How to wash suspended ceilings: types of fabrics, possible contamination and their causes, care for PVC and fabric coatings. Secrets of an ideal home: how to clean glossy stretch ceilings without streaks

It’s worth saying right away that need forces us to wet-clean ceilings not so often, so we can prepare accordingly and approach this process responsibly. Prepare the necessary detergents, select sponges, and do not bother with a rough rag wrapped around the mop.

In order for the result to be positive and impressive, all actions must be performed carefully. A flannel rag should be soaked in water with SMS dissolved in it. It is quite possible to use conventional means that do not contradict the rules indicated below.


Attention! The temperature of the detergent solution also plays a role important role. It should not exceed 40 degrees.

Polishes for the materials from which they are made are also sold freely. stretch ceiling. You should not save eighty rubles, costing two hundred times more - as already mentioned, you do not carry out this event so often. This is about the question of how to wash a plastic ceiling.

If the surface is even slightly glossy, use alcohol-containing liquids. Then after wet cleaning you will not have streaks. It’s like with mirrors: it’s more convenient to use alcohol-based products than to rub them with a newspaper until there are holes. The method with a newspaper is, of course, effective, and is used by many housewives - but, people, after all, we already live in a new century, much different from the nineteenth.

Three simple rules

You need to remember them before washing the ceiling:

  • Do not use cleaning products based on or containing abrasives!
  • Do not use brushes with very hard bristles and do not wash the ceiling with mops with wrapped rags!
  • Do not press hard on the surface! Try to avoid contact of the film with the surface of the main ceiling, which is inside and is made of non-soft concrete.

Fourth addition

If you still violated three simple rules, and damaged the surface, the area must be immediately sealed with construction or masking tape (not stationery tape!) and run to call the installer.

Fifth Amendment

You can, for example, prepare a soap solution for washing the ceiling. Just don’t use too much laundry soap, it has 72% alkali - this can be disastrous for the material. Strain regular soap, beat until foam is obtained, then wash the ceiling with this foam.

Be sure to rinse the ceiling with ordinary water after removing stains. clean water without waiting for the soap solution to dry! After washing with clean water, the surface should be wiped dry with a napkin or soft cloth. It is very possible that the rag or napkin will have to be changed several times as it gets wet.

Advice! The ceiling should be washed as it becomes dirty, and not “included in the plan” for the next month.

Fresh stains and solid dirt are always easier to remove than old ones. They do not eat into the material, do not penetrate its structure - therefore there will be no need to rub with strong pressure.

Another tip! Before washing suspended ceiling, it is recommended to go over the entire surface with a vacuum cleaner. When the surface is moistened, all the dust collected on it is immediately absorbed into the stain, especially if it is greasy. And since dust is mechanical, albeit small, particles, they will act as an abrasive.

Cleaning suspended ceilings

There are many videos on how to wash a suspended ceiling, in which professionals and amateurs share their knowledge.

Cleaning under the ceiling

  • As they say experienced craftsmen From cleaning companies, when choosing what to wash suspended ceilings with, there is only one limitation - under no circumstances use hard sponges or brushes to avoid damage or rupture! When washing, use a flannel cloth or foam sponge soaked in a mild soap solution.
  • The surface of the ceiling is washed with light circular movements. After soap, stains may remain on the gloss. To avoid this, take the time to wipe everything with a dry cloth or microfiber cloth after washing. This napkin perfectly absorbs moisture, removing all stains.

  • Before washing the suspended ceiling, take the time to remove all rings, bracelets and other jewelry. This will help avoid damage.
  • How to clean suspended ceilings? Just not with abrasive solutions or solutions, as well as creams that contain solid particles.

Even simple soda can cause irreparable damage to the smooth surface of a tension structure. Any minor mechanical impact can cause damage.

  • Many people recommend using special means for washing suspended ceilings, which easily remove any dirt without leaving streaks after use. You can also use glass or mirror cleaners that contain ammonia.

  • The product for cleaning suspended ceilings should not contain acetone. Read the container label carefully before using it. Acetone can ruin appearance material.
  • Before use, it is better to test it in a small area, somewhere in the corner of the room. Apply a drop of the product to the ceiling surface and wait 10-15 minutes, and then evaluate the result. And perhaps the question: how to wash a suspended ceiling? - will be closed for you.
  • If wrinkles appear or the color changes, then it is better to refuse to use the chosen product.

  • Many people ask the question: is it possible to wash suspended ceilings using force or additional pressure? The answer is no, you can't. Try not to apply excessive pressure on the structure so that the material does not deform. For an ideal and high-quality installation of a stretch ceiling, it is enough to wrap a rag on a mop and run it over the surface, pressing lightly. Excessive zeal when washing or polishing can result in the purchase of a new ceiling, which can lead to serious financial investments and the dissatisfaction of loved ones.

  • Washing tension structures can also be done using a vacuum cleaner. But you should make sure that the specialists have strengthened the ceiling fabric tightly enough, otherwise the overall geometry of the structure will be disrupted.
  • You should not resort to a vacuum cleaner if you see a cobweb in the corner or a piece of dust. Brush it off with a broom or cloth.

It is worth remembering that dust does not settle on tension materials, since it is a smooth film coating that is treated with an antistatic agent (at least, this is what manufacturers and advertising claim).

Now you know how to wash a suspended ceiling, based on the advice of professionals. The main thing is to handle it carefully, do not apply significant effort, try to avoid chemical and mechanical influences. Only then will it serve you for a long time. Are these tips really applicable in practice? Let's try to figure it out.

What you can't do

Caring for stretch ceilings is not particularly difficult. Moreover, it takes little time and effort, but not many people know how to wash a suspended ceiling. For example, the advice that brushes should not be used is quite reasonable.

Attention: Remember that even the softest brush can leave lint, which during the washing process will behave like abrasive particles, which is harmful to polyvinyl chloride.

Do you think that strong stains cannot be washed off with suspended ceiling products? To eliminate doubts, call any company that installs ceilings and consult with them. A specialist will tell you how to wash the tension structure if it is dirty.

You can't scratch the surface hard objects, otherwise you will tear it.
The same goes for strength, unless you want to admire scratches and dents later.

In particular difficult cases You should seek help from cleaning companies or the place where you entered into an agreement to install your ceiling. They have the necessary experience and tools. We will consider further how to wash a suspended ceiling yourself.


How can you wash suspended ceilings if dry cleaning is not enough and the gloss has lost its luster. Regular and widely advertised cleaning products for glass and mirrors, as well as PVC surfaces, will help you.


  • Any dishwashing liquid will do, unless it contains abrasive particles or granules. After use, do not be lazy to wipe the ceiling with a dry flannel cloth to restore the original shine of the surface.

  • There are also special means, designed for suspended ceilings, although they are more expensive. It's better not to skimp and buy it. Remember that it is better to test any unfamiliar product on an inconspicuous area.

How often to wash a suspended ceiling

It is worth knowing that these materials are impregnated with a special antistatic solution, which prevents the adhesion of dust and dirt.

This raises the question - how often should a suspended ceiling be washed? And how do they differ in this issue very expensive materials versus cheap ones?

Let's be honest, cheap care options are no different from those that cost more. Since the basic rule is always the same - durable PVC film can be cleaned only with detergents without solid particles. As a last resort, you can always use the most common soap solution. As for the frequency of washing, once every six months will be enough.

Now you know everything about how to clean a suspended ceiling and more. Additionally, you can watch the suggested video.

The beauty and practicality of suspended ceilings makes them more and more popular every day. How to wash a tensioner glossy ceiling, as well as matte or fabric - pressing issues for owners of such ceiling decoration. Our article is devoted to these issues.

What is a suspended ceiling?

Before you wash a glossy stretch ceiling, you need to understand its structure and properties. Only in this case will you be sure that you are doing all the work on cleaning the surface correctly, which means you will not damage the material.

This coating is made from whole piece polyester fabric or polyvinyl chloride film. Such pieces are fixed on a plastic or aluminum baguette under the ceiling.

Important! This type of ceiling covering was popular back in Ancient Rome. At that time, fabric drapery was stretched. Later, in the Middle Ages in Armenia, they began to use chalk-impregnated canvas for these purposes.

With the invention of PVC film in the 60s of the twentieth century, such ceilings acquired their familiar appearance and began to enjoy great popularity. At first they were used only in apartments and offices where the ceilings had defects and needed to be disguised. Every year this design became more and more in demand. After all, durable and resistant to mechanical stress various types materials long years capable of delighting with beauty and comfort.

Do I need to wash a suspended ceiling?

Some manufacturers claim that such coatings require absolutely no maintenance. But that's not true. They still need to be cleaned from time to time.

This must be done with knowledge of how to wash suspended ceilings at home. Incorrect handling may cause deformation, loss of color and damage to the material. Rules for cleaning such ceiling coverings will vary slightly depending on the type of material used.

Washing suspended ceilings at home

There are two ways to clean such a structure: dry and wet:

  1. In the first case, a dry cloth will come to the rescue, with which the coating material is actually rubbed.
  2. Wet cleaning is carried out with a sponge soaked in clean water without impurities or in a solution of non-aggressive detergents.

Important! Regular cleaning and washing procedures for suspended ceilings help maintain their beautiful appearance and excellent condition. Lack of care leads to the appearance of contaminants, which will subsequently be very difficult to remove.

In order to wash suspended ceilings at home, you will need the following items:

  • Ladder.
  • Soft sponge.
  • Napkins made of suede fabric, microfiber or other soft material.
  • Vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment.
  • Non-abrasive detergents.

How to wash glossy and matte stretch ceilings?

The safest means for ceiling material are plain water or mild soap solution. You can also use dish soap or window cleaner.

Important! Before using the chosen product, it is necessary to check the reaction of the ceiling material to it. To do this, apply a detergent to an area of ​​the ceiling that is hidden from view and check the reaction after a while. If there are no stains, discoloration or damage, then you can safely use the selected liquid to clean the entire surface.

In addition to the mentioned products, which are available in every home, almost every hardware store can offer its customers how to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks. The only one significant drawback such special means is their cost.

What is strictly prohibited from washing suspended ceilings?

Due to the fact that the canvas material is quite capricious in terms of the perception of chemicals, there is a list of means with which it is simply prohibited to treat them:

  • Washing powders of any type.
  • Tar and laundry soap.
  • Mustard and baking soda.
  • Acetone.
  • Products containing high concentrations of chemicals.
  • Products containing chlorine.
  • Powder detergents.

Important! Strong chemical substances can lead to loss of shine and fading of the paint of the material, deformation of the canvas and its sagging.

How to wash a suspended ceiling without streaks? - Basic Rules

In order for the ceiling covering to remain as beautiful as on the first day after installation, you should follow the basic rules for washing it:

  • Use only soft sponges or soft cloths for these purposes.
  • The washing process is carried out in the direction of the weld with light circular movements.
  • After washing, wipe the fabric with a dry flannel cloth.

Important! Hard sponges and brushes can easily damage the delicate surface: scratch, tear or deform the gloss.

  • Remove all jewelry you wear on your hands. They may cause accidental damage to the material.
  • Use only liquids for washing. Avoid products with abrasive additives, creams and powders. They can damage the ceiling covering.
  • Carefully read the ingredients of the product you decide to use to wash your suspended ceiling. Under no circumstances should it contain acetone. Great option There will be products containing alcohol.
  • PVC sheets should be washed very carefully without pressing. To remove dust and dirt more effectively from the surface, use an aqueous solution at a temperature of about 35 degrees.

Important! It is strictly prohibited to use a mop for washing suspended ceilings at home.

  • To perform all cleaning steps correctly, you should read the instructions. The coating manufacturer must indicate all the nuances of this process.

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks at home?

Glossy ceilings create a unique and special atmosphere in the room. To ensure that the material does not lose its shine, it simply needs regular care.

How and with what to wash glossy stretch ceilings?

In order to avoid streaks on the smooth and shiny surface of the ceiling covering, it is best to clean it with a window cleaner.

Important! Sometimes window cleaning products contain various dyes that can affect the color of the stretch ceiling. Therefore, you should definitely test the product on an invisible area of ​​the material.

If the remedy is suitable, proceed as follows:

  1. Use a soft microfiber or suede cloth and your chosen liquid to remove dust from the cloth.
  2. After this, dry the fabric with a clean flannel cloth.
  3. To delete construction dust from the ceiling, use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment.

Important! The vacuum cleaner should be turned on at minimum power. Do not bring it closer than 2-3 cm to the ceiling surface.

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling to restore its shine?

To restore the shine of the canvas, it is treated with a solution of ammonia:

  1. Using a clean, soft cloth, carefully apply a 10% ammonia solution to the glossy surface.
  2. After processing, wipe the fabric dry.

How to wash a matte stretch ceiling without streaks at home?

In appearance, a matte stretch ceiling resembles a smooth plastered surface. Such a fabric is not prone to scratches and cracks, and dust does not settle on it. But, despite all its advantages, such a ceiling covering still requires periodic maintenance.

Cleaning a matte stretch ceiling is much easier than a glossy one, since you don’t have to worry about streaks. Therefore, caring for a matte surface comes down to washing with degreasing agents or cleaning with hot steam.

Important! After cleaning, the matte cloth should be wiped dry.

How to wash fabric stretch ceilings?

The material for such a ceiling covering is more fragile compared to PVC sheets. Therefore, you should clean it very carefully, following these recommendations:

  • Window cleaners should not be used to clean fabric ceilings. Substances that are part of such products can penetrate the structure of the fabric and lead to color changes.
  • It is forbidden to clean the tension fabric ceilings in a circular motion. This can cause divorces. Such ceilings should only be washed using back and forth movements.

Important! In case of serious contamination, you can use a powder solution. When cleaning with this product, do not scrub the same area for too long..

One of the newfangled ceiling design options is tensile structures, presented in a wide variety of textures, compositions and colors. They fit perfectly into style trends and emphasize the individuality and taste of the owners. You can achieve the aesthetic beauty of a stretch ceiling for a long period of time by properly caring for the surface and maintaining it in proper condition. Sometimes specialists from cleaning companies are invited to wash or clean, but this process is not so complicated and you can do it yourself.

How to wash the ceiling

When the time has come to put the ceiling in order, you should be well prepared for work, purchase necessary supplies. Agree that the ceiling is washed quite rarely, so it’s better to spend money and buy high-quality cleaning and other accessories than to risk damaging such a beautiful and expensive surface.

What supplies will you need for cleaning?

Depending on the type of dirt and surface for cleaning, you may need flannel rags, soft-bristled brushes, foam sponges, wipes for dry cleaning, a basin or bucket for diluting soap suds and, of course, a stepladder so that you can easily reach every corner of the surface .

If you simply want to remove a layer of dust from the ceiling in the living room or clean it of sediment after renovation, you can use a vacuum cleaner, but you need to choose an attachment that will not damage the surface, for example, a very soft fluffy brush (we will look at tips on how to properly clean the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner).

Sometimes, to simplify cleaning or in the case of very high ceilings, owners resort to using a mop by wrapping a damp cloth around it. In the case of tension fabrics, such a life hack is a risky undertaking, since one careless movement (strong emphasis, jerk) can lead to damage to the surface. Therefore, it is worth gaining strength, patience and carrying out handmade using the above accessories.

Choosing detergents

To clean the ceiling efficiently, it is better to use special compounds, sold in hardware stores. The manufacturer or company that installed the structure will usually indicate what is best for a particular material. You can also use solutions for cleaning mirror surfaces and windows. Their advantage is the presence of ammonia, which will ensure complete absence of stains after cleaning. Sometimes housewives make such a solution themselves, diluting ammonia with water (1:10).

The simplest and affordable way– the use of liquid dishwashing compounds, but first you need to make sure that it does not contain abrasive substances or granular particles.

You can use homemade solution: powder or finely ground soap is diluted in water (it is better to avoid 72% household soap, as it contains a lot of alkali). At the end of the washing procedure, you should treat everything with clean water and then remove the moisture with napkins.

How to wash different surfaces

Considering the fact that tension fabrics are made from various materials and have a variety of surfaces, each of them requires a separate approach. Next, we will consider expert advice, following which you can easily restore the original beauty of the surface.

Washing a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks

The glossy ceiling surface certainly looks excellent and is found quite often in stylish modern interiors. Its main advantage lies in its shiny reflective surface, which creates unparalleled effects, but only if it is spotlessly clean. The most important thing in cleaning a glossy ceiling is to carry out the work in such a way that there is no trace left of stains, which are very noticeable on a shiny surface. First you need to wash with the product in a circular, light motion without pressing. Then, to restore shine, it doesn’t hurt to treat it with a 10% ammonia solution, and finally, go over it again with a dry cloth.

How to wash a matte stretch ceiling

The matte surface has its advantages, in particular, the ability to bring calm and tranquility to any interior. It suppresses any reflections and looks like a classic whitewash. The only caveat concerns the design of kitchen ceilings with such canvases - according to experts, soot and greasy stains that may arise during the cooking process are quite difficult to remove from a rough surface.

On matte ceilings, stains are noticeable much less, which simplifies the matter somewhat. However, cleaning must also be carried out carefully and efficiently. Use a regular soap (powder) solution, which is diluted in warm water (+30...+40C). Here the preferred movements are from side to side (from right to left and back). If there is a joint between the panels in the design, then the seam must be washed lengthwise. Next, we also rinse the ceiling with water and wipe it off.

How to wash fabric stretch ceilings

Fabric stretch ceilings are often chosen when decorating luxury interiors. They resemble in appearance decorative plaster, and the textured surface makes the ceiling visually absolutely smooth. Please note that not every fabric can boast of being waterproof, and it is better to clean them dry without using water resources, simply with napkins or special soft brushes (in stores there are models for cleaning complex ceiling surfaces with curves and cornices).

A special feature of the fabric tension surface is its fragility, so cleaning should be carried out with extreme caution. Under no circumstances should you rub in one place for a long time, trying to remove an old stain - this can lead to a change in structure and loss of appearance. Such fabrics should be wiped carefully, without using force. It is better to avoid circular movements in favor of longitudinal ones, which will provide better cleaning fabrics.

How to eliminate contamination after global renovation

Upon completion repair work in the room or carrying out redevelopment with dismantling ceiling panel A thick layer of dust may form, as well as remnants of hardened soil mortar. It is better to remove dust with a vacuum cleaner, because wet cleaning of dusty areas only complicates the process. You also need to work with the vacuum cleaner carefully - its attachment in the form of a soft brush should not touch the surface of the ceiling during operation, but should be at a distance of 2-3 cm from it. In this case, you need to select the average suction mode. If you simply start moving the nozzle along the tension fabric or set the high mode, you risk ending up with a sagging surface, which will immediately lose its aesthetic value.

Another important point– removal of hardened primer. You should not try to scrape it off the surface - this will certainly lead to deformation. The area should be soaked in a soap or powder solution, left to dry for a while, and then, avoiding pressure, wiped with a damp cloth.

How to wash a suspended ceiling in the kitchen

The kitchen is especially a room where dirt often forms not only on the floor and walls, but also on ceiling surfaces. As we already said, matte suspended structures- this is not the most the best option, you should give preference to a glossy surface, especially since it can create the visual effect of increasing space.

If you find old, contaminated stains from grease or carbon deposits, there is no need to try to eliminate them by thorough rubbing; it is better to moisten them with soapy water, allowing them to soak, and then wipe with a damp sponge. Experts warn that using a soda solution, which housewives often use to clean their kitchens, is highly discouraged, as it can negatively affect the aesthetic characteristics of the coating. When the local problem has been eliminated, you can begin to wash the entire surface using the methods discussed above.

What not to do

To summarize, we can say that washing a suspended ceiling at home is not at all difficult if you follow basic precautions, namely:

- Do not use abrasive solutions, especially those containing acetone - it can damage the material, ruining its appearance. It is best to test the product in a small, poorly visible area before work;

— Under no circumstances should the use of hard brushes be allowed, even on very old stains - they must be soaked and then washed using soft, gentle products;

— If you prefer to clean with a mop, be extremely careful with sudden movements to avoid deformation of the canvas;

— All present seams on ceiling surface it is necessary to process not in a circular motion or across, but exclusively along, in order to avoid the accumulation of dirt at the joints.

Be sure to take into account the properties of different fabrics, choose the right accessories and cleaning products. You should also monitor the possible appearance of stains in certain places. Sometimes the cause may be carbon deposits or leaking pipes from the upper floors. The first thing to do is eliminate the potential threat.

Stretch ceilings - magnificent modern finishing material, which is capable of giving even the most ordinary interior its zest, and correct operation and care will help preserve all the charm of the design for many years.

Stretch ceilings are often used to decorate premises. They do not collect dust, do not crack, do not turn yellow, and do not lose their original characteristics. Therefore, the question of what can be used to wash a glossy stretch ceiling does not often arise. Caring for the surface is quite simple: the gloss can be washed with water and wiped with a cloth. But there are nuances.

Harmless products

Caring for a stretch glossy coating is complicated by the appearance of streaks. Sometimes glossy stretch ceilings show unexpected reactions to impact chemicals. They begin to soften and wrinkles appear. Color may change or disappear. This means that ceilings are maintained using strong chemicals.

To avoid such a problem, you should check the surface’s reaction to the product in advance. The substance should be applied to small area ceiling, wait 10-15 minutes. If there are no streaks on the surface and the color does not change, then you can use gloss cleaning products. The surface can be washed soap solution. The main thing is that it does not leave traces.


  • Surface care begins with correct selection material. If you use hard sponges, scratches will remain on the gloss. Therefore, it is worth purchasing soft ones in advance. You can also use a soft, lint-free cloth.
  • Maintenance of the tension covering with a mop is carried out only in rooms with high ceilings.
  • Tensioner matte ceiling can be cleaned with a regular dry brush or with a vacuum cleaner. Separate requirement– surface care should be carried out with a lint-free brush. The ceiling can be cleaned at the minimum power of the device.

Mechanical influences

  • Can't be washed glossy surfaces products with abrasive properties. They cause the surface to deteriorate and scratches to appear.
  • Care must be carried out liquid means. The use of any creams, powders containing solid particles and soda is not allowed. It is better to use sprays that have virtually no mechanical effect on the material.
  • The ideal option is glass cleaning products in the kitchen. They do not leave streaks on the surface.


Dry mixtures are suitable for cleaning, but they must be used with caution. The surface should be washed as follows:

  • Before cleaning, remove all jewelry. Otherwise, you can ruin not only the surface of the stretch ceiling, but also valuable things.
  • Apply powder to the area of ​​contamination.
  • The surface should be washed in a circular motion in the direction of the welds.
  • You can use a dry cloth to remove any remaining solution.
  • Do not rub matte or glossy material too hard. This may cause defects to appear on the surface.
  • You can only care for the entire floor. If tension material damaged, you must first eliminate the defect.

Regular powder can be used to clean off dirt and dust from repairs. The product must be stirred with a small amount of water until all components are completely dissolved and only then begin to wash the material.


In fact, the need to clean the tension covering in special conditions does not need. Cleaning can be done at any room temperature.

Seamless matte materials do not change their properties even at a temperature of +80 C. The level of humidity in the room does not matter. The material does not absorb moisture and does not condense evaporation.

  • You can only clean the coating with a vacuum cleaner if the installers have secured the film well. In general, you can remove cobwebs with a rag or broom.
  • A gloss cleaner can be prepared at home by mixing ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:9. Aerosols and polishes are also suitable.
  • It is better to remove minor stains with a dry cloth. For fabric surfaces, use a brush with long but soft bristles.
  • You can wash a ceiling that has glue residue on it using Fairy. If the stains do not come off, then you will have to contact a construction and installation company.

  • To prevent matte material from losing its color, special products are used. Cleaning the ceiling is not difficult. Apply the product to a paper napkin or soft suede cloth and wash the surface in a circular motion.
  • You can care for glossy ceilings using a 10% ammonia solution. It restores the shine of the coating.

It is especially difficult to clean the glossy ceiling in the kitchen. The room area is small. Care is difficult due to wall cabinets on the wall. It is better to wash kitchen ceilings with products containing antistatic additives. They have long proven their effectiveness, but they must be used strictly according to the instructions.

Due to the impeccable appearance stretch fabrics many people prefer this material. Any ceiling requires some care in order for it to look shiny and last a long time. However, the care of stretch ceilings must be correct, so we will tell you how to wash them correctly.

Types of suspended ceilings

First of all, you should understand that a suspended ceiling is a kind of structure that is fixed to plastic profile(baguette) or on a metal profile (made of aluminum) under the ceiling.

There are only two types of suspended ceilings:

  • Made from seamless fabric.
  • Made from welded PVC vinyl film.

PLEASE NOTE: Stretch ceilings made of other materials are not available this moment does not exist. However, most people are accustomed to thinking that it is also tension. This is a completely false statement.

Possible contamination of suspended ceilings and their causes

Fortunately, the need to wash the ceiling often does not arise, and this is good news. Although there is nothing complicated in the manipulations of cleaning suspended ceilings. More frequent contamination occurs only in some cases, namely, if the suspended ceiling is in the bathroom. This can be explained very simply - when taking sufficiently active water procedures, traces of dried drops form on the surface of the ceiling. Agree, it’s not a very neat sight. There are two ways to get out of this situation:

  • use the shower more carefully;
  • or wash the ceiling and polish it regularly.

In the kitchen, the likelihood of ceiling contamination also increases due to soot that settles on its surface when preparing food. There is no escape from this, so there is only one way out - frequent cleaning.

Dust settles on stretch ceilings, especially in summer. Often this nuisance can be found on balconies and loggias. Therefore, in this room you will have to wash the ceiling more regularly.

PLEASE NOTE: In other rooms, frequent washing of suspended ceilings is not at all necessary. This procedure should be performed as needed.

Stretch ceilings and their care

Depending on what material your particular ceiling is made of, you need to start when thinking about how to wash a stretch ceiling.

There are several ways to care for your ceiling:

  • Dry cleaning. This is done using a dry soft cloth by rubbing.
  • Wet cleaning. Accordingly, it is performed with a damp sponge and is more preferable.

TIP: You can achieve an amazing effect if, after wet cleaning, you immediately do dry cleaning. The ceiling will shine like new.

PVC stretch ceiling

  • If accidental contamination of the stretch ceiling occurs, you can simply wipe it with a damp sponge made of soft cloth.

PLEASE NOTE: The answer to the question whether PVC stretch ceilings can be washed is this: the material is moisture resistant. This is precisely what confirms that it is possible to use water, and in some cases even necessary.

  • In case of more severe contamination, you can wash the ceiling with a soapy water solution or a solution with ordinary dishwashing liquid.

  • Alternatively you can use detergent, which contains ammonia alcohol. It is this component that will help avoid streaks on the stretch ceiling (see)

IMPORTANT: How to wash suspended ceilings without damage is a pressing question, since this type The ceilings are quite delicate. Therefore, it is urgent It is not recommended to use products with abrasive particles, hard brushes or any sharp objects . They may scratch the surface of the ceiling.

  • If the ceiling surface is large, you can use a stepladder. Another way to clean the ceiling is to use a mop. Only on condition that it is carefully wound soft fabric so as not to damage the canvas with sharp protrusions.

Fabric stretch ceiling

This material is more fragile and a fabric stretch ceiling - how to wash it involves more gentle handling than PVC ceilings. But they also give in wet cleaning using detergents.

  • Rub the same place for a long time. Touches should be progressive, without pressure or force.

PLEASE NOTE: The secret to how to properly wash ceilings is this: you don’t need to make circular movements. Such manipulations will leave significantly more stains. It is better to move forward and backward.

  • If the contamination is strong enough, you can use a powder solution.

IMPORTANT: Glass cleaning liquid is not recommended for use on fabric stretch ceilings. This is due to the fact that such products contain a dye that can penetrate into the fabric structure of the fabric.

Glossy stretch ceilings have their own characteristics in care, which are described in the article.

PLEASE NOTE: If the information provided is not quite enough for you, you can easily gain knowledge on the Internet. After watching a video on how to properly wash a suspended ceiling, you will easily carry out this activity.


It has become completely clear how to wash suspended ceilings, so you don’t need to neglect our advice. Proper care for suspended ceilings will increase their service life. You will be able to enjoy chic design apartments and the endless gloss of the stretch ceiling.