How to eliminate spiritual resistance. Spiritual practices: physiological changes. Increased sensitivity and sensitivity

Today I will continue to share the answers I give to questions from participants in my online programs who are walking the path of transformation and energetic transformation.

At the next lesson of the “Quantum of Plenty” program, I was asked a traditional question: “Why do kickbacks happen and how to deal with them?” . In fact, “kickbacks” occur quite often, and everyone who begins to work on himself, his internal state, with your emotions you may encounter such a problem, so I thought it necessary to cover this topic, since it may be relevant for you too.

Let's first try to figure it out, What are “kickbacks” and what causes them to appear. It often happens that in the process of working on yourself, working with certain techniques, you feel an emotional uplift, your self-esteem has risen and you have more confidence in yourself and in your actions, relationships have improved, new opportunities have opened up, new plans have appeared, it seems to you that You can move mountains and change everything.

But after such a rise, for some reason, a decline suddenly sets in, when depression appears, you no longer want to do anything, self-confidence disappears somewhere, relationships become strained, misunderstandings arise..... As a result, you are confused and cannot understand why this is happening, where everything is over, what happened and how to deal with it all, panic begins.

This kind of emotional, and perhaps physical, decline is called “reset” and can be revealed during spiritual work on oneself. This process can be called “spiritual resistance.”

No one is immune from spiritual resistance, and anyone - from a beginner to an advanced practitioner - can find themselves in a state with a “minus” sign against the backdrop of what seemed to be significant positive changes. But you don’t have to be afraid of kickbacks, you just need to know about it and be able to deal with them.

Spiritual resistance can manifest itself in different ways: there may be an upsurge in some areas, for example the financial sector, but at the same time, relationships with loved ones in the family may become strained, misunderstandings may arise, conflict situations. This is all very individual and occurs at the level of subtle matters - energy and emotions.

Often, “kickbacks” come to the surface as psychosomatic manifestations, when depression is also accompanied by physical ailment, immunity decreases, and an exacerbation of various diseases is possible, i.e. begins to respond to emotional changes and physical body.

Why is this happening? What is the cause of spiritual resistance? There may actually be several reasons, but I’ll try to explain in simple terms.

The moment you begin to work with energies, influence your internal state, cleanse yourself of negative emotions and fears, at this time large-scale transformations occur, a restructuring of your energy, you switch from one vibration to another and along with the change subtle bodies The physical body also begins to rebuild. After all, we are not joking when we say that energy techniques work at the DNA level.

It often happens that when energy centers are impacted, and each chakra, as we know, is associated with certain physical organs, it is there that old “sores” can pop up. Perhaps this is how, through psychosomatics, your fears and energy blocks that are lodged deep inside manifest themselves.

Every illness is given as a signal: “Look what you are doing wrong!” And before you pray for healing, ask yourself the question: “What in my actions and thoughts could lead to illness? What should I change?

Your inner voice may now still be afraid of the changes that are beginning to happen to you, and will try to pull you back to the state from which you just emerged. Here it is very important to work with yourself, to say clearly and confidently: “I feel calm and confident,” to convince not only the mind, but also the body that all the changes are only for the better, that you really need it.

When you understand the reasons for spiritual resistance, understand that such a phenomenon takes place, it will be easier for you to cope with them. In this regard, I want to give several recommendations so that your growth and development goes much faster and more successfully.

Firstly, when you are in the process of transformation, and this is a rather subtle and sensitive state, try to be more attentive to yourself, take more care of your health, sleep more, walk more, drink more water. Your physical body is a sensitive mechanism that will be one of the first to react to any change. Therefore, treat your body with great attention now, watch its reactions to your new state.

Introduce meditation into your daily practice . This will help you listen to yourself, be alone, relax, and get answers to your spiritual questions.
During spiritual resistance, it is very important to have a connection with higher powers and to develop intuition. This will help you perfectly, which I have prepared specifically for those who are following the path of spiritual development.

In order for the body to better perceive new energies, it is desirable to develop it too. Start simultaneously with spiritual transformation and physical exercise, which ones don’t matter. It is important that your physical body keeps up with the development of the subtle bodies, otherwise an imbalance may arise, which will naturally lead to deterioration in health.

Secondly: Don’t try to apply everything on yourself at once, try all the techniques and methods for working with energy at the same time! To move forward well and confidently, act gradually, take your time, take care of your psyche. Start working on your inner state with a few minutes a day, gradually increasing the time of exercise and meditation. Take your energetic transformation seriously, because it is a subtle psychological process that cannot be rushed.

Understand that “kickbacks” are a natural phenomenon, and when there is a change from plus to minus, rise to decline, this is normal, this is how the Universe works, and in ordinary life we see this often. It is very important here not to panic, but to simply allow the situation to be.

No habit arises spontaneously, all at once. The formation of habitual behavior is preceded by a long process of habituation. All you have to do is just continue to act in a new way.

Allow yourself to be a little in a state of irritation, emotional outburst, or maybe, on the contrary, apathy and not wanting to do anything, let your body and brain adapt. “Kickbacks” can manifest themselves in different ways - just watch the situation, analyze what is happening, paying attention to what particularly bothers you.

Very often mistakes and blunders can occur simply because stress and tension go away, and you become more relaxed, lighter, less concentrated on pressing matters and problems. What to do? Stress again? No, no, we don’t want to strain ourselves again. Just let situations happen, let yourself get used to a state of lightness, a state of joy, a feeling of being new.

But what should you do if your relationships with other people suddenly deteriorate, be it work colleagues or relatives, your family circle, when you begin to overreact to what others say or do? The thing is that they are now on different vibrations, not similar to yours: they may think differently, act differently than you see now, be not as fast, not as sensitive as you would like.

In addition, accept that they are used to seeing you as you WERE. And you are already different, and you see what you WANT TO BE. Therefore, your loved ones are worried that you will not succeed - they remember the whole history of your defeats, they remember how you suffered and sincerely want to warn you. Consider this as a show of love and care. After all, that’s why they are “close”, to take care of you!

You just need to treat this with understanding, acceptance, and try to control your emotions. Add a little more love first of all, to yourself and, accordingly, to other people, this will help you move forward, move to where you want to go.

On own experience I also encountered “kickbacks”. But I quickly realized that mostly spiritual resistance occurs when you try to change everything yourself, without turning to professionals. Independent work is necessary, but it gives especially profound results when carried out systematically and at a professional level.

A person cannot be an expert in everything! And where you don’t see problems, the biggest problems may be hiding. main reason your results are not high enough! Now I am successfully engaged in a weight loss program and I know for sure that as soon as I decide to make some changes on my own, I lose the result. I call the Coach, ask 2-3 questions - and it turns out that I made fundamental mistakes! With the Mentor, I got results in 3 months that I couldn’t achieve on my own in 3 years! But I was sure that I was doing everything right! I even tried to teach others!

Most effective way overcome spiritual resistance - be with a Mentor, be in an inspiring environment, methodically and regularly undergo systemic transformations under the supervision of an expert practitioner.

Since January 2016, I have been launching a new 7-week online program to increase confidence and self-esteem “I can do anything!” This program is based on all my knowledge and practical experience, learning from the greatest Mentors around the world. When I, as a Trainer, lead a group, I don’t just give isolated tasks - I plan the program so that the participants avoid spiritual resistance as much as possible, so that they are not overtaken by “kickbacks”.

To do this, I use the “Three Crystals of Power” Personality Development System, which I created based on the comprehensive development of the soul, thinking and body. If you consistently complete all tasks, exercises, master techniques and methods, there will be no “kickbacks” after the “I can do anything!” program. you are guaranteed!

Spiritual resistance - “rollback” - is just another step on your path that you need to survive, go through in order to start moving forward again. Don't allow yourself to go back to where you started, you've already taken so many steps and changed things. You just need to continue and finish what you started. Do this, because this is the only way you will achieve your goal! You will succeed! The main thing is not to leave the intended path!

In the 7-week online program “I can do anything!” I will not walk your path for you, but I will be a beacon that illuminates your path to spiritual growth, confidence, and gaining inner strength.

Take the test and find out how confident you are. Along with the test results, you will receive 4 video lessons with techniques that will help you avoid kickbacks.

The cause of resistance and its derivative, a state of tension, can be physical impact, a reaction to feelings of fear and anger, or negatively charged criticism. Another reason should be recognized as alienation.

Alienation is an attempt to move away or isolate, which leads to resistance, and therefore to tension. Spiritual resistance occurs because you become alienated from an environment, a group, or the whole world because you believe that you do not belong to them. Sometimes this comes from a feeling of not being needed, but sometimes alienation comes from the realization that you have a different purpose in this life. The motives and attitudes that lead to alienation can be very different. We will not consider them now. It is enough to highlight the main thing - the greater the alienation, the more intense the stress.

Lack of involvement in collective activities or lack of connection with the environment leads to weak forms of stress—unreasonable fear, anger, and critical thinking. The greatest problems are caused by extreme forms of alienation, expressed in prolonged meditation, prolonged waking sleep and autism. A long-term state of waking sleep is a complete disconnection of consciousness from reality and immersion in the world of dreams and fantasies. Writers, forced to constantly go through this state, have developed a successful proportion that allows them to avoid negative consequences. They combine fantasy work with physical activity - writing, typing or dictating.

Prolonged meditation is the concentration of consciousness on a certain image to the detriment of the surrounding reality and one’s own body. One of the reasons for the appearance of tension is a decrease in activity, which entails oxygen starvation and an increase in the level of toxins. The second reason should be considered the separation of your lowno from ku, in other words, the separation of consciousness from the sensations of the body. The same thing happens if you sleep too much. Therefore, the symptoms of oversleeping are a slow reaction, aches throughout the body and various types of pain.

People who alienate themselves from reality through meditation, daydreaming or long sleep, “returning to the body” experience discomfort and try to spend more and more time “outside” it. The catch is that the real reason the feeling of discomfort is a separation of consciousness from the body.

I myself experienced a similar condition on a hike in the High Sierra, where I went with my sons. It was not easy for me to keep up with their pace, and I decided to resort to one technique that allows me to separate my consciousness from my body. I began to monotonously pronounce the same spell and began to keep up with the guys without any problems. Everything was going great until we got to camp. As soon as I "returned to my body", I collapsed from heatstroke. Throughout the transition, my low-nature did not perceive the alarming signals from ku that the body was overstressed and dehydrated. The guys ran to the waterfall, and I had to spend half an hour until my blood returned to normal. But even after that, with great difficulty, I was able to get to the camp.

Motives of behavior and metabolic rate are always purely individual, therefore there are no general rules for safe separation of consciousness from outside world and myself. Focus on your well-being. “Returning to the body” should, first of all, be accompanied by pleasure.

If spiritual alienation begins to give rise to problems, solve them. Switch to mental activity combined with physical activity. Communication with people or the surrounding reality will also give positive results. You will also immediately feel better if you learn and bless the work, the people, and the world.

A specific manifestation of alienation is autism. Sometimes a person is so separated from the world around him that he can no longer cope without outside help. On early stages autism manifests itself as a refusal to communicate and participate in group activities. Then the person refuses to recognize loved ones and the environment, and so on until complete loss of memory. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by periodically repeating meaningless body movements.

Boundless love can help in such cases. True, ordinary love and simple care are often enough. For those who have encountered this problem to one degree or another, I recommend Barry Kaufman’s book.

One of my students, a high school teacher, had a girl who, judging by her symptoms, was in the borderline stage of autism. The girl refused to speak or communicate with others. She sat quietly at her desk, going through her lessons from bell to bell, and did not react in any way to the teacher’s explanations.

Knowing that the teacher is not able to devote much time to one child, I recommended that my student simply sit down at the girl’s desk for a few minutes during each lesson. Getting up, she had to pet the girl and tell her: “Thank you.” Three weeks passed, and the girl began to engage in conversation, smile and communicate with other students.


Eight lined notebooks - the diary of a young Dutch woman, Etty Hillesum, which was cut short at the gates of Auschwitz... This is a terrible monument to the Holocaust and, at the same time, a unique story of spiritual resistance to Nazism, written in anticipation of inevitable death. This is the naked soul of a woman who lives and loves, works on the works of Dostoevsky and admires the poetry of Rilke, inhales the smell of awakening tender greenery and speaks to God as to herself.

This is a cry of willingness to become a band-aid on the wounds of humanity. This is the idea that we are all just hollow vessels, washed by the waves of world history. But if a fire that disperses darkness burns in a vessel, no one will call it empty...

Two worlds in ancient Russian icon painting

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“Now, before our eyes, everything that was hitherto considered an icon is being destroyed. Dark spots are removed. And in the very golden armor of salaries, despite the desperate resistance of domestic ignorance, a hole has been made in some places. The beauty of the icon has already been revealed to our eyes, but, however, even here we most often remain halfway.

With us, the icon often remains the subject of that superficial aesthetic admiration that does not penetrate into its spiritual meaning. Meanwhile, in its lines and colors we have beauty that is primarily semantic. They are beautiful only as a transparent expression of the spiritual content that is embodied in them.

Whoever sees only the outer shell of this content is not far from the admirers of gilded vestments and dark spots. For, in the end, the luxury of these vestments owes its origin to another variety of the same superficial aestheticism...”

Seventh bowl of wrath

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Each living species received from the Creator a program of actions leading to the possibility of creating harmonious connections between the spiritual and material world. But harmony does not come by itself, encountering constant resistance in the form of cellular riots that cause tumor diseases and work disorders internal organs, mental, sexual disorders... A person must know the most basic information about them, so that the trumpet of the seventh angel does not sound and the seventh cup of wrath does not spill.

Chance for independence

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It seems that the Reptilian Guides have already completely captured the Earth, so strong are the positions of their henchmen and coders in various power structures. Their ideology prevails, their values ​​have already been internalized by the new generation of earthlings, their secret influence corrodes souls, turning people into an obedient herd.

However, despite everything, Russia and its spiritual stronghold, the Trien organization, not only holds on, repelling the attacks of strangers, but also expands its zone of influence. Roman Volkov, a visv, a psychic, whose potential and skill are growing every day, is ready to stand at the head of the resistance, which means that the chance for independence for humanity is moving from the category of dreams to the category of reality.

Philosophy of the Game, or Status of Squaw: Philosophical Essays

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Civilization exploits man as a biosocial being; its informational and, so to speak, “spiritual” capabilities are known in principle. It's time to move on to culture. But the law of conservation of information also presupposes some resistance to lower-order information when moving to a higher level.

This is quite natural: managing information with more high floors represents the subjugation (literally: forceful conquest) of the lower information layers by the higher ones. That is why the body submits to the soul, the soul to the mind (according to the norm, ideally). But the mind also depends on the soul: the phenomenon of “clouding” of the mind, the phenomenon of information failure, is not so rare.

Count Sokolovsky and the staged murder

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Fate brought them together in the house of a famous and wealthy manufacturer. Not all of the guests are happy about their stay in the new estate of an influential entrepreneur, equipped with the latest technology. A tangle of contradictions reigning in this house is revealed to Count Sokolovsky.

Bad thoughts are intensified by stupid omens and the lamentations of a faithful servant, foreshadowing the imminent death of one of the guests. Will the famous detective, who experienced a spiritual revolution, be able to solve the crime this time? Will he be able to overcome the old temptations that have arisen before him and overcome the resistance of the local police?

I dedicate this material spiritual practitioners who at some stage of their development encountered "the heaviness of life".

The easiest way to describe it is with this phrase: « I’m working on myself, growing spiritually, why am I getting worse??!»

This can lead to disappointment in oneself or one’s practices - “it’s all in vain...”

This information now resonates so strongly with me and my like-minded people that I considered it simply necessary to convey it to readers.

However, even if you do not consider yourself a spiritual practitioner, but “accidentally” saw this article, read it. Perhaps this is the information you need right now.

Depressive, depressed state for no particular reason;
reluctance to live - from deep despair to mild indifference to your life and everything human (“all is decay”);
feeling confusion in this world - I don’t understand who I am and what I’m even doing here;
longing for the “True Home”, the feeling that you are not from here, that somewhere there is another place where you would be truly happy;
unexplained seizures anxiety, fear (so-called panic attacks);
bone diseases, teeth;
excess weight or lack of weight;
periodic weakness and cold in body;
immunity disorders, such as allergies, etc.;
problems with money.

At the same time, most likely, you have already worked with programs of love and self-acceptance, healed the past, accepted your family and clan.

(If you have not yet completed this stage, I recommend Alena Starovoitova’s transformation seminar.
I took this course myself and am deeply impressed!

This article deals with cases where you have already experienced acute trauma and acceptance of your personal qualities, and the above symptoms get worse.

You have worked so hard on yourself, you have shifted large layers and it seems that you should become happier and freer - so what’s the matter?

I'll answer you. You have come far in your development and are faced with.

Laurie Gilmore described it as "the resistance of the body to the loss of density caused by the descent of the spirit."

Simply put, it is difficult for your huge and powerful Soul to integrate into your body and live as a human.

And the more spiritual a person you become, the more you identify yourself with the Soul - sometimes, alas, the more difficult it is for you to contact your body and earthly life.

The origins of spiritual resistance are the so-called First Cause (“Descent into Darkness”, or Separation).

It's about about your birth on Earth.

At some point, your great Soul, connected to the Unconditional love of the Creator, made the decision to live the human experience. And then many of us fell into the illusion of separation.

Here's what Sal Rachel writes about this (hereinafter, quotes from the book “The Uniting Man. Integration of the Soul”)

This process is called " compression of spiritual energy into matter».

When you get to the memory of this experience, "the physiological imprint includes intense energy of contraction and desire decompression” (essentially, this is a desire for death).

Beginners practice diligently to feel themselves and their reality at least a little more than the physical world. They are burdened by this lack of freedom and the memory of something more.

You, as advanced practitioners who have finally realized the illusory nature of reality and your truth, can fall into a specific trap - “ longing for higher realms».

This is what it looks like.

You feel that you were once huge, powerful and free beings, full of love.

You lived in a place where there was not even the knowledge of pain, and everything was permeated by love and wisdom.

Do you remember how pleasant it was to explore the Universe, easily come into contact with any beings and feel the boundless acceptance of God.

You remember the gifts of telepathic communication, instant healing, movement to any point in the universe, energy exchange with kindred souls.

Compared to these wonderful memories life on earth seems painful and unbearable, and we unconsciously strive to interrupt it.

“Pain is resistance to what is,” writes Sal Rachel. And in this pain is the source of spiritual resistance.

These painful feelings are based on emotional trauma during incarnation.

Such experiences make you want to escape from the compression.

This manifests itself as the “urge to die,” i.e. the desire to leave the physical body and return to a less compressed, disembodied state.

These are the causes of depression, depression, and panic attacks.

Because the impulse of the Soul is the unconscious desire to leave the body, the body, following her will, begins to collapse.

This is especially noticeable in diseases of bones and teeth, as the densest matter in your body. It is not for nothing that in old age, when the soul is already preparing for the transition, bones become fragile and teeth fall out.

Remember that they say about an excessively fragile person “he is unearthly,” that is, he is almost not present in the body.

There may also be problems with the immune system, especially allergies (aversion to the body, earthly foods, etc.)

Let us highlight this point separately, because many spiritual practices face unexplained weight gain.

In this, alas, rather destructive way, the body tries to accommodate the existing spiritual mass.

Your Soul remembers a world where the exchange of energies occurred freely and easily, where not ranks and finances were valued, but the qualities of pure love and wisdom.

Therefore, the Soul does not understand the need to earn money, and yearns for that “free world”.

As one of my friends (a powerful practitioner) called it: “I’m still waiting for the day when I won’t have to work and they’ll just pay me for my glow and love. But this still doesn’t happen, and I’m disappointed in the justice of the world.”

As a result, internal message from the Soul “I don’t need money” manifests itself in the physical world as financial problems.

Listen to your inner response, you are probably familiar with something similar.

Do you remember about your spiritual Family, about the energies of love and acceptance with which dear beings surrounded you.

You are looking for the same quality of love on Earth, but many people, often those closest to you, have caused and continue to cause you pain.

You don't understand why this happens, and this breaks your heart.

You enter a relationship with the most open soul, and when faced with misunderstanding, betrayal, rejection, you close yourself and become disappointed in people or in yourself.

You are constantly looking for your “Divine Beloved”, sometimes almost not believing that happiness with him is possible on Earth...

Your Soul remembers that it is perfect and in its Home there is no need to compete with others in order to receive any benefits.

As a result, when in society you encounter deception, indifference, and cruelty of people, it causes unbearable pain and a desire to avoid it.

Hence the specific behavior of many spiritual practitioners, which is expressed in the desire to “take a backpack, leave everything and go nowhere,” as well as the inability to confidently stand up for oneself.

In addition, the desire to “free yourself from life,” dictated by spiritual resistance, forms a subconscious program "all in vain".

Which, as you understand, does not contribute to your successful implementation.

As a result, spiritual resistance leads to it's hard for you to live in this world, you are disappointed in yourself, money and relationships, and further spiritual growth can only increase longing “for Home” and, as a result, self-destruction.

If you want to avoid this and enjoy life on earth, achieve success in all important endeavors, you spiritual resistance must be eliminated and help your higher part to fit into your body.

Remember that you are wonderful luminous beings embodied in human bodies and deserve maximum happiness on your Earthly Path!

In the process of knowing yourself from the point of view new reality (new system coordinates) and not only ourselves, but also our surroundings, both near and far, we are forced to move away from the instantaneous REACTION based on unconscious emotions and mental limitations, and move to the position of a CONSCIOUS OBSERVER, who first observes everything that happens from the outside and only then does he make a conscious CHOICE on how to LIVE the situation that has arisen.

The key word here is to live... not to react, not to survive, but to LIVE this experience, whatever it may be.

And in the way of living our various life experiences stands RESISTANCE. Both internal and external.

In this group meditation we will walk through meditative journey “Beyond Resistance”, which will give you the impetus to overcome the resistance standing in your way forward into a reality that you create yourself, beyond emotions and imposed limitations.

Important information!

As you watch, you automatically connect to the group energy of the meditation participants.
No separate attunement is required.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to subsequent group meditations and will have access to the full library of meditations for 2012-2017.

P.S. In order to help people work through resistance, the “Keys of Mastery” were developed.

P.S.S. In order to effectively and safely withstand the processes of change currently taking place, your energy system must be built and balanced.

It will help you with this basic course Alena Starovoitova


This is the second article in a series of materials about the destructive influence spiritual resistance and eliminating it from your life.

Part 1 -
Part 2 - [You are here] Spiritual causes of depression, lack of money and illness

With love,
Lydia Dushka_li

There are two strategies for behavior difficult situations: action or inaction.

If a person has no plans, then his energy drops. When a person with all his deeds is in anticipation of something more, from the expectation of what he really wants, then he is bursting with energy, he is charged with it. You want to be in his field, build your plans and vision.

When a crisis occurs in life or in a relationship, energetically strong man understands that in such a turbulent and difficult time, there is no hope except for oneself. Even large companies are reducing the number of their employees and are learning to work not at the expense of the number of employees, but by concentrating as much as possible on the quality and efficiency of everyone’s work. A person with a vision also understands this perfectly and does not wait external conditions. Most of us require external coercion; no one wants to become effective voluntarily.

For some reason, during difficult periods of life, some people begin to work, develop, look for reasons and increase their efficiency, thereby raising their energy, and, accordingly, their efficiency.

Others go into sleep mode, saving mode. They begin to save everything: money, feelings, energy. In such a situation, a person stops striving for anything. He came up with an ironclad excuse, saying, “I’m still in such a period in my life, you know,” and he begins to live half-heartedly, with minimal stress on himself and without a lack of vision. Which means a downward spiral. For such people there is no problem of motivation and achievement. Their main concern is to survive and ensure maximum safety of their stay. Change is the worst thing that can happen in life. As a consequence: a drop in energy and efficiency.

But your efficiency and energy are two communicating vessels; the more one quality you have, the more the other becomes. Efficiency is equal to the quotient of our actions to our resistance that we experience in relation to these actions. If the level of resistance is high, then the actions will be zero. This means there will be inaction. So we came to the conclusion that we need to consciously and persistently break down our resistance, increase resistance, i.e. act. And then, actions increase energy, and energy increases our efficiency.

Naturally, the decision comes to mind about the need to break into your limitations and launch an action mode within yourself, despite your fears. Wake up from sleep mode, rub your eyes and decide that our reality is the result of our action or inaction.

So now the time has come to act. In a year, we will greatly regret that we did not start today.

So how do you deal with resistance and fears?

  1. Paradoxical method.
    Consciously evoke your fear and internal resistance, increase it to the point of absurdity, feel it as strongly as possible and... the fear begins to decrease and gradually goes away. There are often things sitting in our heads real options the expected future, but our scenario programming of ourselves for failure or past unsuccessful experiences. As a result, we are afraid of our own projections and expectations of the worst development of the situation. Don’t resist your subconscious, let it play with scary pictures of your expectations and it will immediately, like a little child, calm down and may even fall asleep.

For example: you are afraid to speak in public. Imagine the worst version of your performance, your failure and the boos of the audience. Be vividly associated with the moment, experience it. After all, it is living it in real life that you are most afraid of. So at least feel what you are afraid of and gradually it will become funny from the absurdity of such a scenario. Even with the saddest options, you are unlikely to cause such a reaction from the public.

2. Make mistakes.

It's amazing how afraid many of us are of making mistakes. No matter how many great companies would have been launched if their founders had succumbed to this insidious sense of fear and stopped. Remember the story of the great Edison and his attitude towards mistakes and failures. To get excellent results, you need to double the number of errors. Listen to yourself when you're scared. You say to yourself: “What if it doesn’t work out?” Now cross out the “not” part of this statement. Think in terms of success, not failure.

3. Do what you're afraid of.

Make it a rule: do what you are afraid of. It's scary to write an article - write them more often and more. On this occasion, people say: “the eyes are afraid, but the hands do the work.” Take risks. According to a study conducted in America, the majority of older people's top regret is about missed opportunities, about not taking risks, being afraid, deciding to stay safe and inaction.

4. Free yourself from external evaluations.

5. Become perfect.

A very common type of resistance to change. We think about what others think about us. What will they think, what will they say, how will they react? On this occasion, I like the saying: “to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.” Get rid of the slave mentality, you are beyond judgment. In this life, you can only be judged by God and yourself.

Of course I mean not to become a perfect ideal. Believing in the possibility of this is a direct path to stress and complexes. It's about improving and developing day by day. Thousands of hours of work and training separate the master from the amateur. Essentially, what do we fear most? What we don’t know, we can’t do. This means it’s time to improve your knowledge and skills. Learn to get out of your comfort zone, develop - this irritates many people. Do not compare yourself with anyone, but only with yourself yesterday. It is a great pleasure to realize your growth and development. After all, everything that does not develop and grow dies.

In conclusion, I want to say that the only constant in life is change. And the sooner we understand this, the calmer and easier we will respond to them. This means we will become more effective and energetic in moments of change.

“If it rains in your life, focus on the flowers that will bloom thanks to this rain.”

Radhanakht Swami

5 techniques for overcoming internal resistance to action.