How to store flower bulbs. We dig up bulbous flowers and put them in storage

Storing bulbous flowers during the dormant period

What is the dormant period for flowers?

The dormant period for bulbous and corm plants is the time of bud formation and the laying of leaf and flower buds. To next year the plants bloomed well, at this time they need to be provided with comfortable conditions. It is important that the conditions are constant and do not change during the entire storage period.

First of all, you should pay attention to temperature regime storage of bulbs. Spring-flowering bulbs (tulips, hyacinths, crocuses) are stored at low temperatures, up to plus 10 gr. Celsius, in the refrigerator. These plants are planted in the fall, they tolerate winter well and bloom in early spring.

Autumn-flowering bulbous, corm and tuberous flowers (lilies, dahlias, gladioli) are heat-loving; they are planted in the spring and dug up in the fall. They are stored at temperatures from plus 17 to plus 20 degrees. Celsius, in a basement or storage room. A slight decrease in temperature can have a detrimental effect on the bulbs and tubers of these species.

Air humidity is no less important for them. Excess moisture will lead to rot and mold, while too little will cause the bulbs to dry out.

When to dig up bulbs and tubers for storage

Bulbs and tubers are dug up a few weeks after the plants finish flowering. If you dig them up earlier, then root system will not receive enough nutrients. This threatens that next year not all plants will bloom.

For spring bloomers, the suitable period for digging up for storage is June and July, for autumn bloomers - September and early October. But always focus on appearance plants: leaves and stems must be completely dry.

  • Tulips are dug up every few years at the beginning of June in sunny weather. To pick up right time when the bulbs have already received enough nutrients, use folk way: wrap the end of the stem around your finger. If this is easy to do, then the tulips can be dug up.
  • Daffodils are dug up once every 5 years, in July or August, based on yellowed foliage and dried old roots. Hyacinth bulbs are dug up every 2-3 years in mid-summer.
  • Lilies are dug up after flowering in September or October, before the first frost.

When digging up bulbs, be careful not to accidentally damage the embryonic buds. To do this use trowel or bayonet shovel with a flat edge. Pry the soil deep so as not to damage the bulbs.

How to store flower bulbs and tubers

After you have removed the bulbs and tubers from the ground, carefully shake off the soil and leave them on outdoors under gauze so that they dry, but are not infected by insects. Leaves, excess growths and roots need to be cut off from dug up rhizomes. Separate the small onions (babies).

After digging, it is advisable to carry out disinfection. For this you can use chemicals, for example, a weak 0.4% solution of karbofos. You can also leave them heated to plus 50 degrees. Celsius water for 10 minutes.

After disinfection, the bulbs and tubers are thoroughly dried. They can be laid out in a box covered with gauze in the open air at a temperature of plus 20 to plus 25 degrees. Celsius, or in a well-ventilated area. In boxes they are laid in one layer. As a rule, 3-5 days are enough for good drying.

Bulbs should be stored in open boxes or boxes at a temperature no higher than plus 20 degrees. Celsius. The room should be ventilated, air humidity should not exceed 70%. Also, the storage of each crop has its own characteristics.

  • Tulips and daffodils are stored in winter at a temperature of plus 17 degrees. Celsius in a dark room. Tulips for early forcing (December and early January) are left in the refrigerator for several weeks at a temperature of about 8 degrees Celsius. Suitable varieties for this are Apricot Beauty, Brilliant Star, Lustige Battle.
  • Hyacinths are heat-loving plants, so they are stored for the first two months at a temperature of plus 30 degrees. Celsius. Afterwards, until the very moment of planting, they are left at a temperature of plus 17 degrees. Celsius.
  • Lily bulbs are especially sensitive to temperature changes, so they are wrapped in sphagnum - green moss, it is best suited due to its low thermal conductivity and ability to absorb moisture. They are left in the refrigerator or other cool place at a temperature of plus 5 degrees. Celsius.

Periodically check visually the condition and safety. Healthy bulbs should be strong to the touch and not change color. Light spots and changes in structure are the first manifestations of pests and diseases: onion mite, tuberculate hoverfly, bacterial rot. If signs of damage appear, remove the infected bulb and, if possible, disinfect the storage area.

Many people are interested in how to store tulip bulbs at home. It's not at all difficult to do this. Even beginners and inexperienced people can handle this. There are several proven methods that will help you admire the blooming flowers every year. In this article we will talk about them in detail.

How to properly prepare planting material for storage

It is necessary to remove them from the ground at the beginning of summer, after they have bloomed. Exact date no for this procedure.

You should focus on the appearance of the leaves: faded and yellowed leaves indicate that the bulb has formed and it’s time to dig it up. Also look at the bulbs - brown scales indicate maturity.

Tulip bulbs should be sorted. After they have been extracted in the summer, they are distributed by variety and volume and placed in separate containers to make storage more convenient.

Damaged and diseased bulbs should be thrown away. The soil that remains is cleared away. Then they are washed and disinfected in a weak solution for half an hour so that they do not deteriorate before planting.

Then they need to be dried by scattering them in the shade. It is better to carry out the procedure in a ventilated room - rain may interfere outside.

After 7 days, the dried bulbs are sorted again, removing the remaining stems and small embryonic bulbs. Then they need to be dried for a few more days.

The preparation of the bulbs is complete. Now you need to decide on a place where they will be comfortable in winter. It is very important to store planting material under appropriate conditions, otherwise it may deteriorate.

What kind of place should be suitable for storing bulbs?

Let's consider the places where it is recommended to store until spring. It is better to choose a cool room, such as a basement or attic. The place should be ventilated, out of the sun, and dry.
Suitable humidity is no more than 70%. There should be almost no light, because underground the bulbs are in the dark. Only weak diffuse lighting is allowed to avoid disruption of physiological processes.

Basic rules for storing tulip bulbs

You need to know at what temperature to store tulip bulbs before planting. Best temperature is considered to be approximately 20°C, and in autumn - no more than 17°C. Since flower buds are formed in the first few weeks, they must be kept at 24°C immediately after digging. Later the temperature should be lowered.

Let's look at a few secrets:

  • You need to carefully remove the bulbs from the ground - any damage can cause fungal diseases;
  • It is recommended to store in a regular box;
  • It is better to pour them in one layer;
  • you can sprinkle the planting material - this way the bulbs will not absorb unnecessary moisture;
  • You are allowed to wrap each onion in newspaper - this will save you from damage.
It is not recommended to store in heat above 30°C, as the formation of flower buds is disrupted, the bulbs become dehydrated and may not survive even until autumn.

Important!It is better to avoid cardboard boxes, as they get wet and the bulbs can become moldy.

Methods for storing tulip bulbs

Let's find out how to store tulips in winter.


You can select a cool pantry, end or dark room where there is no dampness. The location should be away from batteries. It is also allowed to place the box on an insulated one. It is recommended to make a hole in the container for a thermometer so that you can control the temperature.


To preserve it it must be dry. The bulbs must be sprinkled with sawdust, sand or. It is important to control the temperature.

You can also store tulip bulbs in the basement after flowering in this way: pour light bulbs into the box, which consists of garden soil, and steam it for 1 hour using a water bath.

The bulbs are planted in this soil. They take root in it, but do not grow, since the temperature is too low for this.

But storage in the cellar has one drawback - they love to feast on the planting material. Therefore, if you ever notice these in your home, it is better to find another place for the bulbs.


If there are few onions, they can be put in the refrigerator, where they are stored. Before this, each onion should be wrapped in paper and placed in a paper or fabric bag.

Thermal chamber

Thermal chambers are considered the most suitable place. They are ventilated and automatically support desired temperature. But such a device has high cost, so not everyone can afford to purchase it.

Did you know?In 17th-century Holland, tulips were very expensive - one bulb could cost more than a decent city house. Often the price simple plant ten timesexceeded the annual salary of an ordinary person.

Possible storage problems and their solutions

Problems may arise due to incorrect conditions storage, for example - when humidity or temperature is increased. This can cause the bulbs to rot, become moldy, or germinate prematurely.

It is recommended to dig up tulip bulbs annually after flowering in order to plant them late autumn or early spring. This procedure is necessary for sorting and treating bulbs that become affected by pests or infections over time. They can be preserved at home until spring.

Digging up planting material helps preserve the varietal characteristics of tulips, which is especially important for rare and hybrid varieties. In addition, after a few years, the replacement bulbs may become so deep that it will be difficult to remove them or they will be completely “lost.”

The preparation for storage procedure takes a certain time:

  • Dug up tubers cleared from the earth, sorted by variety and size, putting it in different containers. The varieties are signed.
  • Large specimens are set aside separately, which can be used for forcing.
  • Unbroken nests separated by hand.
  • Small babies with a diameter of less than 1 cm are discarded - it will take at least 2-3 years to grow them.
  • Dispose of sick and damaged.
  • The planting material is etched with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes.
  • Bulbs dry for several days in a well-ventilated room or outdoors under a canopy - they should not be exposed to precipitation or sunlight. When drying, the planting material is laid out in one layer.
  • The dried ones are sorted again, the covering scales, the remains of roots and stems are removed.

At this point, the preparation is considered complete, and the tulips are stored until spring.

Storage methods until spring

Gardeners use several methods for storing bulbs, depending on living conditions and personal preferences. Of course, it is best to plant flowers before winter and cover them with spruce branches, straw, tops or snow, where they are left until spring.

At winter landing flowers take root better and bloom earlier. But if it is not possible to plant the bulbs in the garden in late autumn, you need to create special conditions so that they remain viable until spring.

No matter the method requires a certain temperature regime.

In July, the temperature should be +23+25°C - this is necessary for laying a flower bud on next year. In the following months, the temperature should drop: in August to +20°C, in September-October to +15°C, in winter a drop to +10°C is permissible.

The key to preserving tulips until spring is dry air. Any dampness will lead to mold, the development of fungal infections and rotting of planting material.

In boxes

Most often for storage bulbous plants use wooden or plastic boxes. Containers with a lattice bottom or walls are especially good - they will provide good ventilation and prevent the process of rotting.

Cardboard boxes gardeners with experience not recommended to use: cardboard quickly absorbs moisture from the air and becomes covered with mold, which is dangerous for the bulbs.

Planting material is placed in boxes in two ways:

  1. Pour into prepared boxes layer of sawdust, place a layer of onions on top. At large quantities planting material is alternated with a layer of sawdust and tulips. Sawdust will act as a hygroscopic material and remove excess moisture from the surrounding air.
  2. Every wrapped in newspaper or thin wrapping paper and put it in a box.

The boxes are installed in a dry, cool, well-ventilated place. Instead of wooden or plastic containers Some summer residents use fabric bags or nylon tights: tulips are placed in small batches in rag containers and hung from the crossbar.

In the cellar or basement

  • Light, neutralized soil is poured into a wooden or plastic box, obtained by mixing garden soil with peat and vermiculite and steamed for an hour in a water bath.
  • Bulbs are planted in the prepared soil, which take root, but do not begin to grow until spring due to the cool temperature.

When storing tulips in a cellar or basement, they need to be protected from rodents - mice will not refuse to feast on the juicy bulbs.

In an apartment

In an apartment it is most difficult to find appropriate place for storage. Some varieties of tulips can be stored in the refrigerator at +5°C. However, it is more advisable to find a warmer and drier place of detention - this could be an unheated storage room or a glazed loggia.

In any case, the storage location should be away from heating devices and be protected from drafts.

During the winter, inspect your tulips once a month for signs of disease. Throw away rotten specimens mercilessly so that they do not infect healthy bulbs.

Proper preparation of planting material for storage and compliance with basic requirements will allow you to preserve the bulbs until planting with virtually no losses. All efforts will be rewarded in the spring, when bright, cheerful tulips bloom in the flowerbed or garden bed.

Flowers are used by gardeners to decorate houses with cut flowers, as well as to create flower bed designs on plots. Bulbous flowers are popular. Despite the fact that they belong to the same group, visually the varieties are very different. Some flowers require digging up and storing bulbs during the winter, others survive well in the ground. Information about the rules of care and propagation of bulbous flowers allows you to create luxurious flower beds on your site. For bulbs it is necessary to create special conditions.

Air humidity during storage is important along with air temperature. The room must be selected with not too much cool moist air. Choose optimally basement or cellar. If the air is excessively dry, additional humidification will be required. Periodically you will need to spray the bulbs with a spray bottle. If the air in the room is too humid, mold will quickly cover the contents of the container.

Create a beneficial atmosphere in your cellar or basement. Ensure good air circulation. When air is stagnant, mold and fungi become more active.

So that the planting material can overwinter and give good result, use for storage wooden boxes. After scattering the bulbs, cover them with moss, peat or sand. Dry the bulk elements thoroughly.

How to store gladioli in winter

Storing gladioli at home must begin with proper digging. Carefully dig up the bulbs and remove them from the ground, dry them thoroughly, and wipe them off the ground. Carefully inspect each tuber. Damaged and spoiled items must be removed as they will not be stored. The roots need to be removed. If you do not prune, the loss of moisture will be greater. Gladioli are susceptible to thrips infestation, so it is important to cut off part of the stem and leave a few centimeters.

It is recommended to dig up gladioli at a temperature of 10 ºC; cold air provokes the pest to go down into the ground and hide in the tubers. Remove the old corm. Children need to be treated with a disinfectant solution for half an hour, after first rinsing them off the soil in running water. A weak solution of potassium permanganate will help get rid of pests.

Before storing gladioli tubers for long-term storage, dry them thoroughly. At temperatures from 25 to 35 it will take about three weeks, then for a month and a half the tubers need to be stored at 20 to 25 degrees. After drying, distribute the planting material:

  • by size and varieties;
  • place in wooden boxes;
  • cover with peat.

Place the containers in a cool room with a humidity of no more than 70%. Optimal temperature for long-term storage – 3-7 degrees.

If you don’t have a basement at home, you can place the tubers in refrigeration chamber. Conditions are suitable for small volumes of planting material. Place gladioli in paper bags, label the variety, and place in vegetable drawers. Can be stored in the refrigerator for two years.

A large volume cannot be placed in the refrigerator, so you will need to find the coldest place in the apartment. The best option is glass balcony.

How to store dahlias in winter

Dahlias are perennial flowers. It is characterized by a thick stem, the height of the bushes of some varieties is up to three meters. The flowering period is quite long, starting in mid-summer and continuing until the first frost. Gardeners prefer the plant for its unpretentiousness and the presence of a huge assortment of flowers. Preserving dahlia planting material until spring requires compliance with certain conditions.

The best temperature for storing tubers is 10 degrees, with an air humidity of about 75%. It is recommended to distribute the bulbs in such a way that there is no contact. If the air in the room is dry, then sprinkle the tubers with sand; if the air is too humid, regular ventilation or heating is necessary. These conditions are optimal for ensuring the germination of planting material.

In the absence of premises with good conditions, try to ensure a positive mode when sub-zero temperature The dahlia tubers will die. In the apartment, place the drawers in dark room away from heating devices and temperature changes. Sprinkle the tubers with sand.

Once every few months, take out the boxes with tubers and sort them for damage. Elements that have rotted must be carefully removed and the cut area sprinkled with activated carbon. If the tubers are dry and wrinkled, then there is no need to get rid of them; soak them in water before planting. clean water for a day.

When stored in a room with a temperature of 18 degrees or higher, the tubers degenerate after three years.

How to store lilies in winter

Lilies are characterized by resistance to light frosts. Storage of lily bulbs dug out of the ground is carried out in cases of severe climatic conditions. If frosts are expected in winter, it is recommended to remove the bulbs from the soil and place them in special conditions.

After digging up the lily planting material, it is necessary to treat it with a disinfecting solution. After thorough drying, store the lily bulbs in carton boxes. Sprinkle dry sawdust or peat on the lilies.

Since the flowers overwinter in closed ground, lilies do not need to be stored in a special atmosphere before planting; it is enough normal conditions with acceptable humidity.

How to store tulips in winter

Popular flowers include tulips. To preserve tulip bulbs until winter you will need wooden boxes. Unlike cardboard, wood retains its shape and does not get wet. Tubers are different large size laid in one layer, small ones can be laid in 2-3 layers. Sawdust or peat will help cope with excessive moisture and also protect against damage.

It is recommended to store tulip bulbs in winter at temperatures up to 16 degrees. Optimal humidity air 70%. Long-term storage in a dry room will lead to complete drying out of the tubers. Storage in a private home allows you to use a basement or cellar. If there are a small number of bulbs, many people place them in the refrigerator in paper bags in the vegetable compartment until autumn. The storage temperature is reduced to 9 degrees. Such conditions have a beneficial effect on planting material, as a result the flowers grow strong, beautiful and healthy.

Place containers with bulbs away from heating devices and direct sun rays. Cover the boxes so that the material is in complete darkness.

How to store callas in winter

The plant must be removed from the soil along with the green part. Gently shake off the soil and place in boxes to dry for several weeks. Before long-term storage planting material needs to be checked. The leaves from the dry bulb should come off very easily. After cleaning, it will take a week for it to dry completely. After the last drying, check readiness for storage by separating the roots. If the process goes easily, then the callas can be placed in a place suitable for storage.

Carefully inspect each copy. The bulbs must be clean, without signs of rotting. If you find dark areas, carefully remove, the scraping area should dry, then apply activated carbon to the area.

When dividing the bulb, the places where the babies are torn off are treated with brilliant green, and the babies are placed in a paper napkin. Immature babies are not removed; after a while they will fall off on their own.

How to store begonia in winter

If you separate the shoots from the tubers and store only the planting material, you will need to dry it thoroughly. Soak for an hour in any solution that can kill all pests. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for this purpose. Choose ones that are not deep wooden boxes, pour sand on the bottom, lay out a layer of bulbs, add a new layer of sand and lay out the tubers again. Repeat layers up to the top of the box.

Store boxes at temperatures up to 10 degrees. A basement or an insulated glazed balcony would be suitable. It is necessary to periodically remove the sprouts as they are not needed.

Other varieties of flowers related to bulbous ones overwinter in the ground; they do not need to be dug up for storage.

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