How to get rid of mosquito bites faster. For mosquito bites - folk remedies, what to anoint, get rid of itching. Repellent - effective protection

We are all looking forward to summer, when we can take off our three-layer clothes. The warm season has great amount pluses: fresh gifts from gardens and vegetable gardens, endless walks on fresh air, regular picnics, fishing trips and outings.

But there are also disadvantages: with warming, all kinds of mosquitoes, midges and other mosquito creatures wake up.

Mosquitoes are especially annoying: neither quietly catching fish, nor calmly chatting by the fire. And if some lonely mosquito flies into the apartment, then a sleepless night is guaranteed. And it would be fine if they just buzzed, but they also bite. And it would be okay if they just bit, because the bites then itch!

How to relax in the soft fresh air summer evening so that you don’t have to scratch yourself until you have open wounds for two weeks?

As they say, it is better to prevent it than to treat it later. Nowadays you can buy “anti-mosquito” repellents in any pharmacy or store. They are divided into two types:

  • Some are “applied” directly to a person. They are usually produced in the form of sprays, stickers and bracelets.
  • The latter protect entire areas (premises) from mosquitoes. These are well-known fumigators, spirals, candles and even ultrasonic repellers.

How to use repellents and for what age which one is best to choose, what folk remedies there are to repel insects is a separate topic. But now we are talking about something else, because, alas, they are not always at hand. And they don’t always save you from annoying midges either. What to do if a sneaky mosquito does get to the body and leaves its itchy mark?

Getting rid of mosquito bites

Some people are very lucky; mosquitoes do not bite them at all, or only a small red spot remains after the bite. No itching, no blisters.

But those with delicate skin and allergy sufferers usually react very violently (and especially children) - they become covered with beautiful, huge pink spots and itch continuously.

IN special cases bites are scratched so much that they turn into ulcers, which take a very long time to heal, leave behind pigment spots, and, in general, are fraught with secondary infection.

If repellents have not saved you and you already feel the familiar tingling sensation and see a swelling pimple, it is useful to know how to get rid of itching from mosquito bites at home.

Look in the first aid kit

The main cause of itching is the poison that gets under the skin with the mosquito's saliva. This poison causes an allergic reaction, which is why, in fact, the bite site begins to itch. Therefore, the main measures to eliminate unpleasant sensations and consequences are allergy relief. Take a look at your medicine cabinet, you probably have remedies for itching from mosquito bites:

  • ointments and sprays Panthenol or Bepanten are excellent preparations that relieve almost any skin inflammation, burns, abrasions, etc., and, thanks to their cooling effect, relieve itching.
  • Rescuer or Ambulance balms do not fight itching so well, but they quickly relieve inflammation and promote rapid wound healing.
  • Fenistil-gel, Psilo-balm - antihistamines.
By the way, if a strong allergic reaction occurs from a bite, do not be lazy to take Claritin, Zodak, Suprastin, Tavegil and others. In particularly severe cases, a dexamethasone injection may be needed. In particularly severe cases, consult a doctor immediately.
  • Aspivevin is a special means for pumping out poison from a wound. Of course, it is not found in every home medicine cabinet.
  • The legendary Vietnamese star (aka Golden Star) is a unique balm that cures everything.
  • Boro-plus ointment - there are several types of it, but they are all very good in treating skin damage and inflammation.
  • Medical alcohol and alcohol tinctures (for example, calendula). In principle, you can use any alcohol-containing product, even perfume and vodka. But they do not so much relieve itching (although when the alcohol evaporates, the skin cools and the itching still goes away a little), but rather prevent infection from entering the wound.
  • Potassium permanganate, iodine and brilliant green - you can’t live without them. Lubricate the bites every 2-3 hours and after half a day only red dots will remain. The main thing is not to burn your skin.
  • Corvalol and valocardine perfectly soothe irritation.

Look into the kitchen

Historically, mosquitoes appeared somewhat earlier than all of the above medications. But our ancestors also somehow escaped from these insects, and compiled a good guide on how to relieve a mosquito bite using improvised means.

  • As soon as you notice that a nasty mosquito has bitten you and is just flying away, try to suck out the poison from the bite site. If the operation is successful, then inflammation may not begin.
  • The good old method is to drool on the itchy blister. Sometimes it works.
  • You can resort to applying pressure to the bite site. It is especially popular to make a “cross” with your fingernail, and this also sometimes works.
  • If the blister is extremely itchy, do not scratch it, but pat it. This will partially remove discomfort, but you don’t risk scratching your wound and causing an infection.
  • When the bite appears in a completely inconvenient place, against which clothes or shoes rub all the time (for example, rubbed by an elastic band from pants or the heel of sandals), cover it with a plaster to avoid scratching. But as soon as you get rid of clothes and shoes, get rid of the plaster so that “rotting” does not begin.

Use comprehensive protection: keep repellents on yourself, pine needles and aromatic oils around you and anti-itch remedies on hand.

Why does a mosquito bite cause pain? Almost always, itching appears at the site of the bite, which can persist for several days and cause discomfort. When scratching the bite site, wounds appear, which are especially disturbing for children and people with sensitive skin. Itching is an allergic reaction to mosquito saliva. In addition to saliva, a reaction can also occur to microbes carried by the insect. Therefore it is possible cause infection in the wound. It is important to start treatment promptly and promptly.

Folk remedies for relieving inflammation and itching after a mosquito bite

Mosquitoes are unique insects, they are able to smell chemical substances, which are released with human sweat. They can easily detect a person by thermal radiation several kilometers away and are able to catch up with him and bite him. Anticoagulants contained in the bloodsucker's saliva irritate the skin, causing redness, swelling and itching at the bite site.

Modern pharmacology offers a lot of drugs to eliminate and treat symptoms. But sometimes it is not possible to quickly purchase funds at the pharmacy. how quickly and efficiently? In such cases, homemade or improvised remedies that can be found in any home come to the rescue:

Manual pressure method

This method will be very useful if other means are not available:

How to relieve itching from mosquito bites in a child

Why should you take a child’s mosquito bite seriously? Insect bites often cause allergies in children. Allergy symptoms:

  • temperature increase;
  • swelling, redness at the site of the bite;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • headache and muscle pain.

Local symptoms spread very quickly and strongly. Possibly a decrease in blood pressure followed by fainting. If the child is allergic, then antihistamines (suprastin) should be given immediately. In other cases, consult a doctor.

Protection and treatment of children under one year old

For babies up to one year old choose mosquito repellent very difficult. Many drugs and preparations are toxic to the body of infants. Before using the product, be sure to read the instructions. Bracelets are very popular now, but, unfortunately, they exude bad smell which can harm a child.

Therefore, pediatricians and parents give preference to time-tested folk remedies. Lavender oil is perfect for infants. You can hang a bag of dry plants in your child’s room. The oil effectively fights insects. Don't forget about the mosquito net for the crib.

First aid

It is important to react as early as possible for skin irritation and provide first aid to the child at home:

  1. Wipe or wash the bite area with water and baby soap.
  2. Use an anti-inflammatory agent (chlorhexidine) to treat the affected area.
  3. Apply ice to the affected area to stop the swelling from spreading.
  4. You can apply any antihistamine ointment, for example, fenistil.
  5. If necessary, take antihistamine tablets orally.

Usually, after the measures taken, all symptoms subside and the child will not scratch the wound. If symptoms increase, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What relieves itching from mosquito bites in a child

Correct use of folk remedies will quickly relieve all symptoms of skin inflammation in a child. These include:

In children younger age thin and sensitive skin, so bite marks can remain on the skin for a very long time. The wounds will itch constantly and suppuration may occur. Therefore, the location of the bite is better immediately anoint with green paint or special lotions containing zinc oxide and calamine. They dry, relieve irritation and promote rapid healing of wounds.

Summer always pleases us with warm weather and the opportunity to relax in nature. However, this vacation is almost always marred by mosquitoes and their bites. Most often we are bitten by females, because they need the nutrients of human blood for their offspring. And if you don’t take care of protection from mosquitoes in time, these annoying insects can ruin even the most pleasant vacation. The favorite places of mosquitoes are where the air is hot and high humidity. Therefore, they can often be found near bodies of water.

What happens when a mosquito bites

The mosquito searches for prey by smell. After it sits on the skin, it digs its sting into the epidermis, reaching the deep layers. Not only does he suck out our blood, he releases particles of his saliva into it. This is why mosquito bites can be dangerous. The insect can infect humans with malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis and other infections.

After some time, a slight swelling and redness forms at the site of the bite, and you feel unbearable itching. Such situations are especially dangerous in children - after all, they scratch the bites and can introduce pathogenic bacteria into the open wound.

How to prevent mosquito bites

The most best treatment– this is prevention. You need to take care in advance to ensure that you are not bitten by a mosquito. There are many both folk and modern methods prevent mosquito bites.

  1. Everything ingenious is simple. Hang it on the windows Mosquito nets and not a single mosquito will enter your house. If in country house If you like to keep the door open, you can also hang mosquito curtains with magnets on the opening. They close themselves and prevent mosquitoes from entering the room.
  2. If you go for a walk, try to hide your body as much as possible under your clothes. However, sometimes mosquitoes can be overly impudent and even bite through fabric. In this case you will need special means from mosquitoes. Today, pharmacies and cosmetic stores offer a wide range of protective products in the form of spray, cream, lotion and milk. Typically, such products provide protection for 3 hours, after which you need to apply another layer to the skin.
  3. If mosquitoes bother you while you sleep, you need to place some kind of mosquito net near your bed. strong flavor. These can be eucalyptus, basil or tea tree oils. Oils release their esters especially well when exposed to fire. Add a little oil to a candle, fireplace or fire, and mosquitoes won't be able to stand the smell.
  4. Mosquitoes are afraid of the smells of flowers such as tansy, chamomile, and wormwood. You can place pine branches around the house - they also repel mosquitoes.
  5. Another effective solution. Cut a lemon in half and stick a few cloves into the pulp. You can leave the lemon on the nightstand in front of your bed so that not a single mosquito dares to fly up to you.
  6. If you plan to spend the night outdoors under open air, you must make a fire nearby and add leaves and pine needles to the fire. Mosquitoes are afraid of smoke. And to protect yourself until the morning, you can build a canopy from a large piece of gauze that will protect you not only from mosquitoes, but also from other insects.

If a mosquito has already bitten you, preventive measures are pointless. You need to fight the bite itself, relieve inflammation and itching. Here is an algorithm for treating mosquito bites, as well as several effective recipes for getting rid of itching.

  1. If you notice a bite, you should wash it with warm water and soap. Then treat the bite site with alcohol - this way you can protect yourself from infection.
  2. After this, you need to apply an ointment to the skin that will relieve swelling, irritation and itching. Among the most popular are Fenistil, Bepanten, Psilo-balm.
  3. Itching is perfectly relieved by sunscreen cosmetics. Wipe the area with a similar cream or milk and you will immediately feel relief.
  4. If a mosquito has bitten a child, in addition to the ointment, you should check the baby's nails. If necessary, cut them off, otherwise he may scratch the skin until it bleeds.
  5. If mosquitoes have bitten a very young child, he cannot be treated with such ointments. To relieve itching in a baby, you can mix water with baking soda and lubricate the bite areas with this paste.
  6. You can cope with itching and burning with regular honey. They need to lubricate the bite areas. The product must be natural and fresh. Honey perfectly relieves inflammation and irritation and heals wounds.
  7. There are several folk recipes that relieve itching. Milk diluted in half with water lemon juice, basil juice, vinegar - all these liquids can alleviate your condition. It is enough just to moisten a clean bandage or cotton pad in the medicinal liquid and apply it to the painful area for a while.
  8. You can wipe the bitten areas with a slice of raw potato or onion.
  9. If you don’t have all of the above remedies at hand, regular toothpaste, which is found in every home, will help you. Most pastes contain menthol, which cools the skin and blocks itching.

Allergy to mosquito bites

After a mosquito bite, every person experiences swelling, redness, and itching on the skin. However, some people may react more severely to stings. Usually these are allergy sufferers. After a mosquito bite, they may experience anaphylactic shock, suffocation, or excessive swelling of the skin. It's pretty dangerous situation, so you need to have antihistamines with you, such as suprastin, diazolin, zodak and others.

If after a mosquito bite you feel weak, dizzy or feverish, you should immediately consult a doctor; perhaps the mosquito was a carrier of some kind of disease.

Everyone is different and reacts differently to mosquito attacks. Some people hardly notice them, but most experience unbearable discomfort from their bites. Effective ways fighting will help you get rid of this annoying insect.

Video: the dangers of mosquito bites and how to avoid becoming a victim

Folk remedies that relieve itching after a mosquito bite include: essential oils. An excellent antiseptic recommended for skin inflammation is tea tree oil.

Lavender, lemon, peppermint oil, and rosemary will help soothe the skin. These natural substances carefully care for irritated skin, eliminate inflammation, redness and discomfort after a bite.

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Severe red swelling of the skin at the site of the bite
  • Headache, chills
  • Increased body temperature
  • Convulsions and loss of consciousness
  • Attacks of suffocation

The main danger for people who live in mid-latitudes comes from the bites of insects such as bees, wasps and bumblebees. They usually bite not to provide themselves with food, but for defense purposes. In this case, a poison containing active proteins and substances - strong allergens - enters the human body. Redness and swelling appear in the area of ​​the bite. Different insects attack humans in different ways.

How to relieve itching from insect bites? This will be written about later, but for now it is necessary to list their most dangerous types. According to existing statistics, 4 times more people die from bee and wasp bites than from snake bites.

A person, in addition to receiving negative sensations, is at risk of being infected with an infection:

  • malarial mosquitoes can cause malaria;
  • lice - relapsing fever and rickettsiosis;
  • fleas - bubonic plague;
  • ticks - Lyme disease;
  • spiders (black widow) - serious complications, sometimes even fatal.

In the event of a bite from these insects, a person should seek medical attention. medical care to avoid the development of serious diseases.

Ointments that relieve itching from insect bites are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal. The following can be distinguished:

  1. “Psilo-balm” helps eliminate itching, redness and swelling of the skin. Has an analgesic and cooling effect.
  2. "Vitaon" is a product containing plant components. The ointment can reduce itching, relieve inflammation and destroy germs.
  3. Fenistil-gel helps relieve itching from insect bites.
  4. "Sinaflan" is an ointment that can be used for bites, sunburn and dermatitis.

The body's response to a mosquito bite can be expressed as a normal reaction or allergic manifestations.

Bitten by a mosquito - what to do?

First you need to wash the bite site with cool or lukewarm water and soap, preferably laundry soap. Then treat the bite site with any antiseptic alcohol-containing product, for example:

  • alcohol;
  • cologne;
  • vodka;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula;
  • alcohol solution of boric acid;
  • ammonia.

You can also disinfect the wound using:

  • pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • brilliant greens;
  • iodine;
  • furatsilin solution (2 tablets per glass of water).

You need to wash and wipe mosquito bites with an antiseptic several times a day, so the wounds itch less and heal faster.

A mosquito bite on the eyelid or under the eye can cause severe swelling, since the skin in this area is very sensitive, thin and stretches well.

To avoid severe swelling, you need to:

  1. Immediately rinse eye with cool water.
  2. Prepare an aqueous infusion of chamomile or calendula or a weak water-soda solution (half a teaspoon per glass of water). Rinse eyes with infusion or solution for 1-2 minutes.
  3. Place moistened eyelid cold water bandage for 20 minutes.

It is advisable to be in the shade or in a cool room; you can sit down or take a reclining position so that your head is raised. The swelling will be more extensive if the victim is under the scorching rays of the sun or takes a horizontal position.

Severe swelling can be eliminated with the help of medications for oral and external use, which were mentioned above. It is important not to scratch your eyes so that dirt does not get into the wound, otherwise the eyelid will swell more and the wound will fester. If there is severe swelling of the eyelid, the help of a doctor is necessary!

After insect bites, not only itching appears. There is a danger of contracting malaria from them. More than 2 thousand species of mosquitoes are known, but only a few of them are carriers of this disease.

Females suck blood when it is time to lay eggs. After all, a hungry female can lay 50 eggs, and a well-fed female can lay 300.

How to relieve itching from insect bites at home? The consequences of bites can be reduced by:

  • Lubricate the bite site with a soda solution;
  • treat the wound boric acid or tincture of calendula in alcohol;
  • for multiple bites, take antihistamine;
  • anoint the affected area with Fenistil.

Folk remedies include:

  • treating the wound with sour cream;
  • lubricating the bite site with “Star” balm.

What are the best remedies to relieve itching after insect bites? Local gels and ointments, such as Psilo-Balm, Deta or La-Cri cream, have worked well. Required medicines must be present in travel first aid kit, if you are planning a walk in the forest or to the lake.

There are spiders in nature whose bite is fatal to humans. If such an incident occurs, the victim must be urgently taken to a medical facility.

As soon as you notice that you have been bitten by a mosquito, immediately disinfect the bite. Alcohol, wet wipes that contain it, hand disinfection spray, and even plain water are suitable for this.

The most effective are corticosteroid ointments. In addition to corticosteroids, they contain painkillers that help relieve pain and severe itching. After using such ointments, all the above troubles disappear completely.

If you treat the bitten area of ​​skin with alcohol, the pain and itching will be significantly reduced, as you will kill the bacteria that cause them.

When scratching after a bite causes infection in the wound, you should definitely consult a doctor.

For the itching to go away, the bite must heal completely.

The fact is that mosquito saliva contains a substance called an anticoagulant. It, in turn, causes allergies, which is always accompanied severe itching. If a person is not prone to allergies, then the bites heal faster. If such a tendency is observed, then people develop more serious problems than small pimples after a bite. The swellings itch terribly, increase in size all the time and do not heal for a long time. That is why, when choosing a treatment method, it is important to take into account individual characteristics human body.

When choosing a remedy that will eliminate itching and speed up healing, you should consider the following features:

Presence of an allergy to a particular drug. Cost of the drug. Possible harm to health. Ease of use.

When choosing the right remedy for you, you will notice that some advertised drugs do not help you at all, but those that are always at hand have a much greater effect. In any case, before you find the right one, you need to try a lot and only then the treatment will become effective.

Medicines from which you can choose the right one will be listed below. It happens that after using this or that medicine, all symptoms intensify (itching, pimples), then the experiment should be stopped and consult a doctor.

He, in turn, will select the necessary medications and prescribe a course of treatment.

If a mosquito bites you in the eye

Before feeding on human blood, the mosquito injects a special substance under the skin that promotes blood clotting. If the insect did not do this, after the bite, droplets of blood would appear on the skin (as with a bug bite). Mosquito saliva contains allergens that can be very dangerous to your health.

Some people are highly sensitive to mosquito saliva. Itching is not the only symptom of a sting allergy.

Redness and swelling of the skin area may occur. In rare cases, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract may occur.

This results in difficulty breathing, which can lead to suffocation. In this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance or inject the victim with an antihistamine (Diphenhydramine).

Summer - favorite time years of many kids and their parents. However, it is during this period that children and adults are attacked blood-sucking insects. Most often these are mosquitoes and midges. How to help a child with a bite? What are the features of treating infants? What effective folk remedies to use and what to do if your baby scratches a bite - let’s figure it out together.

Mosquito bites become red, swollen and itchy, so all parents need to know how to deal with these problems

First aid for a mosquito or midge bite

Was your child bitten by a mosquito or midge? First aid should be given to him. A cold compress will help relieve itching. When you plan to apply ice, it must first be wrapped in a clean cloth or plastic bag. You can prevent infection of the wound by treating the bite with brilliant green.

Often an attack by blood-sucking insects occurs in a forest or park, and medications may not be at hand. In this case, you should apply a plantain leaf to the bitten area, having first removed it from it. upper layer. The main thing is to ensure that the child does not scratch the bite site - if a scratch appears, it may become infected.

Features of treatment of bite sites in infants

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Mosquitoes and midges can attack babies. If traces of mosquito bites appear on the baby’s body or face, measures must be taken to prevent the child from scratching the affected areas. The baby's nails should be clean and cut short; the little ones can have “scratches” on their hands.

It is possible to speed up healing and relieve your baby of unpleasant symptoms with the help of regular baby cream. Many mothers talk about the high effectiveness of the drug Bepanten. You can also use Fenistil gel - it is used in the treatment of babies from the first days of life. It is better to refrain from using the popular Psilo-balm - this remedy is contraindicated for up to 2 years.

Home remedies to relieve swelling

A mosquito or midge bite causes a response even in people who are not prone to allergies (we recommend reading:). If, after an insect attack, swelling and redness with a diameter of 100 mm or more occurs on the baby’s skin, you need to seek medical help. For less severe swelling, you can try to cope with the problem at home:

  • apply a cold compress to the swelling for 10-15 minutes;
  • give the baby an antihistamine in accordance with age - Zyrtec, Suprastin or Tavegil;
  • lubricate the affected area with an antiallergic agent for external use (Fenistil-gel).

The best folk recipes to get rid of itching and red spots

It is possible to relieve your baby from unpleasant itching, relieve swelling and remove redness with the help of traditional medicine. If the child has severe swelling, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, or other signs of severe allergic reaction, you need to consult a doctor immediately. In all other cases, children can be treated at home.

You can prevent insect attacks with vanillin. Experts say that mosquitoes and midges cannot tolerate its aroma.

Some young mothers simply put an open bag of vanilla in the stroller pocket when going for a walk. Sometimes parents mix it with baby cream and apply it to open areas skin of infants.

Use of essential oils

Essential oils help cope with swelling, get rid of itching and pain. Before smearing your baby's skin, you should apply a little oil to your own wrist. If the product causes discomfort, it must be diluted with water. When treating infants, only lavender oil is allowed to be used. Older children can be treated with tea tree or coconut oil.

Preparation of soda solution

Soda solution is considered one of the safest and effective means traditional medicine, which are used for bites of midges and mosquitoes (more details in the article:). To prepare a soda solution, you need to boil and cool water. You will need 0.25 liters of liquid. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt and the same amount in a glass of water. baking soda. The bite sites are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in a soda solution.

Applying toothpaste to the skin

Toothpaste considered one of the most effective means to relieve itching. Most of these hygiene products contain menthol, which cools and soothes the skin. In addition, toothpaste helps to quickly cope with swelling; you just need to anoint the affected area with a small amount of the product.

Toothpaste, especially with menthol, helps reduce itching from mosquito bites

Therapy with vinegar

A vinegar solution will help relieve even the most unbearable itching. When there are few mosquito bites on the baby’s skin, the affected areas are lubricated with an aqueous solution of vinegar (a tablespoon per glass of cool water is enough). boiled water). If your baby is attacked large quantity insects, you should prepare a warm bath for it, in which you will need to first dissolve 2 cups of vinegar.

Lotions and compresses from medicinal herbs

Medicinal herbs will help cope with the unpleasant consequences of an attack by blood-sucking insects in cases where it is not possible to use medications. Before using any herbal remedy to treat a child, you should consult a pediatrician or at least try it on yourself. Popular recipes for using herbs for insect bites:

  1. compresses with chamomile infusion (can be replaced with calendula) are applied to the bitten areas and held for 20 minutes, if necessary, the procedure is repeated every half hour;
  2. thoroughly rinse the plantain leaf, apply to the bite site and bandage for 2 hours;
  3. a tablespoon of dried Veronica officinalis herb is poured into 0.25 liters of boiling water, boiled over low heat for half an hour, a lotion is applied to the affected area (you need to keep it for 30-40 minutes), the procedure is repeated 2-3 times;
  4. squeeze fresh juice from dandelion stems and lubricate the bitten area, apply a clean bandage, repeat the procedure after 3 hours;
  5. crush the leaves of fragrant rue, apply to the affected area and bandage for 40 minutes.

Plantain leaf - a multifunctional assistant for wounds, bruises, burns and insect bites, including mosquitoes

Vegetables, fruits and other products

Citrus fruits such as lemon and lime help relieve itching and have an antibacterial effect. Lubricate mosquito bites with freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice. It should be borne in mind that this product can cause burns under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, so the procedure should be carried out away from direct sun rays– in the shade or indoors.

Many parents note high efficiency basilica It contains camphor, which quickly eliminates discomfort after a bite. To prevent the bites from itching, use only fresh plant juice. Lotions made from skim milk mixed with boiled water in equal proportions are also often used.

Affordable remedies against mosquito bites from your home medicine cabinet

Simple and affordable medications that can be found in any home medicine cabinet can help against mosquito bites.

Drugs that come in tablet form, for example, Aspirin or Corvalol, must first be crushed into powder, mixed with a drop of boiled water and applied to the bitten areas of the skin. Propolis tincture and Zvezdochka balm are simply applied to the bite areas. You can make a healing lotion from liquid Corvalol and Valocordin.

What to do if your baby scratches the bite down to the wound?

The places where midges and mosquitoes bite them are very itchy, and children, trying to get rid of the discomfort, often scratch them until the wounds appear. If a child has damaged the top layer of skin and an open wound has formed, it needs to be disinfected, for example, with hydrogen peroxide. The edges of the scratch are treated with iodine or brilliant green. There is no need to wrap or seal the scratch - if you leave it open, it will heal faster.