How to safely remove a wasp's nest. How to get rid of wasps in a wooden house: modern and traditional methods. Destruction of the nest - final removal

Both residents of high-rise buildings and owners of private houses and summer cottages. Some less often, others more often, but the problem is relevant for everyone. It is especially unpleasant if there are small children in the house, and if one of the family members is allergic to bites, it becomes completely scary. Single wasps flying onto a balcony or area do not pose much of a danger, but when wasps decide to settle in or near your home, a real threat appears. From their side, it looks as if people are interfering with their lives, constantly disturbing them, going outside, and eventually, over time, they will begin to sting everyone, be it a pet or a child. Which means remove vespiary you need it as quickly as possible, without waiting for it to grow to incredible sizes. It is imperative to destroy the nest if the wasps have settled on the balcony, under the roof, in the attic, on a tree, directly on your property, in general, close to your home and your places of movement.

It seems that the nest is hanging in the far corner of the area behind the barn and let it hang, if the insects are not disturbed, they will be calm. But that's not true. Even a person passing at some distance from the nest can make them angry, but what if a child plays there? What if they attack in a swarm? In this case, there is no need for compromises at all. Start right now, wasting time, there is a risk that the insects will not allow you to get close to their home and will seriously defend themselves.

Where to look for a wasp's nest

Before you destroy a nest, you need to find it. It happens that the insects’ home is located in an inaccessible place.

Look for wasp nests on the balcony:

  • inside under the ceiling;
  • outside under the window sill and cornice;
  • in drain pipes;
  • between the sheathing and the wall;
  • among garbage and other rubbish.

Location on:

  • on trees, under branches and in dense foliage;
  • in the ground;
  • in grass;
  • in a pile of rubbish;
  • in a hedge;
  • under the ceiling of a toilet or barn, or any other country building.

In a buiding:

  • under the roof;
  • under the skin;
  • on a balcony or loggia;
  • in the attic;
  • under the ceiling.

Wasps prefer to settle in hidden and hard-to-reach places. Sometimes it is quite difficult to determine their location, so it is easier to track their movement routes. Choose an open place and place a small piece of meat there. Wasps like this kind of treat, their path will run right between the nest and the bait, all you have to do is watch where they fly.

How to destroy a wasp nest in a house or apartment

Wasps rarely build a nest right in a house or apartment, but it happens. In this case, the use of pesticides in pure form, without improvised means, not the best way out out of position. You will not kill all the insects, and the surviving wasps will be so angry that even fleeing will not help you avoid revenge. Wait until nightfall (the wasps will sleep) or do it early in the morning, put on clothes that are inaccessible to insect stings, cover your face and neck, and protect your hands with gloves. There should be no one in the room, just you and the wasps.

  • Take a bag (thick), very carefully put it on the socket, tighten it at the place where it is attached.
  • Make a hole in the bag and insert the tip of the spray into it (it doesn’t matter what you choose, it can be regular dichlorvos).
  • Fill the nest with insecticide.
  • Wait ten minutes. If possible, leave the bag for a couple of days to ensure that the insects die.
  • Remove the wasps' home along with the package.
  • Throw it away or burn it.
  • Ventilate the room.

If the nest is accessible, but it is impossible to put a bag on it, try soaking a thick cloth with insecticide and wrapping it around the nest. Wait the same, and then throw away or destroy along with the fabric.

You can get rid of the nest, without using chemicals, using a washing vacuum cleaner.

  • Make sure the hose is long enough and the holes in the screen are small, otherwise the wasps will fly out.
  • Fill the vacuum cleaner soap solution, approximately six centimeters.
  • Attach the hose to the flight hole of the socket.
  • Turn on the vacuum cleaner.
  • It may take up to an hour for all the wasps to get into the vacuum cleaner.
  • Turn off the vacuum cleaner. Quickly restrict the outlet of the hose, such as by plugging the hole with a cloth.
  • Wait until all the wasps are dead.
  • Discard the contents of the bag.

Submerge the nest in water. The method is suitable if it hangs freely.

  • Wear thick clothing. Place a bucket under the nest and pour boiling or cold water into it.
  • Place a bag over the nest (make sure there are no holes in it).
  • Tie the bag and pull off the nest.
  • Place it in water, cover it with a lid and place a weight.
  • Leave for 12 hours if using cold water.
  • Destroy the remains of the nest. Before removing it from the bucket, tap it to see if you hear a buzzing sound.

How to open a wasp nest

If wasps have settled in an attic or on a balcony that you rarely visit, use the bait method, which is described in detail in our article “Wasps under the roof.” Place a container with bait, such as jam, in an open area and add insecticide there. It will take some time to kill all the wasps, you will need to update and add bait until all the insects die. The bait method is good in areas where the wasps’ home is in an inaccessible place.

Using similar methods, you can destroy nests in any buildings, in a barn, in a bathhouse or in a garage. Choose for yourself which method is best to use depending on the situation.

How to remove a wasp nest in a country house or on a personal plot

The simplest, most effective and record-breaking quick way to get rid of a wasp's nest - burn it. Just pour it on flammable liquid(gasoline) and bring a match. Unfortunately, this method is not applicable in all situations and is somewhat dangerous.

It cannot be used in a building, near a house, wooden, paper surfaces, on wood, near upholstery made of flammable material, etc. The flames will be large and can easily spread to other objects. It is safe to burn the nest if it is located on a stone wall or in the ground.

Destruction of wasps using insecticides is considered a universal method.

Preparations for fighting wasps: “Karbofos”, “Lambda Zone”, “Dichlorvos”, “Get”, “Executioner”, “Tetrix”, “Aktara” and others. If the product needs to be diluted in water, do so according to the instructions. The insecticide can be poured into the bag in advance or after it is placed on the nest.

In those places where the insects' home is visible, but it is impossible to get there with the bag (a hollow tree, a drainpipe, sheathing, etc.), try to ensure that the product gets inside the nest, and the exit must be blocked. Follow all safety precautions. Keep the pesticide stream directed for at least 15 seconds. And then, as quickly as possible, free the territory. When the activity of the insects subsides, and this will happen only the next day, use a long stick, if possible, to knock down the nest, and to be absolutely sure, treat it with the product again.

If there are not very many wasps yet and they do not threaten the health of the household, take a gel, any one designed to combat cockroaches. Apply it around the socket. The wasps will eat the poison and also drag it to themselves, where they will feed the “poison” to the queen and larvae.

If the wasp nest is located in the ground, it can be flooded.

  • Take a garden hose.
  • Direct a stream of water into the nest.
  • Wait until the water begins to flow out.
  • Cover the flight hole with a stone.
  • Wait until all the insects are dead.

The method may not work if water is absorbed into the soil too quickly.

On open areas or in the trees there is an opportunity to smoke wasps out of the nest. To do this, you need to light a fire or place a smoke bomb directly above the wasp’s home. As the smoke rises, it penetrates into the nest and has a suffocating effect on the wasps, causing them to leave their home. After a couple of hours, make sure that all the insects have flown away, knock down the nest with a stick and destroy it immediately.

Calling a pest control service

Absolutely safe way, which does not require your effort and time - call specialists. Exterminators will quickly and efficiently get rid of the wasp nest, no matter where it is located. After treatment, the service guarantees that insects will not bother you until the beginning of next spring. In those cities where there is no specialized service, you can try contacting the SES.

Safety precautions when destroying wasp nests

  • First of all, make sure that your body reacts calmly to the bites of these insects. The test is performed by an allergist. If you have an allergic reaction, never remove the nest yourself.
  • Take care of protective clothing. Cover all areas of your body as much as possible. Protect your eyes with regular ski goggles or wear a beekeeping mask.
  • When using insecticides, use old, unusable clothing; you may have to throw it away after the procedure.
  • Do not use ladder If the nest is located high, if the wasps attack, you may fall and be seriously injured.
  • Whatever method you use, before starting the event, make sure that there are no children playing nearby or pets.
  • Make an escape plan, if something goes wrong you will have to retreat. You can repeat the procedure after a few hours.
  • Act quickly before the wasps react to the danger.
  • Warn your neighbors about the event. They need to close the windows and, if possible, not go outside.
  • Do not kill the wasp if it was able to fly out of the nest; when the insect dies, it releases a substance that will provoke the entire swarm to attack you.
  • Waving your arms or anything else only angers the insects.

Useful tips

Wasps are insects that cause trouble for summer residents and vacationers, the main feature of the wasp character is incredible aggressiveness, and therefore, if they settled in the neighborhood, attacks on you and your loved ones will be constant - insects believe that this is their territory, and they must defend their house. Of course, this is unpleasant for people, because in fact this is their vacation spot or summer cottage. What should be done? Try to get rid of them immediately. It's not too much easy process, but it is quite possible to achieve the result.

What are the dangers of being close to wasps?

As you know, wasps do not die after one sting, as, for example, happens with bees. And therefore one individual wasp can bite you more than once or twice. Their sting is smoother than that of other representatives of “biting” crops; after a bite, it does not remain in the human skin and continues to be used by the insect as self-defense.

In addition to the fact that wasps are quite evil creatures, they also feed on the juice of sweet fruits, which means they can “help” you a little in harvesting - spoiling the harvest of an entire garden does not seem difficult for them. If the fruit or berries contain sucrose or glucose, this is a treat for striped fliers. As a rule, they start with small-sized fruits or berries - apricots, plums... and then move on to larger things - pears, apples...

Another obvious disadvantage of being close to wasps is the possibility of getting an unpleasant infection from them. If you eat a pear that has been infested with an insect, at a minimum your stomach and intestines will suffer. At the very least, you can catch the infection. “Where do they find the infection?” - You ask. The answer is simple - in landfills, where enough products containing sucrose and glucose break down.

In addition to ordinary people who, to put it mildly, find wasp bites unpleasant (the bite site itches and swells), there are also people whose bodies are prone to allergic reactions to insect venom - up to and including anaphylactic shock.

How to get rid of wasps in the house

Few people like wasps, and that’s why there are so many ways to get rid of them: there are both folk remedies and professional ones used by exterminators. Some are more effective, others less.

To drive away wasps, you need to deprive them of their habitat, or simply, a wasp nest or house. They usually use hard-to-reach places to settle. They love sheds, balconies, verandas most of all; they nest under roofs or in the corners of buildings, and there they must be destroyed - completely and with wasps inside (in the early morning or after sunset, during the day they, as a rule, are not in place - they fly away looking for food). If there is anything left of the house after destruction, the next day a whole swarm will attack you to stand up for the dead brothers.

Before considering possible means of combating such insects, let us draw your attention to a number of mandatory preparations. You will need:

  • thick clothes;
  • gloves - preferably leather or rubber, not gardening ones. Leather wasps are more difficult to bite through;
  • beekeeper protective mask;
  • stairs (wasps nest high);
  • means for destroying harmful insects;
  • a bag for dead individuals, preferably polyethylene and always very dense;
  • spray.

Immediately while fighting wasps, try to make sure that your home is as clean as possible. less people and pets - if the striped insects get angry, no one will find it enough.

We use folk remedies

  1. One of the first folk remedies in the fight against wasps is boiling water, which needs to be poured over the entire nest. This method has obvious disadvantages - there is no guarantee that all insects living in the nest will die. And those who remain will become even more evil and will bring you revenge. In addition, this method is difficult to apply to nests that are located under the roof.
  2. The next method also involves the use of water and is used for nests on the ceiling: a pan or bucket of water is pressed tightly against the ceiling so that the nest is covered with the pan. You need to fix the pan - place some furniture or a stepladder under it, so that the edges remain pressed. For a day you need to forget about the pan with water, and after that remove the device - the wasp’s nest will get wet, become heavy, and fall into the pan, and the individuals will drown.
  3. Another way is to use gasoline or other petroleum products. The nest is doused with flammable liquid and set on fire.
  4. Another option for getting rid of wasps is to hang a voluminous bunch of hot red pepper next to their “family estate” - they really don’t like the aroma, and they move to another place. It is important to remember that this method only guarantees the movement of insects, and not getting rid of them. If they liked your site, pepper alone won't do it.
  5. There is a smell that wasps cannot stand - the aroma of vinegar, you can spray it on the nest itself and everything that is next to it, if there are wasps in the house, these are curtains, carpets, bedspreads, wallpaper. A similar option is to spray liquid dissolved in water. detergent- its particles will settle on the wings of insects and prevent them from flying, therefore, they will not be able to look for food and will soon die.

We use professional tools

Professional products primarily include special compounds, the smell of which repels wasps. For example, Dichlorvos, known to everyone, is sprayed with it on the nest and everything next to it - the ceiling, corners and walls. Dichlorvos has an intoxicating effect on these insects. Taking the opportunity, they remove the nest, put it in a tight bag, and then everything goes according to the previous plan - douse it with gasoline and set it on fire. Pests disappear for a long time.

In addition to Dichlorvos, there are concentrated insecticides - substances against insects - that are used to prepare the solution (Karbofos, Enzhio, Komandor, Moskitol...), they are sold in hardware stores, and they come with detailed instructions by use.

You can also use the poison bait method:

  • you need to dissolve 5 mg of Cypermethrin and Actellik in 1 liter of water (all can be found in specialized hardware stores);
  • pour the solution into small containers, place them around the wasps’ habitat (you can also treat the entire housing of the striped reptiles);
  • after 15 minutes, we can begin to carry out the following steps - we immerse the nest in a tight bag, take it as far as possible from the house or site, douse it with gasoline, and burn it.

There is another variation of this method, a bait-trap:

  • cut a plastic bottle in half;
  • put a small amount of jam or honey on the bottom (you can also use old, already candied) mixed with poison for wasps;
  • Generously grease the edges of the cut bottle with oil - any vegetable oil;
  • the wasps will fly to the smell of sweets and will not be able to get back because they will stick, eat the poison and will slide off the walls of the trap.

You can use not the poison in a cut bottle, but glue with jam - on a cardboard or saucer.

Photo gallery: homemade traps

You can catch wasps using honey or other sweets Wasps fly to sweet water, their wings get wet, and the insects cannot fly away Wasps are also caught on sweet fruits, berries and glue spilled on a tray Instead of a bottle cut into two halves, you can use a glass for the trap

Other methods of getting rid of insects and their nests

One of the most convenient methods is calling an exterminator, but not everyone will like it financial aspect such a way out of the situation, because it can be quite expensive depending on the extent of the spread of insects in the area.

Another option is to purchase a special wasp trap. Purchased baits are used both in houses and apartments, and in the kitchens of enterprises Catering or schools, kindergartens... Mostly such traps work, they are also called “salt traps” after mechanical principle: the individual becomes trapped and cannot escape due to slippery or sticky edges. Depending on the degree to which the trap is filled with wasps, you need to change the bait in the trap and remove dead insects, as well as wash and clean the trap - once every three days or once a week. There are a great many varieties - these include sticky tapes, energized nets that attract insects with ultraviolet light, and disposable traps... Special traps have been developed for beekeeping farms that attract only wasps and repel bees.

There are special baits in the salt traps

How not to chase away wasps

It is always important to remember that wasps literally react sharply to sudden movements - this awakens aggression in them, so you should not wave your arms.

You should not provoke insects - if they have settled in the house, keep everything juicy and sweet under lock and key.

If you decide to get rid of wasps, you need to be absolutely dry and protected from bites - they are attracted to moisture, they can easily bite you when you come to drive them away after a bath, shower or river.

Wasps are unwanted and sometimes dangerous neighbors on summer cottage. If they have settled in your dacha, you need to try to get rid of wasps for several reasons.

  1. Firstly, striped aggressors can bite summer residents if for some reason they decide that they are in danger.
  2. Secondly, they can be carriers of various infections.
  3. And finally, during the ripening of fruits and berries, the wasp family can spoil a significant part of the harvest in the garden.

Where wasps make their nests

Most often, gardeners have to deal with paper wasps. They are social insects that live in a colony founded by a queen wasp. The founding queen looks for a secluded, dry place to build her nest in the spring. This could be an attic, some kind of void in the wall of the house, under the roof, under the floor.

It happens that paper wasps make their home on the ground, under tree roots, in the voids of rotten stumps and logs.

Sometimes wasps can make a nest in bushes or on a tree under the cover of dense foliage. Abandoned rodent burrows and old anthills can be used.

The wasp's nest may be located directly in the ground. This is already the work of the earth wasp, which digs vertical passages with lateral branches in loose soil. The result is an extensive underground network. On the surface of the earth you can only see a small hole - the entrance.

How to find a wasp nest

The queen builds the nest by chewing pieces of wood and turning them into paper, which is a building material. At first, the nest consists of several cells. The queen wasp lays eggs and feeds the larvae. As soon as the first worker wasps hatch, the construction of the nest and the search for food for the larvae is transferred to them.

The uterus is exclusively engaged in laying eggs. The wasp family grows rapidly and can reach several hundred insects. From this dangerous neighborhood need to get rid of it.

To solve this problem, you need to find the nest and destroy it. How to find?

If wasps have made a nest somewhere in the house, it is enough to carefully monitor their movements. Working individuals are busy delivering to the hive building materials and food for the larvae and the queen, so they will return in one direction - to the nest.

There is an interesting, simple way to detect a nest on the territory of a summer cottage. You need to put a piece of fresh meat or fish somewhere and wait. Since the larvae feed only on protein foods, striped predators will not refuse such prey. All that remains is to carefully monitor where they are taking the food.

How to get rid of a wasp's nest

  • If the wasp's nest is in hard to reach place, it will not be easy to destroy it yourself. In this case, it is better to invite a specialized team of exterminators. Professionals, equipped with everything necessary, will quickly solve this problem. Of course, this work will have to be paid for.
  • Relatively safe method For independent struggle with wasps - use of poisoned baits. You need to use insecticides without a strong odor. Mix food that is attractive to wasps with poison and place it on open place. The insects will fly in to feast on themselves and take the poisoned food to the nest for the larvae and queen. All that remains is to wait for the poison to take effect.

If the wasp nest is in an accessible place, then it will be easier to get rid of it:

  • You need to take a thick bag of a suitable size and put it on the nest. Tie the bag tightly, sharply separating it from the attachment point. Further at your discretion. You can place the bag in a bucket, press it down with a weight and pour it very hot water. Or you can burn the nest. It is better not to use open fire. It would be safer to place the bag with wasps in some metal container, closed with a lid (barrel, bucket).
  • Pour or spray a little insecticide into a tight plastic bag, put it on the wasp nest and tie it tightly, excluding air access. The wasps should die within a few hours.
  • Apply insecticidal spray to the nest and quickly retreat. To consolidate success, repeat the treatment every other day.
  • Fill the earthen nest with a large amount of water, to which add a drug to kill wasps. Plug the entrance with a stone or rags soaked in insecticide.
  • Liberally sprinkle the area near the entrance to the earthen nest with insecticidal powder. Wasps carry the powder into their home on their paws, infecting all inhabitants.

When destroying wasps, do not forget about safety measures.

When using the above methods of control, the following safety precautions must be observed:

  1. To protect against possible attacks of angry insects, you need to dress in thick protective clothing, a hat with a mosquito net, and gloves. Tuck your pants into your boots.
  2. All actions should be carried out in the dark, when all the wasps are in the nest and inactive.
  3. You need to act without noise and fuss, quickly and decisively.

Effective drugs for killing wasps

GET – modern effective remedy has a wide range of applications and allows you to quickly get rid of wasps. The active ingredient chlorpyrifos is in microcapsules. The drug is harmless to humans and animals, without a pungent odor. Can be used to prepare poisoned bait. The wasps carry insecticide-laced food to the nest for the larvae and queen. As a result, everyone dies.

The drug is diluted in water according to the instructions (1:15), sprayed on the wasp nest and the area around it. Insect death occurs upon contact with the insecticide.

GET - effective drug to kill insects.

If the nest is in the ground, the prepared solution is poured through the inlet. Plug the outlet with a rag soaked in the same solution.

MASTER 250 is a drug based on chlorpyrifos. The active substance is in microcapsules. In its properties and application, the insecticide is similar to GET.

DELTA ZONE is an effective broad-spectrum product based on deltamitrin. Microcapsules with active substance stick to the legs of insects and are carried into the nest. As a result, all the inhabitants of the nest die.
Due to the absence of a pungent odor, the drug can be added to bait.

Poisoned bait.

KARBOFOS is an old proven remedy against many pests and is successfully used in the fight against wasps. Karbofos dissolves well in water and has a pungent odor. Spray the nest generously with the solution prepared according to the instructions. In order to get rid of dangerous insects More than one treatment may be required.

Karbofos is also used to destroy wasp nests in the ground. Dilute 75 g of karbofos in a bucket of water and pour into the nest.

Wasp traps

The most common folk remedy To control wasps, use traps.

  1. The top third of the bottle is cut off from a plastic one and a half bottle and tightly inserted into the remaining part with the neck down. Water with honey, fermented compote or jam diluted with water is poured into the trap. Attracted by the treat, the striped robbers climb into the bottle and stay there. Of course, this method will not completely get rid of wasps, but it will help to significantly reduce the number of these insects on the site. The more traps you place in your yard, the more noticeable the results will be. You just need to remember to clean the bottles of dead insects and add sweet foods.
  2. Add a crushed fly agaric cap and 100 g of honey to a glass of water. Boil the mixture for three minutes. The cooled bait is laid out near the insect habitats. All actions must be performed with gloves. The wasps will not fly past the sweet mushrooms; they will try them themselves and take them to the nest.
  3. If the nest is in the ground, you can get rid of it by pouring a bucket of boiling water over it. It is necessary to pour through the inlet, which is then plugged with a stone or covered with earth and compacted.
  4. Place pieces of calcium carbide into the hole - the entrance of the earthen nest and fill it with water. When interacting with water, a gas is released, which penetrates the nest and has a detrimental effect on the wasps.

What to do for wasp bites

In most cases, when a person is stung by a wasp, a local reaction occurs in the form of swelling and redness of no more than 10 cm, accompanied by burning pain and itching. In this case, it is enough to take the necessary first aid measures:

  • Treat the bite site with any antiseptic solution. Hydrogen peroxide, alcohol tincture, cologne, vodka, etc. are suitable. It is better not to use iodine and brilliant green.
  • Apply cold to the bite site for 20-30 minutes. It is good to use ice cubes, some bags of frozen food, napkins soaked in cold water. These measures stop the absorption of poison into the blood and its spread throughout the body.
  • If you are bitten on the leg or arm, you can apply a tourniquet with a mandatory indication of the time of application. This will also stop the further spread of the poison and the possible development of an allergic reaction. The tourniquet must be removed after 30 minutes!
  • Take an antihistamine (Zodak, Suprastin, Claritin, etc.)
  • To relieve symptoms, use ointments and gels with antiallergic and antipruritic effects (Fenistil gel, Psilo-balm, Moskitol gel, etc.)

Usually, symptoms go away within 2-3 days and no doctor’s help is required.

For emergency medical care need to contact:

  • If a wasp stings your face, neck, lip, tongue.
  • With multiple bites of one or more insects.
  • If the swelling increases during the day and reaches large sizes(more than 10 cm).
  • With the development of urticaria, when the body is covered with multiple blisters.

The most dangerous are angioedema and anaphylactic shock, which can develop rapidly and pose a threat to life.
Quincke's edema is also called giant urticaria. Hoarseness of voice, difficulty breathing, barking cough, swelling of the lips, cheeks, eyelids, and limbs indicate the possible development of Quincke's edema in a person. The victim's blood pressure may drop and tachycardia may begin.

Anaphylactic shock is expressed in a sharp drop in blood pressure. A person has difficulty breathing, tachycardia, bluish skin and lips appear, and loss of consciousness is possible.

If a person develops such reactions after a bite, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Before doctors arrive, provide first aid to the victim.

What you need to know:

  • You are at risk if you are allergic to any allergens. A wasp sting can cause acute allergic reaction.
  • If you have had a severe reaction to a bee or wasp sting, the next time you are stung, the reaction will be many times stronger.
    What to do:
  • It is necessary to visit an allergist who will prescribe the necessary medications and write down an algorithm of actions in the event of anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema.
  • When traveling to the country or to nature, have with you an allergy sufferer’s passport with an action algorithm, syringes, adrenaline, prednisolone, antihistamines.

If you are in a summer cottage or in nature where there may be wasps, follow these rules:

  1. Do not apply strong-smelling cosmetics or perfume on yourself. These scents will attract wasps and hornets. They are also attracted to bright clothes.
  2. Do not walk barefoot in areas that have not been checked for wasp nests.
  3. If a wasp flies up to you, behave calmly and do not brush it off. The insect will take your sudden movements for aggression and will attack.
  4. Don't leave drink bottles open, as wasps can get in there.
  5. To provide first aid to a stung person, your first aid kit should always include: antiseptics, antihistamines and ointments, medical tourniquet.

Getting rid of wasps in your summer cottage is not as difficult and scary as many people think.

Have a nice holiday!

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Wasps that have settled in your neighborhood can cause a whole lot of inconvenience, interfering with the calm and comfortable rest. They can be carriers of dangerous pathogens, react aggressively to sudden movements and certain odors, are capable of behaving unpredictably, and their bites very often cause severe allergic reactions. The favorite places in which these insects prefer to build their nests are the roofs of houses and cottages, nooks and crannies on the veranda. You will probably be interested in learning how to get rid of wasp nests in your summer cottage.

On initial stages construction, while there is still free access to various places that may later be covered with panels and boxes, you can carry out necessary processing, which allows you to protect the building from attacks by various insects and extend the life of wooden structures.

To get rid of wasps in the country, you need to find and destroy their house. If there are quite a lot of insects, you can try to reduce their numbers using poisoned baits. To do this, take pieces of fragrant melon or watermelon, spray them a little with insecticide and place them in places where wasps are found. Can also be made from plastic bottles, cutting off the neck and pouring fermented jelly into the bottom, sugar syrup or jam, to which you also need to add an insecticide.

When you want to get rid of a wasp nest in your country house, it is recommended to carry out all work in the dark, when all the insects are in their house. Try not to use flashlights or other lighting, since the wasps will perceive them as a wake-up call and may attack you.

It is quite easy to kill wasps using fire. To do this, you will need a large old aluminum or enamel bucket, a lighter, lighter fluid or kerosene, and a dexterous and nimble assistant. Your task will be to quickly knock down the wasp's house so that it lands directly in the bucket. Immediately pour kerosene over it, which almost instantly saturates the walls of the house, penetrates inside, and then quickly sets it on fire through the integument of the wasp’s body, preventing its breathing.

To remove and destroy the nest, you will need a strong and thick plastic bag, scissors, tape or push pins and any insecticide in aerosol form. Quickly place the bag over the nest and secure it with small pieces of tape or thumbtacks so that there are no gaps. Next, you need to cut off a small corner and inject the insecticide into the resulting small hole as liberally as possible so that more gets inside the nest. After this, seal the corner and leave the bag like this for an hour, then carefully tear off the house, tie the bag tightly and destroy or burn it.

In the case where the wasp's nest in your summer cottage is located in the ground, try simply pouring boiling water over it. The insects will die, and you can simply fill the entrance with soil. Try a powdered insecticide sprinkled over the air hole. The wasps, penetrating inside, will bring poison with them, due to which the entire colony will die in a couple of days.

If the nest is in a hard-to-reach place, then the usual polyurethane foam, which should simply be injected into the flight hole.

After destroying the nest, the place where it was located must be treated with an insecticide or covered with a layer of paint or varnish, since wasps love to build nests again in the same places.

If you need to remove the OS from country house, treat all surfaces, windows and curtains with a weak solution of vinegar essence, the smell of which will help repel wasps; they will leave the premises very quickly.

The wasp is a rather annoying insect that you want to stay away from. Unfortunately, wasps often build nests under the roofs of houses. Adults feed on flower nectar, but if there is a lack of food, they can try other organic matter. Wasps live in large families in small ball-shaped nests, which they build in empty houses, in tree hollows, in outbuildings, in attics and even under the canopies of balconies of multi-storey buildings.

Why are wasps dangerous for humans?

The females of these insects have a fairly sharp sting, which they use at the slightest danger. The bite is painful and often causes an allergic reaction. Wasps do not die after stinging once, like bees, so any individual will pose a constant threat to human health.

In addition, wasps are carriers infectious diseases– in particular, intestinal. This is understandable, because In search of fruits and other sugar-containing products, insects visit garbage dumps and pits with rotting litter. They spoil the harvest by sucking the juice of sweet fruits and berries.

To prevent a wasp infestation from turning life into a nightmare and ruining your vacation, it is necessary to apply a set of measures to combat these annoying insects.

Wasp control

The destruction of individual individuals will provide only a temporary respite from the annoying neighborhood. If they appear frequently in the visual range, it means that their nest is somewhere nearby. Usually this discreet place type of attic, drainpipe, chimney, niches under slate roof. IN apartment buildings wasps build nests behind units of split systems, air conditioners, and under balconies.

It is necessary to destroy the nest and periodically scare away emerging wasps - only then will they leave the territory.

How to get rid of wasps in a country house under a roof

Insects that fly in from time to time are not as scary as those that settle on the site for a long time. Unwanted guests are unlikely to come back again if you treat them with pieces of melon or watermelon sprayed with insecticides. In this case, only low-smelling products are suitable. Most often, wasps become thoroughly established in the area. You have to fight them, getting rid of not only insects, but also their nests.

If wasps have built a nest under the roof country house or technical structure, it can be destroyed by several methods:

  1. Mechanical. It is better to get rid of a wasp nest in the fall or in early spring when residents leave or have not yet returned to their home. The empty nest is cut off and burned. The place where the wasp's dwelling is attached is thoroughly treated with a solution of chlorine or chlorine-containing preparations. Wasps that return to this place will be forced to look for a new habitat.
  2. With the help of water. If you cannot wait until autumn, the wasp nest will have to be destroyed as soon as it is discovered. If it is possible to bring a bucket of water to it so that the home is completely immersed in liquid, 10 minutes will be enough. During this time, the insects will die and the nest will disintegrate into separate elements.
  3. Chemical. Modern pesticides are the most successful option in the fight against wasps. It should be noted that the products are unsafe for humans. Therefore, it is important to take precautions and protect your face and body with special clothing when processing. The following drugs will help in the fight against wasps:
  • "Troapsil" (Netherlands);
  • “Smelnet” - long-acting microcapsules - up to 8 months;
  • "Gett" is a disinfectant against insects;
  • “Mosquitol. Protection against wasps" - for treating non-residential premises.

Chemicals are available in the form of aerosols and granules. Aerosol agents can be used to treat both the nest and part of the territory, repelling individual wasps. To kill insects in a nest, a bag is placed on top of it and the product is sprayed inside. This operation is carried out at night - when all the wasps are in the nest. It is pointless to destroy a nest with wasps with an aerosol in the morning or afternoon - most of the insects will be absent. In addition, active wasps are able to transmit information to the entire swarm. Therefore, it is better not to carry out the operation to destroy the nest during daylight hours.

It is also important to take into account that the package must be strong enough and well secured to the wall of the house so that wasps cannot bite through it or slip out of the crack. Chemicals are also good for repelling individual insects, for example, etc.

How to get rid of wasps in a wooden house

Wood is a fire hazardous material, so all methods of fighting wasps must completely eliminate the possibility of fire in the house and the surrounding area. Therefore, fire as a method of fighting and everything connected with it is prohibited. It is also not recommended to spray the nest with gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids.

If the nest is within visibility, the fight against wasps is carried out using all the methods described above.

To kill wasps, it is better to use microencapsulated bait preparations. “Smelnet” is one of such means. The drug contains Butox containing 5% deltamethrin. This veterinary drug, safe for humans. The principle of its action is defeat nervous system insect by paralysis. After some time, the wasps stop moving and die. The drug has a shelf life of several months, so treatment can be done once. In this case, “Smelnet” is applied not only to the nest, but also to the territory next to it. Thus, the wasps carry it on their legs into the home, where they can infect other individuals.

Also convenient for wooden houses Velcro tapes. Impregnated with a sweet and sticky composition, they attract insects that land on the surface and cannot fly away. By replacing the tapes with new ones, you can get rid of wasps without harm to human health.

Particularly difficult is the case when the nest is located in a remote place and is not visible from the outside. Here you also cannot do without chemicals, but first you need to find out the approximate location of the insects’ home.

To do this, you should observe the flight path of the wasps near the house for several days. A particularly good time would be the evening, when the wasps gather in the nest, or the early morning, when they leave their home.

Having discovered a nest, a tube is inserted into the passages in the wall (usually their width does not exceed 4-6 mm), through which an aerosol agent is sprayed to combat wasps. The hole is plugged with tow or cotton wool moistened with insecticides such as Fufanon. At the same time, they try to push the cotton wool as deep as possible into the nest. The hole thus clogged is plastered, adding plaster mixture a little karbofos.

How to get rid of wasps using folk remedies

Traditional methods are harmless to human health and are not 100% effective. However, for small insect infestations they are best suited.

  1. Wasps often visit an apartment or house, flying in from neighbors. Such visits will be significantly reduced if you periodically treat the curtains, Mosquito nets, vent plugs with a vinegar solution.
  2. Traps. Wasps have a sweet tooth, and will definitely try delicious honey or fruit syrup poured into tall plastic bottle traps. Small holes are made in these containers and syrup or slightly acidified berry compote is poured inside up to half the volume. Such a trap will attract a significant number of wasps that will not be able to get back out.
  3. Kerosene and gasoline. Many summer residents and homeowners still use these substances to combat wasps.
  4. Repeller. These insects do not tolerate strangers in “their” area. By placing a mock-up nest near your house, you can protect your home from scout wasps. You can make such a false nest yourself or use a paper lantern as it.

Professional wasp control measures

If none of the methods was successful, you will have to call specialists to combat these harmful insects. Professional compositions, high-quality processing will allow you to destroy not only wasps, but also flies, ticks, etc.

The advantages of this method are obvious: effective special tools are not available to the average buyer, but professionals use them. Secondly, during treatment you can leave the area and return to a house and yard that has been cleared of insects. Thus, all the negative costs of fighting wasps (bites, exposure to toxic substances on the body) will not affect the home owner. And finally, if you are not satisfied with the quality of the treatment, you can always make a claim and get re-cleaned from wasps. Some companies provide guarantees for a certain period of time. You can find out about this by leaving a request to call specialists.

The fight against wasps cannot be limited to one day. As a rule, to get rid of annoying insects, not one, but several methods are used simultaneously. Some of them turn out to be ineffective, others help to destroy wasps for a while. If wasps only periodically appear on the site, it is quite possible to get by with prevention. If coexistence with a wasp swarm brings problems, you should try the most effective means for complete victory over predatory insects.

Video: what happens if you open a wasp's nest