How can you use voskobovich materials. Voskobovich's gaming method

Physicist engineer Vyacheslav Voskobovich in the early 1990s developed a series of games for his own children, which over time formed a separate methodology aimed at developing logic. The games are intended for children of different ages, since each game can be used to perform actions of varying degrees of complexity. With the help of one game, you can solve several developmental problems: mastering numbers and letters, recognizing colors and shapes, training fine motor skills, developing speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination. In order to captivate children, each game can be “summed” fairy tale story. Voskobovich himself suggests combining the games with “travels through the Violet Forest,” but any parent has the right to come up with fairy-tale tasks for their child.

Voskobovich's games are built on the principle of a spiral, constantly and gradually becoming more complex, in each of them the child achieves some kind of “objective” result.

Practical exercises

Game "Geokont"

This game is reminiscent of a “board with nails”. Take a plywood board, put a grid of coordinates on it and stick plastic nails or buttons. You can string different colored rubber bands or threads onto them, creating an endless variety of tasks. The smallest children can create outlines of geometric shapes, older preschoolers can invent new shapes or create them according to a sample diagram and a verbal model. This game will also be useful in school for proving geometric theorems.

Game "Voskobovich Square"

The game square consists of 32 triangles glued to a fabric base (16 on each side) measuring 6 x 4.5 x 4.5 cm. The base is a flexible plastic tablet, each side of the square is 14.5 cm. It is advisable to make the squares multi-colored: with on one side - red and blue, on the other - green and yellow. Thanks to this design, the square can be easily transformed, allowing you to design both planar and volumetric figures.

A square can be cut in a certain way. For example, a cross cut gives unusual three-dimensional shapes. The principle of operation of the Voskobovich square is similar to the principle of origami (folding three-dimensional figures made of paper), only this material is more durable and can be used repeatedly.

Two-year-old children, with the help of an adult, put together a house with a red or green roof and a piece of candy. Older children master the design algorithm and find hidden objects in the “house” geometric figures, come up with their own subject silhouettes.

Game "Snake"

Glue four squares on both sides of the fabric tape attached to the flexible plastic base. Each square consists of four triangles, blue and yellow on one side, red and green on the other. Between the triangles there is a free space of the tape, due to this a snake is obtained - it is possible to bend the tape in many places, constructing all kinds of figures, namely planar figures (rook, gold fish, candy, Panama hat, mouse and 30 more figures from the colorful instruction insert).

It is also possible to fold various colored shapes (paths, islands, paths) and three-dimensional structures (fish, butterfly, crab, etc.). The child can create independently or according to a given model.

Game "Magic Eight"

Make two “magic eights” for your baby: make eights (two vertical rectangles separated in the middle by a horizontal line) from any available materials: sticks, twigs, matches. It is advisable to color these sticks. For funny counting rhymes, add up different numbers, turn one number into another - the main thing is that the child recognizes different numbers with his hands and gets to know them by touch.


Subject: “Educational games of V.V. Voskobovich in working with children preschool age in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard."

Target master class: implement technology V.V. Voskobovich "Fairy tale labyrinths games » V pedagogical activities of educators in our city.


Introduce teachers toeducational games by V.V. Voskobovich , their features, forms and methods of working with games.

- develop creative cognitive interest in games V.V. Voskobovich .

Good afternoon, dear colleagues.

Today I will try to tell you about unique technology Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich “Fairytale labyrinths of the game.” This gaming technology, because play is the leading activity of children, not only at an early age, but throughout the preschool period, as well as at primary school age. In other words, on the basis of RIV it is possible to build educational process, from early preschool age to primary school age (from 3 to 10 years).

I want to warn you right away that my experience with this technology is not great.

I met Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich quite recently. Like many, I attended his presentation in our city at the “Teachers of Russia” Forum. Then I listened to his one-day seminar, which he conducted in our city. And already there I finally decided that I would use his technologies in my work.

A little history

Vyacheslav VadimovichVoskobovich - lives in St. Petersburg. He has developed more than 40educational games and benefits . In the past, Vyacheslav Vadimovich was an engineer-physicist.

The impetus for the invention of games came from two of his own children and"empty" toy stores in the era of Perestroika. V.V. Voskobovich , Trying to find an alternative to the usual post-Soviet toys, I came across the experience of Nikitin and Zaitsev, but decided to go my own way. This is how his first creative works : "Geocont" , "Game square" , "Color Clock" .

A little later the LLC center was created« Educational games by Voskobovich » for the development, production, implementation and dissemination of methodseducational and correctional games .

RIVs are based on three main principles:




Goals of activities with game materials V.V. Voskobovich:

- Development the child has cognitive interest and research activities.

- Development of observation skills , imagination, memory, attention, thinking and creativity.

Harmonious development children have emotional-figurative and logical beginnings.

Formation of basic ideas about the surrounding world, mathematical concepts, sound-letter phenomena.

- Development of fine motor skills .

By playing with such gaming aids, children get real pleasure and discover more and more new opportunities for themselves.

The game begins with simple manipulation and then becomes more complex due to a large number of different game tasks and exercises.

By studying even with just one play aid, the child has the opportunity to express his creativity in a comprehensive manner.develop and master a large number of educational objectives(get to know numbers or letters, color or shape, counting, etc.).

Many games are accompanied by special methodological books with fairy tales, in which various plots are intertwined with intellectual tasks, questions and illustrations. Fairy tales and their good heroes - the wise raven Meter, the brave little Geo, the cunning but simple-minded Vse, the funny Magnolik - accompanying the child through the game, they teach him not only mathematics, reading, logic, but also human relationships.

Target technologies of V.V. Voskobovich “Fairytale labyrinths of the game” - construction pedagogical process, promoting the intellectual and creative development of children in play.

Technology Features:

    Wide age range of game participants.

    Multifunctionality of educational games.



    Interrelation of developmental benefits.

    Step by step.

    Breadth of use.

    The creativity of every game.


    Open source technology

RIVs are aimed at solving the problems of five development areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

    social and communicative development;

    cognitive development;

    speech development;

    artistic and aesthetic development;

    physical development.

When they talk about Voskobovich’s games, they specifically distinguish 3 blocks of educational games:

    universal block - it includes manuals that can be used to solve huge amount tasks;

    subject block - with the help of games included in it, you can teach children a specific subject, for example, mathematics or teach children to read;

    structural block - naturally this includes constructors.

Games designed for children of different ages : early age, up to school age, primary school age and for children with disabilities.

The universal block includes:

1. Fabulous universal remedy“Subject development environment “Purple Forest””,

2. Subject-specific universal products - the “Carpet Larch” complex and the “Mini-Larchik” set,

3. Graphic universal tool - Game graphic simulator “Igrovisor”

Subject development environment “Purple Forest”

Carpet base, rigidly mounted on the wall, size 1*1.25, there is also an option 1.5*2.5 (if space allows). The portable elements are attached with Velcro and can be placed in any order on the base. It is bright, designed for children to see, gasp and want to do something. And as we know, a child learns the world and develops by performing any actions. But for one lesson, you need to plan the space of the Violet Forest that is necessary to solve a specific problem. Children early age They get scattered very quickly, and if there are too many distracting elements, there will be no result. The kit includes a manual for working with the Violet Forest. It has game tasks for everyone age groups for all educational purposes.

Problems that we can solve:

Familiarizing children with the world around them (seasons, natural phenomena, vegetable and animal world);

Development of cognitive processes (spatial thinking, attention, memory, creative imagination);

Development of abilities for analysis, comparison, generalization, seriation, classification.

Development of reasoned and evidence-based speech;

1 Example: For young children, sensory development is very important, and here we introduce children to shape, color, and size. These are the three main elements that we need to introduce them to. If we talk about color, then for young children we use 4 colors: red, yellow, blue and green. Let's introduce quantities - big and small, and then introduce the concept of average.

“Help the hedgehog collect leaves”

Tasks: - consolidation of the ability to identify a sign - large and small; - development of the ability to group by size.

Materials and equipment: leaves of two sizes, hedgehogs of two sizes

Game situation: The hedgehogs walked through the Violet Forest and saw many beautiful leaves. They liked them so much that the hedgehogs decided to decorate their houses with leaves. The big hedgehog decided to collect large leaves, and the little one decided to collect small ones. But they just can’t cope on their own. Let's help the hedgehogs.

Exercise: put large leaves on the spines of a large hedgehog, and small ones for a small one.

The leaves can be hung throughout the Purple Forest, they can be given to children, or, in order to combine an activity with physical development, the leaves can be scattered on the floor. And then the children will come up, bend down and pick them up.

"Let's give the gnomes leaves"

Tasks: - development of memory attention; - consolidation of knowledge of primary colors; - development of the ability to group by color.

Equipment and materials: leaves of 4 colors, gnomes.

Game situation: cheerful gnomes walked in the Violet Forest and saw many colorful leaves. They liked them so much that the gnomes decided to collect the leaves into bouquets.

Exercise : help the gnomes collect leaves of their color.

Familiarization with the surrounding world.

For example, many forest animals in the fall begin to prepare their burrow-houses for the winter and begin to insulate them with leaves. And our hedgehogs and mice also decided to insulate their minks.

Tasks: - strengthening the ability to select sizes: large, medium, small; - development of the ability to group by size.

Equipment and materials: yellow leaves of three sizes, hedgehogs of two sizes, a mouse.

Game situation: Autumn has come in the purple forest, the leaves on the trees turned yellow and began to fall. The hedgehogs and mice began to prepare for hibernation, but it’s cold in the minks, they need to be insulated. How can you insulate minks? While running through the forest, the hedgehogs saw yellow leaves falling from the trees and decided to use them to insulate their holes. The big hedgehog decided to collect large leaves, the small one decided to collect medium ones, and then they heard a squeak. This mouse came running for small leaves. The minks will turn out warm, cozy and beautiful.

Exercise: Help the hedgehogs and the mouse collect leaves of the size they need.

You should always focus on the abilities, knowledge and skills of children. For some we start with one color and different sizes, and for some people you can connect both color and size.

“Let’s decorate the trees with leaves”

Tasks: - consolidation of ideas about primary colors; - developing the ability to group leaves based on color.

Equipment and materials: tree trunks and colorful leaves.

Game situation: At night in the Violet Forest I was strong wind, so strong that it blew all the leaves off the trees. The forest immediately became gloomy and boring. How to be?

Exercise: Decorate the trees with leaves so that they become different from each other (decorate one tree with red and green leaves, the second with blue and yellow)

Development mental processes

“Where did the leaf fall from?”

Tasks: - development of attention and thinking; - development of coordination of movements.

Equipment and materials : openwork tree with leaves.

Game situation: The gnome Fi was walking through the Violet Forest and saw that purple leaves were falling from his favorite tree. He began to think about how to get the leaves back. I tried this and that, nothing worked. Let's help the gnome put the leaves in place.

Exercise: pick up the leaves in the holes on the tree crown.

In all examples, we offer to help someone, help to show concern, thereby solving social and communicative problems.

Let's play math

"Colorful meadows of gnomes"

Tasks: - development of attention and thinking; - strengthening the ability to divide objects into three groups by color; - fixing the count to 5, determining more - less.

Equipment and materials: rainbow gnomes, sets of leaves of three colors

Game situation: The gnomes decided to make multi-colored meadows, Kohle decided to make a red meadow, Zele - green, Si - blue. And so that their clearings would not be boring, the gnomes decided to decorate them with leaves.

Exercise: help the gnomes decorate the clearings with leaves of their favorite flowers. Count the leaves in each clearing. Compare who has more leaves or fewer.

"Carpet Casket"

Carpet base, rigidly mounted on the wall, size 1.25*1.25 m, cage size 10*10 cm, designed for children from 3 to 10 years old.

This is, in fact, an alternative to flannelgraph. The flannelgraph has one disadvantage - attached objects fall off it. The carpet printer has all kinds of clips, pockets, Velcro, etc., so that everything is held tightly.

Set “MiniLarchik » the size of a quarter of a carpet, contains almost the same equipment, is convenient for use at home, in individual lessons on the table, especially in classes with children with disabilities.

Carpet Casket contains:

Sensory-constructive elements (strings, circles, multi-colored squares and a whirlpool)

Figurative elements (elephants Lip-lip and Lyap-lyap, images of letters, images of numbers, spatial cards Leo-Peacock-Pony-Doe, 10 colored gnomes)

Sign elements (letters, numbers, signs and negative cards on a transparent basis)

Auxiliary elements (clips, pockets 10, cash register)

Construction of various games and tasks:

    "Multi-colored circles":

– chains (beads)

Layout on a plane

2. “Multi-colored ropes”:


Graphic dictations

1 Example:

We planted a flower, a stem appeared,

A bud is blooming, look at it red,

And one more bud, look, it’s blue (white).

Questions: How many flowers (buds) are there on the stem? (Many, three...) How many red buds? (one) How many yellow ones? (no one)

Finger game - forefinger– bee – sits on the corresponding flower

The bee Zhuzha flew in and buzzed over the flowers.

Choose White color. Has the bee sat down or not?

Additions and complications:

Add or change colors,

Attach smaller (larger) petals around the middle bud (same color (different color), different colored petals)

Bees - yellow circles - attach next to the indicated flower, compare the number of bees and flowers.

2 Example: Bee Zhuzha collects nectar (lay multi-colored paths from the bee to the flowers - white, blue, gray)

Questions and tasks:

A bee will fly along a white path, which flower will it fly to?

Which path should you fly along to get to a flower with a blue center and red petals?

Complications: add the number of flowers, make flowers with the same centers but different petals, or flowers of the same color, but with different amounts petals

3 Example: Alternation (beads)

Alternating 2-3 colors.

Complication: add size, curved thread, closed.

Follow the example. Complication: change direction.

Do it according to the description: - the first one is red, the second one is green, etc. ( number line); the red bead is between the green and yellow, but the yellow one is on the right.

The color can be set by multi-colored gnomes: Make for Jelly the same beads as Kohle’s, but only yellow.

4 Example: Elephant Blooper is looking for treasure (you can teach your child to navigate on a plane)

Find all the beads to the left of the Elephant,

Who should I ask for a white bead?

Explain to the Elephant how to get to the yellow bead

Lay a string - a path between the beads and assemble them in the following order: red, blue, yellow, white (you get an open broken line of three links)

Arrange the beads according to the description: - give the green one to the lion, - from the well, go right 2 cells and 2 down, put a small red bead. Who is it for?

5 Example: Lip-lip the elephant comes to visit

Complication: pebbles on the path

Questions and tasks:

What paths lead to the gnomes? (red, blue, green, straight, curved, broken)

What paths does the red carpet intersect with?

What circle stones lie along the green path?

Help the Elephant follow the verbal description or the diagram (sequence of stones-circles)

Picture transformation:

What changed?

Which path is not blocked with stones?

Explain to the Elephant how to get to Kokhla?

How else can you get to it?

Connect the Elephant with the gnomes (yellow, red, blue, green) with different ropes (green, red, blue)

Questions and tasks:

A player with his eyes closed moves his finger along the path according to the direction of the other player.

Path with a change: go along the red one, go to the green one, then to the blue one

Go in the direction and for a given number of cells: first we go along the green path 3 down, 1 - left, 1 - down, 1 - left. Which gnome did you come to?

Find the shortest route to Kohla.

How can Jelly get to Zela?

Addition: lay a yellow path to Sele so that it intersects only with the red and blue ones


Universal gaming complexes

Set “Fairytale image”

Set “Reference Designers”

Set “Miracle Constructors”

Set “Iconic Designers”

Set "Game square"

Set “Playing Maths”

Reading through Play Kit


"Boat Plop-Plop"

Five colors, five masts of different heights, flags that can be removed and put on.

Fingers work on the boat (you need to correctly pick up the flags with your fingers). The sailors, the frogs, and the captain, the goose, help us play with the boat. In order for our boat to set sail, we need to put things in order, we need to remove our flags and wash them. Then arrange them on the table by color and dry. And then we begin to put it on, help the children, explain to them. We put the smallest pile on the small one, and so on. As an option, you can put little flags on your fingers and go into a dynamic pause - dance like little frogs. And then we turn into kids again and continue stringing flags onto the masts. You can hold a carnival on the boat. To do this, you can decorate the boat with a garland. And we string flags onto strings different ways(V big hole or small, randomly or according to a pattern, choosing a specific color). You can put it on children in the form of beads or bracelets and again arrange a dynamic break - a carnival. On masts you can make vertical rows and horizontal rows. And when we collect the entire boat, it should set sail on the waves (the movement of the boat sailing on the waves is performed with the right and left hands).

Reference construction sets “Flashlights”

At first glance, these are ordinary earbuds. But no matter how it is. Nothing just happens in RIV. Variability: - inserts (for the little ones. Moreover, when we find houses, the red color in the house may light up, and then we turned off the light and the red went out, the green light came on); - geometric shapes; - design according to diagrams; - free design; - stencil drawing.

When we introduce geometric shapes, take out the figure, trace it with your fingers, try to roll it on the table. When exploring the triangle, be sure to run around the corners (oh-oh-oh), light a light (the same green or red color). We do the same with the square (we touch it 4 times).

When we start designing, for young children we use 1 in 1 diagrams (on an A4 sheet we draw a diagram, either black and white or color). Schemes are included in the instructions for the manual. When the child masters the technique of overlaying the diagram, you can move on to laying it out on the table. Also according to the diagram, but on the table. Then there can be free design. A fairy tale plot is invented and the children build it on the table, teacher in the Violet Forest. And everyone together builds a house for a gnome or a bee, imagining and developing the plot. Next, you can use a small diagram. As a stencil drawing, you can simply outline geometric shapes, or you can again return to the fairy tale and go through it all, outlining the details. You definitely need to come up with a plot around some fairy tale hero and at the end, for example, we put a bee on a car and talked about how it drives the car, and we definitely teach how to put the games in place.

Reference construction sets “Turtles. Pyramid"

7 colors, three sizes (large turtle - dad, medium turtle - mom, and small baby)

Stringing is used, the ratio is in size, it can be built both on the table and on the playing field (correctly explain to the child where the head is, where the legs are).

Variability: stringing by color, size, planar and volumetric design, design according to diagrams, free design.

Schemes are also included. We also draw them. There are many options.

"Miracle Crosses 1"

Primary colors, inserts, quantity and composition of numbers. It is fashionable to lay out a vertical tower, horizontally - a train, a ladder, design according to diagrams (diagrams are attached)

“The Miracle of the Honeycomb” is a continuation of the Miracle of Crosses (a new color is added, the design is diversified)

Game square or the well-known Voskobovich square.

At an early age, we teach children how to fold (towards themselves, away from themselves, through a corner, along). It turns out a chocolate bar in a green (red) wrapper for gnomes, cookies ( small square). We feed the gnomes (yum-yum-yum). By folding it diagonally, we get a slide, on which fingers or various characters can roll in turns. At the same time, we activate speech. We make candies, houses, envelopes.

Magic eight

Variability: - work on the playing field or on the table; - pulling out sticks, putting them under the rubber band; - single-color and multi-colored laying out of sticks (rotation); - work with one and two hands; - work with verbal instructions: show, put, find...; - modeling from sticks on the table (fence, house, flower)

Cord - baby

We tie a knot at the end of the string. We start with learning to dive and emerge. Then we teach them to bend around the buttons. This movement is more subtle and develops children's fingers well. And as you know, any action with your hands contributes to the development of speech and thinking. When we have mastered the actions with one hand, we do the same with the other hand. In children under 3-4 years of age, the main hand does not stand, so by developing both hands, we develop both hemispheres. To complicate the task, you can offer diagrams and verbal instructions.

Reading through play

We are preparing the articulatory apparatus in children. We use cards Harlequin, Irlekin, Urlekin, Orlekin, Erlekin. We don't teach them to read, we develop the articulatory apparatus. We show off our favorite jesters and sing their favorite song (Oooh). We make sure that children position their lips and tongue correctly. Then we move on to syllabic singing.

To do this, you can use “Folders” - this is an album with pictures and songs and a disk. Songs can be used as a background for the game.

Designers can be combined with each other.

"Igrovisor" gaming graphic simulator

Recommendations : Educational games by Voskobovich can and should be used in joint group, subgroup and individual activities with students, also help organize independent activity children with games. Use guidelines author, and also not be afraid to experiment.

Literature :

1. Inserts for games.

2. Educational games by Voskobovich . 2015 publishing house TC SPHERE. Edited by V.V.Voskobovich , L. S. Vakulenko.

Thank you for your attention!

Head of the State Budgetary Educational Institution " Kindergarten № 91

combined type" __________ O. E. Vygovskaya

I once already wrote about how you can stimulate a child’s development from an early age, and today I want to tell you about Voskobovich’s educational games. This is a unique set of diverse gaming aids aimed at teaching a child basic knowledge within the playing space.

Voskobovich's games develop memory, observation, imagination, and creative thought. They help to master mathematical concepts, teach them to distinguish letters and sounds, and develop reading skills. The most interesting thing is that Voskobovich’s educational games will be interesting and therefore useful not only for preschoolers, but also for younger schoolchildren. They not only teach, practice skills and consolidate skills; in each game, the child lives through various plots and events together with fairy-tale characters.

History of game creation and Voskobovich’s methodology

Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Voskobovich never specifically connected his life with pedagogy. He is a physics engineer by profession. But the circumstances in his native country were such that the young father Voskobovich had to delve into pedagogy headlong.

When Vyacheslav Vladimirovich had children, he seriously thought about them comprehensive development. Unfortunately, in those years there was no large selection among x games, and those innovative teachers who proposed early learning methods advised making all games from scrap materials. Inspired by the works of Zaitsev and Nikitin, Voskobovich decided to create something completely new that would be interesting not only to his children, but also to their peers.

Let Vyacheslav Voskobovich not have teacher education, but his intuition in choosing methods for raising his children opened the doors of real pedagogical creativity for him. When creating his first game, he came up with an interesting fairy tale, during which the heroes must solve a riddle together with the guys new game and make an interesting discovery.

Later in his technology, Voskobovich will say that not a single game can be disposable, that it needs a good plot accompaniment. Creating a fabulous, methodological space for each developmental and teaching aid in Voskobovich’s technology is key. Main feature its technology is that it is easy to implement into normal gameplay without changing or rebuilding the usual framework. And the adult in these fairy tales becomes a full partner of the child, without regard to age or experience.

This is probably why all Voskobovich’s educational games have an interesting, mysterious fairy-tale world populated by different heroes and characters. By the way, this technology quickly caught the taste of many parents in St. Petersburg, and soon became an interesting discovery for kindergartens throughout Russia.

Today, many cities are creating clubs for parents who want to teach their child using Voskobovich’s games; kindergartens, clubs, and hobby groups operate using his technology. Over the last decade, the author has released more than 50 games, covering different age categories, but interesting both for children of three years old and for those who are already in primary school.

What is the reason for such popularity of Voskobovich’s educational games and can they be used at home, and not in the garden, circle, or club? Let's figure it out together.

Voskobovich's most famous games

All educational games by Voskobovich are divided into types:

1. Games aimed at logical and mathematical development. Among them stands out Geocon constructor .

This manual is a playing field with rays-axes and geometric shapes marked with letters. At each point of intersection of the rays there is a nail with a number. By pulling special rubber bands between the nails, the child can create various shapes and segments, as in the manual or using his imagination.

By using Geocon The first mathematical concepts are formed, familiarity with geometric shapes occurs, and knowledge of colors is consolidated. At its core, it is a unique and multifaceted educational game that you can purchase in stores or create yourself.

The child can add all kinds of geometric shapes from them, training his memory, fine motor skills, expanding the understanding of geometric concepts.

Voskobovich squares small size and you can take them with you on trips, to clinics and even for walks.

Another play space in mastering mathematical concepts is Ship Splash-Splash. This is a game for the little ones. Model of a five-masted ship. Each mast has multi-colored flags strung on it.

The baby can easily take them off and put them back on. With such a guide, you can begin to master counting, you can learn to distinguish colors, you can develop memory and imagination. Moreover, this manual perfectly replaces the pyramid and develops fine motor skills.

There are also Alternative option of this game.

A universal game aid that is suitable for both small child, and for younger schoolchildren. With his help, in the summer we practice counting with our son, and with our daughter we learn numbers and signs. It's about O " Digital Circus “.

2. Games with letters, sounds, words.

A special place among Voskobovich’s educational games is occupied by Teremki Voskobovich .
This is a real author’s method for early learning to read through games. There are 24 dice in the game. 12 cubes of teremoks are consonant letters, and 12 cubes of tab-windows are vowel letters. With the help of this game, kids learn to put letters into syllables and syllables into words. Natural reading skills are developed in a playful, child-friendly environment.

A series of games “Chamomile”, “Snowman”, “Apple Tree” will teach our children word creativity.

Some examples of fairy tales for joint games

I mentioned above that all of Voskobovich’s educational games have a fairy-tale component. I'll tell you a little more about this.

So, for children from 3 to 10 years old, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich developed a whole technique called “Fairytale labyrinths of games.” The world in which the characters develop and all the adventures associated with them take place is called the “Purple Forest”, and it is divided into many zones, territories and houses. For each of his games, Voskobovich came up with a storyline and a problem that the child solves together with the character.

Boy Geo, with whom we travel

IN « Geocone" The unlucky spider Yukk decided to make a beautiful web for the boy Geo, but he was very thirsty and went to the store to buy juice. While he was away, his grandson decided to help and unknowingly tangled all the threads of the web.

Spider Yukk

Now Grandpa Spider doesn’t know how to unravel everything and ask for help. He wanted to please Geo so much.
Then the child is asked to reconstruct the cobweb pattern using the coordinates.

"Game square" , or eternal origami. Here you can fantasize together with your child. Triangles on square field arranged like this. That you can create a house for a dog, a birdhouse for a crow and much more. You can create silhouettes of a mouse or cat. In principle, there are no restrictions here. The author himself says that the game should live, and therefore, by connecting your creative thought, you will imbue the game with energy.

Another interesting guide to educational games by Voskobovich: "Transparent square". These are 30 transparent plates with images of squares, rhombuses, trapezoids and triangles printed on them.

The presenter tells a fairy tale that the boy Geo decided to visit his grandmother, and the raven Meter, seeing him off on the road, gave ice to Ice as a souvenir. The boy was surprised by such a gift, but the raven made a figure of a horse from pieces of ice and Geo was able to ride part of the way on a magic horse.

Create transparent squares yourself

But the most interesting and mysterious game awaits the little tracker Geo in an enchanted meadow. Only one can help you get through it and not get lost. "Letter constructor" , since in order to find the right path and disenchant all objects, you need to match the letters to the enchanted words.

In such a simple playful form, traveling through the fairy-tale worlds of Voskobovich’s educational games, the child masterscounting, reading and even basic geometric concepts. It is very easy to create such a space in a children's room. You can buy everything you need in stores. You can sew and cut out decorations. But the main thing is not to teach a child through games, but by playing a fairy tale to learn something new and unusual with him.

You won’t even notice how Voskobovich’s educational games will color your life. bright colors Have fun learning!

And the real benefit from it. Developmental classes using the Voskobovich method, the topic of today’s article, I think you will like.

Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich is a resident of St. Petersburg, a former physicist, engineer, and inventor. Father of two children. It was they who inspired him to invent new educational aids. Since the birth of his children occurred during the difficult time of perestroika, where stores had only empty shelves, there was no talk of any developmental aids, it was difficult to get even an ordinary pyramid.

The author wanted to make toys that would be interesting more than once: played with and abandoned, but again and again in order to discover new possibilities in the same one. And he succeeded in doing this. Some of the first to appear were: geokont, color clock, game square.

  1. “Voskobovich’s educational games” (download book). This manual describes his inventions and instructions for them in some detail.
  2. “Folds” (download book) We study letters and syllables, words with the help of small funny rhymes.
  3. “Voskobovich Technology” (download book). Description of the method, original games, what is required for classes with a child.

Educational games

Having such manuals, you can simulate different and endless options for playing with them.

Inventions are beginning to give more and more imagination to new ones, so we can get acquainted with such play sets as:

  • Geokont, a construction game, but unique. The nails are arranged on a wooden board in a certain order and colored rubber bands are included in the kit. At first glance, I personally found it uninteresting. But if we take a closer look, we find ourselves with the child in the fascinating world of geometry and travel with the heroes Uncle Slava, Mater the raven and others. We study colors and shapes, fantasize using the attached diagrams and invent our own.

  • Voskobovich square. On tissue based plastic triangles in two or four colors. The set includes a book - instructions describing the magic figures that can be assembled using this square.

  • Folding boxes

  • Methodical tales
  • Sensory country "Purple Forest"
  • Miracle puzzles: miracle - crosses, miracle - flowers, miracle - honeycombs
  • Labyrinths of letters and numbers
  • Teremki for teaching reading from 3 years (cubes with inserts)
  • Insert Games
  • Laces
  • A boat for teaching numbers and counting “Bul-Bul” and “Splash-Splash”
  • Cards with letters. A peculiar alphabet, somewhat similar to the alphabet

Voskobovich has developed truly incredible creative gaming aids and didactic games, which perfectly develop the sensory-motor skills of a preschool child. They reveal his creative potential, imagination, normalize his mental background, and all this by immersing the child in the fantastic world of fairy tales and adventures.

Now his developments are successfully used in preschool and school institutions. They are also freely available for sale and can be easily practiced at home, which can keep your child occupied for a long time and free up precious time for mom.

A development center of the same name has been opened, Voskobovich Educational Games LLC, which is engaged in the production and development of manuals.

The essence of the technique

  • We learn by playing. IN gameplay the child immediately receives several developmental moments at the same time: counting and reading, attention and imagination, logic and memory. This way we get comprehensive development.
  • The author takes an interesting fairy tale as a basis. So, in his opinion, the child will receive educational information in a fun and relaxed way. Each game has its own fairy tale, with its own heroes who need to be helped by completing certain tasks and exercises.
  • A child and an adult, or later, the child himself, can play both according to the proposed scenario and develop his creative abilities and come up with new characters, new plots and new riddles.

What ages are they suitable for?

Suitable from 2 to 7 years. Sometimes even schoolchildren willingly play with them. Each game manual has game instructions that describe the course of the game and magical tasks.

At the age of two years, a child can get acquainted with materials and learn to carry out simple manipulations. Then, growing up, solve problems of an increasingly complex level. Thus, the toy grows with its owner and only becomes more interesting from this.

How should you play?

  1. Before you start playing with your child, carefully read the attached instructions to save yourself and your child from misunderstandings.
  2. Since such games do not involve activity, it is recommended to speak out your actions and comment. Also take breaks between classes, warm up, alternate with other activities, and take a walk.
  3. These games require a lot of patience from the child, which young children rarely have. Start classes with 5-10 minutes, then increase the interval, watch your and your child’s posture.

Pros and cons of the technique

The advantages undoubtedly include the following developed abilities of the child, which he acquires during classes using the Voskobovich method:

  1. concentrate well;
  2. develops sensory-motor skills;
  3. they begin to speak earlier than their peers;
  4. works, analytics;
  5. verbal counting;
  6. learning in primary school is easy;
  7. the child does not get overexcited or tired, because he chooses the play load for himself.

For parents without specific training and teaching skills, the material will be accessible and easy. Sometimes they play so hard that you can’t drag dad away from playing with his son, and it’s already time for bed.

The only disadvantage I can include is the high cost of the sets. And you should often take breaks so that the child does not remain in one position for a long time, to which you often encounter protests.

Not all benefits can be purchased for home use, for example Purple Forest. This developmental environment is intended for children's development institutions. But this is another reason to make it yourself.

That's all I wanted to tell you about today, I hope you didn't get bored!

Write in the comments how you feel about Voskobovich’s games, do you use them at home?