.
  • The sealant not only prevents leaks, but also prevents the penetration of accumulated gases into the room.

A corrugated pipe connects the toilet outlet to the pipe sewer fitting. Thermal plastic is used to make corrugation: polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene. On one side it has an elastic cuff for connection to the outlet. Standard sizes transition pipe: length 250-300 mm, cuff diameters external/internal 134/75 mm, from the side of the sewer socket 110 mm.

Replacing the corrugation and the old toilet needs to start with preparatory work:

  • disassemble the connection, remove the insulation from cement and sealant;
  • remove dirt from the sewer pipe and clean its inner surface with a rag.

Removal of the corrugation begins by first shutting off the water in the basement so that you do not have to clean up the spilled liquid.

Installation is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. One end of the corrugation with sealant applied is inserted into the sewer outlet to a depth of 5-6 cm. Before this, the rubber ring in the pipe is lubricated with liquid detergent so that the connection does not leak.
  2. The corrugated cuff is placed over the outlet of the device.
  3. Check connections for leaks by pouring water into the toilet.
  4. After this, markings are made on the floor for fastening when installing the device.
  5. The corrugation must be temporarily removed by disconnecting it from the plumbing fixture.
  6. The toilet must be stable and perpendicular to the floor.
  7. The drilled holes are coated with sealant, then the bolts are tightened.
  8. Return the adapter to its place and apply sealant to the joint.
  9. The sole screed is filled with mortar.

The plastic transition pipe, in addition to obvious advantages during installation, has a number of disadvantages: it is easily damaged if it gets into the flush sharp objects, boiling water and aggressive chemical substances. When stretched, the corrugation sags, which contributes to the formation of a garbage plug.

Common causes of breakdowns and ways to prevent them

Replacing corrugations

The corrugation is changed in the following cases:

  • If during repairs the old tile is not removed and a new one is laid on top of it, the toilet bowl will move in a vertical position relative to the axis of the connection with the sewer.
  • When replacing a domestic device with an oblique outlet (for self-cleaning) with an imported device with a horizontal connection.

If the corrugation is leaking at the junction with the toilet, there may be several reasons for this:

  • The o-ring in the socket is missing or damaged. Experts advise changing it and putting it on plastic product. Apply sealant to the sewer extension.
  • A cheap Chinese low-quality adapter model was installed. In this case, it is better to buy a reinforced pipe.
  • To tightly connect the corrugation to the cast iron, a transition collar is used, which should solve problems with loss of tightness.
  • There were cases when leaks were eliminated by changing the angle of connection of the shaped product into which the corrugation was inserted not at 90 degrees, but at an angle of 30 degrees.

Before disassembling the old connection, it is worth checking whether the toilet tank is leaking to rule out other causes of problems.
What tools and materials are needed to replace the corrugation?

The walls of the non-pressure corrugated pipe are thin and therefore easily damaged. The soft adapter is popular because it is easy to connect to the toilet outlet and to the sewer system.

Advantages of reinforced corrugation:

  • long service life;
  • excellent strength indicators;
  • reliability in operation.

Plastic adapters can have different lengths, depending on the distance the toilet is located from the socket. When choosing a short corrugation, the material is quickly damaged due to tension.

Tools for work:

  • chisel to remove old mortar;
  • dry cloth for wiping the outlet extension;
  • holes for toilet mounting are drilled with a hammer drill; a drill with an impact function is also suitable for this purpose;
  • using a tape measure and ruler, mark the position of the device on the floor;
  • construction silicone seals connections;
  • transition collar from cast iron to plastic;
  • flexible corrugation for connecting the outlet to the outlet;
  • tow or FUM tape, which will seal the connection;
  • by using wrenches tighten the fasteners; adjustable wrenches may be needed when connecting the tank to the water supply.

Making sure everyone is available necessary tools at hand, you can begin work on installing the device and connecting its pipe to the sewer outlet.

Repair and connection methods

Installation procedure

Experts give advice on how to change the corrugation on a toilet. There are two connection methods for this. The first is used in cases of moving the location of the device or to change its rotation. But if you want to install the device end-to-end in order to ergonomically use a small space, then the plastic pipe will prevent you from doing this.

Therefore, you need to determine in advance the required length of the soft corrugated product, since a long pipe will bend and prevent drainage into the sewer and cause blockages, and installing a short element will lead to its stretching and loss of strength.

Another method is to use rigid corrugation, which provides maximum reliability at.

Successful operation of sewerage system in apartment building depends on the choice of pipes. Care is related to the characteristics of the material used. Plastic is sensitive to high temperatures. For normal work at home, it is recommended that the drain temperature be 40 degrees, short-term - up to 60 degrees, otherwise the material loses its properties and the pipe may leak.

Deposits also form on smooth surfaces of PVC products. Along with drain hot water they turn the pipe cross-section into an ellipse, which leads to loss bandwidth. Polyvinyl chloride is a flammable material, so you must follow the rules fire safety. Aggressive substances corrode the connections and walls of the corrugation; it is not recommended to drain them into the sewer.

Previously, the entire plumbing system was made of cast iron, it was quite reliable, but the downside was that the pipes became clogged with dirt, which brought a lot of inconvenience. Changing the toilet was a very difficult task, since it had to be selected using all the entrances and exits. Times have changed, along with the requirements for toilet components; pipes began to be made of plastic, which is easier to replace, looks more attractive, and there is no need to contact plumbers for replacement. It was necessary to come up with suitable adapters for them. One of these adapters is the corrugation.

Corrugation is a plastic corrugated pipe; it can also be called a sleeve or cuff. This is one of the most necessary and sought-after plumbing parts, designed to ensure uninterrupted drainage of water in the toilet. The corrugated pipe remarkably (due to its design) stretches to the required size and is connected to the sewer. It is a very reliable plumbing element, although it also has some disadvantages.

The corrugated pipe belongs to the drainage system. It differs from a solid pipe in its flexibility, and from a drain collar in its length. This is a plastic sleeve through which water flows into the sewer system.

Corrugation differs in its characteristics:

  • Hard – distinguished by its wear resistance;
  • Soft – suitable for all types of toilets;
  • Reinforced - its design contains a thin wire;
  • Unreinforced - speaks for itself, it is not reinforced and cheaper;
  • Short – about 20 cm in size;
  • Extended length – about 50 cm in size.

This element has different sizes from 23 to 50 cm, and its diameter is 13.4 cm on the side of the cuff, where it is put on the socket of the toilet, on the other side, where it is inserted into the outlet of the sewer riser, it is 11 cm.

It is selected based on the type of toilet, the distance between the toilet and the sewer, and the preferred service life.

Find this one necessary element You can go to any store that sells plumbing equipment. It is better not to skimp on such a necessary thing as corrugation. Saving can lead to serious damage, which will bring both a lot of inconvenience and spoiled mood, and the need for expensive repairs. Outlets can provide a certificate of conformity if the product is of high quality.

What to do if a crack appears on the toilet or ceramic tank? Recommendations from professionals in the following article:

The nuances of installing corrugations on the toilet

After selecting and purchasing the corrugation, you can begin installing it. The corrugated pipe will differ in size and diameter, as it is installed on different plumbing structures. You need to start by dismantling the old parts and installing new elements.


  • Drain and turn off the water;
  • Remove the tank body;
  • Disconnect the old corrugation from the toilet side;
  • Make sure that the new one is intact and of the required size and diameter;
  • Install a new corrugation, connect it to the toilet, then to the sewer.

If you first disconnect the old corrugation from the toilet, you can drain the remaining water into the sewer. This sequence is especially important if the old corrugation is deformed, that is, stretched, or if it was installed at an angle to the pipe and its dismantling may be difficult. If the corrugation is in a compressed position, you will first have to dismantle the toilet itself. All this must be taken into account when connecting a new corrugation, since it will need to be changed over time. In order not to complicate your work, it is better to think about this in advance.

If you mount new toilet and corrugation, first you need to connect the pipe with the drain hole, then install the toilet, then connect everything together to the sewer. This will make it easier to install without any extra effort.

The installation of the corrugation itself is a simple procedure that you can handle on your own, without the help of a professional. The edge of the corrugation, on which there is an internal membrane that provides a tight connection, is placed on a clean toilet pipe. To ensure greater tightness, the toilet outlet is coated with sealant, then the wide end of the corrugation is coated with silicone. You need to put it on evenly and symmetrically, which will simplify the work further. Then the entire structure is left until the silicone dries. Then the other edge of the corrugation should be installed in the sewer pipe. Before installing a new corrugated pipe, the old one is cleaned of dirt, sealing agents, rust and other existing debris. To be sure, the pipe in the system must be coated with silicone. In order to check whether everything is sealed, after the silicone has dried, water is poured into the toilet (into the tank or the toilet itself). A correctly installed corrugation does not leak.

Methods for installing a toilet drain

There is another type of sewer connection using a tap. Connect the outlet (background pipe) in 3 ways, which are suitable in a given situation, depending on the location of the elements.

What are the connection options:

  • Horizontal outlet of suspended type - the pipe runs parallel to the floor;
  • Vertical release – fits perpendicularly;
  • Oblique outlet - installed at an angle.

Horizontal release is used most often. Plumbing fittings are attached to the wall. The sewerage system is connected to the toilet using sealing collar. The vertical outlet and outlet are directed downwards and a siphon is located in the bowl. This way you can install the toilet at the desired angle. Installing it all is very simple, you need to mark it and mount a flange with a lock on the floor. Do-it-yourself installation of the sewer pipe must be carried out in the center of the flange. The toilet is installed on the flange, turning it to fix it.

At the same time, it is necessary to press the outlet pipe against the sewer pipe.

The O-ring will ensure a tight connection. The oblique outlet is connected by applying a sealing winding. Winding is carried out using linen strands, lubricated with drying oil, which must be mixed with red lead. The winding is made 0.5 cm short of the end of the pipe. Next, you can install the toilet and secure it, then insert the pipe into the sewer and secure the connection. Connecting plumbing to the sewer is not a difficult task; it can be easily handled without being a professional in this matter. This is especially easy to do using a corrugated cuff, but connecting using a tap is a more difficult job.

The installation of a toilet must be done responsibly. advice from professionals complete algorithm actions on the next page:

Instructions: how to install the corrugation on the toilet

To install an old toilet, you will need to clean it of old cement, dirt, and smeared aggregate. It must be clean so that no deformation of the new plumbing parts occurs.

To install the corrugation, you will need tools and a little time:

  • Drain, connecting, flexible corrugated pipe;
  • Roulette;
  • Sealant.

The latter is necessary to avoid leaking toilet. You need to install the toilet in the planned place. Decide where it will be necessary to drill into the tiles and mark these places.

After determining where to drill, the toilet can be removed for a while to make holes to secure the structure. Then install and strengthen the toilet.

You can begin installing the corrugation; for this you need to coat the sewer pipe with sealant. Then install it on the outlet and on the sewer, after the sealant has dried, you can check if everything is working as it should, to do this, pour water into the drain and check if it is leaking. If everything is sealed, the installation is complete.

How to change the corrugation on a toilet: rules

Replacing the corrugation is sometimes required here and now, and manufacturers have made sure that replacing it is not difficult. The corrugation is an adapter from the toilet to the sewer. It is not difficult to take it off and put it on.

There are cases in which it will not be possible to install another pipe:

  • If the toilet is installed with a slight offset;
  • If the wrong type of toilet is installed;
  • If a specific model with inappropriate dimensions.

Corrugation also has some disadvantages: it has thin walls, therefore, it is easy to damage. The pipe looks more advantageous than the corrugated one. It is not difficult to shorten it, but when stretched, it can sag. The design of the corrugated pipe can accumulate debris, both inside and outside.

When replacing a corrugated pipe normally, you need to dismantle the old one and prepare everything for installing a new one. You can clean the cement from the toilet using a chisel. If you don't remove everything that has accumulated on the old toilet and sewer system, you won't be able to install everything properly when installing a new one. The whole system may simply be leaking. Garbage and old sealing materials are removed.

After this, you can put the new corrugation on the prepared place; this should be done carefully so as not to damage the new pipe.

It is necessary to install a new corrugated pipe once, and not redo it; with subsequent installations, the sealing of the rubber seals may be impaired. This mainly manifests itself in corrugated pipes at a low price or low quality of this element.

Installing corrugation on a toilet (video)

If leaks occur when installing a corrugated pipe, you will have to use a sealant or install a new one, which is desirable. In order not to change this part often, it is better to choose it of good quality.

Examples of corrugations for a toilet bowl (photo)