How to get rid of weeds once and for all? Secrets of clean garden beds. Herbicides are highly effective drugs for weed control. Which continuous action poison is better for singing?

This dough is also used for making dumplings.

3.5-4 cups flour
1 egg
1 glass of liquid (milk + water)
1 teaspoon salt

I measure the flour into a bowl, add salt and mix everything well.
Beat an egg in a glass with a fork

I also add warm milk and water (I take a little more water than milk), stir with a fork.

Pour this mixture into the flour and knead the dough with your hands.

You may have to add a little more water due to the difference in flour types. I take my time to knead the dough well right away. First, I more or less collect it into a heap (everything down to the tiniest bit)

And I put it in a plastic bag for a couple of hours (I leave it lying on the table at room temperature) .

It will sit there well, become softer and after that it will be easier to knead until smooth. The dough turns out soft and elastic.

Divide the entire dough into portions (you can roll the sausage and cut it into 4-5 parts) and put it back into the bag.

Then I shape each portioned piece with my hands into a flat cake.

And after that, I roll it out into a layer with a rolling pin and cut out round pieces with a glass. I make them large (8-9 cm in diameter), because... When pinched with a braid, the size of the dumplings will decrease.

Add the filling and make the dumpling as usual. Today I had it with potatoes and cabbage.

Then we’ll go through the pinch of the dumpling again, making it wider and thinner. This is to prevent the braid from becoming too thick and rough.

Hold the dumpling in the air with one hand and make a pigtail with the other. The thumb (on top of the dumpling) and index finger (under the dumpling) work. With your other hand, twist the dumpling in the direction you want: in my case, counterclockwise.
For ease of photographing, I made the braid with my left hand. And you decide for yourself how it will be more convenient for you... I sculpt both of them the same way.
So, let's start. Use your thumb to lift the corner up

Press it down well

To prevent the new tuck from being too thick, press it down again with your fingertips and at the same time pull back the ear (let’s call it that conventionally).

Using your thumb, lift the ear up and wrap it up

I don’t think it’s worth commenting on each photo. You should figure it out from the photo. When you sculpt, you don’t seem to notice how each step is performed. Now I will write briefly.

After folding the corner, press it firmly, as if crushing it with the pads of your index and thumb while simultaneously pulling it to the side. It turns out like an ear that you need to wrap again. And do not forget that it is not the hand braiding the braid that moves, but the hand holding the dumpling that turns it.

There is an opinion that if you cover the ground with black film and preserve it in this form for a year, then all the weeds on the site will disappear. The annual weeds will disappear, but the method may not work on malicious rhizomes - dandelion, horseradish, sow thistle, wheatgrass, and sowweed. Perennial weeds can only be destroyedcontinuous action herbicidesand this will save 2 - 3 mechanical treatments. To get rid of weeds for a long time, you need to use a general herbicide based onglyphosate. Chemicals gradually penetrate through sheet plate V root system and burn out all the buds that could awaken. The product is dissolved in water and sprayed over the plantings. The main thing is not to miss the mark on time. The best period is spring, when the leaves have already reached a height of 10-15 cm. If all work is carried out in a timely manner, you can get by with economical, gentle dosages, but if you are late, the weeds increase in mass, so you have to increase the rate of use of the preparations.

The ideal time for the operation is after rain and in clear, sunny weather, without the threat of subsequent precipitation. The necessary conditions- moist soil, new leaves and a little high concentration products than indicated on the package. After treatment, you should not weed the soil or pull out weeds for two weeks.

Description of the weed control drug Roundup

Roundup weed killer- a universal preparation for the destruction of any weeds. Roundup is one of the most commonly used herbicides worldwide. The drug is used as a continuous systemic herbicide, treatment is carried out before sowing or before emergence. Roundup weed killer only affects leaves or young shoots and has no soil activity!

Features of Roundup weed killer

  • Roundup is one of the safest herbicides in the world. When used in accordance with the instructions, it is not dangerous to humans and environment
  • Completely devoid of soil activity (does not accumulate in the soil). Sowing can be done immediately after treatment with Roundup
  • Provides complete destruction of annual and perennial, cereal and dicotyledonous weeds, affects both above-ground and underground parts
  • Active ingredient: glyphosate

Mechanism of action of the herbicide "Roundup"

Roundup herbicide is completely absorbed by the plant within 4-6 hours after application to the surface of leaves or shoots. Then, within 5-7 days, it spreads to the roots and other parts of the plant. The weed killer Roundup disrupts the synthesis of amino acids, causing the plant to die. The first signs of the effect of the drug are noticeable within 5-10 days after application, yellowing appears and the plants wither. Complete disappearance of weeds appears 2-3 weeks after treatment.
The drug does not affect the plant through the soil and does not prevent seed germination; it can only penetrate through leaves or young shoots. In soil, Roundup quickly loses activity and breaks down into natural substances.

Benefits of Roundup Weed Killer

  • The product destroys weeds before they have time to damage the crop.
  • Due to the use of herbicide, the amount of mechanical processing plot. Thanks to this, soil moisture is retained and sowing takes place in optimal timing
  • Field germination of crops increases noticeably

Composition: Roundup contains 360 g/l glyphosate and 180 g/l surfactant.

Using Roundup

Spraying with Roundup should be carried out on green weeds during the period of their intensive growth, in dry, windless weather. Rain falling less than 6 hours after application can wash the drug off the leaves and significantly reduce the effect. Spraying is not recommended when strong wind or use fine sprayers (spray guns, vacuum cleaners). When working near cultivated plants, in order to avoid their death, they should be covered with a screen made of film or other material. The drug easily copes with difficult-to-eradicate weeds, such as: hogweed, sow thistle, wheatgrass, horse sorrel, dandelion, nettle, burdock and others. For 5 - 7 days after spraying, no loosening of the soil or mechanical removal of weeds should be carried out, because During this period, the drug penetrates into the roots. Shrubs are more sensitive to Roundup weed killer in the second half of summer.

Consumption rates for Roundup weed killer

Culture Weeds Working solution Method and timing of application Solution consumption
Fruits, citrus,
80 ml/10 l water 5 l/100 m 2
Fruits, citrus,
120 ml/10 l water Targeted spraying of vegetative weeds in spring and summer (subject to crop protection) 5 l/100 m 2
Potato 40-60 ml/10 l water Spraying vegetative weeds 2 - 5 days before crop emergence 5 l per 100 m 2
Annual cereals and dicotyledons 80 ml/10 l water 5l per 100 m2
Fields intended for sowing various crops (vegetables, potatoes, industrial oilseeds, melons), as well as annual flowers (seed crops) Perennial cereals and dicotyledons 120 ml/10 l water Spraying vegetative weeds in the fall during the post-harvest period 5l per 100 m2
Areas not intended for sowing or planting cultivated plants (roadsides, fences, etc.) Annual and perennial cereals and dicotyledons 80-120 ml/10 l water Spraying vegetative weeds 5l per 100 m2
  • Roundup hazard class - 3
  • Roundup is not compatible with other drugs
  • Shelf life - 5 years!


Weed control product Tornado- one of the most common and widely used herbicides. The drug Tornado is used as a systemic herbicide of continuous action, used in gardens and vineyards, on personal plots for the control of annual and perennial weeds. It penetrates the plant through leaves and stems, passes into the root system and destroys the entire plant. Recommended for controlling weeds such as creeping wheatgrass, pigweed, cattail, bindweed, reed, and thistle.

The mechanism of action of the drug "Tornado from weeds"

The drug Tornado penetrates the plant in 2 - 3 hours, visible signs of damage appear after 7-10 days (yellowing, wilting occurs), and after 2 - 3 weeks (depending on weather conditions) complete death of weeds is observed. In the soil, the Tornado herbicide completely decomposes within a month, but in the soil it does not pose any threat to plants, therefore cultivated plants can be planted on treated areas after 2 - 4 days.

Safety Weed Control Tornado

Tornado is completely harmless to bees and warm-blooded animals, but is toxic to fish. Weed tornado is a low-toxic drug (hazard class 3), but it is necessary to prevent it from coming into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Advantages of the drug Tornado

  • High penetration ability
  • Ideal for tilling the soil before sowing
  • Complete destruction of almost all types of weeds, including malicious ones, as well as unwanted trees and shrubs. Destroys more than 155 species of weeds
  • Use as a desiccant (drying agent) for grains, sunflowers and other crops
  • Tornado does not lose activity over the entire temperature range at which plants remain viable
  • The drug does not have soil activity; after using Tornado, crops can be sown within 2 hours
  • The weed killer is safe for humans and the environment

Composition: BP, 360g/l glyphosate acid.


The product is used in orchards, vineyards - spraying between rows during the growing season. In autumn, weeds are sprayed in areas intended for sowing various crops. The drug is also used throughout the season to kill weeds along the sides of paths and ditches. Treatment should be carried out in the evening or morning, in dry and windless weather.

Consumption rates for weed killer Tornado

Culture, processed object Harmful object Consumption rate of the drug Method, processing time, application features
Fruit, citrus, vineyards Annual and perennial cereals and dicotyledons, incl. malicious perennials (pigweed, ragweed, creeping wheatgrass, field bindweed, field thistle, etc.) 25 ml/3 l water Directed spraying of annual and perennial weeds V early stages their height (from 5 to 10-15 cm in height). Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
50 ml/3 l water Directed spraying of vegetating annual and perennial weeds (10-15 cm in height and above). Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
75 ml/3 l water Targeted spraying of persistent perennial vegetative weeds. Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
Areas intended for sowing (planting) various crops, incl. flower crops and lawns Annual cereals and dicotyledons 50 ml/3 l water Autumn spraying of vegetative annual and perennial weeds after harvesting for planting (sowing) the next year. Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
Perennial cereals and dicotyledons 75 ml/3 l water Autumn spraying of malicious perennial vegetative weeds after harvesting for sowing (planting) the next year. Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
Areas not intended for sowing (planting) cultivated plants (roadsides, protective strips) Undesirable herbaceous and tree-shrub vegetation 25-50 ml/3 l water Spraying of vegetating perennial and annual weeds, incl. malicious. Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
50-75 ml/3 l water Spraying of unwanted herbaceous and tree and shrub vegetation during the growing season. Labor consumption solution - 3l/100m2
  • Hazard class - 3
  • Maximum number of treatments - 1
  • The drug is not compatible with other drugs
  • Shelf life - 5 years!

Weed killer Hurricane Forte

Hurricane Forte- non-selective, post-emergence herbicide. Designed for the complete destruction of annual and perennial weeds, as well as trees and shrubs. The drug is used during the development of plots, to prepare plots for sowing. next year, under lawns, as well as along paths, fences, greenhouses. The special formula provides best action glyphosate in a variety of situations.

The principle of action of the product "Hurricane Forte weeds"

Herbicide Hurricane Forte is absorbed into the plant through the above-ground parts: leaves and stems. The drug penetrates the plants within 2-3 hours and easily moves throughout the plant, stopping its growth. Visible symptoms appear after 7-10 days, and after 2-3 weeks (depending on weather conditions and the physiological state of the plants), the weeds completely die. Cereal weed is more sensitive to the drug than broadleaf weed.

Advantages of the herbicide Hurricane Forte

  • a new generation drug, one of the most effective among various forms glyphosate
  • does not enter plants through the soil, does not interfere with seed germination
  • the product decomposes into natural substances: carbon dioxide, water, phosphates, ammonium
  • weeds treated with herbicide do not grow back
  • Hurricane Forte is the only glyphosate in the form of a potassium salt that has high water solubility, thereby increasing the effectiveness and speed of action
  • the product is very effective for pre-harvest desiccation of grain crops
  • allows you to get rid of weeds on: railway tracks, power lines, roadsides, industrial buildings, areas around warehouses, storage facilities, etc.
  • treated fields are less susceptible to erosion and have greater moisture availability

Composition: BP, 500 g/l glyphosate acid.

Application of weed killer Hurricane Forte

The product is used from spring to late autumn on green weeds. Do not mow or weed before processing. Spraying must be carried out in dry, windless weather, at least 3 hours before rain! For 5-7 days after treatment with Hurricane Forte, do not apply mechanical pressure to the weeds.

Preparation of working solution Hurricane Forte against weeds

Description of weed killer Rap, VR

The drug Rap has a continuous effect. It is used to destroy all types of weeds and trees and shrubs, including weeds such as bindweed and thistle, creeping wheatgrass, pigweed and others.

Concentration active substance glyphosate acid in the form of isopropylamine salt is 360 g/l. The drug is available in the form of an aqueous solution.

Benefits of Weed Rape

It has unique advantages, ensuring the destruction of all forms of weeds along with the root system, suitable for use on the territory of all agricultural crops, does not have the ability to penetrate plants from the soil, can be used before planting/sowing and germination of agricultural plants without limiting crop rotation . In terms of phytotoxicity, it has no resistant crops.

Application of weed rape

Its effect is ensured by the absorption of the drug by weeds for 4-6 hours. Next, the herbicide blocks the synthesis of aromatic amino acids in the plant. The drug penetrates the weeds by spraying, through leaves, shoots and the green form of stems, moving towards the root system. It is not absorbed from the soil, allowing you to cultivate the area near useful crops, seeds, until planting/sowing.

Visually, the effect of the drug Rap is observed:

Features of using the continuous herbicide Rap

The period of protection of the drug Rap, BP lasts until the dispersal of a new wave of weeds - for one month or more. It can be used at air temperatures above zero degrees, until the soil freezes. To obtain the maximum effect, you should not spray weeds during heavy dew, before waiting or after rain for 6 hours, moderate air humidity and average temperature, wind speed no more than 5m/sec. Not allowed for processing cultivated plants, prohibited for use in sanitary zones, near economic reservoirs. Storage conditions are specified in the instructions for the drug.

Description of the drug Glyphos

Glyphos is a special aqueous solution, the main purpose of which is to combat most weeds, both annual and perennial. A substance that directly prevents the appearance of weeds is glyphosate. Its concentration is 360 grams per liter. In addition to weeds, it has a neutralizing effect on unwanted bush and tree vegetation.

How Glyphos works

The substance blocks the synthesis of aromatic amino acids in plants, thereby affecting those weeds that were at the site of use at the time of spraying. The drug does not affect those plants that appeared after spraying.

Glyphos consumption rates

Environmental regulations for use

Substance hazard class - IV. It is practically safe for bees, but causes a limitation of their flight from 6 to 12 hours. Processing of plants should be carried out at a wind speed of no more than 6 meters per second. For bees it is necessary to leave a border zone of 1-2 km. All beekeepers in the area must be notified of the planned treatment of plants with Glyphos in advance - about 4-5 days in advance.


Glyphos should be stored at temperatures from -15 to +40 degrees. If the temperature is below the specified minimum, the quality of the substance will not deteriorate, but it will need to be stirred well before use. The warranty period is at least 5 years. The shelf life of the drug is also the same.

Composition: BP, 360 g/l glyphosate acid.

  • Hazard class - 3
  • The maximum number of treatments is 1!
  • Shelf life - 3 years!

      Part 11 -
      Part 12 -
      Part 13 -

A weed killer (herbicide) is chemical drug, which is used to destroy weeds. Modern means have high efficiency against large quantity weeds, safe for humans and animals.

Why you need to get rid of weeds

  • Weeds, like any other plant, need sun. free space And useful material from the soil. They deprive garden crops of all this, which develop much worse if such “pests” are near them.
  • Overgrown soil produces a much smaller harvest and, even with constant fertilization, cannot boast of strong and beautiful plants.
  • Where weeds grow, pests and diseases are much more likely to appear. For example, weeds from the cruciferous family are a factor in the appearance of cabbage aphids and garden fleas.
  • Why not with your own hands?

    Many people weed their beds with their own hands, but this process takes a lot of time and effort. In addition, with this method it is very difficult to completely get rid of the roots of the plants, so they will soon grow back in the beds. This leads to the fact that weeding has to be repeated many times a year. That's why the best option are becoming weed killers.

    Types of herbicides

    Selective action. They destroy certain types of plants and do not affect others. For example, “Lazurit” is harmless to potatoes, and “Lontrel-300D” is harmless to lawns. What causes the selective effect? Herbicides are harmless to useful plants, since they cannot penetrate thick skin or their chemical compounds have insufficient strength. Other factors may also play a role.

    Continuous action. Such herbicides are used to destroy all vegetation on the site (for example, the preparations “Tornado”, “Tornado BAU”, “Agrokiller”). They can be used to clean virgin areas, paths, areas along fences and other areas.

    The benefits of modern weed killers

  • Operate over a wide temperature range.
  • They are capable of destroying even hard-to-eradicate weeds, such as Sosnovsky's hogweed.
  • Completely destroy unwanted plants and their roots.
  • Possess high speed action and resistance to rain.
  • They completely decompose in the soil during the growing season.
  • Capable of destroying not only vegetative weeds, but also their seedlings.
  • You can find approximate prices of our products on the website. To purchase products, please contact one of our offices or partner stores.

    Weeds are the long-time enemies of any gardener. And even if there is no garden on the property, weeds can seriously spoil a beautifully trimmed lawn, turning it into a sloppy field overgrown with grass. Today there are a lot of methods and means of killing weeds: from traditional folk to “advanced” high-tech ones. You can choose the tool that suits you best.

    To make it easier to navigate the variety of different weed control agents and preparations, in the article we will give detailed review the most effective of them. In addition, we will find out the prices of drugs and find out what means are best to destroy weeds on the lawn and in the garden.

    Types of potent weed removers

    So, today farmers know two main ways to combat weeds:

    Let's take a closer look different kinds means that relate to one and another method. First, we’ll talk about processing the garden, and we’ll talk about the lawn separately.

    Agricultural technology

    Weeding and digging

    Traditional methods of weed control have been used in agriculture for a long time. These are methods that are safe from an environmental point of view, quite reliable, but require a lot of effort and effort.

    As a rule, these manipulations cannot be avoided in any case, so weeding and digging the beds must be done periodically in any case.

    You can familiarize yourself with modern methods of fighting in the garden.


    Quite an effective method that does not pollute the soil harmful substances. Along with protecting against weeds, mulching helps retain moisture in the ground, which also has a beneficial effect on the development of plants.

    You can mulch with both organic materials (sand, sawdust, grass, peat, etc.) and inorganic materials (covering fabrics). The principle of mulch is that it blocks the access of light and air to weeds, which is why the weeds die, unable to get out.

    You can read reviews about the Tornado weed extractor.

    The most commonly used inorganic material for weed control is black, opaque film. This is the so-called Swedish method of weed control. The material allows you to get rid of weeds safely and environmentally (simply by preventing them from germinating).

    Although such a film is not cheap, it can be used for several years: it is usually used to protect vegetable beds and strawberry.



    This is one of the most effective methods of weed control today. Herbicides are ideal if the field is heavily overgrown or if it needs to be treated large area. These drugs are divided, in turn, into several types: continuous and selective action, systemic, contact and soil type. Let's look at the most popular herbicides used in agriculture today.


    This is probably the most popular herbicide today. Its advantage is safety: Roundup does not harm the soil or livestock. Cultivated plants can be planted immediately after treating the soil with this herbicide.

    Roundup is effective against most weeds: they are defeated within 8-10 days. Over the designated period of time, the weeds die completely, withering. The principle of action of the herbicide is aimed at suppressing the synthesis of amino acids in weeds.


    This product is most often used to destroy weeds in orchards and vineyards. Tornado is effective against both annual weeds and perennials.

    This is a continuous action product, so it is important that no cultivated plants get in its way.

    The product causes the death of weeds 7-10 days after spraying.

    You will find instructions for using Tornado.


    This herbicide effectively controls annual and perennial weeds. It is good for developing new land plots and cultivating the soil around greenhouses. Great for killing weeds on the lawn.

    Completely destroys weeds 2-3 weeks after spraying. The composition acts on the plant from the inside, gradually bringing it to complete withering. Hurricane can be used throughout the growing season: from early spring to late autumn.


    Another reliable weed killer. Glyphos is safe because it destroys weeds by affecting the synthesis of their amino acids. A positive effect is observed when destroying both perennial and annual weeds.


    A chemical such as ammonium nitrate is highly effective against weeds. It is recommended to use the product only if the weeds have really grown greatly. This method is good because it burns the grown weeds, while settling in the soil, and then acting on cultivated plants as fertilizer.

    In order for the substance to cope with weeds, it is necessary to dilute 3 kg of saltpeter in a bucket of water, and then spray the weed thickets with the resulting solution.

    Methods of fighting with folk remedies are described.

    Chemical method It helps when the mechanical method is powerless: in the case of a heavily overgrown area with weeds, or when no other methods help. Effectively apply herbicides simultaneously with fertilization. But this method can only be used for small plots garden/vegetable garden. If during the herbicide treatment the substance gets into empty areas, then the latter can be sown only after a few weeks.

    Features of killing weeds on the lawn - basic methods

    If there are many techniques, methods and means for garden weed control, then in order to clear the lawn of “invaders”, some of the listed methods will not be suitable. After all, in the green grass that grows on the lawn, weeds will certainly be found, which must be destroyed without consequences for the “cultivated” grass.

    The fight against weeds growing on the lawn, unlike those growing in the garden, does not stop all summer. If the beds can be sprayed and then not see weeds on them for a month or two, then the lawn will have to be cleaned regularly: only this approach will help make this area of ​​the garden beautiful and tidy.

    It is recommended that before planting grass for the lawn, you first carry out preventive work to destroy the weeds present in the area. To do this, you can use traditional digging or spray herbicide.

    It is also important to mow the lawn regularly so that weeds do not have time to spoil its neat, “combed” appearance. Regular mowing will allow you to cope with such particularly persistent weeds as woodlice, dandelion, wheatgrass, nettle, bindweed and others. After each cutting, the strength of the weed weakens, and over time there is less and less of the latter.

    In addition, it is necessary to provide the lawn with sufficient fertilizing with appropriate fertilizers, which, along with nutrition, can protect it from fungal diseases and various viruses. If the lawn is attacked by moss, aerating the soil will help. Simply put: you need to let air under the turf by piercing the lawn with a fork in several places.

    If herbicides are used to eliminate weeds in your lawn, choose the product very carefully. Keep in mind that turf contains several types of grass that can be affected by herbicides; these grasses may disappear completely after treatment.

    Planting and caring for Rhubarb are described.

    If you are processing lawn grass means of complete destruction, then the next haircut can be done only four days after the procedure. In general, it is allowed to treat a lawn with herbicides no earlier than a year after its arrangement.

    To protect a green lawn from invasion of weeds, so-called lawn sand is often used. This substance is also a fertilizer, as it contains ammonium sulfate and ferrous sulfate. The product is scattered over the surface of the lawn, after which moss and pest plants gradually disappear from the lawn. Iron sulfate in this case acts as a poison for weeds, and ammonium sulfate feeds cultivated plant specimens. It is most effective to use lawn sand at the beginning of the season: May-June.

    After cutting grass treated with lawn sand, it cannot be used to mulch garden crops.

    The best chemicals for weed control in the garden at the dacha

    Let's find out at what price we can buy weed killers now.

    Chemical Lapis lazuli against weed growth - the principle of action of the drug, how to use the solution

    We can purchase this popular herbicide for potato and tomato fields from the August company at a price of 2,000 rubles per 5-liter canister.

    How to spray with Tornado exterminator

    This effective remedy with excellent penetrating ability from the same company can be purchased at a price of 100 rubles per half-liter container.

    Roundup poison to remove weeds on the site

    The consumption of the product is extremely economical, so such a small volume will be enough for a decent-sized field.

    A popular and reliable herbicide is sold at a price of 370 rubles per container of 0.14 kg.

    Pesticide Glyphos

    It's effective and safe remedy can be purchased at a price of about 700 rubles per half-liter package. The consumption of the drug is extremely economical, so one package is usually enough for a standard country cottage area, the remedy still remains.

    Regular weeding. It's time-tested, simple and effective method, however, very labor-intensive. The main thing in weeding is regularity, that is, connection to the site. If you haven’t weeded for two weeks, then no matter how wildly you swing your hoe, it will not give the same result and will reduce the effectiveness of your actions to nothing.

    Wild oats and wheatgrass are regular guests in any area; they grab onto the ground with rhizomes that spread over the entire area of ​​the flowerbed or garden bed, forming a whole carpet. By removing part of the rhizome, you do not deprive the weed of life, but, on the contrary, promote its reproduction. Try also the old method, replacing the hoe with a pitchfork, and pull the weed entirely out of the ground. After this, you should pick up all the roots and throw them away. This procedure is also very labor-intensive, and the weed may well take root again after a couple of weeks. If you want a perfectly weed-free area, prepare for a daily fight

    Second way

    Application of covering material. To “smoke” the weed, you will need a dense material that does not allow air and sun to pass through. Can act as a protective blanket construction remains, such as linoleum, roofing felt, cardboard, etc. The method is simple: cover the ground in in the right area for about a month, after which it can be removed. A plant like this is unlikely to withstand such conditions; the roots, stems and leaves will die from exhaustion, and they can be removed with a rake.

    Third way

    Let's turn to chemistry. Although weeds have a fairly “tenacious” character, they cannot bypass the chemical effect; for this we need herbicides. There is a wide range of systemic drugs. These are Roundup, Tornado, and GroudBio. Herbicides are applied to visible areas of plants, the pores of the plants absorb the poison, which then accumulates in the root system.

    A big plus in favor of herbicides is that they are safe for the soil near which they are used. The soil does not become toxic, so after treatment with herbicides, you can safely plant any plant you want. The duration of action of the herbicide varies from chemical composition and how resistant the weed was. As a rule, half a month is enough to completely clear the territory.

    • "Agrokiller" effectively copes with both annuals and perennials. Thanks to him you can lead effective fight with hogweed, which can cause serious burns. TO avoid damage to garden or garden crops, the herbicide should be applied to paint brush, then carefully apply the substance to the weed, remember that it can also effectively deal with the plant that you are protecting. The herbicide can also be used for global clearing of an area, for example, weeds near a fence, grass nests in furrows, etc.
    • Roundup. Today it is perhaps the most versatile herbicide that can cope with any task. Its principle of operation is somewhat different from the previous herbicide: Roundup does not have soil activity, so it should be used before sowing main crops. If you follow the instructions, the use of the product will be absolutely safe for humans and animals. On average, a liter container costs around 1,250 rubles. It is enough for 20 square meters.
    • "Tornado". Effective against cattail, wheatgrass, thistle and pigweed. Eight to ten days after application, the weed turns yellow and withers, and after another half a month it finally dies. After another four days you can plant the plants.

    On our website you will find everything you need for plants and you can buy