Manufacturing a fiberglass bumper. Step-by-step instructions for tuning bumpers

Man's hands not for boredom, especially for motorists. They always want to improve, make their “swallow” more beautiful and presentable. Well, if your hands are in place, then why not start improving your car. And besides, if God forbid the bumper was damaged, in an unequal struggle with our roads or another car. Then he will definitely have a direct path to the garage, where he will be restored to his previous appearance or even given a beautiful tuning.
Our article will be devoted to how to make a bumper from fiberglass (fiberglass) with your own hands. The process is complex and lengthy, so anyone who wants to do it quickly should give up hope, because technological process and accuracy will require their own. Otherwise, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​making a fiberglass bumper with your own hands altogether. Good in major cities There are car workshops that can take on such work and do everything to your taste.

So, we have a bumper that we have to replace with a fiberglass one, with some modifications.

The bumper, in the end, should look like this. So let's say this is a sketch, sketch, design project. This is exactly the kind of project everyone should have when starting to work on a bumper.

All work will be carried out in the garage. We remove our bumper from the car. The factory (standard) bumper will serve as a good basis for further modernization.

The “grinder” is used to cut off openings for fog lights that have become unusable and the lower damaged edge of the bumper.
The entire surface of the bumper is covered with masking tape, into which warm plasticine is rubbed.

Then a mass of cold plasticine falls out, which is pressed down with your hands or a spatula, or other device, and leveled. Sometimes polyurethane foam is also used to obtain the matrix. It is applied to the bumper and then processed, cutting off the excess. But in our opinion, working with foam is more difficult.

Plasticine covers those areas that will subsequently undergo changes. Top part The bumper is covered with tape. Next, we will mark the lines on it and compare the bumper shapes.
The bumper is then turned upside down and the bottom flange is sculpted. That is, our task is to restore everything that was, and also bring in a little of our own, what we would like to see in our new fiberglass bumper.

Using masking tape, make a template of the same shape and transfer it to the other edge of the bumper.

Then lines are marked on the tape, located at a distance of 10-15 cm. This is done so that the shape of the finished side of the bumper is exactly transferred to its other side. The configuration of the sections is done using special rulers with movable spokes, or plain cardboard- patterns.

The resulting profile is transferred to the other side of the bumper and aligned in accordance with it (the photo shows that correction grooves have appeared in accordance with the dimensions opposite side bumper A new bumper shape profile will be derived from them. The layer of excess plasticine has been removed.)

This requires patience and precision.
Next, using masking tape, remove the template for the lower edge of the bumper from the finished side and apply it to the other side, exactly matching it along the lower edge of the bumper.

Using the template, holes for the fog lights are made. Having placed the bumper in the correct position, evaluate the accuracy of the holes and the overall symmetry of the bumper.

AND The final stage- This is the rounding of sharp corners that were used to interface surfaces.

The model is ready for molding the fiberglass bumper matrix. The matrix is ​​made in order to make a bumper using it. If we make a bumper right away using this modified bumper, we will probably not guess with the seats, since the fiberglass fabric of the future bumper will be slightly different from the original, it will be slightly larger. As a result, our bumper will not fit into place, and we will not achieve the desired result. So, first we make a matrix, and then we put our future fiberglass bumper into it, but first things first.

Manufacturing a matrix for a bumper made of fiberglass (fiberglass, fiberglass)

When making a matrix, one of the main technological surfaces is a flange. The flange is a kind of removable part used to facilitate insertion and removal of the fiberglass bumper from the matrix. To make the flange, an additional bevel is made at the ends of the bumper, 5-7 cm wide. It is a continuation of the bumper at its ends and is located at an angle of about 30 degrees outward relative to the shape of the matrix.

Three layers of Teflon polish are applied to the matrix. It will prevent the bumper from sticking to the matrix. You can also use wax. Next, the first layer when forming a mold is a matrix gelcoat with aluminum powder, which in its composition is actually a resin, but as a rule, when hardened, it turns out to be more uniform than resin. It also has a glossy appearance. For subsequent layers, polyester resin is used. This mixture is brought to the state of thick sour cream and applied in thin layers. Fiberglass is also laid on top.

Glass mat grade 300 is used. The first layer of glass mat (fiberglass) is laid.
The air bubbles on the fiberglass are carefully pierced, the air is released, and the mold is laid out on the bumper. You can try squeezing air into the edges of the fiberglass. Next, wait until the composition hardens. The entire surface of the glass mat is sanded to remove protruding fiberglass needles. After this, using the same technology, in two layers, grade 600 glass mat is applied, as well as strips of the same material along the perimeter of the matrix to strengthen the edges.

We turn the bumper over, remove the plasticine bars, wash the flanges with kerosene and cover them with a separator (wax) in three layers. This must be done carefully. Then the strips are laid along the edges of the bumper. These strips will be removable and, together with the matrix, will form our future fiberglass bumper.

Fiberglass and bumpers can deform under load and “float” due to temperatures and low rigidity. Therefore, in order to maintain the shape of the matrix with fiberglass, structures made of metal or wood are used. This design acts as a stand during the hardening of the composition.

In this case, four boards were cut and assembled so that the matrix stood in place. The wood is impregnated with resin and molded to the matrix with strips of fiberglass. It stays like that for several days.
Before shooting the matrix, the connecting points of its fragments are marked. In our case, there are removable strips along the edges of the bumper matrix.

Usually, holes are drilled in the flanges for M8 bolts, or possibly for self-tapping screws. And then the edges are leveled with a grinder, while the connection between the matrix and the planks is cut, the parts are separated. A very unpleasant operation, since fiberglass can get into places where it is not needed (eyes, skin). Be sure to use PPE.
The quality of the application of the separating layer can be judged by how the matrix parts are separated from the model. Teflon car wax applied without gaps gives excellent results. The fiberglass molded around the model tightens and therefore it is very difficult to remove the model. The only thing that helps is plasticine, which you don’t mind picking at.

Plasticine and pieces of car wax are removed from the matrix with kerosene, white spirit, then the remaining plasticine is heated with a hairdryer and wiped with a rag. The front part (inside) is lightly processed with sandpaper, only minor imperfections. The matrix for the fiberglass bumper is ready.

Making a fiberglass bumper with your own hands

And only now we proceed directly to making a fiberglass bumper with our own hands. The matrix turned out good, now we need to finish the niches for fog lights.
To begin with, optics are selected. The hole for the headlights is transferred to cardboard.

The cone of the niche and the size of the hole must correspond to the size of the fog lights. To do this, mold a plasticine mound with a cardboard template on top. We transfer the template from one side to the other and align it.

The matrix is ​​coated with wax and then with a gelcoat consisting of polyester resin and aluminum powder.

The first layer of gelcoat is the most important. Then comes the formation of the first layer of fiberglass. Glass mat 300 is used again. The sharp corners of the matrix are coated with glass powder. The main thing here is to ensure that there are no air bubbles. We squeeze them out or pierce the fabric to release the air.
The second and third layers are applied using grade 600 glass mat using rollers.

The next morning, remove the screws from the matrix. Separate the strips at the ends of the bumper

We take out the fiberglass bumper from the matrix. Separating parts is a rather painstaking process. There is no need to rush here. In the gap between the part and the matrix, wooden wedges and slivers will be used.

At some point the bumper will separate from the matrix. Then you can mold a second copy, just in case. Carefully coat the matrix with separator and dry it. All technology is repeated.
The bumper is sanded and trimmed. The second copy is ready nearby.

The bumper is then puttied and leveled, ready for painting.

The bumper is first adjusted to the location on the car, tried on, and then painted.

It’s not so easy, but it’s true, you can make a fiberglass bumper with your own hands.

If your car's bumper was damaged in a road accident, or you just want to somehow make your car stand out from the faceless mass, giving it a special appearance, you can do tuning of the front end. To do this, you should contact a car service - good decision, if you have extra finances, but no free time and self-confidence. If you have some skills in machining materials, are ready for a long, labor-intensive process and want to avoid unnecessary financial expenses, you can make a bumper yourself.

So, to do bumper tuning yourself, you need to be patient and prepare for a long procedure that will require all your accuracy and skill.

Manufacturing can be divided into several stages. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make a bumper with your own hands.

Preparatory stage

Before we start tuning, we will need to perform some preparatory operations. First, we need to decide what we will form the profile from - plasticine and polyurethane foam. Plasticine allows you to sculpt, you need to cut it out of foam. Using plasticine is more advantageous because it makes it possible to quickly build up a layer of material.

You can use a damaged standard bumper for your car in production. The procedure is as follows:

We have received the form, and now we can start making the matrix. It is necessary to ensure that the manufactured bumper exactly matches the seats on the car body.

Matrix production

Making a bumper


Making a bumper with your own hands is a rather labor-intensive process that requires accuracy, attentiveness and large quantity time. To perform such work, you must have a good eye, be able to take any measurements well, and have the skills to manually handle materials.

The main thing in the whole process is attention to detail and lack of haste. Pay close attention to the smoothness of lines, high quality surfaces and symmetry of products. All measurements must be taken to ensure correct landing the received product to the mounting points on the body.

The bumper of a car is an important part that gives it a special appearance and emphasizes its contours. A unique bumper made by yourself also makes the car special, emphasizing the individuality of its owner. This detail is quite difficult to make. However, a little patience and polyurethane foam - and your car will be unique.

Alternative bumper options

Many car enthusiasts do not pay attention to bumpers and other body parts, leaving them as they are. But tuning lovers are constantly looking for new and original solutions. They are tormented by the same question: how to make a car original, stylish and stand out from the crowd?

There are few options regarding the bumper. You can buy a ready-made body kit for your car model and enjoy the new look. Or you can make a bumper with your own hands. This is where imagination, the talent of a sculptor, patience, a standard bumper and a video from the Internet come to the rescue. One of the best and proven materials for making a bumper with your own hands is polyurethane foam.

Advantages of a foam-based bumper

Using polyurethane foam to make a unique bumper has its advantages:

  • Polyurethane foam is a relatively inexpensive material
  • It fills all cavities and accurately follows the contours of the original bumper
  • The foam hardens quickly and is easy to process
  • It is also quite easy to remove the foam at the final stage of making the bumper yourself

In addition to polyurethane foam, to make a bumper with your own hands, you will need some tools and other materials.

Necessary set of tools and consumables

So, what do you need to make a unique bumper with your own hands? The list of tools and materials is approximately as follows:

  • 3-5 cylinders of polyurethane foam;
  • special foam gun;
  • masking tape;
  • epoxy resin;
  • fiberglass;
  • culinary foil;
  • sharp stationery knife with replaceable blades;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • automotive putty.

In addition, you should prepare workplace. This can be a regular table that is accessible from all sides for more comfortable work. Good lighting will not hurt, as the work is artistic and requires attention to detail.

Preparation of the base and sketch

Making the part yourself begins with dismantling the bumper. It will serve as the basis for something new. You can make this part without a template, however, such an operation requires experience. Using the old original bumper it will be easier to shape, guess with symmetry and not miss important details that relate to the fastening.

The removed bumper is covered with masking tape from the inside in several layers. This will facilitate easy separation of the hardened foam from the template. It is also quite convenient to use masking tape to mark future bumper parts. After pasting, foam is applied in an even layer. A spray foam gun will be indispensable for this. At this stage, care should be taken not to apply too much material, since a thick layer of unnecessary foam will take quite a long time to dry.

After applying the foam, it is necessary to more accurately determine the details of the future bumper. You can draw on a piece of paper all the details in the form of a radiator grille, holes for daylight running lights and other little things.

Once everything is ready and the foam has hardened, you can proceed to the next stage. It usually takes at least 24 hours for the foam to harden. It all depends on the thickness of the layer and the ambient temperature.

Shaping the part

At this stage, it is necessary to carefully separate the resulting workpiece from the old bumper, which served as a template. This is quite easy to do, however, caution will not hurt, since the hardened foam is quite fragile.

After separation, a stationery knife is used, with its help you need to give the workpiece the desired shape. This is where the talent of an artist is needed. It is quite difficult to work out small details, because in addition to correct form symmetry must be observed. If at this stage your hand trembles and the knife picks out excess material, then you can correct the situation with putty.

After cutting with a knife, you need to process the part sandpaper. The more accurately this process is done, the less work there will be in the future. After sanding and obtaining the desired shape, the newly made bumper is sealed with putty. At this stage, all the flaws that were made when cutting with a knife are eliminated. The putty layer is also sanded with sandpaper, gradually reducing its grain size.

Fiberglass overlay

When the shape of the future product is perfected, you can begin to apply the base material - fiberglass. This material, combined with resin, hardens, and the product is quite hard and durable.

Before applying fiberglass, the bumper is covered with cooking foil. This will make it easier to remove the hardened foam and prevent it from being destroyed by aggressive material. If there is no foil, then you can even use plain paper. As a last resort, you can apply resin to bare foam with some caution.

After preparatory work Resin is applied to the workpiece. The first layer of pre-cut fiberglass is laid on top of the resin. The fiberglass is smoothed with a rubber or plastic scraper. At this stage it is important to ensure an even fit of the fiberglass. The formation of air bubbles and wrinkles should be avoided as much as possible.

After applying the first layer, the procedure is repeated 4-5 times. When all layers of fiberglass have been applied, the product must again be given time to dry and harden. After the resin has hardened, all that remains is to remove the foam, modify the bumper with putty (if necessary) and carefully sand everything. The finished bumper is primed and painted like a regular body part.

Many car owners strive to give their vehicle unique design, or improve its characteristics. This is done by making changes to the design. They are aimed at improving performance and design. Tuning a car bumper is popular look changes in the appearance of the car.

A car owner may have several reasons to change a body element (or create a new one):

  • Car tuning.
    Obtaining a bright and unique appearance of the car is achieved by installing a new original part.
  • Component failure.
    If the protective element is broken, it needs to be repaired and the design needs to be improved.
  • Improving the driving characteristics of the car.
    Changing the design of the front and rear bumpers allows for better pressing of the car body to the ground while driving. As a result, aerodynamic drag is reduced.

It is advisable to entrust the production of bumpers to professionals. Especially if you need to replace a broken part with a new one. However, if the component only needs to be given individuality, then they do the bumper tuning themselves. To change the design of an element, you will need patience, accuracy and perseverance. To make a bumper with your own hands, you must have certain knowledge, skills and the ability to work with complex tools.

How to make a bumper with your own hands

Making a bumper for a car with your own hands is a complex and time-consuming process. Many motorists are only engaged in reworking an existing part; this operation requires accuracy, free time, patience and perseverance. But the result of the work will please you. Before you remake a part yourself, you need to think through a plan for the operations to be performed in advance.

It will look like this:

  1. Planning work, creating a project “on paper”.
  2. Preparation the right tools and materials.
  3. Execution of work.
  4. Carrying out the necessary modifications.

Subsequent modernization should not affect the protective properties of the body component. Only after building a plan on how to make bumper tuning should you start working.

Materials and tools

After creating the project, you should decide on the materials and tools for the work. The final result depends on this.

Depending on the selected materials, the set of tools required for work and the nuances of changing the body kit depend.

Also, before you start upgrading the body kit, you will need to use a mock-up or create a matrix; its peculiarity is that it is a “negative” in relation to an existing part. When designing a bumper, the material of the future body part is applied to the matrix, and a “cast” is obtained. It is used when upgrading or repairing an original body element.

Polyurethane foam

The material is used both to create a bumper from scratch and to modify an existing one. To design the part, you will need following materials and tools:

  • Polyurethane foam (approximately from 3 to 5 cylinders);
  • Foam gun;
  • Masking tape;
  • Epoxy resin;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Cooking foil;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Sharp stationery knife and replaceable blades;
  • Sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • Automotive putty.

To create a bumper from polyurethane foam, it is important to have a developed eye, “straight hands”, patience, accuracy and master the skills of manual processing of materials. Only in this case, the quality of the manufactured element will be at its best.

To make a bumper from polyurethane foam yourself, follow the following steps:

  1. Creating a base from polyurethane foam.
  2. Use of fiberglass.
  3. Primer and painting.

You can get a bumper made of polyurethane foam through phased implementation works:

  1. Remove the original component. It will serve as a template for creating a new product.
  2. Cover the internal cavity of the dismantled element with several layers of masking tape.
  3. Apply foam evenly.
  4. After drying, separate the frozen workpiece from the bumper.
  5. Using a knife, cut out the main holes on the new component.
  6. Carefully sand the resulting part with sandpaper.
  7. After the foam has dried, putty the workpiece. Afterwards, you should also process the future part with sandpaper, while gradually reducing the grain size.

Before you shape the future bumper, you need to make markings. This way you can achieve a symmetrical, neat part.

The application of fiberglass is carried out as follows:

  1. Cover the workpiece with foil. It will protect the product from exposure to aggressive materials and make it easier to remove frozen foam.
  2. Use epoxy resin. Place a layer of pre-cut fiberglass on top of it.
  3. Smooth the applied material with a rubber or plastic scraper. Do not allow wrinkles or air bubbles to appear on the surface to be treated.
  4. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times. Wait until the material hardens and dries.
  5. Remove the foam, make adjustments using putty, treat the surface with sandpaper, prime and paint the body part.

The method, despite being painstaking, is easy to implement and accessible to almost anyone.

We use foam plastic

Making a bumper from polystyrene foam is almost identical to creating a part from polyurethane foam. The only difference is that the individual parts are designed, and then they are glued together with liquid nails. Otherwise, the set of tools and the order of actions performed are completely identical.

A material that can be easily shaped is foam. Making your own bumper using it is quite easy. To start the work process, you need to stock up on foam plastic and begin creating the body part.


To create a fiberglass bumper, you will need to stock up on the following set of tools and materials:

  • Fiberglass, glass mat, fiberglass. They are used all at once.
  • Epoxy resin and hardeners.
  • Gel coat or putty.
  • Paraffin or stearin.
  • Sharp knife and scissors.
  • Spatulas and brushes.
  • Respirator and gloves.
  • Sandpaper, sanding machine.

The material is easy to process and quite durable. It is well suited both for upgrading the original body element and for constructing a new one. To create a fiberglass bumper, a matrix of the future part is used.

The manufacture of a fiberglass bumper is carried out as follows:

  1. The matrix is ​​lubricated with paraffin or stearin. This is done so that the future part can be easily removed later.
  2. A thick layer of gelcoat or putty is applied. This step will allow you to level the working surface of the matrix (in some cases, aluminum powder is applied).
  3. Apply a layer of mixture epoxy resin and hardener.
  4. After drying, the first layer of fiberglass is applied (fiberglass can also be used). It is important to ensure that the component fits as tightly as possible to the surface and that no air gets under it.
  5. After the first layer has dried, you will need to add 2-3 more layers of fiberglass. It is recommended to alternate the material according to the degree of hardness. This will make the future part light and durable.
  6. Each new layer should be given time to dry from 2 to 4 hours. The thickened resin should be used to treat the joints and bends, and coat the fiberglass layer.
  7. After complete hardening, all that remains is to separate the part from the matrix, sand it with sandpaper, prime and paint.

Before adding a new layer of fiberglass, you should make sure that there are no folds or air bubbles on the previous one. Otherwise, such a part will be fragile and unsuitable for use.

The main advantages of such a bumper are lightness, strength, and immunity to corrosion.

How to make a power bumper

The part is mainly installed on SUVs. Thanks to it, the vehicle, when driving off-road, will be able to overcome serious obstacles without risking its integrity. The passive safety of the driver and passengers will also significantly increase. The power bumper is made of iron. Homemade elements, in addition to safety, they “give” the SUV an aggressive appearance. With a homemade power kit, you can drive. To obtain this permit, changes to the design of the vehicle must be registered with the traffic police.

Before starting work on creating a power element, you need to draw up a plan on how to make a bumper, and only after that, start working. To complete this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Tape measure, tape, marker, scissors.
  • Sheet metal (up to 3 mm thick), and cardboard.
  • Grinder, cut-off and grinding wheels, welding machine.

The work process is slightly different, depending on the method used to create the bumper:

  • Construction from whole piece metal
  • Construction from several parts.

Despite the differences, the process has some similar operations:

  1. Creating templates from cardboard.
  2. Tenderloin necessary elements from metal, or creating the desired shape from a single piece.
  3. Connecting several parts into one piece using welding machine, or forming a structure using a bend sheet metal(practically impossible to do at home, as powerful equipment is required).
  4. Primer and painting.
  5. Installation on a vehicle.

The power bumper is painted in dark colors or left unpainted (if used stainless steel as a material).

Additional tuning elements

Motorists, trying to give their vehicle a unique design, tune the bumper. Basically, these alterations concern the installation of the following elements:

  • Lip. It is a kind of protrusion that is located at the bottom protective structure. It is made of fiberglass and polyurethane foam, as a result of which the lip is primed and painted to match the color of the car.
  • Diffuser. Decorative overlay on bottom part rear bumper. Foamed PVC is used to create it. Markings are created on the material, after which the sheet is heated construction hairdryer and give the details shape. They prime and paint, and then attach it to the car using sealant.
  • Fangs. Decorative element, which is installed on both metal and plastic body elements. For mounting on “plastic”, fiberglass is used. To install fangs on iron parts, use metal and a welding machine.

Also, to give the car individual look, stickers are placed on the bumpers, or the parts are covered with carbon fiber.

Advantages and disadvantages of tuned bumpers

Body elements that have undergone tuning have their advantages and disadvantages. The list of advantages includes:

  • Individual design.
  • More durable construction compared to the standard one.
  • Relatively small financial expenses to create.

The list of shortcomings includes:

  • Large time and labor costs for tuning the rear and front bumpers.
  • The need to register homemade bumper covers as changes to the design of the car.

Bumper tuning is a great way to give your car a bright and unique design. He also helps to repair an old broken body part. Professional tuning, worth it big money. It is much more profitable and efficient to independently change the design of a body element, or even create a new part.

To make a bumper using polyurethane foam, you need to have skills in working with it and sculpting skills. After all, the part should turn out smooth and symmetrical. Sloppy flaws can ruin all your hard work.

When creating a bumper, we will need polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. Therefore, we take into account their physical qualities. The foam dissolves upon contact with polyester resin, which we will apply to the bumper later, if we do not protect it with technical plasticine. And polyurethane foam is aggressive towards metal, so when working with it, we hide everything metal under penofol. We remove the old bumper. Then we start designing a new one. From sheets of plywood or pieces of clapboard we install a kind of lower and upper side of the bumper. On paper we make sketches of what we want to get in the end: the shape of the bumper, the location of the air intakes, the side curves, the place for the foglights (if necessary).

Let's move on to design: we give our bumper a shape. Along the lower border marked earlier, we lay out a layer of foam plastic as the future “bottom” of the bumper. Glue it directly to it using “ liquid nails” vertically directed “jumpers” - frames of the main air intake, side ones, places for fog lights. Glue on top horizontal panel from polystyrene foam and leave to dry until the next day. The exact proportions are not important here; we will adjust everything later. It is important to create a kind of frame for the future bumper. Using a marker and a knife, slowly and very carefully, we adjust our frame: with a marker we mark the necessary boundaries, and with a craft knife we ​​cut off the excess foam. It is better to devote several days in a row to this activity than to make mistakes in a hurry or completely ruin the entire workpiece.

Polyurethane foam fill all the provided space. We apply the foam in a moderately thick layer on the surface of the foam and where there are no holes. We leave the workpiece to dry for a couple of days.

With a sharp knife cut off the excess foam and give the future bumper the desired shape. Perhaps we will cut off the excess somewhere, then we will have to apply an additional amount of foam to such areas, in which case the process will take another two days. This stage is the most painstaking, because it is necessary to take into account symmetry and all the gaps. Open areas cover the foam with technical plasticine or putty (preferably in several layers). We treat all rough places with fine sandpaper. We apply several layers of polyester resin and fiberglass to the bumper to add strength to the structure. Leave until completely dry. Then we prime and paint the bumper. We install meshes in the air holes.

The process of creating a bumper with your own hands is a complex and lengthy process. At the same time, the huge advantage of such a bumper over purchased ones is its cost. A well-made bumper after painting does not reveal itself in any way, but it gives the car uniqueness and pride to its owner.