How to store wrenches. Home workshop - optimization of space and convenient storage of tools. Prices for tool boxes Plastic Cenntre

Organizing space in the garage is as important a part of its arrangement as insulation, finishing and protection from intruders. This room always serves as a workshop and storage room, where tools, gardening and construction equipment, tourist and fishing equipment, and summer supplies for the winter are kept.

All the good stuff not only needs to be stored somewhere, but rationally placed in the garage for convenient use, especially if the building is small. In addition, storing tools properly in the garage will protect you from accidents.

Let's start with how you can simplify putting things in order. Of course, you need to determine which items you use most often. Perhaps some have not been used for a long time and are lying “dead weight”? The next tip is to group some things into sets and put multi-tools in a separate container.

Let's consider the main options for placing garage equipment using building space:

  • shelves (closed, hanging, stationary, mobile);
  • racks;
  • cabinets;
  • stands;
  • shields;
  • stands;
  • roof rails;
  • magnetic tapes;
  • boxes.

Shelves are mainly made of metal or wood. Wall shelves designed for small objects, so they are placed just below eye level. It is especially advisable to use removable shelves.

Open models are suitable for frequent use. When creating a closet, it is worth equipping it drawers. On the doors and side walls you can install mounts for all kinds of tools, devices, and power tools.

Cans and bags fit perfectly on metal mesh. For laying pipes, plywood boards, scraps of plastic and drywall, you can build a wall rack, a workbench, or a rack from a ladder.

Small parts - nails, screws, bolts, nuts, self-tapping screws - will find their place in the trimmed plastic canisters. It’s also very easy to create your own stand (dial pad) for holding screwdrivers in a vertical position: build wooden frame and make holes.

A great way to avoid getting tangled in multiple terminals and wires is to use a clothesline. Some items can be placed using clothes racks or stored in modern folding drawers. Foam pads are mounted for easy placement of keys, cutters, and drills.

Of the most original options– storage on the ceiling using a D- or C-shaped suspension fixed on a special rail.

Storing keys with tools on the garage wall

The most rational way to store tools in the garage is to use free space on the walls.

So, wall-mounted containment systems:

  • shield (stand);
  • shelf;
  • retractable panels;
  • railing;
  • magnetic tape;
  • horizontal bracket;
  • screwdriver holder;
  • pockets made of plastic plates;
  • holders.

The above methods can be used both on their own and in the overall system.

What do we need?

Since the structure of the storage area is quite easily modified, here is a general list of materials:

  • perforated fiberboard sheet or chipboard;
  • wooden beams;
  • screws, self-tapping screws, dowels, brackets;
  • metal loops;
  • washers;
  • hooks;
  • drill/screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • hacksaw;
  • sander;
  • level, square, ruler, tape measure;
  • boards.


A step-by-step plan for some storage ideas.

Stand (shield/pegboard):

  1. We assemble a frame of a certain size from wooden slats.
  2. We cut out a rectangular base with the same parameters from the sheet and place it on the frame.
  3. We lay the washers and secure the stand with self-tapping screws.
  4. We fix two loops on the back side of the frame.
  5. We attach hooks, magnetic tapes, wire loops, fabric pockets, glasses for brushes, special mounts for devices, etc. - we organize the space inside.
  1. Design drawing.
  2. Preparing fabric for side walls and shelves.
  3. Processing with a grinder.
  4. Coating the workpiece with fire retardant impregnation.
  5. Assembling the structure: the bottom sheet is placed on a flat surface, the same distance is measured on it and parallel lines are drawn.
  6. A smaller distance is measured at the top and bottom of each line and marks are placed.
  7. A hole is drilled at each of the 4 points.
  8. The same thing is done with the top sheet.
  9. The left end part is attached to the bottom shelf, connected with self-tapping screws. Then install the right end board.
  10. The upper shelf is placed in the created structure and fixed through the holes.
  11. To the back surface end boards Brackets are mounted on top.
  12. The shelf is aligned with the wall and the dowels are screwed in.

Distances and proportions depend on the parameters of the materials.

Railing system:

  1. The brackets are attached to the wall with self-tapping screws.
  2. A crossbar is inserted into the holes of the brackets and secured with a screw.
  3. Caps are placed at the ends of the cornice.

Wall-mounted screwdriver holder:

  1. Strengthening a piece of plywood with an elastic band or metal spring stretched over it on the wall.
  2. Additional fixation of the base with staples, the formation of “loops” for storing available tools.

Pockets made from disposable plates:

  1. We create the blank: cut the plate in half.
  2. We mount it on the wall using self-tapping screws.

For strength, you can stack several plates.

Inventory holders:

  1. We do it on plastic pipe oblique cuts.
  2. We polish.
  3. We fix it to the wall with screws.

Universal horizontal bracket:

  1. Mark points for installation on the surface.
  2. We fasten the dowels.
  3. We install the brackets.
  4. Supports with hooks are screwed onto the screws of the brackets.
  5. We fix them in the required position with a key.

The article contains the most common options for rational tool storage, which provide significant space savings. We offer absolutely different ways: from elementary and auxiliary to voluminous, requiring effort and time.

Undoubtedly, you will find a suitable location for everything functional and for what is left “in reserve”, without becoming Plyushkin.

Feel free to share your comments about your know-how on this topic!

As soon as the owner of the house decides that it’s time to hang up the flower shelf that his wife has been reminding him so persistently for two months, it turns out that the necessary tools have disappeared somewhere. The situation is familiar, because usually hand tools, all these keys, hammers, screwdrivers, are stored so as not to be seen. We don’t use tools every day, of course, but the storage system needs to be organized correctly so that later we don’t have to look for, for example, a 12 key.

Storage options

Let's immediately decide that we will talk specifically about a workshop, which can be set up in a garage, a separate shed, summer kitchen, on a fairly spacious loggia or balcony. There are usually not many tools in the apartment, and the existing screwdrivers, hammer and pliers can be put in a specially designated box or bag, which can take place on the mezzanine or in the hallway.

If there are noticeably more hand tools, they need their own separate corner, in which you will have to put things in order. The main condition is that the place where the tools are stored must be dry, because metal parts They don't like moisture.

There are many benefits to a well-designed storage system. You will always know exactly what is and where it is, you won’t have to look for anything. If the tools are always in their place, you will remember in time that a month ago you gave your neighbor a nail puller that he needed for literally an hour. In addition, properly positioned tools take up less space in the workshop, freeing up space for work.

First of all, you should decide whether you will buy ready-made shelves for tools, a metal mobile cabinet with drawers, or set up a workshop with your own hands from scratch. Let us immediately note that ready-made storage systems for hand tools They don’t always fit 100%; they often have to be remade to suit you.

Let's look at a few ideas for self-organizing the storage of hand tools in the workshop.

1. First of all, you should take care of the little things: nails, screws, bolts, which tend to get lost and scatter throughout the room. For their storage, you can adapt ordinary plastic bottles with the necks cut off, you can immediately see what is where. Small plastic boxes are also suitable, which are best labeled, noting that, for example, there are nails of a certain size here. It is convenient to place such containers for storing small items on a shelf above the desktop so as not to clutter it. And here glass jars Should not be used in a workshop. There are too many heavy ones here metal objects, which can accidentally touch such a fragile container.

2. Magnet. Real craftsmen usually have a large magnet on their work table, to which small metal tools can be successfully attached. Now there are special magnetic surfaces and holders on which you can conveniently and simply store many tools and parts.

3. Plywood panel - the choice of old-school craftsmen. From pieces of bars on such a shield you can create an entire storage system that will not take up much space and will allow you to place almost all hand tools. The costs for such storage areas are minimal, and everything will be done according to the needs of the master.

4. You can also buy a ready-made metal sheet with holes for tool holders. However, you can do this yourself. On ordinary nails or self-tapping screws, saws, keys, and other tools with special holes in the handles are hung in the required order.

5. It is convenient to allocate separate storage for screwdrivers, for example, a regular school stand for pencils and pens.

6. Plastic boxes with compartments, which in the kitchen are usually used for forks and spoons, can also be adapted for small hand tools.

7. If you don’t really want to build panels and make shelves, you can move an old sideboard or buffet to the garage workshop. It has a lot of shelves and drawers where many tools can fit. The main thing is to lay everything out yourself so that you know exactly where the garden tools are stored and where the carpentry tools are stored.

8. For drills and bits of a certain size, it is better to buy a ready-made cradle - an insert with tools. Or drill holes in a wooden beam where the drills will fit. And sign - 3, 4.5, 9 and so on, so you know right away right size cutting tool.

9. When arranging storage areas in the workshop, you should take care of safety, especially if small children can get into the room. Piercing and cutting tools in this case, it is better to hang it higher on the wall, and securely close chemical liquids in a cabinet with lockable doors.

10. A free-standing rack with holders for long handles of shovels and hoes is perfect for garden hand tools. Of course, you can just lean them against the wall, but remember the proverb about the same rake?

We state that organizing a workshop is not so difficult, it’s enough simple ideas a lot of. Just prepare yourself for the fact that one time you will have to tinker in the garage a little longer and make an effort, but then there will always be strict order in your workshop and there will definitely be no problems with finding a “cross” screwdriver.

For a man, a garage is a second home where he spends most of his free time. In order not to get lost in the amount of equipment stored in the garage, let’s put everything in its place. Let's look at the issues of zoning and landscaping space, learn how to make your own racks, workbenches and practical holders for large and small things.

Zoning the premises - dividing the garage into functional areas

If you are starting a project from scratch or are thinking about remodeling a garage, a good option for construction is two-tier zoning of space. There will be a workshop on the top floor, and a basement and pit on the bottom. Let's look at an approximate plan for the location of zones in the upper part of the garage, taking into account the convenience and specifics of the room.

Zone No. 1 is transitional. Set up a place for items that you will need when leaving the room: racks for outerwear and shoes, shelf for keys, mobile phone, bags. The transition area should be close to the door and not cluttered with the work platform, shelving or other objects.

Zone No. 2 – for household items. This space can be organized for storing items that you need in Everyday life. If you have pets, design a small rack for food and canned goods. for newspapers, coffee machines, electric kettles and microwaves. The area can also be used for storing things in bulk that do not fit in the cellar.

Zone No. 3 – shelving. There may be several sites for the installation of high shelving, depending on the area of ​​the workshop. We store them in garden tools, spare parts, equipment for work.

Zone No. 4 is auxiliary. This is where we store large items and things that you rarely use. For example, recreational equipment, holiday decor. If desired, the corner can also be equipped with a rack for storing a set of summer and winter tires.

Zone No. 5 – sports section. Set aside space for bicycles, rollerblades, scooters, and make a net for balls. Provide hooks, holders and nets for them so that nothing rolls down and stays firmly in place.

Zone No. 6 – work space. Equip this area with maximum comfort. Provide universal workbench for gardening, woodworking and auto repair, convenient sliding wardrobes, shelves for storing small items. And don't forget about lighting. The window will be a big plus; if it is missing, use artificial lighting, connecting several lighting lamps of 60 and 80 W.

Inspection pit and basement - we arrange it comfortably

Car repairs can be carried out without inspection hole. However, an experienced car enthusiast knows that in this case it is more difficult to get to the underbody parts of the car. The back and neck quickly get tired, you have to constantly take an uncomfortable position, and finding the right tool is also difficult. An inspection pit with a basement helps the master get rid of all these problems. The first thing you need to start with is adjusting the pit to the height of the master. You should not touch the ceiling with your head and reach the parts of the lower part of the car. Add 10 cm to your height, the final number will be the comfortable depth of the inspection hole. We select the length and width of the opening according to the dimensions of your car, based on generally accepted standards. We strengthen the side parts of the recess with metal corners and cover them with boards. This finishing will extend the life of the walls and ceilings.

Don’t forget about lamps and storage niches in the side parts of the pit, in which you can put necessary tools and parts for car repairs. For ease of descent, provide a ladder or steps and a ceiling that can be used to cover the pit after completion of the work. Make it from ordinary boards or automate it using a lifting mechanism. This way you won’t drop your tools into the hole and will protect yourself from accidentally sliding down.

An additional advantage of arranging a viewing hole is. You can store canned food and vegetables in it for the winter. When building a cellar, do not forget about ventilation and a light at the entrance.

When building a pit from scratch, consider important point- level groundwater. It should be below the floor of the pit and cellar. To build walls, use durable materials (foam blocks, M400 concrete).

Basics of installation and design of rack structures

Before placing it, decide on its dimensions. Its dimensions should not interfere with work, clutter up the garage space or interfere with the car’s turn. The best option– installation of a rack against the wall. The height of the rack depends on the size and number of items. The lower shelves are reserved for storing large items (jacks, fuel cans, welding machine). We also place the tires below or provide them with a separate shelf higher. To prevent the rack from bending due to the weight, we pay Special attention the bottom of the structure. We make it from a thick board or sheet of metal. The depth, width and space between the shelves of the rack are selected individually. Considering the average sizes of equipment and parts, the dimensions vary from 0.5 to 1 m.

To strengthen the structure on the sides we use vertical and transverse metal corners. After welding the corners, we assemble the frame according to the project, clean and prime the beams. If the frame is made of metal, we coat it with an anti-corrosion compound. After assembling the supporting parts of the rack, we cut the boards to the appropriate length. We also treat them with impregnation and open them with enamel. We fasten the boards with screws, making sure that the shelves fit tightly to the frame. To attach the rack to the wall we use large anchor bolts. To make it more convenient for you to sort your tools, we bolt a container to the side of the rack, where we put screwdrivers, car testers and other small items for work.

Workbench – preparation of the master’s workplace

One of the main elements of arranging a garage is a workbench. This workplace masters who receive special attention. Before designing we calculate free space and according to it we outline the project. We weld the workbench frame from profile pipes and metal corners. Average height workbench – 0.9–1 m. This parameter depends on the height of the master and preferences to work sitting or standing. After assembling the frame, we coat it with an anti-corrosion primer. We lay the base of the tabletop from a thick board 7.5 cm thick. If there are no boards, we fasten together 7 sheets of thin plywood, placing them on PVA construction glue. After fastening the sheets, we place them under a press so that they are finally fastened together. Cover the base of the tabletop metal sheet 5–6 mm thick, cover it with an anti-corrosion primer.

We cut off the excess parts of the sheet with a grinder or a metal file and finally attach it with screws, drilling holes for fastenings in wooden base countertops. This surface is suitable for both carpentry and plumbing work. If desired, we equip the workbench with retractable or sliding cabinets with shelves. We hang a perforated screen on the wall above the workbench. Here you can hang the tools that you most often use in your work, providing them with shelves, hooks, and also homemade designs for nuts, bolts, self-tapping screws.

A simple floor tire rack option

It's hard to imagine a garage without a set of replacement tires. Most often they are stored in bulk. To solve this problem, consider a simple shelving unit that doesn't require any special carpentry skills. If you have free space in the garage, this option is suitable for you. floor stand. As an example, consider a two-tier rack that holds two sets of tires with a tread width of 265 mm. Floor shelving dimensions:

  • width – 1.1 m;
  • depth – 0.5 m;
  • total height – 1.83 m.
  • the distance between the shelves is 0.7 m.

If you store truck tires in the garage, you need to recalculate the dimensions. When choosing the width of the lumber, keep in mind that it can withstand a load of approximately 180-220 kg, depending on the weight of your tires. We recommend using 1.5 x 3.5 inch wood beams. To assemble the front part of the rack, we saw off two beams 183 cm long. These will be the side parts of the frame. We saw out 3 front partitions 1.1 m long. To connect the front to the back, we sawed off 6 strips of 0.5 m each.

Floor tire rack

We connect the side supports at the upper base with a longitudinal partition. Moving down in increments of 0.7 m, we attach two more longitudinal partitions to the supports. After this, we drill holes for 6 short strips and fasten them with self-tapping screws on the sides opposite the longitudinal partitions. The front frame is completely ready.

Similarly, we assemble the rear part of the rack and fasten it to the front frame. For reliability, we tighten the structure with straps on the sides. The shelf is ready, load it with tires. In order for the stand to serve for a long time, we cover it with wood impregnation, paint it and varnish it.

Hanging shelf for cordless power tools

Practical and nice option for storage cordless instrumentshanging shelf with holders. At the bottom of the shelf there will be a drill and a screwdriver of different power, and on the top of the structure there will be charging devices batteries. There is no need to store power tools in a case, everything is at hand. The shelf saves space and hangs on the wall. To assemble it, we prepare a board with a wall thickness of 2 cm. We measure the dimensions of power tools to select optimal size slots. We cut out short strips for attaching tools. For example, to hang 5 power tools you will need 4 strips 2 cm thick. This gap will allow you to hook a drill, screwdriver, securely fixing them in the support. We make the vertical strips higher and fasten them together with self-tapping screws.

The working height of the side parts of the structure is 23 cm. The part protruding beyond the upper edge of the shelf plays a decorative role and serves as a limiter for chargers and tools. We calculate it individually, based on the height of the equipment. We saw off two shelves, connect them with T-shaped stands for power tools and sidewalls, not forgetting to first attach square strips measuring 2x2 cm to the inner parts. Top shelf fasten in increments of 11 cm from the bottom shelf. The structure is ready. All that remains is to coat the shelf with wood primer, paint and varnish if desired. We hang the mini-rack on the wall and fill it with tools. Order has been restored here.

Simple designs for cutters, keys, files and fasteners

So that the workshop in the garage looks neat and the master can find the tools and fasteners he needs at any time, we will design several simple and convenient suspended structures. We prepare thick foam plastic and attach it to the wall on a 3 cm thick plywood backing. We fasten both parts together using liquid nails or PL 500 mounting adhesive. We wait several hours until the structure has firmly set. Thanks to the porous structure of the foam, sharp and rotating objects easily enter and are firmly fixed in the material. We insert bits, drills, cutters, crowns, keys, screwdrivers, awls, hubs, files into the foam. Ideal place for the location of the foam panel there will be a wall above the workbench. If there is no perforated screen hanging above it, this a good option diversify the interior and concentrate cutting tools in one place.

Make a small stand near the wall next to the electric saws to store grinding wheels and cutting discs. Take regular disposables or old ones plastic plates, cut them lengthwise into two equal parts. You will get semicircular pockets. We seal the cut edge with tape, hiding and decorating the sharp corners. We repaint the stands with a spray can in the desired color and fasten them to the wall with bolts in three places, below and on the sides. The storage pockets are ready, insert them into them grinding wheels and saw blades.

To prevent containers with nuts, bolts and screws from cluttering up your work space, use the idea for creating hanging structures. For the first option, prepare plastic jars. Remove the cover and attach it to the wooden shelf with self-tapping screws. Fill the jars with fasteners and other small items for work, screw tightly to the lid attached to the shelf. The number of designs depends on your needs. Hanging storage jars can fill the entire bottom part shelves. This design saves usable area and very practical.

We make another original mini-rack for storing small items in the garage from food containers with a magnet. Using super glue, attach a round washer-shaped magnet to the bottom of the container. We attach to the perforated screen wooden slats with magnetic strips. Inside the containers we store screws, nuts, bolts, self-tapping screws and other small items that are lying around in the workbench drawer. We hang the boxes from a magnet.

First of all, you need to immediately tidy up your garage, remove everything unnecessary, all the garbage - don’t be Plyushkin, who collected everything you need and no longer need. After this, install the large equipment and workbenches that you will use in your work. Small tools can be stored in separate drawers or on hooks driven into the wall. By the way, such storage is very convenient, since you will always see what tool you have, and you will save a lot of space. If desired, you can hang the instrument according to its functional purpose. It is advisable to store dowels and screws in separate boxes, selecting them according to size.

Many people use special carts for tools, so you will always have everything you need at hand. Using a trolley, it is also possible to equip a mobile workplace in cases where the main work will be carried out outside the workshop walls. If you decide to make a workshop not only for yourself, but also for others, offering repair services, it is advisable to take care of connectivity various equipment, such as, for example, why it is necessary to think about the location of sockets. In some cases, setting up a workshop involves creating a hood, especially if you work with wood. Or, if you don’t have this option, just buy a powerful vacuum cleaner.

But it is also important that you think in advance about what equipment will be located and where. In general, you can sketch out a simple layout of the equipment - this will make it easier for you to visually perceive the information. By incorrectly organizing free space in the workshop, you will achieve a sharp decrease in the efficiency and effectiveness of your work. Just calculate what area will be most suitable for you for your workplace, how much space you will need to place the tool.

Also, when equipping your workshop, do not forget about winter period– you will need a device for heating the room, otherwise the work can be postponed for this time. To do this, you can use modern insulating materials and in addition install an electric heater. By the way, instruments will be stored better in a warm room, since humidity and low temperatures can lead to a deterioration in their properties.

Advice: don’t forget about the first aid kit, which must contain the cotton wool, bandages, brilliant green and antiseptics necessary for first aid.

Almost every man has a set of tools in his home or garage. Therefore, it is worth keeping them in perfect order. He will tell you how best to do this new review. Surely everyone will be able to find in it examples of organizing storage space that interest him.

1. Plastic cans

Trimmed canisters are perfect for storing nails, screws, bolts and nuts. And in order not to dig around for a long time in search of what you need, it is better to label the containers.

2. Wooden shelf

Narrow wooden shelf with holes - a great place to store screwdrivers.

3. Stand

To prevent pliers from being scattered throughout the garage, make a special one for them. wooden stand.

4. Railing

A thin metal rod is perfect for storage paint brushes in limbo.

5. Individual cells

From the leftovers PVC pipes You can make convenient cells for careful storage of small power tools.

6. Wooden shelving

Homemade wooden rack for storing wrenches will allow you to forever forget about the clutter and tedious search for the right tool.

7. Open locker

An open wooden cabinet is perfect would be better suited for storage aerosol paints, which are most often randomly scattered in the garage.

8. Mobile stand

A small stand on wheels is perfect for storing hand tools. This rack is very compact and will always allow you to have the right tool at hand.

9. Wooden stand

A stylish wooden stand with a shelf, which is suitable for storing many of the most different instruments. Such a product will not only help organize hand tools, but will also become a real decoration for a man’s monastery.

10. Homemade stand

An unnecessary pallet can be turned into convenient stand for storing garden tools, which often take up a lot of space in the garage.

11. Hanger

Simple wooden block with metal hooks will forever solve the problem of storing power tools.

12. Clothes hangers

Simple manipulations with an ordinary clothes hanger will turn it into convenient organizer for storing electrical tape and adhesive tape.

13. Storage system

Forks, shovels, rakes and other garden tools are not very stable and also take up a lot of space in the garage. Reliable wooden hooks on the walls will help you correctly place garden tools along the walls of your garage or shed.

14. Folding table

Homemade folding table made of wood and a wall rack for storing hand tools is an amazing idea for small garage owners.

15. Glass jars

Ordinary glass jars with metal lids Perfect for storing various small items. For greater convenience and reliability, the lids of the cans should be screwed to the shelves.

16. Vertical storage

The average garage looks quite cluttered. Will help solve this problem competent organization storage systems. Instead of another closet, equip the walls with various shelves and hooks, which will allow you to neatly place a variety of things, from tools to a huge boat and bicycles.

17. Magnets

Magnetic tape or individual small magnets - great idea for storing bits for screwdrivers, drills and other small metal parts.

Continuing the topic, we’ll tell you about anywhere.