Learn English in 2 weeks. English in two weeks... Pre-travel training

Recently in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, people began to receive dubious messages on their phones. The whole phone is already full of these offers, they clog up the memory, but in fact, they are all trying to deceive people. Now I can’t remember exactly which site, I still need to look.

But people are promised to improve their skills very quickly, for example, to learn English in two weeks; it certainly cannot be learned in such a short period of time, but they offer it for money. In fact, a person can accept this offer and pay the money. But in the end, a person receives neither knowledge nor money. All his money goes into the hands of scammers who are trying to profit from gullible people, and have launched sending such messages throughout the country. They have been on the phone of my mother and friends for a long time, they from time to time, but often talk about the offers that they receive. The most popular is to learn English in two weeks, in second place, I’m sixty years old and I mastered the computer in two days, and the third is a secret miracle technique for SMS. Just imagine what kind of secret methods we can talk about: a person receives an SMS, he reads it and is intrigued, and pays money to the scammer’s wallet, but in the end he receives nothing valuable. And many people who need to be told about it can fall for such a scam. So that they know in advance what they can and cannot get involved with, and they will not gain any skills from the money spent. And if people want to master a computer in two days, then such messages come to older people who do not understand computers at all. Then imagine an old man was offered to master a computer in a couple of days, but he didn’t understand it at all, he decided to pay and get this course. But in fact, he didn’t learn anything; the old man was handed a note from which not only can one learn a computer, but nothing is clear at all. He can sit down and figure it out on his own and learn what he needs. And you don't need to pay for it at all. Under no circumstances should you accept such offers. It’s not clear why people send SMS, I can’t even call them people. They think that there are people so naive who will believe, and there are even such people. When the phone is already full of these offers, and you can’t indicate the website, the scammers constantly change it, just to extract money. If such offers are received, then under no circumstances should you pay; it is better to contact a trusted company.

When a dubious SMS arrives, it is better to delete it immediately, or at the end of cleaning in a week, deleting all SMS together is also a good idea. The main thing is not to click on the links, do not call the scammers’ numbers indicated in the SMS, and the owner of the message also does not need to write or call anything. The most important thing is not to mess with them. You come across messages with sweet offers that can be mistaken for... real offers, very profitable deals are a scam. There may be many more offers that came out of the blue, when you haven’t even met the person and don’t know where it comes from, this is also a scam. Contact people only in real life, and then only with those you know well. And if you don’t know how to take action, read what they write, or contact the police to detect the number from which the offers were received. And whoever has a blocker on their phone, then immediately block the owners of the number from which the SMS was received, so that you are not disturbed and you live in peace. Know everything is in your hands, and you can learn the same English through your own efforts, or go to a training school. The computer is the same, you can learn it yourself, or take courses only in real life.

Hello, friends!

Do you have any plans for the next 11 days? Of course there is, you say.
Is there only half an hour a day in your schedule to take a significant step towards your big dream? I think you will answer this question in the affirmative too.
Everyone will have their own. But I won’t be mistaken if I say that more and more people have the desire and opportunity to see the world.
Therefore, one of the components of the “big dream” will be knowledge of a foreign language and the ability to communicate with people who speak another language.
And what does almost everyone who wants to learn a foreign language have under their belt? Years of studying the language at school and university, several attempts on my own or in courses to understand the essence.

What's the matter?

We are all unique, each with our own approach to the learning process, which is why we learn a foreign language in different ways.

If you want language learning to be an interesting and exciting process and are looking for “that very formula” for learning spoken English, then our

You will learn, How

  • make sentences in English:
  • simple
  • interrogative
  • negative
  • interesting to tell about yourself
  • ask the right questions

You will understand, What

  • start speaking English easily
  • the main thing is to believe in yourself
  • It’s better to speak with a slight error than not to speak at all

You'll get

  • sentence construction skills
  • initial lexicon
  • motivation for further learning

Course leader: Daria Slesareva

P Having given birth for almost 30 years, I did not know a single foreign language...

“My name is Alexander Mikhailov, I am an entrepreneur and I have a wide circle of friends, including foreigners.
My life developed in such a way that, having lived for almost 30 years, I did not know a single foreign language, I almost never studied them.
But now is a time that simply requires knowledge of at least English. And I was faced with a choice: either learn conversational English in order to be able to communicate with foreigners and talk about my business, or take a translator with me, or one of my English-speaking friends. Believe me, this is not the best convenient option, especially when the meeting takes place in the evening or at night.
The time has come to choose how to learn a language so that it is both simple and effective.
At that time there were a lot of stereotypes in my head. For example, this: if I haven’t spoken in almost 30 years, then I won’t be able to speak anymore.
Daria offered to learn using her method. Naturally, there were doubts, but she convinced me to try.
As a result, after a month I, at a minimum, understood what was said to me at the meetings, and, at a maximum, I myself could formulate clarifying questions. I was able to make my own mini-presentation: who I am, where I’m from, what I do, what I want to offer, etc.
The gratitude that I now feel for Daria is very, very great. It is also expressed in the fact that I became regular customer its programs and courses.
Now, better and better, I can understand and speak English!”

Our course

consists of 11 video lessons
1 lesson. Sentence structure.
Lesson 2. Pronouns and auxiliary verb.
Lesson 3 Nouns and adjectives.
Lesson 4 Verbs and endings.
Lesson 5 Learning to talk about ourselves.
Lesson 6 Numbers from 1 to 10.
Lesson 7 Numbers from 11 to 100.
Lesson 8 Negative sentences.
9 - 10 lesson. Interrogative sentences.
Lesson 11 Question words.

The cost of the course is 1500 rubles.

But... right now there is a 70% discount on the course. Every 10 days the discount will decrease by 10%, that is, 1% per day. You yourself can easily calculate how much money you will lose if you postpone the purchase.

You need this course if you...

  • We once studied English, but completely forgot everything
  • “you seem to” know the language, but you just can’t speak
  • never studied English

This course is definitely not needed for those who...

  • I'm sure he knows English
  • really knows him
  • doesn't want to know him

Each of us wants to be successful in life. How is this determined?
Success is the path to the goal. Therefore, success on the path to learning English is determined not by what you do with the language, but by who you become along this path, what qualities you acquire in the learning process.
The basis of any business and success is skill. And if you develop it correctly, then in the future it will always work for you.
How your communication with the English language will develop, and what skills you will develop, you will only find out for yourself and only after you start studying.
We are all unique. Everyone has their own path in life and in a foreign language.

Maybe this is exactly your path?

After payment

  • check yours email and find our letter
  • follow the link and download the entire archive to your computer
  • unpack, make sure you have all 11 video lessons
  • feel free to start studying

See if the questions you have are answered here...

discount doesn't last forever

2. I don’t have time...

easy presentation of material, minimum tasks

How quickly can you learn a foreign language and is it possible to learn English in 2 weeks?

Let's first figure out how the process of learning a language goes in classic look. The classical method of studying foreign languages ​​is used in institutes and universities. In the process of studying languages ​​in universities, they study words, master grammar, train phonetics (correct pronunciation), and practice oral and written speech. Students typically attend about 5-8 classes per week and classes last about 80 minutes. In addition, students are given homework, which takes from 1.5 hours to 3-4 hours to complete. Duration of preparation homework depends not only on its complexity, since the complexity is selected depending on the level of the students. And the more the student knows, accordingly, more material is given, since the student is already ready for a more complex task and has necessary knowledge for this. And if it turns out that the student cannot complete the task, then he is left in the same course for another year and is not transferred further. Is not it? I think everyone who studied knows what we are talking about.

And if in the first year a student can learn, for example, 50-60 words in 3-4 hours, then already in the 3rd-4th year he needs about 30-40 minutes for the same 50-60 words. Over many months of study, the student’s brain is trained so much that the brain becomes capable of remembering huge amounts of information. But after graduation, after 5-10 years, we are surprised - Why can't we remember as easily? a large number of information like when we were students? It's simple - the brain is no longer so trained and is no longer able to do this. Here if we train our brain daily with arithmetic exercises, reading ALOUD!!!, and memorizing words/poems/prose etc. (as psychologists recommend), then the brain will always be active and will literally be ready for daily “exploits” of mastering information.

Why was all of the above said? We are trying to figure out how to learn a foreign language in 2 weeks? But no way. If anyone is capable of this, then these people can be counted on the fingers of one hand. They are usually called geniuses. And let's not forget that even geniuses are not experts in all areas. Moreover, they did not become geniuses overnight, this process lasted for years and began in infancy.

Let's figure it out anyway How long is it possible to learn a foreign language? You yourself will be able to understand this and calculate the number of weeks, or rather months, required to master a language unknown to you. If, in order to achieve the 2nd (elementary - A2) level, it is necessary not only to learn to read, write, learn the basics of grammar and also learn about 700-1000 words. How long will it take you to learn 1000 words? If you can do this in 2 weeks (14 days, 70 words daily), then you can reach the level where they can already say something, but in a very limited way and on a very limited set of topics. So that you understand what is 1000 words, here's an example: A 3-4 year old child has a vocabulary of about 3000 words and at this age the child can more or less easily express his thoughts, but only on topics familiar to the child. As you can see 1000 words is only the minimum when you can say: I did the first serious step in learning the language!!! And you can be proud of it. This is truly a serious step and it determines how quickly and easily it will be for you to learn further.

If you have learned the necessary words, on the basis of which it will be easy for you to learn new ones, if you have mastered pronunciation, reading, writing and the basics of grammar, then from now on it will be EASIER for you!!! But it's not easy yet. If the process of your further learning is organized correctly, then you will master the next 2 levels in approximately the same period of time as it took you to master the first. And then progressively, the more and more diligently you learn, the faster and easier everything comes to you. And to calculate How long will it take you to learn a foreign language?, use a rough formula: 20-50 new words per day, 1 hour of reading aloud (copying new words into your dictionary), 1-2 hours of listening to texts at your level, and 30-50 minutes of speaking (oral practice).

So can you or anyone else learn English in 2 weeks?

Renat – methodologist at the River Foreign Language Center

Read also others on learning foreign languages ​​and learn from section, train pronunciation, repeating our words from YouTube channel , also follow our publications on social networks (

+7(919) 784-86-56 oliva-morales

English language For two weeks…

- Is it possible?

- I'll explain now:

On the Internet you can often see such advertisements from teachers: “English in 2 weeks.”

Here I want to immediately clarify that situations with learning English are different. There are people who have never studied English before; There are those who once studied, but forgot or did not finish studying; there are students with insufficient knowledge to pass the exam; there are people who just want to pass short course English before traveling to an English-speaking country.

Let's look at all these categories and understand what can be done for each of these categories in 2 weeks. Let me note that I am only talking about what, specifically, I can do (I can’t vouch for other teachers: some may be able to do it, but some may not).

Category 1
Never studied English before
(mainly tourists and businessmen)

If you have zero knowledge, and in a couple of weeks you are going to travel to an English-speaking country, in principle, of course, everything is possible, but as for the English language, in 2 weeks, on an emergency basis, subject to daily classes, it is possible to give a person a certain minimum a language base, a certain foundation on which he will then, while abroad, use a dictionary to string new words and expressions.

In two weeks it is really possible to teach a person how to construct simple phrases in English, teach him to read, write and express his thoughts. in simple language. Of course, in any case, he will need two things abroad: a Russian-English and English-Russian phrasebook and a similar dictionary, preferably electronic.

Having completed such an emergency course of study, a person, of course, will not be lost abroad, since he will be able to express his thoughts and wishes, although it will be extremely difficult for him to understand native speakers, but here you can resort to the help of electronic dictionaries-translators, then the problem will be settled, although it will be very difficult for him at first.

Category 2
Schoolchildren and students

Everything is much simpler here, because everything is possible here. At least, I didn’t have a single case of failing an exam or failing a test during my entire internship. Before an exam, as a rule, everything unreal becomes real for a student and he is ready to study for days.

If we are talking about a semester, then the preparation is real, of course, provided that he completes all the tasks in class and at home. I would like to note that those who missed 2 semesters and have zero knowledge have not yet contacted me 2 weeks before the exams (after 20 years of practice).

If you have to take an exam for one course of study and you have vocabulary and or the ability to construct forms of verbs in different tenses, but there is no understanding of the use of tenses, I will prepare without problems, and perhaps also ahead of schedule. In the same situation, but without the ability to construct forms of verbs in different tenses, it will be difficult, but we will manage, although the student will have a very hard time. What to do, it’s my own fault, I should have attended lectures, not skipped.

But if there is a semester test coming up, and the student doesn’t know a single English word and doesn’t imagine, simple future tense... Here, already, depending on the situation, depending on what exactly is to be taken. In this case, I don’t guarantee a 100% “A” and, in general, if everything is really neglected, I’ll honestly say that he can fail the test, unless, of course, he is a freshman with a pass for the first semester (with them, everything is simpler - a small amount knowledge and, accordingly, requirements).

Category 3
Those who have previously studied English need to improve their knowledge

Well, this is the easiest thing - in 2 weeks here you can not only update the forgotten, but also move on by leaps and bounds.

Category 4
Short English course required

It is not hard. You can give an idea of ​​the construction of sentences and consider the system of English tenses. We will also have time to sort out the main subtleties English grammar and its differences, for example, from Spanish. We will have time to figure out what “Coordination of tenses” is and understand its meaning in English. In short, we will have time to go through the theoretical grammar of the English language with a brief practice of its application and the basics of translation, provided good knowledge a student of at least one foreign language. If such knowledge is absent, the result will certainly be significantly worse.

Category 4
It is required to conduct a comparative typology of the English language with the Spanish language

A couple of lessons will be enough for this. If you need to show everything in practice, then in 2 weeks we’ll just do it.

Study on your own textbook“Theoretical and practical grammar of the English language with exercises on all standard grammar and tests.”

Today the topic of learning foreign languages ​​is very relevant. Every second person strives to learn English for travel, study or business. This is used by language schools, teachers and creators of various online courses. There are many methods for learning foreign languages, but the most popular are those that are focused on quick results. Some of them promise that you will learn a language in 2 weeks. Doubtful, right? And yet there are people who believe in such a quick result. But this is just a myth. And here are a few facts that will dispel it!

Are there people who learned a foreign language in 2 weeks? Think about whether there are such people among your friends. After all, if there is such a technique, it means that there are people who have mastered a non-native language in such a short time. a short time. It's very easy to check. Ask those who have an average level of knowledge of any foreign language, over what period of time he learned it. Believe me, no one will say that in 2 weeks.
Then the question arises, what does it teach? this technique and on what principles it is built. It's simple. It focuses on memorizing simple phrases and basic, common words in a foreign language. This way, in two weeks you will be able to tell what your name is, where you live and what your favorite color is.
Such courses do not mention which specific foreign language you will speak after completing it. Usually they simply promise: “Learn English in 2 weeks.” In fact, no one is deceiving anyone. You will really learn, only then it turns out that your and their understanding of speaking a foreign language are much different. The reason is that the concept of “speaking a foreign language” is very abstract. For some it is to speak freely, but for others it is simply to be able to briefly talk about yourself. And the second option is the result of similar 2-week courses.

Is it really impossible to learn a foreign language quickly and easily? It is forbidden! Today it is fashionable to learn languages ​​by listening to music, watching movies and playing games. But I would like to emphasize that these are not ways to learn a language, but rather to replenish your vocabulary. In these ways you will only learn new words and expressions, but not the language as a whole. To do this you need to learn grammar. Many people will be upset now, but it’s true!

Grammar is the most boring and difficult part of learning a language, but it is also very important. This is the diagram onto which you can then superimpose your thoughts. What does it mean. If you don't know grammar and try to say something in English, you just start going over in your head the words and ready-made phrases that you know. As a result, you realize that they do not completely or completely fit what you want to say. And this is where the problem arises. At a time when a person who knows grammar can say any sentence simply by correctly observing the word order and rules. The same grammar can be learned quickly and efficiently in appropriate English courses.

Okay, you say. I will learn these rules even faster than in two weeks. But there is a catch here too. You can learn the rule itself quickly, it will take a little more time to understand it, but learning to use it is not an easy task. Remember how in school you had to learn the rules. It seems like I learned it and even understood it, but as soon as I got distracted, I had to re-read it again, and the next day I completely forgot about it! The thing is that our brain cannot quickly master a new type of thinking. This requires a lot of practice. After all, those who speak a foreign language well also think well in it. And those who have just started studying think about native language, and then mentally translate into a foreign language and reproduce it out loud. Therefore, long pauses in speech and problems with expressing thoughts often occur. So, no matter how much you want, it is physically impossible to speak a foreign language fluently in 2 weeks.

Drawing conclusions, we can say that a course on learning a foreign language in two weeks is suitable for those who are planning to fly on vacation to other countries. To do this, it is enough to learn a few phrases about yourself, how to ask for directions and learn to perceive foreign speech a little by ear. But if you are serious about mastering a foreign language, turn to professionals, such as