What does management work include? Specifics and functions of managerial work

Managerial work - type labor activity to perform management functions in the organization, the purpose of which is to ensure the focused and coordinated activities of the workforce to solve the problems facing it.

Object managerial work is the scope of its application - organization, structural unit.

The subject of management work is information about the condition of the object and about the necessary changes in its functioning and development.

The product of managerial work is management decisions and practical actions necessary to ensure the functioning of the facility in the required mode. Since management influence on all areas of activity is carried out by members of the production team, priority is given to the management of living labor, i.e., the expedient activities of all members of the team. More complete results management influences can be achieved only taking into account their distribution not only to living, but also to materialized labor, since production connects these two sides of it.

The content of management work in relation to a specific object is determined by the composition of management functions. These include: setting goals and planning, organizing execution, coordinating and stimulating the activities of performers, accounting and control of execution. Each V function reflects a certain form and the method of managerial influence on the managed object, determining the appropriate style and methods of management.

The essence of the manager’s work is to provide general management of the process of functioning and development of the management system.

Components of a manager’s work: production, socio-economic and organizational and managerial.

The specificity of a manager’s work is that he solves production, economic, technical and social problems primarily in an organizational aspect, influencing workers who must directly solve these problems.

The manager as the leader of the team is considered as a carrier of innovative organizational culture, as the main initiator of consistent changes in the organization. The most important features of a modern leader: professionalism, the ability to lead a team, the desire to create and maintain a good psychological climate.

The scientific organization of work of management personnel presupposes a certain degree of regulation of work in terms of content and time.

Labor organization of management staff is a complex and multifaceted process. The most important problem For any employee today, rational use of working time is a priority. That's why initial stage scientific organization managerial labor is the use of working time of management employees. Studying the use of working time allows us to identify its losses, their causes, and develop new forms and methods of performing work.

the implementation of which would include the work various groups muscles and provided alternating loads on various parts of the body and human sense organs.

In order to most fully and effectively use the labor potential of the organization’s team as a whole, it is necessary to identify what labor potential each employee has, how it changes at different stages of life, how to measure it quantitatively and qualitatively, and what conditions are necessary for the full realization of this potential.


  1. 3.4. Characteristics and features of financial, management and production analysis, their relationship and role in management decision-making

The essence of management, its functions and specificity are determined, on the one hand, by the tasks that it solves, and on the other, by the content of the “simple” moments of the process of managerial work, that is, its subject, means and the work itself. Managerial work is a type of mental work. He does not directly act as a creator of material wealth, but is an integral part of the labor of the total worker, and therefore productive labor.

The main goal of management as such is the creation of the necessary conditions (organizational, technical, social, psychological, and others) for the implementation of the organization’s tasks, “establishing harmony” between individual labor processes, coordination and coordination of the joint activities of workers in order to achieve specific planned results. Thus, management is, first of all, working with people, and their work activity serves as the object of management influence.

The labor activity of people in production as a subject of managerial work can indirectly act as information in its various forms. Information is a specific object of application of managerial work. In this regard, managerial work is of an informational nature. It combines creative, logical and technical operations related to information processing, and the exchange of activities between the subject and the object of management, between the subjects of management themselves, is of an informational nature. It should be noted that the specificity of the tasks being solved in the field of management mainly predetermines the predominantly mental and creative nature of managerial work, in which setting goals, developing ways and techniques to achieve them, as well as organizing joint activities of members of the organization constitute the main meaning and content of the work of people who are classified as to management personnel. This category of workers, using a special subject of labor - information and transforming it, develops and makes decisions necessary to change the state of the managed object. Therefore, the tools of work for managers are primarily the means of working with information (organizational and Computer Engineering), and the result of their activities is manifested in control actions (management decisions) and is assessed on the basis of achieving the goals facing the organization. Achieving the control goal is carried out through the preparation and implementation of a set of control actions. Managing influence on groups of people, on their work activity - this is a specific product of managerial work. The main form of such influence is management decision.

In the process of management, its subjects solve a variety of problems - organizational, technical, economic, socio-psychological and legal in nature. This diversity is also important feature managerial work.

Managerial work is a specific type human activity, isolated in the process of division and cooperation of social labor. This separation is objectively a necessary condition development not only social production, but also society as a whole. Compared to other types of work in an organization, managerial work has a number of specific features which are expressed in its nature, purpose, subject, results and means used.

The means of managerial work are organizational and computer technology, and the level and completeness of its use determine the culture and effectiveness of management.

The product of labor of managerial workers does not have the form of specific material results. The final product of managerial work is considered to be a set of management decisions and the impact they have on the object of management. The specificity of managerial work is that its results, as a rule, are distant in time and space from the moment and place of its expenditure. They are only ultimately inseparable from the results of the functioning of the entire organization. Managerial work also has its own specific technological differences, which are as follows:

Managerial work in relation to the final results of production is indirect in nature, i.e. this type labor does not directly create consumer value, but is aimed at managing workers engaged in creating material goods or providing services, and through them, the material elements of production;

Basically, this work is specifically expressed creative; experience and intuition play a very important role in it;

The complexity of managerial work is determined primarily by the complexity of the management functions, the degree of independence of their implementation and repeatability individual elements labor process, level of management hierarchy; Managerial work requires a high level of organizational skills, determined by the duration of work in the management apparatus and the scale of the work performed.

Depending on the nature and content of work, management workers are divided into managers, specialists and technical performers.

The effectiveness of managerial work is the ratio of its useful result (effect) and the amount of resources used or expended for this. Formation and implementation beneficial effect management activities acts as a long process, sometimes stretched over months and even years.

It is much more difficult to evaluate management efficiency than production efficiency. The management process can be divided into separate stages and operations, highlighting the interconnected intermediate (local) and final results of the activities of the management body as a whole and its individual links.

Intermediate results are of varying importance. The main ones are generalizations, new ideas, concepts embodied in relevant decisions and plans. In addition, each level of management, as well as individual specialists, prepare developments, normative and reference materials for management. These intermediate results are called auxiliary results.

However, their quality largely determines the effectiveness of management as a whole and should be the subject of appropriate analysis and evaluation.

Generalizing assessments of the effectiveness of management activities express the final results of the functioning of the managed object - a workshop, an enterprise. A good timely decision can be made, a balanced plan.

However, this does not yet guarantee high efficiency: organizational, control, incentive, and educational measures of influence on the team are needed in order to achieve the intended goals at the lowest cost. The management decisions or plan themselves are only a prerequisite for obtaining the beneficial effect of the production activity of the total employee, of which management is a part.

Can't be expected high efficiency, if the adopted plan or decision is poorly justified and not provided with resources. But a good plan or decision may also not be implemented due to the low level of organizational work at subsequent stages.

The effect of management activities is not limited to economic results. Great importance It also has a social effect. Its importance in managerial work is very great, but has no quantitative measures.

In general, it is customary to denote the qualitative side of the obtained result (effect) by the term “criterion”, and the quantitative side by the term “performance indicator”. The term “criterion” is used in this case in its generally accepted sense - a sign on the basis of which a fact, definition, classification, measure is assessed.

There are two types of management efficiency: economic and social. Their independence, of course, is relative, since they are in close unity and interconnection. In terms of their role in ensuring harmonious functioning in society, they are not equivalent: social efficiency as generalizing, final, and in this sense the main one; economic - as primary, initial, and in this sense the main one. On modern stage greatest development received a criterion for the economic efficiency of managerial work, since it allows quantitative measurement of efficiency in the labor sphere.

Managerial work is a type of labor activity, operation and work to perform management functions in an organization by administrative and managerial employees.

The main goal of managerial work is to create the necessary conditions (organizational, technical, social, psychological, etc.) for the implementation of the tasks of the organization (enterprise), to establish harmony between individual labor processes, to coordinate and harmonize the joint activities of workers in order to achieve specific planned results. Consequently, management is, first of all, working with people, and their work activity serves as the object of management influence.

Information is a specific object of managerial work; therefore, it has an informational nature. Managerial work combines creative, logical and technical operations associated with information processing, and the exchange of activities between the subject and object of management, between the subjects of management themselves, is of an informational nature.

Achieving the control goal is carried out through the preparation and implementation of a set of control actions. Controlling influences on groups of people, on their work activities - this is a specific product of managerial work. The main form of such influence is management decision.

In the process of management, its subjects solve a variety of problems - organizational, economic, technical, socio-psychological, legal. This diversity is also an important feature of managerial work.

Management is a multifaceted and ambiguous process. Accordingly, analysis of the external and internal environment, making management decisions on this basis is a procedure that depends on a complex and moving set of factors, constantly creating non-standard situations. It is these circumstances that require a creative approach to it from a person engaged in this specific activity. The decisions made by managers depend not only on their knowledge and qualifications, but also on personal qualities, practical experience, common sense, and intuition.

The means of managerial work are organizational and computer technology, and the level and completeness of its use determine the culture and effectiveness of management.

The product of managerial labor is a management decision.

Specifics of managerial work

Thus, managerial work has its own specific characteristics:

1) is informational in nature of the direct subject and product of his labor, due to the fundamental difference between the labor process in its content and results from other types of labor necessary for the production of products and services. The results of the work of management personnel are assessed not by the number of issued orders and documents issued, but by their impact on the activities of the enterprise team;

2) participates in the creation of material wealth not directly, but through the labor of other persons;

3) the subject of management work is the management process and the people participating in it;

4) its result is management decisions;

5) the means of labor are organizational and computer technology;

6) this is mental work, therefore direct measurement of its productivity is possible only in relation to technical performers and partly specialists.

Managerial work is called labor activity, as well as various works and operations for employees to perform management functions in a particular organization. The quality of performance of managerial functions directly depends on the efficiency of the enterprise or firm. As a rule, the specificity of managerial work is that the results of this labor activity are located far from the moment and place of its implementation and only ultimately constitute the results of the functioning of the entire organization as a whole.

Control Features

The work of management employees has a certain nature and technological differences. The content and features of managerial work consist of various factors.

The mental work of employees belonging to the management apparatus consists of three main types of their activities:

  1. Administrative, organizational and educational activities. Workers in the field of management work receive various information and transmit it to other authorities, and also communicate all kinds of management decisions to the executors and control their direct implementation.
  2. Constructive and analytical activities. Managers perceive the received information, analyze it and subsequently prepare appropriate effective decisions.
  3. Information and technical activities. Its essence lies in the implementation of documentation, educational, computational and formal logical operations.

The subject of such activity as management work is information - its receipt, perception, analysis and processing. The means of management work are computer technology and human intelligence, and the results are management decisions and control over their implementation.

Technological features of this type of activity are as follows:

  1. Managerial work in relation to the final productive results in the production of any types of goods or services is always indirect. This means that managerial work is not related to the creation of direct consumer value, but is aimed at managing employees of a particular organization who are engaged in the production of any material goods or services, and through them - the basic and material elements of production.
  2. Managerial work, as a rule, has a specifically expressed and creative character; intuition and experience also play dominant roles in it.
  3. The complexity of such managerial work as a whole is determined by the direct complexity of all functions of managing an organization, as well as the degree of independence in the execution of these functions and the frequency of performing any individual elements isolated from the entire labor process. At the same time, complexity is also determined by the level management hierarchy.
  4. Managerial work requires from participants in this type of work activity a high level of management skills in the organization, which are determined by the duration of work in the managerial apparatus, as well as the scale and quality of the work performed by them.

Managerial workers are divided into managerial positions, specialists and performers, depending on the content and nature of work activity.


The task of managers in the field of managerial work is to determine the goals of their enterprise and the immediate direction of its activities, as well as to select and place personnel, coordinate the work of all performers and subordinates who ensure effective collective production activities in the organization.


Specialists, in turn, are engaged in the development and subsequent implementation of new or improved methods and forms of organizing the production process, management and labor, economic and technical standards. In addition, specialists must provide representatives commercial activities an appropriate set of documents and materials.


Performers (employees) can perform a wide variety of work, which is related to the direct support of the activities of management and specialists. Such work may include collection, recording, transmission, duplication work, processing of received information, preparation of documentation, etc.

Efficiency of managerial work

Technological features of managerial work stand next to such a concept as efficiency. But the effectiveness of the activities of management staff is determined not by the number of prepared and executed documents, issued orders and calculations, but directly by progressiveness and effectiveness.

The effectiveness of management activities is divided into such types as economic and social.

Economic efficiency

The basis of evaluation is the ratio of the amount of costs for management activities to the cost of a unit of a certain product or to the entire production volume. In this case, real efficiency should be considered the situation when the amount of costs for management needs has not changed (or has increased slightly), but at the same time the quality of management has improved.

Social efficiency

It is determined and measured during the study of the chain “goal - desired result - expenses”. By comparing the result and costs, a certain task is set, namely: showing the degree of efficiency of management activities. In other words, it is necessary to answer the question of at what cost and with the help of what expenses the approach to the goal is achieved. In this case, efficiency is understood as a certain degree of achievement of a set goal and as a degree of economical expenditure of certain resources.

Principles of rational organization of managerial work

The specifics and content of managerial work should also include a component of rationalization of this type of activity, which should be achieved by minimizing labor costs in the management process.

This rational organization of work for managers is based on several fundamental principles.


Indicates that problems associated with the organization of managerial work must be solved from different angles, taking into account all aspects of personnel management activities.


Considering that the principle of complexity is aimed at fully considering the management problem in accordance with all directions, this principle contains their linkage and mutual coordination, as well as the elimination of contradictions that have arisen. As a result, it should be created large system labor organization, in which all subsystems are coordinated with each other.


Implies the establishment and subsequent strict adherence to any provisions and rules, instructions, guidelines, standards and other documents that are based on objectively existing patterns of development management system. At the same time, a range of certain issues that require strict regulation should be distinguished, and a range of issues for which only some recommendations are required.


The essence of this principle is to assign to each of the divisions of the organization a certain set of works and functions, with the assignment to these divisions of full responsibility for the final result of management activities.


According to this principle, the work collective must interact and work under established conditions of stability of its tasks, functions and composition of this team. Naturally, we cannot exclude the dynamics of the team’s development. The main thing is that changes in the composition and content of tasks are determined by objectively necessary needs and occur primarily on a scientific basis.

1) mental work of management staff consists of three types of activities:

o organizational, administrative and educational (reception and transmission of information, communication of decisions to executors, control of execution);

o analytical and constructive (perception of information and preparation of appropriate decisions);

o information and technical (documentation, educational, computational and formal logical operations);

2) participation in the creation of material wealth not directly, but indirectly (indirectly through the labor of other persons);

3) the subject of work is information;

4) means of labor - organizational and computer technology and human intelligence;

5) the result of labor - management decisions

Managerial labor has emerged as a special category of social labor with subsequent differentiation by types and subtypes of work and is based on the understanding of management as a type professional activity inherent in any social work. If a group of people participates in one common process, then the need to coordinate their labor efforts necessarily arises.

The study of each type of labor involves characterizing such parameters as specifics, subject, tools, product, result, quality and nature of labor

The subject of work in management is people and the information they generate. However, information is only the basis for managerial influence on employees. The product of labor in management is information in the form of documents, decisions, orders, etc., the tool is organizational and computer technology. The result of managerial work is the coordinated activity of production personnel, and indirectly - financial and economic indicators economic activity organization.

There are almost no positions or professions in which activities are composed exclusively of one specific aspect. Most often, this is a set of aspects in a certain ratio, and it is depending on the ratio of functional aspects, as well as on the role in the adoption process management decision A classification of management personnel has been developed (Figure 16.6).

Fig. 16. Classification of management personnel depending on hierarchical levels distinguishes managers of top, middle and lower levels

Managerial work is cumulative work. Management activities can be considered effective, such that they bring a certain part of the profit of the business activity

The final goal of enterprise management is to ensure profitability or profitability through the optimal organization of the production process, including the development of the technical base, efficient use personnel potential, creative activity and personal interest of each employee.

Therefore, management is constituent element management and, in comparison, covers a relatively narrow area, including social systems(people), whose purpose may be the production of goods and their sale or the provision of various services to consumers within a certain organization operating in market conditions.

To achieve this goal, managers use a set of functions, principles, methods, means with the help of which a targeted impact on social systems (people) is carried out.

Based on the nature of participation in the management process, all management workers are divided into three groups:

1) managers;

2) specialists;

3) technical performers (employees)

Figure 17. Classification of management frames

This distribution is due to the fact that management activity consists of directly managing the managed object (enterprise, institution, department, production unit), developing necessary management decisions and preparing information.

The nature of the participation of each group of workers in the management process is determined by the tasks that are solved and the functional responsibilities

. Managers enterprises and structural divisions together with councils (boards), determine the goals of the enterprise and the directions of its activities, carry out the selection and placement of personnel, coordination of the work of performers and subordinate production and management units that ensure effective work relevant teams. By the nature of mental workload, the work of managers belongs to heuristic and administrative work.

. Specialists(engineers, technicians, economists, etc.) are engaged in the development and implementation of new or improved forms and methods of organizing production, labor and management, technical and economic standards, ensuring modern commercial activity necessary documentation, materials, maintenance, etc.. The work of specialists, due to the nature of mental workload, is heuristic work with some operator elements.

. Employees perform a variety of work related to supporting the activities of managers and specialists. This is collecting, fixing, transmitting, primary processing information, copying work, document preparation, etc. Employees are mainly engaged in camera work. In the conditions of computerization, the processes of processing and using information, preparing documents necessary for work require special higher or secondary education. Therefore, there is reason to classify the relevant workers as specialists.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of managerial work should be assessed not by the number of completed and prepared documents, calculations, issued orders, but by effectiveness and progress. The number of technical, organizational, economic decisions taken - according to their impact on the results of the activities of employees directly involved in commercial or production activities.

. Table 11


The share of strategic, tactical and operational tasks in the overall structure

strategic objectives,%

tactical tasks,%

operational tasks,%

Top level managers

Middle level managers

Lower level managers

Figure 18. Main functions of managers

Managers at all levels of the organization perform management actions, but it cannot be said that they are all engaged in the same type of activity. Some have to spend time coordinating the work of other managers, who in turn coordinate the work of lower-level managers, etc. to the level of a manager who coordinates the work of non-managerial personnel.

In this regard, there is a need for vertical distribution of labor of management personnel, and the formation of management levels (Fig. 19-111)

. Higher The level of management of an organization can be represented by the chairman of the board of directors, president, vice president, and board. This group of management employees ensures the interests and needs of shareholders, develops the organization’s policy and promotes its practical implementation, interacts with external environment, represents the interests of the organization and the workforce (Figure 19.9).

Figure 19. Activities of a top-level manager

There are two sublevels in top management: executive management and general management.

Managers mid-level management ensures the implementation of the organization’s operating policy developed by top management and is responsible for communicating more detailed tasks to divisions and departments, as well as for their implementation (Fig. 188).

Specialists included in this group, as a rule, have a wide range of responsibilities and greater freedom in decision-making. These are heads of departments, directors of enterprises that are part of the organization, known to be in charge of functional departments.

Figure 110. Activities of a middle-level manager

. Grassroots level management is represented by junior managers who are directly above the employees (not managers). These may be foremen, supervisors and other administrators responsible for bringing specific tasks to the immediate attention.

The activity diagram of a low-level manager is shown in Fig. 111

Figure 111. Activities of a lower-level manager

It should be noted that at all levels of management, managers perform not only managerial, but also executive functions, on which managers’ time is spent (at the middle level - 50%, at the lowest level - close to 70% of the time). But with an increase in the level of leadership specific gravity executive functions decreases (calculations show that top level their implementation takes about 10% of the total working time budget).

. The model of professionalization of a manager is based on several fundamental positions:

1. The professionalism of a manager is determined by his talents and accumulated experience

2. High professionalism in management is impossible without taking responsibility for one’s development

3. This responsibility involves choosing and periodically reviewing the criteria for your own success, as well as monitoring key career management processes. First of all, such processes are aimed at searching for and comprehending new experiences.

4. It is impossible for a manager to gain experience in isolation from the context of the company in which he works.

5 different companies may differ significantly in the amount of experience they provide to their managers

Modern management- these are thousands possible options and nuances of management decisions, including in the financial sector. As soon as management begins to lag behind the real needs of the market situation, it will no longer meet the requirements. Management decisions developed by one enterprise, which have proven themselves well in it, may turn out to be not only useless, but even dangerous for another. The variety of decisions and moves of management, the flexibility and originality of economic combinations, the unique nature of each management decision in a specific specific situation form the basis of management today. Therefore, in the activities of managers, attention is focused not on standard solutions, but on the ability to quickly and correctly assess the economic situation - to find the only possible approach, which is optimal in specific conditions.

. Management is characterized by:

Wide economic independence, providing freedom of decision-making to those who are responsible for the final results of the enterprise’s functioning on the market;

Constant adjustment of goals and programs depending on market conditions and changes in the external environment;

Focus on achieving the planned final result of the enterprise’s activities;

Assessment of management as a whole only on the basis of actually achieved final results;

Use of a modern information base for multivariate calculations when making management decisions;

Carrying out deep economic analysis every management decision;

Ability to take reasonable risks and manage risk

. Modern management is based on the following postulates:

The external environment of the organization (enterprise, firm) is extremely mobile;

Each employee of the company is, first of all, an individual, and not a “tool” for ensuring profit;

Management is a complex area of ​​human activity that should be learned throughout life; Based on this, there are different kinds management activities that require classification

The concepts can be roughly distinguished:

Personnel Management;

Management of material and technical base of production

. Personnel Management -activities that cover socio-economic issues, economic relations between people, as well as moral, ethical, religious and other issues of mutual understanding between workers

. Management of material and technical base of production - the work of managers in developing technical and technological policies, supply and sales management, finance, as well as the effective use of management information and decision making

The greatest role in the implementation of management activities is played by line managers, who head relatively independent business units - from concerns to teams. They not only coordinate the activities of their direct subordinates. Their responsibilities include resolving the entire range of issues related to the enterprise’s activities.

Functional managers are the heads of specialized functional units: departments, departments. Their responsibilities include preparing recommendations to line managers with appropriate fung fu. The functional manager is also a line manager in relation to the structural unit he heads.

At each next level there are fewer managers than at the previous one

. At foreign enterprises there are: J Top management There is senior management management ( CEO and other board members);

-S Middle management- middle management (heads of departments, departments and independent departments);

-S Lover management- lower levels of management (heads of subdepartments and other similar units

The main tasks of the organization's top managers are to formulate its mission, values, policies, basic performance standards, forming a structure and management system, representation in negotiations with government agencies and main counterparties. Their activities are characterized by scale, complexity, strategic priority, connection with the external environment, diversity, and intense pace.

. Functions of senior managers extremely complex, diverse, requiring deep and varied knowledge, analytical abilities, qualities of a politician, diplomat, publicist, orator. The organization is headed by the first manager, who holds his position on the basis of a contract with the owner (the state and shareholders, shareholders, etc.) and is his authorized representative. Bears full responsibility to the owner for the condition and results of the organization’s work.

From a legal point of view, the responsibilities of the first manager include organizing work within the framework defined by legislation, charter and other documents; disposal within the agreed framework of property and funds without a special power of attorney; concluding and terminating business contracts, opening bank accounts; resolving personnel issues, stimulating subordinate managers, etc.

. Middle level managers(main divisions and enterprises included in the organization) are appointed and dismissed by the first head and bear responsibility to him for the implementation of assigned tasks and the preservation of the property of the divisions entrusted to them. Through subordinate managers, they manage their activities: they set tasks for performers, carry out ongoing monitoring, take measures to improve the organization and technology of production, working conditions, and compliance with discipline. Within the scope of their competence, they are given the right to decide personnel issues(partly independently, partly based on proposals to the management of the organization), encourage and punish their subordinates. The nature of the work of a middle manager is determined by the content of the work of the unit he heads. It is dominated by the solution of tactical problems; significant attention is paid to interaction with senior and senior managers. lower level vniv.

. Lower level managers- leaders of teams, sections, groups, etc. - work directly with performers and bear full responsibility for their actions

It is they who bear the entire burden of daily work with personnel. Their responsibilities include organizing and coordinating the work of subordinates, providing conditions for them to perform efficiently and in a timely manner. production tasks, monitoring compliance with the work schedule, rational use equipment, material and other resources, compliance with discipline and safety regulations. Their work is characterized by a variety of actions, frequent switching from one task to another, and constant communication with those directly involved.

The names of the positions of managers depend on the object of management, specialists - on the nature of the functions or scope of activity, and technical performers - on the types of work

It should be kept in mind that a manager is not necessarily a boss. He is a manager not because of his power, but because of his contribution to the activities of the entire organization and responsibility for the results of these activities. In most modern private organizations, the group of people who belong to management, but do not have direct subordinates, is growing faster than others.

Being a manager means sharing responsibility for the organization's activities.