How to get rid of laziness forever? How to get rid of laziness, or nine ways to properly motivate yourself

Among specific questions regarding self-improvement, the solution to this issue is of particular importance. Getting rid of laziness is very important element, without which success is impossible neither in career, nor in self-improvement, nor in personal life. Join the fight against laziness!

To do this, you need to understand in detail why you are lazy and what your body is talking about, including laziness.

Laziness as a manifestation of selfishness

Laziness is highest degree individuality, which is the result of strong egoism. This quality “tells” a person that his principles are more important than small matters, since they are not important for the overall result.

However, lazy people do not want to take care of this larger and more significant result, devoting attention to themselves and their interests. However, if this does not matter in the work team, then in the family it is most significant, because most wives and husbands evaluate the success of their choice according to this characteristic.

Therefore, after struggling with selfishness and appreciating the beauty of making efforts for your loved one, you can brush aside laziness.

To begin with, it is worth conducting an analysis of your character in accordance with the following provisions. If you want to get rid of fatigue and laziness, answer these questions:

  • How interested are you in getting pleasure from doing small things?
  • What is the reason for your laziness?
  • What exactly does your laziness provide for you, what is its benefit?
  • Are you ready to get used to the idea that you will have to conflict in your family over laziness?
  • Who would you do work for?
  • How long are you willing to do uninteresting things?
  • What could change the current situation?

If you want to get rid of laziness, evaluate the facts received. For many, it comes to the understanding that for happy life a person needs to act and enjoy the actions he has performed and the deeds completed, especially if the benefits from their implementation are long-term or have been appreciated by someone. At the same time, the choice of the person for whom you would try to work and be better is key and completely depends on the specific individual suffering from laziness. And it should not be understood simply as a reluctance to do something, because its meaning is much broader.

How to get rid of the habit of being lazy

Each of us is faced with a state when we don’t want to do anything, although we know that we urgently need to get down to business. How to get rid of the habit of laziness, which constantly interferes with life?

Find out why you are lazy

Maybe you're just really tired and need some rest? The body is designed in such a way that when overtired, laziness occurs - but in this case it is useful, because it gives a signal that a break is urgently needed! It’s another matter if you lie in front of the TV all day and can’t bring yourself to start cleaning – things are getting more serious here.

Get busy

Start doing at least something. For example, wash a frying pan that you haven’t been able to wash for two days, wipe off the dust on the table. If you want to get rid of laziness, the main thing is to start. Gradually you will get into a rhythm and begin to do everything faster and more efficiently.


If this doesn’t help you, then try to motivate yourself with something. For example, imagine how much more pleasant it will be to be in a room in which nothing is scattered. ... The whole point is that when a person sees personal benefit in something, he immediately has an incentive to work. Finally, allow yourself to eat something tasty after cleaning, washing, and cooking. This will be like your reward for your efforts.

List of accumulated tasks

Try writing a list of those things that you constantly put off until later. It is possible that a long list will force you to become more active.

Do not forget that an organism accustomed to lying on the couch all day is unlikely to quickly return to normal.

The more active life a person leads, the less lazy he is. If you get used to a busy routine, you may at some point find yourself sitting idle for five minutes and trying to figure out what to do. And you can find a lot of activities - take up fitness, yoga, get a dog, help your old relatives. So it’s quite possible to jam the whole day to capacity.

To get rid of laziness, you just need to get used to not being lazy for at least 1 month.

Make another list

Write down everything you need to do in a notebook and cross it off as you complete it. This way you will see the “result”.

How to overcome laziness and apathy

As one scientist said: “Laziness is the habit of resting ahead of time.” Laziness takes a lot of time. Of course, you need to rest, but you need to know the price of everything. It is important to be able to overcome your laziness. If you learn to do it correctly, you can save a lot of time. If you make an effort and read the advice of psychologists, you can get rid of depression and laziness.

To begin with, you need to do everything in your own time, if possible, then even ahead of time. If you want to get rid of laziness, you should not put things off until later, because you never know what exactly you will face. If a task is given a lot of time to complete, you still need to complete it immediately. Having put off a task, a person simply forgets about it. He may remember only at the very last moment or not at all. This will significantly worsen both the person’s reputation and his nerves.

A person spends too much time making excuses for doing something or making excuses for why he didn’t do it. It’s better to do the work and not explain anything to anyone. This will help you earn respect from others. There are very few such people, because they can be trusted with important matters. And if a person has been entrusted with an important matter, he begins to be more confident, believes in his strengths and capabilities.

Here, too, a lot depends on upbringing and environment. As you know, a person’s character is formed before the age of 5. Parents must teach their children to work right from the cradle. You need to ask your child to put away his toys, put his things away, and make his bed after himself. As the child ages, he leaves the parental home. It is very important not to be in good company. You should not communicate with lazy people, because in such a company you will not be able to get rid of laziness, but to “educate” it.

Dream. Well, it’s not like dreaming, it’s just boring to try to imagine the future. Imagining the future, a person makes his life plan. He chooses the important things he needs to do. By following a plan, a person shows his hard work and determination. This will cure laziness.

At first glance, getting rid of laziness is very simple. This is what those who have never tried to do think so. Only a purposeful person will be able to reach the end. The main thing is never to give up, do everything on time, and don’t put it off later. This saves a lot of time and nerves. A person does not have to worry unnecessarily and come up with excuses. He becomes self-confident, inspires trust and respect in others.

The first thing you need to do is find out the cause of laziness. For some it is a lack of motivation, for others it is a series of constant failures at work or school. There is a capacious definition of this problem - intuitive laziness. The point is that you refuse to take certain actions because you are sure that failure awaits. This is just one of the reasons for laziness, and there are many more. So how to get rid of laziness once and for all?

How to get rid of laziness once and for all: psychology will help

What is laziness? Laziness is a complete reluctance to work or act, and for far-fetched reasons. A lazy person puts off all important things until the very last day or does nothing, even if he really needs it. People have composed proverbs about laziness, which very well reflect the essence of the problem. A person justifies his laziness with everyone possible ways and often does not see the negative aspect of it. How to cope with laziness in such a situation?

The mental reasons for the lack of desire to do anything lie in the person himself. There is a fairly effective technique that involves processing episodes from your past. The point is to remove the negative emotional charge from them.

After this you will no longer experience negative emotions for no reason, which means you will completely get rid of the feeling of failure that prevented you from achieving your life goals. But not everything is so easy. In the human psyche, traumas are connected to each other and feed on themselves. Solving one problem is not enough; a set of actions is needed for laziness to finally recede. Problems should be solved sequentially.

Negative effects that destroy a person from the inside:

  • Lack of love for what you do.
  • Idleness.
  • Energy decline and stagnation.
  • There is no specific goal in life.

These are the symptoms of laziness. You can get rid of it in different ways. It all depends on what exactly is bothering you. If you remove the cause of laziness, the symptoms will disappear on their own.

Many people get overwhelmed by the daily routine. The so-called big vision helps to find meaning in monotonous work. You will begin to quickly take on any task and bring it to completion. The main thing is to accustom yourself to do everything at once, without putting it off for later.

How to overcome laziness and apathy

In order to understand how to get rid of an illness, you need to understand yourself and find ways to force yourself to act. Motivation is the main weapon to combat laziness. If you have a goal and are interested in achieving it, then you won't need willpower. You no longer need to force yourself to do certain things. You yourself will want it.

Human will and inner core are important for a happy and successful life. In order to constantly keep yourself in good shape, music was created for motivation. It helps you get into a working mood.

A person is not born with laziness. Negativity accumulates gradually throughout life. This is what leads to laziness:

  • Constant compulsion to study, work, do some kind of action or behavior.
  • Self-punishment for misconduct. May cause self-dislike.
  • The emergence of fears.
  • Availability psychological problems and unresolved cases.
  • Dissatisfaction with your life social status and position.

How to overcome laziness with self-discipline

How to deal with laziness if you don’t want to do it, but you need to? The best medicine- self-discipline. Partial or complete absence of it is the most common cause of laziness. Only you can handle this character trait.

To accomplish something, certain steps and actions must be taken, so it is important to start and not stop in the future. You will no longer need to worry about how to force yourself to work.

By cultivating discipline and fighting laziness, you will solve many problems. You will have more time to improve your professional qualities, and you will also be able to work on personal relationships and improve your financial situation. The most important thing is that you will really want to do it all. It's time to finally say goodbye to laziness!

Absolutely every person encounters a state of laziness. All of us, sooner or later, want to be lazy, lie on the couch, and do what we love rather than work. But someone can overcome their laziness and know how to negotiate with it. But others cannot do this, and they turn into armchair drones.

What is laziness

Laziness is a state of the body in which a person cannot and does not want to carry out intended and planned tasks. After the lost time, he is tormented by guilt and feels that he has betrayed himself. Why is this happening? For example, he decided to lose weight and planned to start going to the gym. So Monday came and the time for the visit had arrived, but he suddenly got a tingling pain in his side, he began to feel dizzy and he confidently said to himself: “Not today, today I don’t feel well.” Actually this cruel joke The subconscious plays with us. It anticipates an unpleasant activity, a change in activity from interesting to boring, and resists this with all its might. You've probably noticed that when you need to break away from watching an interesting movie and do your homework, it's very, very difficult to do so.

But it is absolutely impossible to live without laziness. After all, nature gave us this feeling for some reason? In fact, laziness performs a very important and necessary function in life. It forces a person to rest when he has overworked. Without laziness, many hardworking people would have worked their butts off long ago. How to recognize this line? On the one hand, you don’t need to fight laziness, you need to succumb to its full power from time to time. On the other hand, laziness can become insolent and turn us into a weak-willed lazy person, but do we need it?

In order not to accuse yourself of laziness, you need to soberly and realistically assess your capabilities at work. By the way, most often true workaholics blame themselves for laziness. For example, a person completed 3 orders in a day, but planned all 5, and therefore blames himself for laziness. Realistically assess how much you can do today. Don't set the bar high, but medium. So that plans seem feasible and you want to do them as soon as possible. And then there will be no room left for laziness.

Motivation comes first

Very often we do not want to do something because we feel disgust or dislike for this action. Thoughts arise in our heads - “What is this for?”, “Who am I doing this work for?”, “What will happen if I don’t do it?” This means that the person lacks motivation. Remember why you need to perform this or that action. If you don't feel like going to work, remember that your financial situation depends on it. Better yet, remember how you dreamed of a car or own apartment. Every order, every customer served, every day at work brings your dream closer. And if you don’t want to go for a run, remember about your desired figure - do you really want to become a slim and beautiful person?

They are very good at motivating the successes of others. When a friend successfully climbs the career ladder, when a neighbor does gymnastics every day in a nearby park, you want to become better and fit in. Are you worse? Are you not capable of overcoming yourself and your own laziness? You are the master of the situation and only you can decide what you can achieve.

  1. Think consistently. If you're having lunch, think about the work ahead while you eat. Scroll through in your thoughts all the details of what and how you will do. And then after eating you won’t want to lie down and rest, because you’ve already formed clear plans for work in your head. You will want to get started on it as soon as possible.
  2. Visualize the result of your activities. If you don’t want to work, imagine how you get money for your work, how you can afford those boots that you’ve been eyeing for a long time. Or imagine how the director will publicly praise you for a well-executed order. Visualize what really pleases you.
  3. Music is a great incentive to work. It is enough to listen to a few energetic and cheerful tracks to regain your good spirits and good performance.
  4. Clean up your workspace. This improves your mood and desire to work. Remove any magazines from your desk that might distract you. This also applies to food - it takes a lot of time to absorb nuts, chips, sweets and seeds. Put things in order not only on your desk, but also in your head. Take a piece of paper and write down a list of your planned projects on it. Divide each into subtasks and create an action plan. Solve the problem sequentially, and then you will see the result of each completed task. And when you see the result, working becomes more pleasant, laziness recedes.
  5. Come up with a mindset that will help you cope with laziness and apathy. When you once again don’t feel like doing the things you planned, tell yourself that you are an active, purposeful person who achieves what you want. Tell yourself that you enjoy earning money on your own and that you enjoy improving your figure.
  6. Another way to force yourself to act is to study biographies successful people. Read how they spent their time. Often they were successful in everything - in studies, sports, and various hobbies. When you read how a person achieves a lot through perseverance and skill, you want to repeat his feat, only in your own field. Believe me, you are no worse than these people. Just to achieve similar results, you need to overcome your laziness.
  7. Heroes of films and books inspire us to accomplish great things. They force you to live in a new way, to change your view of what is happening.
  8. There is another effective one psychological method cope with laziness. It happens that you don’t want to do the work, for the life of you. In this case, you need to arouse your interest in it. To do this, turn off your phone, radio, TV and stand in the middle of the room just like that. You cannot lie down or sit. You can't close your eyes either. Just stand there until you get bored. The only thing you can change this activity to is to start working. Usually 5-15 minutes are enough, during which a person becomes bored. He mentally begins to search The best decision to get the job done and will try to get to work on it as quickly as possible.
  9. A word or an argument helps a lot to cope with laziness. Tell your boss that the work will be completed in a couple of days - and there will be no time left for laziness, you will try to complete the work as quickly as possible. Or bet with a friend that you can lose 15 kilograms in a month excess weight- and you will have no choice but to fulfill the given condition. It is even better if the disputes are secured financially. Tell your family members that today you will do push-ups every evening. And then they will not miss the opportunity to remind you of your promise. Self-esteem and the value of this word will not allow you to shirk the task. Here, no amount of laziness can turn you off your intended path.

Is it necessary to fight laziness?

It is dangerous to fight laziness all the time - it can defeat you completely. If it overwhelms you very often, perhaps you are doing something you don’t like? Perhaps the profession you have chosen is not to your liking? It is impossible to constantly fight emotional impulses, so it is worth reconsidering the type of your activity.

There is no need to fight laziness. You need to be able to negotiate with her. Compromise with your laziness - you work for a couple of hours and then take a break for 20 minutes. Another example - you work all week, and devote one day to your beloved laziness - doing only what you really want. Come up with such rules for yourself and allow yourself to be lazy in the moments allotted for this. And if laziness wants to overcome you at an unspecified time, hit it on the nose and don’t allow yourself to relax.

To get rid of laziness, you just need to take action. Stop looking for ways to overcome this shortcoming. Just take it and start working, studying, training. Challenge yourself. Will you let your laziness control you? I think no. After all, you are a strong and purposeful person. Just prove it to yourself.

Video: how to get rid of laziness once and for all

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Many of us know exactly what we should do, but don’t do it.

Laziness prevents you from effectively moving towards your goal, achieving the desired results and living a full life. Fortunately, there are many original techniques to combat laziness.

How to overcome it

Because of laziness, we suffer from feelings of guilt. Well, the most “advanced” ones, instead of finally getting down to business, search the Internet for information on how to get rid of laziness.

Meanwhile, the first thing any psychotherapist will say at an appointment is: “Since you are lazy, it means you don’t really want to achieve this very goal. If you wanted it more, you would have done everything necessary long ago.”

Therefore, the advice is this: to overcome laziness, you just need to want to achieve your goal. You have to wish for this seriously, on an emotional level.

Suppose you need to do routine work that is frightening in its volume. And so, as often happens, you are unable to overcome laziness and take even the first step in the right direction. You put off work, continue to idle, or occupy yourself with some household chores, just to avoid starting what needs to be done first. In such a situation, it is worth directing your train of thought in the following direction - for example, work needs to be done in order to receive a salary, a salary is necessary to buy some things or simply maintain life. Trite? But it's real!

You can also imagine how you receive your salary, go to the store and choose what you have long dreamed of. For example, new boots or some nice little things. Transport yourself to that elevated state of joy that invariably accompanies a successful shopping experience. Now you will work not just because “it’s necessary,” but for the feeling of celebration that new clothes or a long-desired item will give you.

Draw before your eyes wonderful prospects that will be available immediately after you are able to overcome laziness. Well, if your enthusiasm wanes, close your eyes and dream well - for example, about a bright trip for which you need to earn money.

The so-called “comfort zone” makes laziness something common and self-evident. But if there is something to strive for, you need to get out of comfortable conditions! After all, comfort dampens and breeds feelings of laziness. To get out of your comfort zone, don’t be afraid to actively change your life, including using extreme motivation - for example, you can give yourself penalties for not taking steps towards your goal.

Here's another one effective way, helping to get rid of laziness. After all, laziness, in essence, is not only idleness as such, but also attempts to waste precious time on something empty. For example, you need to start writing a quarterly report or coursework, and you are on social networks, looking through photographs, leafing through fashion magazines. This situation is familiar to almost everyone.

To overcome laziness of this kind you need to completely abandon any activity. Don't want to work? Then don't do anything at all! That is, stop surfing the Internet and doing unnecessary trifles. Instead, sit in a chair, place your hands on your knees, and just sit. Do not lie down on the sofa and do not close your eyes - this poses a risk of actually falling asleep. Just sit down and sit. Of course, you will really want to check out a website or leaf through a book. But you just need to sit and accumulate the desire to work. After some time, inaction will become unbearable, and you will most likely even want to take up your quarterly report. The goal will be achieved - laziness will be defeated.

It’s not a fact that all the proposed ways to get rid of laziness will suit you personally, because each person’s psyche is different. That's why they exist different ways motivate yourself. Ideally, to get rid of laziness and increase efficiency, you need to test the performance of each option in action. If it helps you personally overcome laziness, then you should take note of it and start using it.

Secrets of Determination

Laziness often goes hand in hand with lack of motivation. A bird in hand defeats a pie in the sky. Fears and reluctance to do anything outweigh opportunities and interfere with creative realization. But being able to motivate yourself means holding the keys to success in your hands.

There are two types of motivation - positive, when you want to achieve something, and negative, when you want to get rid of something. The negative one works harder. The worse you feel now, the faster you will try to change something. As a rule, the biggest steps towards a goal are taken by those who are worst off. And if everything is going quite well, why try?

Psychologists say that to stop being lazy and start actively working for your success, you need to do only two things:

* create enough motivation for yourself, that is, understand that you really want it;
* destroy escape routes, burn bridges, eliminate possible backup options.

9 steps towards your dream

One of the most powerful ways to increase motivation is to be 100% connected to your goal. You need to start living your dream, make the goal more important than all the surrounding circumstances, everyday activities and laziness. This will allow you to fully motivate yourself - as a result, all actions to achieve your goal will become simple and natural, and the struggle with yourself - do something or just lie on the couch? - will come to naught.

To move towards your chosen goal without complications, you can use in simple ways increasing motivation:

1. Track your progress.

Since we have decided on a goal and are trying to move towards it every day, it is important to see our own progress. If there is a list where movement towards a goal is divided into small steps, you should not just erase completed tasks from this list, but mark them as “successfully completed.” You can put a check mark and an exclamation point next to it.

For example, for those who train according to some kind of system, it is important to track training, for example, keep a diary, which will indicate what and how much has been done. You need to constantly celebrate your progress and praise yourself for the results achieved.

If the goal begins to seem elusive and impossible, simply return to your diary and analyze the completed items. It will be clear that something has already been achieved - this should give new strength. A second wind will open.

2. Look for fresh ideas.

Sometimes good idea raises motivation from zero to the desired heights. The more you look for ideas, try new things in your work, and brainstorm with friends, the more likely you are to come up with good ideas.

3. Reward yourself.

“When you've done your job, walk boldly,” says the proverb, but it doesn't take into account how much willpower it will take to complete the job. Therefore, you need to reward yourself not only with a well-deserved rest, but also with gifts. After all, you receive a reward only for the result - that is why the reward motivates and guides.

Just don’t deceive yourself under any circumstances! If you've completed the course in English, as planned, or lost ten kilograms - the reward promised to yourself must certainly be done.

4. Use extreme sports.

Motivation can also be increased in extreme ways. This method is more suitable for men. For example, you can buy yourself, your wife or children a rather expensive item. You may not be able to afford it, and you may even have to borrow a little money. As a result, you will receive two benefits - an expensive item for your own use and strong motivation that will make you overcome laziness and work with renewed vigor. After all, you will need to somehow repay debts and replenish the family budget.

Keep in mind, this method is very stressful and is not suitable for everyone, but it works! Sometimes it's very difficult to move on dead center, and the kind of “kick in the ass” that you give yourself will become effective means. You can also give money to charity or needy relatives, find an expensive hobby for yourself - in general, any extreme creativity is likely to produce results.

You can set yourself a specific goal - for example, get up every day at 6 am. And be sure to impose a fine - something that is valuable, for example, money. And if you couldn’t get up at 6 o’clock, give your children/wife/passerby a thousand rubles. Very effective!

5. Remember moments that motivated you in the past.

Memories of doing something “virtually impossible,” such as when you entered college prestigious university or have achieved a promotion at work - they are able to raise their level of motivation again. If you did it once in the past, you can do it again!

6. Put motivational wallpaper on your desktop.

This is a very simple motivation technique - just set a wallpaper on your desktop that will constantly remind you of what to do.

You can use so-called “mind maps”. Such maps represent a hierarchical structure of tasks, ideas and plans. A map placed on your computer desktop will serve as a beautiful daily reminder in which direction to move towards your goal.
Printed photos and diagrams placed in your room at home and at work above your desk are also a great option.

7. Listen to stimulating music.

While working, listen to the music that you like, makes you move forward and tune in to the right wave. An energetic musical charge has never harmed anyone. Music not only creates a mood, but also perfectly motivates.

8. Ask the right questions.

From time to time, when you give up and apathy sets in, you need to ask yourself the following questions: “What will happen if I do this?” and “What will happen if I don’t?” The answers can be very motivating.

9. Remind yourself why you do what you do.

When achieving any goal, remind yourself more often why you are training, why you are losing weight, doing overtime work etc. No need to forget main reason why you started a business. This helps motivate yourself.

In today's article:

  • What is laziness?
  • Reasons for its appearance
  • What message does she bring to us?
  • How to get rid of laziness forever

Good day, guests and regular readers of the site!

We are all human and most of us are quite lazy and inert by nature. And this property of ours negatively affects the quality of our life and greatly prevents us from achieving our goals and realizing our desires.

How to get rid of laziness once and for all?

Almost every person asks himself this question from time to time.

In order to defeat the enemy, you need to know everything about him. To overcome laziness in yourself, you need, first of all, to understand the nature of this phenomenon.

What kind of animal is this?

Laziness is the lack of desire to do anything

That is, if we say: “I’m too lazy to do this,” then we mean that we are not eager to do it. Basically, we are lazy to perform any action or work that we are not passionate about and doing it does not bring us pleasure.

Simply put, laziness comes when we lack motivation. And the fewer motives we have, the stronger this feeling becomes.

Let's look at laziness from a different angle. If it has a cause, then it itself is the effect. A consequence of what? It is believed that there are only two reasons for the feeling of laziness.

The first is lack or lack of motivation.

When laziness comes, it tells us that the upcoming activity does not correspond to the movements of our soul, it goes against them. It does not bring pleasure and does not arouse interest.

What to do if necessary? For example, if you are too lazy to go to work?

There are two options here - change your job to your favorite one or fall in love with your current job. You need to either quit and find a job you like, or change your attitude towards it.

But as soon as you can change your attitude, everything around you will instantly change. And laziness itself will evaporate like smoke :)

Second - low level human energy.

It's okay if you don't feel like doing any routine things. It’s much worse when laziness becomes global and you don’t even have the strength or desire to do your favorite pastime - when mother laziness takes over. This clearly indicates a reduced energy level.

To perform any action you need to expend a certain amount of energy. And if you don’t have this amount, then you won’t have the strength to complete it. Even if this activity is to your liking.

If this is the case, you need to sound the alarm, ring all the bells and urgently start raising the energy level in your body. Otherwise, if you leave everything as it is, there will be a decline in life and serious problems will appear in it.

The amount of energy we spend on things we don’t like is much greater than on doing “pleasant” things. Because we have to spend additional resources on overcoming and forcing ourselves to do something we don’t like.

People whose energy is at its highest do not know what laziness is. And even to perform routine and “boring” tasks, they always have the strength and desire.

Don't even try to get rid of laziness! She is an effect, not a cause.

Imagine that you are driving in a car and the gas level light in the tank starts blinking obnoxiously and gets on your nerves. And instead of turning into a gas station, you cut off the wires leading to it and continue on your way. The problem is resolved? No. After a few kilometers the engine will stall. Also in life. Laziness is this light bulb that signals that your “arrow is at zero” and it’s time to refuel. It is a warning sign saying that you urgently need to replenish your energy reserves, otherwise a forced stop will occur.

So look for the cause of laziness, eliminate it and it will disappear on its own.

How to get rid of laziness forever?

The best, and probably the only one The right way getting rid of laziness is doing something you love, which brings, first of all, moral satisfaction.

Do you want to never have a single working day in your life? Make your hobby your job!

Yes, it's not easy. But the game is worth the candle. Think about how you can get a financial return from your hobby. By devoting an hour or two of free time a day to a business that arouses your interest, you can reach 20-40 working hours a month and turn them into hard cash.

But what to do if you still can’t change your job for what you love? How to deal with laziness in this case?

There is no way to completely defeat it, but you can significantly reduce the signs of its manifestation. There are two options to solve this problem:

  1. Improve your energy levels.

Read the article, which describes proven ways to increase your body’s energy resources.

  1. Devote as much time as possible to things that give you positive emotions and a surge of energy.

Write down on a separate sheet of paper activities that bring you joy and pleasure. Do it right now.

For example:

  • Skype conversation with friends
  • Reading an exciting book
  • Hiking trip
  • Work in the garden or dacha
  • Morning jogging
  • Spiritual development
  • Knitting
  • Fitness classes, etc.

You will never find room for laziness for these things. All these activities may not bring you any material rewards, but they will definitely charge you with energy and enthusiasm.