How to tell fortunes on December 13th. Fortune telling on Andrey: interesting methods of fortune telling. Mystical fortune telling for Andrei at home: how to find out the name of your betrothed

On December 13, Christians celebrate the Day of St. Andrew the First-Called. According to the pre-Christian beliefs of Ukrainians, it is on this night that mystical things and miracles happen. Therefore, if you guess at Andrey, you can look into the future.

Mystical fortune telling for Andrei at home: how to find out the name of your betrothed

And on this day it all began with vespers. Young people gathered at one house in the evening, December 12, where girls and boys joked, sang songs and played various games.

Closer to the night of December 13, the young men went to make losses where single people lived, and the girls wondered about their future fate.

Or effective ancient Ukrainian fortune-telling - you can check it yourself.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

1. On the night of December 13, place a bag with men's names under your pillow. On separate pieces of paper, write 11 names as you wish, and leave one piece of paper blank. In the morning, take one of them out. Whatever name comes up is what your future husband will have. And if you pulled out an empty piece of paper, fate wants to keep his name a secret.

2. On the eve of St. Andrew’s Night, write one at a time male name on several bulbs. Place them in a container of water. Whichever bulb sprouts first - that name will become your destiny.

3. Pour water into a bowl, and secure pieces of paper with the children’s names on the edges of the vessel. To the middle of the water, launch a lighted candle in a nutshell boat and wait until he floats to one of the edges with a man's name. He will become your chosen one.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

4. Another way to conjure the name of your betrothed is very simple. On the night of December 12-13, go out into the street and ask the name of the first person you meet, definitely a stranger, a passerby. Whatever his name is, your groom will have the same name.

When will you get married

1. Catch a spider in a pot and cover it so that it does not escape. If the animal begins to scurry around the web, there will soon be an engagement.

2. If a whole group of girls has gathered, you can tell fortunes on their boots. Each one takes her own boot and moves it across the house - from the wall to the threshold. Whose boot finishes the relay race first will get married first.

When will you get married

3. Throw the boot over your head. If he fell on his nose, you need to pay attention to which direction he was pointing, because on that side you should wait for the groom. And if the sole of the boot falls, expect matchmakers soon.

4. Another option with boots. “Measuring” the floor with your boot from the wall to the threshold, add to each rearranged boot: “well done,” “widower,” “I’ll be a girl.” Which option will catch your boot on the doorstep - then wait for it in the coming year.

5. Before St. Andrew's night, break off a twig of cherry. But this must be done so that no one sees. At home, put it in the water, saying: “Saint Andrew, I have hope in You. May the cherry blossoms bloom and bring my destiny to the threshold.”

If it blooms by Christmas, you will get married this year, but if not, you will have to wait until next year.

Fortune telling on a cherry branch

6. In the company of girls, you can tell fortunes on a thread. Each person takes a piece of thread of the same length and sets it on fire. Whose burns out faster - that girl will get married first. If the thread goes out immediately or burns halfway, according to beliefs, this is not very good. But be very careful with both the fire and your fingers.

7. Fortune telling with beans. Take a handful of beans with your left hand, put them aside one at a time, saying: “I’m sitting as a girl” - “I’m going to get married,” and so on until the beans are gone.

Bean fortune telling

Fortune telling with rings

On the night of St. Andrew's, in solitude, think about what changes in personal life want more than anything. After such meditation, take a fairly deep bowl and pour wheat into it.

Put four different rings there: simple, gold, silver and a ring with precious stone. Stir until they are completely submerged in the wheat.

Closing your eyes, remind yourself once again of what you most desire and pull out one ring. Simple - you will seek your destiny, gold - you will get married, silver - you will meet your match, with a precious stone - they will love you.

What will the husband be like?

1. Pour water into a bowl. Crush the candle wax into pieces and melt them in a metal spoon over a candle or other heat source. Quickly pour the melted wax into a bowl. It will harden quickly, and already in unusual forms try to discern the outlines of your future husband.

What will the husband be like?

2. According to ancient beliefs, on the night of St. Andrew’s, fate could be seen in the mirror. Seclude yourself so that no one is in the room, sit in front of the mirror, place a lit candle on both sides of the mirror, saying the following words three times:

I ask you, mirror,
With whom should I join my destiny?
Please connect with Ivan,
Because I carry it in my heart.

After this, turn away from the mirror, close your eyes and say the following:

Saint Andrew, help me,
Show me my betrothed!
I'm guessing on my wreath,
I ask for protection from the stars!
God willing, let me wait for marriage
To marry Ivan and me.

So immediately turn around and look in the mirror. But don't be scared by what you see. If nothing works the first time, you can repeat the process three times. But if fate did not take pity on any of the next attempts, then wait until next year.

Fortune telling for Andrey

3. You can see the groom's face in a dream. Before going to bed, place a glass of water under the bed and a wooden branch or small plank on top, which will symbolize the laying across the river. After this, say the following words three times:

Oh God forbid, young me,
To dream about my betrothed in a dream.
And you, Saint Andrew,
I ask as best I can:
Saint Andrew, help me,
Don't leave me today!
Oh, bridge, but don’t bend over,
And you, Vanya, I dreamed about.
Cross the river - fast water,
And lead me, young one, to marriage.

Have fun and may fate smile on you!

Many people wait for the night from December 12 to 13 for a reason. And all because on the night of St. Andrew the First-Called you can find out about your fate. Unmarried girls await this date with great trepidation and even fear, because fortune telling for Andrei has special power.

Fortune telling for Andrei using coffee grounds

After drinking coffee, cover the cup with a saucer and tip it up and down three times. The thicket will spread along the bottom, forming intricate figures. You have to guess from them.

The outline of the dog symbolizes friendship.
Forest is wealth.
Staircase - achieving the desired goal.
Cross - patience.
Wreath - glory.
The mill is a lie.
Cliff - sadness, melancholy, loneliness.
A person's shadow is a pleasant date.
The shadow of a house is a symbol of abundance.
Arable land - good sign fertility, shoots, success.
Meadow, field with grazing animals - fulfillment of desires.
Church, bell tower - returning home.
Deer is the fast track.
Gate - arrival of guests.
A mountain is a difficult path in life.

Fortune telling about Andrey using tea leaves

To correctly read the sign made from tea leaves, it is better to use a simple-shaped cup. The liquid should only cover the bottom. Take the cup to left hand and shake the tea - make three sharp turns with the cup clockwise. Turn the cup over and, holding it with the handle towards you, tilt it so that it is convenient to look inside. Mentally divide the volume of the cup in half. Everything that is closer to the handle relates directly to you, the rest relates to strangers but people you know. Tea grounds at the sides of the cup will predict the near future, and at the bottom - the distant future.

The bottle is a health hazard.
Mountains are obstacles on the path of life.
Tree - deliverance from diseases, fulfillment of desires.
The key is to health, prosperity, wealth, happiness in love.
The road is two tracks or two rails - to near changes, if the lines are winding - the path is difficult.
A turn is associated with drastic changes in life.
One big star in the center of the cup is a warning: it’s time to change the nature of your activity, otherwise troubles await you.
The contours of an airplane signify an unexpected journey.
Cross - troubles, suffering, anxiety, illness.
Coffin - sad news, losses, regrets.
Circle - happy event, marriage.
Two laps - disappointment.
Ruins are broken hopes.
The ball has its ups and downs.
Ladder - take-off in official and personal affairs.
Heart is a symbol of love.
A heart at the bottom of the cup is a disease, a heart attack in a loved one.
Arrow is bad news. If it flies away from you, you yourself can become a messenger of trouble for those around you.

Fortune telling for Andrey on wax

When the candle burns, tilt it over a bowl of water and allow the wax to drain. You can do this several times so that a sufficient number of wax drops harden in the water. The resulting intricate figures will tell the future - they are taken out of the water and interpreted. If, in addition to several large figures, many small round figures have formed, this means money. And large figures are judged by the associations they evoke. For those who do not rely on their imagination or are afraid of making mistakes, here is a hint.

Fan - difficulties in the service, friction in the team, reorganization or even liquidation of the enterprise.
Grapes - love, friendship, luck, prosperity.
Mushroom - vitality, perseverance, longevity.
Dragon - “high flight”, fulfillment of hopes, completion of work or the birth of a child.
Bell - to lead; a symmetrical bell means good news, a crooked or chipped bell means bad news; several bells - alarm.
Tree leaf - envy, intrigue from others.
Monkey - false friend, pretense, ambiguous situation.
Pants are a fork in the road, a crossroads.
Apple is a symbol of life, wisdom, health. The more similar a figure is to a real apple, the better its meaning.
A crooked, shapeless apple can mean a temptation that it is better not to succumb to.
The egg is an ancient symbol of the hidden, unmanifested. It can mean fears, concerns, but it can also symbolize simply the beginning of something new.

Fortune telling for Andrei on burnt paper

She is being tourniquet dark room by candlelight. You need to look at the shadow created on the wall when burning. Reflecting the devil promises big troubles or temptation that will not lead to anything good. If you see a cat, flirting and romantic interest are possible. Expect big changes in your life if a shadow resembling a bird appears on the wall.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

It is believed that if you see the same person twice - today and on Christmastide - the fortune-telling will come true. For this, the girl needs special preparation. For it to be true, you cannot eat anything meat, only bread and water. But the most important condition is that all close relatives be well-fed on this day. Before and after fortune telling, you need to remain silent until morning comes.

Fortune telling on Andrey on mirrors

It is assumed that people with strong nerves should guess here. Take two large and preferably equal size mirrors, place them opposite each other, and illuminate them with two candles; It is best to hold the mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror so that from the directional mirror in the wall a long corridor, illuminated by lights. The fortuneteller must remove cats, dogs, birds and strangers from the room, except for one or two girls. On their part, they are required not to look in the mirror, not to approach the fortuneteller, and not to talk. And at the end of this corridor the narrowed one should appear; True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, and you can see not only your betrothed, but also all sorts of evil spirits, but the game is worth the candle!

Dinner invitation

The girl covers the table in an empty room with a tablecloth, puts down a spoon, puts down a plate (knife and fork are not allowed) and says: “Mummer, come to me for dinner.” Signs that your betrothed is approaching: howling wind, knocking on windows and doors. Then the betrothed appears. The girl should sit in her place, not answer questions, notice facial features and clothing. The betrothed sits down at the table and begins to entertain her with conversation. The girl should suddenly perk up and ask point-blank: “What’s your name?” The betrothed says his name and takes something out of his pocket. At this moment the girl should say: “Cheer me!” - and the betrothed will disappear.

Fortune telling for Andrei in a dream

They put a comb under the pillow, saying: “Betrothed, comb my head.” The betrothed appears in a dream and combs his hair. They take a thimble of salt and a thimble of water, mix and eat. Going to bed, the girl says: “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will give me a drink.” The betrothed appears in a dream and serves you a drink. They put four card kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about it in a dream.” The betrothed appears in a dream in the form of some kind of king.

Fortune telling for Andrew on the king of diamonds

At night, place the King of Diamonds card under your pillow and wish for a specific person. The next morning you will find out what he thinks about you.

Fortune telling for Andrei's name

The girls get ready and go outside. Here everyone asks the name of the first man they meet - his name will be the name of the betrothed.

Write the names of the people you are interested in on paper and place the leaves in a circle. Place the needle and thread in the middle of the circle. Hold the needle by the thread so that it stands freely on the table. In the direction of which name the needle swings and stops - this is your destiny.

Fortune telling for Andrei on the ring

The players take turns rolling the ring on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, the girl will soon get married. And for a guy this means a long journey.

People say that on the night of St. Andrew the First-Called, from December 12 to 13, mystical events and miracles occur that can reveal the secret of the future.

Since ancient times, in the period from December 13 to January 19, there was a custom of fortune telling. Over the course of a month, many tried to look under the veil of mystery and find out their fate. According to folk customs, the most suitable days for fortune telling were St. Andrew's holidays, New Year, Christmas Eve, Old New Year and Baptism. People even believed that these days it was not a sin to guess.

However, on the night of December 12-13, girls and women wondered about their fortune and tried to find out the name of their betrothed. Many methods of fortune telling are still popular today. Choose any!

1. See your betrothed in prophetic dream. In order to have a prophetic dream, you need to comb your hair with a clean comb at night. At the same time, you should say the following words: “Betrothed, dressed up, come to me dressed up.” After this, the girl should put the comb under the pillow. Before you fall asleep, you should try to imagine the image of the groom. There is another way to see your betrothed in a dream. To do this, the girl does not put a comb under her pillow, but cards - kings of all suits, except for spades. In the morning, when you wake up, you need to pull out one card, which will tell you what the groom will be like. If the king is “red” (of diamonds or hearts), therefore, the husband will love and respect. And if “black” (cross), then fate will not be easy and happiness will not be seen.

2. If you want to know the name of your future partner, take several pieces of paper, write one male name on each of them and put it, say, in a hat, box, or sock. Shake or stir and remove one leaf blindly. The name that will be written on the piece of paper will be the name of the betrothed.

3. There is another way to find out the future. To do this, hang a white towel out of the window at night (I’m curious, is this so that the future partner can see more clearly?) and say: “Mummer, come and dry your face.” Check your towel in the morning. If it’s dry, you’ll have to spend another year as a wench, but if it’s wet, you’ll get married within 12 months.

4. To find out when a girl should prepare for marriage, in the old days they poured water into a glass. Nearby, right next to the walls glassware, lit two candles. They took wedding ring(you could borrow it from your mother or grandmother) and tied it to your own hair or thin thread. The ring should be lowered into the glass so that it does not touch the water. And after that, the girls listened - the ring was supposed to knock on the walls of the glass and pronounce the name of the future husband. If the name could not be made out, you should at least remember how many times the ring hit the walls - in that many years the fortune teller will be married.

What does fate have in store?

During the winter holidays they told fortunes not only about suitors, but also simply about fate. One of the ways was this. You should melt the wax in a mug, pour milk into a saucer and place it at the threshold of your apartment or house. At the same time, it was necessary to say: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.” With the last words, the milk had to be poured into the melted wax. And after that it was necessary to carefully examine the drawing. If a frozen cross appeared, illness, problems, and troubles awaited the fortuneteller or her family. If the wax “bloomed” like a flower, it promised marriage, a new friend, partner, guardian. If an animal appeared in a saucer, the fortuneteller would watch for roads, crossings, and long ones at that. If the wax lay down in the form of stars, it foreshadowed great success - in life, in business, in financial condition.

IN Ancient Rus' In order to find out what awaits in the future, the girls walked the streets and listened to sounds. If bells were ringing, it meant they could hope for a quick marriage, if there was quarreling in some house, family life promised to be cloudy and gloomy. However, these days this simple fortune telling can be changed. In particular, without even going outside, you can “wander” around the entrance, listening to what your neighbors are talking about. Behind every door you can certainly hear something exciting that will suggest some event in the coming year.

To find out fate, they took a gold ring, placed it in a glass of water and left it in the cold overnight (today you can put it in the freezer). In the morning we checked the result. If the frozen water was without tubercles, it promised a childless life. The tubercles are children; how many there are, there should be so many offspring (sons). But if there are only holes on the frozen surface, only girls will be born.

It is believed that if the same person appears twice - both on this day and on Christmastide - the fortune-telling is correct and it will come true. For this fortune telling, the girl requires special preparation. For it to be true, you cannot eat anything meat, only bread and water, but the most important condition is that all close relatives be well-fed on this day. Only girls or women tell fortunes. Before and after fortune telling, you need to remain silent until morning comes.

Kyiv, December 12 - AiF-Ukraine. We invite you to try to tell fortunes for your future chosen one this night.

1. Fortune telling for the betrothed with water

Holding the lock over the poured water, close it with the key, saying, “Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink.” After this, go to bed and wait in your dream for your betrothed, who will ask you for a drink.

2. Fortune telling for your betrothed without your presence

Mom, sister or close girlfriend. She should put a padlock and lock it on one of your things. The key to the lock goes under the pillow, saying, “The betrothed-mummer, come and unlock the bride-to-be and rescue her from captivity.” The betrothed must also appear in a dream for the key.

Fortune telling by threads for marriage

A simple fortune telling that is still popular today. The girls gathered for divination cut the threads of the same length and at the same time set them on fire together. Whichever girl's thread burns out faster will be the first to be married. The order in which the threads burn in the hands of the girls will show the order in which they get married.

How to lure your betrothed (loved one) into your life?

  1. On a festive night, girls lured their betrothed by throwing coins out the window. They did this ritual at midnight, and they had to throw as many coins as possible. During the ritual, the girl should be alone in the room, and no one should know about it.
  2. By placing basil under your pillow at night, you can see your betrothed in a dream.
  3. You can also invite your future spouse into your dream using flax seeds. The whole day preceding the holiday, you need to adhere to strict fasting, and in the evening, sift flax seeds into a bowl with soil, read the “Our Father” prayer 9 times, while kneeling. Then you need to sit down, and the prayer is read again 9 times. You need to end it with the words: “Saint Andrew, I sowed flax for you, so let me know with whom to connect my destiny.”

As we reported earlier, Vera Brezhneva and Svetlana Loboda

One of the most significant holidays for every Orthodox Christian is the day of St. Andrew the First-Called, which is celebrated every year on December 13th. Fortune telling for Andrew is considered one of the most truthful, along with fortune telling for the Nativity of Christ or Christmastide. Since ancient times, it has been generally accepted that on this night the veil of secrecy is lifted, and a person can receive any information regarding his future, love and marriage. Let's take a closer look at them...

A selection of interesting fortune-telling for St. Andrew the First-Called: for the betrothed, love, sleep and the future

Andrew the First-Called is one of the 12 apostles chosen by the Lord from among the people. Together with his brother, he lived in the city of Capernaum, where he earned his living by fishing. Always distinguished by exceptional piety, he became a disciple of John the Baptist, and also received his name “First Called”, because he was the first to respond to the call of the Lord and the first to introduce his brother to Jesus, who later became the Apostle Peter.

After the resurrection of Jesus, St. Andrew, along with his brothers and the Mother of God, were “filled with the Holy Spirit” on the Day of Pentecost. As a result of this, the apostles acquired the gift of healers, prophecy and the ability to speak various languages. Next, the disciples of Jesus chose countries to carry out prophetic activities in them, to convert people of other faiths to Christianity. St. Andrew inherited the coastal territories of what is now Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, and Ukraine.

It is St. Rus' owes its acquaintance to Andrey Christian faith. Therefore, he was considered one of the most respected saints, the patron saint of Rus'. Upon returning to Greece from educational travels, St. Andrew was persecuted and sentenced to crucifixion, but, according to legend, he asked to die on an oblique cross, and not on the one where Christ died. To this day, such a cross bears the name “Andreevsky”; its symbol can currently be seen on the Russian naval flag.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Fortune telling about marriage on the day of St. Andrew the First-Called

It has long been customary on this holiday to tell fortunes about love and husband. There is a custom according to which, in order for fortune telling for Andrew on December 13 to be truthful, the day before you need to fast and pray for a worthy spouse.

With felt boots “For the betrothed”

Popular and probably the most common love fortune telling for Andrey. It's quite easy and simple to do:

  • Put on your felt boots and go out into the courtyard of your house;
  • Then you need to remove the felt boots from your left foot;
  • Then you need to throw it over the fence into the street;
  • Next you need to look: where the felt boot points with its toe, the groom will come from there;
  • If the sock points to the gate, know that you cannot expect marriage this year.

If you do not have the opportunity to do fortune telling “live”, try doing it online.

At the crossroads “For marriage in the coming year”

At the midnight hour, go out to the crossroads, formulate a desire to find a betrothed, or imagine a specific person if you have someone in mind. Then draw a circle around yourself with a twig, then stand a little and listen to the sounds coming to you:

  • Singing, laughter, sounds of fun, songs are heard - this promises the girl a quick marriage;
  • The sounds of a quarrel, crying, swearing - says that this year you will not be a married woman yet.

Dream fortune telling for St. Andrew's Day

Fortune telling "To sleep"

This is a rather rare fortune-telling for Andrei on December 13th based on a dream, a description of which can be found in few places. Although its meaning is not too complicated. In the evening, go to the river, wait for the moon to rise in the sky, bend over to the ice hole, draw water and go home.

  • Pour the brought water into a cup;
  • Place a cup next to your bed and say:

My betrothed mummer, come and drink some water...

  • Then go to bed calmly: those who are destined to be wooed will see the image of their groom in the hole at night, those who remain unmarried all year will see nothing;

Near the church

Fortune telling is somewhat similar to fortune telling at a crossroads, but less scary. Previously, the girls ran to the church at midnight to spend December 12-13. And although there are no services in churches at night, some girls still heard the sounds of wedding singing, and some crying. Based on what they heard, they drew conclusions regarding the upcoming future: whether married life or a serious illness awaited her.

On the water with a candle “For the groom”

Universal fortune telling for Andrei's betrothed or groom. You will need a small trough (or any other utensil) that can be placed outside on the porch.

  • Pour water into the trough to about halfway, this should be done at approximately 9 o’clock in the evening;
  • At 12 o'clock at night, take a candle and go with it to the trough;
  • Break the resulting piece of ice, completely immerse the candle in the trough and read the following plot:

“Don’t sulk, scorching fires from the ant fryer,

And it caught fire wax candle in front of the wonderful image of the Savior!

  • After that, take the candle with you and go home;
  • Next, light a candle from the lamp near the icon and observe how quickly it lights up.

If the candle lights up quickly and does not go out within a couple of minutes, expect marriage in the coming year. But if the candle does not light up or goes out, you won’t have to wait for matchmakers this year.

Conspiracy - fortune telling "On the pen"

A very interesting fortune telling that any girl can do. It was carried out as follows: closer to midnight on Andrei, the girl laid it on the threshold of the house (with inside) a small chicken feather, while pronouncing the following slander:

There is an oak tree, there are 12 nests on it, each nest has 4 eggs,

Each egg contains 7 chicks,

One of them - show yourself

Let me know what to expect in the future!”

  • Flying out the door means that the girl will soon have to fly away to someone else’s family;
  • If the feather flies back into the house, it will continue to live in the family of its parents.

Fortune telling for the company "On the Ring"

In this game, participants can be both girls and boys. All you need is a ring (silver or gold).

  • All participants take turns blindfolding and rolling a metal ring along the floor in a random direction.
  • Rolling towards the door, the girl promises marriage, the guy - the upcoming journey.

In another version, the ring is passed on to each other, while it is hidden from the driver, and he guesses the location of the ring. Surely, many will remember their childhood and playing rings. There is another similar one: more complex, but no less interesting.

On pins and needles “For the betrothed”

Prepare a container of water and several needles. When telling fortunes about your betrothed, it is better to use needles different sizes: they wish for a smaller needle for themselves, a larger one for the groom. Lubricate them with any fat or cream, then place them on top of the water.

It happens that people’s relationships are complex (for example, a “love triangle” develops), in this case the number of needles should correspond to the number of people in this connection. Correlate each needle with a particular person, lubricate it and place it on the water.


The needles floating on the surface show which of the hidden people will remain in your life in the coming year:

  • The needles connected to each other symbolize marriage or simply a strong connection between the individuals who were fortune-telling;
  • The connection of needles along the entire length speaks of successful cooperation and lasting friendship;
  • The ends of needles placed apart or floating on the surface, but on opposite sides, are evidence of weakening connections between people;
  • Needles that have sunk to the bottom indicate the likelihood of the relationship ending.
  • Have all the needles sunk? Perhaps they are just not very well lubricated? Repeat it all again!

Fortune telling for the future by Andrey

On the coffee grounds

After you have drunk the coffee, you need to cover the cup with a saucer and turn it clockwise three times. Coffee grounds will spread along the bottom of the cup and create peculiar patterns; they are found in a special reference book and interpreted.

  • A dog is a sign of friendship;
  • The outlines of the forest mean abundance, prosperity;
  • Contour of the staircase - the set goal will be achieved;
  • Cross - you need to be patient;
  • Wreath - honor;
  • The mill is a deception;
  • Cliff - a prediction of sadness, sadness;
  • Human shadow - romantic meeting;
  • House - wealth;
  • A plowed field is very good sign, symbol of success;
  • Meadow with animals - the implementation of plans;
  • Church bells - marriage;
  • Deer - fast way;
  • Gate - arrival of guests;
  • Mountain peaks - many difficulties.

On the tea leaves

This is a unique variation of the previous fortune telling; it cannot be called classic, but many people prefer to tell fortunes using tea.

  • To start the ritual, it is better to take a shallow cup without pictures.
  • Then you need to pour some loose leaf tea into it (the bottom should be barely covered) and pour boiling water over it.
  • Slowly drink the resulting tea.
  • Cover the mug with a saucer and with your left hand, rotate the cup and its contents three times in the direction of the clock.
  • Then, with a sharp movement, turn the cup and saucer upside down, so that the tea leaves fall onto the saucer;
  • From this position, slightly lift the cup on one side and look inside.

Divide its internal space into two parts: the part adjacent to the handle relates personally to the fortuneteller, the remaining part denotes people from your close circle. The thickness on the walls of the cup shows the future in the near future, on the bottom - the distant future.

To interpret the symbols, you can use this one.

On candle wax

A very well-known fortune telling with wax and water, which can be performed on St. Andrew’s Day on December 13; we have already looked at it in more detail.

  • Tilt the well-lit candle over a plate of water and pour out the wax.
  • If necessary, perform this manipulation as many times as necessary until you obtain the required amount of wax.
  • The result is a casting that must be taken out of the water and interpreted.

Look at them carefully and try to determine their meaning by association. Below are tips for determining the meanings of the resulting figures.

  • Fan - problems at work, tense relationships with colleagues, the likelihood of the organization closing;
  • A bunch of grapes - a feeling of love, friendships, success, well-being;
  • Mushroom - a person’s vitality, his determination, longevity;
  • Dragon - “flight altitude”, justified expectations, the end of the matter;
  • Bell - news; with smooth edges - good news, asymmetrical and crooked - bad, more than one bell - alarming events;
  • Tree leaf - ill-wishers, envious people;
  • Monkey - deception in friendship, hypocrisy, ambiguity of the event;
  • Apple - life wisdom, health;
  • Since ancient times, the egg symbolizes something hidden, not manifested. Identified with something new.

On straws

Place a small amount of hay or straw under the tablecloth. At midnight, take out one straw:

  • If you come across a long one, expect a successful year with a good harvest;
  • Did you get the short one? Tighten your belt and prepare for difficulties.

The young ladies used this method to tell fortunes about their beloved: if they came across a green stem, they regarded this as a guarantee of a quick marriage; blackened - prophecy to sit in the virgins.

On the cups

This fortune telling is suitable for fun company. For the ritual you will need opaque cups, they need to be filled the following items: bread, salt, sugar, put a ring, coins, pour water. The number of cups corresponds to the number of participants, each of whom, without looking, takes one cup in turn by touch.