How to get rid of smell from the sink. How to eliminate unpleasant odor from the kitchen sink Odor from the kitchen sink

It seems that all hygiene rules are being followed, but the sink still emits unpleasant sewage odors from time to time. And it’s not always possible to get rid of them - without knowing the cause, it’s difficult to eliminate the consequences.

Why does a foul odor occur?

Before you figure out why your sink smells like sewer, you should have an idea of ​​how the system works. All plumbing fixtures (bathtub, toilet, sink, washbasin) converge through waste pipes into one common sewer system that runs along all floors of the riser, which has an exhaust hole in its upper part.

Check and replace, if necessary, sink drain pipes

All sanitary fixtures in the area before entering the sewer pipe have a special siphon in the form of a curved elbow, the main function of which is to hold the water seal. This water “plug” in the elbow prevents odors from the pipes from entering the room.

The main reason for the stench in the kitchen is problems with the water seal:

  • The knee may not be positioned at the correct angle or height.
  • If the siphon is made of corrugation, then over time it loses its shape.
  • The device had not been cleaned for a long time, and residual grease had accumulated on the walls.
  • If the sink has not been used much, the water in the seal may evaporate.
  • Moisture also evaporates if heating pipes pass under the sink.

Another reason why an unpleasant odor may appear in the kitchen is flaws in the installation of the system. Poor sealing of pipes and incorrectly selected cross-section diameters will be the culprits in the penetration of sewer odors into the kitchen.

It is no coincidence that the common sewer drain pipe has access to the attic of the house - this is necessary for ventilation of the system and removal of cloaca aromas to the outside. Sometimes, during renovations, residents of the top floors simply remove the “extra” (in their opinion) section of the pipe, thereby blocking the exit. It is not surprising that the smells will spread throughout all the apartments of the riser.

checking pipes for tightness of connections

How to fix the problem?

When your sink smells like sewer, what to do and what not to do becomes a pressing question. But you definitely don’t need to grab an air freshener: it won’t kill the stench, and it won’t remove it. It is necessary to look for the cause and eliminate it.

To do this, an audit of the entire system is carried out to eliminate malfunctions, leaks, and depressurization. The main attention should be paid to the water seal. To do this, it is advisable not only to inspect the siphon from the outside - it should be temporarily dismantled to check for blockages.

It is better to replace the siphon made of corrugated material with a new one. Do not try to return the old device to its previous state - this is a temporary measure, because... a deformed corrugation, even on wire hangers, will poorly retain water in the seal.

It is enough to clean siphons made of other materials (plastic, metal) from the inside if they are not damaged. When reinstalling, check the correct slope, the height of the pipe and the ratio of pipe diameters. The joints should be reliably sealed.

checking the water seal system

But you should not connect the sink directly to the sewer by removing the water seal elbow. Without a siphon, the smell will penetrate even more into the premises, becoming persistent.

If the cause of the smell is errors in the installation of the sewerage system, do not try to eliminate them yourself - entrust the work to an experienced plumber. As in the case when the neighbor above cut off part of the sewer pipe, let a specialist solve the problem.

Sink cleaning products

Sometimes, in order to find the answer to the question of how to eliminate the smell from the sewer in the kitchen, it is not necessary to immediately unscrew the siphon. You should try first chemicals for cleaning pipes - maybe the reason is only that the drain is clogged with greasy waste.

The following products have a good cleaning effect: “Domestos”, “Mole”, “Brawler”, “Odorgon”. Use them according to the instructions on the packaging, observing all safety measures (these chemicals are toxic). Sometimes it is enough to use a solution of bleach or bleach.

The drug is poured into the sink and after a certain time is washed off with copious amounts of water. If one time is not enough, you can repeat the procedure after a couple of days. But if this doesn’t help, then start dismantling the siphon.

cleaning the pipe without removing it with chemicals

Folk remedies

Chemicals may not always be at hand, and the stench becomes intrusive. How to get rid of sewer smell in the kitchen in this situation? Some food products may be useful as a disinfectant:

  • Table salt (preferably rock salt) is poured into the sink drain hole and the plumbing is not used for 3 hours. The pipes are then washed with plenty of water.
  • Suitable baking soda, which is poured into the pipe. Next they pour in table vinegar and leave it like that for half an hour. In this case, it is advisable to cover the drain hole with something so that foam does not come out (a derivative of the reaction of soda with vinegar).
  • You can also use dry mustard - it will both clean the sewer pipes and block the unpleasant odor.

Washing soda can also help. It is first filled with boiling water and immediately poured into the sink drain hole. But the procedure must be carried out carefully, because... the reaction will occur instantly, and the bubbling solution may harm you.

regular cleaning of pipes and checking the elbow for blockages

Preventive measures

The smell of sewage from the sink can be avoided if you follow some rules for caring for your plumbing:

  • The drain cleaning procedures described above should be carried out not only when a persistent smell appears from the sewer. It is necessary to clean the drain (and not just in the kitchen sink) at least once a month. And salt or soda can be used even more often - once a week. This will keep the pipes relatively clean.
  • Do not throw leftover food, tea leaves, etc. into the sink. Their small particles, having penetrated the siphon (especially if it is corrugated), clog it, preventing the water seal from functioning normally.
  • When going on vacation, take care of the condition of the water seal so that you are not surprised by a foul smell when you open the apartment door. Oil (vegetable or machine oil, it doesn’t matter) will help slow down the evaporation of water in the siphon. Pour it down the sink drain (about a shot glass) and drive away quietly. When you return home after relaxing, rinse the system with warm water, using a pre-cleaning agent.
  • If there is a need to replace the siphon or other sewer pipes, you should not invite a neighbor or friend who has little knowledge of plumbing work. To avoid any complaints, entrust this task to a specialist.
  • When choosing a new siphon, do not rely on the advice of inexperienced people and do not rely on the price of the product. The main argument should be quality and ease of use. If it is assumed in further service siphon on our own, it is better to buy the flask version (it is also called barrel-shaped). There is a special, easily removable element that allows you to clean the siphon without completely dismantling it.

If the appearance of sewage smell from the kitchen sink is not always the fault of the apartment owners, then eliminating it depends only on them. Maintaining basic hygiene while conducting preventive measures, without relying only on your (sometimes illiterate) abilities, without saving on money, the stench can be, if not completely avoided, then actually reduced.

The kitchen is the most frequently visited place in the house. Walking into this room, you want to feel the pleasant smells of baking or the freshness of detergents, but your expectations are immediately dashed by the unpleasant aroma that comes from the sink. Mixing with the smells of delicacies, it can cause even greater disgust, and staying in the kitchen becomes unbearable. In addition, the stench from the sewer can affect the human respiratory system due to the ammonia and hydrogen sulfide it contains. Questions arise: “How to get rid of the smell from the sink in the bathroom, in the kitchen? How to protect yourself from the action harmful substances? How to eliminate the cause of such discomfort?"

So, if there is a smell from the kitchen sink, how to eliminate it? The main ways to solve a problem come down to actions that can be performed without special knowledge, but some problems cannot be solved without a wizard. In any case, the house should have a plunger, special detergents, dry rags, and plumbing strings. To begin with, if there is a smell from the sink in the kitchen (we’ll look at how to fix the problem later), you need to find out the reason for the unpleasant aroma.

Siphon contamination

Keeping the kitchen clean is an important task for the housewife, so the cleaning process often takes a lot of time. After a long cooking session or a family dinner, the entire mountain of dishes needs to be washed, and it is at this moment that water gets into the sink. a large number of leftover food. Penetrating into the siphon, they begin to rot and thereby cause the appearance of unpleasant odor. So, having discovered that the siphon under the sink is clogged with rotting food debris, we quickly eliminate the smell from the kitchen sink by removing it and washing it. It is important to remember which part connects to which, so that after washing the siphon you can easily install everything back. You also need to wash it carefully so as not to break or spoil the parts. It would be good if there was a special tape in the house that would improve connections and serve as a replacement for seals for a short period of time.

Siphon contamination is one of the most common reasons from the sink. About 90% of housewives encounter it, and in all cases the problem is solved without difficulty.

Violation of tightness

At the junction of the siphon and the pipe, a leak is often observed. The occurrence of this problem is quite easy to determine (unlike blockages or internal breakdowns), since the result will be drips. If the problem has not been resolved at the time of its occurrence, these leaks cause a stench from the sink, the appearance of fungus and mold on the walls and floor. This happens when the seals are worn out or deteriorated. A temporary solution can be special or electrical tape, but new seals will help to finally solve the problem.

If a leak occurs between pipes, then it is necessary to coat their joints with silicone sealant.

Wastewater stagnation

Residues of food, hair, and fatty plugs can accumulate, making it difficult for water to pass through. As a result, the water gets retained, stagnates and causes a strong odor from the kitchen sink. How to fix it? The methods presented below are suitable for different cases and often give positive results.

The problem can be solved in two ways: rely on your own strength or call specialists. The second option is more reliable, but if you decide to do everything yourself, you need to use the means described below.

Plumbing cable

How to eliminate odor from the kitchen sink yourself? For this you need plumbing cable, which is sold in specialized stores. It is a steel spiral spring, usually with a handle, the main objective which - to hook and pull out debris from sewer pipes.

If you can’t purchase it, you can try to make it yourself. The cable must be slowly screwed into the pipe, thereby clearing the passage. This must be done carefully, as sudden actions can damage the pipe. It is better to involve another person who will help keep the cable taut.


If there is a smell from the kitchen sink, how can you eliminate it without using a cable? Exit - use chemicals. They are different types and are aimed at dissolving many contaminants: acidic agents work well with soap and hair, and alkaline ones work well with fat. In the store, it is better to clarify which of all those presented are best suited to combat your problems. They should be used according to the instructions and no more than once every two to three weeks. With frequent use chemical elements can damage sewer pipes from the inside. You should not use such products if the pipe is completely clogged: they can splash out, damage the surface of the sink, countertops, and also get on your skin or eyes.

To remove grease plugs in pipes (all types except plastic), you need to pour a large amount of boiling water into the sink. For plastic pipes, warm water with diluted washing powder(100 grams of powder per 5 liters of water).

Folk remedies

You can get rid of stagnant wastewater by traditional methods. To do this, you need to pour a few tablespoons of table salt or a hot solution of soda and water into the sink, and then rinse the drain thoroughly.

One such procedure is enough to get rid of small grease plugs or dirt, but for large blockages it will need to be repeated several times. Lemon or citric acid, which needs to be diluted with boiling water and poured into the sink in a slow stream, copes well with such problems. Another option is vinegar. After adding a few tablespoons of soda to a glass of vinegar, you need to pour the liquid into the drain and plug it with a rag to prevent the acrid vinegar smell from spreading throughout the kitchen.

You can get rid of small blockages in pipes using a plunger.

Violations of the installation of the sewer system

Trust the establishment of such complex system, like sewerage, should be done by highly qualified specialists, because in this case the possibility of problems arising is minimal. However, masters of their craft can also make mistakes, which results in an unpleasant smell in the kitchen. If, due to errors in the installation of the sewer system, a smell appears from the kitchen sink, only specialists will tell you how to fix the problem. It is impossible to resolve this issue on your own without the necessary skills.

The sink hasn't been used for a while

When you open the door after a long vacation, business trip or other departure, you can hear a pungent smell from the kitchen sink. How to fix this problem and what causes it?

If the sink is left “idle” for a certain period of time, the water in the pipes begins to evaporate and an unpleasant odor fills the entire kitchen. In this case, you need to use an air freshener or any fragrance, that is, replace one smell with another, since the problem is not caused by damage and dirt.

Preventing unpleasant odors from the sink

Having found out where the smell from the kitchen sink came from and how to eliminate it, you need to think about actions that will prevent its occurrence in the future.

Cleaning drain pipes should be carried out not only in case of blockages, but also as a monthly preventative procedure. Using salt, soda or citric acid can be frequent - up to twice a week. This will keep the pipes relatively clean.

Before you start washing dishes, you need to clear them of food debris, thereby preventing contamination of the siphon. Also, you should not pour tea leaves into the sink, throw away small garbage, clean a comb over it, etc.

When leaving for a long time, you need to prevent a fetid odor from appearing in the entire kitchen by pouring about 100 grams of machine or vegetable oil into the sink. It will create a film that will significantly slow down the evaporation of water from the pipes. Upon arrival, you must use a cleaning agent and rinse the system with warm water.

Questions regarding the replacement of some parts of the sewer system, its modernization and repair should be entrusted to specialists who, using professional tools and the necessary skills, will not harm it. You should not rely on a friend or neighbor in such a situation.

When purchasing new elements, such as a siphon, it is important to take the advice of experts or consultants, focus on quality and ease of use, and not on price.

To remove fatty contaminants in the siphon, it should be washed after each dishwashing. hot water for 20-30 seconds. This will extend the service life and partially prevent grease from getting into the pipes.

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If an unpleasant smell appears in the apartment, in addition to the main problem, accompanying psychological ones arise - increased irritation of household members, the inability to stay in the room, a taboo on inviting guests and relatives. First of all, the search for the cause of the trouble begins with the water supply and sewerage system. In the event that the trouble most often comes from the sink drain hole. Only after establishing the true cause unpleasant odors, you can get rid of the problem. Failure to repair it in a timely manner can lead to the siphon becoming clogged and possibly flooding the rooms. We will tell you how to eliminate odor from the kitchen sink in this article.

Consequences of unpleasant odors in the kitchen

There can be many root causes, but the main one is a clogged siphon. This is the small curved part of the drain pipe that is located directly below. Serves to maintain the water level in the bend and separation air environment in the apartment and in the sewer pipe. Regardless of design, all siphons work the same.

Usually, over time, in the pipes or siphon, and due to insufficient care of the system, a greasy coating forms, to which small particles of food waste stick.

Accumulation of food debris in the drain

In addition to the classic reasons, blockages and unpleasant odors can be caused by malfunctions of the siphon itself, high wear and cracking of plastic pipelines, loosening of the threads of connections, failure of the water seal, holes in metal pipes, improperly designed drainage system under the sink.

Related article:

Methods for removing blockages in the kitchen sink

Each owner, having encountered a problem more than once, chooses for himself how to eliminate the smell from the kitchen sink, because... can suggest the true cause and the most effective solution.

  • Inspect the siphon and pipes. Perhaps, visually, you will see a leaky place or weakening on the joint thread. Often such troubles can be eliminated by tightening the connections or using conventional sealant.
  • Use a regular plunger if there is an obvious blockage with food waste. After simple manipulations, all food remains are easily washed off into the sewer pipe.

  • If a regular plunger does not help, then they resort to a more serious tool - a pneumatic one. In a matter of seconds, this item can cope with the most severe blockages. The use of such tools for cleaning old pipelines is highly discouraged in order to avoid breaking weak connections and rusted areas.

  • The easiest way is to clean the drain using standard chemical reagents, which can be bought at any hardware store or supermarket. It’s simple – put protective equipment on your hands, open the package, and pour the contents in as intended. And after a given period of time, rinse with plenty of running water. This method helps with light blockages in 60% of all cases.

How to eliminate odor from a kitchen sink using home methods?

  • Use available means - salt, soda or vinegar. There is only one principle - leave the concentrated product for 2-5 hours, and then rinse everything with boiling water. The method is quite effective for eliminating greasy deposits on the inner walls of pipes. This procedure must be carried out regularly as a preventive measure to avoid small food debris from sticking to the siphon.
  • A faulty water seal and the characteristic “bubbling” and “hissing” of water can be dealt with by having the simplest plumbing skills. Which in a matter of hours will level the slope of the pipes or replace the riser with pipes larger diameter to prevent vacuum from forming in the system.
  • If the cause of the unpleasant odor lay in an unsuccessful model or incorrect installation of the siphon, then select equipment bigger size or reconnect the old one. If thread failures continue, then they resort to completely replacing this part of the drain and purchasing a new siphon.

  • If the corrugated pipe begins to unbend over time and cracks form on it, then a temporary salvation from troubles will be the use of insulation tape. But this is a temporary procedure that will help for a few days before purchasing new material.

To avoid unpleasant odors emanating from the sink in the kitchen, you must follow several rules:

  • Never clean leftover food down the sink.
  • Always use the means personal protection when cleaning pipes with aggressive chemical media - protective glasses, bandage and gloves.
  • Ventilate the premises after using "Mole" and its analogues.
  • A small procedure will help avoid chemical burns and other troubles.
  • Flush the drain hole hot water every time he washes the dishes.
  • Once a week, pour baking soda and vinegar into the sink to prevent greasy deposits from sticking to the walls of the pipes and siphon.
  • If you are leaving for a long time, and you know that upon arrival you may have an unpleasant surprise in the kitchen due to a weak water seal, pour a little machine oil or similar liquid into the hole to prevent the evaporation of water in the bend, and, accordingly, unpleasant fragrances in the apartment. The method is suitable for country houses and dachas, where these items are not used so often.
  • Keep your dishes and kitchen clean in general. This will help prevent contamination at the sink and in the house.
  • Do not use aggressive chlorine cleaners on metal sinks. And, conversely, for tiles, use only chemicals that will not harm the material.
  • In a new home or during renovation, it is recommended to install a removable siphon, which can be opened at any time and cleared of blockages without harm to the water supply and sewerage system.

There are many methods for eliminating odors from your kitchen sink. After finding the reason, choose the most suitable one and act. All work can be done manually, but if you cannot get rid of troubles using any of the above methods, contact professionals for help and enjoy a full life.

Washing dirty dishes with particles of grease and stuck food leaves its mark on the walls of the drainage system. A large accumulation of these particles leads to rotting and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. No less important in this matter is the condition of the drain and siphon, whose failure to work also makes itself felt.

Sources of odor

It’s easy to determine the source of your troubles; just examine all possible objects that can cause an unpleasant odor in the kitchen. First of all, give Special attention siphon, drain pipe and sewerage. These three plumbing parts are the most vulnerable to clogs and dirt buildup. Also inspect the space between the sink and the wall, perhaps the hose has come off, there is a water leak, or an old dirty washcloth is stuck, doormat.

If water flows poorly and as a result an odor appears, the sewer system should be inspected. Perhaps a large object got into the drain, which created a plug or a blockage. Exactly last option is one of the most common causes of that smell from the sink. The largest blockage is concentrated in the siphon. This is where dirty dishes accumulate during washing. great amount grease, debris, dirt, hair particles, stuck food debris and burning. Of course, special grates for the sink opening help to minimize the entry of waste into the drainage system. However, over time, even such careful care shows cracks. A sediment forms on the walls of the siphon, which begins to rot and emit an odor.

Help solve this problem within the power of cleaning the siphon. The mechanism of action is as follows. Place a bucket under the base of the lower part of the siphon, carefully unscrew the lid and remove all accumulated dirt, fix the lid in its place. After this, rinse the drain with boiling water adding a small amount detergent. If the siphon has a corrugated tube, then it also needs to be disconnected and thoroughly cleaned. But in houses with old system drain, disconnecting the siphon is quite problematic, especially with a cast iron elbow.

If the water does not flow well and as a result an odor appears, the sewer system should be inspected.

The main purpose of the siphon is to create a water seal, that is, a special barrier that blocks the evaporation and penetration of foreign odors into the apartment from the sink opening. If there is no water seal in the siphon, then the appearance of foreign odors is inevitable.

Most often the problem lies in incorrect installation the drain system itself with a siphon. Depending on the type of construction, this problem can be solved in the following ways. If you have a bottle-type siphon, correctly fix the location of the drain pipe so that it is approximately 2-3 cm below the water level.

With a corrugated drain, it is important that the tube remains slightly curved and does not straighten out. Check that it is installed correctly and, if necessary, adjust it to the desired shape. This will help create a water seal, and to prevent the tube from returning to its previous position, secure it with special clips.

If there is no water seal in the siphon, then the appearance of foreign odors is inevitable

Other reasons for the failure of the water seal may be a vacuum failure. A characteristic feature This violation is indicated by the gurgling of water in a clogged drain hole. There are two ways to solve this problem. The first of them is cleaning the fan tube, for which it is best to seek help from a specialist. The second is the installation of a vacuum valve that normalizes the pressure in the sewer.

Other causes of sink odor

In addition to the main reasons for the appearance of odor from the drain hole, there are also secondary ones that also provoke this problem.

If the unpleasant odor is concentrated under the sink, then perhaps the reason lies in the violation of the tightness of the structure and the appearance of cracks. To find that very source, you need to smoothly open the water and take a closer look at the condition of the pipes and joints. If water leaks at the junction of pipes, then securely fixing it with silicone sealant or replacing the seal will help eliminate the problem. If cracks are found, replace them immediately old pipe to a new one. If a leak occurs, odor may be absorbed into flooring. Therefore, after replacing pipes and linings, thoroughly wash the floor with a refreshing cleaner.

The cause of the smell may lie in a violation of the tightness of the structure.

Long absence of use

If you have not used the sink for a long time, the water in the drainage system may stagnate and the walls may dry out, which also causes an unpleasant odor. Therefore, before a long business trip or trip, add a couple of spoons to the drain hole vegetable oil. This will create a reliable enveloping film and simultaneously prevent the evaporation of moisture and the spread of odor.

Methods for cleaning the drain system

To clear the sewer and all parts of the drain system from blockages, as well as to eliminate foreign odors from the sink, chemical and mechanical means. Recently, a hydrodynamic installation that flushes the sewerage system under high water pressure has also become equally popular.

Soda is based on sodium carbonate, as are many chemical cleaning products. Therefore, this substance can be classified as folk remedies combat odors, clogged sinks and similar chemical effects. This product can be combined or used separately.

For the first option, we will prepare a solution. Dissolve three tablespoons of baking soda or soda ash in warm water and pour the mixture down the drain, leaving it for 20-30 minutes. After some time, rinse the drain with warm water, or even better, scald it with boiling water.


This method works well for minor blockages. If the problem is more pronounced, then you can combine the use of soda with table vinegar. To do this, pour about half a pack of soda into the drain hole and fill it with a glass of vinegar. The mixture will begin to sizzle and foam, this is normal. chemical process. We also leave this mixture to interact with the walls of the drain system, after which we scald everything with boiling water and rinse thoroughly. To combine business with pleasure, use vinegar instead lemon juice. This will allow you not only to cope with the problem that has arisen, but also to fill the kitchen with a citrus aroma.

For best result and increasing the pH level, like chemical cleaning products, experts recommend calcining the soda in a dry frying pan, and after cooling, dilute it with water and pour it into the drain hole.

Attention, do not pour water into a frying pan with hot soda, otherwise you may get a chemical burn.

If there is a serious blockage and an unbearably terrible odor, use chemical sewer pipe cleaning products. They contain sodium, which softens the plaque that has formed on the walls. However, when using these products, be extremely careful, following the instructions strictly so that caustic chemical components did not corrode the walls of plastic pipes. So before using the product, familiarize yourself with the proportions and rules of use.

Such preparations are sold in a wide variety of variations, in the form of powders, granules, gels and liquids. Powdered preparations work slowly, so consumers give greater preference to liquid components. They have relatively the same cost, so it is important to rely on the gentle effect of a product that does not destroy the polymer base of the drain system. We can recommend Tiret, Mister Muscle and the well-known Mole.

Follow safety precautions

When working with any drain cleaner, remember to follow the safety rules.

Wear rubber gloves and a respirator on your hands to avoid causing skin burns and inflammation of the mucous membrane. Pour the liquid into the sink drain hole slowly, without unnecessary splashing. Leave the solution to interact with deposits on the walls of the sewer for the time specified in the instructions. After this, rinse the drain system with plenty of water and scald it with boiling water. This event will help you get rid of the blockage and completely eliminate the odors that bother you from the sink.

Unfortunately, not all types of blockages and odors can be eliminated using folk and chemical remedies. Sometimes seals and plugs in sink drain pipes are so serious that only special specialists can deal with them. mechanical devices. Among them, plumbing cable, metal tape, spiral loops, etc. are used. Externally, all these devices differ from each other, but in practice they have the same mechanism of action - removing blockages and discharging residual solid particles into the central sewer or septic tank.

If you do not have such specialized tools in your home, you can use steel wire. The main thing is that it is flexible and easily penetrates into everything hard to reach places. Use the hook attachment when removing hair and pieces of fabric.

Plumbing cable
Steel wire

However, the best device would still be a plumbing cable, thanks to convenient design. The spiral has good flexibility and penetrates into all parts of the drain system, and the handle allows for rotational movements without slipping on the hand. In addition, you can always choose a model that is convenient for you, based on the characteristics and diameter of the pipes.

Before you start cleaning, don't forget to prepare buckets and rags, and put on some old clothes. Believe me, all this will be useful to you. After completing the procedure, use a washbasin for this.

Hydrodynamic installation - a new solution to the problem

An unusual way to deal with blockages is to remove the blockage using strong pressure of water, which pushes all clogged particles out. For these purposes, a special compressor is used, running on mains power or gasoline. It provides a high flow of water into the hose under pressure. This method helps to cope even with extra-complex blockages.

When carrying out this procedure yourself, consider several important rules:

  • water supply pressure and pressure;
  • the amount of solid particles and the extent of the blockage;
  • the material from which the sewer system is made.

Be especially careful when using this installation with plastic pipes. If the plastic is of poor quality and made from cheap polymer materials, then under high pressure water and mechanical stress, its fragile walls may not withstand the pressure and collapse.

Even the most clean and tidy housewife is not immune to the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the sink. There may be several reasons for this trouble; accordingly, there are also different ways to remove an unpleasant odor.

Below we will look in detail at how to get rid of this problem in each individual case.

Causes of odor

To decide what to do about the smell from your kitchen sink, you first need to determine the cause of its occurrence.

To do this, you need to examine the following elements of the plumbing fixture:

  • Siphon;
  • The space between the sink and the wall.

In some cases, the source of the unpleasant odor is a damp sponge lying between the wall and the sink or a floor rag left under the sink. If you are convinced that the cause of this problem is fumes from the drain hole, you can begin to eliminate it.

Siphon problems


In most cases, the smell in your kitchen sink is a result of debris accumulating in the trap. The fact is that during the operation of this plumbing fixture, on the walls of the siphon and drain pipe fat, hair, particles of human skin, food debris, etc. settle. All this sediment begins to rot over time.

This problem can only be solved by disassembling and cleaning the siphon.

If the design is bottle type, this operation is performed as follows:

  • First of all, you need to unscrew the bottom cover of the siphon and remove all the accumulated debris with your own hands.
  • After this, the cover must be replaced.
  • Then the drain system should be rinsed with boiling water or hot water by pouring several pans of boiling water into the sink. You can add a small amount of dishwashing detergent to the water.

If a flexible corrugated pipe is used as a siphon, then it must be disconnected from the sewer and sink, and then washed well.

Sometimes it is very difficult to dismantle the siphon, for example, if an old cast iron elbow is installed under the sink. In this case, the use of chemicals will help solve the problem.

Such drugs include:

  • Tiret;
  • Mole;
  • Mister Muscle, etc.

Note! The drain cleaner must be suitable for the type of pipe for which it will be used. Otherwise, the system may be damaged.

The price of these drugs is approximately the same, as is their effectiveness, so you can use any of them. To do this, pour the product into the siphon through the drain hole and leave the sink in this form for several hours. After this, the drain must be rinsed with boiling water, as in the previous case.

No water seal

The main purpose of siphons is to provide a water seal. The water lock prevents the penetration of fumes from the sewer into the apartment through the drain hole of plumbing fixtures. Therefore, it is quite possible that the kitchen sink smells like sewage due to the lack of this same water seal.

Most often, the lack of a water seal is due to incorrect installation siphon. Depending on the type of its design, the problem is solved in different ways:

Often there is no water seal due to its vacuum failure. In this case, a gurgling sound is periodically heard from the plumbing fixture.

There are two ways to eliminate this malfunction of the sewer system:

  • Clean the drain pipe that provides ventilation to the sewer system. IN multi-storey buildings This operation should be carried out by specialists. You can clean the ventilation in your home yourself.
  • If cleaning the ventilation does not correct the situation, or there is no drain pipe at all, then it is necessary to install a vacuum valve, which normalizes blood pressure sewer system and thereby prevent the water lock from breaking.

Depressurization of the drain system

If there is an unpleasant smell under the kitchen sink, then the problem lies in the depressurization of the pipe joints or the appearance of a crack in them. To find problem area, you need to open the water and carefully examine all the pipes and joints.

If a gap appears at the junction of pipes, then the leak can be eliminated by replacing the seal or using silicone sealant. If a crack appears in a pipe, it needs to be replaced.

Advice! Before removing the fault, you need to make sure that the leak is present in only one place. It is possible that there are several problem areas.

It must be said that in the event of a drain leak, waste water can be absorbed into the floor covering, causing the odor to remain even after the problem has been corrected. Therefore, to completely get rid of it, you may need to replace the flooring.

Here, perhaps, are all the instructions for ridding the sink of an unpleasant odor.


The appearance of an unpleasant odor in plumbing fixtures, including the kitchen sink, is a fairly common problem. However, as we found out, there are not many reasons for this phenomenon and in most cases every home craftsman can eliminate them.

Additional information on the topic discussed can be obtained from the video in this article.