How to quickly clean your apartment before the New Year. How to plan spring cleaning before the new year. We are drawing up a plan for the “harvesting campaign”

On the eve of the New Year, everyone is busy preparing for the holidays up to their necks. What can we say about housewives who have so many worries: what menu to prepare for the holiday, fuss about buying gifts for children, and the like. While doing all this, don’t forget about cleaning the house. After all, to meet New Year With unnecessary things and being uncomfortable is not very pleasant. Of course, there will not be enough time to do everything as you want yourself, that is, to top level. Therefore, you can completely trust us to clean your home for the New Year. Cleaning Company 25 already for a long time pleases its clients with the quality and speed of work. Highly qualified cleaners know their business and by the end of the work you will be very pleased with the result. Your home will shine in cleanliness and comfort.

Prices for New Year's spring cleaning

up to 40 m 2 40 m 2 - 50 m 2 50 m 2 - 60 m 2 60 m 2 - 80 m 2 80 m 2 - 100 m 2 100 m 2 - 125 m 2 from 125 m2
4200 rub. 4850 rub. 5600 rub. 6650 rub. 7500 rub. 8600 rub. negotiable

Cleaning before the New Year is not an easy thing. It is necessary to think through every detail to ensure that the house looks in the highest possible light. In order to achieve the maximum when cleaning, our employees, together with you, draw up a cleaning plan for the new year. The cleaning plan, as a rule, includes the order in which the rooms will be cleaned, whether windows, furniture will be washed, and so on. The advantage of our company is that we approach every business with great responsibility. At the same time, in no case will you worry about the quality of work, since the workers are professional and careful in their work.
The company's offers cover cleaning not only in apartments, but also in cottages, offices (if you are planning a corporate event for the New Year), commercial buildings, and other premises.

What's included in the price

General cleaning of the apartment, and especially before the New Year, is a matter that must be approached with great seriousness. We can say with confidence that there will be guests at home on New Year's Eve and the apartment simply must look in the most presentable form. You can get this look by turning to professionals. Our cleaning will include:

You can leave a request at any time and we will be at your doorstep at the appointed time. Doesn't exist for us inaccessible places. The workers treat your belongings with care while they clean up your apartment. Prices for our high-quality cleaning depend on factors such as the size of the house and the amount of work. Prices at Cleaning 25 are the most optimal in the cleaning industry.

Cleaning after the New Year

Sometimes after a stormy celebration, the apartment looks like after a small war. In order not to look like the boy in the picture and not to clean up everything left after the guests, call us.

Our specialists will put your apartment in order after the New Year's festivities and won't even wake you up.

Professional General pre-holiday cleaning of the apartment before the New Year– on the eve of the New Year, everyone is trying to complete their business. It is necessary to have time to buy gifts for relatives, create a holiday menu, visit perfect order in the house: clear the room of unnecessary things, decorate the Christmas tree.

Professional cleaners will carry out all the work as smoothly and accurately as possible. They regularly undergo training and know the intricacies of cleaning different rooms. They have high-quality equipment and modern inventory at their disposal.

The undoubted advantage of our service is the use of secure household chemicals. Effective means do not contain harmful phosphates, are absolutely hypoallergenic.

General cleaning before the New Year

Full-scale general cleaning before the New Year– current cleaning service. Qualified master cleaners inspect the premises, outline the scope of upcoming work, and break the process into stages.

The first step is to empty the rooms of old things and garbage. Getting rid of excess junk before the New Year is a good tradition. Therefore, empty closets and balconies without regret.

The second is cleaning cornices, radiators, baseboards, and floor coverings.

The next step is wiping off dust, cleaning chandeliers, mirrors, and decorative elements.

Upon request, furniture and carpets can be cleaned. Highly effective products remove various contaminants.
Cleaners pay important attention to the kitchen area, bathroom, and disinfection of the bathroom.

The final step is wet cleaning.

A wonderful addition to the creation New Year's interior– a luxurious wreath for front door, Christmas tree, colored garlands.

Comprehensive apartment cleaning before the New Year from Eco Cleaning

Our cleaning service is a partner you are not afraid to trust own home. Pre-holiday cleaning of the apartment before the New Year will be carried out at the proper level, promptly, in convenient time. The main priority is customer care. Therefore, we worried not only about the quality of cleaning work, but also pricing policy. The cost of services is low and affordable for ordinary citizens.

Ordering a service is easy. Just dial the number and a competent service manager will accept the application. Take care of the cleanliness of the apartment in advance so that in the last days of the outgoing year you can fully enjoy the holiday atmosphere.

Devote yourself to more enjoyable activities, and we will make sure that on the eve of the New Year your home sparkles with perfect cleanliness.

General cleaning: how to get it polished?

General cleaning is an inevitable event on the eve of any holiday. And even more so before the New Year. A catastrophic lack of time, a large amount of work and the pre-holiday bustle - all these factors delay the start of the cleaning process, and when there are already two or three days left before receiving guests, we will be guided by the principle “eyes are afraid, hands are busy.”

General cleaning before the holiday is a kind of home time management for sprucing up your apartment.

General cleaning: basic rules

Good mood. Pre-holiday cleaning is not an easy task, but you can prepare yourself psychologically for it. Firstly, treat work not as a duty, but as useful training or an intricate game. Secondly, involve household members and distribute the scope of activities. If you like to do it alone, then send family members to do the shopping and gifts. To set the mood, we turn on our favorite music or TV, but in the background. Cleaning, by the way, is a great opportunity to tidy up not only your apartment, but also your thoughts.

♦ When cleaning, it is important to make a plan of where to start and what to concentrate on. We don’t get scattered and don’t waste energy on everything. We divide the rooms into zones and begin to systematically clean out one closet after another. We remember that the feeling of order for outsiders, first of all, is clean horizontal surfaces, that is, there should be nothing superfluous on open shelves and tables. However for internal comfort Cleanliness and order are also important in places hidden from view - dressing rooms, shelving.

It would be right if every adult member of the family spruced up their closets. We get rid of excess, unnecessary clothes - we collect them in bags, which, when appropriate, we distribute to friends or to help centers for those in need. During cleaning, we sort dirty things from clean ones. We put the first ones in the washing machine, and put the second ones in cabinets.

♦ Various containers and drawers will be helpful in the household; they perfectly store things that individually take up a lot of space or visually give a feeling of disorder. Boxes different sizes Suitable for both small things - pencils, laces - and bulky items - shoes, bags, etc.

Indispensable vacuum bags for seasonal clothing, they are removed on upper shelves mezzanines and wardrobes. We also place additional sets of pillows, blankets and other bedding items in such packages. Wardrobe items packed in bags in this way take up much less space than in their usual form.

♦ We wipe off dust from chandeliers, cornices, upper shelves, that is, places that cannot be reached during daily or weekly cleaning. Cleaning the leaves indoor plants, polish furniture, wipe upholstery upholstered furniture, chairs; get rid of dust consumer electronics– computer, TV, home theater. We use special sprays or wipes for them - they perfectly remove static dust and allow you to keep electrical equipment from depositing for a long time.

♦ If possible, it would be a good idea to refresh the curtains and tulle - a lot of dust also settles on them. Mirrors, glass surfaces wash with special means. We change capes, bedspreads, and covers on furniture.

♦ Before general cleaning, we think about a place for seating guests, a recreation area and games for children. If the presence of small children is expected at the holiday, then we carefully inspect the lower parts of the shelves and slides - we remove small parts from them, objects that can harm the kids; We close the sockets with plugs.

♦ The kitchen is a very important place for the housewife, especially on the eve of any celebration. Even before the main cooking process, it is necessary to put things in order in the kitchen. We defrost and wash the refrigerator, clean stains and grease from not only the stove and microwave, but also other household appliances, facades, panels. We prepare the dishes necessary for the holiday: pre-polished cutlery and washed dinnerware will make it easier to set the table on the day of the celebration.

General cleaning of the kitchen is perhaps the most important moment on the eve of any holiday.

♦ Don’t forget about the hallway and bathroom. In the hall we clear space from shoes, clean them, put them in boxes; We do the same with other accessories, leaving only the necessary things for the coming days. We make sure to provide free hangers and shelves in the closets for the clothes of future guests. In the bathroom, we clean the plumbing fixtures and tiles from dirt and plaque, and clear the shelves of excess or empty bottles of shampoos, masks, and gels. Washing machine It's also better to clean it.

♦ At the end of cleaning the entire apartment, we once again wipe the dust from the surfaces, vacuum and wash the floors. After this, the room will be clean and pleasing to the eye. This type of cleaning will not take as much time as it seems at first. But only under one condition - if there are no distracting maneuvers: conversations, tea drinking, frequent moments of rest. It is better to immediately determine for yourself the end time of work. Such home time management will effectively distribute energy and time before the main celebration.

Almost everyone starts preparing for the New Year with a general cleaning of the apartment. But as a result, he falls exhausted on the sofa/bed long before the chimes strike. It's all about improper planning and distribution of tasks. The instructions below will help you correct the situation. And this New Year will be strikingly different from previous ones! ABOUT simple rules should be remembered before other family holidays.

Step by step plan

How to effectively clean your apartment before the New Year and other celebrations? To get rid of accumulated junk, you need to be patient. Just the desire to see the house clean and beautiful is not enough!

The first thing that should be put in order is the hallway. From here all unnecessary things are taken away, and only necessary items and nice little things. If you have a chest of drawers, you can put a vase with fresh flowers on it. Or just hang a funny New Year's themed painting/poster on the wall.

The second step is to create a cozy atmosphere in the living room. Since it is in this room that the family usually gathers and receives guests (not counting the kitchen), there should be no clutter or clutter here. Not sure what to get rid of? Take a photo of the living room and look at it from the outside. As soon as the pile of old newspapers and other rubbish disappears from the room, it will immediately become neater and more comfortable.

The third step is to set up a place for home dinners. Not everyone can allocate a separate room for a dining room. If its role is played by a table in the kitchen, it is important to clean it up. That is, remove everything that will distract you while eating. Is the table used for crafts, office work or homework? Distribute all items into boxes. The main thing is that they do not loom before your eyes during breakfast/lunch/dinner.

The fourth step is to clear the kitchen of unnecessary things. The room has long become the “heart” of the apartment, so you shouldn’t clutter it with furniture or items that will come in handy someday. The kitchen should contain the utensils and products most often used for cooking.

The fifth step is to gradually teach the child to tidy up the nursery. Kids are calm about clutter, because for them it is a result of development. Therefore, instead of shouting, it is better to set small tasks for the child first, and then gradually complicate them. The main thing is not to forget to encourage the child.

The sixth step is to clear your workspace. It doesn’t matter where it is located, near the window or in the center of the living room, but over time a bunch of garbage appears here. Before throwing out all the trash, it is better to sort it by importance. As a result, you can discover long-lost notebooks and checks!

The seventh step is to arrange a relaxation area in the bedroom. This room is designed for relaxation and recuperation, so there is no place in it for items that you have long ceased to like or cause unpleasant associations. They should be replaced with pleasant accessories.

The eighth step is to clean the bathroom. Not the least important room in the apartment, where you can retire and make a funny face in the mirror. But a dirty sink, unwashed laundry and chaos among bottles/flasks will really ruin your mood. Therefore, you should sort out the products you use and throw away those you don’t need.

When every thing has its own place, and there is no trash left in the house, then you can finish washing the floors and wiping off dust in a shorter time!

Let's get your house in order for the New Year easily and without hassle! Practical advice from "Home"

Cleaning the crystal

Remove all removable parts from the chandelier or lamp. Place them in a bowl of warm water and add dish soap. After a few minutes, remove the parts and wipe each with a clean cloth. For convenience, you can wear cotton gloves on your hands.

Washing vases

First, pour vinegar into them and leave overnight. If the vase becomes clean after this overnight procedure, simply rinse it cold water. If there is still a coating on the walls, throw a handful of rice into the vinegar, and then shake the vase thoroughly. Afterwards, wipe the walls with grains. After this, the plaque should go away.

We wash the tulle and lace curtains

To keep your curtains white and not fade, try to wash them more often. If the curtains are yellowed, soak them in bleach for half an hour and then wash them in washing machine. Hang the tulle on the curtain rod without waiting for it to dry. Heavy curtains and blinds can be simply vacuumed using a narrow nozzle.

Remove ash and dirt from the fireplace using a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner brush. Clean the area in front of the fireplace and the grate with a wire brush. For cast iron, use paste.

Getting the equipment in order

Computer, TV and telephone

Unplug your computer and TV. Using a clean, dry microfiber cloth, wipe off dust from the screen, starting from the top. Oily finger stains can be treated with cleaning wipes that eliminate static electricity. However, LCD screens cannot be cleaned with products containing alcohol or solvents. You will need a special tool for LCD displays. To clean your computer keyboard, unplug it from your computer, turn it upside down, and shake it over a trash can. Any remaining dust can be removed using a vacuum cleaner with a narrow attachment at the lowest power setting. Wipe the space between the keys with cotton swabs, moistening them in ordinary soapy solution. Remotes remote control and wipe the handset with antibacterial wipes.

We tidy up the furniture

Leather furniture

First, remove dust and dirt with a soft, damp cloth, then apply a special product that will keep the leather soft, supple and stain-resistant. Place furniture at a distance of 40 cm from heat sources.

Wooden furniture

Remove scratches using a special paste. Another way is to straighten them out a little sandpaper and then wipe beeswax. To add shine, the surface can be rubbed with a woolen cloth.

Tidying up the kitchen

Clean copper with half a lemon

Dip the lemon in salt and rub the sides of the copper cookware with it. After some time, rinse off and let dry. This method brightens copper cookware and returns it to its original color. It is useful to use it from time to time.

Taking care of the sink

First, wipe down the sink and the area around it with a good abrasive product. Collect all brushes, sponges and pipe cleaners in a separate container. Get rid of those that have served their time. Disinfect sponges and brushes that you plan to keep in the microwave.

Cleaning taps

Dampen a small rag with remover limescale and wrap it around the faucet. Leave it on for a while and then rinse off with water. If not special means, soak a rag in vinegar or lemon juice and leave for several hours. Please note: this method cannot be used on faucets with a gold finish.

Sterilizing boards and containers

Use freshly boiled water to sterilize wooden cutting boards. Get rid of old boards and those that are covered with mold at the edges. Plastic molds Simply wash in the dishwasher.

Going through the groceries

Throw out expired food and buy a set of good containers that will make it last longer. When you have time, also check your medicine cabinet and throw out anything that is expired.

Washing the tiles

To tidy up the space between ceramic tiles, you will need mild bleach and old Toothbrush. You can get rid of stubborn dirt on the tiles using a mixture liquid soap and sugar. Rub the tiles with this mixture and rinse with a wet cloth.