What is the best way to grow bamboo at home. Bamboo as a houseplant: photo, caring for bamboo at home. Preparing for landing

Caring for a bamboo indoor plant is a very exciting activity. Growing such a green pet will inspire any connoisseur of indoor crops. The variety of indoor bamboo is more demanding in terms of care. Particular attention must be paid to air humidity so that the plant receives a sufficient amount of moisture, but at the same time does not suffer from its excess.

The main properties of indoor bamboo are the plasticity and flexibility of the stems, with which you can easily form unusual plant shapes. When grown indoors, the crop practically does not produce flowers, so the main advantage lies precisely in the decorative properties of the stems, which create an atmosphere of exotic tropics indoors.

Speaking about how to care for indoor bamboo at home, it is clear that this is a task of average complexity. However, even a beginner can do this if desired. Some experienced gardeners grow plants in hydrogel or water. This is how bamboo acquires a more aesthetic appearance and becomes a decoration for any room.

When caring for indoor bamboo at home, you must remember that the hydrogel and water do not contain the necessary substances and minerals that the plant needs. In addition, long-term storage of the culture will not be ensured. In order for bamboo to please the eye for several years, it is best to plant it in the ground.

A squat, rather wide pot is suitable for growing. The diameter of the container should be twice as large as the bamboo root. The distance between the root system and the side walls of the container should be at least 5 cm.

The main point when planting bamboo is to lay a good drainage layer. It is also necessary to make a sufficient number of holes in the pot through which moisture will escape into the pan. Since bamboo is a moisture-loving plant, it constantly needs water in the tray. Water that will not be absorbed by the root system will collect in the pan, thus making the air in the room quite humid. To do this, you can use several methods. The first of them involves a drainage tray:

  1. You need to fill the tray with a small layer of fine gravel.
  2. Next you need to add a layer of water.
  3. Place the pot with the plant on drainage, but it should not touch the water.

There is another way that allows you to create the necessary humidity around bamboo. To do this you need:

  1. Place a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot.
  2. Place the pot with the plant in a shallow tray filled with water.

This is how the greenhouse effect is created, which is necessary for a plant accustomed to growing in a humid climate.

Next, you need to pour a well-draining substrate into the pot. This exotic plant requires light to moderate soil density to provide good drainage while retaining moisture. To do this, you can use a regular soil mixture for backfilling or make it yourself by taking:

  • Loam.
  • Washed river sand or perlite.
  • A third of peat moss.

Depending on its variety, indoor bamboo can grow in two different ways. For example, Dracaena sandera leaves long branches, forming ovaries, which in the future need to be separated and a new plant grown. This variety grows spirally over several years.

Possible diseases and pests

Bamboo crops often lose a large number of leaves if they are constantly moved indoors or frequently transplanted. As long as the new leaf blades at the tips of the branches look healthy, the specimen should recover. If the foliage has begun to fall and looks unhealthy, the color has begun to fade, then restoration will require several months of outdoor maintenance, but only if the climatic conditions of the region allow it.

If the foliage has turned yellow and fallen off, and the plant has not been moved or replanted, then other reasons may also provoke this problem. These include:

  • There are varieties of bamboo that hibernate and their leaves begin to fall off when there is insufficient light indoors. Such specimens must be kept in low light conditions in winter. It must be remembered that the less green foliage there is, the less moisture the plant needs.
  • Foliage that begins to slowly turn pale or yellow usually indicates a lack of nutrients and elements. In this case, it is necessary to apply a dose of fertilizer with minerals.
  • If, after feeding, the color of the leaves begins to change sharply, then it is necessary to remove all remaining fertilizers and water the bamboo generously to wash out all excess minerals from the substrate.

Domestic types of bamboo are more vulnerable to various diseases and pests, especially if the room is poorly ventilated. If the crop has been infected with any insects, the leaf blades must be washed well with insecticidal soap. You can also spray a special insecticidal spray outdoors. If this action did not help, and the bamboo still got sick, then it is necessary to identify the disease:

Despite the fact that caring for bamboo requires special attention, the plant can still be successfully grown if all the rules are followed.

Bamboo has recently become one of the most popular indoor plants. Or rather, even say - office ones. It is a newcomer among houseplants: it appeared on windowsills literally about 20 years ago. Several factors contributed to its popularity: amazing unpretentiousness, exotic appearance, legends of feng shui fans who endow the plant with special, mystical properties. This flower seemed to embody the widespread European fashion for everything “Asian” and oriental.

History of the plant and its botanical description

The description of indoor bamboo should begin with the fact that it is not bamboo at all. Yes, in appearance it resembles Asian bamboo, both in leaves and trunk. But, in fact, botanists call this plant Dracaena Sandera, or Sanderiana. This type of dracaena belongs to the Asparagus family (previously they were classified as Iglitsevs).

Interesting! All dracaenas, including Sandera, are often called palm trees, but this is also incorrect from a botanical point of view. Thus, our hero, homemade bamboo, is hidden under not even one, but two “legends”!

The fact that domestic bamboo is not real can be easily verified by cutting its trunk. It will be filled with a special, fleshy substance, reminiscent of a dense sponge. But all bamboos, as you know, are completely hollow inside! In addition, let's remember the legendary growth rate of bamboos: they grow literally in a matter of hours! This is one of the reasons why true bamboos are never used as houseplants.

But Dracaena Sandera “stole” not only the name from the bamboos. She made a career out of this “forgery”! Homemade bamboo is often called “bamboo of happiness”; as already mentioned, many different legends, beliefs and traditions are associated with it. In fact, they all originated in the East, focusing on real bamboo; Sanderiana simply appropriated his reputation for herself, taking advantage of his external resemblance!

Of course, seriously speaking, the plant cannot be blamed for this. It looks wonderful: on a green, pretty stem, the same green shoots and leaves grow. As a rule, most of the trunk is completely bare, with a tuft of greenery at the tip. Almost always, plants are planted several at a time, forming fancy “sheaves” or even geometric shapes.

Bamboos often sold in stores are twisted into spirals, sometimes their trunks are woven into braids. This property of the plant - the ability to twist its trunk, is a real godsend for creative people!

The leaves of Dracaena Sander are elongated-lanceolate, hard and glossy, sometimes reaching up to 30 cm in length. If the plant is left to its own devices, the leaves will grow directly from the main trunk, decorating its top. If the trunk is cut, side shoots appear from it, and foliage forms on them.

The constrictions on the stems of sanderiana are clearly visible, like those of real bamboo. They are hidden buds from which new shoots can subsequently grow.

It is a common belief that domestic bamboo blooms once every 30 years and then dies immediately. This is also a false legend associated with the characteristics of real bamboo. In fact, home bamboo can bloom many times, but the reality is that in apartments it does this extremely rarely. If something like this happens, the owner of the plant will see an elongated arrow with beautiful, white flowers, which also smell pleasant.

The houseplant bamboo has only three species that can grow in captivity.

Muriel. The largest of all species, capable of growing up to 2 meters or even more. For this reason, it is only suitable for large offices and shops. However, it can be formed by pruning, but this is inconvenient.

Variegated bamboo. Significantly smaller than the previous species, moreover, its leaves are not entirely green, but have a light yellow border. Its trunk also acquires a yellow tint.

Bamboo bluish. The smallest of domestic bamboos, no more than 40 cm. There are both green and variegated varieties.

Living conditions and care

Bamboo at home is one of the most unpretentious plants. You have to try hard to bring him to death!


An absolutely shade-tolerant crop, which is extremely rare among domestic flowers. It can be kept in the back of the room or moved from place to place. Thanks to this property, bamboo is often used in flower arrangements, as a plant that can be “stuck” anywhere. Moreover, Dracaena Sandera does not like the sun at all; She feels uncomfortable on window sills, especially illuminated ones.


The flower is thermophilic and can grow throughout the year in the range from +17 to +30ºС. Although, of course, it is better to exclude extreme numbers. Does not like drafts, but responds positively to plenty of fresh air.

Attention! This must be taken into account when installing shade-tolerant bamboo somewhere in the very depths of an office or apartment. Make sure that fresh air regularly appears in this nook.

Air humidity

The plant tolerates the dry air of our apartments well. Moreover, if for some reason the room is always humid, this will have a bad effect on the appearance of the dracaena. Sometimes it is worth wiping it with a damp cloth, but rather not to moisten it, but to clean the leaves from dust.

Transplantation and soil

We should start with the fact that “bamboo of happiness” is grown in two ways: in soil, and simply in water. A little lower we will dwell on the features of these techniques, but, of course, if we talk about transplantation, we mean the soil content.

Planting bamboo at home is usually done in the spring: while it is young, every year; older specimens can be replanted after two, or even three, years. The pot needs to be wide and voluminous, but not deep. It is noted that the plant does not like when its roots rest against the walls of the pot.

The soil composition should contain an increased amount of clay and humus. The entire lower third of the pot should be filled with drainage, for example, large pebbles (expanded clay is not recommended for this plant). It is advisable to sprinkle the top layer of soil with a thick layer of sand. When replanting, it is better to completely change the soil to a new one each time.

Watering and fertilizing

There are also no complications in this component of care. Water frequently so that the earthen ball never dries out completely. You can place the pot in a deep pan of water. In winter, if the temperature is below +18+19ºС, watering should be reduced slightly so that the top layer of soil has time to dry out slightly.

It is advisable to water with soft, boiled or well-settled water. Apply only mineral fertilizers, and not often: once every 3-4 weeks. Use standard sets for decorative foliage plants. After fertilizing, the color of the bamboo becomes juicier and brighter. Starting in mid-autumn, feeding is stopped.

Bamboo trimming

Perhaps of all the home bamboo care operations, this one takes the most time and attention. The fact is that the flower grows quickly, and it is not inclined to branch. If the dracaena is not pruned, it quickly turns into something like a fishing rod, completely losing its decorative effect.

A growing specimen must be shortened in time by cutting off its top. At the cutting site, side shoots quickly appear and also strive to stretch out. In addition, they thicken the crown. If they are also cut, the plant begins to produce shoots at the cut site. To prevent this from happening, such places must be immediately filled with paraffin or wax.

You need to constantly monitor the appearance of home bamboo, especially when it is decorated in a certain composition.

Ways to grow bamboo

As already mentioned, sanderiana is grown either traditionally, in the ground, or in ordinary water. These methods are slightly different in their techniques.

Growing in soil

Actually, we have already almost told you how this happens. This method is more traditional; moreover, thanks to the presence of an earthen clod, the plant feels more confident if temporary mistakes were made in its care. You just need to remember to water on time and trim occasionally.

Growing in water

This method of caring for home bamboo is in some ways simpler, but in some ways more difficult. In this case, choose a deep vase, preferably transparent or translucent, so that it is convenient to visually monitor the condition of the roots and water.

Before planting in water, some of the roots should be removed, but no more than a third of their volume. The water must be distilled or melted. Otherwise, microorganisms will quickly multiply in it.

Important! When using this method, the water level should not rise above the roots by more than 2-3 cm, while making sure that the total height of the water does not exceed 10 cm. If the water covers the trunk at a greater distance, the plant will quickly rot.

Water will need to be added periodically so that its surface is always at approximately the same level. Once every month and a half, the water needs to be completely replaced with new one. Some gardeners recommend carrying out such a replacement twice as often. During replacement, mineral supplements are added, but very carefully.

In addition to changing the water, you will have to monitor the vase. A layer of salt deposits should not be allowed to accumulate on its walls. Also, the walls of the vase must be periodically cleaned of green algae that may form on the walls.

To ensure that domestic bamboo stays tightly in water, its roots are sprinkled with rounded pebbles and beautiful stones, which also need to be washed regularly, preferably with boiling water. As you can see, this method is more troublesome, but when used, Dracaena Sandera grows very quickly, and also has juicy, bright leaves.

It is typical that many flower growers note one oddity: very often, when kept in water, homemade bamboo dies after a couple of years, which does not happen when it grows in soil.

Bamboo propagation

Reproduction by cuttings

This plant can be propagated in different ways, but the most popular is by cuttings. To do this, the upper part of the stem is cut off (and we have already said that this has to be done often) and placed in water. As a rule, roots soon appear. Subsequently, the plant is either grown in water or transplanted into a regular pot with substrate.

Reproduction by shoots

The method almost completely repeats the previous one, with the difference that it is not part of the stem that is cut off for rooting, but a side shoot. It also takes root well in water or in a peat tablet.

Reproduction by suckers (dividing rhizomes)

It is usually used at the time of transplanting an adult, perennial plant. Carefully separate the part of the root on which new shoots are already visible (or perhaps they have already begun to grow). The separated offspring is planted as if it were a cutting that has taken root.

Experts also propagate the plant by seeds; they sprout easily, but this method is rarely used among amateurs due to the lack of seed material.

Thus, propagating bamboo at home is very simple, as is caring for the plant in general.

How to twist bamboo yourself

Very often, bamboo plants are sold in stores with trunks twisted in a spiral. It looks great, gives freedom to creative imagination, so amateurs have a reasonable question: how to twist a bamboo shoot into a spiral yourself?

In fact, it is very difficult to do this efficiently at home, and it also takes a lot of time. Professional florists twist the plant using special devices.

Most often they do the following. A thick cap is put on a young, growing plant, in the wall of which a slit is cut for light. The bamboo is laid in a horizontal position, so that the gap is on top. Thus, the top is forced to grow, as it were, to the side, upward. The difficulty lies in the fact that in this case the lying plant is regularly, systematically rotated around its axis. As a result, it turns out that the barrel twists into a spiral.

You can twist the trunk differently, tying a still young, tender shoot to a rigid wire, bent in advance in the form of a spiral. Gradually thickening and becoming rougher, the trunk remains so, resembling a spiral in shape.

Some people managed to “twist the spiral” by also putting a cap with a cut slit on the dracaena. But they did not turn the plant, but the cap itself. By rotating it around the growing bamboo, thus changing the point of illumination, they forced the trunk to curl. Each of these techniques requires considerable persistence, as well as attention and time.

Diseases and pests

Homemade bamboo rarely gets sick. As a rule, this happens in cases where it is poorly cared for.

Problems and symptoms encountered when growing indoor bamboo

Leaves turn yellow and growth is slow. Apparently there are not enough nutrients in the water or soil.

The leaves have darkened, lost turgor, and are curling. Perhaps the plant is too cold.

An extraordinary decorative bamboo, an indoor plant that requires special care, can decorate any interior in the house. Its variety is rich. Each species has its own subtleties and secrets in growing.

Homemade bamboo

The most common type found at home is dwarf bamboo. Its exotic appearance cannot go unnoticed; it brings special oriental motifs into the house and is able to complement any design and interior of the room. In addition, caring for this plant is extremely simple, so it is often chosen by people who do not have enough time to carry out the troublesome care of it.

On sale you can most often find potted bamboo: Muriel, bluish, variegated, multi-layered, spiral-shaped and shiny. It has long tubular stems that are empty inside. Along the entire length of the stalk there are geniculate isthmuses. They give relief and bear thin and elongated leaves, which can reach 15 cm in length and are sometimes located exclusively at the top of the stems.

Homemade bamboo

This culture can grow both in flowerpots with water and in special soil. This flower can exist in your home for quite a long time, but, unfortunately, it blooms once in its life (at about 32-33 years old) and after this process it fades. But not everything is so bad, because bamboo reproduces well at home.

Rules for caring for bamboo

This type of flower is called nothing less than a “talisman of happiness.” It is often given as a gift for housewarming or other holidays as a sign and symbol of good luck and prosperity. In order for such a talisman to grow and delight its owners, it is worth knowing how to properly care for it. An important aspect and feature in cultivation remains its habitat, that is, water or soil. To begin with, it is worth saying that this plant is tropical, and, accordingly, it really needs a certain level of humidity and temperature conditions. The flowerpots should be placed on the western or eastern side of the house. Caring for indoor bamboo involves additional humidification of the air in the room where it is located.

Humidity should be between 45-60%. This can be achieved using a humidifier or periodically spraying the bush itself with a spray bottle. Also, for an optimal level of moisture in the room, it is worth periodically ventilating to avoid the greenhouse effect, since bamboo does not need a low temperature.

The temperature range is suitable within 18-25°C; At the same time, bamboo tolerates extreme heat well and can grow actively even at 30°C.

Lighting should be moderate; it is better to use light curtains or curtains to protect your green pet, because prolonged exposure to sunlight can harm both foliage and trunks. This crop does not need additional lighting. In this case, the place for the pot must be chosen correctly, since from a lack of ultraviolet radiation the flower can lose the richness of the colors of the foliage and begin to fade.

Growing bamboo in water

The main difference between some varieties is that they exist in water. Basic care consists of regularly changing the water and cleaning the flowerpot with stones; This procedure is done once a week. Homemade bamboo in water looks very unusual and exotic; The plant can complement flower arrangements, but it also looks very beautiful on its own. Growing bamboo in water is not particularly difficult. If you care for it properly, such a plant can grow up to 80-200 cm in height. A special highlight in the interior is created by unusual flowerpots for these flowers: they have a very bizarre shape, and therefore create the atmosphere of a small tropical corner.

One of the important points in caring for this crop is the application of fertilizers. If you do not fertilize on time, then over time the plant will lose its rich color, the foliage will turn yellow, and the stems will dry out. Fertilizer must be applied once every 2-3 months - this is enough for the necessary mineral replenishment of the bush. Fertilizers must be chosen special ones, those that dissolve in water and are suitable specifically for bamboo.

The location and types of flowerpots with these flowers depend on the size of the stems. Small stems can be beautifully arranged in a group and tied with decorative ribbon - shallow and wide glass or ceramic flowerpots are suitable for this look. For large grown plants, it is better to choose deeper and narrower flowerpots, as long stems will feel more comfortable and free in them. It is better to place such vases on the floor, but only away from heating appliances.

Before you care for bamboo in water, you should know that ordinary water is not suitable for it. It is best to prepare melt water for it. To do this, just fill a plastic bottle with water and place it in the freezer for several days. Then remove the water and let it melt naturally. Melt water at room temperature is poured into the vessel. In general, these are the most important points in caring for water bamboo.

Growing in soil

Many flower growers claim that caring for varieties that grow in the ground is much easier than caring for aquatic species. This crop feels great in the soil; moisture sufficiently nourishes the root system and at the same time allows it to breathe oxygen. The substrate for such plants can be purchased in special stores or flower salons; many people take the most common substrate for indoor flowers.

If bamboo was transplanted into the soil from water, then you should make sure in advance that the pot has a special hole for water drainage, since stagnation of moisture in the soil has a detrimental effect on the root system. Before planting indoor bamboo in the soil, a drainage layer must be lined at the bottom of the pot. It is worth fertilizing such flowers at least once every 2 months - the preparations that are used to feed dracaenas and yucca are excellent for this.

Reproduction methods

Bamboo propagation is quite easy. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Cuttings.
  2. Sowing seeds.
  3. Apical shoots.
  4. Offspring.

Most often, cuttings are used for propagation, since this method is the most effective and widespread. Of course, other methods can be used, but their efficiency and productivity are much lower than propagation by cuttings. To begin with, it is worth recalling that adult specimens are suitable for breeding. Young shoots in the form of rosettes of leaves are used as planting material. The period of early spring is more favorable - young shoots are growing actively, so by this time they are ready for separation.

So, the most common soil for seedlings is suitable, or the same one in which the mother bush grows. The pot should not be too small - wide and spacious flowerpots are allowed for this crop, since with proper and appropriate care, bamboo grows quite quickly, especially its root system. Of course, in order to avoid unnecessary injury to an adult plant, it is better to combine propagation with replanting.

Transplantation should be carried out once every 2 years. Care for planted material should be carried out more carefully; watering and complementary feeding should be done within 1 week. You must remember to loosen the soil and not allow its top layer to dry out. This will promote faster rooting of the bush. For a grown young flower, replanting is also performed in the spring; The flowerpot is taken 2 fingers larger than the previous flowerpot. It is worth watering with melt water and only at room temperature.

Now you know what caring for and growing indoor bamboo looks like. There are no difficulties in this matter, since it is enough to regularly replace water or water, as well as competently carry out propagation and replanting. If all conditions are created for the comfortable growth of this plant, then it will be able to delight you for many years and create an unusual atmosphere in the house in the form of a tropical corner.

Video - Indoor bamboo: care and maintenance at home

Caring for indoor bamboo is a fascinating activity that will inspire any connoisseur of fresh flowers. The bamboo plant tends to be more finicky indoors, so it needs a lot of tender loving care. It is especially important to monitor humidity so that the bamboo receives enough water, and at the same time is not oversaturated with it.

The properties of bamboo lie in the flexibility and plasticity of its stems, thanks to which intricate shapes can be created. Bamboo flowers almost never ripen in indoor conditions, and therefore the main advantage for room decor is the graceful stem, which perfectly conveys the atmosphere of the exotic. Growing such a miracle at home is a task of average difficulty and quite an accessible pleasure even for a beginner. Some gardeners suggest growing bamboo directly in water or hydrogel. This option has a beautiful aesthetic appearance and will decorate any room. However, it should be remembered that raw materials such as water and hydrogel (balls that absorb water) lack essential minerals and do not ensure long-term preservation of the plant. If you want the plant to please the eye and enliven the interior for 3-7 years, you should plant it in the soil. To do this, use the following steps.

Step 1

Find a wide, squat pot to grow in. Choose a container whose diameter is 2 times larger than the plant's root. There should be at least 5 cm of space between the rhizome and the side walls.

Good drainage is key to the survival of most types of bamboo, so make sure there are enough holes in the base of the pot.

Step 2

Consider a moisture tray. Bamboo loves humidity, which can make indoor growing challenging. The constant presence of water under the bamboo, which is not absorbed by the roots, is the easiest way to make the air in the room humidified. This can be done in two ways.

Drainage tray:

  • Fill the tray with a layer of gravel.
  • Add a layer of water to the tray.
  • Place the pot on top of the drain so it doesn't touch the water.


  • Place a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot.
  • Place the pot in a shallow pan of water.

This way you will create a greenhouse effect that corresponds to the humid climate that this plant is accustomed to.

Step 3

Fill the pot with well-draining soil. Bamboo needs light to moderate soil density to provide a fast draining effect with moisture holding capacity. You can use a standard potting mix or make your own version of the potting soil from loam, perlite (or washed sand) and ⅓ peat moss (or well-rotted compost).

Most types of bamboo can live in different draining soils, so the exact composition will not affect the plant. You can also use decent quality soil from your garden. Avoid heavy clay soil, which does not conduct water well.

Bamboo tends to grow best in slightly acidic soils with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5, but most species tolerate pH as low as 7.5. Most soils fall into this range.

Step 4

Plant bamboo at shallow depths. Leave the stem and top of the rhizome above the soil level to prevent rot. Press the soil down to remove any air bubbles and water the plant.

Caring for bamboo at home

Bamboo should be watered carefully and with extreme caution. This is the most difficult part of care because indoor bamboo is always thirsty, but at the same time prone to oversaturation. To begin, pour water until some water overflows. Let the top 5 to 7.5 cm of soil dry before each watering session. If the soil remains wet for more than 1-2 days, reduce the amount of water.

Watering and humidity level

If the top of the soil dries out quickly, dig down to 10cm to check the moisture. At depth, the soil should remain slightly moist most of the time, especially during the first three months after planting.

Most bamboo plants prefer moist air, especially in hot weather.

To provide the necessary comfort to the plant, you need to follow the basic recommendations:

  • place the pot in a tray with moist drainage as described in the planting section above;
  • lightly mist the leaves with a spray bottle every couple of days;
  • use a humidifier indoors;
  • place plants close to each other (but keep in mind that this increases the risk of disease).

You need to maintain a balance, a fine line between staying hydrated and over-hydrated, as this is essential for healthy growth.


Caring for indoor bamboo at home necessarily includes the correct level of illumination, which may differ for each type. If you know the name of your bamboo, you need to find specific recommendations for it. If the plant requires more light than the climate allows, install evening lighting. If the plant species is unknown, start with the following rules of thumb.

More light required:

  • plants with small leaves;
  • tropical species;
  • located in warm rooms.

Less light required:

  • plants with large leaves;
  • during the winter hibernation season;
  • plants that are kept in cool rooms.

Most types of bamboo, including the lucky bamboo, prefer bright, filtered sunlight, such as that found under the canopy of a rainforest. Avoid direct sunlight as it will burn the leaves. They are more tolerant of a lack of light than of its excess.

Transplantation and feeding

Bamboo needs to be fertilized regularly as this plant grows quickly as long as it has room in the container and needs additional nutrients to support that growth. A dose of slow-release fertilizer early in the growing season is a good way to ensure a steady supply. Use a balanced fertilizer such as 16-16-16 or a nitrogen (N) fertilizer such as 30-10-10. The high-nitrogen option inhibits flowering, which weakens many types of bamboo.

Warning: Do not fertilize bamboo within 6 months of purchase. Most plants receive adequate amounts of fertilizer from the nursery.

You should also avoid seaweed-based fertilizers due to their excessive salt content.

Bamboo reproduces vegetatively. You can take cuttings from the plant all year round. Cut cuttings are rooted in soil or water.

Regular pruning

Bamboo is very tolerant of pruning, so feel free to shape it once the plant is established and if there is no suspicion of poor health:

  • trim dried, stunted or excess stems (culminations) at soil level;
  • to prevent the stem from growing upward and to maintain it at a certain height, cut it just above the node (branching point);
  • Branches should be thinned regularly if you are encouraging vertical growth.
  • remove lower branches for aesthetics.

Bamboo can grow in two different ways, depending on its species. So Dracaena Sandera, or “bamboo of happiness,” leaves long shoots, forming ovaries, which should then be separated and a new plant grown. This species grows spirally for three to five years. Any type of plant needs to be transplanted into a larger pot once a year in the first three years of life.

Bamboo plants are propagated by cutting off part of the stem and placing it in a separate container of water until it grows roots.

Diseases and pests of indoor plants

It is quite common for a bamboo plant to lose a lot of leaves when moved around a room or replanted. As long as the new leaves at the ends of the branches look healthy, the plant should recover. If these leaves are falling or looking unhealthy, a couple of months outdoors (climate permitting) may help with recovery.

If the leaves turn yellow and fall off without being moved or replanted, other reasons are possible:

  • some species hibernate and drop off in low light conditions. Cold winter periods with low light are suitable for these plants and reduce leaf drop. Remember that the fewer green leaves, the less water the plant needs.
  • Often the leaves fall off in the spring, and this is a variant of the norm, as there is a gradual replacement with fresh foliage. If there is a mixture of green, yellow and new leaves and shoots, then the plant is healthy.

If leaf yellowing occurs outside of the dormant season, it could mean a few different things:

  1. If they look dry and the tips are brown or curled up, the plant needs more water. It may also need a larger pot.
  2. Leaves that slowly turn pale and yellow are usually nutrient deficient. Add fertilizer with minerals.
  3. A sudden change in color after feeding indicates an excessive amount of them. In this case, the plant can be cured by removing any remaining fertilizer and watering deeply to flush out excess minerals.

Indoor bamboo plants are more vulnerable to diseases and pests, especially if the room is poorly ventilated. For mild insect infestations, wash the leaves with insecticidal soap or spray outdoors with an insecticidal spray.

There are over 1,000 species of bamboo, so no guidebook will cover every issue. If your plant has a disease that does not fit the description above, check with local gardeners about the presence of diseases in your area.

Lovers of exotic indoor plants pay special attention to the “Bamboo of Happiness”, which is quite justified: it is both beautiful and unusual, not too whimsical, “shown” according to Feng Shui and can enliven any room.

But it’s not bamboo at all, but even asparagus! And the plant is called Dracaena Sander, named after the first European who discovered it.

How to grow bamboo at home

Bamboo, dracaena or asparagus, but the plant looks very attractive.

Therefore, the desire to plant bamboo at home or give it to friends is quite natural.

How does Lucky bamboo propagate?

For propagation, the easiest way is to cut off a shoot from the top of the plant. In this case, it is important that there is at least one kidney on it. The shoot is placed in water, and after the roots appear, it is planted in the ground. The soil should be light, not acidic, with a minimum of peat and well-permeable to water. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pot: stones, expanded clay, etc. After planting, the plant must be watered.

Dracaena Sandera reproduces well even with pieces of the stem. One of the young shoots is cut into pieces, and it is better to cover the upper cuts with wax so that the plant does not get sick. Each piece is lowered with a clean cut into a container of water. After the roots appear, it is planted in the ground.

Lateral cuttings are excellent planting material. The planting technology is the same as for apical shoots.

Like any plant, dracaena blooms and produces seeds. However, the plant blooms once and then dies (at least, so it is believed), so growing dracaena from seeds at home is problematic.

Planting in water or hydrogel

Dracaena Sander is planted not only in regular soil, but also in water or hydrogel. Happiness bamboo growing in a transparent glass container with water looks very unusual.

Glassware and stones that will be placed at the bottom (exclusively for beauty) are thoroughly washed and rinsed with boiling water. The roots of the plant are also washed, inspected, and excessively long and rotten roots are removed.

After placing the seedlings in a container, melt or rain water is poured into it. Subsequently, the water must be changed approximately once a week and activated carbon must be added to it periodically.

The procedure for planting in hydrogel is no different from planting in water, only the “balls” of the gel also need to be washed.

As it absorbs and evaporates, water (rain and melt) is added to the container.

What places does indoor bamboo prefer?

Dracaena Sandera is a very unpretentious plant and will tolerate even a complete lack of natural light. However, the ideal place for it would be a well-lit place, but one that is not exposed to direct sunlight.

The temperature range in the room for growing indoor bamboo is wide - from 18˚C to 35˚C.

The soil should be well-drained and not acidic: the easiest way is to buy special soil for dracaenas. The pot is selected large enough - the plant has a voluminous, branched root system.

Caring for indoor bamboo

Caring for the Bamboo of Happiness comes down to regular watering and spraying: the plant does not tolerate drought well. In winter, weekly watering is sufficient.

The surprisingly unpretentious plant does not need feeding, however, if the leaves begin to turn yellow, then this is a danger signal: the plant does not have enough nutrition. Therefore, to prevent diseases in winter and summer, bamboo is fed with mineral and/or organic fertilizers.

Stem formation

Stores often sell Dracaena Sander with spectacularly twisted trunks, sometimes forming an intricate geometric pattern. Experienced florists can achieve this effect under special conditions. But the dracaena stem is very flexible and elastic, which means that nothing and no one prevents the owner from trying to twist the bamboo trunk on his own.

You can do this in several ways:

  1. Place the stem in a plastic tube of the desired shape, which is removed after a few weeks.
  2. Form the desired bend using wire.
  3. Place the plant in an opaque box with folding walls that can be opened one at a time. The plant will begin to reach for the light and bend in the right direction.

It should be understood that after the formation of the trunk, the dracaena will continue to grow in the vertical direction.

Myths and beliefs

It is not known for certain who was the first to call Dracaena Sander the Bamboo of Happiness, and it doesn’t matter: the plant brings joy to the house and that’s enough. According to the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, bamboo attracts wealth and health into the home.

The number of stems also matters:

  1. Three stems will give you peace of mind.
  2. Five - will attract money.
  3. Seven - will ensure health.
  4. Twenty - happiness in love and family life.
  5. Twenty-one - all the benefits combined.

However, Lucky bamboo is not bamboo at all, so what do Chinese signs have to do with it?

Current employment: For the last 4 years he has been acting as an independent consultant in a number of construction companies.