How to breathe without showing it. Proper breathing is the basis of life, health and longevity. Breathing helps you make the right choices for you

Sit in a comfortable position, keeping your back straight. Start inhaling, silently counting to four, then take a short pause. After this, exhale, also counting to four. Breathe through your nose all the time. If you want to make the practice more challenging, try counting to six or eight. Make sure that all three components (inhalation, pause, exhalation) are the same length.

When to do it

Anywhere, anytime. This technique calms the nervous system and reduces stress. Try practicing it before you go to bed. Especially if you are one of those people who find it difficult to get rid of thoughts about work and problems in the evening. Practice will replace counting sheep and...

2. Belly breathing

Sit in a comfortable position or lie on the floor. Place one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest and take a deep breath through your nose. Make sure that the shoulders are relaxed, the chest does not expand, and the diaphragm is working - the muscular partition that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. When you inhale, it contracts and falls, causing the stomach to protrude forward, and when you exhale, it rises and pushes air out of the lungs.

As you inhale, inflate your stomach, and as you exhale, pull it towards your spine. Try to take 6-10 slow breaths per minute. With this type of breathing, the body is better saturated with oxygen. Respiratory pattern of diaphragmatic breathing and pilates breathing in COPD subjects..

When to do it

Before an exam, an interview, or anytime you need to quickly calm down. If you want to feel the long-term effect, practice this breathing for 10 minutes every day. For example, immediately after waking up or in the evening before bed. This will have a positive effect on both cardiovascular The physiological effects of slow breathing in the healthy human. and digestive Diaphragmatic Breathing for GI Patients. systems, and on the general mental The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults. health.

3. Alternate breathing through the nostrils

Sit in a position that is comfortable for you, keeping your back straight. With your right thumb, close your right nostril and take a deep breath through your left. At the peak of your inhalation, close your left nostril with your ring finger and exhale through your right. Try to fill and empty your lungs to the limit.

Do five of these cycles, then switch nostrils. That is, inhale through the right and exhale through the left. After this, take five inhalations and exhalations through both nostrils. Don't rush or strain, breathe relaxed.

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Breathing is a basic physiological process that is performed unconsciously by humans most of the time. Some people have asthma and don't always know how to breathe properly. Fortunately, this article will help you find answers to important questions.


Correct breathing

Exhale through your nose or mouth. Exhale in a way that is comfortable for you. As you exhale, use your diaphragm to force the air out of your lungs. At this moment you will feel the movement of the diaphragm. Pause briefly after exhaling and take another deep breath when you are ready.

  • Practice breathing deeply for 10–20 minutes every day.

Meditative Breathing

  1. Sit comfortably and keep your back straight. Meditation requires comfort, but make sure you don't slouch. If you sit upright, it will be easier for you to inhale deeply and evenly with the entire volume of your lungs.

    • Sit in a comfortable chair or sit on the floor on a mat and cross your legs.
  2. Take a few deep breaths. The purpose of meditative breathing is to breathe slowly and help the body receive more oxygen, as well as consciously monitor your actions. In this comfortable position, inhale deeply through your nose several times to relax your muscles and breathe smoothly. As you inhale, engage your diaphragm and make sure your belly expands as well.

    Advice: During meditative breathing, place your palm on your stomach. If it rises and falls with each inhalation and exhalation, then you are doing everything right.

    Concentrate on your breathing. After a few deep breaths and relaxation, try to clear your mind and avoid distractions. Focus on inhaling and exhaling, paying attention to how you feel as the air passes through your nose and fills your lungs. As you exhale, notice how the air leaves your lungs and passes through your nose or mouth.

    • Meditative breathing not only allows you to calm down in moments of stress and tension, but also helps you become more aware of the current moment in time. Thanks to mindfulness, you will begin to breathe more effectively not only during meditation, but also at other times.
  3. Continue to breathe evenly and do not get distracted. The first sessions of meditative breathing should not exceed 3-5 minutes. Gradually increase the duration. Don't worry if your mind starts to wander from time to time. This is a natural process and over time this will happen less and less.

To begin with, I want to tell you a story that happened to me several years ago.

Then everything in my life was very sad: I was alone, a lot of problems, debts and loans... In addition to everything, just before the New Year they brought me an agreement to terminate the lease agreement for the store that I had then.

I was in complete despair and didn’t know what to do.

At such moments, our brain, out of habit, begins to look for clues and help from the outside... One of my friends advised me to turn to a psychic.

We phoned - he listened to my sad story and said: “Start breathing, you’re ready!”

Then, I didn’t understand what he was talking about and simply out of despair (trusting the recommendation of a friend), I decided to do as he said.

I then breathed the way most people breathe: shallowly, my breathing ended in the chest area and my whole body, despite yoga classes, was tense most of the time due to constant stress.

Then I didn’t think about breathing, the only thing I knew about breathing was that it normalizes blood pressure (at a time when I was tormented by pressure changes, I bought the book “Buteyko Breathing” and did breathing exercises to normalize pressure).

When the psychic told me: “Breathe,” I began to breathe, I had to inhale deeply with my entire chest and exhale into my lower abdomen. To be honest, this type of breathing was unusual for me, and at first it was difficult for me to exhale into my lower abdomen... But I forced myself to do it.

At the end of the day, my head was already clear... I saw the exits, I knew what to do next, my problems no longer seemed so insoluble to me, I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. And the very next day I found a new premises to rent for a store.

If someone had told me 5 years ago that with the help of breathing you could radically change your life (and not only yours), I would not have believed it.

Now I know it's possible! And hundreds of people who have completed my sessions and the open course “Conscious Breathing” have confirmed this.

So, Conscious Breathing: 5 Breathing Secrets That Will Change Your Life

1. Breathing allows you to restore the body’s energy reserves

A person consists of 75 trillion cells and they all need to breathe.

Breathing is the basis of life, receiving vital energy from the surrounding space, and also the key to many mysteries and secrets of our body. Nature has given man the opportunity to consciously control his breathing, listening to the experience of his ancestors and relying on knowledge of anatomy and physiology. With the help of breathing you can prolong your life, heal, and cope with many problems.

Breathing allows you to know yourself. Every cell in our body breathes, all organs and systems are intertwined into a single ensemble, in which breathing plays the role of a conductor. Breathing allows you to restore health and strengthen your immune system. Many masters came to enlightenment using the breath.

With the help of breathing you recharge your “battery”. Remember how children breathe and how much energy they have.

2. Breathing helps you make the right choices for you.

Your breath is a physical manifestation of your level of vitality.

If you are faced with a choice, but at the moment you cannot feel which choice is right for you, it is breathing that helps you realize what to choose.

Sit quietly and think about the decision you need to make, even if it's a minor one, like choosing where to go on vacation. Imagine yourself at sea, then imagine yourself in the mountains. How does your breathing change? Are there any differences?

If so, think about what you really want? How would you like to spend your holiday?

Your higher self is already aware of the opportunities and circumstances in both places. An image that is accompanied by deeper and lighter breathing should be your choice, because this is how the Soul tells you that this place is better suited for you at the moment.

If it is still difficult for you to perceive the difference in breathing, imagine two objects that are more different from each other. For example, imagine yourself doing something unpleasant and watch your breathing.

Then imagine yourself doing something enjoyable and feel the difference!

You always have a built-in mechanism for receiving an answer available to you! Breathing is one of the three control systems of your body that help you realize what is best for you right now and help you live your life on Earth in joy and pleasure.

3. Breathing reduces anxiety and fear

Breathing directly affects the intensity of the feeling of fear. Moreover, this connection is two-way: in anxiety, you absorb air superficially, in jerks, which only intensifies the panic and you do not see a way out of even basic situations. Slow, even breathing, on the contrary, serves as a good signal to the nervous system: everything is okay, dear, you can calm down and lower your heart rate. That's what happened to me. Deep breathing helped me see ways out of “no-win” situations.

I am often asked the question: is a special technique or practice needed? How to breathe correctly? There is no one, most “correct” way to breathe.

The free course “Conscious Breathing” will help you, in it I shared my experience, as I did.

4. Breathing brings you back to the moment “here and now”

To this end, Buddhist monks, for example, practice deep breaths combined with “mindful” breathing. What does it mean? It's simple. You concentrate on the very process of inhalation and exhalation, as if observing them. 20 minutes of this action increases the flow of oxygen through the blood to the brain, increasing the activity of the latter. Your brain is responsible for behavior, emotions, impulse control, abstract thinking, and focus.

A nice bonus: this type of breathing stimulates the production of the “happy” hormone serotonin.

How to breathe. Sit as you please. Dim the lights and close your eyes and relax. Inhale slowly through your nose for 6-8 seconds. Focus on the sound of your breathing, inhale deeply, helping yourself with your stomach. And then exhale (also through your nose) for 9–12 seconds. As you exhale, contract your abdominal muscles, pulling it in slightly. The goal is to take three to four full exhalations per minute. This is a classic technique for calming the mind. You don’t have to focus on time; just exhale longer than inhale and concentrate on the process.

If you cannot switch from low-frequency thoughts (you see what surrounds you and it really bothers you) to high-frequency thoughts, to what you want to create in your reality, go outside and do the “power walking” exercise.

This practice was developed by Swami Sivananda, an Indian philosopher, physician and author of more than 300 books on yoga.

It will help you learn to walk for a long time without getting tired, shift your focus, and generally improve your body’s health.

So. You need to breathe in rhythm with your walking. A step with one foot is a half step. Two half steps (right foot plus left) is a full step. The goal is to inhale in four full steps. And exhale - in six. Keep your body straight during the process, but without unnecessary tension in the muscles. Inhale slowly, evenly and deeply. And without holding your breath, exhale completely. You need to practice without tension, so when it becomes difficult, stop.

See also the course Conscious Creation of Reality. The course will introduce you to the Technology of Imaginative Creation - our author’s methodology in action, and will help you very quickly shift your focus.

5. Breathing helps you live in your own rhythm

When a person goes out and runs at the same time as everyone else, the rhythm of his breathing automatically becomes confused, accelerates - becomes dynamic, uneven - in accordance with the general process in which he participates.

Conscious breathing helps you get out of the collective consciousness and begin to live your own life, your own interests, be focused inward and stable in yourself in order to shape your own life, build your own rhythm and style of life, and stay in it in the way that suits you best. harmonious.

You can consciously maintain focus on your breathing

If you find yourself in the thick of things, where there is a huge bustle, where people are subject to collective intoxication or are running in accordance with some idea - at this moment you can switch your consciousness inward, to the diaphragm and the point that is located between the solar plexus and the heart center (hole, bodily notch). Having passed into the diaphragm, connect with it with your consciousness and give an impulse-decision that you are ready to live from your correct state, which brings you harmony.

At this moment, having received the command, your diaphragm will begin to inflate its bellows in the rhythm that is correct, optimal for you in this position, in this life situation. Then you seem to find yourself in a cocoon: at this moment, pure vibrational flows of the higher and reverse world begin to flow through you, filling your body through the focus of the diaphragm. Energy flows are distributed into the body through the presence of your conscious decision.

When you begin to breathe in your own rhythm, building a connection with the spirit - with the higher Self, you leave the collective Consciousness and connect to thoughts of a higher order. You start to think for yourself!

Thoughts of the highest order are high-frequency thoughts: these are thoughts about Love, health, Abundance, unlimited possibilities, about Strength and the ability to create your own World, your own reality.

Being a genius is very simple - you need to think for yourself!

In the beginning, awareness of the breath helps you become calmer and (paradoxically) more energetic and alert. Subsequently, it helps to develop a greater degree of awareness. There is more freedom to choose our reactions in any given situation. For example, in a situation that would normally make us anxious, we may choose to be patient and calm. Over time, we begin to define our habits instead of letting them define us. Mindfulness allows us to take full responsibility for our own lives and happiness. The practice of Mindfulness is incredibly enriching. Instead of being only half aware of what we are doing, we can experience every moment of our lives fully and vividly.


With love and faith that the awareness of every person living on Earth will lead the World to harmony, the author of the Technology of Imaginative Creation,

If you have panic attacks, you easily become agitated. You can read about what panic attacks are in the article “What are panic and panic disorder?”

In order to effectively reduce agitation, you need to master breathing techniques for complete relaxation. Not everyone manages to concentrate enough to use relaxing breathing during a panic attack. Therefore, this technique is best used while there is no panic yet. But when the excitement and anxiety that preceded it had already appeared. Using this breathing technique, you can prevent a panic or vegetative attack.

Why does the breathing technique for complete relaxation work?

This breathing technique is based on understanding the characteristics of human breathing in different conditions. Certain emotional states correspond to a certain type of breathing:

When a person is anxious, he breathes shallowly and frequently. Inhalation is longer than exhalation. This feature is designed to mobilize a person to an immediate reaction.

When a person is completely relaxed, he breathes deeply. When you inhale, the diaphragm lowers. It seems that a person breathes not from the chest, but from the stomach. Exhalation in a state of relaxation is much longer than inhalation. The face, forehead and lips of a calm person are relaxed. The mouth is slightly open. Exhalation is often noisy, and sometimes a person makes certain sounds when exhaling. They may sound like a groan or a sigh.

By starting to breathe in one of these ways, you can put yourself in the right state. The body perceives your breath as a guide to action. Once you learn the breathing technique for complete relaxation, you will be able to calm down voluntarily.

What do you need to learn to completely relax?

To effectively relieve stress, you need to learn several skills:

1. Learn diaphragmatic breathing.

2. Learn to exhale longer than inhale.

3. Learn to relax the muscles of the face and body.

4. Develop the skill of quick relaxation at will.

5. Apply this skill at a time when agitation and anxiety intensify.

Breathing for complete relaxation

Find a place where you won't be disturbed. It’s good to learn breathing techniques before going to bed. Or at that moment when there is nowhere to rush. Set aside at least 20 minutes for your workout. Learn the skills of complete relaxation while lying down.

1. Learning diaphragmatic breathing.

Master the technique of diaphragmatic breathing. To do this, place one palm on your stomach. As you breathe from your belly, your palm will move down and up. When this type of breathing begins to be maintained without any problems on its own, without your control, you can move on to the next step.

2. We learn to make the exhalation longer than the inhalation.

Continue breathing so that your stomach rises and falls. Take a short, deep breath. Exhale slowly. The exhalation should be uniform and long. Keep your inhalation relatively short but calm. The exhalation should be at least 2 times longer than the inhalation. The longer the exhalation, the greater the state of relaxation you can achieve. Observe the feeling of relaxation. As your body begins to relax, you may feel a feeling of warmth and heaviness in your arms and legs. When you can take an inhalation shorter than the exit without your control, proceed to the next step.

3. Relax the body.

Connect bodily relaxation to your breathing. Continue to inhale shorter than the exhale. What can help you relax your body? Below are four techniques for bodily relaxation. Try each of them.

Take a mental look at your body, look into every corner of it. If you find tension in the body, try to get rid of it along with the exhalation. Imagine that with your exhalation all your tension and pain go away. It's like you're breathing out the tension. And you completely relax.

Relax your facial muscles, forehead, lips. Open your mouth slightly, as happens when a person is sleeping. As you exhale, purse your mouth and lips as if you were saying “whoa” to a horse. At the same time, be careful not to puff out your cheeks. Relaxing your face is the most effective way to relieve tension.

It is easier to relieve tension if each time you exhale, you pronounce vowel sounds - long “a”, “o” or “u”. They may be somewhat reminiscent of a groan or a sigh. Feel free to make sounds. This is a great way to relieve stress.

Perhaps your imagination will help you relax completely. Imagine that you are on vacation on the shore of a warm sea. You have a lot of time - there is no need to rush anywhere. You hear the rhythmic sound of the surf. A pleasant breeze blows gently. You feel the humid sea air. The sun's rays caress your body. Imagine this picture as if you were watching a 4-D movie.

4. We develop the skill of quick relaxation.

Make time to exercise. Master breathing and relaxation skills over at least six sessions. Learn while lying down first. Then sitting and standing.

Your task is to learn to completely relax automatically, in a short time. Observe what exactly helps you relax most effectively. Perhaps it is focusing on a specific part of the body. Or imagine that you are on vacation on the shore of a warm sea. Remember these feelings. Remember them when you need to quickly relax.

5. We use breathing techniques for complete relaxation.

It is not enough to learn the skill of relaxation. It is necessary to use it every time you feel anxious and agitated. If you have mastered the technique well, this will help reduce the frequency or completely avoid the occurrence of panic attacks.

You can also master the winner's breath shown in the program

Do you know that breathing exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides will help you get rid of excess calories. It will turn out faster than during jogging. “What is this unique technique?” - you ask. Today we will tell you in detail about bodyflex and Strelnikova’s gymnastics for effective weight loss.

The essence of breathing exercises for weight loss

So-called “shallow” breathing does not allow the intestines to receive enough oxygen. But it is he who ensures the absorption of nutrients and the breakdown of fats. The faster food is processed into useful energy, the sooner weight will decrease.

The method of losing weight is based on the breakdown of fat deposits due to the maximum enrichment of the body with oxygen. Just 6-7 regular exercises lead to a loss of up to 5 cm in waist size

Deep breathing during exercise stimulates lymph flow. This helps massage the internal organs, leading to increased metabolism and weight loss. No special room or equipment is needed for classes. You can do even a simple vacuum exercise at any time. Just exercise an hour after eating.

Plus, breathing practices also provide psychological relief, a surge of vigor and strength. Dependence on food disappears, which allows you to lose weight and maintain the result for a long time.

By regularly dedicating 15 minutes a day to breathing exercises, you will quickly achieve the following results:

  • improved metabolism and rapid weight loss;
  • smoothing cellulite;
  • relieving nervous and muscle tension;
  • increased flexibility;
  • relief from migraines;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances.

And all this does not require rigorous exhausting training or food restrictions. Unlike physical exercise, breathing exercises do not cause appetite. On the contrary, regular exercise dulls the feeling of hunger and improves well-being.

Bodyflex by Marina Korpan - what is it?

The only certified trainer and founder of breathing techniques in Russia is Marina Korpan. She tried the method on herself and successfully lost weight. After that, Marina created her own method of quickly improving her figure without unnecessary stress or harm to the body.

Bodyflex for weight loss involves correct and consistent breathing during exercise:

  1. When exhaling, you need to completely “empty” your lungs, getting rid of almost all the air.
  2. Inhalation is done through the nose, it should be noisy and sharp.
  3. The next exhalation is called diaphragmatic. The air is pushed out using the abdomen and abdominal muscles. The load on this area allows you to correct and reduce fat deposits in it.

Often such quick and easy exercises are not considered effective. Some girls, after just a couple of irregular classes, begin to write bad reviews about the technique. A systematic approach is needed - start with breathing, then add physical exercises later. After all, you want to see the result? Everything works in tandem.

Many girls noticed that they began to eat smaller portions after training. On average, you can get rid of 3 extra kg in a week

It’s not difficult to learn gymnastics, you just need to carefully follow all the instructions from Marina Korpan. To begin with, try to master this initial lesson, increase the load gradually.

It will seem that 15 minutes a day is not enough for success. Start small, do as much as you can at first. After the first lesson, I even felt dizzy. It is better to exercise in the morning and on an empty stomach. If you didn’t have time in the morning, you can study in the evening. Before this, you should not eat anything 1 hour before training.

If you want tangible results, don’t run to the refrigerator immediately after class. It is better to postpone eating for the first 2 hours after them; you can drink water in any quantity.

Using diets during a gymnastics course is not only not worth it, it is even prohibited. Otherwise, the lost weight can come back just as quickly.

Gymnastics Strelnikova

This breathing exercise was first used as a way to restore voice. After its medicinal properties were recognized, the method became known throughout the world.

Indications for classes are a number of diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • migraine;
  • diseases of the respiratory system (ARVI, asthma, tuberculosis, inflammation of the lungs and bronchi);
  • cardiovascular diseases (only on the recommendation of a doctor).

The exercise technique involves taking strong sharp breaths while counting. There are no strong exhalations here. Movements that compress the chest are also used - rocking, squats, lifting the pelvis.

With frequent training, the body will get used to the new volume of oxygen and it will become easier to exercise. It is important to keep the pace and not to exercise forcefully - the body needs time, do not rush.

The video shows a lesson with a detailed explanation for beginners without music. Each approach is 8 times, then there is a pause. Do each exercise for 4 approaches. The technique is also suitable for children.

Those who have tried breathing exercises themselves note a beneficial effect on the body. ARVI and flu are easier to tolerate, cough and bronchitis go away. Immunity to colds is increased.

Jianfei - Chinese breathing system

The positive effects of proper breathing have been known in the East since ancient times and the practice of “qigong” was used in martial arts.

The Jianfei method has been perfected in China for many years and literally translates as “lose fat”

It is considered the basis of beauty, longevity and harmony of the Chinese people. Practitioners call it nothing more than “magic.” The point is to use breathing to normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Gymnastics saturates internal organs with oxygen, due to which:

  • the tissue repair mechanism is launched;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • weight loss quickly;
  • gas exchange in tissues and metabolism improves.

The technique involves performing 3 exercises, each of which has its own focus. “Lotus” and “Frog” will help improve health and cope with chronic illnesses. And the “Wave” exercise is effective for those losing weight, dulling hunger.

Hold off on the “Frog” exercise during the menstrual and postoperative periods. It is better to exercise outdoors or in a room with an open window to provide fresh air. Try not to think about anything, relax and put your thoughts in order.

Japanese system

This is another popular technique that was developed by Dr. Fukuji and allows you to get rid of belly fat using a regular towel. Its essence is that the towel is rolled into a tight roll about 10 cm wide and secured with a tourniquet. The cushion is placed under the lower back for a few minutes a day. The waist is reduced by at least 2 cm, visually stretched and slimmer.

The technique involves performing exhalations and inhalations in a special order. Additionally, there is an alternation of movements of the chest and abdomen, even deep breathing and its retention.

What is interesting is how the effect is achieved. The spine gradually stretches, the hip bones and ribs take the correct position. As a result, posture is normalized and height increases slightly. This allows you to look slimmer and younger in appearance.

Watch how to perform the technique in this video. Do the exercise smoothly, without heavy loads. Sudden movements are excluded.

Naturally, it is impossible to really burn fat while lying on a bath towel roll. What is more important here is the healing effect of the practice on the spine. Displacements of internal organs are eliminated, the body literally becomes younger from the inside.