Measuring instrument: features of selection and use. How to choose and correctly use a hydraulic level for construction work How to work with a water level

No rack is complete without a construction tool, especially on a large scale. Finds its application here hydraulic level. The device, which was invented on the basis of Pascal's law, can be called the simplest but most effective device. To make it, two flasks with marks and a long hose are used.

The dimensions of the intestine can vary from 200 cm to 3000, the radius from 0.5 cm to 20. In order for the device to work, it is enough to pour in any liquid. And based on the law of communicating vessels, obtain accurate data on a horizontal surface.

The device is quite ancient, but has not lost its relevance to this day. Whatever construction equipment we take, be it a laser level or a bubble level. None of them can cope when it comes to large, and especially invisible objects.

The hydraulic level has found its application:

— blocks;

— installation of foundation corners;

- ceilings.

A simple tool is available to every beginning builder. You can easily make it yourself. To do this take silicone hose in diameter 0.8 cm and attach to 20 cc syringes. A DIY device is useful when you need a short length. And knowing how does a hydraulic level work? there will always be a use for it.

Advantages and disadvantages of a construction hydraulic level

Among the advantages of the construction hydraulic level are:

affordable price;

- the work can be done by a non-professional;

- ease of operation;

— the sleeve is flexible and long, which makes it possible to make marks in different places, in a non-visible area;

— captures large sections;

— the instrument is not picky in storage; it is enough to wrap it around a drum and keep it anywhere climatic conditions;

— continues to show accurate data after it could have been stepped on.

— it’s difficult to work in small rooms due to the enormous length;

- cannot tolerate overheating;

— the presence of bubbles delays the start of work;

— not applicable in all planes, only in horizontal ones;

- you need to work on invisible objects only with an assistant;

- at temperatures below 0 degrees C, not used with water - freezes;

— a 30 m intestine presents difficulties when refueling;

- at every new job, the procedure with liquid injection will be repeated;

— it is not possible to work close to heating or hot appliances.

How to use a hydraulic level correctly

As soon as purchased at the construction center auxiliary tool in the form of a hydraulic level, some procedures should be carried out. Heat the water and dilute a small amount of soap solution in it.

Fill the hoses with the contents and rinse again under the tap. clean water. Before filling, the flasks must be removed. This is done to ensure that all particles that could have entered during manufacturing are removed from the walls and will certainly interfere with the work in terms of measurement accuracy.

Prepare additional tools that you cannot do without when working:

- a small bucket or jar. It all depends on the length of the hoses;

- any dye. It visually helps when working;

- marker;

- construction tape;

- wooden plank.

Unwind the hose and pull it along its entire length until it becomes elastic. Remove the flasks and fill the device with water. To reduce filling time, it is better to use distilled, boiled water.

They have less oxygen content. If work is carried out in winter time on the street, professional builders advise filling the gut with used brake fluid.

When using distilled or boiled water, brake fluid, one end is lowered into the container where they are poured and rises to a height. There must be an assistant in the work who will keep the second part of the intestine at a much lower level at a distance.

Moreover, you should make several suction movements, as in the case of filling gasoline from a tank into a bucket. The liquid consistency will immediately flow along the entire intestine. As soon as it reaches the finish line, drain it a little more and only then lift and close the plug.

Some novice builders think that they will gain time and try to pour the liquid mixture from the tap. Yes, filling will be faster, but it will take a very long time to remove bubbles. After all, the length of the hoses can be up to 30 meters. You can fill the hose using a watering can. This technique can be used when large diameters.

After filling the intestine, it is carefully examined. If air spaces are visible, you need to press down the sleeve at the bottom and, with a gradual rise, drive them upward. Once the clean filling has been ensured, the plugs are put in place.

Work algorithm how to use a hydraulic level:

— let’s say you need to set the level in all rooms to fill the floor;

- choose a convenient height on the wall and install the flask with marks, let it be 2;

— it can be fixed or held motionless by one builder;

— mark the first mark with a marker;

- the assistant goes to the end of the first wall and applies the flask;

— the mark is made only when both have the same rizka 2;

- a cord is pulled between two points and a strip is struck. You can use a wooden plank;

- so the first room will be marked step by step;

- now you should go to the next room;

- the builder remains with the stationary flask in the previous room, and the assistant goes to the next one;

- the vessels are again aligned to mark 2 and a mark is made;

- do at each interval additional measurements bubble level, since communicating vessels give an error of several mm;

— when the level is set in all rooms, the tape measure comes into play;

- the lowest point to the floor is selected and marks are made;

- a strip is beaten off with a cord and you can start pouring the floor.

If you need to do leveling with hydraulic level ceiling, work is carried out in reverse order. Use a tape measure to find the lowest point from the ceiling and use it to mark the level.

If masonry is being done, you can always check the height of one level. In this case, the builder moves one flask on one side of the masonry, and the assistant adjusts the next side with the other end of the sleeve. Here you can visually see how horizontal the brickwork is.

Work with communicating vessels can be done by one person. Then you should use the mount for the first flask, and adjust the height with the second. There is one drawback here. It will not be possible to set the level in another room. It is important to do this in small rooms, for example, in the bathroom, kitchen, etc.

Price and reviews

Buy a hydraulic level It’s not difficult; any construction center will offer you products from any manufacturer.

Hydraulic level price in rubles from the manufacturer:

— TOPEX length 15 m, diameter 10 mm. – 481, 93;

— Sibrteh 10 m x 8 mm – 127, 5 m – 84, 25 m – 360;

— Russia LAKRA 10 m x 8 mm – 223;

— BISON 15m x 8 mm – 273, 20 m – 400;

— BARS 25 m – 395, 10 m – 220;

— Kalita 15 m – 235.

During repair or construction work Often there is a need to check the horizontal level of a surface. Today there are measuring instruments that allow you to make accurate markings with a minimum of deviations. But, in order not to waste money, for example, on laser level or level, you can use more simple tool– a hydraulic level or, as builders call it, a spirit level. How to use a water level for accurate marking will be described below.

Advantages of the hydraulic level

The water level consists of an elastic transparent hose that connects two plastic reservoirs with water. It is used for screeding a ceiling or floor, leveling walls, marking the height of the floor and ceiling horizon, and other repair or construction work. His distinctive feature What makes other types of levels different is the ability to align objects that are in different rooms.

Among the advantages of the hydraulic level are noted:

  • ease of use;
  • cheap price;
  • the ability to use for hard-to-reach places due to the flexibility of the hose, for example, from different corners of the building;
  • alignment of objects that are located at a considerable distance from each other on the same level;
  • Possibility of operation outside the premises;
  • ease of use;
  • undemanding to special storage conditions.

This is a simple tool that will never fail because there is nothing in it to break.

However, the water level has its disadvantages:

  • two people are needed to work with this instrument, while with other types of these meters one is enough;
  • long hoses are difficult to fill with water;
  • difficulties in working with low temperatures Oh;
  • the need for regular fluid changes;
  • long time for balancing the liquid in the tube;
  • The device must not be used near heating devices and heated surfaces.

In addition, the water level is not intended for leveling vertical surfaces, but only for horizontal ones.

Principle of operation

As noted above, the device is a flexible hose (tube) and two flasks with a printed scale. The length of the tube can vary from 3 to 40 meters. The operation of the instrument is based on Pascal's law of communicating vessels, according to which, inside the flasks, under the influence atmospheric pressure, the levels of the homogeneous liquid are equal. Instead of flasks, you can use two ends of the tube. The level is determined relative to the position of the horizon.

The correctness of the readings depends on the quality of the hose filling, as well as operating conditions - the air temperature should be above 0 degrees.

How to do it yourself

A spirit level can be found at any hardware store and purchased at a low cost. If you don’t have time to look for a tool, you can make it yourself. Stages of making a spirit level:

  • For a hydraulic level, you need a transparent (silicone) hose or tube, as well as a marker for marking the scale or applying digital marks. Experienced craftsmen It is recommended to use a hose with thick walls - 1.2-1.5 cm. This choice is explained by the fact that it will not bend, ensuring free movement liquids. Tubes with thin walls are inconvenient to use: the liquid inside flows slowly, its level is not clearly visible. The length of the hose depends on the dimensions of the room: ceiling, floor, foundation and others.
  • As flasks, you can use disposable syringes that match the diameter of the tube. Cones are cut with it, connecting to the edges of the tube. Syringes are convenient because they already have ready-made markings with divisions. Syringe plungers can be used as plugs when transferring a hydraulic level from one place to another.
  • You can not use flasks, but simply make markings with a marker on both ends of the hose. If it is made of an opaque material, transparent pieces of plastic or glass should be fixed in these areas.
  • The tube is filled with water. For convenience, the liquid can be tinted with potassium permanganate or another dye.
  • As the tube fills with water, you need to release any air bubbles that arise. This can be done by shaking the entire length of the hose two or three times.

High-quality readings will be obtained when using boiled, filtered water.

How to use

Before you start working with a spirit level, you should consider some recommendations:

  • The accuracy of the readings can be affected by the abundance of water bubbles in the hose, which distort the marking results. Therefore, it is recommended to use only clean, settled liquid.
  • Both ends of the hydraulic level are installed side by side, and the water should be at the same level in them. If the marks are different, it means there is air in the hose or it is kinked somewhere. For this reason, the old hose does not provide accurate readings.
  • Do not bend or step on the tube during operation.
  • To calculate the optimal length of the hose, it is necessary to take into account that the spirit level should descend vertically along the wall and lie freely on the floor. During marking, it should not be stretched too much.
  • After using the tool, you should always drain the water. To keep the liquid clear for a long time, sometimes a little alcohol is added.

Working with the tool is simple, but requires care, and is carried out as follows:

  • At a height of about two meters, place a container of water into which one end of the spirit level is lowered. The other end should be on the floor in another container.
  • Water is passed through the hose so that it moves freely inside it. When it is completely filled with liquid, one end (the one at the bottom) needs to be clamped with your finger, then take out the one that is placed at a height in the container and also clamp it. After this, both parts of the tube are connected, and the water levels should be the same.
  • On one of the walls at a height of 1.5 meters, mark the starting point of the marking - a clear horizontal line.
  • One end of the hydraulic level is applied to this mark and secured with tape if the measurement is made without a partner.
  • The other end of the spirit level is transferred to the second wall and placed at the same height as the first time - at the level of 1.5 meters. The height of the second end of the tool is adjusted so that the liquid level in the first flask coincides with the mark marked on the wall.
  • The second mark obtained using the second flask gives the desired height. In a similar way, you can draw intermediate points and then connect them into a solid line.

At the end of the procedure, you need to measure the required distance from the marking line, apply another one along the perimeter of the room, noting the ideal level of the floor covering.

To fill the tube with water, you can use a regular funnel. It is not recommended to use tap water due to air bubbles in the stream and the difficulty of regulating the flow.

Most repair and construction processes require strict adherence to horizontality. To level the surface and obtain clear lines, professional builders use high-precision laser devices. However, among craftsmen and amateurs there are many who prefer a proven and understandable hydraulic level. The principle of its operation is extremely simple. However, beginners will have to understand the structure of the spirit level and the features of its use on different stages construction work.

A hydrostatic device is the simplest device for measuring the horizontal of two points distant from each other relative to the surface of the earth.

Spirit level and bubble level

Design and principle of operation of the level

The water level consists of a transparent flexible tube, at the ends of which there are two flasks with a scale or digital markings. The hose length varies from 3 to 40 meters.

The principle of operation of the hydraulic level is based on Pascal's law of communicating vessels, according to which the levels of homogeneous liquid in interconnected containers are equal. The control vessels are flasks or ends of the tube, and the position of the water determines the level relative to the horizon.

Design and principle of operation of the hydraulic level

Before using a water level, you should understand the operating features of the device:

  • It is better to apply the markings together, you can “beat off” the horizontal line yourself, but the process will take more time;
  • the tool is only suitable for checking the evenness of the horizon; it will not be possible to level the vertical;
  • work is carried out at air temperatures above 0°C;
  • the accuracy of the indicator depends on the quality of preparation of the hydraulic level, namely, filling the hose.

Spirit level – best option mason's construction level. Tool capabilities:

Scope of application of hydrostatic device

Features of different types of measuring instruments

The following work on the principle of balancing the liquid level: Building tools:

  • the simplest hydrostatic device;
  • bubble level;
  • pipe models.

A primitive water tool is used as experienced builders, as well as beginners who decided to carry out apartment renovations on their own. The weight of the device is about 300 g, after the accumulation of flasks - approximately 1.1 kg.

Important! To ensure the accuracy of the device, it is necessary to carefully fill the containers - there should be no bubbles left in the system.

Hydraulic level with measuring flasks

A construction bubble level is a ruler with installed flasks that are filled with alcohol or other liquid. The mini flasks contain air. The central location of the bubble indicates a smooth vertical/horizontal surface.

Standard size bubble hydraulic level - 0.2-2 m, length of some models - 4 m. The functionality of the device is determined by the number of flasks:

  • 1 flask – horizontal measurement only;
  • 2 flasks – clear parameters vertically and horizontally;
  • 3 flasks – the ability to determine the rotary level.

Bubble construction hydraulic level

Main advantages of the device:

  • strength – the body is made of lightweight metal or reinforced plastic;
  • ease of use - does not require additional training.

Electronic model of a bubble level

Convenient and informative measuring tool – electronic level. The digital display shows the deviation in degrees, the data error is up to 0.1°. It is possible to record measured slopes. Alignment of the line at 0° or 90° is signaled by an audible indication.

Pipe models have a highly specialized purpose - laying profiles for water, gas, sewer pipes. Frame V-shape equipped with a magnet for attachment to a support or pipeline.

Application of pipe semicircular device

How to choose the right building level

When analyzing which building level is better, you must be guided by the following selection parameters:

  1. Scope and intensity of reconciliation:
    • if necessary major renovation at home or apartment, it is better to choose two bubble devices of different lengths;
    • determining the horizon line and transferring level points between rooms can be done using a “tubular” spirit level - you can make the simplest level with your own hands from improvised means;
    • Electronic tools are appropriate for large-scale construction.
  2. Length measuring instrument. The parameter depends on the tasks:
    • 0.4-1 m – arrangement of door and window openings, installation household appliances, finishing of compact rooms (storage room, bathroom, etc.);
    • 1-2 m – levelness control brickwork, level of suspended and suspended ceilings;
    • over 2 m - checking the flatness of walls and ceilings, the quality of the screed and leveling with plaster.
  3. Housing strength and component reliability:
    • hydraulic level flasks must be made of transparent plastic, the hose diameter must be at least 8 mm (the longer the tube, the wider its diameter);
    • models of bubble and pipe devices with stiffeners are resistant to mechanical damage and durable.
  1. Tool manufacturer. Domestic and foreign products have proven themselves well in the construction market trade marks: Bosch, Ermak, Leader, JYC, Kapro, Stabila, Shark.

Advice. Before choosing a building bubble level, you need to check its accuracy. Place the tool in a horizontal plane and mark the position of the bubbles. Then turn the device 180° and place it in the same place. If the air location marks coincide, it means the device is working properly.

Choosing the hose diameter for a spirit level

Water tool technology

Procedure for working with measuring instrument depends on the selected type of water level and the task at hand.

Filling the building level with water

When using a simple model based on the equilibrium of liquid in conjugate vessels, the first step is to fill the tube with water. There are two ways to do this:

Method 1. Fill a bucket with water and place the container above the level of one tube. Place the second end of the hose into the liquid and suck out the water from the first. Under pressure, the liquid will begin to flow from the bucket into the tube. The liquid should not reach the edge of each hose by 10-15 cm.

Method 2. Clamp one end of the hose or plug it with a plug. Place the other end under a thin stream of running water.

Important! Before using the hydraulic level, be sure to remove excess air from the tube. If this step is neglected, then the probability of measurement error is high.

Filling the device tube with water


  1. Fold the tube in half with the ends up, straighten them and press them together.
  2. Remove the stoppers from the flasks.
  3. Lightly tap the hoses with your fingers - air bubbles will gradually rise and come out naturally.

Removing air from liquid

Leveling the foundation along the horizon

The evenness of the poured foundation will be checked with a hydraulic level - how to use the tool is described below.

Stage 1. Creating a base for mounting the measuring device:

  1. Two wooden boards Place horizontally on the foundation.
  2. Attach to them perpendicularly along the rail.
  3. Check the angle of connection of the elements - it should be 90°.
  4. If necessary, level the structure.

Attaching the hydraulic level to wooden frame

Stage 2. Fixing the hydrostatic device:

  1. It is better to use one tube for measurements - the flasks can simply be removed.
  2. Fill the hose with water.
  3. Secure the ends to the boards with wire.
  4. Allow the water to level out and apply the base mark, the so-called “zero”.
  5. Squeeze the ends so that the water does not splash.

Applying a base mark to the tube

Stage 3. Checking the deviation between the corners of the foundation:

  1. Move one board with a tube to the angle being tested.
  2. Untighten the edges of the hose.
  3. After the water is leveled with a ruler, take readings, comparing the resulting level with “zero”.

Calculation of foundation angle deviation

Stage 4. Calculation of the difference. Subtract the deviation in the corner being checked from the deviation at the base point. If the water column has dropped relative to “zero”, then the value with the “-” sign is taken and vice versa.

After checking all angles, it is necessary to compare the obtained values ​​with the standard ones. Maximum deviations are indicated in the table.

Permissible deviations according to SNiP

Marking the foundation and brickwork

The strength and durability of the entire building depends on the level of the foundation. To move the boundaries and axes of the building onto the terrain you will need:

The main task is to arrange all the vertical crossbars-racks of the cast-off at the same height. Sequencing:

  1. Install the first rail of the required height.
  2. Fix one end of the “water” meter hose on it.
  3. Before attaching the second cast-off element, check that its placement is vertical. A bubble device is suitable for this.
  4. Secure the second end of the hose to the installed crossbar.
  5. Take the top of the first support as the base zero level and, according to it, set the remaining slats. It is important that the hose does not bend during measurement - this will lead to distortion of the indicators.

Using a hydraulic level when building a house

Using a similar technology, formwork is set up and poured concrete mortar foundation.

Brick laying begins with determining the highest reference angle. It is necessary to check the horizontal position - how to work correctly with the level is described in the previous paragraph. After calculating the position of all angles, you can choose a starting point.

Important! Start from high angle will allow you to reach a single horizon line. To level the edge in low areas, a thick layer of mortar is laid.

Marking under the floor and ceiling

Often for ceiling leveling and installation suspended structures you need to mark the horizon line. The marking is done with an assistant, the procedure is as follows:

  1. On one of the walls display the estimated ceiling height.
  2. Connect the two ends of the filled level hose, lift them to the marking location and mark the water position strip with a marker.
  3. Hold one end on the wall with the markings applied, and an assistant must transfer the second end of the tube with the flask to the opposite side.
  4. Raise the second flask up until the water reaches the “marker” mark.
  5. Stretch a thread between the marked points - a guideline for installing the frame.

Determining the placement height suspended ceiling

Using this principle, the horizon line is laid when leveling the floor or installing a joist system.

Checking the evenness of a plastered wall

The verticality of plastered walls can be checked with a “bubble” device. An algorithm for how to work with a building level is given below:

  1. Take a tool with two or three ampoules filled with water. The bulb in the middle indicates the horizontal, and the other two indicate the vertical and the inclination of the angle.
  2. Lean the tool against the wall with its edge, holding it in a vertical position.
  3. Evaluate the result. If the surface is flat, then the air bubble in the upper capsule is in the center - strictly between the marks.

Checking the vertical position of a plastered wall

In this way it is necessary to check the wall in several places. Special attention should be given to corners, doors and window openings.

Video: How to use a hydraulic level

Instructions for making a building level yourself

There are several options for how to make a level at home. The manufacturing principle is the same, the difference is in the choice of available means. To create a simple model you will need:

  • a transparent hose with a diameter of 1.2-1.5 mm - it is not advisable to use a smaller tube, since it is more difficult to release air from it;
  • disposable syringe with a volume of 20 ml;
  • sealant;
  • plugs for the diameter of the syringe;
  • water container;
  • stationery knife.

An example of a homemade hydraulic level

Assembling the water meter:

  1. Measure out desired length hose
  2. Clean the tube soap solution to wash away any remaining dirt and dust.
  3. At the ends of the hose, string the cannulas of the syringes - the side flasks of the spirit level.
  4. Mark zero points and fill the device with water.

Video: The simplest hydraulic level from syringes

Nuances of using and storing a level

  1. It is better to “fill” a hydrostatic device with settled or boiled water - it contains less oxygen.
  2. When working in conditions negative temperatures Anti-freeze liquid should be used. Some people recommend filling the tube with car detergent, water diluted with alcohol or salt.
  3. At the end of the measurement, the water must be drained. If this is not done, over time the walls of the hose will become covered with sediment.
  4. The rubber tube should be stored in a place protected from direct sunlight. It is advisable to wind the hose onto a reel - this will protect it from bends and cracks.
  5. An old hose with kinks has a certain error. In this case, it is advisable to buy new tool or make a level yourself.

The use of a hydraulic level greatly simplifies the construction process, making it of higher quality. It will not be difficult to make a homemade water spirit level special labor, and working with it does not require special knowledge and skills.

The need to perform horizontal marking arises due to various reasons. This includes repair and construction work, arranging furniture, and hanging decorative items on the walls. Many devices and tools serve this purpose, the simplest of which is a construction water level. The device consists of two vessels with divisions connected by a transparent hose. The length of the connection may vary depending on the task being performed. The principle of operation is the law of communicating vessels.

Of course, you can buy such a device in a store, but it’s even better to make a water level with your own hands. Moreover, it is not anything complicated, and the source materials can be found in any hardware store or on the market.


To choose starting materials you should approach it responsibly so that you don’t have to redo it or buy other components later.

  • You need to prepare two vessels, preferably cylindrical with divisions. It is convenient to use flasks from large-volume syringes.
  • The hose must exactly fit the diameter of the vessel fitting. A hose for a construction hydraulic level is considered suitable if it has sufficient elasticity and does not deform or crack when bent. The most acceptable diameter is considered to be from 10 to 15 mm. It all depends on the amount of work being performed. Large sleeves are also quite suitable.
  • The connection points between the hose and the flasks must be treated with sealant to prevent liquid leakage and air ingress.
  • If there is no ready-made scale on the flasks, then the marks are applied independently with a marker. This is necessary for ease of use.

You can make a simple hydraulic level with your own hands, without using vessels, but with only a hose. A piece of the sleeve should be cut off the right size, fill it with water, leaving some free space, and seal the ends.

What is better to fill in the hydraulic level?

The purpose of using this device is to achieve the same water level in both flasks. Then the required line will turn out smooth. First of all, you need to fill the device with liquid. Usually water is used room temperature, which can be slightly tinted. This makes it more convenient to observe the condition of the liquid inside the device and the presence of air bubbles.

Filling the device with water should be done in such a way that the possibility of creating air pockets inside the hose is completely excluded. If this happens, then the air must be expelled, otherwise the markings will not be accurate. You can simply check that the filling is correct by raising both flasks side by side to the same height. If the liquid in them is at the same level, then everything is in order. Otherwise, air still got into the sleeve and must be removed.

How is the hydraulic level used?

It is more convenient to carry out the markings together, but if necessary, one person can handle this task. You will have to make several points on one plane. How can one performer use a water level? The process is performed in this order:

  • You need to find the starting point on the plane of the wall using a metal ruler, tape measure or other method. Make the appropriate mark.
  • Secure the flask or the end of the hose in this place using tape, a hook, or any fastener.
  • Then move another flask a certain distance and wait until the liquid in it calms down.
  • After this, you need to use smooth movements up and down to find a point that is equal in height to the starting point. Place a mark on the surface corresponding to the level of the first flask.

Similarly, work with the construction hydraulic level continues along the entire plane or perimeter. All high-altitude points are marked, between which a line of a given horizontal line must be drawn. When moving the device from place to place, you must clamp the edges of the hoses to prevent air from getting inside and water from splashing.

Where can a water level be used?

How to use this device for marking walls it is clear. Now we need to figure out how to use a hydraulic level to level the poured foundation. First you need to build a platform to secure the device. You need to take two pieces of a smooth board and two bars. Approximately in the middle, attach a block to each board, placing it strictly perpendicular. For determining right angle It is convenient to use a square. The ends of the device tube with flasks, or better without them, are attached to the platforms using homemade brackets, since it will be easier to work with such a hydraulic level. Further:

  • Place one plank on the corner of the foundation and allow the water to level out. You need to make a mark on both boards with a marker. This point is considered the starting or base point. The edges of the tube must be clamped.
  • The other end of the device must be moved to the angle being tested.
  • Unclench the edges of the tube and wait until the liquid levels out.
  • Using a ruler, determine the size of the deviation of the liquid level in the tube relative to the base value.

If the number turns out to be negative, then the angle being tested is below zero. And it requires fine-tuning. If it is higher, then a decision must be made on the alignment method. Either remove the excess height, or raise the entire foundation to the highest value.

In the absence of modern devices Working with a simple water level is also beneficial when marking the base, setting up the formwork and building the foundation itself. The device can be used to control the laying of brick or block walls, as well as to determine the evenness of facing work using piece materials. In fact, it is difficult to find a construction area where it would be impossible to use a factory or homemade hydraulic level. It is important to make the appropriate marks correctly and ensure that the liquid in the device does not “grab” air, and do not use a cloudy sleeve.

– a tool that builders of different directions encounter every day.

But even a person far from the construction site can benefit from handling skills. Especially if you decide to do the repairs yourself.

The device is striking in its simplicity, but at the same time allows correct use create markings with millimeter precision.

Ease of use and the ability to work with it alone have led to widespread use in various areas of construction, from foundations to foundations.

The hydraulic level used in construction is flexible tube, from 3 to 40 meters long, which is filled with liquid (the principle of communicating vessels works).

Often used plain water, but in low temperature conditions, it is recommended to use non-freezing liquids, or add salt to the water.

It should be noted that the lower the viscosity of the filler, the faster it reacts to changes in level.

But the speed of leveling is also affected by the diameter of the hose - optimally 10-12 millimeters. At the edges of the hose there are flasks with a scale printed on them.

The gradation allows the position of the liquid to be clearly marked for making marks on the surface being measured. But due to the difference in the diameters of the tube and flask, it takes quite a long time for the water to level out. To speed up the process, you can only use a tube on the ends of which graduations are applied in increments of 5-10 millimeters.

Preparing for work

To start working with the hydraulic level, you should fill the device with water. Boiled, settled water is best. There is much less dissolved air in such a liquid.

To do this, we lower one edge into a bucket of water, and place the other below the level of the vessel. Then the laws of physics come into play. Adding dye will make the process easier, which will protect your eyesight from overstrain. It should be remembered that the dye is deposited on the walls and this increases the measurement error.

Therefore, it should be washed thoroughly after each use. You should carefully get rid of any bubbles that get inside, otherwise they will also affect the accuracy of the measurements. Then, bringing the ends together, you should note the position of the liquid; the divisions on the scales should coincide. This will be the zero point. After this we clamp the edges.


  • Marking. We prepare the level as described above, further it should be noted control point on the wall and place one edge against it. The second edge must be applied to the place to which the horizontal “breaks through” (opening the ends of the tube) and moved until the zero marks coincide. In the absence of an assistant, the flask will have to be fixed motionless at the starting mark.
  • When calculating the ceiling horizon, a mark on the wall is made as high as possible and, from it, we measure the height difference.
  • For the floor, similar actions are performed, but the control horizontal line is lowered as low as possible.
  • When constructing foundations, a base point is determined from which all others are laid off. To check the accuracy of the result, the marks are measured diagonally against each other. It should be remembered that in this case the standard deviation from the level is up to 20 mm. The differences are subsequently leveled by the base.

In order to conveniently use the spirit level yourself, you can make improvements. Provide plugs or wire clamps on the edges of the device. Also secure the edges to the bars to simplify subsequent fixation on surfaces.

Another option for one-handed work involves the presence of a ruler (preferably a meter ruler, but less is possible). We attach one edge to the ruler along the entire length, but after filling we do not remove the second end from the bucket of water; you can use some kind of weight. Then we measure the water level in the vessel, and on the ruler we notice the deviation at the desired point. Calculating the difference, we get the difference.

Example: the water level in a bucket is 30 centimeters, at the measurement point it is 25 cm. The difference is 5 cm, therefore, this point is higher by this amount. If the result is a negative value, then the desired point is lower relative to the base one.

When using a hydraulic level in construction, the task of constructing as level structures as possible is greatly simplified. This simple device allows, with fairly high accuracy, to measure horizontal height differences. And even with minimal skills, it will not be difficult to carry out the initial markings for subsequent construction work.

In the video, working with the hydraulic level alone:

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