How to make paper castles. How to make your own castle from paper or cardboard. DIY cardboard crafts for children. Castle stage with cross-shaped structure

Leaving vehicle in the garage, we first of all protect it from adverse weather conditions, and also hope for its safety from theft. Tell me, have you ever thought about what exactly your car is protecting? Of course, the materials from which the building is made are an important factor, but the main role all assigned to the lock on the gate. But even in such a simple question as choosing a shutter mechanism for a garage, there may still be problems. a large number of nuances: which one to choose - factory or homemade, cheap or more expensive? Our answer - choose homemade options. Why and how to do it homemade locks with a secret for the garage, we will tell you in our article.

Selecting a lock manufacturer Garage Doors faces all owners of garage buildings, and it is quite small. You either choose a factory product, or create a unique mechanism that is suitable specifically for your garage.

It's no secret that many car enthusiasts would rather buy this product in a store. However, if you buy a stamped lock for a garage, you are not sure that thieves will not be able to find a suitable master key for it. In addition, the quality of such bolts is often poor. Factory shutter mechanisms that have the appropriate quality, guarantee, and are assembled by hand are classified as products of a fairly high price category. Do you agree to pay such funds?

A homemade garage lock is a guarantee that thieves will prefer not to have to worry about solving the design and will bypass your garage space. If drawings of factory products can, if desired, be found on the Internet, then manual option– is unique, and finding the key to it is very problematic.

Main conditions of safety

Do-it-yourself garage locks must meet a number of requirements:

  • the mechanism must be completely hidden from the street;
  • It is advisable to use high-quality materials; it is better if the constipation is armored;
  • If possible, make combination homemade locks with a secret for the garage.

We study the classification

In general, homemade garage locks can be divided into two large groups - self-made and remade. Self-production constipation is advisable if the appropriate components are present: quality materials, equipment (milling, lathes), equipment for steel hardening. Experience working with metal will also be important. Otherwise, even the most original lock will be easily opened.
The best option would be to remake purchased locks or individual components. This method will allow you to do without special equipment, while creating a single version of constipation.

By design, garage door shutter mechanisms are divided into:

  • mortise;
  • mounted;
  • invoices;
  • rack and pinion;
  • pinwheel;
  • combined.

Each type has its own positive and negative sides, which should be taken into account during selection.


This type is considered to be the oldest and, unfortunately, unreliable type of constipation. Despite the fact that it is recommended to use hardened steel for their manufacture, such a lock can be easily knocked down with a hammer or sledgehammer, since the entire mechanism is located outside. In addition, the hinges of the device can be quietly cut with a hacksaw.

Mortise locks

Installing this type of lock in a garage is quite problematic, and for thieves it is difficult to break into such a lock. big problems. The door is simply knocked down or opened with a selected master key. Experienced car enthusiasts recommend using this type of lock as an addition to the main bolt mechanism.


Garage locks - turntables have simple design, but enough high degree protection. The principle of operation of such a lock is that on the doors of the garage, made of wood or metal, lugs are made into which the ends of the lock - turntables - are lowered. The latch itself is mounted on a through bolt in the center of the gate and is activated by turning from the center. This type of do-it-yourself garage lock allows you to reliably protect your car from thieves, since there are no external (visible) parts.

Home positive feature The screw lock is its design. The main part of the mechanism is hidden behind the door, making it virtually inaccessible to thieves. The common components of such a design will be: a key, a screw, an outer bracket and a bracket with internal thread. Make a castle if you have a detailed sketch and equipment ( welding machine And lathe) not difficult.

"Falling" model

If you have considerable experience in locksmith work, then try to make the so-called lock with a “falling key” yourself. You will need 3 metal plates. Two of them will be used for making staples, and the third will be used for a bolt (latch) with slots. The next step is to make a drum in the form gear wheel with key hole. The key also has its own specifics. Special slots are made in it for a metal rod (pin) with protrusions, the arrangement of which follows the holes on the drum.

Electromechanical option

This type of lock is a combined one; it combines a mechanical and an electric lock. Please note that such locks can be made by craftsmen who have experience working with electronics and mechanics. If you are not confident in your abilities, car enthusiasts suggest using a ready-made mechanism and choosing the appropriate electric drive for it.

In order to make such a lock you will need a mechanism gear transmission, electric motor, power supply and mechanism control system.

Today, stores offer a huge range of toys, but they cost

quite expensive. For a child, try making them yourself. You can also invite your child to participate in the process, this will develop his imagination and logic, and besides this, you will get great pleasure from joint creativity. Below we tell you how to make a castle out of paper that both boys and girls will love. You can take the schemes described in this article as a basis, but this does not mean that you need to end there - use your imagination and create your own unique palace. Additionally, this product can be used as a decoration - a stand for confectionery products.

Tools for work

For a craft like a paper castle, you will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • sand;
  • paints;
  • textile;
  • sawdust;
  • chip cans;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • pen.

Step-by-step instruction

To learn how to make a castle out of paper, you need to study the following information:

Now you just have to figure it out interesting story and please your beloved child with a new fairy tale.

How to make a castle out of paper

When you have children, it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a boy or a girl, the main thing is that they all love fairy tales and believe in miracles. Any child will be happy with such a gift. To make a castle with your own hands as accurately as possible, you need to spend a lot of time and effort, but your beloved offspring deserve it.

To work you need to take the following accessories:


In order for the castle, made with your own hands from paper, to be the most accurate copy of the original, adhere to the following rules:

Helpful information

A paper castle, the diagrams of which are presented in this article, will help you realize your child’s dreams and give him a piece of happiness. If the craft will be used not only as decoration, do not forget about its sustainability. For example, you can fix each part with tape, which you need to secure with inside. The same palace can be made for a little princess, simply by decorating it in bright fairy-tale colors. Now you know detailed instructions how to make a castle out of paper. Go ahead, please yourself and your child.

DIY cardboard crafts for children will most of all occupy the attention of parents and heirs if they meet the vital interests of the growing child. It almost always turns out that not a single family is able to buy all the desired Barbie houses, or castles for Disney princesses, or parking lots for cars.

Moreover! This is not necessary, as psychologists and conscious, successful parents advise us. The unwritten rule says the following: a child should get only half of what he wants easily - from the store shelf, and he needs to “earn” the other half. And here it is appropriate not to demand so much good behavior, promising an incentive purchase of a toy, how much to captivate the child with the joint construction of an exclusive long-lasting model.

Cardboard opens up truly limitless spaces for you – for creativity and construction based on your children’s favorite characters. Let's look at two cardboard crafts that any parent can make with their own hands!

DIY cardboard crafts for children. Castle stage with cross-shaped structure

It is no coincidence that we introduce you to this idea. Evaluate it carefully to understand its main and wonderful advantage: you can play with such a building anywhere, because it quickly and completely disassembles! You will not have any difficulties transporting not only from room to room, but also to a picnic, cottage or kindergarten.

In addition, the very principle of the cross-shaped representation of the walls allows you to create not only castles, but also shops, a school, a pharmacy and a cafe. In general, all those buildings and social circumstances in which your baby happens and in which he may become actively interested by the age of 2 or 3.

What do we need:

  • Cardboard from boxes (household appliances, dishes, computer peripherals)
  • A simple pencil, eraser and ruler
  • Scissors and construction knife with replaceable blades
  • Any means for wall decoration (pencils, paints, self-adhesive different colors, fabric, colored tape and paper, remnants of wallpaper after renovation)

How we build:

  • We draw a template with a simple pencil, carefully correlating the sizes of those slots with which the walls will be connected into a full-fledged volumetric structure.
  • We cut out the relief of the walls at the top and through doors on each wall. It is important here that the themed figures for games with crafts fit into the prepared holes.
  • We paint and decorate – as you please!
  • We insert the two halves into the grooves - and you can start the game!

DIY cardboard crafts for children. Simple big box lock

We suggest you build another option - from the very regular box from some small household appliances akin to a vacuum cleaner or food processor. When choosing, the main thing is that the cardboard box is large enough for the baby.

The set of tools is the same as in the DIY craft above.

What we do in an effort to diversify everyday life for children:

We use our imagination by choosing a fairy tale or trusting a spontaneous story about a beautiful princess and valiant knights. And we are happy to devote more than one evening to playing together with a young lover of the Middle Ages!

We hope that the DIY gifts presented to you for the children we want to attract will bring a lot of joyful communication and joint creativity to your home!

Maybe, quite unexpectedly, you have a free evening time, and you want to spend it with your child. Maybe you just like to create unusual and original things with your own hands. In any case, we suggest you learn how to make a cardboard castle quickly and easily with your own hands.

How to build an original cardboard castle with your own hands: preparation for the process

To make an original and unique cardboard structure, you first need to prepare the raw materials. To build the walls and towers of your house you need to find large sheets thick cardboard. As building material For the gradual formation of walls, old cardboard boxes are suitable for you. Such boxes can be collected after purchasing household appliances or new furniture.

Cut on the surface of your cardboard box windows and at least one door. Now you need to find boxes from small TVs, or just small boxes from which you will build turrets, otherwise what kind of castle is this?

From packaging from chicken eggs you can make a balcony for a tiny doll. This template can be easily mounted on a wall made of thick cardboard.

You can use colorful stationery paper to form tiles for the roofs of your castle turrets. Interior design You can make buildings entirely at your own discretion.

Making models and diagrams is a very important component of children's creativity. After all, by assembling a model, a child not only develops his imagination, spatial thinking, fine motor skills hands, but also a detailed, accurate idea of ​​the subject. We offer our readers detailed information and a master class on the process of making a castle model.

To work you will need to prepare following materials and tools:

  • thick cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • compass;
  • sharp scissors;
  • watercolor paints.

Now proceed to the process of making a layout for your structure. If you and your child decide to make a model of a royal castle, then first decide on the material for creativity. You can use it as a building material wooden panels or sheets of cardboard.

If you choose wooden material, then you will get a strong, durable royal castle - a real reason to be proud. The main disadvantage wooden castle is the difficulty in cutting parts from a sheet of wood. However, if you are good with a jigsaw, then this will not be particularly difficult for you.

Making your own castle out of cardboard seems very easy and simple. The process of cutting and gluing separate parts of the composition together looks very easy and simple to perform. However, difficulties may arise when any fragment of the structure is not completely glued. In this case, you need to add a small amount of PVA glue. As a result of such actions, a few drops of glue may fall on the front “wall” of the castle, causing the paint to appear stained on it, and so on. It is also quite difficult to maintain perfect appearance products made from such fragile paper material.

Having decided on the desired material, begin making drawings of your design. Decide on the design of the castle that you want to implement. When used as source material sheets of cardboard you can make locks of any complexity. These can be buildings with rounded walls and turrets, carved windows or drawbridges. Cardboard is a very malleable material, so your imagination is not limited in this case.

At the moment when you already have a completed idea, draw a sketch of the future design. Then, directly on your template diagram, mark the approximate height, length and width of your castle. Based on the basic dimensions, proceed to construct a more detailed and detailed drawing. To construct the rounded parts of your structure, use a compass.

After this, transfer the design to the selected material. Paint all parts of the building in the chosen color. After complete drying, cut out all the parts along the contour and glue them together. Now your original and unique castle is ready.

Video on the topic of the article

We offer a selection of videos on the topic of the article. In the material presented you will find a visual demonstration of the process of making a cardboard castle. Enjoy watching and exploring!

Nothing is impossible for the resourceful and creative, right? Why spend personal savings on an expensive construction set if it can be made from waste material... and in just half an hour! Do not believe? Then see how easily cardboard rolls, trays and boxes are transformed into luxurious medieval castle, and you will want to make such a miracle yourself.

But the most interesting thing is that each time the fortress can be built differently - depending on the mood and circumstances of the game.

Please prepare:

  • rolls of paper towels, foil, etc.,
  • cardboard boxes and inserts,
  • egg tray,
  • cones, nuts,
  • toothpicks,
  • scissors,
  • stationery knife,
  • PVA glue (glue gun),
  • stapler

Start working and don’t be afraid to fantasize, the main thing is passion and love for nature! Recycling of raw materials - another step towards preserving the Earth's natural resources.

At first let's make a dragon. This cute dinosaur will perfectly cope with his role. Cut out the silhouette of a dinosaur from a cardboard piece. Cut the kitchen towel roll in half and make two longitudinal cuts on both halves. These are dinosaur limbs. Glue gray spots on the back of the dragon, and colored ribbed spikes on top. There is very little left - to make the dinosaur’s eyes, draw a mouth and secure the body in the cuts of cardboard rolls. Ready!

Let's move on to making a paper castle. The courtyard towers will consist of rolls of different diameters and heights. Cut out windows and balconies with a stationery knife or nail scissors. It’s best to leave cutting the rolls to your mom or dad.

Trees are easy to make by hot glueing nuts and pinecones inside small cardboard cylinders.

To the narrowest and tallest towers, feel free to glue a cardboard base - a circle or a spool of decorative tape. Otherwise, the rolls will fall and destroy the structure.

Fairytale castle roofs are very easy to make! Grease the inside of a cell cut out from an egg carton and attach it to the tower. The sharp tops of the towers can be easily made from cardboard circles. All you have to do is cut out a small sector with a top in the center of the circle, roll the workpiece into a cone and fasten it with a stapler or PVA glue.

Make the walls and corridors of the palace from cardboard parts from household appliance packaging. They should be shaped like a brick.

The pride of every castle is its flag. Multi-colored flags (if, of course, you paint them) will decorate your fortress on toothpick mounts.

What is a palace without a princess? Place her in one of the fortress towers. And don’t forget about the courtiers, guards and other puppet people.

Add details: cut out an image of a crown - a symbol of royal power, make flower beds and an entrance to the fortress with a drawbridge.

Take out the old railway from the closet - and you already have a whole fairy-tale country with amazing inhabitants and medieval architecture. Have a fun game!

And after playing to your heart’s content, don’t forget to put the construction set into a box or Plastic container. The fairytale castle will come in handy more than once.