How to clean nickel silver dishes at home. How to clean cupronickel silver cutlery at home

Cupronickel silver cutlery is used for table setting in places Catering and at home. The material is quite capricious, requiring special attention. Cutlery tools are cleaned according to certain rules using special means.

Basic rules for caring for cupronickel devices

Cupronickel is produced on the basis of three components: copper, nickel and zinc. The alloy is used to cover serving items. A thin layer of precious metals is additionally applied to the surface of the cutlery. As a result, they are practically no different from products made of gold and silver.

The cost of cupronickel instruments is budget. Therefore, the devices are often used in restaurants, cafes and home kitchen. Serving items should not be washed in the dishwasher.

Rules for caring for cupronickel products:

  • Cutlery is placed in a container with warm water and a small amount of detergent.
  • The washing process is carried out manually using a soft sponge.
  • Toothpaste will help add shine to cutlery.
  • We wipe the cupronickel with a dry cloth.
  • Wrap in cling film or paper.
  • We send it for storage in a dry place.

Home cleaning methods

  • Pour water into a small saucepan. Let's add a couple of spoons baking soda and send it to the fire. Place cutlery in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. We take out the products and wash them with a gentle product using a soft sponge.
  • Pour one liter of water into an aluminum container. We equip the aqueous solution with a tablespoon of salt and eggshells. Place the products into boiling liquid for two minutes. We wash the nickel silver and wipe it with a woolen cloth.
  • Cover the bottom of a deep dish with foil. Place the cutlery on the surface of a silver sheet. Pour two tablespoons of salt and pour boiling water. Leave it on all night. By analogy with the previous method, we wash and wipe the devices.
  • 50 grams will add freshness to cupronickel products laundry soap, diluted in warm water. We wash the tools in soapy water, rinse and wipe dry soft cloth.
  • If cutlery was stored in a damp place, wipe it with a cloth soaked in a gentle vinegar solution - no more than 8%. Then rinse and dry.

Regardless of the cleaning method, cupronickel devices must be washed under running water.

In addition, the following solutions are often used in everyday life, prepared with one’s own hands, without adding chemicals:
  • sweet water;
  • onion juice;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • alcohol solution.
Cupronickel forks and spoons are kept for some time in one of the compositions. Then rinse and wipe dry.

How to clean nickel silver from darkening and blackness

The serving alloy is often subject to darkening. There are several reasons for the change in the natural color of cupronickel:
  • increased air humidity;
  • violation of product storage rules;
  • failure to follow instructions for caring for cutlery.
The main enemy of serving items is dampness. Being exposed high humidity, cupronickel turns black. Smudges appear on instruments. There are several ways to clean appliances from darkening at home.

Cleaning with soda

The simplest and most common method for removing minor stains. Dissolve 50 grams of baking soda in one liter of warm water. First we wash the products with detergent, then rinse in the prepared solution. If the stains are not removed, rub the contaminated areas with baking soda powder. Rinse cleaned instruments under running water. cold water and wipe thoroughly with a dry cloth.

Cleaning with alcohol

If the serving items are slightly darkened, it is enough to wipe them with an alcohol solution using a soft cloth.

Second option: Cutlery can be immersed in pure alcohol, ammonia or vodka for a few minutes. We take it out, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.

Cleaning with vinegar

Dissolve one teaspoon of strong vinegar in water - 200 grams. We wipe cupronickel products with a napkin soaked in the solution. Vinegar is widely used to remove stains from any surface. We finish the cleaning procedure by rinsing and wiping the devices with a dry towel.

Cleaning with chalk

Let's prepare the product by dissolving 50 grams of laundry soap in a small amount of liquid. Add 50 grams of chalk and one liter of water to the soap mass. Mix thoroughly. Using the resulting solution, we polish the capricious products and wipe them dry.

A similar polishing agent is obtained by combining 0.5 cups of water with chalk and ammonia in a ratio of 30:60 (in grams).

Cleaning with eggshells

This method will remove complex and old stains. Prepare a decoction by combining the shells of two eggs with a liter of water. Boil the container with the ingredients. Dip the serving utensils into the hot broth for about a quarter of an hour. By analogy, rinse with a stream of running water and wipe.

Peeling potato broth

Bring the broth left over from boiling the potatoes to a boil. Let's put the cupronickel items in it for 20 minutes. Then rinse and dry.

Peeling with garlic peel

Add the garlic skin to the water and put it on the fire. Place spoons and forks into the boiling broth. Cupronickel under the influence high temperature The liquid clears and begins to shine. Cleaning time depends on the degree of darkening. As soon as the products shine, they are taken out and rinsed.

Cleaning with foil

The method is considered the most effective. We place a shiny sheet at the bottom of the aluminum container. We lay out the devices. Fill with soda solution and bring to a boil. As a result of a chemical reaction, the foil takes the contaminants onto itself. After cleaning, nickel silver regains its original appearance, and silver leaf becomes dark.

This method is used to eliminate serious stains. If, at the end of the procedure, blackness and streaks remain, the process can be repeated.

Cleaning with foil cannot be used for cupronickel products with gold and silver frame. The coating will be severely damaged. The products cannot be returned to their original appearance.

Housewife Tamara will tell and clearly show in the “Home Tips” section effective way for caring for nickel silver using silver leaf:

Special products for cleaning cupronickel cutlery

You can purchase household chemicals for caring for cupronickel forks and spoons at any hardware store. When purchasing, be sure to read the composition and instructions. Hazardous substances for capricious coating are chlorine and abrasive particles.

Most popular among chemicals They use: “Sif” gel, “Polymet” paste and “Amethyst” emulsion. You can use regular dishwashing detergents that do not contain prohibited substances. For example, Fairy gel, which is used in everyday life to care for products made of precious metals.

The coating of cutlery made of cupronickel is practically not inferior in appearance to expensive products. Support appearance serving items can be used for jewelry, sold in specialized stores.

For preventive purposes, we wash serving items in a homemade solution: add a teaspoon of ammonia, peroxide and shampoo to a glass of warm water. Cutlery will shine like new. When sending products for storage in a dry place, be sure to wrap them in paper. Avoid contact of cupronickel with chlorine-containing substances.

Cupronickel is an alloy of zinc, nickel, copper and silver. Widely used for making tableware, decorations, artistic products, and in the production of medical instruments. Products made from cupronickel are found in almost every home. Cupronickel silver cutlery is the most commonly found in household use; it looks very similar to items made from noble silver, but is distinguished by its larger size. mechanical strength And affordable price. Like silver, cupronickel silverware can tarnish and darken over time. We will tell you in this article how to store cupronickel and wash already darkened appliances at home.

How to clean cupronickel spoons

To begin with, let's figure out why nickel silver products darken. Copper, present in cupronickel (for the most part), is easily oxidized, and even the nickel included in the composition (to a lesser extent) is not able to prevent this process. That is why, due to long or improper storage, cupronickel dishes begin to become covered with dark spots and streaks. To avoid such a nuisance, wash spoons and forks well to remove food debris, and then wipe each item dry. Even the smallest drop that has dried on the device naturally, will subsequently leave behind a dark stain. In a nutshell, you need to remove the oxide film from the surface of cupronickel products. On the smooth surface of the devices, it will be easy to remove the film at home, but if there are relief patterns on the product, this will be much more difficult.

Cupronickel silver products should be stored in a dry place; excess humidity promotes rapid oxidation of the metal, causing the devices to quickly lose their shine and become covered with dark spots.

Clean spoons and forks without resorting to special products household chemicals, you can use regular soda solution. To do this, dilute 50 g. baking soda in warm water, rinse the utensils well with a sponge, then rinse in clean water, and wipe each item with a dry soft cloth or soak paper towel. You can put them aside for storage only when you are sure that the dishes are completely dry.

Some housewives prefer to clean dishes in decoction of eggshells or garlic peels. To do this, take the crushed shells of two eggs (or garlic peels), add water, and bring to a boil. Then the products are dipped into boiling water with the shells, and the products are boiled for several minutes. After this, rinse them under running water and wipe dry.

When the darkening is insignificant, you can get rid of them with a suede cloth with dry chalk powder, tooth powder, toothpaste or wet, shallow salt, but be careful, as grains of salt or chalk can scratch the surface of the product.

You can also restore the shine to spoons and forks by boiling them in a soda solution. Take it, put a sheet of foil on the bottom, pour a handful of baking soda into the pan, and lower the cutlery into it. Boil the dishes for several minutes, then rinse well under warm, running water, and wipe each item dry. With this method, even relief patterns on products are cleaned. You can replace water and soda with potato decoction, which is poured onto the foil with spoons.

Also, it copes well with darkening on nickel silver dishes. ammonia. Dilute a small amount of the product in warm water, then wash the devices with a cloth soaked in the solution and rinse them under running water. For minor darkening, you can use medical alcohol or vodka.
One relatively recent cleaning method involves soaking cutlery in fizzy drinks. Coca-Cola, Fanta, or better yet, colorless Sprite will restore purity and shine to your products. To do this, just soak spoons and forks for 10 minutes in the drink and rinse in warm water.

Do not forget to wipe the products dry after each cleaning, then dry them additionally, and only after that they can be put aside for storage. Every drop or moisture remaining on the devices will appear as a dark spot.

How to clean cupronickel spoons with gold plating

Chic gold-plated cutlery will undoubtedly brighten up any table, but only if it is spotlessly clean. Washing such spoons and forks at home is quite simple. After getting rid of traces of nickel silver oxidation, gently rub the gold plating on the cutlery with a cotton swab dipped in wine vinegar or egg white using a soft flannel cloth. The products will shine like new.

Cupronickel silver cutlery is a budget replacement for silver. They are distinguished by their durability and sophistication. But over time, such products darken and become covered with unsightly spots. And here many housewives have to face the problem: how to clean cupronickel spoons and forks at home without damaging the material? There is a solution. You can deal with it quickly, easily and without much expense.

Causes of darkening

To find a suitable cleaning product for cupronickel spoons, you need to know the causes of darkening. There aren't that many of them. The first is improper care and lack of proper cleaning. The second is in excess humidity.

Cupronickel spoons and forks must be wiped dry after washing. Every drop of water that dries naturally causes dark spots to form. No less dangerous for cupronickel are food particles that remain in small depressions on the surface of the product.

Household chemicals

To clean cupronickel at home, you can purchase special products at household chemical stores. They come in gel, liquid or wet wipe form and contain safe but effective ingredients. Some of these products not only cope with darkening, but also cover nickel silver devices with a protective layer that protects them from further oxidation.

Such products as Polimet Ro, Cif, Metal Cleaner and Cinderella have proven themselves well. You can also clean cupronickel spoons with dish detergent. But make sure that it does not contain chlorine-containing components or large abrasive particles.

Folk remedies

For those who don't want to spend money on chemicals, there are home remedies that are just as effective. Most of them can be found in every housewife.

Toothpaste or powder. Tooth powder can be replaced with finely ground chalk. Apply a little product to the darkened areas and rub them until the color is completely restored. Keep in mind that paste and powder can get stuck in small recesses. A toothbrush will help clean them.

Baking soda. Dilute 50 g of soda in water until pasty. Rub the mixture onto your utensils, then rinse and wipe dry. You can simply boil the products in a soda solution for several minutes.

Eggshell. Take the shell from two raw eggs, rinse and grind it. Place a pan of water (about 1 liter) on the fire. Add crushed shells and 1 tbsp. l. salt. Place the devices in the solution and boil for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water and wipe dry.

Wash cupronickel spoons and forks in soapy water once a week.

Ammonia. To remove dark stains, dilute a little alcohol in warm water and rinse the equipment.

Garlic peel. Place nickel silver products in a pan and fill them with water. Add the husks and turn on the heat. Boil until the contaminants are completely gone.

Foil. Line the bottom of an aluminum pan with light foil. Place the utensils on it and fill it with water. Add 2 tbsp. l. soda and boil for about a quarter of an hour. Remember to rinse thoroughly and dry the cleaned items.

Wine vinegar or turpentine. Suitable for cleaning nickel silver spoons with gilding. Apply one of the products to a cotton pad and rub the spoons and forks. Finally, apply a little egg white to a soft cloth and polish the utensils until they shine.

Now you know how to clean cupronickel products. It is important to remember that if you use them regularly, you need to wash them once a week in soapy water (50 g of soap per 1 liter of water), always wipe them dry and store them in a dry place. Use cling film for storage. Wrap it tightly around the cutlery to prevent air from entering. And then your cupronickel products will sparkle, and you won’t have to think about how to clean them.

Cupronickel spoons look gorgeous. They give the set table an aristocratic look and bohemian luxury. But over time they oxidize. First a gray coating appears, then it turns black. How to clean cupronickel spoons at home? Quite easy actually. Moreover, cleaning products can be found in the kitchen of even the most seedy housewife.

A little interesting information about alloy cleaning

There are many ways to restore the original color to cupronickel spoons. Conventionally, they can be classified into two groups: chemical and mechanical. The first is based on the reduction of the alloy from the oxide through chemical reactions. The second is the usual mechanical removal of oxide from the surface of the metal with cleaning agents.

Both methods are good, but have some disadvantages. Chemical method It is impossible to clean nickel silver spoons with gilding or blackening. The result may be unexpected, from tarnishing to complete disappearance of the decorative effect.

Mechanical involves the use of abrasive substances. These particles cannot be felt to the touch and cannot be seen with the naked eye. But they leave nickel silver on the surface small scratches, which are immediately invisible, but after a while turn into a dull coating. And he already remains forever. The only way to get rid of this plaque is through hours of polishing. The activity is meditative, but long and tedious.

I want it quickly, cleanly and at no cost. Following the recommendations, everything is doable.

Chemistry is not just a school lesson

Don't let the need to carry out scare you chemical reaction on own kitchen. It is absolutely safe and does not require any special tools or substances.

Sodium thiosulfate
Sold in every run-down pharmacy, it costs negligibly little. Apply to a soft rag and gently wipe the spoon. The result appears literally before our eyes. Cupronickel brightens, the blackness disappears.

Advice. It is highly advisable to use gloves. The product does not corrode the skin of the hands, but the black oxide is difficult to wash off from the fingers.

Aluminium foil

Available in every kitchen. Cover the bottom of a ladle or saucepan with it and add regular baking soda. Attention! Not calcined, not caustic! It is the food one, in a white and orange pack, the design has not changed for many years, it is difficult to confuse.

Pour water, approximately 1 liter per 2 tbsp. l. soda Place cupronickel spoons and place on the lowest heat. Heat for about 3 minutes. Look carefully, as soon as the coating has disappeared, immediately remove the items from the saucepan.

Advice. If you don’t have kitchen foil, you can use chocolate foil.

Carbonated drink
The method seems exotic, but nevertheless it works. In a suitable glass or ceramic dishes Place cupronickel spoons and fill with soda. After 15 minutes, the cutlery is pulled out, clean, without residue.

Advice. If in doubt, take clear drinks. The entire cleaning process is clearly visible through them.

Special napkins
Jewelry stores sell silver cleaners. They can also be used for cupronickel. These are napkins, liquids, pastes. Be sure to read the instructions and act as recommended so as not to damage the spoons.

Advice. The basis of all these products is sodium thiosulfate. Is it worth overpaying? But, if you really want “road and bokhato,” then the direct route is to the jewelry store to buy it.

Potato decoction
Boil ordinary potatoes and place cutlery in this water for 30-45 minutes. Next, pull it out and you're done! The spoons sparkle.

Advice. The water for the decoction is not salted. The spoons are placed directly into the hot liquid.

The most important thing: after any of the listed operations, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the cupronickel spoons clean water. Then wipe dry. Any remaining drop of liquid is a new dark spot in the near future.

Strong arms and mechanics in action

Clean cupronickel spoons chemically it is forbidden. What to do? Rub! Lightly so as not to scratch the surface.

Choose the least “poisonous” one, without any magical additives. Apply a thin layer onto a soft cloth, lint-free cloth or cotton pad. And tinder. According to reviews, it is the most gentle and effective method. It is inconvenient because the curly elements are difficult to wipe off.

Advice. You can use an old soft toothbrush to clean the grooves.

Tooth powder or chalk
The principle of action is similar to toothpaste. For ease of application, the cloth can be slightly moistened.

Advice. The finer the grind of the powder or chalk, the less likely it is to cause scratches. To be on the safe side, you can put it through a coffee grinder.

Salt or baking soda
Make a thick paste from the product and regular clean water. Using gentle movements, remove the oxide from the cupronickel spoons.

Advice. You can add a little alcohol or a few drops of glycerin to the mixture to soften the abrasive effect.

Soak a cloth in ammonia, remove the plaque with quick movements, and immediately rinse with plenty of water.

Advice. You can simply dip cupronickel spoons in ammonia. But you need to wash it off immediately.

Dish detergent
If the alloy has darkened slightly, then you can do without tricks. Sometimes it is enough to simply wash the spoons thoroughly with any non-aggressive liquid gel.

Advice. After washing, rinse the metal with warm vinegar. This adds shine to the product.

Naturally, after all procedures, rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

Sometimes microdrops of water remain in the recesses of a design or figured pattern, which are invisible. But they do their insidious work, adding more work for the future. To avoid this, after wiping, leave the cupronickel spoons on a clean, dry towel for half an hour. During this time, the remaining moisture will evaporate, and the cutlery can be put away for storage.

  1. In order for the oxidation to appear as late as possible, cutlery must be stored correctly. Absolutely dry cupronickel spoons are wrapped in foil or cling film, then placed in a tight box with a well-closing lid. The less the alloy comes into contact with air, the less work you will have to do cleaning it later.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to clean cupronickel with products that contain bromine or chlorine. These substances strongly oxidize the nickel and copper that are present in the alloy.
  3. If the figured pattern has stone inserts, then ammonia should be excluded from cleaning products. It dissolves the jewelry glue that secures the stones.
  4. If you are too lazy to clean cupronickel spoons yourself at home, then many jewelry workshops have long offered their services of this kind. Just take it, pay the money, and pick up the clean utensils.
  5. All the methods described above remove oxide, but do not remove the greasy film from food. For achievement best result It is advisable to wash it thoroughly first metal objects with soap, and only then clean the plaque.
  6. They say that a decoction of pearl barley or garlic peels in aluminum pan Cupronickel cleans perfectly. There are few reviews on this method, but why not try it on an inconspicuous area?
  7. The reverse side of the dishwashing sponge has rough side. Many housewives enjoy scraping cutlery with it. And then they lament: “I didn’t clean it with powder, but there are a lot of scratches... Where did they come from?” But really, where from? I should have rubbed harder, I wish I could sandpaper took it to be sure.
  8. I even came across some exotic advice. They allegedly kneaded the dough with a cupronickel object, and it became clean. Then they baked from the same dough. It was strongly recommended to always do this now. Well, yes, and then gobble up pancakes with the remnants of a black coating on both cheeks. Cuteness! If you clean it like this, then throw the dough away and not put it in your mouth.
  9. Instead of a cloth for mechanical cleaning options, you can use a piece of suede. Then the cupronickel spoons will also be polished to a shine without any effort.
  10. Some special cleaning products contain substances that form an invisible film on the surface of cupronickel. It perfectly protects the metal from the subsequent formation of new plaque. Read the packaging, everything is written there.
  11. Do not rinse cupronickel spoons hot water, they will quickly darken again. Room temperature- perfect.

If you carefully read the instructions and strictly follow the recommendations, then your cupronickel spoons will honorably play the role of “family silver” long years. And no one will guess about the little trick. Dignified and elegant - this is about cupronickel.

Video: how to clean cupronickel spoons

Cupronickel is used in the manufacture of many products. This is a fairly popular material; almost everyone can find objects made from this metal at home. That is why you need to know how to properly clean it at home.

Where is it used?

This metal is a silvery alloy of copper and nickel, sometimes with other elements such as iron added to it. Jewelry made from cupronickel looks bright and expressive; they are often inlaid with stones and crystals.

Nickel silver is also widely used in the manufacture decorative elements, boxes, figurines, candlesticks, glass holders and other utensils.

Compared to other metal utensils, cupronickel utensils look very elegant. Using sophisticated cutlery makes you feel like a member of high society.

Cupronickel cutlery became most widespread in the last century, but even today they have not lost their relevance.

Any housewife knows that over time similar products they fade unattractively and lose their luster. Accordingly, there is a need to clean nickel silver efficiently and quickly at home to return the metal to its original color and shine.

What makes cupronickel tarnish?

This metal alloy is susceptible to the formation of dark gray oxides on the surface when interacting with the environment. To prevent decorative items made from cupronickel from fading, they must be wiped dry with a towel after washing. When nickel silver dishes dry naturally, dark spots remain from drops of water. Residues of food and dirt provoke the formation of oxides in the thinnest depressions of the pattern on the product.

Hence, To clean a nickel silver product, it is necessary to remove the oxide coating from the surface. There are a lot of tips and recommendations to solve this problem.

Due to improper storage and infrequent use, cupronickel darkens and loses its attractiveness. The formation of black spots is also promoted by high humidity environment. Cupronickel silver must be cleaned competently and regularly, which will prevent the appearance of darkening on the dishes. Currently, there are several ways to effectively deal with this type of pollution.

At the beginning of cleaning, it is necessary to remove particles of food and dirt from the surface using hot water and any dishwashing detergent.

Cupronickel cutlery It is strictly forbidden to clean with products that contain chlorine, since the cupronickel alloy base contains nickel and copper. These elements react chemically with chlorine, which can cause the product to deteriorate.

Industrial cleaning products

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer a variety of products that can instantly restore the original appearance and shine of a product. Optimal fit liquid products, since powders damage the structure of the product. The most common means are “Metal Cleaner” by Bagi and Sanita “Ultra Shine”" With these tools you can achieve the desired effect quickly and for a long time.

These cleaning agents help prevent further darkening and deterioration of the product. Therefore, the use of special means industrial productionbest way clean blackened cupronickel.

Of course it is possible to apply traditional methods cleaning, they are also quite effective.

Cleaning with baking soda

Simple and effective method One way to restore newness and shine to nickel silver appliances is to use baking soda. It is worth noting that this method eliminates only slight shadows. It is optimal to use it in order to prevent the loss of nickel silver color.

Take 1.5 liters of water and add 3 tablespoons of soda. After standard cleaning, the devices are rinsed in this solution with soda. Next, wash the devices with clean water and wipe dry. With such periodic processing, cupronickel will not turn black for a long time.

Cleaning with foil

During the cleaning process, the foil turns black, and the cupronickel lightens, acquiring its former shine. In case of severe contamination, it is necessary to boil the devices in the above composition for ten minutes. It's important to note that This method cannot be used for products coated with gold or silver plating., as this will lead to damage to the coating.

Cleaning with eggshells

In order to successfully cope with the darkening of nickel silver on your own, let’s take an ordinary eggshells. The broth from it even removes serious darkening on the product, old stains:

  • take a pan filled with 2 liters of water;
  • add finely chopped shells from two eggs;
  • put on the stove;
  • Immerse the product to be processed in boiling water and wait two to three minutes.
  • Next, remove the item being processed and rinse it cold water and wipe dry.

Peeling using garlic peels

It is worth preserving garlic peels if you have nickel silver jewelry or dishes at home. Depending on the thickness of the contaminated layer, we select the volume of husk used. The process looks like this:

  • fill the husk with water and boil;
  • We immerse our dishes in the broth and leave them until they are completely clean;
  • Next, rinse the dishes under the tap and wipe dry.

Use of alcohol solutions

It is also possible to clean cupronickel yourself by using alcohol solutions, such as ethyl or aqueous ammonia, famous for their cleaning properties. Using this method, you must use rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands. First we make the working composition:

  • add 2 tablespoons of alcohol of your choice to 300 ml of water;
  • mix the resulting solution thoroughly;
  • Wet a cloth or a soft-bristled brush with the resulting mixture and wipe the cupronickel cutlery. In case of strong darkening, deeply ingrained into the material, it is necessary to increase the friction force. Alcohol formulations efficiently remove even stubborn stains.

You can successfully clean cupronickel using a sodium thiosulfate solution. This drug can be purchased freely at a very affordable price. One pack is enough for several years to clean all cupronickel utensils.

Cleansing with Vinegar

Heated vinegar is also used for cleaning. When using this method, you must wear rubber gloves.

5 ml of vinegar essence is diluted with 250 ml of water. Wet the towel with the resulting mixture and treat the entire contaminated surface. After treatment, the devices must be rinsed under the tap and wiped dry.

Cleaning with chalk

Also good remedy Chalk is used for cleaning cupronickel devices:

  • add 60 ml to 1 liter of hot water liquid soap and 50 g of chalk;
  • mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • Using the resulting solution, using a rag, polish the surface to be treated. Next, wipe the devices dry.

Chalk is also used in other cleaning products:

  • To 250 ml of water add 60 g of chalk and 110 g of ammonia.
  • Mix the composition until smooth.
  • We polish the surface to be treated with it.

After this operation, the devices will delight you with a dazzling shine. There are also disadvantages to using recipes with chalk. Chalk can accumulate in small depressions of the pattern on the surface of the product and form untidy light inclusions. This problem is solved by using a brush when processing the depressions of the pattern.

Cleaning using citric acid

A fork will help get rid of just such a solution from blackness. He will also be able to wash the ring with the stone.

Cleaning with carbonated drinks

Excellent removal dark places from cupronickel products carbonated drinks, for example, regular Coca-cola. Simply pour soda over the items being treated and leave for several hours. Next, rinse the dishes under the tap and wipe dry.

Precious Metals Refining Services

Nowadays, it is possible to entrust the restoration of the beauty of tarnished silverware to a professional who cleans silver items. This service is also provided by some jewelry workshops and stores.