How to get rid of static electricity. Preventing static electricity from washed clothes How to get rid of static electricity at home

Good afternoon friends. Many of you have pretty good computer skills. Even more, some users can easily disassemble the system side into its component parts. At the same time, not everyone follows safe repair techniques. Today we will talk about the safety of such repairs, namely, computer static electricity.

Let me remind you that static electricity arises on the surface of a dielectric during friction with various materials. For example, at school we often conducted an experiment: - rubbed a pen on your hair. After that, pieces of paper, feathers, hair, etc. stuck to the pen.

Try rubbing a balloon on your fur or hair. After this, hairs, pieces of paper, etc. will begin to stick to the ball. Even more. Throw the electrified ball up. In most cases, it will stick to the ceiling. You can see for yourself.

Also, put on rubber gloves, rub them on your hair and try to catch the ball. It will push off from your hands, because... has the same charge as the ball.

All this happens due to static electricity. There is an accumulation of electrons on the surface of the ball, and it will automatically search for surfaces with the opposite charge and be repelled by objects with a similar charge.

Danger of static electricity

Few people know that when a plane lands on the ground, an iron chain is first thrown from the airliner. When the chain comes into contact with the ground, numerous sparks come from it. In other words, they remove static electricity from the airliner (in modern aircraft, grounding occurs automatically).

If this is not done and a person touches the body of the aircraft, the person can be electrocuted. The body of an airliner acquires such a strong charge. The same applies to ordinary cars (I don’t mean that a person can be electrocuted, but given a decent jolt). Have you noticed that when a fuel tanker is driving, there is an iron chain behind it?

The chain rattles, and many grandmothers say: “Slob, I drove and didn’t catch the chain!” In fact, the circuit creates grounding. Gasoline is such a substance that all it takes is one small spark and an explosion can occur in the tank! This is especially true for gas stations. You should not refuel your car wearing synthetic clothing!

Also, I think many of you have noticed that sparks sometimes fly when shaking hands. All this is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous, in our case, for computers. Especially for RAM boards. They may fail completely.

Therefore, most PC components should be stored and sold in special antistatic bags. They are usually gray-silver in color. When purchasing operational boards, it is advisable not to touch them with your hands. Take the antistatic bag and examine the boards.

Don't let the seller take the boards and then give them to you. If he took the payment in his hands, let him put it on the table. Only after this can the buyer take it (although in reality, this rule is rarely observed).

Also, static electricity is dangerous for laptops. There have been cases when a cat took a walk, its fur absorbed a static charge, and then the cat jumped on the laptop. After that, the laptop crashed. Keep laptops away from cats!

In general, you shouldn’t disassemble laptops yourself. Especially modern ones, with solid bodies. Replacing boards in such laptops is difficult, even for specialists.

How to remove static electricity from a computer?

So, you decided to open the system unit and change some of the parts, or simply clean it of dust. Let me remind you that cleaning your computer from dust is required, because Dust conducts electricity very well and is often the cause of damage:

  1. First of all, wash your hands with soap. At the same time, do not wipe them with a towel.
  2. Ventilate the room, let the electrified air leave the room. After ventilation, you can spray the air with a water spray.
  3. Remove wool sweaters and synthetic clothing. Synthetic clothing accumulates this charge more strongly than others. Perform PC repairs in cotton clothes.
  4. Move aside the synthetic carpet if you have one in your room. If this is difficult, repair the system unit barefoot.
  5. If you have an antistatic wrist strap, put it on. Such bracelets are used when working with complex equipment in production. At the same time, they are rarely available for free sale (I don’t understand why).
  6. Remove rings, watches with metal bracelets, and chains.
  7. Treat your clothing with an antistatic agent if you have one. Antistatic agent can be purchased at clothing stores.
  8. Immediately before repairing your PC, touch the heating battery in your apartment. Heating batteries are grounded, and this will remove static discharge from your body. If this is not possible, take off your slippers and touch the floor with your hands.

In addition to these tips, let me remind you that the outlet to which your computer is connected must be grounded. This will save the computer from many troubles with short circuits and power surges.

If you have a regular outlet, you just have to follow all the other recommendations. Many may say: “I took the computer apart so many times, and nothing happened!” Consider yourself lucky! This is a matter of chance!

Now you have an idea of ​​how to remove static voltage. Don't ignore these tips! At least, regarding grounding through the battery (in general, make it a rule: - before repairing your PC, you need to touch the battery), and your computer will work longer and better.

If you want to purchase a device that removes static electricity, do so you can follow the link...

Static electricity most often manifests itself in nature:

— near large waterfalls (in the air - negative ions exceed positive ones);

- off the coast of the seas (there is a positive charge in the air due to salt water);

— on snowy mountain surfaces (avalanche movement);

- lightning.

Nowadays, static electricity is one of the types of environmental pollution in the human environment. It is caused by the use of a large amount of synthetic materials in construction, tailoring, equipment and furniture.


Sources of static electricity are office equipment, computers and various household electrical appliances that create electrostatic fields, into whose coverage area both the bodies of these same devices and the smallest specks of dust fall. These charged particles settle on the monitor screen, furniture upholstery, carpeting, linoleum, clothing made from synthetic materials, as well as on human skin and in the respiratory tract. The effect of such electricity on a living organism is not well studied area.

Many researchers are of the opinion that the basis for the effect of static electricity on humans is the so-called neuroreflex mechanism. It is as follows: when interacting with an object that has an electrostatic charge, a slight discharge of the object’s charge occurs through the human body. The consequence is a reflexive movement, leading to possible injury or a fall.

In addition, if a person remains in the field of such a charge for a long time, it can cause changes in the functions of the central nervous system (CNS), as well as the cardiovascular system. These functional changes lead to sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, headaches, increased emotionality and irritability. Phobias may occur (a person’s fear of the appearance of an electric charge and subsequent pain). Because of this, it is important to know how to get rid of static electricity.


The following recommendations will help you get rid of electrostatics in your hair:

Styling products

Most of the various lotions, gels, mousses, sprays and hairsprays contain antistatic ingredients. These products should only be applied to the hair itself! To do this, you need to squeeze a small amount of product into your palm, rub it lightly and distribute it lightly through frizzy hair. People with thin, dry and split hair should use products with an oily structure (for example, hair silk) when styling. These products, when applied correctly and evenly (1-2 drops), will make your hair shiny, smooth and manageable.

Special products can help eliminate static electricity in hair. antistatic wipes. They can be used to wipe both the hair itself and hair brushes. These wipes are absolutely safe and will not cause any harm to your hair. If you need emergency hair care, then you should contact a beauty salon. Here they can provide a currently popular service - Lamination of hair. It consists of covering each hair with a protective film, which saves them from dryness for a while. As a result, the hair looks soft and silky.

Shampoo and conditioner

One of the main reasons for electrostatics on human hair is lack of moisture in them(especially in winter). To prevent this problem, you need to select and use the right shampoo and conditioner. Good cosmetics will make your hair voluminous and shiny.

Folk remedies

The simplest and most effective method of combating electrostatics is spraying mineral or thermal water next to the hair. You can also comb your hair with a brush soaked in this water. If there are no styling products or water nearby, you should lubricate your hands with moisturizing cream or lotion, and then smooth your hair with your palms.

They have good antistatic agents oils (eucalyptus, lavender and rose) and black tea. It is enough to apply just a couple of drops of oil to the comb and the effect is guaranteed. In addition, it will rid your hair of static, make your hair healthier and give it a unique aroma. Black tea, as well as a decoction of various herbs (chamomile, nettle, currants, etc.) are suitable for rinsing washed hair. When washing your hair it is necessary (at least once a week) do a head massage, with rubbing in olive, castor or burdock oils.

In order for your hair to look well-groomed and free from static electricity, you should do the following:- Forget about cheap plastic combs. It is better to use hair brushes with natural bristles (a good option is a wooden comb, a comb made of carbon, ebonite, or a bone comb) and with blunt teeth. There are also special antistatic plastic and silicone combs;

— washed hair should always be rinsed with a decoction of medicinal herbs, water with lemon juice, or just cool water;

- dry your hair correctly (in the direction of its growth);

- remove split ends (you can trim your hair either at home or at the hairdresser);

- When indoors, always take off your hat;

- along with external hair improvement, internal hair improvement is necessary - take vitamin complexes (the composition should contain zinc and biotin).


In most cases, we ourselves create conditions favorable for the occurrence of static electricity. If you wish, you can get rid of it, but to do this you need to follow several rules:

- do not dry your hair with a hairdryer without a built-in ionizer and use tongs, curling irons, flat irons, thermal curlers and other devices that “dry” your hair as little as possible;

- do not comb your hair too hard and for a long time, so as not to damage the roots of the hair and not to electrify its ends;

- do not tighten your hair too tightly with hairpins and elastic bands;

- do not wear tight hats;

- you should not touch your hair (straighten or smooth it) as soon as you enter the room from the street, it is better to wait a few minutes


1. The most effective and efficient method to get rid of electrostatics on clothes is do not wear things made of synthetic materials, but give preference to natural ones (silk, linen, cashmere, cotton, etc.). After all, natural fabric absorbs moisture and, as a result, practically does not accumulate charges.

2. An important point is washing things. When rinsing it is advisable add some fabric softener to the water, which has an antistatic effect. In this case, be sure to follow the recommendations on the packaging, which indicate the types of fabrics for which this product is intended.

3. If it is impossible to use fabric softener (for example, when washing outerwear), then you can use antistatic spray. To do this, spray the spray evenly over the surface of the clothing at a distance of 20-30 centimeters. This procedure is best carried out in a well-ventilated area (for example, a balcony), because The product has an unpleasant, persistent odor. Clothes can then be put on after some time.

4. You can quickly remove static electricity from clothes using a spray bottle of water and adding the required amount of fabric softener. This mixture should be lightly sprayed onto clothing. True, this method eliminates electrostatics only for a short period of time.

5. Helps solve the problem of static electricity water. Should wet your hands and smooth the clothes with light movements until it becomes a little damp. This method has a short-term effect.

6. When wearing clothes made from artificial fabrics, you should not wear several things at once (it is possible to combine artificial fabrics with natural ones).

7. Wearing shoes with leather or rubber soles will avoid the accumulation of electrical charges on the body. Also inserted into shoes cotton insoles or stick special strips with an antistatic effect on the sole.


1. One of the main reasons for the formation of static electricity in a room is dry air, so it needs to be moistened. The simplest ways are to ventilate the room and regular wet cleaning. In addition, you can buy a special device - an air humidifier, pour water into a pan and place it near the radiator, or just hang wet rags and towels on it.

2. No home is complete without such loyal friends as houseplants. They help not only purify the air and regulate indoor humidity, but also reduce the electrostatic field. Such plants include: ficus, lemon, dracaena, chlorophytum, echeveria, begonia, spathiphyllum and others.

3. The interior of every modern home is dominated by synthetic materials. It is preferable to purchase furniture, carpets, bedspreads, linens and curtains made from natural materials. But, if this is not possible, then you should treat interior items with antistatic agents or wipe with a damp cloth.

4. Static electricity appears at home due to the many different electrical appliances that are located in one place. Therefore, you should not use all devices at the same time, but, if possible, place them evenly throughout the room.

5. When working with electronics, use special antistatic wristbands, which are worn on the wrist and connected to the part of the device that is grounded. If there is no such bracelet, then when working with equipment, you should hold on or lean the open parts of your body against its grounded part.


It is possible to reduce the level of electrification of the car body by installing a special antistatic strip on it. It is a small (about 10 cm) tape made of rubber with an insert inside. Through this insert, the current goes to the ground. You only need to purchase such strips with an insert made of wire, graphite or aluminum powder. This antistatic agent has a number of advantages:

— the car will stop “shocking” its owner when leaving;

— ensures security at the gas station;

— much less dust will settle on the car.

The following rules will also help you get rid of electrostatics:

— pick up any metal object (a bunch of keys) and touch a grounded surface (heating radiator or pipe);

- When leaving the car, grab the metal part of the door (not the plastic handle) and then stand completely out of the car. You can also touch the glass;

- close the car door with your hand covered with clothing or the back of it;

— be sure to treat chairs, car mats, as well as your clothes and shoes with antistatic agents. Use antistatic cuffs if possible.

Static electricity in a car is a fairly serious and dangerous problem. After all, in the immediate vicinity there are gasoline vapors (for example, at the neck of a gas tank, in a canister), which is a flammable substance and can ignite from an electrostatic charge.


Charges accumulate on equipment and materials; accompanying electrical discharges can cause fires and explosions, disruption of technological processes, and the accuracy of readings of electrical devices and automation equipment.
A particular danger due to the accumulation of static electricity is posed by food production enterprises in which technological processes are associated with crushing, grinding and sifting of the product (baking, confectionery, starch, sugar, etc.), with cleaning and processing of grain, transportation of solid and liquid products with using conveyors and pipes (bulk flour warehouses, breweries, distilleries, etc.).

When bodies that differ in temperature, concentration of charged particles, energy state of atoms, surface roughness and other parameters come into contact, a redistribution of electrical charges occurs between them. In this case, at the interface between the bodies, positive charges are concentrated on one of them, and negative charges on the other. An electrical double layer is formed. In the process of separating the contacting surfaces, some of the charges are neutralized, and some are retained on the bodies.
In production conditions, the electrification of various substances depends on many factors, and primarily on the physicochemical properties of the processed substances, the type and nature of the technological process. The magnitude of the electrostatic charge depends on the electrical conductivity of the materials, their relative dielectric constant, the speed of movement, the nature of the contact between the contacting materials, the electrical properties of the environment, relative humidity and air temperature.

The electrification of dielectric materials increases especially sharply at a specific electrical resistance of 109 Ohm-m, as well as at a relative air humidity of less than 50%. With a resistivity of 108 Ohm-m or less, electrification is practically undetectable. The degree of electrification of liquids mainly depends on its dielectric properties and kinematic viscosity, flow speed, diameter and length of the pipeline, pipeline material, the condition of its internal walls, and liquid temperature. The intensity of charge formation is observed during filtration due to the large area of ​​contact of the liquid with the filter elements.

Splashing of liquids when filling tanks with a free-falling stream of flammable liquid, for example in distilleries, is accompanied by electrification of the droplets, as a result of which there is a danger of electric charge and ignition of the vapors of these liquids. That's why Pouring liquid into containers using a free-falling stream is not permitted. The distance from the end of the loading pipe to the bottom of the vessel should not exceed 200 mm, and if this is not possible, the jet is directed along the wall.

Electrostatic charges, sufficient to ignite almost all explosive mixtures of air with gases, vapors and some dusts, can accumulate on a person (clothing made of synthetic fabrics, walking on dielectrics, using electrically non-conducting shoes, etc.), and also transfer to him from an electrified equipment and materials.
The potential of an electrostatic charge on a person can reach 15,000-20,000 V. Discharges of such potential do not pose a danger to humans, since the current strength is negligible and is felt like a prick, jolt, or cramp. However, under their influence, reflexive movements are possible, which can lead to a fall from a height, ending up in a dangerous zone of a machine, etc.

Measures to protect against static electricity are divided into three main groups:

  • preventing the possibility of electrostatic charge;
  • reducing the electrostatic charge potential to a safe level;
  • neutralizing charges of static electricity.

The main way to prevent the occurrence of electrostatic charge is to constantly remove static electricity from process equipment using grounding. Each system of apparatus and pipelines is grounded in at least two places. Rubber hoses are wrapped around grounded copper wire at 10 cm intervals.

To prevent the formation of static electricity on elements of metal structures, pipelines for various purposes, located at a distance of less than 10 cm parallel to each other, closed circuits are used, created using metal grounded jumpers installed between them every 20 m or less.

To reduce the potential of electrostatic charge formed on equipment and processed materials to a safe level, technological methods are used (safe speeds of movement of transported liquid and dusty substances, selection of friction surfaces, materials for mutually compensating emerging charges, etc.), as well as methods of removal by increasing the relative humidity of the air and material, chemical surface treatment, applying antistatic substances and electrically conductive films.

General or local air humidification of more than 70% ensures constant removal of electrostatic charges. The surface conductivity of materials is increased by treatment with surfactants, the use of coatings made of electrically conductive enamels, and lubricants. Charges of static electricity are neutralized using air ionization, in which the number of ion pairs formed per unit volume corresponds to the rate of occurrence of neutralized electrostatic charges. For this purpose, induction, radioisotope and combined ionizers.

For continuous removal of electrostatic charges from a person, electrically conductive floors, grounded areas or working platforms, equipment, ladders, as well as personal protective equipment in the form of anti-electrostatic gowns and shoes, with leather sole or conductive rubber sole.

Now, knowing how to get rid of static electricity, you will forget about unpleasant encounters with it!

Why does a person get electric shocks often and strongly, does his clothes become electrified, is this dangerous for him and how to get rid of static electricity. I have had this problem for a long time, which sometimes causes some inconvenience.
Frankly speaking, it’s not very pleasant to shock yourself. It’s sometimes painful and alarming because you don’t know what’s happening or why. But it’s okay if only I suffered. Sometimes those around you get it too. Not long ago, on a bus, I grabbed the handrail; the man standing next to me jumped away from me and then looked around for a long time. I understood what happened, and I was embarrassed about what happened.

Why does a person get electrocuted?

Physicists say that the ability to accumulate static electrical discharges is inherent in every person. Every person's body is a good conductor. Electricity accumulates, condenses, and at one point there will definitely be a discharge. This happens because there is no grounding.
We comb our hair, wear clothes made of synthetics, wool or fur, walk on synthetic carpeting, use electrical appliances and sit for hours at a computer - all this leads to the accumulation of charge. Sometimes it is so large that it hurts both the owner of the charge and those around him. A man receives an electric shock when opening the door while trying to wash his hands. Can hit another not only when touched, but even when kissed.

Why do some people get electric shocks often and severely, while others don’t have this problem?

Each of us has different electrical capacity and resistance. Moreover: the body also produces energy itself, because not a single life process in our body occurs without its participation. Also, thanks to the current, nerve impulses are transmitted. Figuratively speaking, man himself is a kind of small power plant. In which electricity performs the given work, but the unused work is accumulated in the form of static energy. And only when a person has died does his electrical potential equal zero.

They say that much of the ability to generate electricity depends on a person's temperament. His character also plays a role. For example, it is believed that choleric people are the most electrified and electrifying - they are active, more energetic, more emotional.
Is it dangerous?

The influence of this manifestation has not yet been well studied. Recent studies examining the effects of static electricity on the human body have shown that regular exposure to current can lead to malfunctions of some organs or systems. For many people this is really dangerous.

It is especially harmful for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack. It is possible that loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, frequent headaches and irritability are due to the accumulation of static electricity. Some people develop phobias - the fear of electrical discharge.

What to do to remove static electricity:

First of all, we need to understand that we must give a natural outlet to the accumulated static electricity. Therefore, if you notice that you are receiving frequent and strong electric shocks, then:

  • Wear clothes and shoes made from natural materials. Focus on linen and cotton. Wash clothes more often, add fabric softener when rinsing, which has an antistatic effect.
  • Pay attention to the materials your bedding is made from.
  • When combing your hair, use wooden combs, avoiding plastic ones.
  • If necessary, use antistatic agents, treating not only clothes, but also car seats and room carpets.
  • Whenever possible, walk barefoot on the ground, and at home - around the apartment - the excess current will go away.
  • Considering that dry air increases the accumulation of static electricity, use humidifiers in the apartment, ventilate the room more often, and do wet cleaning. Indoor flowers help improve the climate in the apartment and reduce static voltage.
  • Reduce the time spent at the computer and working with electrical appliances.

How to relieve tension:

  1. The best way to relieve voltage if a person is receiving an electric shock is to take any metal object and touch a grounded surface. For example, touch the radiator or refrigerator with the keys.
  2. When leaving the car, touch the glass.
  3. Wet your hands and lightly iron the clothes, but this has a short-term effect.
  4. Touch metal objects with the back of your hand - the blow will be less painful.
  5. When working with electrical devices or at a computer, wear a special antistatic wrist strap and connect it to grounded objects with copper wire (again, a radiator works great). If you can’t buy such a bracelet, then while working at the computer, touch the body of the system unit with your hands from time to time. This will remove static electricity before a lot of it has accumulated.

There is always a place in the wardrobe for items made of synthetics, wool and silk, which transform even the most ordinary outfit into a luxurious look. However, everyone knows the situation when, instead of a flowing fabric, an outfit looks like something stuck to the body. How can you prevent things from becoming electrified?

How to avoid electrifying things

  • The cause of static on products is dry air. The room needs to be provided with sufficient air humidification; a regular humidifier will help with this. After a certain time, it will be difficult not to notice that things are not electrified.
  • You can cope with the electrification of products by placing the products in the bathroom immediately after taking a shower or in another room saturated with water vapor.
  • It is important not to forget about following the recommendations for the care of silk, wool and synthetic products in order to prevent the occurrence of electrification of the fabric.

How to get rid of static electricity on clothes and other things

To cope with the electrification of things, just use one of the following simple tips.

  1. Use an anti-static electricity wipe. It is necessary to treat the inside of the product with it. The last step will be processing the product from the outside.
  2. The classic method is to use water and a spray bottle. It is important not to overdo it, as too much water will simply wet the item. You need to spray water on the problem area. After the moisture evaporates, the canvas will stop electrifying.
  3. Pour water into a container with a spray bottle and add a small amount of conditioner to it for washing items. This method can be used in any weather.
  4. It is quite possible to get by with wet hands. You will need to wet your palms a little, then rub them over the product. To enhance the effectiveness of the product, you can add a small amount of salt to a container of water.
  5. Soap will help deal with static: you need to rub the fabric with it from the wrong side.
  6. You can get rid of the electrification of things if you lubricate your body with a lotion with a moisturizing effect. You can replace the lotion with body talcum powder.
  7. There is a wide range of antistatic products available in stores for your favorite products. It is necessary to spray the product at a distance of 30 centimeters from the product. It is recommended to carry out the procedure on the balcony so as not to leave chemical odors in the apartment.
  8. It is recommended to treat the hem of a dress or skirt from the inside, then the product will not stick to the tights.
  9. An ordinary hairspray can replace a modern antistatic agent.

Secrets of proper rinsing of things

If your favorite products are electrified, then you need to pay due attention to washing and rinsing things. Proper rinsing will help you forget about the problem of electrification of clothes.

  • It is necessary to combine soda and acetic acid in one container in a ratio of 1 to 6. When rinsing things, add the mixture to water, you will be pleased with the effect. Using this rinsing method will eliminate soap stains, make the fabric soft, and eliminate the ability of items to accumulate static electricity.
  • It is necessary to rinse the products in the following solution: mix hair balm with water and vinegar.
  • When rinsing products, simply add citric acid to the water. Once the products are dry, sticking to the body will be a thing of the past.
  • Mothers and grandmothers dealt with this problem in the following way: clothes need to be laid out on the floor, then you need to walk on them with bare feet. Such a simple manipulation will eliminate the problem of electrification.

  • If you wash clothes in an automatic machine, you can eliminate the electrification of the products if you turn off the spin cycle on the device and use the delicate washing mode.
  • The cause of electrification of clothing may be poor quality, high hardness of the water used for washing. To eliminate water hardness, you need to use fabric softener. The product will help make things soft.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the information on the product label. The manufacturer indicates the care requirements for the product on the label.

If the problem of electrification of things is familiar to you, then do not rush to part with your favorite clothes, as simple practical tips will help eliminate static electricity from the fabric. The secret lies not in the use of expensive products, but in proper care and use of improvised means. Let your images always convey aestheticism and comfort!

When a person has sparkling humor, others are drawn to him. And when sparks literally fall from his hands, hair and clothes, everyone tries to sit far away. After all, who wants to receive a “friendly” electric shock?

The culprit of this misunderstanding is static electricity. And these 8 tricks will help you stop scaring people away in transport and swearing loudly after the next “discharge”. They will remove static from things seriously and for a long time.

Electricity in every home and “peaceful” current are one of the main achievements of mankind. The same cannot be said about static electricity, although this is an everyday matter and quite natural. An excess of charge-carrying electrons often occurs due to strong friction. For example, between synthetic fabric and your hair. Tired of constantly shocking others? Then here's what you can do to pacify static electricity.

1.Dry natural and synthetic fabrics separately from each other

Natural fibers themselves (especially cotton) do not accumulate electrical charge as actively. This is the “sin” of synthetics. But with close contact between natural fabric and synthetic fabric, the latter can charge. So it is better to dry them separately and only in a natural way.

2.Use a ball of aluminum foil when washing

Just throw it in the drum before washing. The metal neutralizes the electrons that carry electric current. But under no circumstances throw foil into an automatic dryer.

3.Always use a softening wash conditioner

This product not only makes your favorite sweater soft and fluffy, but also reduces friction between the fibers during washing. What is the most common cause of endless “electric shock”.

4. Conditioner can also be used on dry things

It makes an excellent homemade antistatic spray. To do this, add half a tablespoon of conditioner to a quarter glass of warm water, stir and pour into a spray bottle. Just spray a little of the “prickly” things on the outside and inside. This will reduce friction and pacify static.

5.Hairspray as an antistatic agent

Holding the bottle at a distance of 20-30 cm, treat the lining of synthetic items. By the way, this method works well with “charged” nylon tights.

6.Use metal hangers

They will “take the hit” and the static electricity will leave your things alone. Especially if you rub your clothes a little on the hanger.

7.Metal pin or change

Metal is simply a knight-savior of things from evil static electricity. Pin a pin to the inside of the most “dangerous” clothing: it will serve as a kind of lightning rod and remove static from the fabric. By the way, for the same purpose it would not be a bad idea to always carry a couple of coins in your pocket.

8. Treat your skin with lotion or cream

What does electricity have to do with it? And despite the fact that the friction of fabric on dry skin is much stronger than on well-moisturized skin. Why not give yourself another reason to take care of yourself?