How to quickly and efficiently clean a microwave. Microwave explosive mixture. How to clean old stains

Before washing your microwave oven, you need to know some nuances. Its surface is covered with an ultra-thin layer that reflects microwave waves; it is quite easy to damage.

  1. Before cleaning, disconnect the device from the power supply.
  2. Don't pour a large number of water - the electrical appliance may deteriorate.
  3. Disassemble the device for more effective cleaning strongly not recommended.
  4. It is necessary to turn on the oven and start using it only after the surfaces have completely dried.

Internal cleaning methods

To clean the inside of the microwave oven, first remove the ring and the rotating plate, then wipe the top, then the walls. There are many cleaning methods. The choice depends on the degree and nature of contamination.

Basic cleaning in 5 minutes

If you don’t have time for thorough cleaning, you can quickly wash the microwave in 5 minutes using express methods:

  1. Citric acid is used for all stoves except enameled ones. The solution is prepared at the rate of: 1 tablespoon of acid per 0.5 liter of water. Then the solution is placed in the microwave for 7 minutes. After turning off the oven, wait 15 minutes, remove the dishes, then wipe the walls with a soft cloth.
  2. In the same way, you can quickly clean the oven using vinegar, soda or a regular “steam room” of water.
  3. To quickly clean the walls, you can soak citrus peels in water and put them in the microwave for 3-5 minutes. In the end there will be pleasant aroma and the walls will quickly clear of fat.

Remove fat and plaque

The main reason for the appearance of fat with plaque is improper heating and careless cooking of dishes.

To remove grease and soot, detergents are used. One of the safest, most effective and quick ways– cleaning with lemon.

  1. Just wipe it off problem areas fruit.
  2. Then use a cloth or use the “steam” cleaning method.

Remove old and stubborn stains

It is better to use substances designed for cleaning ovens. There are mild, harmless ones, and there are detergents with aggressive effects. The latter may not wash as well and quickly as housewives would like.

For stubborn stains, use “steam” cleaning methods using baking soda. This method will dissolve the most difficult and old stains.

Eliminate unpleasant odor

An unpleasant odor appears when wrong choice programs for cooking. Food can burn, resulting in burning.

Put away bad smell Several ways will help:

  1. You can fry unpeeled lemon or orange slices inside or boil water in a container with the addition of mint, lavender and thyme.
  2. A cut onion or freshly ground coffee will absorb the bad smell.
  3. You can put sorbents in the microwave overnight that absorb odors - activated carbon or salt.

Cleaning products

In shops big choice washing and cleaning products. Chemical substances effective and fast-acting. But many housewives prefer traditional methods as less harmful to health.

It should be remembered that when using acids, as well as other chemically active mixtures, it is recommended to use gloves and follow the dosage so as not to harm the skin of the hands, the respiratory tract and the already contaminated walls of the device.

Household chemicals

Professional cleaning products:

  • Mister Muscle. It should be sprayed on dirty walls and turn on the microwave for one minute. Then wipe the surface with a soft cloth until the product is completely removed.
  • Laundry soap. This method comes from the past, but has not lost its properties. Grate a bar of soap, then stir in heated water, foam and apply the composition to the walls. Leave for 35–49 minutes and then rinse with a soft sponge.
  • For dish washing. Moisten a sponge with water, add 3 drops of dishwashing liquid, then foam and place in the oven for half a minute at minimum temperature. It shouldn't melt. Next, wash off the fat. The method is suitable for lightly contaminated surfaces.
  • It cleans the microwave well from splashes with fatty food residues. It wipes away dirt like an eraser.

  • Special means. Must be used in accordance with the instructions on the package. Then wash thoroughly to avoid any unpleasant chemical odor.


Traditional methods are no less effective if used on time.

  • Water. Pour water into a wide container. The larger the width of the container, the More efficient cleaning. Place the dish filled with liquid in the oven at maximum speed for 20 minutes. Finally, wipe the surface with a cloth. This method is suitable for removing fresh stains and dirt. Water will not wash away old grease and carbon deposits.
  • Baking soda. Cleaning the microwave with baking soda sprinkled on a cloth, as housewives have done at all times to clean surfaces and dishes, is strongly not recommended. Especially for ceramic surfaces. The substance is a mild abrasive, but may scratch the surface. Soda is used as follows. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda in water, then place this mixture in the oven at maximum temperature for 30 minutes. Small drops should appear on the walls; if this does not happen, you need to repeat the procedure, reducing the operating time by half. Then wipe the surface with a soft cloth or sponge.
  • Vinegar. Similar to the previous method, it is easy to wash off fat. Just instead of soda, add 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar to the water. The unpleasant odor will be eliminated along with the dirt.
  • Lemon acid. This effective remedy Widely used for cleaning surfaces. The first method repeats previous algorithms. Only instead of vinegar and soda, dissolve the juice of 1/2 lemon or a bag in water citric acid. The smell of citrus will spread throughout the kitchen and give a fresh aroma. To wash the outer walls, treat the entire surface with a sponge with the solution, leave for a couple of minutes, then wipe again with a clean cloth. Citric acid dissolves fat and plaque well.

  1. Cleaning with the “Universal Stone” solution is perfect for use by allergy sufferers. It does not contain chemical elements, phosphorus.
  2. Special wipes for cleaning electrical appliances can provide high-quality cleaning.
  3. You must always follow the instructions, dosages and use skin and respiratory protection.
  4. It is necessary to thoroughly wash off the applied solutions from the walls of the microwave oven.

How often to clean your microwave

In order to quickly wash the inside of the microwave, it must be kept clean at all times. Daily care will help better than highly effective substances.

When cooking, you need to cover the dishes with special lids, then the drops will not settle on the inner walls. And after use, wipe the surface with a cloth - this will remove fresh grease stains. Fresh stains can be removed very quickly using a regular soap solution.

Features of different coatings

  • Enameled- the cheapest. This surface is smooth, making cleaning easy. But it is susceptible to rust and scratches. Grease and steam, acting on the coating for a long time, lead to tarnishing of the enamel. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out cleaning regularly, to avoid prolonged stagnation of liquid and the occurrence of mechanical damage when using hard sponges.
  • Stainless steel– reliable coating that can withstand temperature changes. But cleaning it is not an easy task. Fat instantly sticks to the surface and is difficult to clean. However, it is strictly not recommended to use abrasives with acids. They will lead to stains. Cleaning measures must be carried out using steam or special means.
  • Ceramic coating the most persistent. All cleaning methods are applied to it. The main thing is to prevent damage and scratches.

Microwave care

To prevent washing your microwave from becoming a problem, you should follow a number of rules:

  • Do not allow fat to settle on the walls. When cooking, use lids, films, parchment.
  • After use, wipe the walls and rotating disk, and use steam cleaning regularly.
  • To avoid the appearance unpleasant odor, do not close the door for a few minutes after cooking is completed.
  • Remove dust from back wall, paying Special attention ventilation mesh, needed weekly.

All methods are good in the fight against dirt and grease inside the microwave. But you need to use them wisely, in correct proportions, then they do not harm either the surface of the oven or health. And regular maintenance of cleanliness will eliminate the need for deep and heavy cleaning.

Microwave ovens, or as they are popularly called “microwaves,” have long been part of the lives of modern housewives and simply people who want to make their lives easier. From frequent and constant use, they quickly become dirty and over time it is very difficult to restore them to proper condition, especially inside a microwave oven. Housewives who want to keep their kitchen clean are probably wondering, “How to clean a microwave easily and without worries?” Let's figure out how to clean the grease inside a microwave at home using several simple methods.

Method 1. Clean the microwave from grease with vinegar

The most easily accessible product that any housewife has is, of course, vinegar. With its help, you can quickly and worry-free get rid of old fatty layers on the walls of the microwave.

Before you start getting rid of grease, you need to prepare a vinegar solution to clean the inside of the oven.
Dilute vinegar with regular boiled water so that he has enough strength to remove the dirt. In cases where vinegar has a low concentration, adding a lot of water is not recommended.

Pour the resulting solution into a container from which it will be convenient for you to use it, take a sponge and get to work.

  1. First, spread the vinegar over the inner walls of the oven.
  2. To keep the microwave as clean as possible, you can remove some parts and process them separately.
  3. Spray the door with vinegar to avoid getting too dirty, do this last.
  4. Wait a few minutes for the vinegar to soak into the dirt and begin to eat away at it.
  5. To speed up the erosion of fat, you need to turn on the microwave for 5-7 minutes, at a power of 600 watts.
  6. Open the oven and remove dirt quickly and easily using water and a sponge.
  7. Finally, wipe the oven walls with a clean, damp cloth to remove any remaining vinegar.

Method 2. Clean the microwave with citric acid

In its properties, citric acid is very similar to vinegar, which means it can be used to quickly clean a microwave oven.

  1. First of all, purchase citric acid and dissolve it in warm, boiled water.
  2. Make sure that there is no sediment left on the bottom of the cookware, then start cleaning.
  3. The resulting liquid must be poured into a microwave-safe container and placed in the microwave for 10 minutes.
  4. After some of the liquid has evaporated, turn off the microwave oven and remove the container with citric acid.
  5. Take a sponge or damp cloth and start cleaning the surface of grease. By that time, all the dirt on the walls will become pliable and will be easily erased without the help of any additional means.
  6. If after cleaning there are any stubborn stains left, the procedure must be repeated.

Aromatization of the room

When you feel that your kitchen is not only dirty, but also has an unpleasant odor, you need to add a little simple lemon or other citrus juice to your cleaning products. Every time the housewife scrubs away stubborn dirt, a light and pleasant aroma of fruit will soar in the kitchen, which will refresh the air in the kitchen.

Method 3: Clean your microwave using baking soda

Soda, by itself, perfectly corrodes not only grease and dirt, but also paint and other coatings that are on the surface of the microwave walls. Every time you decide to clean your stove with baking soda, be sure to dissolve it in water, otherwise you will simply have nothing to clean.

  1. We remind you that first of all, dissolve the soda to get a soda solution.
  2. Pour the resulting liquid into a glass container, and then put it in the microwave for 10-15 minutes, turning on maximum power.
  3. Unplug the oven and wait 5-10 minutes to allow the baking soda vapor to settle on the walls of the microwave.
  4. Taking a simple rag or sponge, wipe the walls of the unit and remove all the grease and dirt from them.
  5. Finally, clean the oven using a clean cloth and water.
    Use soda in situations where nothing else helps; a soda solution is especially useful for old microwave ovens that have not been cleaned for a long time.

Method 4: Clean the microwave using laundry soap

Laundry soap is famous for removing almost any dirt from any surface. When there were no microwave ovens in the house, our mothers and grandmothers cleaned dishes and stoves using this simple product. Now laundry soap We also use it; the housewife will need it even in cases where the electricity in the house is turned off, and you still decide to start cleaning.

  1. Take a bar of laundry soap, soak it under water and rub your sponge until soap foam forms.
  2. Use the soapy side of the sponge to wipe the inside of the oven, as well as the door.
  3. Leave your microwave for 20 minutes without turning it on.
  4. Quickly wipe away any dirt and grease from inside the microwave, then wipe it with a damp cloth.

Method 5. Clean the microwave using dishwashing detergent

Dishwashing detergents not only clean the grease on your favorite dishes, but will also help fight dirt on the walls of the microwave oven.

  1. Apply the detergent to the sponge, and then to the walls of your oven and the door.
  2. Close the microwave and turn it on for a maximum of 5 minutes so that the walls inside warm up slightly.
  3. Leave the microwave for 10 minutes and then clean it with water and a sponge.

Method 6: Clean the microwave using water and steam

When the house has run out of all detergents, and even soda with vinegar and soap are left in the household, use plain water to quickly clean your oven.

1. Take a wide dish with a high bottom (a cup or mug will not work) that will occupy the maximum area of ​​the microwave.

  1. Pour water into a bowl and place this bowl in the microwave.
  2. Turn on the oven and watch for the water to evaporate by at least half.
  3. Open the microwave and wait until it gets so hot inside that you don’t accidentally melt the sponge and get burned yourself.
  4. Remove the dishes with water and a sponge and begin to intensively clean the walls of the oven from grease and dirt.
  5. In the end, make sure that there are no marks or streaks left, after which you can use the microwave for its intended purpose.

Simple ways to keep your oven clean:

- Use a lid that will cover your plate and prevent fat from appearing on the surface of the oven walls.

- If a stain does appear, there is no need to wait for the moment when it will be difficult to wash it off with plain water. Try to wipe the microwave immediately after the first stains appear.

— Do not pour soup or other dish to the brim; fat may leak out even under the influence of high temperatures stay inside forever.

— After long periods of use, leave the door open to ventilate the microwave oven.

— Clean your microwave at least once a week to keep it in good condition.

When cleaning the microwave you do not need:

- Use sandpaper, metal sponges and all those materials that can damage the surface of the oven walls.

- Alcohol, acetone, and window cleaners.

— Powders that scratch the surface. If there is a need for such a product, first dissolve it in water.

— Clean a very hot microwave. It's best to wait a little, this will not only protect your hand, but also prevent the sponge from melting.

We hope these tips will help you in keeping your electronic device clean and tidy.

Over the past few decades, many new devices have entered our lives, designed to make life as comfortable as possible and minimize household hassles. One of these miracle devices is the microwave oven. Initially, it was used only for quickly defrosting strategic food supplies, as a rule, in soldiers' canteens, and was of enormous size. Over time, one of the Japanese companies slightly improved the microwave oven and launched it into mass production.

Today, microwaves no longer only defrost and heat food, they have a lot of additional functions. Using these devices you can bake, grill, stew and boil. Moreover, cooking in the microwave takes much less time and effort than cooking using regular stove. That is why many families use this device every day. However, with frequent use, a microwave oven will naturally become dirty quickly. In our article we will talk about how to clean a microwave oven so as not to damage the device and at the same time spend a minimum of effort on the cleaning process.

Types of microwave oven interior coatings and their features

If the outer coating of the microwave is more and less clear, the issue of its cleanliness can be solved with the help of a sponge and any detergent, then cleaning the inner surface may present certain difficulties. This largely depends on the type of camera coating. On this moment There are three types of coverage. Let's look at the features of each of them:

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Professional microwave cleaning products

The modern market offers many different products designed specifically for cleaning microwaves. They are usually produced in the form of liquids, aerosols or sprays. The latter are the most convenient since they can be immediately applied to the surface without using any additional items. Such products allow you to clean your microwave quickly and quite effectively. They must be applied evenly to the surface, wait about ten minutes, and then thoroughly wash the walls with a sponge and water.

To clean the microwave oven, you can also use regular dishwashing gel; such products are known to dissolve grease quite well. It's very easy to do. First, apply the product to a damp sponge, lather it, apply foam to inner covering oven, leave it for about thirty minutes, and then rinse with a clean cloth and water. But from using products intended for cleansing kitchen stove, it is better to refuse, as they usually have a fairly aggressive composition and can damage any microwave coating.

How to clean the inside of a microwave using improvised means

Special means for micro-blowing are not always at hand, and recently many people refuse household chemicals, preferring to replace it with something less harmful. In this case, cleaning can be done using the simplest products or means that are probably present in every home.

  • Lemon. Minor stains can be removed with regular lemon. To do this, cut the fruit into two parts and wipe the inner surfaces of the oven with one of the halves. After about an hour, wash the coating with a damp sponge and then wipe it dry with a cloth. After this procedure, the microwave will not only be cleaned, but will also acquire a pleasant aroma.
  • Laundry soap. Moisten a clean sponge, rub it with laundry soap, foam it and apply the resulting foam to the internal surfaces of the oven. Leave the microwave in this state for twenty minutes, then rinse off the soap with clean water.
  • Soda and vinegar. Add just a little water to a couple of tablespoons of soda, the amount should be such that you get a thick paste-like mass. Pour two tablespoons of vinegar into the resulting mass and stir everything thoroughly. The baking soda and vinegar will react to create a sizzling mixture. Apply it to the surface using an old toothbrush and leave for half an hour. After this, carefully remove the mixture from the walls of the oven with a soft sponge and wipe them first with a damp and then with a dry cloth.

Every housewife has a microwave oven, with which you can not only heat up food, but also quickly cook various dishes, baked goods, defrost meat products. If you do not take care of your household appliance in a timely manner, it becomes dirty from grease and pieces of food.

Methods for cleaning a microwave oven

Stains from grease drops remain on the inner casing, which negatively affects the preparation or heating of food, and sometimes a foreign smell appears. When cleaning a microwave oven, choose gentle products to avoid causing scratches, which could cause the device to malfunction.

It is not recommended to use cleaning agents and iron sponges to remove them from the internal casing, since the seal of the walls will be compromised and will lead to failure of the device. Therefore, they use preparations intended for microwave ovens.

Exist special means for removing stubborn stains from microwave ovens, which can be bought at any store. They are used in this way: water is poured into a bowl and a special product is added, and set for a certain time. Then wipe the inside and outside of the device with a cloth. Do not use chemicals, not intended for washing the microwave, the pungent odor may be absorbed into the dishes heated in it.

Using "Mr. Muscle" you can also clean a household appliance; to do this, spray it on the inner surface of the walls and turn it on for 1 minute to steam, then wipe it with a damp cloth, cleaning the surface. Then wipe dry.

If the inner part of the walls of the case is washed with household chemicals, then use only soft remedies, a minimum composition of chemical components, and that there is permission for use on food utensils. Their method of application is as follows: using a soft sponge, apply the product to the walls of the inner housing and leave for half an hour. After a certain time, carefully wipe with a damp cloth, moisten it in water several times to thoroughly rinse off the chemical. Do not use coarse abrasive substances containing chlorine or strong acids to clean the device.

When choosing this method, be sure to open the window, put on protective gloves and try not to breathe this product. Otherwise, you can cause harm: poisoning, allergies, skin irritation.

The rotating disk should be washed carefully so as not to damage it, and do not use hard sponges or cleaning products in the form of granules or powder.

To clean it use:

  • liquid detergents;
  • gel pastes;
  • soft sponges and hoes.

When cleaning the disc, all actions are performed with light movements, without using pressure or friction. Do not disassemble the device yourself into spare parts, washing them; it is better to take it to a specialist so that he can show you which parts can be removed or washed. Food crumbs on top of the appliance on the grill can be vacuumed up by setting it to low power. There are special small Appliances in the form of a vacuum cleaner, for removing dust and debris from hard to reach places. Use it to achieve the best effect.

Special products for cleaning microwave ovens are not cheap, but the results are worth it if you follow the instructions and all precautions.

To prevent grease from drying out on the walls of the device, after each use, wipe the walls with a damp cloth. When heating food, use special lids that prevent splashing. Then the microwave oven will be easy to clean, simply by wiping it with viscose napkins.

How to properly wash a microwave

As soon as they clean inner side oven, wash the rotating disc, tray and the outside of the appliance. In order to clean the microwave oven plate, use liquid dishwashing liquid and wash it with a sponge or cloth. The outer casing is washed with glass cleaner and wiped with a dry cloth.

To clean the microwave from grease, you should take precautions: unplug it. The device must be washed carefully; water or detergent should not get into the ventilation hole or power supply.

Not recommended for use great amount liquids, wash the microwave with a slightly damp cloth or foam rubber so that it does not get on electrical elements. After cleaning the microwave, wipe it with a dry cloth. It is not recommended to turn on the device immediately.

Using traditional methods

The safest and effective methods admit folk remedies. With their help, you can quickly remove stubborn fat without causing harm to either the device or the person. The most common are vinegar, citrus fruits, citric acid and soda. In addition, their price is reasonable and every housewife can find them.

You can clean the microwave with vinegar, it will only take 5 minutes. Pour water into a deep plate and add a little vinegar, set the timer for 5-10 minutes, depending on the contamination. As soon as the water boils, its steam will soften the fat and remove the smell from the food. Then you will need to wipe off the dirt with a damp cloth, then wipe with a dry cloth. This method is safe and can be used regularly to eliminate various odors.

Lemon is used to remove grease; this method will help you quickly clean the device. Pour water into a glass and add the juice of freshly squeezed lemon and its peel. Place in the microwave for 10 minutes, after turning off the timer, leave for another 10 minutes. Also wipe with a damp and dry cloth. In this way, you can wash the device without effort.

Clean the microwave oven with baking soda. For this method, pour water into a plate and add a teaspoon of soda and turn it on for 15 minutes. During this time, the fat will soften and come off well. Baking soda can be used to disinfect a microwave oven from germs.

Old stains from grease and food are removed in an enhanced way. To do this, pour water into a bowl, add a teaspoon of vinegar and soda. The resulting mixture is placed in the microwave and turned on for 15 minutes. As soon as the timer goes off, the door of the device is not opened, but left for another 20 minutes. During this time, fat and food pieces will soften, and subsequently it will be easy to clean the inner housing. This product is very effective and has a strong smell, so the window in the room is opened. Work on cleaning the oven is carried out with gloves so as not to cause burns on your hands.

Preventive measures

To avoid cleaning the microwave oven constantly, you must follow some rules:

  1. When heating food or preparing a dish, cover the dishes with special plastic lids. They will not only prevent grease from splashing, but also the smell of food.
  2. Wipe down the inside of the microwave after each use.
  3. Follow the precautions and instructions for use. Do not heat food in iron plates or pans. Eggs are not boiled.

The above care instructions must be followed. microwave, keep the inside of the chamber clean, then you won’t have to wash it chemicals. After all, fresh stains are easier to remove than stubborn stains. At proper care, the device will last for many years.

The kitchen of a modern housewife is significantly different from the kitchens of the last century. Today it looks more like a laboratory, with so many different household appliances We use in our work: steamers, coffee machines, multicookers and, of course, microwave ovens, which have won universal love.

But, like any household appliance, a microwave oven requires careful handling and special care.

Today we use microwaves not only for heating food, but also as an oven for baking, as a grill, and as an oven capable of preparing stewed and baked dishes.

But all these simple steps leaving splashes and fumes from fat and sauce, bloody streaks, particles of “exploded” food, etc. in the oven. Therefore, if you want your stove to last as long as possible, you need to properly care for it.

Before cleaning and washing the microwave oven, carry out the following preparatory steps:

  • Disconnect it from the power supply.
  • Decide what kind of contaminants have appeared in it, and how you will deal with them.
  • Remove the plate or ring from the oven.
  • Use a minimum of water and only clean, soft sponges.

When choosing a reliable kitchen assistant, first of all, pay attention to the internal coating, because its quality affects not only the price, but also the functions of the stove.

  • A microwave oven with an enamel coating is cheap, but short-lived. If the enamel is damaged, the inside of the unit will quickly begin to rust.
  • A microwave with an acrylic coating also has a low price, it is quite easy to clean, you just need to rub it with a sponge soap solution. BUT these stoves are much better quality than those with enamel coating and rarely need to be repaired.

IMPORTANT: it is recommended to purchase ovens with enamel or acrylic coating if you intend to use them only for heating food or defrosting food.

  • The stainless steel coating of the stove is easy to clean and lasts a long time, but sometimes it looks a little unaesthetic.
  • The bioceramic coating is the highest quality and most expensive; it washes perfectly and lasts a very long time.

Particularly expensive ovens use glass-ceramic plates; this is a very soft and delicate material. It requires careful handling and special care.

When buying new household appliances, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, take into account all the positive and negative sides things so as not to have any unpleasant surprises later.

To clean the microwave efficiently and quickly, you need to create a water bath effect inside it using a vessel filled with water placed inside. BUT this, of course, will not be enough for high-quality removal of fatty deposits. Therefore, the main thing here is to find the right cleaning product.

Cleaning with lemon juice or citric acid

In this way, you will not only quickly clean the inside of the oven, but also disinfect it and get rid of foreign odors.

IMPORTANT: if your kitchen assistant has enamel coating, then you shouldn’t use this method too often.

Prepare a solution based on 0.5 liters of water, 1 tbsp. citric acid or juice of one large lemon. Pour this solution into a microwave-safe container; you can also put the leftovers from the lemon from which the juice was squeezed.

Then place the container in the oven and turn it on at full power for about 3-4 minutes.

After stopping the microwave, leave the bowl with lemon inside for another half hour.

Then we take out the container and thoroughly wipe the entire inside with a sponge or soft cloth. In case of heavy contamination, rinse several times with the same solution.

Instead of lemon slices, you can take orange or grapefruit peels, then your oven, in addition to brilliant cleanliness, will also acquire a fresh, delicate smell.

Cleaning with baking soda

The solution will perfectly remove dried splashes of fat and sauce. baking soda based on 0.5 liters of water and 50 g of soda.

We prepare the solution and proceed as in the first method.

Cleaning using a steam bath

Light stains can be removed using a steam bath. Pour one liter of water into the microwave oven dish and set it to maximum power for a quarter of an hour; when the time is up, leave the dish for another 10 minutes in the oven to allow condensation to form on the walls. Then carefully remove the dishes and wipe the walls with a sponge.

Cleaning with vinegar

Severe old stains can be removed using a vinegar solution: 0.5 liters of water and 1 tbsp. vinegar (9%).

Place the vessel with water in the oven at maximum power for 5 minutes, then leave for another five minutes to cool, and then carefully remove the dirt from the walls of the oven with a stiff sponge. Next, be sure to rinse the oven thoroughly with clean, cool water to remove any vinegar residue or smell.

IMPORTANT: after washing, leave the stove door open for about an hour so that the vinegar smell disappears.

Cleaning with glass cleaner and vodka solution

Light and medium dirt in the microwave oven can be washed using glass cleaner. Mix the product with water at a ratio of 1:2. Wet the sponge generously and thoroughly rinse all the insides. If you find dried stains, moisten them with the solution and leave for five minutes. Then replace the water and use a clean cloth to rinse the entire inside surface of the microwave again.

To prevent the soap product from leaving streaks on the surface, wipe the stove with a vodka solution and wipe dry with paper napkins.

Old method of cleaning with soap

Young housewives do not really like to use unpleasant-smelling laundry soap. And it’s completely in vain, since it can solve almost any problem with dirt. Lather the sponge or cloth generously. Rub all the walls of the oven well with this foam. Leave it in this position for fifteen minutes. Rinse off the foam with clean warm water several times and then dry with a dry towel.

To avoid any unpleasant odors, rinse the oven again before cooking. cold water and leave it open for half an hour.

Easy way to clean using dish soap

If you didn’t have time to wipe down your kitchen helper, and yesterday’s or the day before yesterday’s food heavily contaminated its walls, then I advise you to use original way cleaning with dishwashing detergent.

Drop a little product onto a sponge and lather it slightly. Place the sponge on the glass or ceramic plate ovens. Turn it on at minimum power for 20-25 minutes. Then wash off the dirt with clean water.

IMPORTANT: Before cleaning the oven, be sure to disconnect it from the power source.

Of course, the internal cleanliness of a microwave oven is much more important, because food is prepared there. But you want it to shine clean on the outside and please the eye. But this very simple task can be easily handled by glass and mirror washing liquid.

If you are an ardent opponent of the use of household chemicals, then use a solution ammonia based on 1 liter of water and 50 g of alcohol. Wet a cloth generously and thoroughly wipe all parts of the microwave outside. Dampen especially heavy stains with the solution and leave for 10 minutes.

Don't forget to rinse the cloth thoroughly cold water and rinse all parts of the oven again to get rid of the pungent odor.

A microwave oven can make the housewife’s work much easier, but so that it lasts longer and does not lose its appearance, you need to carefully study the instructions and follow some, completely simple rules to care for her.

  • When cleaning a microwave oven, always do it in the same order: first remove the ring or plate, then wipe the top panel and racks, then the sides, then the bottom shelf and finally the door.
  • Be sure to clean the oven at least twice a month, during which time the fumes from fatty foods will not have time to turn into soot.
  • When heating or cooking food, use lids or cling film to protect the inside of the oven from splashes.
  • Be careful when using lemon or acetic acid, especially if the oven is enameled from the inside.
  • If old greasy stains are not removed even after a “steam bath”, soak them for a while olive oil, and they will come off perfectly.
  • Carefully choose sponges and washcloths for washing your assistant. Never use metal brushes or sponges, which may crumble. After all, if particles of a washcloth get behind the grill, the microwave may catch fire. Be also careful when choosing household chemicals for microwaves. Use either special products or proven folk recipes.
  • DO NOT use abrasives that may damage the enamel or glass ceramics on the oven surface.
  • Do not try to disassemble the device, remove grills or covers; this should only be done by specialists.
  • If something unexpected happens and your food suddenly boils and splashes the entire surface of the oven, then do not be lazy and immediately wipe all the walls.

Our grandmothers used only gas stove(this is at best!), but modern kitchens look like a chopping block spaceship an abundance of various household appliances. Of course, this technique makes life much easier, but it requires maintenance, since it is the kitchen that requires perfect cleanliness, because this is where the foundation of our health is laid.