How to quickly paint the ceiling in an apartment. How to paint the ceiling yourself: stylish decor ideas and recommendations for applying patterns (100 photos) Paint the ceiling in your apartment with your own hands

We will look at how and what to paint the ceiling in this article. After all, this is the largest plane of the room, which immediately catches the eye, and it is this that can immediately ruin all the work. First of all, you need to decide what you can use to paint the ceiling, and this will depend on the material of the plane.

In this matter the most great importance will have and proper preparation, this will be the key to durability. There are many questions and let's look at them in more detail. You can see the most important moments in photos and videos.

How to paint a ceiling

Now consider in detail how to paint the ceiling in an apartment. The price of the coating will depend on the evenness of the surface and the cost of the dye itself. By doing the work yourself you will significantly reduce costs. You just need to follow a certain sequence when performing this task and this will be the key to success.

Dye selection

Now let's look at the best way to paint the ceiling. The choice of dyes is quite large, but not everything will always suit.

The market offers following materials to do this job:

Whitewash This is perhaps the most traditional option. Whitening ceilings is an economical and profitable method, using which it is possible to tidy up and renew a living space at a low cost. But this version has limitations; it cannot be used in rooms where the humidity is constantly high and there are frequent temperature fluctuations, for example in the bathroom or kitchen.
Acrylic dye When thinking about how to paint the ceiling, you cannot help but consider this material. It is moisture resistant and comes in a variety of colors. But its price is quite expensive. Therefore, with a large plane, this will be quite expensive. But it is moisture resistant and perfect for the bathroom or kitchen.
Latex dye This option is the most expensive among emulsion paints. This option tolerates well humid environment. It is also capable of hiding cracks of about 1 mm. The coating also allows the base plane to breathe.
Silicate dye This coating itself is less elastic. It contains alkali and therefore must be used with caution. Also, this option does not have many colors, so choosing the right option will be quite difficult.
Silicone dye It is quite elastic and allows you to tighten the crack up to 2 mm. Has no smell. The composition includes antiseptics and this prevents the formation of fungus
  • For a regular flat surface, simple water-based paint is usually used. It is applied quite simply and is not fussy. In this case, it will not be expensive to repair the plane.
  • To apply this paint, you will need a brush and a roller (see Roller for painting the ceiling: how to choose), the latter is designed for processing hard-to-reach areas. In order for the result of the work to be of high quality, that is, the dye lays down evenly, according to the standards, it is necessary to exclude the use of devices made of foam rubber materials.
  • If you are thinking about how to paint the plywood on the ceiling, then you also need to prepare it. You need to walk along the surface with fine sandpaper and apply a layer of primer.

Attention: Foam rollers cause defects in the form of streams, which are formed due to an excess of water-based paint.

The most suitable tool for painting the ceiling is a roller.

  • For painting, a fluffy seamless roller is preferred, which will ensure even painting and will not leave seam marks on the ceiling.
  • The dye should be purchased with (a reserve), that is, a little more than planned for consumption, in order to avoid further problems associated with the selection of the desired shade. When the necessary equipment and materials are already at hand, painting begins.

Repairs are usually started from the ceiling. If you do it last, you may need to re-glue the wallpaper and re-arrange the floor. Most economical way to give it an attractive appearance, as in the photo, just paint it. But there are many nuances in this matter, so you definitely need to know how to paint the ceiling correctly.

Today, painting it is more popular than traditional whitewashing. Such repairs can hide minor surface defects. In addition, applying paint is much easier than chalk whitewash. Despite the fact that it seems that painting a ceiling does not require special knowledge and skills, it is not superfluous to know the basic rules - illiterate use of paint can ruin its appearance. The following tips will help you paint your ceiling evenly.

Preparing to paint the ceiling

Painting begins by clearing the room of furniture. You can simply cover it with film, but it is better to free up the room so that the stepladder can be placed in any place - this will make it much more convenient to work.

For this you will need:

  • ladder;
  • large and small roller;
  • wide paint brush;
  • paint container;
  • dye;
  • adhesive tape, protecting surfaces that do not need painting.

First, the ceiling is cleaned (old whitewash and wallpaper are removed), plastered, and the surface is primed (read: ""). The primer needs to be deeply penetrating. It is applied with a roller and brush. Cracks, slab joints, and porous corners between the ceiling and walls are treated especially carefully. This is important to do so that you don’t have to think about how to paint the ceiling without stripes.

Putty and primer are selected specifically for the selected paint. These materials must be combined with each other and intended for the type of room in which the ceiling will be painted. The surface is carefully puttied so that there are no unevenness or cracks left at the joints of the slabs. Before applying the next layer of putty, the previous one must dry thoroughly. Prime it until the ceiling is smooth and even.

Before you start painting, you need to install the elements that will serve as interior decorative elements. They can be ready-made baguettes, rosettes, borders, etc.

Painting the ceiling

What color to paint the ceiling, everyone decides for themselves - it depends on personal taste and the interior of the room. As for the type of paint, several options are suitable.

For this, water-soluble acrylic enamels are often used. If you are interested in how to carefully paint a ceiling, then you should choose this type of paint. Acrylic enamel easy to apply, resistant to water and light, dries quickly, has no pungent odor, and is economical in use.

There are paints that can be used instead of primer. They are diluted immediately before application, following the instructions on the package. Then the surface is primed with a roller and allowed to dry.

Proper painting is not difficult. You just need to walk over the surface with a fleecy or foam roller. Usually two or three layers of paint are applied. Angles and hard to reach places processed with a brush. The paint for the ceiling surface must be liquid. To prevent it from thickening, it must be applied quickly, but carefully. You can watch the video to understand how to properly paint a ceiling.

Work begins from the window. The first layer is applied parallel to the wall on which the windows are located, and the second layer is applied perpendicular to it. One layer of paint should be applied in one motion, and the next strip should only slightly overlap the adjacent one. Then there will be no areas of different colors on the ceiling.

Before repainting It is necessary to identify poorly painted areas and treat them first. Then you should go over the entire ceiling with a roller. Areas that have already been painted twice can be painted with a third layer, but with a semi-dry roller (read: " "). Will help you learn how to paint a ceiling - video.

How to paint a ceiling correctly, see the video for more details:

Paint consumption depends on its quality, such as hiding power. When purchasing, it is recommended to look not at its volume, but at how much it is needed to paint one “square” of surface.

To make the ceiling look beautiful, it is better to make not one thick layer of paint, but several thin ones, covering all the gaps. You should not speed up drying with fans or electric heaters - it should dry in natural conditions. Then the ceiling is yours appearance will delight you for many years.

1. In this article we will tell you how to paint a ceiling with your own hands.
Before you start painting, you need to prepare the base of the ceiling. It should be smooth, clean, solid and dry.
If the ceiling is not level, then painting will only highlight all the unevenness. And applying paint to a dirty or crumbling ceiling is a waste of money.
The paint will peel and stains will be visible on the ceiling. So, first of all, we check the ceiling for evenness; if the ceiling is not even, it needs to be puttied.

Ceiling putty

If the height differences on the ceiling exceed 5 cm, plaster will be required. Putty may also be required if the old coating
crumbles. It will be necessary to remove with a spatula all the coating that does not adhere well, and then putty the area. If the old coating holds up well, then painting is possible without first removing this coating. However, it needs to be washed thoroughly. If there are greasy stains on the ceiling, they are removed with a solvent. Old whitewash wash off thoroughly. Let us note, in passing, that if your ceiling was previously covered with oil paint, then the new paint should also be oil paint.

If you don’t want to use oil paint anymore, you will have to work hard - the entire layer, usually down to the base,
will need to be removed. You can do it differently - a fine mesh is scratched into the ceiling with the corners of the spatula, on top of which we putty the surface.
After the putty has dried and primed, the ceiling can be painted water based. When the base is leveled, cleaned and washed, a primer is applied to it.

Ceiling primer

Priming the ceiling will ensure a more even application of paint, and, among other things, will reduce paint consumption.
Painting begins after the primer has dried thoroughly.

Painting the ceiling

2. Before purchasing paint for painting the ceiling, you should read the instructions and evaluate how suitable this type of paint is.
exactly for your premises. As a rule, ceilings are painted with water-based paints. These are water-based paints - they are washed off with water, and
waterproof - water dispersive. The level of water resistance is indicated on the label. For the bathroom, or, say, the kitchen - where the ceilings get dirty quickly and need to be washed often, we purchase more moisture-resistant paint. For residential premises, you can purchase a less moisture-resistant one. Of course, now in the hardware store
products presented a large number of types of paint, differing in manufacturer, quality, and, of course, price.

Which paint to choose?

One piece of advice: don’t chase the price. Cheap paint has poor coverage properties, and when using this type of paint, you may need to apply 3.4 or even 6 layers.
layers, which in the end will completely cover the benefit of purchasing it, since for high-quality painting with expensive paint, two layers are enough.

It is also worth noting that matte paint hides coating defects better than glossy paint.
Now let's select the tools.

Ceiling painting tools

Painting the ceiling can be done with rollers or with a spray gun. The second option is much lighter and more economical in terms of paint consumption. If you decide to paint the ceiling with a roller, then the choice of roller depends on the nature of the surface that
you plan to paint. The longer the roller pile, the more textured the surface it is designed for.

Painting the ceiling is done “at a time”. Otherwise they will remain on the ceiling
stains and stains. Drafts are not allowed when painting. Some experts, in order to increase the drying time of the ceiling, increase the humidity of the room. If the room is too large to paint quickly on your own, invite a partner.

Painting must be done in the direction away from the window. The first layer of paint is applied across the window opening, the next layer is applied lengthwise. Each subsequent stripe must overlap the previous one.
Do not press the roller too hard on the tray. Of course, paint should not flow from it in a stream, but the layer that is applied with a roller to the ceiling
should be dense and moderately thick. When painting, you can use a special handle, putting a roller on it, you can paint
straight from the floor. This will significantly reduce work time, but may negatively affect the quality of paint application.

Once the first coat is applied, let it dry completely before applying the second coat. Before applying the second layer, you can smooth out the sagging with sandpaper.

So, we have looked in detail at how to paint the ceiling with your own hands. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, although, like any other matter, there are some tricks, the knowledge of which distinguishes an amateur from a professional.

3. Video: how to paint the ceiling with your own hands

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How to paint the ceiling in an apartment - painting technology

Coating the ceiling with paint is one of the oldest methods of finishing it, used for decades, if not hundreds of years. Despite its advanced age and the emergence of new materials and methods of finishing the ceiling, it is still very popular today. This is due to the ease of application of paint, its relatively low price and versatility of use. In addition, they have a wide palette of colors, and this makes the paints very useful tool in the hands of the designer.

What is the best way to paint the ceiling? How to do it? Answers to questions can be found in this article.

Types of paints

  • material;
  • shine;
  • washability.

The materials from which paints can be made will be discussed below. As for gloss, coatings on this basis are divided into two types: glossy and matte.

Ceiling coating made using glossy paints, will be distinguished by its shine and attractive appearance. But this is only acceptable for perfectly leveled ceilings - glossy paint will make even the slightest irregularities and defects noticeable. And if they are, then it is better to choose matte paint. It has no shine and is perfect for masking ceiling imperfections that you couldn’t get rid of. You can choose an intermediate option - semi-gloss paints, which will give the ceiling covering some shine, but at the same time will not reveal its defects and irregularities so much.

Regarding washability, there are obviously two types of paints - washable and non-washable. You should choose between them based on whether you will wash the ceiling with a sponge, rag and detergents or not. As a rule, washable paints are more expensive, but they do not fade after the first general cleaning.

Water-based paints

The main type of paints used nowadays for interior decoration walls and ceilings - water-based, also known as water-dispersed paints. They consist of water, which acts as a solvent, film-forming materials - pigments, which give the composition the ability to paint surfaces, and special additives that give the paint certain properties.

Water-based paints are a suspension - a mixture in which solid components (base, pigments and additives) are distributed in a liquid (in this case water) in the form of suspended particles, while they do not dissolve in water and do not mix with it.

After applying such paint to the wall, the water evaporates and a polymer film of a certain color remains. Water-dispersed paints have a number of advantages, making them well suited for interior decoration of apartments and, in particular, ceilings.

  1. High adhesion, thanks to which the paint “adheses” well to the surface of the ceiling without the formation of peeling or blistering.
  2. Extremely high speed Drying time is only 1-2 hours.
  3. No unpleasant odors during or after application. When working with water-based paint, you do not risk getting mild poisoning, and there is no need to wait until the unpleasant smell disappears from the room.
  4. This paint coating is environmentally friendly.
  5. Easy to use - even an untrained person who has not previously been involved in painting work can correctly apply water-based paint to the ceiling.

But this material also has its drawbacks. Firstly, water-dispersed paints are very demanding on temperature - you cannot work with them in cold rooms, and if the room is less than +5°C, then after painting work When the ceiling dries, it will become covered with small cracks. Secondly, you should not apply water-based paint in rooms with high humidity - it simply will not dry out, because the water in its composition will have nowhere to evaporate. And thirdly, before starting painting work, you need to very carefully clean the surface, otherwise under the layer new paint Remnants of the old coating and various unevenness of the ceiling will be visible.

All water-based paints are divided into 4 types:

  • acrylic;
  • silicate, silicone;
  • mineral;
  • polyvinyl acetate.

Let's look at them all in more detail.

Acrylic paints for ceilings

In such paints, the main substance that forms a film on the surface of the ceiling is acrylic resins and various additives. Among all water-based paints, acrylic is the most popular. It can cover any surface - concrete, wood, polymers, plaster, steel and glass, while, like all water-based paints, it dries in a matter of hours and does not emit unpleasant odors or harmful substances.

Another advantage of acrylic paints is durability. By covering your ceiling with it, you can be sure that it will not fade over time and under exposure. sun rays that it will not fray, peel or crumble. It is worth noting that acrylic paints are vapor permeable, which is especially important for the ceiling, and they can be used in rooms with high humidity. However, removing such material from the ceiling is difficult, and therefore covering the ceiling with acrylic paint must be done “seriously and for a long time.” In addition, before applying such paint, care should be taken to protect the ceiling from mold and bacteria.

Separately, it is worth talking about the “derivative” acrylic paint, which is called acrylate. In addition to the substances already known to you, latex particles are added to its composition. The result is a very unpretentious and durable finishing material that will not only fit well and firmly on the ceiling, but will also help to mask small cracks, crevices and coating defects, especially if acrylate paint is applied in two layers. But the main advantage of this material is that the painted latex paint the ceiling can be easily washed, including using not too strong household chemicals.

Manufacturers of acrylate paints claim that their products can withstand hundreds, if not thousands of washing cycles without loss of brightness and color saturation. But for all these advantages you have to pay, and in the literal sense - acrylate paints are quite expensive.

Silicate and silicone paints

IN silicate paints the main material is a mixture of liquid glass, talc and chalk. When dried, a very hard and durable layer is formed on the surface, capable of withstanding from fifteen to twenty years even in fairly harsh conditions, and in an apartment with more or less constant temperature and humidity, the service life of silicate paints will increase even more.

In addition, such a finishing material has high vapor permeability, which allows small particles of water to freely penetrate through it both up and down. As a result, in a room with a ceiling painted with silicate paint, it is easier to maintain a comfortable level of humidity for a person, and the coating will not peel off or become damp (although it is still undesirable to use it in very damp rooms). Special attention Silicate paints are worth considering for those who want to decorate the ceiling in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen.

But due to the characteristics of the binder material used, this type of coating is inelastic and therefore prone to cracking. This should be taken into account, and therefore it is not advisable to cover ceilings with silicate paint in a house where shrinkage of wall and ceiling ceilings occurs. It is also worth remembering that silicate paint will not fit well on a surface where there are remnants of the previous finish, especially if it is made with organic paints. Therefore, the ceiling will need to be cleaned especially carefully before painting. Like acrylate paint, silicate paint can be washed with a damp sponge and household chemicals.

Silicone paints are considered a new product that has appeared on the construction and finishing materials not so long ago. As the name suggests, the main binder here is silicone resins. The result is a very interesting material that combines two seemingly opposite properties - hydrophobicity and vapor permeability. A ceiling painted with silicone water-based paint will ensure the circulation of water vapor and will not cause dampness or stuffiness in the room, but the coating will not excess moisture impact the ceiling or thermal insulation layer.

Unlike silicate paints, silicone paints form a fairly elastic layer, while maintaining such advantages as durability and resistance to fading. Due to its elasticity, a ceiling painted with silicone paint will not have cracks when the house shrinks. And if there were previously any small cracks or defects on it, then the paint will help fill them and disguise them.

In addition, silicone paint can be applied to old ceiling finishes without any problems, and it can also be used in two or three layers, updating the old color or changing it to a new one. Like other water-based coatings, it is durable, environmentally friendly, practically does not burn, is not a breeding ground for fungus or bacteria, and has no unpleasant odor and dries very quickly. The only negative is very high price, therefore, when planning to use it, calculate in advance the cost of future finishing.

Mineral and polyvinyl acetate paints

In them, the basis of these paints are cement or slaked lime and polyvinyl acetate(better known by the abbreviation PVA) respectively. The first material is well suited for painting concrete ceilings, but at the same time it is very short-lived. PVA-based paints should only be used in dry rooms, as they are not hydrophobic.

For your convenience, advantages and disadvantages various types water-based paints have been collected in one table and, after viewing it, you can make your final choice.

Table. Advantages and disadvantages of various types of water-based paints.

Paint typeAdvantagesFlaws
AcrylicVersatility, durability, relatively low costDifficulty in subsequent removal; requires protection with antiseptics
AcrylateDurable, washable, elasticCost, complexity of subsequent removal
SilicateVery durable, washable, vapor permeableProne to cracking, requires careful surface cleaning
SiliconeVery durable, washable, vapor permeable, elasticHigh price
MineralWorks well on concreteRelatively short-lived
Polyvinyl acetateSafeTends to get damp

Oil paints and enamels for ceilings

In addition to water-based ones, d Oil paints and alkyd enamels are used to finish the ceiling. The former use organic oils or drying oil as a binder, the latter use alkyd varnishes and organic solvents. And both of these types of paints have recently been increasingly losing their popularity. Let's figure out why this happens.

Alkyd enamels make it possible to obtain sufficiently durable and durable coating on the ceiling, but at the same time it is difficult to work with them - they take a long time to dry and emit unpleasant and even harmful odors to humans. In addition, such enamels have low vapor permeability, which does not have the best effect on the quality of such a coating on the ceiling, especially if it is a kitchen or bathroom ceiling.

Oil paints are even worse in their durability and properties. In addition to long drying times, unpleasant odor and low vapor permeability, a layer of oil paint is very fragile and can crack even from mild mechanical stress or simply over time. The only advantage of these materials is that they are very low price, therefore they should be used only with a very limited budget for finishing the ceiling. But think about it, is it worth saving on material in order to repaint everything again in a few years?

Ceiling adhesive

Another inexpensive option ceiling finishing - usage adhesive compositions . Essentially, it is a mixture of chalk, pigment and glue dissolved in water. If you wish, you can even make it yourself using the following recipe.

Step 1. A dry mixture is made in the proportions of 1000 parts chalk and 35 parts pigment of the color you need. The ingredients should be mixed well

Step 2. Water is added to the mixture. As a result, you should get 3 liters of water per 1 kilogram of the mixture, but it is not advisable to add it all at once - gradually dilute the future paint to the consistency of sour cream.

Step 3. Glue is added; for 1 kilogram of chalk you need about 80 grams of wood glue. You can dilute it with starch paste.

Step 4. The resulting mass is filtered through an iron sieve and diluted with the remaining water to a liquid state.

But remember that such a “homemade” product will not be of high quality and durability, so it is advisable to prefer good water-based paint or alkyd enamel.

Painting technology: list of tools and equipment

Now it’s time to talk about how to apply paint to the ceiling. First, let's make a list of tools necessary for painting work.

Don't forget also about protective clothing. It is unlikely that it will be a secret to anyone that washing off paint from skin, hair and clothes is difficult and unpleasant, so when painting, use either a robe or old clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Also, gloves, some kind of hat and safety glasses will not be superfluous, which will prevent paint particles from getting into your eyes. When working with oil paints and enamels you will also need a respirator mask.

Painting technology: preparatory work

The process of preparing the ceiling for paint application can be longer and more troublesome than painting itself, but it is necessary. Let's present it in the form of step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. The ceiling material and its condition are assessed. For concrete ceilings, the main thing in the preparatory work is sealing and priming the cracks, cracks and connecting seams between the slabs, for wooden ceilings - sanding and priming, and for plasterboard - puttying the joints between the sheets.

Step 2. Removing old finishes. Regular whitewash can simply be washed off with water, but if you have a layer of paint on the ceiling or it is covered with wallpaper, then you need to work with a spatula. IN latest version The surface still needs to be cleaned of traces of glue.

Step 3. Seal cracks, joints and cracks in the ceiling using putty and primer. After this, a rough leveling layer of putty must be applied to the entire surface of the ceiling. If there are significant unevenness on the ceiling, then the ceiling needs to be plastered.

Step 5. After this, it is necessary to finally level the surface and remove its graininess using repeated putty and finishing abrasive sandpaper (better known as sandpaper or edema).

Step 6. Final primer. Here it is advisable to add antiseptics to it, which will protect the ceiling from mold and mildew.

When the ceiling is finally leveled and primed, you can begin painting work.

Painting technology: main stage

Now let's look at the process of painting the ceiling and the nuances that should be taken into account in this matter.

Step 1. First, prepare the paint - if you need to dilute it, then do it, observing the proportions. They should be indicated in the instructions included with the paint, or located on the can or bucket itself. Pour some of it into the tray; don’t carry the whole jar with you.

Step 2. Choose the corner in the room farthest from the door. Paint it with a brush, applying a strip 4-6 centimeters wide.

Step 4. Now use a roller to apply paint to the rest of the ceiling. Roll the roller several times in the tray and then press it against its edge to get rid of excess paint. Apply it carefully, make sure that it is not too thick, but not too liquid.

Step 5. Painting with a roller occurs by applying stripes, and the next strip should overlap the previous one by a few centimeters.

Step 6. Examine the applied paint layer from several angles. If there is not enough of it somewhere, go over it with a roller again. And if there is too much paint, quickly “run” the tool over this area to collect its remains.

Step 7 Wait for the paint to dry and repeat the procedure, but this time the layer should be applied perpendicular to the previous one. At the same time, it is desirable that the second layer of paint was applied from the window into the room. This should be taken into account at the stage of applying the first layer.

It is worth noting that when using acrylic and other water-based paints, the process of finishing the ceiling will be significantly accelerated - they dry in a few hours, and with proper skill you can paint one or two rooms in a day.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the nuances and features of painting the ceiling using a spray gun.

By paying enough attention to the selection of paints and varnishes and following the technology, you will get a beautiful, evenly painted ceiling with a coating that will last you 10, 20, or even 30 years!

Carrying out painting work is a labor-intensive task, especially finishing the ceiling, which is accompanied by significant contamination of the home. Therefore, various alternative design technologies are constantly being developed and improved. ceiling surfaces, including suspended ceilings, produced in many varieties. The price range of this type of ceiling cladding is wide, and high level its artistic performance and relative ease of installation determine its popularity among consumers.

Theoretical durability tension fabric declared by manufacturers for 5, 10 or more years, but in practice the situation is ambiguous. A stretch ceiling can retain its physical characteristics for the stated period, but at the same time, due to the peculiarities of the operation of the room, lose its aesthetics - turn yellow from tobacco smoke or become irreversibly dirty for another reason (stains on the fabric after draining water from a leak), this is especially noticeable on plain film.

The best way out of this situation is to replace the canvas with a new one, but in some cases another way is used to restore the attractiveness of the ceiling cladding -.

Types of suspended ceilings by material of manufacture

Shells for stretching ceilings can be divided into 2 groups based on the material they are made of:

  • from PVC (polyvinyl chloride film);
  • fabric.

The paintings of these groups differ from each other not only numerical values characteristics of the same name, but also fundamentally.

Example of difference in values . The specific gravity of a stretch ceiling made of polyvinyl chloride film ranges from 180 to 320 g/m² with a film thickness of 0.15 to 0.35 mm, and one square meter The fabric material usually weighs 200 g and has a thickness of 0.25 mm.

Fundamental differences due to the structure of the materials. Film stretch ceilings are made from PVC film, and fabric stretch ceilings are made from knitted fabric (polyester) impregnated with polyurethane. That is, both materials are made of polymers, and the name of the “fabric” group is conditional. But in one case, polyvinyl chloride is used in the form of a film, and in the other - as an impregnation, and it is the method of using the PVC component that determines the difference in the structure and, as a consequence, the physical characteristics of the shells.

Justification for the unsuitability of PVC films for painting

Film sheets are durable and elastic - after heating, the dimensions of the film can be increased by 20% by stretching. As it cools, the canvas completely straightens, while maintaining strength, but this strength is relative. If you pour water onto a stretched shell, as happens when there is a leak from above, the film will accept it and stretch, but will not tear. However, in another situation, even a weak impact on the suspended ceiling sharp object, for example, when cleaning, will lead to its rupture. These properties of the film are due to the absence of reinforcement in the material.

Is it possible to paint film suspended ceilings, what happens to the PVC film after painting? The use of water-dispersed compositions for painting is ineffective - there will be no adhesion of the paint to the surface of the stretch ceiling, and after drying it will crumble.

The consequences of using synthetic paints and varnishes when painting the entire surface of the decorative shell will be even more disastrous. Under favorable circumstances, the unreinforced film will sag under the weight of the applied layers of paint, the rigidity of which, after drying, will not allow it to straighten out. In the worst case, the paint and varnish composition will corrode the shell, and it will spread under the influence of the existing tensile force.

The film canvas can be given a second life by applying drawings using airbrushing. But, if the homeowner himself does not master this art, then the cost of services for such design suspended ceiling will exceed the price of a new canvas.

Possibility of painting fabric stretch ceilings

Polyester canvas, which is the basis of a fabric stretch ceiling, after impregnation on both sides polymer composition does not lose its function as a reinforcement. The low elasticity of the shell in this case is an advantage - applying several layers of paint to its surface does not cause the fabric to sag.

The surface of fabric shells, due to the specifics of manufacturing technology, cannot be glossy - only matte. This texture is more difficult to clean from contaminants, but it provides better adhesion paint and varnish compositions with base.

With the right choice of paint, fabric stretch ceilings can be painted repeatedly, which is what their original state - canvas - allows white, on which, depending on the model, a single-color color or artistic design is applied using photo printing or manually.

Painting technology for suspended ceiling cladding

So, stretch ceilings made of PVC film cannot be painted, but fabric canvases can. Let's consider the technology and nuances of performing this type of work.

Selection of material and tools

Taking into account the nature of the manufacturing material, water-based compositions are used for painting fabric ceilings. Optimal choice The coloring material will be a latex variety of acrylic compositions, which will have sufficient viscosity and adhesion to the base for a stretched shell.

But the usual one is also suitable water-based paint, But good quality– for a high-quality coating, applying one or two layers should be enough. Usually a white material is purchased, which is then tinted by computer adding the selected pigment.

It's not that fabric ceilings, according to sellers, “breathe”, and the use of paint and varnish compositions based on organic or nitrocellulose solvents will clog the pores in the material - all suspended ceilings are a waterproof shell and cannot “breathe” in any way. But such paints can weaken and even completely dissolve the structure of the canvas, both film and polyester canvas.

The best tool Use a spray bottle to paint a fabric stretch ceiling. Using a paint roller will not good result, since when painting a stretched canvas, it is undesirable to put pressure on the shell, and without applying force to the tool, it will not be possible to roll out the paint evenly over the surface.

You don't have to use expensive models to dye fabric. pneumatic spray guns, used in conjunction with a compressor when repairing car bodies. A manual electric version of this tool is quite suitable, which can be purchased for self-execution painting work at home - it is simple, convenient and durable.

Preparatory work

Before painting the stretch ceiling, you need to wash it - remove dust and oily deposits from the surface. This is done soft detergents for household purposes using flannel or foam rubber.

Considering that the ceiling will then have to be painted, it is better to clear the room of furniture - it should not interfere with the free movement of the painter with a spray gun for even application of layers of paint.

Walls, floors and windows, if necessary, are protected with sheets of polyethylene attached with tape. Before painting, windows and doors must be closed and direct rays of the sun should not fall on the surface to be painted. Depending on the height of the ceiling, you may have to build a floor along the length of the room to apply stripes of paint to the canvas with a continuous stream of spray, without breaking.

Painting a stretch ceiling

Having prepared the paint in the manner specified in the instructions, pour the composition into the spray gun and begin painting.

Important! Work with a spray gun must be carried out in special clothing and using personal protection respiratory organs - respirator.

Usually, to cover up the old ceiling tone, you need to apply two layers of paint, each starting from the window. First, test painting is carried out on a separate area, adjusting the width of the jet and determining optimal distance from the spray gun to the surface to be painted.

The first layer is applied across the rays of light, the second - along them, and the last movement of the spray gun should be directed and completed along the light (from the window).

Stripes of paint are applied to the base with an overlap of 10-15 cm of the width of the previous application, over a wet layer, each of the stripes must be applied at a time, without turning off the spray gun. The time between applying layers is maintained according to the instructions for use of the painting material.

The stretch ceiling should dry without drafts and without further increasing the temperature in the room.

Talk about how many times you can paint fabric ceiling, it is possible only conditionally - it depends on the hiding power paint and varnish material, layer thickness, specific gravity paints, compatibility of painting materials. It is generally accepted that the average possible paintings equals five.


Cost of fabric suspended ceilings one and a half to two times higher than film canvases, therefore, having made a choice in favor of fabric, naturally, the possibility of painting it is implied. This is not something permissible in exceptional cases, but a normal procedure during the operation of this material. Therefore, the solution to the question is whether it is possible to paint fabric a suspended ceiling, with the right choice of paint and varnish material and tools, does not contain any risk, and the work is quite accessible to independent execution.

The main gist of the article:

  1. Stretch ceilings - the cladding is functional and highly aesthetic, so the question is whether it is possible additionally It is natural to paint a suspended ceiling in order to extend its service life. One way to freshen up this finish is by painting.
  2. It is unwise to experiment with painting suspended ceilings; the degree of suitability of their varieties for this operation is known. Justification of the possibility or impossibility of painting various types of this cladding will protect you from mistakes when deciding on the repair method ceiling decoration.
  3. The success of fabric painting work depends on the right choice materials and tools, as well as compliance with painting technology. Only water-based paints are suitable for fabric suspended ceilings, and compositions containing organic or nitrocellulose solvents have a destructive effect on the decorative shell material.
  4. The technology is no different from painting another surface with the specified tool, but these general rules need to know. Fabric sheets cannot be dismantled and reinstalled in another room, so repair work on their finishing must be carried out without errors.