Exquisite dry stream with your own hands: instructions and photos of the best ideas. Do-it-yourself dry stream in landscape design at the dacha How to make a dry stream with your own hands

Having decided on the landscape design of the future dry stream, it is necessary to mark the channel on the site. You can do this with sand, or stretch a rope along the intended stream. It is more convenient to work with sand, the composition looks natural, it is easy to make corrections by outlining a different contour. The next step is construction.

You need to dig a small pit along the bed of the future stream; the ratio of the width and depth of the bed should be approximately 2:1. If your stream width in some place is 1 m, then the depth of the pit in this place should be 0.5 m. Level the surface of the pit with a rake.

It is necessary to put some kind of covering on the bottom, for example, geotextiles, which allows water and air to pass through, so that weeds do not grow in the future stream. You can also concrete the bottom, use a polymer film or roofing felt. If you are afraid that water will erode your stone bed over time, you can concrete the bottom layer of pebbles into the bed, and add more stones on top so that the bottom is not visible.

Then you can lay stones on the surface, starting from the banks. Large cobblestones are placed along the edges, interspersed with small pebbles. To imitate waterfalls and rapids, the brightest and lightest stones are used. You can also place glass pebbles at the bottom of the riverbed to imitate water.

Flat stones - plasters, placed on their edges, create an imitation of the movement of water. The same effect can be achieved using stones of blue shades. If you place a boulder in the middle of a “water” channel, you can use pebbles to create the illusion of a “whirlpool” around it. The main thing is that the composition of stones looks natural.

A good addition to a dry stream would be a bridge. If you have a large solid stone on your site, you can lay it across the stream so that the “water” seems to run under it. If you have the desire and the materials, you can make an imitation of a bridge from wood, and do it yourself. Wooden bridge and dry stream in landscape design will go together wonderfully.

The next step in creating a dry stream is decorating the banks with plants. When selecting them, it is necessary to take into account the climate of your region, as well as the composition of the soil on the site, the presence of sunlight, humidity and temperature.

From flowering plants preference should be given to species with blue, blue, purple flowers. You can also plant perennials such as loberia, primrose, periwinkle, silver lily of the valley, etc. Plants that naturally grow along the banks of reservoirs look good: sedge, calamus, blue oatmeal, lilies, and cereal grasses. The streams will be decorated with tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and lilies.

You can add individuality to your landscape design by planting along the rocky banks of a dry stream. conifersdwarf species junipers, fir, mountain pines. Light sandy or loamy soils are well suited for them.

Planting shrubs with small leaves must be approached with caution, since during autumn leaf fall you will have to pick out fallen leaves from your stream that get stuck among the stones. If you purchased a garden vacuum cleaner to remove leaves, you can safely plant dogwood and barberry bushes near your dry stream, beautiful landscape Due to the changing color of the leaves, these wonderful shrubs will provide you with year-round enjoyment.

Dry stream care

Caring for a dry stream usually does not present any particular difficulties. It will be necessary to periodically weed, remove weeds, and water the planted plants. It should be remembered that ants like to live under stones; you will also have to get rid of them regularly so that your dry stream does not turn into an anthill over time.

But, in addition to its decorative functions, a dry stream also performs important tasks of landscape design:

  • Serves as a unique drainage system which ensures the outflow of rain and flood water from your site;
  • Helps retain moisture under stones, saving you time and reducing the frequency of watering planted plants;
  • Visually divides the site, allowing you to emphasize individual areas of landscape design;
  • Helps reduce soil erosion;
  • Visually expands the territory of your garden plot.

Calculation of pebbles to create a dry stream in landscape design

To calculate the approximate volume of pebbles needed to create a dry stream, you need to take several measurements. After you have decided on the path of the future stream bed and marked it on the site using sand, use a tape measure, measuring tape or rope to measure the length of the stream in meters. Then indicate the average width of the channel (approximately 50-80 cm), convert to meters (0.5-0.8 m). The thickness of the pebble layer of your future riverbed will be approximately 5 to 8 cm, that is, 0.05-0.08 m. Now you need to multiply the resulting values.

Let's say the length of the stream is assumed to be 25m, then the volume required quantity pebbles will be equal to:

Pebble volume = length * thickness * average channel width;

25m * 0.08m * 0.8m = 1.6m cubic.

If you plan to make additional branches, highlight the source or mouth, you need to take this into account when purchasing materials to create a dry stream.

Not so long ago, in the twentieth century, a new concept arose, the popularity of which is rapidly growing in many countries around the world. It's about O . If we talk in simple words, then this is landscaping and landscaping. In a broader sense, it is an art form that combines architecture, design and construction. During its existence, landscape design specialists have developed many project schemes that allow not only to decorate the territory, but also to give it a natural look, the effect of harmony with nature. Today, to improve any area, you can use ready-made manuals to create a green architectural ensemble. We will introduce you to one of these projects in our article. We will talk about a dry stream in the country with your own hands with photos and step by step instructions. It is simple to perform, beautiful to look at, allows you to hide imperfections in the relief, and is easy to maintain.

Dry stream

Artificial ponds are especially popular in landscape design. However, not all areas can be equipped with them. Besides water bodies always involve additional procedures such as cleaning, purchasing cleaning systems, construction of a water supply system. For those who want to avoid additional hassle, but at the same time have a beautiful natural corner, a stream without water was invented.

A dry stream is one of the main elements in landscape design, namely in a rocky garden, which has spread throughout the world from the Land of the Rising Sun. The Japanese decorated various territories with dry streams 700 years ago.

It was believed that the stream, which starts from a small, beautifully designed source, runs throughout the entire site and ends in the form of a funnel, attracts positive energy to the owner of the home, helping him achieve well-being and harmony.

Did you know? The most famous Japanese rock garden is Kyoto. It is located at the Reanji Monastery. Founded in the 15th century. It consists of 15 stones placed on a rectangular platform, which are placed in such a way that no matter from which side a person looks at them, they will see only 14 of them.

A dry stream is an imitation of a dried-up water stream, the bottom of which is covered with stones, pebbles, gravel, sand, and planted along the banks.

The advantages of this element over a real reservoir are that it:

  • requires virtually no maintenance;
  • will require minimal capital investment;
  • done in just two to three days;
  • looks beautiful at any time of the year;
  • does not attract harmful ones;
  • allows you to hide landscape defects;
  • looks good and fits into any area;
  • can serve as a drainage ditch;
  • can mask communications ( sewer hatches, cables, pipes, etc.);
  • does not limit the choice of plants that can be planted along its banks;
  • is safe for small children.
A dry stream visually increases the area of ​​the site, separates various landscape zones, and enhances the impression made by other objects.

Did you know? The term “landscape design” arose in the twentieth century, but the roots of the art itself go back to ancient times and lead to Mesopotamia-it was there that the first attempts at cultivation were made garden plots. IN Ancient Greece parks and gardens were created by human hands, and the earliest mentions of ancient Roman landscape design date back to 65-68 BC.

Popular types

Conventionally, the “dry stream” element is divided into three types:

There are many types of dry flow. We will tell you about the most popular:

Source of the stream

A popular solution for creating a dry stream is equipment, for example, a stone well, a jug, or a rock. In this case, you can simulate that the water flow flows from this particular object and that this is where its source is located.

Sand jets

Creating sand jets will require some effort. This composition includes several narrow streams. Throughout the entire length, the effect is created as if they are either connecting into one channel, then crossing, then diverging again.

The waves on such streams look very beautiful and original - they are made using a rake, which marks out individual grooves.

Sleeve Merging

The merging of the sleeves is also not an easy composition to execute. It needs to be well planned so that it looks believable and beautiful. So, you can pretend that one stream flows into another.

You can also design several sleeves of different widths, which in some place merge into one channel.

To create a beautiful and original object that resembles a dried-up pond, we suggest you use the following tips:

Important! In the event that the stream is made as a drainage ditch, the stones will need to be strengthened in concrete mortar. Because the current can wash them away.

DIY dry stream

Here are instructions on how to make a dry stream with your own hands step by step.

Where to begin?

Before proceeding directly to registration landscape composition, you need to define its following parameters:

  • size;
  • shape;
  • place;
  • materials used.
When choosing the shape and size of a dry stream, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the site. So, for example, if the territory in which you plan to equip this landscape object is narrow and long, then it is better to give preference to a dry lake. In a short and wide place it is good to break a winding stream. It will visually lengthen the area. The width of the stream itself can vary from 30 cm to 1 m.

Before making a dry stream in the country, it is important to correctly determine the location for its placement. In principle, this object can be located in any corner, both in the distant and in the most visible: in the backyard or right at the entrance to the house. The source can be either on a hill or on a plain. You can think over the flow of the stream so that it will separate all zones of the summer cottage: vegetable garden, garden, place to relax. The object will look good along the path.

The most common materials for creating a dried pond are:

  • pebbles;
  • gravel.
You can buy them in construction supermarkets. If you wish, you can paint the stones water-repellent paint in any color. Small blue pebbles from afar will create the impression of natural water.

Also, when decorating a composition in gray-blue tones, more expensive basalt and slate are used. Particularly beautiful are the inclusions of glass balls, which create glare in sunlight.

To create red-brown streams take:

  • granite;
  • limestone;
  • marble.

Accents in the object are made with the help of large stones and granite of various colors. Pebble stones are placed in the cracks between large stones framing the banks.

After determining the location, shape and materials, it is advisable to draw the appearance of the stream on paper. It is also important to think about what the beginning and end of the stream will look like. The source is decorated in several ways: with the help of bushes, mountains of stones, decorative fountain, pot, amphorae, vases.

Below we will give you several examples of the design of dry streams, which can be exactly transferred to your country cottage area or take some elements, use your own imagination and design a unique stream.

Laying process

The installation process must begin with surface preparation. First, the boundaries of the water flow are drawn using sand. They can be easily adjusted at any time. Instead of sand, a stretched rope will also work.

The bottom of the trench is well compacted and leveled. The bottom is covered with geotextiles or lutrasil - materials that are designed to stop the growth of grass, erosion of the riverbed and the deepening of pebbles into the soil.

After preparing the trench, you should proceed to the next stage - laying stones. They start with the design coastline, which is laid out with large cobblestones. Between them, in the crevices, smaller pebbles and pebbles can be scattered chaotically.

Dry streams are made not only from stone, but also from flowers. A DIY flower stream looks very luxurious. During its construction, ground cover plants and ampelous flowers of blue and purple shades are used. Pansies, petunias, lobelias, and phlox work well. However, it is important to remember that such a stream will only be decorative during certain periods and seasons.

Plant selection

In principle, any plants are suitable for this object.

However, those planted along the edges of the coastline will look especially impressive:

  • spiraea,
The bends should be decorated with paradiseas, decorative onions, as well as large, single planted bushy plants.

In areas where shade often falls, you can plant shade-tolerant perennials; in particular, hostas and ferns look good.

You can consider decorating with plants that are usually used in alpine slides.

Flowers and herbs should be planted in groups and as tapeworms. Dense plantings should be avoided. This will create an unkempt effect. Large spreading flowers should be alternated with low ones.

Important! When choosing plants to decorate the banks of a dry stream, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the composition of the soil, the degree of illumination of the area, the presence of drafts.

Examples with photos

In our selection of options for a dry stream at the dacha with your own hands with photos you can see different variants design of a dry stream.

A dry stream in landscape design is used as the main accent. It allows you to visually delimit the space of the garden plot into several zones. This technique is considered quite beautiful and practical solution for the garden area.

Diversity building material allows you to choose the most suitable option to decorate a dry stream design. For finishing, use fine gravel, wood chips or colored pebbles.

What criteria must be taken into account when constructing such a structure? How to choose the right material for beautiful finishes? The answers to these questions are presented in our detailed guide.

Benefits of a dry stream in your backyard

Select a row positive qualities similar decoration for the garden plot. These include:

  • easy installation. There is no need for expensive equipment and special tools to create a dry stream with your own hands;
  • minimal care. After erecting the structure, it is recommended to remove weeds and small grass between the small pebbles. To prevent this phenomenon, a layer of geotextile is laid at the bottom of a dry stream. It allows water to pass through perfectly and blocks the growth of unwanted vegetation;
  • Beautiful appearance regardless of the season;
  • corrects minor defects and imperfections on the surface of the landscape;
  • fits perfectly into the landscape space of a personal plot;
  • goes well with any type of ornamental plants;
  • allows you to create a balance between plants and architectural structures;
  • environmental friendliness. This structure uses only natural natural materials. These are mainly: stone, pebbles, decorative chips;
  • visually increases the area several times.

Types of dry stream for a summer cottage

There are several varieties of this design. Each model has its own characteristics and differs in installation work.

These include:

  • winding stream for landscape design. This type is considered the simplest and easiest for beginner gardeners. It is a structure that connects and tapers in several places;
  • branched channel. This type landscape solution differs in its complexity. It consists of several ducts that can connect at one point;
  • cascade. It is erected on some hill. The stones are stacked according to size.

In addition to the varieties of dry stream, there are several subtypes that differ in size and location on the personal territory. These include:

  • sand jets;
  • source of the stream;
  • merging of stone points.

The source of the stream is the starting point of the movement of the stone stream. To do this, use a large jug or decorative bowl. As a rule, it is installed on elevated areas to give a certain slope.

Sand jets

To create such a decoration for the garden you need to work a little and show your imagination. This composition consists of several points that connect into one stream bed. Textured lines are made on the surface of a sandy river using a compact rake. They allow you to create a wave effect.

To create such equipment you need to have a spacious area. On large plot manages to capture all the beauty and sophistication of a dry stream.

The technique of merging sleeves is distinguished by its complexity. Here it is important to think through every little detail so that the landscape will seem as realistic as possible. In the process of creating such a stream, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention materials that will be used to lay the bottom of the riverbed.

Modern landscape design combines great amount details that are in perfect harmony with each other. Before making a dry stream, it is recommended that you read the tips experienced designers. These include:

  • large compositions require spacious areas;
  • You should not make straight embankments of sand and pebbles. A careless channel always looks much more natural;
  • the edges of the stream need to be decorated ornamental shrubs and bright annuals;
  • the material should be in a monochromatic palette. To add accents, you can use large stones. The photo of a dry stream shows best options design solution.

DIY photo of a dry stream

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Very beautiful decorative element there may be a dry stream in the garden plot. You can make such a composition in the garden with your own hands, without resorting to help. landscape designers. It will be inexpensive and won't take much time.

If we talk not only about the beauty of such a landscape design, it is also worth noting that such a decorative element is very useful. By making a dry stream on your property, you can be sure that children will be safe from mosquitoes, which are not attracted to such dry bodies of water. The perimeter of such a structure in the garden can be decorated with a variety of lanterns and bridges, and plants can be planted nearby on the sides of the stones.

Selecting a form for a dry stream

In order to choose the ideal shape for creating a dry stream in the country with your own hands, you need study the surface layer of the earth. It is best to make the highest point an elevated place, it will look much more attractive. It will become like the bed of a mountain river, which will begin to descend the slope, twisting in places on its way and changing direction.

The design of the stream will visually increase the boundaries of the dacha site. The beginning of the stream bed is worth highlighting in a special way. You can put a tall boulder or make a kind of well, from which a stone river will flow, as it were. Chic design move it could be some kind of vessel buried half in the ground. Stone water will flow out of the neck of such a vessel, and this will be a wonderful start to a dry stream in landscape design.

You can make a stream in a plot of stones going beyond the boundaries of the site, for example, towards fruit bushes or will go through the fence. This will intrigue and excite the imagination of your visitors. Most often, such a stream consists of one branch of the river; designers prefer not to branch such decorative elements. Moreover, as a rule, in the area near the dacha there is not much free space for an extensive branching of the stream.

Materials for creating a dry stream and preparing the area

Like any other decorative element in a dacha, a landscape dry stream requires careful preparation of the area. It is recommended to mark the territorial boundaries of the stream in advance, for this you can use such materials, How:

  • River sand.
  • Rope with stakes.
  • Twine.

Do not forget that the stream should bend and spill in different directions naturally. We must remember that nature is always multifaceted and magnificent. The more bends there are, the more beautiful the design of the structure will be.

Having chosen a low plot of land that has a slope, we begin preparatory work to creating a dry stream with your own hands step by step. It is also important to calculate the deepening of a dry stream. It shouldn't look like a ditch. But it must be quite deep to cover all the required materials to create such a landscape object on the site.

Gallery: dry stream (25 photos)

Preparing a place for a stream should begin with the following actions:

Designers advise laying drainage layer to the bottom of the stream, and fill it with cement mortar or concrete, so that weeds and plants do not violate its integrity and you do not have to constantly weed the stream. If it is not possible to fill it with concrete, then you can line it with a dense material, for example, linoleum or film. For structural integrity and beautiful appearance, the soil covering material is masked with sand and expanded clay.

Materials needed to lay out the stream:

  • Gravel.
  • Crushed stone.
  • Sinks.
  • Cobblestones.
  • Boulders.
  • Limestones.

All possible stones that exist in nature will look great in the composition on the site. The color range can also be varied, but designers give preference to stones in the gray-blue color range. The sizes should also be different. You can accentuate the stream with elements such as thick glass balls added to the stones. They will shine beautifully, giving the effect of water. The materials for creating a pond in the garden can be varied according to your choice, the main thing is that everything looks like a single composition.

Creating a stream

Option for gradually creating a stream on the site:

Decorating a stream with flowers

Very important choose the right plants for a dry stream. After all, you must admit that there is no river in nature without being surrounded by greenery and flowers of all kinds and colors. It is flower arrangements that will allow such a landscape object as a dry stream to look as natural as possible.

The near-riparian part of the stream should be decorated with any plants of your choice. But do not forget that they should be combined with each other as much as possible. You should also not forget about what kind of soil is located on the territory of the composition and its illumination.

Designers place plants that grow in nature near bodies of water. And by creating a dry stream in the garden with our own hands, we can plant any flower crops and plants that we like.

Here a number of plants that are usually planted:

  • Chinese reed. This type of reed is considered a cereal. It is afraid of cold and wind, so planting such reeds should be done between high boulders. They will perfectly protect them from bad weather conditions and windy weather.
  • A plant like sunflower looks great in any composition with flower crops. Tolerates bad weather conditions well.
  • Day-lily. It can grow both in partial shade and in sunny side. But it is only worth noting that such a plant begins to bloom when it receives sufficient sunlight.
  • Any type of decorative bamboo.
  • Decorative grass. Great option to highlight the outlines of the banks. Tolerates dry days and dry soil very well. It blooms beautifully with inflorescences resembling panicles.

All types of such grass are planted mixed together so as not to differ from a real body of water. And also, there is no need to plant the entire coastline with tall grass, leave room for flower arrangements. Otherwise, the structure will simply be hidden from view of others behind the grass.

Here's a range of colors, which can be planted deep in flowerpots or bowls buried in the ground. They are needed to indicate the direction of flow and add color range into the composition.

Regardless of what is planted near the composition or on its territory, you need to remember that caring for flowers and plants must be constant, and root system did not grow and did not spoil the design.

Decorative elements for decorating a dry stream in the garden

How to make a dry stream and what to plant near it has already been discussed above, now you need to figure out the decorations decorative composition. You can make a stream beautiful and different from other streams in the entire area by decorating it decorative elements and bridges.

The construction of the bridge must also be carefully thought out so that it, like the stream, can withstand all adverse weather conditions. A bridge made with your own hands will delight you and inspire you to create new masterpieces decorative ornaments for garden. Materials that are suitable for making a bridge:

  • Stone.
  • Metal.
  • Tree.
  • Plastic.
  • Mixed composition from different materials.

Once the completed bridge is ready for installation, it is worth taking measures to protect it from weather conditions. Both wood and plastic with iron need to be coated with a protective layer, according to the instructions on the varnish or protective liquid. The stone bridge does not require additional processing.

Another well-known decorative element is jug placement. Having made such a decorative move, you can plant flower crops in the neck of the jug, or make an imitation of a stone stream of water. Don’t be shy to improvise, and your DIY pond will not go unnoticed.

Add sculptures to the stone composition, this will decorate the garden even more. Make a windmill near the shore with your own hands or place a cart near the shore. This will bring country style in garden design. Another wonderful element that will complement the composition is a self-made extension of it into a real body of water. Making a small hole for a pond is not difficult.

Brook care

Any composition with the addition of plants or flowers requires due attention and care. Such care will consist of weeding. You need to pull out weeds and grass approximately every two weeks. Growing grass will disrupt the integrity of the composition.

The stream needs to be sprayed against insects and uninvited guests. It is very easy to build an anthill in a structure. It's more difficult to get him out of there. The grass in the vicinity of the composition must be mowed as it grows. Flower crops and the plants participating in the composition require additional nutrition. In the fall, it is best to cover the stream with film so that falling leaves over the winter do not spoil the appearance of the dry spring stream. Planting shrubs and trees along the banks is not recommended, because in the fall they will shed a lot of leaves, which will significantly complicate cleaning and preparation for winter.

What kind of decoration techniques do designers not use to transform ordinary personal plots to fabulous corners for complete relaxation. Dry stream is one of the popular modern instruments landscape design in which there is not a single drop of water, but only stones imitating the bed of a dry stream. The main advantage of this “spicy” design element is that when deciding to create a dry stream with your own hands in a garden plot, the implementation of the idea does not require significant material costs.

The ubiquitous decoration element originates from sunny Japan. In the land of the rising sun, the element of water is associated with purity and thirst for life, and the murmur is a symbol of the transience of time. Dry streams, very popular in Japanese gardens, are necessarily present in areas where water for some reason cannot be used as an element of landscape design. A dry stream in the garden, as an imitation of this element, allows you to create the impression that the water in the bed of the source has just dried up, and the first drops of rain will fill it again with life-giving moisture.

  • The ability to create a dry stream with your own hands, without any effort special effort and significant financial expenses.
  • Speed ​​of construction: selecting a location, marking the stream bed and filling it with stones takes only two to three days.
  • Easy to maintain, which is limited only to maintaining the shape of the riverbed and removing weeds. While caring for a water stream involves timely cleaning of lime deposits and algae.
  • The decoration of a dry stream with plants is not limited to anything. While for planting near a natural reservoir, the choice is limited only to moisture-loving flowers and plants.
  • Safe for small children. In addition, in dry streams, unlike natural reservoirs, mosquitoes are not found, causing so much inconvenience for a good rest.

The bed of a dry stream does not require the purchase of expensive compressors, water supply and purification systems, which are a necessary attribute for the development of natural reservoirs.

The dry stream will become optimal solution for areas of any garden style

We choose the shape of the structure and prepare the stones

Proper planning of the placement of a dry stream bed in a dacha will help disguise the imperfections of the terrain. A narrow meandering stream visually deepens the space, making it visually small garden somewhat large.

Setting up a dry stream is a fun and easy-to-follow activity that allows you to realize your ideas for creating a original decoration, which will emphasize the sophistication of landscape design.

The contours of the stone stream are “drawn” based on the characteristics of the shapes and landscape of the garden area. A contour drawn with sand will allow you to preliminarily determine the shape of the future structure and its harmonious combination with existing decorative elements. The shape can be easily corrected by “writing out” new contours with a thin line of sand, selecting best option, which fits perfectly into the landscape of the area. Having decided on the shape and size of the stone structure, you can move on to choosing the nature of the material and its quantity.

One of the secrets that reveals how to make a dry stream that imitates the flow of water is the exclusion of clear boundaries and heterogeneity of the structure

A dry stream on the site that does not have the same width along the flow simulation looks more beautiful and natural.

Both large cobblestones and small pebbles are suitable for decorating a stream. The combination of stones of various sizes, colors and textures allows you to create spectacular compositions that will become a striking addition to any area of ​​landscape design. You can get a stream of a gray-bluish tint by using slate, basalt and gneiss.

Ponds made of granite, marble and limestone acquire red-brown shades. Pebbles painted with waterproof paint, which gives light in the dark, can be an effective decoration for a stream. Stones exposed with a layer of varnish look no less original. Playing with iridescence in sun rays stones give the compositions a “wet” effect.

The illusion of water flow can be easily achieved by adding a scattering of glass granules or balls to the composition of stones

In order for the stone stream to blend harmoniously with the natural landscape of the area, it is advisable to use local types of stones in the design of the structure. To create a flow effect, flat pebble stones are suitable, and larger stone blocks are suitable for the coastline. Uneven terrain is successfully decorated with waterfalls made of stones of lighter shades.

Laying stones along the prepared contour

Having chosen a place and decided on the contours of the structure and the materials of the composition, you can begin construction. A “trough” is dug along the contour marked with sand: a layer of earth 15-30 cm deep is removed. The surface of the “pit” is leveled with a rake. In order to avoid the growth of weeds, which can spoil all the beauty of a dry stream, the bottom should be covered with a dark non-woven covering material that allows moisture and air to pass through, for example: geotextile or lutrasil. Alternative option A thin layer of concrete or polymer film may also appear. The leveled and covered surface can now be decorated with stones.

The main requirement for the design of a stone composition is laconicism and moderation.

Laying a stone pond begins with the “banks”. Rubble and cobblestones are used to support the inner edges, pebbles are used to fill crevices, and the bed of the stone reservoir itself is filled with small pebbles.

Decorating a rock pond with plants

Plants are an obligatory element in the design of a stone stream. A dry stream of flowers allows you to get the maximum effect of the similarity of a stone structure with a real body of water.

When choosing plants to decorate the “banks” of a stone stream, you can use any shrubs, decorative foliage and beautiful flowering plants. The main requirement is flower composition should be harmoniously combined. When selecting plants, the illumination of the site, soil composition, moisture and temperature conditions. When designing the bed of a stone stream, it is advisable to use plants that actually grow in water.

Against the background of small pebbles, plants whose color is associated with the water element look impressive, for example: large-leaved forget-me-not or creeping tenacious

Plants of blue-green shades with long leaves are also associated with water spaces. Plants whose flowers are painted in rich shades will become a spectacular decoration of a stone stream. of blue color. Among the beauties that bloom in all possible shades of blue, the following are suitable for decorating a pond: lobelia, aubrietta, blue fescue, creeping tenacious, bearded iris, large-leaved brunera.

Chinese reed, pampas grass, willow sunflower, hosta, daylily, and plantain sedge can be successful additions to the composition.

When planning a stone pond on your site, you can use the following design option with plants: 1 – leafy bamboo, 2 – varieties of bearded iris, 3 – lobelia, 4 – creeping tenacious, 5 – Poskharsky’s bellflower, 6 – hybrid forms of aubrieta, 7 – large-leaved brunera , 8 – stylifolia bryozoan, 9 – red-leaved creeping tenacious, 10 – reed arundo

When creating a dry stream in a country house, it is advisable to use more natural elements to create a harmonious composition. A decorative wooden bridge looks very impressive against the background of a stream.