How to decorate an apartment for the New Year: beautiful design ideas. How to decorate a room for the New Year so that it turns into a fairy tale New design ideas for the New Year

It's an exciting time to prepare for New Year's holidays. On this occasion, we offer you a selection of the most beautiful and elegantly decorated holiday living rooms, as well as ideas that will help you create the same beauty in your home

The next month promises to be full of pleasant chores and anticipation of New Year's miracles. To make the holidays fun and carefree, we recommend that you start making the appropriate preparations now. The best place to start is by creating a themed decor in your living room.

We invite you to take a virtual walk through the most beautiful holiday rooms, the charming decoration of which will surely inspire you to a decorative feat. In addition, in this article you will find ten ideas and tips for creating New Year's decor living room.

1. Thematic color scheme

Change the color accents of the living room to traditional New Year's ones. Depending on the prevailing basic shades, you can choose one of the most popular traditional combinations: white with red, green with red, silver with white and blue, or original variations on the theme of crimson, purple, pink and gold.

Having decided on a decorative color palette, try to stick to it even in the smallest details. Textiles, toys, garlands, candles and other festive attributes should carry a single color message.

2. Natural decor

Traditional New Year's tinsel does not always fit harmoniously into the interior. An excellent alternative to garlands and balls will be natural cones, dry branches, pine needles and even fruits (for example, oranges, which are shaped like balls). They fit perfectly into the New Year's concept and don't break! And if you think that natural accessories do not look elegant enough, then you can always transform them with the help of gold or silver paint.

3. Original Christmas tree

Of course, the Christmas tree is an integral attribute New Year's decor for the living room. However, if the room is too small to install a full-fledged holiday tree, or you simply don’t want to spend the next few weeks raking needles out of all the cracks, you can use a little trick and create Alternative option Christmas trees.

We are talking about a wall panel. To create it, you can use anything: a garland, toys, decorative stickers or any other elements that you manage to mount on the wall.

4. Ribbons

Ribbons always look elegant. Use them to tie curtains, hang Christmas tree decorations (and not only on the Christmas tree, but also on the wall or lamps). You can put several under the tree or in the fireplace portal. decorative gifts, which will also be decorated with ribbons. When selecting ribbons, remember the holiday color scheme.

5. Christmas pillows

Decorative pillows with New Year themed patterns or made of elegant shiny fabric (in the color of the main color motifs) will skillfully emphasize the holiday theme. You can purchase them or make them yourself. The money and effort spent will not be in vain, since such bright accents enliven the interior regardless of the time of year.

6. Garlands

Well, what would New Year's decor be without the festive lights of garlands! It’s worth remembering here that they can be used not only to decorate the Christmas tree. The decorative potential of garlands is much wider. With their help, you can make a decorative wall panel, a luminous inscription, window curtains, or furniture lighting.

In addition, garlands can be used to complement decorative compositions, entangle firewood in a false fireplace to create an association with a live fire, or simply put it in a jar to create an original lamp.

7. Fireplace portal

If you have a real fireplace in your home, then you are very lucky. After all, it can become the main focus of the New Year's decor in the living room. But if there is no fireplace, then you can still have time to install a decorative fireplace portal in the room. And then it’s a matter of little things: a New Year’s composition of candles, pine needles and toys on the mantelpiece, a few bright socks for gifts and beautifully wrapped gifts instead of firewood.

More decor options fireplace portal Here.

8. New Year's smells

If there is a live spruce in your living room, pleasant aroma pine needles in the room are guaranteed. But if the Christmas tree is artificial or absent altogether, you can use aromatic oils with a characteristic smell. In addition to the aroma of pine needles, the smells of chocolate and cinnamon are appropriate in the New Year's interior.

How to choose scents for other rooms, read here.

Our opinion:

Of course, no flavorings can replace natural odors. Therefore, even if you do not have the opportunity to place a live spruce, try to find a place for at least a few spruce or pine branches. As for cinnamon, its sticks, placed in warm water or in close proximity to the fire, will not only be fragrant, but also complement the overall decorative composition.

9. Sledge

Do you want to show off your originality? Use sleighs in decoration. They can fit perfectly into New Year's interior, especially if they are made of wood or rattan and decorated with appropriate New Year's attributes.

The sleigh can serve as a stand for the Christmas tree, an original coffee table, a place for folding gifts, an extra seat for the youngest guests, or even a base. decorative composition New Year's table. The main thing is that the size of the sled is comparable to the size of the surrounding objects.

10. New Year retro poster

For those who are alien to the traditional approach to holiday decoration, retro posters with a New Year theme will help create an original atmosphere in the living room. They will give the living room a special style and, perhaps, a piquant charm (depending on the choice of poster).

Our opinion:

Of course, posters on their own are unlikely to make your living room decor truly New Year’s. Therefore, it is recommended to emphasize their presence in the interior with one or two more decorative touches, for example, lighting from garlands or pine framing.

We create the New Year's mood for ourselves, and decorating the house for the New Year is the easiest way to give your abode a fabulous, festive atmosphere. 2018 is ahead, which you need to meet especially brightly, colorfully and in a great mood. Start preparing now - many great ideas easy to implement with your own hands!

If in usual time Not every one of us is involved in needlework, decoration, embroidery and origami, but during the New Year's period everyone, without exception, decorates their home. Intricate crafts can be done with children as a family, and this exciting activity will give you a lot of positive emotions. Make your home joyful and bright!

Window decoration ideas

Celebrate the New Year 2018 outside the windows painted with frost, even if the temperature outside is above zero. Window- the eyes of the house, from the outside they are visible to any passerby, and inside, decorated with garlands, lanterns, snowflakes, they serve as additional space for the implementation of design ideas.

  • Snowflakes. Filigree work will become an exquisite decoration for your home. Paper snowflakes look very beautiful on the windows of a private house, but they can also make an apartment stand out from a row of boring window openings.

Advice! There are thousands of patterns for cutting snowflakes out of paper - from the simplest to the most complex. Arm yourself with comfortable scissors, be sure to think workplace and start creating window decorations. The more patterns there are on the plane of the paper, the more elegant the crafts look.

  • Drawings. With water-washable stained glass paint and minimal artistic skills, you can create patterns that look very attractive from the outside and give warmth and coziness. If you are not confident in your talents, just write on the windows: “2018!”, “Happy New Year!” Give younger family members space to be creative, too. Don't forget to take a photo of the children in front of their work!

New Year's door

Here it is recommended to take advantage of the Western tradition and hang a wreath on the door of a country house from pine needles, cones and bells. The doorway is easy to decorate artificial snow, horseshoe for luck, paper snowflakes. You can make the composition yourself, but there are plenty of ready-made options available in stores.

You can make a cardboard horseshoe yourself and decorate it with tinsel and rain. Write congratulations to your loved ones on it and give it as a gift when you go to visit. Any crafts are good ideas for a present or its New Year's addition.

Garlands are a classic way to decorate your home.

How to make a star from wire

We bring to your attention another idea for decorating your home for the holiday - an unusual frame star. You will get a kind of 3D effect if you make crafts in different sizes.

  1. Take a flexible wire. Bend it so that you get a five-pointed star.
  2. Prepare a sketch of the star from the photo.
  3. Cut it out of colored or wrapping paper and bend the edges so that they catch on the wire. Secure with tape if necessary.
  4. Glue the tinsel to the wire.

The stars can be hung from the ceiling in a checkerboard pattern, or they can be decorated with garlands, rain, and streamers. It will hang down beautifully and create a festive atmosphere.

Advice! If you live in an apartment with high ceilings, be sure to hang something from them. This will visually narrow the room and create the effect of floating decorations made by yourself.

Photo for memory

Every person has a framed photo in their home. Refresh them and give them a New Year's mood: hang them on a serpentine or thick twine along the wall. Free space fill with small balls, garlands and handmade designs.

After the celebration, print out new photos and add them to the old ones. This composition can stay in the apartment until the very end of January. You will love this idea, and perhaps you will leave the photos on the rope, making them a permanent interior accessory.

Balls everywhere

Ideas for the New Year are not limited only to the capabilities of the needlewoman. Use themed toys, glitter, decorations industrial production for room decoration.

Balls are a wonderful symbol of the New Year. They are different colors, sizes, shiny, matte, with a rough surface, made of different materials, expensive, cheap, vintage, modern, etc. A variant of the idea is to hang them on strings from the ceiling, secure them in the window opening in the kitchen and living room.

A time of miracles, magic, unexpected surprises and expected gifts - New Year. Preparing for it gives you the opportunity to be a little wizard. With your own hands, turn your house into a fairy-tale palace, the home of Mother Winter or a palace Snow Queen.

What is needed for this? Available materials, the desire to create, perseverance and patience, rich imagination and a little bit of... New Year's magic. Preparations for the holiday begin, it's time to get to work!

Magic secrets and little tricks for decorating your home for the New Year

Before you start decorating your home for the upcoming winter holidays, you need to think through all the details and little things. They are the ones who create the unique charm and New Year's mood. Not a single corner of the house should be left forgotten.

Special attention You need to pay attention to the color scheme and the choice of a single style and idea. All decoration elements must be in harmony with each other, create and maintain the chosen style, the special atmosphere of the winter holidays.

Consider the interests and tastes of your household. They are different, you will have to find compromises.

For children’s rooms, you can choose funny decorations and add fairy-tale characters and New Year’s cartoon characters to them. Bright colors children will like it.

The living room, where the whole family will gather around the New Year's table, should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable and cozy. For serving festive table Napkins with themed pictures, a beautiful tablecloth, plates and glasses with New Year's ornaments would be appropriate.

Compositions of pine branches, candles, and cones will complement the table setting. You can put small surprises and gifts near the devices for your family and friends.

You can use citrus fruits as candlesticks: lemons, oranges, tangerines.

The kitchen where New Year's treats will be prepared also deserves attention: gingerbread houses, compositions of tangerines and apples, bright flowers poinsettias.

Oriental aromas will fill the kitchen if holiday candlesticks are made from cinnamon sticks.

Entrance door— this is where the home New Year’s tale begins: traditional Christmas wreaths, flickering garlands, animal figurines.

Decorating windows and window sills has become fashionable again - movable modules, cut out figures, paint designs.

Involve your children, spouses, and grandparents in creativity. Creating New Year's compositions is a labor-intensive task, extra hands will not interfere. Collaborative creativity It will not only bring joy to everyone, but will also unite the family and give all household members the opportunity to be together.

If you have never done needlework, do not despair - choose a simpler jewelry option. Mastery comes with practice. If you want to change a composition you spotted on the Internet, feel free to do so. A little improvisation, a little imagination - and you will have an original decoration.

The most interesting, spectacular and creative decorations can be made from simple and available materials: paper, cones, twigs, fabric, felt. Preparing for the holiday and making decorations takes time. Don't put everything off until last days. New Year's chores should bring joy.


The technique of cutting (vytynyanka) has been known for a very long time, but over the past few years it has been experiencing a rebirth. The cuttings are not difficult to make, the technique is quite simple. The result exceeds all expectations - by window glass Frosty patterns bloom, cartoon and fairy tale characters appear.

You can make modules from cut out figures. Volumetric snowflakes, lanterns, Christmas decorations made of paper sway and turn at the slightest movement of air. You can cut out an entire city or a snow-covered forest from thick paper. The backlight “revitalizes” the composition. I want to look through the windows or under the Christmas tree and see who lives there. And come up with a magical New Year's tale.

Lamps, lamps, floor lamps can become magical and change their appearance. You can cut out any pattern and plot from paper. You can turn the most ordinary glass jar into a lamp.

Christmas cut-out toys openwork patterns decorate the New Year's beauty. Handmade toys create a special atmosphere.

You can turn any New Year’s picture you like into a cutting template yourself. To do this, you need to enlarge the picture using any graphic editor and transfer it to a worksheet using carbon paper. Utility knives work well for cutting. To avoid cutting the table, use special mats.

The advantages of cuttings are the availability of materials and the simplicity of the technique itself. To complete complex compositions you will need patience and perseverance.

New Year's garlands

Garlands for home decoration are the most popular option. Store-bought and DIY, electric and natural materials. Paper, fabric, tinsel and glass toys, traditional and original - the choice is huge.

Electric garlands can be used to decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the facade, windows of the house, stairs, entrance and room doors, fireplace mantel.

Compositions with LED garlands are not difficult to create. Glass flowerpots of simple or complex shapes. Ordinary glass jars or bottles can be used to create original lamps. Experimenting with the shape of cans and bottles, with color and light gives excellent results.

Christmas tree from electric garlands? Unusual, but very beautiful. You can attach it using transparent tape or buttons with a wide head.

The usual interior becomes mysterious, mysterious when garlands are lit in houses. The most ordinary things become magical. The lights, reflected in the old mirror, beckon you into a New Year's fairy tale.

The most ordinary garland can be made original. A little imagination, glass Christmas balls - and your window decoration is ready.

LED garlands go well with garlands made of paper or fabric. Made with your own hands, they fill the house with warmth and love. Ordinary paper snowflakes, strung on a string, turn the room into the winter home of Blizzard or Snowstorm.

Multi-colored Christmas trees, gold stars, white circles, snowmen, penguins, mittens, socks - any New Year's figures are suitable for a garland.

Garlands made of fabric or felt are simple, but so warm and homely. Christmas gingerbread cookies and candy canes, gingerbread houses and a Christmas deer, a bearded Santa - it’s easy to make figures for a garland. They can be voluminous or simple. Bright felt figures will original decoration New Year's table or a good gift for guests.

The most creative New Year's decorations are learned from natural materials. Apples, citrus fruits, nuts, pine cones are the basis for garlands.

There are incredibly many variations of New Year's decor. Choose what will bring you and your loved ones joy and a feeling of a magical holiday. Remember comfort and safety.

Unusual options for the New Year tree

Who said that there should be only one Christmas tree in the house? There are never too many Christmas trees. Surprise your family and friends with handmade Christmas trees. Funny and elegant, small and not so small. What can you make an unusual Christmas tree from: books and cookies, pasta and paper, pillows and logs, pine cones and Christmas tree tinsel.

The smartest Christmas tree will come from books. An option suitable for students - accessible and inexpensive, easy to make, quick to disassemble.

Multi-colored buttons different diameters needed to make a button Christmas tree. Buttons look like Christmas tree decorations - round, bright, shiny.

A coffee tree is the perfect decoration for the kitchen. Coffee beans will fill it with the aroma of roasted and freshly ground coffee.

The gingerbread tree is not only a decoration, but also a delicacy. You will have to cook it often if there are small and large sweet tooths in the house.

Unusual Christmas trees will not replace the beauty from the forest, but will complement home interior. Come up with your own versions of cheerful Christmas trees, get creative!

DIY home decorations for the New Year

From an old light bulb

Traditional or unusual Christmas trees require decorations and toys. Let's make them ourselves. To do this we will need old burnt out light bulbs, primer and acrylic paints, acrylic varnish, brushes, sponge.

Wipe the surface of the light bulb with any degreasing solution

Let's cover it with primer. If it’s not there, we’ll paint it twice.

On top of the white base we make an inscription with blue paint. Apply blue paint around the inscription with a sponge, shading it slightly

We outline the inscription with a gold or silver outline

We draw out patterns on the surface of the light bulb with an outline - snowflakes, frosty patterns (you can first draw them with blue or light blue paint)

When the paint and outline are dry, coat the toy with acrylic varnish. It will protect the toy from mechanical damage - abrasions and scratches

Having tied a shiny thread to the base, we cover it with acrylic varnish

Don't be afraid of the steep prices for Christmas decorations; there are many ways to create original and beautiful jewelry with your own hands. And such things will cost several times less, and you will be confident in quality and safety. We offer you 30 ways to inexpensively decorate your apartment for the New Year.

From spruce, pine or balls

The easiest way to make a Christmas wreath is from spruce or pine branches - - here are detailed master classes.

Wreath of bows

To create this wreath take 3 packs of bows for gifts(quantity depends on the size of the base) , hot glue and basis, which can be straw or foam. Glue on the bows and you're done!

Wreath of branches

You can use a store-bought wreath or cut twigs while walking(they will need to be dried); Glue white artificial flowers to it with hot glue, preferably small ones, attach Christmas balls and a bow. Which ones - see here.

Decorating the chairs

New Year's ribbons

Wrap the backs of the chairs with ribbons or long scraps of fabric of a different color and tie them with a bow. Attach some Christmas decorations on top.

Santa chair cover

To make these wonderful capes, prepare:

  • The felt is white and red, the quantity depends on the size of your chairs;
  • Scissors;
  • Centimeter;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Iron;
  • A spool of white thread.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Using a centimeter, measure the width of the back of the chair from above and below, not reaching 2 cm from the seat. If the cover touches the seat, it will stretch.
  2. Measure out a rectangle on the red fabric that fits the size of the back of the chair. Add ½ size rectangle triangle; it will not affect the length of the cape.
  3. Cut out 2 shapes and sew them together; then cut off all 3 corners. Turn right side out and iron with a not very hot iron.
  4. Sew a line connecting the rectangle and triangle. From white felt, cut 2 strips equal to the length of the rectangle, and 5 cm wide. Bring them together, sew them together, and then sew them to the bottom of the rectangle.
  5. Cut short ribbons from a piece of white fabric, about 5-6 cm. Tie them with threads to create a pompom. Sew it to the corner of the triangle; you can use hot glue.

New Year's garlands

From the cones

Cover the pine cones with gold plated spray paint or glue, and sprinkle gold glitter on top. You can hang them on the Christmas tree or create a composition in a basket.

From paper

You can cut out snowflakes, snowmen or deer from paper. Glue it onto a string and you’ll get a very original New Year’s decor.

New Year's vases

From the bottle

Here you have a lot of possibilities. You can pour salt into a bottle, draw buttons with a marker, attach a piece of paper to the neck and put on a hat - you will get an original snowman. With paint and gizmos on hand you can change appearance and other bottles.

Candy Vase

Cover a short vase with double-sided tape. Glue the candies to it in a circle, and at the end put an elastic band on them to prevent the candies from falling off the tape. Tie an elastic band with a wide ribbon. You can pour water and place flowers!

Decor with snow

Paint the bottle with white paint and use glue to glue coarse salt to it. We insert pre-prepared silver branches into it. These bottles will look beautiful in combination with candles.

You can also paint a bottle of champagne gold -.

New Year's candlesticks

Fill a transparent long glass halfway with water and add food coloring. Place a candle in it and light it. Safe beautiful candlestick ready.

Christmas tree made of glass balls

This mini-Christmas tree is easy to build from a spool, adhesive tape (which hides the fishing line), foam plastic (inserted into the hole in the spool), a knitting needle (secured in foam), shiny balls with an iron loop (strung on a knitting needle) and a star (attached to the point of a knitting needle) .

Decor for the New Year's table

For cutlery

Take cardboard and draw a figure (in this case it is a spruce), which will be slightly longer in length than the cutlery. Cut it out; Approximately in the middle, cut a strip into which you will insert a knife and fork.

Sweet holders

Using these candies, tightly tied with ribbon or, if they are wrapped, glued with double-sided tape, you can place the names of the dishes and, if necessary, the names of the guests at the table.

Hanging decorations for the New Year


To make this decoration take:

  • Thin iron rim;
  • Many sheets of white paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Fishing line/nylon thread;
  • Pencil.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Fold the sheets, draw the shapes of future snowflakes on them, and cut them out.
  2. Having prepared a lot of snowflakes, tie them to the fishing line. If there is no hole, you can thread a needle and use the needle to pierce the paper. Tie the fishing line to the rim at different lengths.
  3. You can sprinkle the finished decoration with sparkles and decorate the rim with tinsel.

From fabric

To make this decoration you will need:

  • Crepe (crumpled) paper (any color);
  • Styrofoam ball;
  • Ribbons (narrow, to match the color of the paper);
  • Beads (preferably matching the color of the paper);
  • Scissors;
  • Hot glue;
  • Sequins;
  • Gypsy needle.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Into a foam ball use a needle to insert the ribbon, previously folded in half - start inserting it from the middle. After making sure that the ribbon is deep enough so as not to jump out, you can drop a drop of glue, and after drying, tie it into a beautiful bow.
  2. Crepe paper roll into a tube and cut into small squares. Unwind them to form ribbons, and bend one end into a triangle downwards. Wrap the rest of the ribbon in a circle, sometimes bending it, to make a rose. When the flower is ready, attach the triangle to the bottom of the rose with glue.
  3. Having made enough roses, glue them to the foam ball. Glue beads into the resulting empty spaces after gluing, and sprinkle the roses with sparkles.

We decorate the walls and doors in the apartment

Big star

Fasten thin, equal-length boards together using wire or nails in the shape of a star. Distribute the garland evenly over external parties stars and secure it.

Paper stickers

In order not to spoil the walls in the apartment, you can use paper stickers and lay them out as a Christmas tree on an empty wall - very stylish and original. Or using self-adhesive paper - you can lay out a snowman.

New Year's pillows

If you have a lot of pillows on your sofa, let's use them as Christmas decorations. Wrap a wide gift ribbon around the pillows and add a large bow.

Christmas tree decorations

Rag Christmas tree decoration

Rapidly approaching main holiday of our country, beloved by people of all ages. I want to go back to childhood and live in anticipation of a miracle. How to immerse yourself in this magical state? Surround yourself with holiday! How to beautifully decorate an apartment for the New Year 2020. Apartment decor ideas 100 interior photos in our article.

Why do you need to decorate your home?

Family traditions and values ​​are very important. They make a family a family and give a feeling of confidence and security. Joint preparation for the holiday will be an excellent foundation on which a strong building of family traditions will be built.

Bright and beautiful New Year's decorations define a special festive time of year, separated from routine and everyday life. What a joy it is to come home and find yourself in a peaceful, slightly fabulous atmosphere!

Here you will want not to quarrel and argue, but to drink tea and New Year's cookies over a friendly conversation. Therefore, we are preparing for the New Year, decorating the apartment!

The feeling of magic is especially important for children who look at everything through the prism of family. A house in which harmony and comfort reigns unites the people living in it.

When children participate in family life, they feel important and needed. The ideal way to make you feel this is to decorate your apartment together for the New Year 2020.

It’s not for nothing that New Year is considered a family holiday. This best time to pay attention to family and friends, to invite friends and good acquaintances to visit. And the festive mood of waiting for guests will appear along with the festive surroundings.

We decorate the apartment for the New Year with our own hands

You can decorate your house for the holiday yourself:

  • decide on an idea
  • decide what color scheme the decor will be made in,
  • select and buy jewelry.

Many people wonder how to decorate an ordinary apartment for the New Year? When choosing a color, it is customary to be guided by the symbol of the upcoming New Year according to the eastern calendar.

For example, in the coming year, the main color is yellow. It goes well with other colors.

  • The decor, made in the color combination of yellow and blue, will be joyful and positive.
  • Yellow and green are an ideal natural combination; the decor will be rich and bright.
  • The combination of yellow and purple looks very impressive.
  • The hottest and most festive combination is yellow and red.

Pay attention to how the colors of the holiday decorations match the colors used in the interior of the apartment. They should not introduce dissonance or cause a feeling of discomfort.

If the interior of the apartment is made in pastel colors, bright and contrasting decorations will become excellent accents.

Ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year

The main attribute of the holiday, of course, is the Christmas tree. Often, with all the effort to decorate it as beautifully as possible, the end result looks cute, but ridiculous.

Especially when children are involved and try to hang all the available decorations on the tree. The main thing is not to overdo it, but to maintain symmetry when placing toys.

How to decorate an apartment with a garland for the New Year, to plunge into the festive atmosphere from the doorstep, decorate the doors. A New Year's wreath is best suited for this.

They are made from fir branches and decorated with cones, balls, and bows. A wreath decorated with:

  • nuts,
  • tangerines,
  • artificial or dried berries on branches.

How to decorate a small apartment for the New Year 2020

And don't forget about the windows. Elegantly decorated windows and window sills give the joy of the holiday not only to the inhabitants of the home, but also to passers-by who see the beauty. Garlands and glowing New Year's toys look great.

You can create a design using a template cut out of paper by spraying dry snow onto it. An inexpensive and super fun way for kids is to paint windows with toothpaste. Decorate an apartment for the New Year - photo examples:

A variety of garlands will help transform the room. They are made from:

  • paper,
  • snowflakes,
  • New Year's socks for gifts,
  • balls,
  • branches and cones.

When decorating an apartment before the New Year, a great technique is to place a garland around a chandelier, especially if the garland is made of light-reflecting parts. Alternatively, place it evenly throughout the room, if possible, attach it to the ceiling.

New Year's decorations are sold in any mall. Another thing is that their quality, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. Both individual and original look difficult to achieve.

Exquisite premium decorative elements can be purchased at branded home furnishings stores. Online stores offer a wide range of New Year's products. Place your order online in advance so as not to worry whether it will arrive in time for the New Year 2020.

How to stylishly decorate an apartment for the New Year? Design problems

Tinsel and garlands are not a holiday yet. It is important to combine all aspects of the design and create a single harmonious space. Choose the right color combination and composition style.

How to inexpensively decorate an apartment for the New Year - do not overdo it with the number of decorations. Maintain proportions and create a complete picture. This requires a lot of time, which is always not enough when modern graphics life.

The Internet provides many options for beautiful New Year's decoration of an apartment, but it is not always possible to combine the example with the real situation. It's hard to imagine the end result. And from the number of bright beautiful pictures It's easy to get confused.

Hand-made jewelry is very popular, but making a truly interesting, beautiful, elegant item is not easy.

High quality and stylish jewelry- the pleasure is not cheap. There is a risk of spending a large number of time, effort and money without getting the desired result, but you just want to decorate your apartment for the New Year.

Unusual ideas for New Year's apartment decoration

If you want to decorate your apartment easily and without wasting extra time, contact a designer. He will help you professionally and turn barely formed ideas into reality.

The designer is familiar with the latest design trends and understands the options color combinations and will add a “zest” even to a simple New Year’s interior.

At the same time, it will maintain a sense of proportion and keep the house from cluttering with decorations. The designer sees the big picture, understanding how every small detail affects the ideal image.

Involve children in discussing the project; they will be delighted to participate in such an important “adult” activity.

Free up more time for yourself, your family, loved ones and friends by entrusting the New Year decorations of your home to a professional. Eliminate the need to spend hours in stores or online searching for necessary elements decor.

It’s better to spend it relaxing on winter activities: sliding down a slide or skating rink, walking around an ice town or a colorfully lit evening square.

A beautiful and elegant house improves the image of its owners. He tells guests about their impeccable taste and sense of style. And the compliments of others will lift the mood of the hostess of the house and add another spark to the fireworks of festive emotions.