How to behave during an interview. First interview: how to behave if you have no work experience? How to successfully pass an interview and what to say to get hired

A job interview is a test for the applicant, during which his professionalism and level of competence are assessed. The opportunity to fill a vacant position directly depends on how successful the first meeting with the employer is. That is why the interview requires careful preparation.

Start with necessary documents. Don't forget about your passport, education diploma and advanced training. It would also be a good idea to take a resume (although many employers ask you to fill out a standard application form for the organization).

Before going to an interview, try to study information about the company you are going to apply for. Check out the site, read reviews, study the employer’s area of ​​activity. Thus, you can show your interest in a future job.

Then you should think about answers to the questions that employers most often ask:

  • What was your last job? Why did you decide to change it?
  • What is your work experience?
  • Why did you choose our company?
  • Why choose you? List your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Variations of the questions may differ, but the essence remains the same - the employer is looking for an employee who can work in this position, possessing the necessary competencies. For the applicant, this is a great chance to profitably “sell” himself.

When talking about your previous place of work, you should not speak negatively about management and colleagues. When giving the reason for changing jobs, limit yourself to a neutral answer. It would not be amiss here to emphasize your desire to grow professionally, gain experience and improve your acquired skills.

When talking about your work experience, list the organizations where you worked previously. It is not necessary to tell in detail what your employers did, the dates of creation of each organization and the names of directors. Better focus on your own achievements in your position.

When talking about yourself, try to indicate personal qualities that will set you apart from other competitors. Don't over-praise yourself, but don't criticize yourself unnecessarily. It’s better to mention some small mistakes and tell us how skillfully you dealt with them.

Think carefully about your appearance. Don't forget that you can't make a first impression a second time. Try to find out in advance whether the organization has a dress code. If yes, try to comply with it; if not, give preference to a restrained business style. Women should not experiment with the length of their skirt, and men should not experiment with the color of their tie. In general, clothing should be neat, hair clean and styled, and nails groomed. Don't get carried away with perfume and cologne, especially in hot weather.

How to behave during an interview with an employer

So, the preparation was successful and you are ready to go for the interview. Remember some rules and everything will go like clockwork.

It is better to go to the interview in advance, even if you know the route well. It’s better to wait yourself than to make your employer wait. If force majeure occurs on your way, call and warn us, explaining the reason for your delay.

When you arrive at the organization, do not forget to turn off your cell phone.

When you arrive, be sure to say hello, introduce yourself, and ask to be notified of your arrival.

When entering the office of a potential employer, be friendly and sit opposite the interlocutor. You should sit straight on a chair, without lounging, without crossing your legs, etc. Keep it as natural as possible. Excessive nervousness will create a bad impression of you.

Listen carefully to the questions, answer only after the employer finishes his speech. Don't interrupt, even if you know what he wants to ask. Answer only to the point the question asked, try to keep your answer within 2-3 minutes. If you are asked to talk about yourself, do not indulge in memories of your childhood. The employer is more interested in your education and work experience.

During the interview, you can also ask questions to the employer. Prepare them in advance so as not to miss important moments due to excitement. Direct questions about the future career growth or the possibility of a salary increase should be avoided. It is better to ask whether there is an opportunity to improve your qualifications, which will characterize you as a purposeful and far-sighted person.

At the end of the interview, thank the employee for his time and ask how you will be informed about the results. Many people are embarrassed to ask, but in vain. It may seem that you came just for show.

Remember good mood, self-confidence and preliminary preparation are the key to a successful interview.

The article was prepared by specialists from the employment portal

Getting a good position requires the applicant to carefully prepare and develop self-presentation skills. To present yourself adequately at the first meeting with a potential employer, you should show your best qualities and leave a good impression. To do this, you need to know how to behave during an interview. Next, we will talk in detail about how to behave correctly, how and what to say, and also explain how to successfully pass the test task in order to become a leading candidate for a vacant position.

How to prepare

Pre-playing the conversation is very useful for personal confidence during the interview. If you know what to expect from your manager, you will be able to answer clearly and without hesitation. This way you will look like a pleasant and adequate person who knows himself and understands what he wants.

This article is aimed at working through the most common situations that arise when applying for a job. We only need victory, which means we need to study in detail all possible issues and develop the right line of behavior.

Before the interview, it is important to know how to dress and what they might ask. Therefore, we will carefully work on these points.


Here are the main points to pay attention to:

  1. Clothing must be appropriate for the position for which you are applying. If you want to work as a manager in an office, then a formal or classic suit is preferable. But if you get a job as a cook, electrician or parking attendant, then you can do without unnecessary officialdom. It's fine to wear regular casual clothes like jeans and a sweater. The main thing is that the clothes are clean and tidy.
  2. Hair and/or beard should be neat. You should not go to an interview if you are shaggy and unshaven.
  3. Perfume is allowed, and sometimes even encouraged. But do not overdo it with the amount of aromatic liquid. It may happen that your perfume will become a painful torture for others. Remember that the perception of odors is very individual.
  4. It is quite possible to take accessories in the form of bags, purses or cases with you. But know that these things only complement a business image. In combination with the work clothes of a plumber or cleaner, the case will cause more bewilderment than respect.


Possible questions worth paying attention to are:

  1. “Do you have experience in this area?”
  2. "What education do you have?"
  3. “Why did you leave your last job?”
  4. "Why do you want to work with us?"
  5. “What are your positive qualities?”
  6. “Why should we choose you?”
  7. “What is your marital status?”
  8. “Are there any children?”

Questions about professional skills and education should be answered truthfully. A detailed story will allow you to present yourself as a specialist in a specific field or a versatile person with experience in various fields. In both the first and second cases, you can turn your answer into a clear advantage.

All other questions require carefully thought out comments. In this case, it is important not to make a mistake with the answer and say only what will play into your hands. If the reason for leaving your previous job had a bad impact on your reputation, then carefully avoid this topic, indicating only neutral points.

The desire to work in this organization is not something shameful, but management may not like your subjective motives. Feel free to say that here you want to develop and work for the benefit of the company. But proximity to home or a friend working in the next office is not worth mentioning.

Questions about your strengths and advantages over competitors provide a chance to show off your knowledge, qualifications, communication skills and enthusiasm. Do not skimp on words when talking about yourself, but maintain reasonable restraint.

Everything that concerns personal life, should be commented in general phrases. For example, “married, one child.” There is no need to go into details and tell you what a wonderful family you have. The employer is interested in this for big picture perception of you as a person.

How to behave

Behavior matters a lot when hiring. This way the employer can get a lot of practical information about you. It is important to be able to behave according to the situation. Goodwill helps to establish relationships with the team and management. Determination and patience guarantee high productivity. Honesty can build a good reputation. All this contributes to productive work.

In psychology there are concepts of verbal and nonverbal communication. In other words, human behavior is divided into two inseparable and complementary types of character manifestations:

  • speech and manner of speaking;
  • facial expressions, gestures, movements, gaze.

Each of the components of behavior gives an understanding of what each of us is. The representative of the organization conducting the interview is able to recognize the signs in detail and compose them general characteristics applicant. Therefore, know that, while having a nice conversation, the boss is assessing you from all sides.

Verbal communication

The person conducting the interview pays attention to your speaking style. To make a good impression, follow the tips below:

  1. The tone of speech should be even, without unnecessary emotional outbursts. The intonation applied to the place will help make the monologue more interesting.
  2. Don't load your story with unnecessary details. Drawing sounds “ahh...”, “this is... what’s his name...”, “well...” are unacceptable.
  3. Do not create fog with general, meaningless phrases. The words “I don’t know”, “probably”, “maybe” will reveal uncertainty in you, and this is a minus for future work.
  4. Humor is acceptable, but not recommended. You can say something ironic 1-2 times, but only when it is appropriate and with the goal of making the environment more friendly. Don't laugh out loud at your own joke, especially if it didn't provoke a similar reaction from your employer.
  5. Don't ask stupid, inappropriate or strange questions. “What is your salary?”, “Which employee do you like best?” or “What are the prices in the work canteen?” - such questions are unacceptable at an interview.

Note. There are questions that not only can be asked, but also must be asked. This is all that concerns the work itself, job responsibilities and organizational issues. It is also permissible to clarify the data from the vacancy announcement.

Non-verbal communication

When we talk, we move one way or another, but we do it in different ways. Our gestures and facial expressions can say a lot of good or bad. Consider the following tips to appear culturally communicative:

There are a number general rules, which must be followed during the interview:

Task “How to sell a pen”: how to complete it

A successful interview is not enough to get hired. Increasingly, managers want to test the declared professional skills of applicants in practice. Various tests come to the rescue of management. One of the most popular tasks was “Sell me a pen.” This method of testing began to be actively used after the film “The Wolf of Wall Street.” It is best suited for identifying the skill of sales managers.

The essence of the test is contained in the name. You need to convince a potential employer that he simply needs a regular ballpoint pen. Despite the fact that the exercise is extremely simple to understand, most applicants are lost and cannot say a word. The pathetic attempts of others also lead the candidate to failure. How to sell a pen at an interview? Now we'll tell you.

Observe the leader in the preliminary conversation. Determine its type:

  • serious conservative;
  • cheerful experimenter.

Choose your own special approach for each type.

The former will respond positively to standard benefits. Identify the weak vulnerabilities of a business person and cover existing needs. For example, it is implied that an important person’s time is valuable, and he has no time to look for a pen throughout his bag. And you tell me that your pen fits comfortably on your jacket pocket and doesn’t get in the way at all. Thus necessary thing will always be at hand.

The second type of potential buyers is interested in new products and an innovative approach. He is open to new opportunities and fresh ideas. Therefore, positioning the product in its usual sense will be a bad decision. Offer him something different, unexpected, creative. Come up with additional functions for the product. For example, say that your pen warns you in advance that it will soon run out of ink. Provide detailed information about the product. Focus not so much on the pen itself, but on the benefits of the buyer who will buy it.

Be prepared to deal with objections, because they are always present in sales. The boss can respond to your advertisement:

All responses to protests should be thought out in advance. If this task takes you by surprise, then ask your manager to give you 5-10 minutes to prepare.

When you have made an effective presentation of the product and feel that the “client is ready,” offer him a discount or other additional bonuses.

If you can’t sell the product, ask the manager how he would accomplish this task himself. It may happen that he will not be able to answer. In this case, you will have a chance to fill a vacant position.

Remember that the main purpose of the task is to test your resourcefulness and creativity. If you follow a pattern, you will doom yourself to failure. You should not copy the method demonstrated in the film, when the hero, having received a pen, provokes a person into a situation where he needs it - to give an autograph or sign. The idea is really great, but very familiar to everyone.

As a variant of a creative approach, the following example can be given. Having received a refusal to buy a pen, the candidate simply leaves the office. In this case, the employer will have no choice but to agree to the purchase. At the same time, such a technique will not work with a real buyer of the product in real life. That is why it is important to determine what exactly the employer wants to check with such a test.

Other types of inspections and testing

There are a number of other methods that allow you to assess the professional and personal qualities of a candidate for a position:

  1. Professional tests. This can be any survey on a narrow specialization. This also includes tasks that determine a person’s professional predisposition.
  2. IQ tests. There are a great many of them. Intellectual questions cannot be answered correctly in a hurry. The mental ability test requires focus and concentration on each task.
  3. Psychological tests. This includes standard questionnaires to determine personality type, association tests, as well as a drawing of a non-existent animal. Performing such tasks is very interesting, but dangerous, since the employer can find out a lot of personal things about you without your desire. This is why applicants often refuse such tests.

In contact with

To paraphrase a well-known aphorism, we can say: whoever controls the information controls the interview situation.

Before you go to the office, find out:

  • with whom you will talk: with the boss, the head of the HR department or his ordinary employee;
  • interview format (group or individual, question-answer or self-presentation);
  • dress code and things you need to have with you (documents, gadgets, etc.);
  • how to get there (being late is unacceptable).

The company website or a call to the office will help you find out.

Map out answers to common questions

Interviews when applying for a job are of the same type and at the same time not similar to each other. Many people have heard about stressful interviews, where they can suddenly start shouting at the applicant in order to unsettle him. There are also so-called case interviews: the applicant is placed in certain circumstances (for example, a conversation with a dissatisfied client) and observed how he solves the problem.

It is not always possible to find out what type of interview is preferred in a particular company, so you need to be prepared for anything.

To do this, make a card with answers to typical questions and requests (they are asked in 99.9% of cases):

  • top 5 of your main advantages;
  • what are you good at;
  • strategic directions of self-development;
  • proposals for the company's work;
  • your life and work philosophy;
  • your short and long term goals;
  • unusual problems that you had to solve.

You should also prepare in advance a list of topics that you would like to discuss with the HR manager.

Interpret the employer's questions

"A" doesn't always mean "A", and two and two don't always mean four. Recruiters sometimes ask insidious questions, where behind a simple wording lies a cunning plan - to force the applicant to say more than he should.

A simple question: “What wages would you like to receive? But the answer helps the interviewer understand your motivation: money, social guarantees, work schedule, etc. If you are asked whether you have had conflicts with management and how you resolved them, then most likely the HR manager wants to know whether you are inclined to take responsibility or are accustomed to shifting it to others.

There are many tricky questions. You need to be able to see the “double bottom” (without fanaticism!).

Think about your nonverbal behavior

HR managers are people, not automatons. They, like everyone else, pay attention to non-verbal signs: appearance, facial expressions, gait, gestures, etc. An experienced professional may be rejected only because he behaved incorrectly.

Think about your body language in advance. If you habitually jerk your leg out of excitement, then sit cross-legged. If you tap your fingers on the table, try using something to occupy your hands, such as a ballpoint pen.

HR managers are people, not automatons. They understand that you are worried. But naturalness in non-verbal communication will increase your credibility.

Set taboos on certain topics

“Tell me about yourself,” asks the interviewer. “I was born on April 2, 1980 (according to the horoscope Taurus). In his youth he played football and was captain of the city team. Then he graduated from the institute…” - if the applicant’s story is something like this, he won’t see the position like his ears.

There are things that are absolutely uninteresting to an employer and that in no way characterize you as a professional. In the example given, this is the year of birth (this can be read in the resume), zodiac sign and sporting achievements.

There are topics that you need to taboo for yourself:

  • summary summary;
  • personal life goals(buy a house, have children, etc.);
  • reputation of the company and its employees;
  • skills and experience that are not related to future work (I cook well, understand plumbing, etc.);
  • failures that demonstrate incompetence.

Just as you made a plan of what you will talk about, write down and remember the topics to ignore. Also think about how to answer correctly if you are asked about it.

Contemplate to calm down

An interview is a nerve-wracking affair. You can forget your name, not to mention demonstrating your business skills.

To calm down, look around. Inspect the office, equipment, employees. The details will tell you a lot about the company where you are going to work, and their analysis will help normalize your nervous system.

Taking a critical look at the firm and future colleagues can enhance feelings self-importance. Remember: the company needs a good employee as much as you need a good job.

Take the initiative

In an interview, as a rule, there comes a moment when the interviewer and interviewee change places and the applicant has the opportunity to ask questions that interest him.

Don’t waste time on useless “Will you call me or should I call you back?”, “Why is this position open?” and so on. Show yourself as a proactive employee. Ask:

  • Does the company have any current problem? How do you think I can help you?
  • Could you describe what you envision as an ideal candidate for this position?
  • What advice would you give to someone starting to work at your company?

There are also a number of questions that are not recommended to be asked. You can tell which ones by clicking on the button below.

Following these tips will prepare you for your interview and increase your chances of getting hired.

Any extras? Write them in the comments.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to behave during an interview - you will learn everything necessary information and even more: how to please a recruiter, what to wear for an interview, why some interviews are conducted over the phone and what to do if the conversation takes place via Skype, as well as: what you will most likely be asked, what tricky questions HR specialists ask and much more .

How to please and make a good impression

An impression of a person is created within the first 15 seconds after meeting. This is both good and bad news. You must immediately take the bull by the horns, or rather, pull yourself together. It is very important to arrive on time, or better yet, 5-10 minutes before the start of the interview. Great importance has an appearance, but we will talk about this separately.

Now it's important to mention attitude. It depends on him whether the first impression is good or not. Self-confidence is what matters. Not everyone has it, and in a stressful situation it is quite difficult to pull yourself together. Everyone understands this, including the employer, so a small discount is made here, but still, it is in your interests to create the appearance of maximum peace of mind. How to achieve this?

It’s good if you’re into yoga and know how to pull yourself together, but what if you’re not?

Replay in your head that you are as interested in a good job as the HR manager is in a great employee. Don't try to sell yourself. If you have a responsible approach to work and have all the necessary qualities, the employee will definitely notice this.

Remember that before finding a suitable vacancy, a person, according to statistics, attends about 3-5 interviews. This employer may not be lucky enough to get you!

Even if this is your first interview, you have every chance of being liked. Almost every applicant goes looking for a job, having some shortcomings and concerns: is everything in the document in order, and how will they react to the lack of a file or whether they will agree to certain conditions.

For example, one of my friends did not want to work after 18:00, but was ready to come an hour earlier. At first she was very embarrassed by this fact, but then she began to boldly declare her demands. In her position, adjustments to the schedule were possible, and employers, seeing that the employee was really suitable, were ready to make a rapprochement.

Self-confidence is immediately noticeable. You automatically begin to trust a person, you see that he is reliable and responsible. All this happens on a subconscious level. This is why calmness and self-confidence are so important to create a good impression.

Stay composed in any situation - best quality employee.

If you can’t believe in yourself, sign up for a Skype consultation with me. By doing so, you will make a significant contribution to your future.

Self-confidence provides serious benefits in both your career and personal life. you stop worrying, being nervous and, as they like to call it, selling yourself. They sell themselves to you know who and you know where. It is important for you to present yourself, come, and then the employer will see everything himself.

In addition to confidence and calmness, a positive attitude is also important. Start the morning before your interview as calmly as possible. Wake up early so you're not in a rush. Turn on your favorite music, walk around the house and sing along, try to laugh with your loved ones, drink delicious coffee.

Do you think this is all nonsense? Okay, then you can stand in the hero pose, smile for 20 seconds in front of the mirror and hop on one leg to consolidate your success. Perhaps this method will help someone relieve tension, lift their spirits and make them smile sincerely in order to make a good impression on their future boss.

Your good mood is in your hands.

Unfortunately, there is no secret technique or universal position in which some people immediately begin to like others. I’ll tell you more, HR officers have long known about all the “secrets” from the Internet, and as soon as they see that you are trying to apply them, they immediately draw their own conclusions: “Yeah, this person is very interested in work and is trying to manipulate. Interesting".

The main thing during an interview is to behave naturally, confidently, calmly and have a positive attitude. In this case, you have every chance of being liked. Read also

How to look for an interview

How to look at an interview is a very serious question for many. Today, everyone can afford to dress beautifully and look impressive. You don't need hundreds of thousands for this. If 5 years ago no one paid such serious attention to this point, now the situation has changed dramatically.

What to wear

When creating their image, many people make mistakes and do not get the desired vacancy. Some dress formally where it is not necessary and give the impression of an overly interested employee - this is alarming. Others, on the contrary, prefer the Casual style when it is completely inappropriate.

Don't overdo the seduction; if the recruiter gives in to temptation, what will you do?

What's better to wear to an interview? You need to start from the place of work and the position for which you are applying. You can go to the address where the company is located in advance and see what the employees of this company wear.

If this is a bank, then you must adhere to the dress code already at the interview - an official formal suit and classic flat shoes, a tie is required.

Women should wear a plain shirt or business blouse. light color, a pencil skirt just below the knee and formal low-heeled shoes. With all your appearance you should shout about reliability and integrity.

If the work is creative, then the appearance may indicate the creativity of its “carrier”. You will have to try to work out your image. It is difficult to give any specific instructions here. The only thing is, don’t forget about accessories. In your case, they will be welcome - neckerchiefs, bracelets and other little things that complement, emphasize and complete the image.

If you want to look your best, I advise you to watch some modern films or look through magazines with photographs successful people from your field. If the company is very cool and the position is top class, it might make sense to talk to a stylist.

What not to wear

I wouldn’t like to write banalities, but apparently I’ll have to, since it’s difficult to describe images and specific things that you shouldn’t wear. It all depends on the position. Some things are inappropriate in some places, but in another position the same outfit will come in very handy.

The rule of what to wear is not the same for everyone: dirty and unironed clothes are inappropriate for an interview.

How to introduce yourself and present yourself correctly

Here I would like to repeat myself, because I think it is very important: do not try to sell yourself. Once upon a time one very clever man told me: if the product is good, it’s enough to find out about it, but if it’s bad, then no amount of advertising will help.

If you don't want to become a slave, don't sell yourself at the interview.

This is very true. As soon as you start campaigning, your value is lost. The employer just needs to know about your strengths. Talk about them calmly, with dignity.

What to tell about yourself

As a rule, during interviews they are asked to tell you about themselves. What should you tell the interviewer, and what should you keep silent about? There are mandatory regulations: introduce yourself, tell us about your education, name your previous places of work, and you can describe some of the projects you worked on. In general, this requires your history professional life.

It will be nice if you mention your goals and what you want to achieve. You shouldn’t run ahead of the locomotive and predict your interlocutor by answering trivial questions that will be asked one way or another.

The personnel officer should ask you something, and if you don’t leave trivial questions, you risk running into trouble. a large number of tricky.

Remember everything you know about deduction. Play Sherlock.

Pay attention to the table and objects that are in front of the interviewer. It's good if you are in his office. If there are no foreign or personal objects nearby, and all things are folded in strict order, most likely the person takes the matter responsibly and demands the same approach from others.

Some people advise using such things to find common interests with a person. For example, you see a photo of a cat and start talking about your Barsik. You know, you have to be very careful with these things. You are not the first in this office, and similar methods have long been known to HR specialists. Draw conclusions, use this information, but I would not recommend voicing it.

Leave humor, irony and everything about professional topics for the time when you already get a position.

How to answer questions

Everyone lies during an interview. You need to know at what point a lie will be useful, and when it is better to tell the truth.

For example, if you left with previous place dealing with a scandal, it’s better to talk about it. If they like you, then perhaps your management or colleagues will call and find out everything. Don’t try to blame the employer or team for all the troubles; find your mistakes, point out them and show how you deal with them.

On past work I constantly stole pencils, but I’ve already paid for it with my place and never again!

Information about shortcomings is also not a reason for irony: perfectionism and hypertrophied responsibility are not an original answer to the question. It is important for the employer to know that nothing will interfere with your effectiveness. You can answer that your shortcomings are outside the professional sphere and they do not affect your work, but you would not like to talk about them.

Try to think two steps ahead: why are they asking you this question, what are they trying to find out and whether they can verify the information. Don’t be afraid to inflate the cost of your work at your previous job, lie about your own merits, advantages and positive qualities.

It’s not bad if you can illustrate some facts - use a portfolio, some documents, graphs, as if you accidentally took them with you.

How to prepare for an interview

If it makes you feel safer, you can draw up a questionnaire in advance and have an “interview” with your wife or child. However, this is not necessary; I am afraid that in some cases it will even be harmful. It is quite possible that in this way you will only heat up the situation and worry more, and the main thing in this matter is complete calm and confidence, as you remember.

Better work on your resume and evidence base. Write how great of an employee you are. Don't use ready-made samples. Most likely you have already sent one to your employer. Write something for yourself, in free form. You don't even have to take it with you. As a rule, after this a person begins to believe in himself more.

“I am the most charming and attractive, all employers dream of me.”

Collect various documents that can prove your merits and advantages - remember successful projects, you can ask several clients to write reviews. All this is needed not so much for the interviewer as for you. Confidence in own strength works wonders.

The better the vacancy, the more difficult it will be to get distracted. Try to come up with a plan in advance for how to occupy your time so as not to walk from corner to corner and not worry. Also, don't eat too much. Excessive bliss and drowsiness will not do any good.

Features of video interviews, online and by phone

As a rule, telephone interviews are conducted in order to weed out those candidates who are clearly not suitable. This kind of interview is not that difficult. The conversation will last no more than half an hour.

During this time, you just need to tell us a little about yourself, answer a few basic questions and ask your own. They don't talk about salary over the phone, nor do they talk about job details. For this they use at least a video.

Online interviews via Skype are a more common and serious event. You have eye contact with the interlocutor and the opportunity to send some important files and documents.

If you are facing such an interview, you need to prepare: translate necessary documents V electronic view, send them to Yandex or Google drives, save all the necessary links, and also provide yourself fast access to them so as not to rummage through folders on your desktop while the interviewer waits.

Even if you are interviewing online, do not forget about your appearance.

Loungewear is not acceptable, please note the background- panties hanging on the dryer will not show you as an excellent worker. Treat this interview as if it is taking place in the reputable office where you are applying.

What questions are most often asked during an interview?

Frequently asked questions

So, what is the most often asked question in an interview?

  1. Your shortcomings.
  2. Tell us about your achievements. (Don't take all the credit for yourself. Don't forget about the team.)
  3. Why do you want to work with us. (Read about the company on the Internet and retell their main advantages)
  4. Why are you leaving your previous job? (No career growth and being far from home are not the worst reasons).
  5. Tell us about your failures. (Here the interviewer wants to hear about how you can correct mistakes that you yourself have made).
  6. Why should we hire you?

Tricky questions

Tricky questions are asked in order to understand how you can get out of a difficult situation, whether you can quickly find your bearings and how stress-resistant you are. Don't be afraid to take a few seconds to think or come up with your own way to buy time in advance if you need it.

There are a lot of options for tricky questions, and as soon as information about them appears somewhere on the Internet, good HR specialists from large firms they are changed immediately. Here are a few examples that remain the same and are quite common:

  1. What will you do in the first three months working in our company?
  2. What do you think about overtime?
  3. What keeps you up at night?
  4. Would you like to take my position?
  5. If you worked for us for 5 years and didn't get a promotion, would you quit?
  6. Describe your dream job.
  7. Who and where do you see yourself in 10 years?

You have time to practice answering these questions quickly and wisely. I deliberately did not present my options here.

What questions can and should be asked to an employer?

Asking questions after an interview is not only possible, but also necessary in order to consolidate a pleasant impression of yourself. Read information about the company on the Internet and come up with a few questions regarding their work. Take a notepad with you so you don't forget important things. You may want to take some notes during the interview.

Also, don't forget to ask if the employer didn't tell you about such important points, like the schedule, scope of responsibilities of the performer, is it expected extra education, check the information about probationary period when you can expect a promotion and what maximum point of success you can achieve in this company.

You can find a lot of information about questions in Ron Fry's book " How to pass an interview at your dream company" The successful author of best-selling books on personal effectiveness believes that you can get any job by learning to ask the right smart questions.

By asking questions to yourself and preparing them for the recruiter, you can easily create a plan for the entire conversation and stop panicking.

What to take with you to an interview

So, what can you use during an interview?

  • Summary.
  • Recommendations from management or reviews from customers.
  • Portfolio.
  • Diplomas, certificates.
  • Notepad and pen.
  • Some employers post questionnaires for applicants on their website. If you have one, it is better to fill it out at home and bring it ready-made option with myself.

The most common mistakes

The most common mistake in an interview is lack of self-confidence. It seems to a person that the employer is less interested in him than he is in this company.

For this reason, various protective mechanisms are triggered - unnecessary fuss, strong excitement, sloppiness, lack of composure, lies, embarrassment. In some cases, aggression, excessive frivolity, talkativeness, inappropriate humor, attempts to manipulate or use some “secret” techniques.

If you are not confident in your own abilities, sign up for a Skype consultation with me before communicating with a recruiter from your dream company.


So, now it's time to briefly summarize:

  1. The most important thing for a candidate for any position is self-confidence, calmness and a positive attitude. I can offer you a publication about.
  2. When going to an interview, dress as if you already work in this company: clean, neat and in accordance with the official or unofficial dress code.
  3. Prepare a short story about your professional life and a resume. Don't forget to bring diplomas, certificates, customer reviews, or other documents that prove your qualifications. If communication takes place via Skype, prepare links.
  4. And most importantly, don’t be afraid or worry about anything. The employer is no less interested in a good employee than you are in a great company.

Sooner or later in the life of any person there comes a stage when you have to change jobs, and an interview is an integral part of it. The most important thing at an interview is to present everything you can and to please the HR manager. Job seekers are trying to achieve this different ways, but it doesn’t always work out successfully. If you don’t know how to behave correctly during an interview, then the tips listed in this article will be very helpful.

1. Appearance

Of course, clothing must be appropriate. For men, a blouse and a formal skirt or trousers are suitable for women. Forget about extravagance, pretentiousness, cosmetics, hairstyle, accessories and even perfume. Only those who do not know how to behave correctly during an interview try to make an impression. Only people of creative professions are allowed to express their own individuality: artists, designers, painters, etc.

2. Arriving for an interview

Don't you dare be late! Punctuality will be an additional trump card. In addition, being late will negatively affect the mood of the interviewer, who knows how to conduct an interview correctly and values ​​both his own and other people’s time. If you don’t have time, call the person waiting for you and warn about it. It will be very useful to arrive half an hour earlier and take a closer look at the environment in the office. This way you will get to know the company you are planning to join better.

3. Turn off your mobile

If you are waiting for important calls, then set up an answering machine. Answering the phone during an interview, much less communicating with other employers, is considered the height of impoliteness.

4. Documents with you

You will usually already have a printed copy of your resume, but bring a couple copies just in case. This will show the interviewer that you are highly organized and know how to behave in an interview. In addition, take educational documents and certificates of trainings you have completed.

5. Question and answer

Try to listen very carefully to the questions asked to you and answer them clearly. Don't go into lengthy discussions. This will only show your lack of professionalism. Answers during the interview should last no more than 2 minutes. Follow feedback from the interviewer. If he listens without interest, then stop and ask whether you answered the question posed.

6. Company information

Try to find out as much as you can about the company you are going to. more information. For example, through its corporate website. Being informed will help you know how to behave during an interview and give you an edge over other applicants.

Be prepared to be asked for recommendations. There are two options here. Either give the telephone number of your recommender (just warn him so that the call from your potential employer is not a surprise), or take care of drafting it in advance and take it with you.

After the interview is over, be sure to thank the hiring manager for his time. Even if you do not pass the competition for a vacancy, the experience gained will be useful to you when meeting with other employers. Good luck with your interview!