How to get rid of bedbugs at home - general rules, folk and chemical remedies. How and how to kill bed bugs How to kill bed bugs in an apartment

Why blood-sucking insects appear and how to destroy bedbugs - watch the video of Dez Group specialists

The following can help exterminate bedbugs:

  • Preventive measures
  • Folk remedies
  • Insecticides for independent use
  • Professional processing

Next we will consider the most effective and safe methods and funds from each category. You will learn how to kill bedbugs different ways and you can choose the most suitable option solving the problem for yourself.

  • Collapsed communications, cracks in walls, peeling wallpaper, leaky joints in structures and other small and large defects create a favorable environment for bedbugs. If the house has been in need of minor, cosmetic or overhaul- do it.
  • Critically evaluate the overall sanitary situation in the apartment. If you don't notice the dirt or don't have time to clean, this may create favorable conditions for bedbugs to live, although it is not the main reason for their appearance.
  • Bedbugs can come through ventilation. Clean it and cover the passages with a fine mesh that prevents the movement of insects, but does not trap air.
  • Conduct a thorough general cleaning the entire apartment. If you do not want to do this yourself, you can order such a service from a cleaning service.
  • Wash all textiles in the house at the highest possible temperatures, inspecting each item for bedbug infestation.

Choose the steps that suit you from the list above, based on the specifics of your situation. These measures will help not only quickly deal with the insects that you already have, but also prevent them reappearance in future. After you have chosen the appropriate prevention, it’s time to figure out how and with what you can destroy house bugs.

There are only two ways to kill bedbugs in an apartment yourself: use folk remedies or special insecticides.

Safe folk remedies only help to repel pests; unsafe folk remedies can kill them, but are categorically not recommended for use if you value your home, furniture, things in it, your health and well-being.

Bedbugs are repelled by:

  • Oils of lavender, cedar, pine, clove, tea tree, eucalyptus, grapefruit heated in an aroma lamp
  • Fresh and dried (not older than 2 years) bunches of rosemary, tansy, chamomile, wormwood and thyme, laid out in pest habitats
  • Intense odors incense sticks, incense, perfumes, air fresheners and flavors
  • An undiluted concentrate or solution of 9% table or apple cider vinegar, which can be used to wipe surfaces and wash floors

To poison bedbugs in your home, you can use insecticides specially designed for this purpose. If they are used according to the instructions, they do not damage things in the house and do not leave stains, but bad smell they wear off over time. The following products are suitable for baiting bedbugs:

  • Spray Clean house
  • Fendon
  • Aerosol Raptor
  • Bedbug Executioner
  • Extermin-C
  • FAS-Super
  • Combat MultySpray
  • Ram
  • Ecokiller powder
  • Spray Medilis-Antiklop
  • Ciradon
  • Biocyfen
  • Gett from bedbugs
  • Biorin
  • Tetracine

If you have not poisoned bedbugs at home before, you can choose any remedy for them in the store. If you have already had unsuccessful attempts, choose an insecticide whose first place in the “Composition” column is a substance different from what is indicated in the preparation that you used previously.

How to destroy a bedbug nest

If you only kill the bedbugs that you see, it will hardly help reduce their numbers. More effective way The best way to kill bedbugs is to find their nests. There may be several of them in an apartment. In this case, a nest means a place where pests accumulate; bedbugs do not build any special structures for this purpose, like ants or wasps, for example. Most often, bedbugs choose:

  • The back side of mattresses, sofa pillows
  • Headboards of beds, if they are wooden or fabric
  • Bedside tables
  • Space under the mattress pad
  • Stuffed Toys
  • Books
  • Various interior items that you can climb into or behind

In order to find bedbugs, it is enough to carefully inspect the apartment in good lighting and use a flashlight to secluded places, cracks and joints in furniture.

How to destroy a bedbug nest after you have discovered it?

If the nest was in an object, clean it in the same way as such things are usually cleaned and, if possible, treat it with insecticides. If the nest was in textiles, wash it additionally and iron it after drying. Insecticides should not be used on bedding, clothing and certain items. Instead, after washing, you can use disinfectants. You can find a list of suitable tools for this.

As a rule, you can destroy bedbugs in a sofa using insecticides, however, before using, carefully read the instructions for the chosen product so as not to damage the sofa upholstery. If everything is in order, then:

  • Move the sofa away from the wall
  • Spread it out as much as possible
  • Remove all pillows
  • Take everything out of the drawers and process it separately.
  • Vacuum and treat the sofa as indicated in the section above.
The recommendations for exterminating bedbug nests from the previous section are also relevant for sofas, since it is in them and in beds that insects accumulate most often.

How to quickly destroy house bugs

If speed is your priority, the only way to get rid of bed bugs as quickly as possible is to have them treated by a professional sanitation service.

  • Just one procedure is enough to completely eradicate bedbugs from an entire apartment or house.
  • The work takes on average from 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on the number of rooms or area of ​​the house.
  • The effect of the procedure is noticeable already on the first day after disinsection - the bugs stop biting.
  • Insects disappear completely within a period of 1 day to 1 month (you can read more about what the timing depends on).
  • At Dez Group, the service can be provided on the day of application or the next day.
  • When treating an entire house or apartment, you receive a guarantee for the procedure performed.
  • You can independently choose the processing method that suits you based on the range of services and price.

SES Dez Group, certified by Rospotrebnadzor, has been helping individuals and organizations fight insects for more than 13 years.

Therefore, most the best option To quickly destroy the entire population of bedbugs, there will be a combination of funds from these two groups.

Killing adult bedbugs: a list of effective means

The list of the most effective remedies against bedbugs is constantly updated. However, the first places are invariably held by fairly old and well-proven drugs.


Insecticide is applied to the places where bedbugs are expected to live, along the path of their possible movement, as well as on back walls furniture, upholstery and frame.

All of the above drugs of the pyrethroid group effectively kill adult individuals and, however, are ineffective against their eggs. The insect egg is protected by a special shell that is resistant to most poisons. Therefore, when using such products, you will have to re-treat after 10-14 days. During this time, new larvae will have time to hatch and become sensitive to the poison. It will be possible to completely get rid of bedbugs in an apartment only in 2 stages.

Destruction of bed bug eggs

The question arises: how to kill bedbug eggs if they have such good natural protection and are immune to poisons? In fact, there is a whole group of organophosphate insecticides that affect both adult bedbugs and their eggs. Let's talk about some drugs in this group.


It is a universal insecticide widely used by professional pest control services. It is a concentrate of organophosphorus compounds, which should be sprayed in places where insects accumulate.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that the drug was prohibited for household use due to its danger to humans and animals and its ability to accumulate in the body.


Combining bedbug remedies

It turns out that after using pyrethroids, re-treatment is often required, and preparations based on organophosphates are often harmful and inconvenient to use. What to choose and how to kill bed bugs in one go? The solution is simple: combine drugs from both groups.

Folk remedies can also help kill bedbugs. Effective method, which will cope with adult insects, their larvae and eggs - this is temperature treatment. Moreover, both freezing out bedbugs and destroying them with steam or boiling water is practiced.

Bedbugs are fairly unpretentious creatures and can live in a wide range of temperature range. But when it’s a harsh winter outside (below 30 degrees), you can take pieces of furniture outside and leave them there for several hours. If you have the opportunity to leave for a few days, freezing the entire apartment with the windows wide open will help.

The bedbugs will most likely die after this treatment, but the operation of the plumbing systems may be disrupted. In addition, not every region can boast of such temperatures in winter.

People often try to kill bedbugs with steam as well. . Of course, at high temperatures, bedbugs and their eggs die immediately. But there is also a significant disadvantage of this method - it is inconvenient to use. The steam usually does not have time to reach the crack with the bugs and condenses, and boiling water cannot be poured into all places in the apartment. Disinsection service specialists also use this method, but they have special steam generators and heat emitters.

As you can see, when choosing a product to combat bedbugs, you need to take into account many nuances, and you certainly shouldn’t buy the first product that catches your eye. This may not only be ineffective, but also simply dangerous to health.

What is important to know about exterminating bedbugs in an apartment?

Domestic bedbugs are a real disaster for humans: even cockroaches cannot compare with these insects in terms of the amount of harm they cause. They and their larvae mercilessly bite the entire family at night, literally eating small children, after which the skin itches and breaks out in a rash. How to kill bedbugs is the first question that worries a person if he has found “happiness” in the form of bloodsuckers in the house. Let's look at the main ways to get rid of biting scourges.

Bedbugs and their features

  • After spending the night in a hotel, hotel, with friends and relatives (they can crawl into things).
  • From neighbors - insects easily move through ventilation or even crawl into doors.
  • After bringing things from dry cleaning, wardrobe, storage room.
  • When purchasing used furniture.

Before treating the apartment, carefully inspect all secluded places for the presence of insects.

Attention: The consequences of bedbugs in an apartment can be serious - except allergic reactions Constant bites at night cause lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, neuroses and even depression!

When is it time to take action?

If you find bites on your skin, you need to think carefully. You shouldn’t immediately think about how and with what to kill bedbugs - you need to make sure of their presence. First, you should carefully examine the mattress or sofa, as well as all the nooks and crannies in the bedroom. It is almost impossible to notice small eggs, but adult insects usually sit side by side during the day in their nest, without running away from there.

There are other “symptoms” of the appearance of bedbugs:

  1. Blood stains on bed linen.
  2. Black crumbs (excrement) near the bed.
  3. The presence of skins that are shed by the larvae.

Bites on the body are also quite unusual. As a rule, the bug leaves a “path” of 3-5 bites, this is the only way it is completely saturated. Typically, such marks can be seen on the neck, arms, chest and other open places.

What to do if bedbugs are detected?

According to experts, insects can appear in any house or apartment, regardless of the sanitary condition of the home. However, cleanliness and the absence of places where dust accumulates and uncleaned secluded places will be the first step in getting rid of bedbugs. Cleaning will help kill bedbug eggs and captured adult insects, so you need to wear gloves and mechanically destroy all identified insect nests. You need to vacuum the carpets and immediately take out the trash, wash the cracks and corners, clean up all the loose pieces of wallpaper and linoleum.

In parallel with cleaning, you should wash linens, blankets, rugs, or treat things with hot steam. You can also take furniture and things out to the balcony to freeze or, on the contrary, leave them in the sun. Bedbugs can only live when room temperature!

What is the easiest way to kill bedbugs?

If there are a lot of bedbugs and you yourself are not able to cope with the insects, there is only one way out - calling a professional pest control service

Whatever tool is chosen for the job, there is important tips for working with it:

  • Before starting work, carefully read the instructions.
  • Correctly calculate the consumption of the drug for preparing the solution.
  • Pre-make wet cleaning rooms, move furniture away from the walls.
  • Pack food, toothbrushes, and other personal belongings tightly, or better yet, put them on the balcony (food in the refrigerator).
  • It is good to treat all places where bedbugs may live, trying to maintain the approximate consumption of the working solution (this indicator is also indicated in the instructions).

  • After applying the chemical, leave the room immediately.
  • You can return to your apartment or house only after the time specified in the instructions has expired, and immediately ventilate your home well.
  • After 10 days, disinfestate again. Thus, the larvae of bedbugs that appeared during this time will be killed.

When using any insecticides, you should follow safety precautions - wear a respirator, gloves, goggles, and thick synthetic clothing on your body.

While treating a room for bedbugs, people with serious chronic diseases, children, the elderly, and pregnant women should not be there. Animals also need to be removed or removed from the apartment.

Tips to help get rid of bed bugs:

What remedies are there for bedbugs?

Here are the common brands of anti-bedbug medications:

  1. "Raptor spray." Includes poison from the pyrethroid group, paralyzes insects.
  2. Spray "Raid". Ideal for processing upholstered furniture.
  3. Aerosol "Combat". Equipped with a nozzle for penetrating hard to reach places, quickly kills bedbugs in nests.
  4. Aerosol "Dichlorvos". Easy to use, cheap, familiar to everyone and quite effective.

Powders, concentrates or microgranules for preparing solutions are usually more effective against blood-sucking insects. They contain one, but more often 2-3 active substances, and their effect is prolonged. This will help destroy those bedbugs that appear 10-30 days after disinfestation.

Some products can be scattered over bedbug habitats, others can be applied diluted with a brush. Powder preparations include:

  • "Klopoveron"
  • "Executioner",
  • "Insecticide"
  • "Diazinon"
  • "Chlorpyrifos"
  • "Neopine."

If the drugs deal with bedbugs very quickly - they penetrate the chitin and paralyze the insect - then their eggs are almost always preserved. But modern means are designed for long-term action, so after hatching the larvae are doomed. Only when the room is highly populated with bloodsuckers is it better to re-treat. Dead insects should be swept away immediately so that children and pets do not touch them, and treated areas should not be washed for about 20-30 days.

Attention: It is practically pointless to purchase crayons, traps, and sticky baits to kill insects. They only eat blood and will not be interested in other food offered.

Other measures to eliminate bedbugs in the house

  • Freezing. If you manage to take a bed, sofa or things with bedbugs out onto the balcony or outside in winter and leave them there for at least a couple of hours, all the insects will die. It is also possible to “freeze the apartment” by opening the windows, but there is a danger of bursting the heating pipes.

  • Steam treatment. By pouring water into a household steam generator and walking through secluded corners with steam, you can kill most of the bedbugs and larvae. Some people also water insect nests with boiling water, which is also unfavorable for them.

  • Pouring bedbugs with a solution of vinegar, turpentine, kerosene. These methods are less effective, they will have to be carried out many times, and damage to furniture and things is almost guaranteed.

Having decided to get rid of parasites in any way, it is important to warn your neighbors. If they crawl to them through the ventilation, it will be a matter of time to get them again. Therefore, it is better to do a high-quality disinfestation once and forget about the problem, than to suffer forever from bedbug bites!

Few people know how to kill bedbugs in an apartment will be effective and safe, because bed bugs tenacious and resistant to stressful situations. Usually, having searched the Internet for advice on how to kill bedbugs at home, the apartment owner is determined to do away with them forever in one evening, but more often than not, such a struggle drags on for many months.

We have prepared especially for you detailed instructions How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment yourself. Multiply your zeal with our professional experience, and may the force be with you!

Destruction of bedbugs: barrier protection or collective treatment

Many who already have experience fighting bloodsuckers know that a few days after chemical treatment they often appear again. There are several reasons for this.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that neighboring apartments are not infested with bedbugs. These insects are without special labor travel from neighbor to neighbor without being noticed.

In one recent study, which was conducted in a large apartment building, it turned out that of all the apartments where bedbugs were found, only in half of them the owners knew about the infestation.

The fact is that many people do not feel their bites, which is why the bugs manage to multiply and spread to their neighbors. Therefore, the following rule applies here: if one apartment is contaminated, then all adjacent sections (left, right, top and bottom) are considered contaminated until a thorough inspection is carried out in them.

Just asking your neighbors if anyone is biting them is not enough - try to convince them to take action. After all, bedbugs in the entrance are like chickenpox in kindergarten- if they are not in one apartment now, then after your treatment they can easily appear - kindly explain this to those who do not understand. By carrying out pest control together (even for preventive purposes), you will not leave the bloodsuckers any escape route.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to come to an agreement with neighbors. In this case, when processing, pay Special attention those areas through which bedbugs can get to you from other apartments (read more about this below). Check that the cracks in the walls, floor and ceiling where communications pass are sealed, and seal the ventilation holes with fine mesh.

What means to kill bedbugs

If you don’t want to waste time, nerves and a lot of money, you have to look at things realistically - don’t look for a miraculous remedy that will easily and without hassle get rid of bedbugs, there is no such remedy.

I’ll briefly tell you what and how you can destroy bedbugs at home yourself. First of all, don't try to do this. folk remedies- in the best case, you will cause them slight confusion with pungent odors, nothing more.

Secondly, do not give preference to aerosols or sprays - they are ineffective against bedbugs. These pests are real guerrillas; they can hide in inaccessible places and sit out for several days, and short-term chemical exposure only makes them more resistant. In addition, more and more new larvae will hatch from the eggs, and treatments will have to be repeated again and again, this is costly and impractical.

It is best to use contact-type insecticides that remain effective for 5-6 weeks after application. The professional products used by bedbug extermination services are not commercially available, but there are similar retail pesticides available to the public.

Among them are drugs from the following groups:

  1. FOS: Averfos, Agran, Dobrokhim FOS, Dobrokhim Micro, Force-Site
  2. Pyrethroids: Biorin, Favorit
  3. Neonicotinoids: Confidant

(The above products are registered in Russia and approved for use by Rospotrebnadzor)

Besides the bedroom, bedbugs can live in any room where people sleep. Living room with soft sofas and armchairs - the next most popular room among bloodsuckers. A typical infestation begins in one room and then gradually spreads to wherever there are sleeping areas. The sooner you find them and take action, the easier it will be to get rid of them. If you wait too long, bedbugs will infest the entire house.

  • Don't rush to throw away furniture. In most cases, there is no need to throw away beds, sofas and bedding. It’s too expensive to change all this, and besides, the bugs remaining in the apartment will quickly populate new furniture. Rather than incur such expenses, it is cheaper to order professional disinfection.
  • Protect your sleeping space. It is fundamentally important not to change your place of rest at night to reduce the risk of bedbugs spreading throughout the house. After all, if you move to sleep in another room, the bedbugs will follow you, and as a result, the fight will become much more difficult. To make your bed a safety zone, follow these steps:

  • Treat the rest of the house. This is the most labor-intensive stage of the work. If you managed to find bedbugs in the first week of their appearance, then disinsection of the bed may be enough, but most likely they have already spread throughout the room. So don’t rely on luck and proceed further according to the instructions:
  • How to destroy bedbug eggs and larvae

    Newly emerged larvae are also very small (1-1.5mm) and colorless, so they are not easy to notice. After each bite, the larvae grow and become increasingly darker in color.

    Bedbugs are prone to migration and settlement already in the adult stage, therefore, to destroy eggs and larvae, it is enough. Although this is quite a difficult task, if you follow these instructions, you will be able to find all the nests with a 95% probability.

    How to monitor the situation after treatment

    Pay attention to whether new bites appear on your body (if, of course, they appear on you). Every 3-4 days, conduct a thorough inspection of the room and furniture according to the scheme described above. Observe whether new insects appear in the traps (which are under the legs of the bed), and periodically clean these traps. Continue monitoring for 2-3 months.

    If after this period you do not find any signs of the presence of bedbugs, then your diligent efforts will be generously rewarded. You can celebrate your victory!

    But if after 3 weeks after treatment the bedbugs have not disappeared, do not despair - this happens not only to you. Gather your strength and carry out the entire procedure again, you may need to do this a third time. Be persistent and remember to alternate insecticides from different groups.

    The main life task of these little bloodsuckers is to penetrate a person’s home, thoroughly settle in it, occupying all the most inaccessible places and begin their endless feeding on blood every night and reproduction.

    How do bed bugs get into our home?

    Bed bugs are tiny insects with a flattened body, which means they are able to seep through even the narrowest cracks, up to the thickness credit card, which means bedbugs can literally get into an apartment through the walls from an infested neighboring apartment.

    The problem of bed bugs in their homes has plagued people from the very beginning, so Our ancestors were already concerned with the problem of removing bedbugs from apartments.. And since the problem has existed for a long time, there are proven ways to solve it.

    1. Physical destruction of bedbugs;
    2. Thermal destruction;
    3. Getting rid of bedbugs using folk remedies;
    4. Chemical removing bedbugs from an apartment.

    Let's look at each method of getting rid of bedbugs in more detail. to understand which one is best suited in your case

    Nevertheless, it is quite difficult to remove all bedbugs from an apartment in this way, since cleaning must be done very carefully and you need to know all the places in the apartment where they can hide. It is important to be careful not to damage the furniture.

    Thermal method to remove bedbugs from the house. Bedbugs love warmth and have difficulty withstanding very low and very high temperatures, so long ago in villages people practiced effective method freezing the house from bedbugs. When in winter people severe frost they opened the windows and allowed the apartment to cool completely, or they took the furniture outside. It was important to allow a few hours of frost to kill the insects. Nowadays, you can also “burn out” bedbugs in an apartment using industrial fan heaters that can heat the room to +50 °C, which also has a detrimental effect on the well-being of insects.

    About the cons this method it’s easy to guess - it’s very difficult to freeze an apartment when bedbugs are infested in the summer or spring, especially in St. Petersburg, taking all the furniture outside is also quite difficult. Well, creating an oven in an apartment using fan heaters is also a dubious task, at least in terms of energy costs and possible damage to things from such overheating.

    Folk remedies. Our observant ancestors discovered long ago that insects, and in particular bedbugs really don’t like strong and pungent odors, which some plants or liquids leave behind. It will be difficult to completely drive away bedbugs with odors, since sooner or later they can get used to it, and hunger will take its toll, but then most likely the person himself will begin to go crazy from the aromas in the house. Therefore, this grandmother’s method in modern realities raises many doubts about its relevance.

    When processing an apartment yourself, you should buy a professional bedbug repellent in a store in St. Petersburg or ready set , then read the instructions for its use, and also do not forget to take care of the funds personal protection- gloves, respirator.

    Most effective removal bed bugs from the apartment is to contact a specialized SES service.