Make your own pipe bender for a round pipe. How to make a pipe bender for a pipe with your own hands: drawings, diagrams, videos. Types of pipe bending devices and mechanisms

When working on a site or in a garage, quite often it is necessary to bend several pipes along one or another circle. Or, as an option, make even steel strips semicircular. For this, a device such as a pipe bender is used, but purchasing a factory model to perform a couple of operations is not a cheap pleasure. It’s easier to make a simple pipe bender with your own hands that can bend a pipe to the required dimensions. We will get acquainted with the simplest and most popular versions of this design today.

What are pipe benders used for?

Profile pipes with various cuts are considered the most popular today metal products and are used in the construction of greenhouses, sheds, garages, for creating fences, during pipeline laying, and so on. And in the manufacture of most of these products, pipes must be bent at one angle or another, and without special equipment there is no way to cope with this.

So, a pipe bender is a special device through which, in most cases, pipes are bent, and the bending angle can be different (within 0-180 degrees). The drive of a modern pipe bender is often electromechanical or hydraulic.

Note! Using the device described in the article, you can bend products of any configuration (boiler, gas and water supply; moreover, pipes can be either steel, copper, aluminum or metal-plastic).

The scope of application of a pipe bender is quite wide - it can be found on construction sites, when creating heating/water supply networks, at industrial facilities, etc. A pipe bender made by yourself is an irreplaceable thing in the household that can be used for a variety of jobs. If, for example, you intend to install an air conditioner yourself, equip a ventilation or heating system, then it will not be easy to do without this unit.

How does a pipe bender work?

The specific design of the device depends, first of all, on its purpose, however, a pipe bender must include:

  • frame;
  • a pair of pipe stops;
  • hydraulic cylinder;
  • strips (upper/lower).

Note also that the frame can be either open or closed. As for the hydraulic cylinder, it is the main part of the device that performs the power function.

Also in the do-it-yourself pipe bender circuit there is a pressure device, which is located on the back of the body; The bypass valve screw and handle are located in the same place. But on top of the cylinder there is a plug through which oil is poured inside and its level is checked. The unit strip located below is screwed onto the thread located in front of the housing, and then pressed with a special fixing nut. Additionally, the bar is secured with a lock and a pair of screws.

For manual reinforcement, a retractable rod is used, which returns back thanks to a spring located in the cylinder. The pipe bender bars are made as a welded structure. The transverse plates have holes through which stops are installed. At the bottom of the case there is also threaded holes for installation bolts, height adjustable.

Note! The stop is made in the form of a pin, and the stops, which are located at its ends, are inserted into the holes on the slats. The bent product will rest on the stream located in the middle of the stop. The bending elements are made of precision cast steel.

When considering a pipe bender with your own hands, one cannot help but note the fact that profile pipes with thin walls are used in last years becoming increasingly popular, moreover, they make it possible to create durable and attractive designs, as well as save on construction work. It is from these pipes that greenhouses and various canopies are made today. What is the difference between a profile pipe and an ordinary one? First of all, cross section, which in this case is not round, but oval, rectangular or square. This is precisely what explains the design features of a pipe bender for this type of pipe - the rollers must be of the same cross-section as the products being bent, otherwise the cross-section of the latter may be deformed.

Types of pipe benders

Using a manual pipe bender, you can bend rings and arcs. Such a device weighs relatively little (about 65 kg), thanks to which it can be transported to the work site with small metal structures (the same greenhouses, gates, canopies). Here are the main characteristics of materials that can be processed with a manual device: a round pipe with a cross-section of 3 centimeters, a square one - 4x4 centimeters, a rod - 1.6 centimeters, a strip - 4x1 centimeters and, finally, a square - 1.6x1.6 centimeters.

Thanks to various types of mandrels, the range of processed products can be expanded, and the pipe bender, in turn, can be turned into a profile bender. Price hand tools is such that it can be purchased or made with one’s own hands, even for minor productions.

As for electric pipe benders, they are used on an industrial scale when working with products of various sections. Such units are very productive, which is determined, first of all, by additional functions, including rotation of the rollers in two directions at once, the use of foot pedals, and adjustment using the control panel.

The capabilities of electric pipe benders include bending arcs from square (8x4 centimeters) and round (3 centimeters) pipes. In order to match the cross-sectional configuration and diameter of the products, the devices are equipped with special replaceable mandrels for each specific case.

A hydraulic manual pipe bender is considered more modern, the strength of which is such that it allows processing fairly large steel products. It is this option that is desirable to use for water or gas pipelines. This pipe bender’s drive is equipped with a special hydraulic unit, which distinguishes it from a conventional device (the operator’s work is noticeably easier).

Hydraulic devices can be of several types at once and can be used for various pipes and fittings. Thus, a portable pipe bender (TPB) can be used for solid steel pipes, as well as for round rolled products ( we're talking about about the bulldozer method, when pipes are not filled with sand or other fillers). There is also a manual unit (RGU), which is used to bend water and gas pipes, fittings or, again, rolled steel.

Note! From the point of view of operating conditions, a pipe bender (including with your own hands) can be manual or stationary. Representatives of the first group are more suitable for domestic use, while representatives of the second are more suitable for enterprises where bending pipes or other products is required.

Operating principle of a pipe bender

At first it may seem that there is nothing super complicated in bending pipes, but in reality this is not entirely true. If handled incorrectly, you may encounter all sorts of defects, including crushing (which can cause a change in diameter) or stretching of the thickness at the bend (due to this, the strength characteristics of the pipeline may suffer). For this reason, the device must be selected correctly, knowing the principle of its operation - this way you minimize possible defects.

The very principle of operation is as follows. First, the required size of the semicircle is drawn on folded boards or pieces of particle boards, after which they are cut along the line and fixed with nails on the floor, wall or fence. It must be remembered that this shield should be slightly thicker than the product being bent (about two to three centimeters). A stop is fixed from the edge of the board in the side part. The edge of the pipe is inserted between the latter and the template, and then a smooth bend is made in accordance with this template (for this you need to grasp the second end of the product with your hands).

Important information! If we are talking about a short pipe or a small rod, then the second end is extended by cutting a pipe that is suitable in diameter.

We also note that there are quite a few complex solutions problems with bending large diameter pipes, but they require plumbing skills and the use professional equipment. Making such a pipe bender yourself is not only difficult, but also expensive - it is much easier to purchase a manual unit that has already been used.

Video - Do-it-yourself pipe bender for profile pipes

A simple pipe bender for ordinary pipes with your own hands

To assemble a simple pipe bender with your own hands, you only need what you can find at any summer cottage. More specifically, you will need:

  • wooden shield;
  • two small bars;
  • large hooks;
  • several strong boards.

Draw a semicircle on the finished shield according to which the pipe will bend. If the unit will be used several times, draw a couple of semicircles at once. Next, nail bars or boards vertically from below (they can help with inserting the pipe and fixing its ends). After this, attach large hooks along the semicircle. This unit is quite convenient, but its downside is that the hooks will have to be rebalanced each time in order to obtain different bending angles.

Making a pipe bender designed for working with profile pipes with your own hands

For this kind of pipes, the design described above is no longer suitable. For this reason, you will need a special roller pipe bender with your own hands. If you look at the drawings and step by step instructions, then you can quite easily make such a machine with your own hands.

Materials you will need:

  • pre-made frame made of steel profile;
  • rollers;
  • jack;
  • three rollers.

After preparing everything you need, you can proceed directly to the manufacturing process.

Step one. Make metal carcass. At the bottom you can additionally weld fasteners for fixation on the countertop. After this, place a pair of vertical supports: on the side and in the center. On the opposite side (where there is no support), the profile will rise, and therefore it needs to be bolted. This part will be lifted using a jack.

Step two. Weld the shafts to the finished frame. Two are on the sides, while for the third it is necessary to prepare supports in advance. The shaft will be attached to the latter.

Step three. Weld the handle, made from a steel pipe, to the central shaft. This handle will be used to bend the product.

Step four. Fix two shafts, as well as rollers, between the shafts on the sides and the central one so that the product being bent does not move. The fact is that this way the pipe will not move much, and therefore the work will be done with the utmost care.

Step five. At the end, install a jack under the movable part of the profile (the one with the roller). The jack, by the way, can be either a simple rack or bottle jack. If necessary, secure it to the structure.

Note! Take careful measurements before starting work. Draw a diagram, check how well the parts are welded together. In addition, we recommend that you watch the video below.

Video - Making a simple pipe bender yourself

Manufacturing a compact snail pipe bender

To make a pipe bender with your own hands, you can use ready-made design drawings. Check out several options, balance their complexity with your capabilities, availability of the required skills and equipment. This way you can choose the most optimal design. So, check out several more options for pipe benders that you can easily assemble with your own hands.

Let's start with the fact that in order to bend profile pipes correctly, you need to clearly understand the physics of this process. As a rule, hand-held devices use a so-called circular bend, due to which the risks of damage to the product, cracks or creases are minimized. To bend a pipe in such a unit, you need to fix the pipe in it, and then press the lever. The product will bend as it rolls over the roller, which in turn presses it against the main wheel.

As for the necessary equipment and materials, you will need:

  • sheet of metal 6 mm thick;
  • ruler/tape measure;
  • Working wheel;
  • hammer;
  • pressure roller;
  • corners made of steel, with dimensions 5x5x0.25 centimeters;
  • welding machine (and skills to work with it, of course);
  • a piece of thick pipe with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters;
  • Bulgarian;
  • axes of rotation;
  • washers, nuts;
  • a piece of metal rod with a square cross-section (2x2x4 centimeters).

Note! When constructing a pipe bender with your own hands, be sure to follow safety requirements! This especially applies to welding and cutting metal!

How to calculate a structure. Drawing

Before you start making a pipe bender with your own hands, determine at what radius you will need to bend pipes most often. The dimensions of the impeller will depend on this (they should be the same as the inner radius of the finished elbow).

The drawing presented above was created for profile pipes whose diameter does not exceed one inch. Using this unit, it will be possible to obtain a bending radius of up to 12.5 centimeters (this is 1/2 the diameter of the impeller). But if you require other bending parameters, use the appropriate calculation method.

So, the main size of the fork is the distance between the axes of the roller and the impeller (here a = 200 millimeters). This interval was chosen in this case taking into account the fact that the maximum diameter of the profile pipe will be 25 millimeters, but we recommend adding a few more “reserve” millimeters.

Here is the formula for calculating the distance between the axes:

d + r1 + r2 + 2= a, in which:

  • d is the exact diameter of the product;
  • r1-2 is the radius of the roller/impeller.

Note! If the design of the future unit provides for the presence of a kind of rivulet pulley, then measure based solely on the lowest point of this element.

To determine the size of the fork, take 10 millimeters as the gap between its base and the roller, and then add another 30 “spare” millimeters. But to determine the internal clearance, add one or two millimeters to the thickness of the wheel.

Important information! To get more universal design Make several holes on the sides of the fork. When you move the roller axis, you will change the distance between the surfaces of the rotating elements.

How to make such a pipe bender - a detailed guide

As you can see from the diagram presented above, the design consists of:

  • thick iron plate (base);
  • forks;
  • impeller;
  • and finally the video.

To make a pipe bender with your own hands, follow the sequence of steps below.

Step one. First, make a roller and impeller. If you have a lathe, this is very good, but without similar equipment These elements can also be manufactured without any difficulties. For a reasonable fee, a specialist will quickly turn your pulleys.

Note! Don't skimp on creating movable parts! They must have a groove for a pipe of maximum diameter, in addition, the roller must have a seat for a rolling bearing.

If necessary, adjustments can be made to the design of the knee surface; The roller/wheel groove is shaped. When the roller rolls, it will leave a mark on the outer surface of the knee, while the wheel will leave it on the inner surface. To make work easier and reduce the overall cost of the structure, you can install two ball bearings of the required dimensions instead of the roller.

Step two. Using the same machine, it is necessary to make an axis for the roller and impeller. It is important that the thickness of the elements matches the inner diameter of the bearing you are using. As for the length of the axle, it should be the same as the outer width of the fork. The length of the wheel rotation axis will be slightly larger, since the thickness of the base plate of the unit will also be taken into account. If you refuse to install bearings, you can thereby significantly reduce the cost of the process, and in this case, long bolts with nuts will act as axes. Be that as it may, remember that working with such a device will be much more difficult.

Step three. After this, take a sheet of metal, cut out the back wall and side surfaces of the fork from it; in addition, you will need a piece of pipe with thick walls, which will serve as a lever.

Step four. In accordance with the diagram, make holes in the fork for the roller/wheel.

Step five. Weld the fork elements. At the same time, make sure that the right corners of this product are made especially well.

Note! It is better not to attach the lever end-to-end to the fork, since this kind of fastening will be unreliable due to the large forces applied. The best option is to drill a hole in the back wall where the end of the pipe will subsequently fit. If you weld such a joint using a welding machine, you will get an extremely strong joint as a result.

Step six. We continue to assemble the pipe bender with our own hands. So, now arm yourself with a grinder and use it to cut out the frame. After this, drill a hole in it of the appropriate size for the stationary wheel axle.

Step seven. If necessary, press the bearing into the roller.

Step eight. Place the roller in the fork and then secure it with nuts or a welding machine.

Step nine. Place the assembled fork on the base, fixing the wheel axle in the same way as when installing the roller.

Step ten. Weld a piece of square cross-section - this will be a kind of fixation of the workpiece.

Finally, make holes in the corners of the base to install the unit to the workbench. Don’t forget to clean the welding areas so that the final structure looks more attractive. Also paint the pipe bender with enamel to protect it from rusting.

Another design of a bending machine

Here, as you can see, the roller is pressed using a threaded drive. IN in this example a hydraulic jack will be used and manual drive, in which elements of the gas distribution mechanism will be present (we are talking about those in car engines). And one more thing: do not forget about personal safety! Always use personal protective equipment when working!

Now - directly to the process of making a pipe bender with your own hands

Step one. First, make the pressure shaft and support shafts. If you do not know how to operate a lathe, you will need the help of a professional. It is important that the rollers have shanks necessary for mounting the sprockets.

Note! The chain, as well as the sprockets, can be anything.

Step two. Attach bearing supports to the shafts, secure the gears to the keys.

Step three. Weld the frame of the future pipe bender. First of all, make a square frame with support legs, and then install a structure on it, through which the plate with the roller will move.

Step four. In this case, the plate will be a channel (H- or U-shaped). To install the pressure shaft, make holes at the edges of the plate taking into account the dimensions of the bearing supports.

Step five. Hang a piece of channel with a roller on four springs on top of the frame (pre-weld nuts in the corners that will serve as mounting loops). Then finally install the hydraulic jack.

Step six. Secure the drive shafts to the lower frame.

Step seven. Place the chain on the sprockets and press down on it to determine where the tensioner will be located. Install the latter on the frame of the structure.

Step eight. Install the handle to rotate the shafts of the structure. We recommend using a handle with a rotating tube to make it easier to work and to avoid calluses on your hands.

Step nine. You can treat the finished pipe bender with your own hands with a special rust converter and then paint it.

In the end, all that remains is to check the resulting design for functionality. That's all, we hope that by following our instructions you will definitely get the desired result! And at the end - another thematic video material.

Good luck with your work!

Video - Making a simple pipe bender

Homemade pipe bender for round pipe It can be done in several versions - from primitive template to rolling and winding with electric drive.

Products made from bent pipe are quite popular when decorating personal plot and home decoration. Fences, decorative fences, frames of greenhouses, canopies and canopies, trellises made of bent round or profile pipes sometimes look better than forging. A homemade pipe bender for a round pipe can be made in several versions - from a primitive template (for manual bending of thin-walled pipes of small diameter) to rolling and winding with an electric drive.

Let's consider the main types of homemade pipe benders from the standpoint of their efficiency and manufacturing complexity. For a home craftsman, making some types of pipe bending machines with your own hands will not be a problem if you have the skills to work with welding or on a lathe. But there are also quite complex installations that can only be implemented in a metalworking workshop or metalworking shop. It should be noted that homemade pipe benders can also bring a lot of benefits there.

The easiest way to bend a pipe with a given radius of curvature, including a fairly small one. But most often this method is used for the manufacture of relatively large structural elements:

  • arcs of arched greenhouses;
  • supporting structures, garage roofs and sheds;
  • the tops of fences.

The template can be made from boards 40 mm thick by knocking down a shield from them and cutting an arc from it required radius. The pipe is fixed on one side and slowly bent along the cut to the other. At the same time, it covers the end surface of the template and takes its shape. The disadvantage of this method is that, if it is necessary to make an arc of a different radius, you will have to make another template.

A more advanced do-it-yourself pipe bender with a variable bending radius can also be made from wood using metal stops, which are aligned along the required trajectory. For stops, hooks or regular pins are used, protruding above the plane of the shield by 4 - 7 cm, depending on the diameter of the pipe.

Rows of holes are drilled throughout the entire shield, forming arcs of the required radius; rearranging the stops is a matter of a few minutes. You can see what this template with hooks looks like in the photo. Without the use of jacks and winches, it can bend pipes with a diameter of up to 30 mm with a wall thickness of 1 - 2 mm. If you attach a cable from a hand winch or a screw tensioning mechanism to the free end of the pipe, you can handle pipes up to 40 mm.

Roll-type pipe bender

It works on the principle of pressing a moving roller on the pipe, which is pressed against supporting surface(fixed roller or template) and bends along a given radius. By making the pressure roller movable along the lever with the possibility of fixing in several positions, and installing support rollers of different radii, you can build a universal pipe bender with your own hands, capable of working with pipes with a diameter of 25 - 30 mm, bending them to a given radius.

This method of bending pipes is good because the machine is very compact and lightweight. You can take it with you to your dacha, to a site under construction, or use it in field conditions. It does not require electricity or any other source of energy - everything is done entirely by hand. By varying the length of the lever, you can adjust the force applied.

Rolling pipe benders

The most productive pipe benders with three rollers can be made independently in a home workshop.

A do-it-yourself pipe bender for a thick-walled round pipe is equipped with a manual or electric drive, depending on the required performance. If pipe bending is done occasionally and in a small volume, then there is no need to bother with the drive. But for small-scale production you will need an electric motor. It can be connected to the rolling roller via a chain or gear drive.

The design is based on a frame of two channels, between which two support rollers are installed on horizontal axes. Vertical stand is welded in the middle of the frame and there is a movable drive roller on it, the vertical position of which is adjusted with a screw.

The pipe is installed on support rollers and is pressed against them by a drive. By rotating the handle, the operator moves the pipe, which bends under a given radius, depending on the force of the clamping force. This DIY pipe bender copes well with profile and round pipes with a diameter of up to 40 mm, if you choose the right roller diameter and drive gear ratio.

An electric pipe bending machine works on the same principle. Based on it, you can develop your own installation option. Open here the broadest opportunities for technical creativity. The implementation of the principle of operation of three rollers is possible in many options. As a prototype, you can use both designs from the Internet and any industrial machine. It’s easy to copy it, keeping it or changing the dimensions in a certain proportion, adapting it to your needs.

Typically, rolling machines industrial production are quite expensive. At self-production they will be several times cheaper with the same performance and adjustability. You can turn the most important part (rollers) yourself if you have the skills to work on a lathe, order it online or buy it at any metal processing shop.

Crossbow type pipe bender

A homemade hydraulic pipe bender for a round pipe is easy to make from a regular bottle-type car jack with a telescopic rod. You just need to take into account that you will need a jack with a telescopic rod and a force of more than 5 tons. It is not suitable for bending thin-walled pipes - only for thick-walled ones, over 1 mm. The diameter of the pipe is also chosen to be greater than 25 mm; thin pipes can be easily bent on a template or using the rolling method. Hydraulics can simply flatten the thin wall, break it or tear it along the seam.

How a crossbow hydraulic pipe bender works can be seen in the video:

The main expenses will go to the purchase of a jack. If you have such a tool in your garage, then you can use it for periodic work. But if you need to bend pipes often and in large quantities, you need to buy your own jack of the required power for the machine.

Practice shows that homemade machines are often not inferior to industrial machines in terms of capabilities, but are much cheaper when made by hand. In their design, you can use various surplus and improvised materials that have been waiting in the wings for years in a garage or shed. But to production own designs you need to approach it carefully and responsibly, having first studied the experience of other amateur designers.

Sometimes on the Internet or in literature you can find very ingenious solutions to complex technical problems that, for one reason or another, are not used by professional designers. But there are also a number of completely non-working solutions that only create the appearance of full-fledged operation of the installation. It is necessary to approach information from the Internet with a sufficient degree of criticality and consider several design options before attempting to implement one of them or create your own based on them.

It happens that you need to bend a metal pipe, but there is nothing to do it with. Human strength is not enough to make a bend evenly without damaging the structure itself. To do this, you need a tool - a pipe bender, which is sold in stores and the construction market. But it’s possible to make it yourself in a garage with a minimum of equipment.

Even budget versions cost more than homemade ones. And if you need a homemade pipe bender for a profile pipe for specific work and will no longer need it, there is no point in buying it.

What is a pipe bender and where is it needed?

Before installing a pipe bender for a profile pipe, you need to learn more about the tool. This is old equipment used for pipe bending. Why can't this be done with ordinary human power? Metal is easily deformed if pressure is applied to it from the sides. The span of human hands is simply not enough to make it possible to deform a pipe in a particular section of the pipeline.

A machine for bending a profile pipe with your own hands not only makes the bend correctly. It accurately determines the angle of inclination. You can set the parameters depending on your specific needs. This procedure does not require much effort.

The equipment can be made of metal. It is advisable to take steel as it meets the standard of hardness and strength that we need. Aluminum has a shorter service life. But if there are no other materials at hand, it will do. You definitely can’t use plastic, as its strength will not be enough to resist the pressure of the metal.

You can make the equipment for yourself. Several types are available to the homemaker, differing in type of design. The angle can be fixed during assembly. Typically, in factory models it corresponds to a range of up to one hundred and eighty degrees.


A bending machine for profile pipes, even in a garage, can be of several types. You can use materials that are not needed in everyday life.

Structurally, they have the following differences:


A type of machine that operates on fluid power. Allows you to bend pipes with a diameter of up to 8 centimeters, so it is often found in production. It is rarely used at home, since we do not need such indicators. But when installing a metal heating pipeline it will be useful. A hydraulic pipe bender is not suitable for thin-walled round pipes, since its deformation method is too rough.


Popular for home use, but cannot be used for bending wide pipes. A simple design based on elementary physics. Everyone has the components for assembly in their garage. Suitable for non-hardened steel, low-carbon ferroalloys, non-ferrous metals (aluminum, copper, various types of their alloys).


IN self-assembly complex but highly productive. They create pinpoint precision and can bend thin-walled tubes without damaging the walls.


They represent a combination of electric and hydraulic axes.

Bending Methods

Additionally, the method of bending itself differs:

  1. Crossbow. For bending, a pre-prepared shape is used, which is suitable for a specific type of pipe. Do-it-yourself crossbow profile bending is a common machine in garages.
  2. Spring. The spring mechanism provides not only high-quality bending, but also does not create destructive deformations.
  3. Segmental. It differs in that bending occurs with the help of a segment that pulls the pipe towards itself.
  4. Bezdornovy. Deformation occurs by winding the profile onto a roller.
  5. Dornovy. The mechanism is similar to the previous one. The main difference is the installation of additional filler, which prevents corrugation from forming.

Necessary materials

A hydraulic pipe bender for a round pipe is designed in a very simple way. You can use ready-made drawings that the Internet is filled with. Under They are available for any garage size. There are many designs, the choice of which is determined by the available materials. If you don’t want to go to a hardware store and spend money, look in the bins. Some parts can be ordered from turners and milling machines.

Often, homebuilders choose a frontal design, which is inexpensive and easy to assemble.

It consists of:

  • Three rollers – metal;
  • Drive chain;
  • Axes for rotation;
  • The mechanism of movement, which will produce bending;
  • Metal profile to make the frame.

DIYers, in order to save money, install rollers from available materials like wood, plastic or polyurethane. The problem here is the theory of cutting. Metal is much stronger and denser. Therefore, the roller may not withstand the pressure and crack. There is no need to save money and install metal ones.

To understand how a pipe bender for a profile pipe bends with your own hands, you need to understand the technology. Often used common varieties rolling and rolling. They allow you to work even with thin-walled tubes without destroying them and leaving them suitable for use.

To make a bend, the pipe must be installed between the rollers. Next, you need to turn the handle, after which deformation will be carried out according to the specified parameters.

You can make pipe benders for profile pipes from a jack. If it is in the garage, you already have half of the machine ready. After assembly, the jack can be removed.

To do this you will need:

  • Car jack;
  • Frame;
  • Springs (necessarily high-precision);
  • Three rollers;
  • Drive chain;
  • Consumables.

About how it works manual profile bender– you can watch the video below. To obtain the result, the installed pipe is bent using rollers. By turning the handle, the drive chain is set in motion, which produces the bend itself.

Instructions for making a pipe bender

Manufacturing the bender is simple if you follow these instructions:

  1. Gears, bearings and rings are attached to the pressure shaft, which are connected to each other using a key. Before assembly, you need to draw up a thorough drawing with the prescribed indicators of all elements. Often they have to be turned separately. If you don't know how to use a lathe, trust a turner. You will need a total of three separate shafts. 2. Holes are made in the rings. They will be needed for grooves and threaded connections.
  2. You need to install a shelf. A steel channel is best, which will provide sufficient pressure on the shaft.
  3. After this you will need to assemble the entire structure. If possible, use a welding machine. A welded connection is the most reliable solution. It does not vibrate. If you don't have a welder, you can use bolts. In some areas, thick steel perforated plates will be required.
  4. The penultimate stage is the installation of the shelf. A pressure roller is installed on it through a spring. Residual rollers are mounted on the sides. A handle is attached to one of them.
  5. Lastly, the jack is installed.

Some nuances:

  • The roller is installed on a shelf, to which a nut for the spring is first welded;
  • Tension must be done using a magnetic corner, which largely acts as a holder;
  • The jack is mounted on a hinged platform (if you want to use it separately, use bolted fastenings).

Hydraulic work bender - instructions

You can also make a pipe bender for metal-plastic pipes with hydraulic traction yourself. The disadvantage is the complexity of assembly.

You will need:

  • A jack with a lifting capacity of at least five tons;
  • Shoe platform;
  • Shafts;
  • Massive channel;
  • Fat steel sheets and consumables.

To produce the device, you need to install a hydraulic jack in the shoe. You need to fix it correctly on both sides. To do this, you can use a welding machine or bolts.

After this, the pressure on the jack ensures high-quality bending of the pipe. Having achieved the required angle, it is enough to remove the product and use it for its intended purpose. To make a device, you need to adhere to the following plan:

  1. Make detailed drawing. It should describe the dimensions of each individual element. Their production can be ordered from a turner.
  2. The lower platform acts as a platform for the jack. To use it in the future, fasten it with bolts, not welding.
  3. Rollers are an important part of the design. Its problem is that they have strict requirements for accuracy. You can make them yourself. The shoe is mounted lower, and their ratio determines the permissible bending angle.

Making a compact snail pipe bender

Products made from the “Snail” profile pipe received this name because it acts as a force template. This is a stencil that is needed specifically to obtain the correct shape of a flat spiral.

In the process, the tube is pressed tightly against the stencil, forming even spiral shapes. In their design, they resemble machines for sealing glass jars.

A snail is a flat steel plastic (at least four millimeters thick). A stencil part in the form of a spiral is installed on it. The problem is that its production requires at least milling machine or a good hand router. You can't do without a propane cutter. This is a type of torch that allows you to heat metal and then bend it.

Factory models are equipped with a pin and bolt system. Each part is replaceable, allowing you to make different bends.

Types of methods

A pipe bender for metal-plastic pipes is a basic machine that operates on one mechanics. The machine is indispensable for pipelines, including thick-walled and metal-plastic ones. It allows you to work with different types metal (steel, aluminum, copper, zinc and their alloys). For greater productivity, the bend areas can be pre-red to release the metal, relieve internal stress and make it softer.

Cold method

Common in garage craftsmanship. If you don’t have a blowtorch or burner, you can use it. The disadvantage is that it requires more effort. Cold metal harder, it may crack. Therefore only suitable for raw steel and soft non-ferrous metals. Safer compared to hot rolling, since you don’t have to work with high temperatures.

Hot method

Requires a torch and blowtorch. Heating relieves stress from the metal and therefore it becomes more pliable, but this is only relevant for thin-walled pipes. Thick-walled tubes cannot be heated to more than 300 degrees in a garage.

You learned how to make a pipe bender with your own hands. But it is better to follow a few additional tips:

  1. To work with different pipe profiles, make removable shafts. To bend thick-walled steel, you will need hardened shafts. Only the top layer can be processed.
  2. If the pipe slips when working with the template, install securing hooks on the sides.
  3. To bend large-diameter pipes with thick walls, install at least three rollers, which will be enough for comfortable work. It is desirable that they be harder than the material being bent. To do this, you can harden the surface of the steel roller.

It occurs quite often when working with pipes. Such a task may arise during the manufacture of a greenhouse or laying a pipeline. Very often it turns out that you don’t have the necessary tools at hand.

There is no need to worry in such a situation, because a pipe bender can be made with your own hands from scrap materials. Creating this tool does not require special skills or much labor, so anyone can handle it.

A pipe bender is a device that allows you to bend a pipe in a certain way. With their help, you can perform various work; such equipment is especially relevant in assembling greenhouses or laying pipelines.

This tool is divided into several types, depending on the principle of operation:

  • hydraulic;
  • electrical;
  • pneumatic.

Manual lever pipe bender.

The first type is excellent for bending pipes without internal filling. Using such a tool is quite simple. However, the disadvantage of this option is the change in the internal radius of the part, which is unacceptable when processing drainpipes.

Equipment operating on the pneumatic principle allows for any bending in the required direction. This process is carried out under the influence of temperature, so there is no need to worry about the appearance of breaks.

The most accurate bending method is to use an electric pipe bender. It operates on an automatic principle, and the deformation of parts is carried out using an electric drive.

Buying such a tool will not be difficult, because it is widely available in many stores. However, this is not necessary if you know how to make it yourself.

First of all, to make a manual pipe bender with your own hands, you will need a drawing, as well as other additional materials.

In addition, you need to decide which pipes need to be bent with its help. For example, thin-walled ones can be deformed using aluminum-based tools.


Creating a pipe bender with your own hands must begin with choosing a drawing desired design. When selecting a scheme, you must be guided primarily by the availability of available materials, as well as the type of work to be done.

The most common option is the front type tool.

Manufacturing diagram of a pipe bender.

Its design consists of:

  • three metal rollers;
  • drive chain;
  • a mechanism that drives all elements of the device;
  • frame made of metal profiles.

Pipe benders for profile pipes are made with rollers based on wood or polyurethane. Of course, you should not forget about the mechanical parameters of the pipes when choosing the roller material.

To make the simplest type of machine manually, you can limit yourself to a jack and some additional structural elements. Such a tool will be small in size and will not take up much space.

What materials and design details are needed?

To figure out how to make a pipe bender for a round pipe from scrap materials with your own hands, you must first understand the basic principles of its operation.

As a rule, machines operate on the basis of rolling or rolling. This allows you to minimize the likelihood of kinking or damage to the pipe.

Deformation of corrugated pipes on a tube bending machine of this kind is carried out quite simply. The part is inserted between the rollers and the handle is turned. As a result of simple actions, you can obtain a bend of the specified parameters.

If you need to work with more durable materials, for example, fittings, then you will need an electric pipe bender with an electric drive. This equipment can easily cope with almost any task.

Components of a pipe bender.

In the assembly itself simple tool You will need the following set of parts:

  • jack;
  • metal profiles;
  • high strength springs;
  • three shafts;
  • drive chain;
  • some additional details.

The bending process on such a machine is quite simple. The pipe is laid on the side shafts, and the third one is lowered from above, providing the necessary load. Then you should turn the handle, which sets the shafts in motion using a chain.

Step-by-step assembly plan

A manual pipe bender, which allows you to change the shape of a profile pipe, is assembled by performing the following steps:

  • preparing the frame, the parts of which are connected and bolted;
  • installation of the rotation axis and rollers in accordance with the selected drawing;
  • the operation of the bending tool mechanism is carried out through a chain transmission;
  • You also need a handle attached to one of the rollers, which will provide torque.

Of course, when collecting, you should also be guided by the type of material you will be working with. The lightest, simplest unit is perfect for small diameter pipes.

The technological sequence of manufacturing the device is as follows:

  • using a key, gears, bearings and rings are placed on the pressure shaft;
  • holes are made in the rings necessary to install the pressure roller;
  • after graduation preparatory work all structural parts are assembled in accordance with a pre-prepared drawing;
  • at the final stage, shelves with springs attached to them are hung, and side rollers are installed, to one of which a handle is attached.

There are also some nuances during assembly. Thus, the pressure roller must not only be fixed with dowels, but also additionally screwed to the shelf. This shaft should be mounted to a shelf with pre-welded nuts for the springs.

It will help to tighten the chain magnetic corner, used as a holder. The jack must be installed on a suspended platform using bolted jacks.

Pipe bender drawing.

You can find it on the Internet a large number of photos and videos dedicated to the manufacture of a hydraulically driven pipe bender. Such a unit is equipped with a hydraulic cylinder, supercharger and stops. It is worth noting right away that this assembly is more complex and time-consuming.

Typically the tool design includes:

  • hydraulic jack with large lifting capacity;
  • shoe;
  • two or three videos;
  • channel;
  • thick metal plates.

The above are only the most important components; in fact, assembly will require more parts depending on the chosen design.

Bending is done using hydraulic device. The pipe is installed in the shoe, and its ends are fixed. Deformation occurs due to the roller acting on the pipe. Once the required bend is achieved, the part is removed.

You can make a similar unit using diagrams from the Internet.

They mainly include the following technological processes:

  • a frame is made on which the rollers and shoe will be installed;
  • a jack is mounted on the lower platform made of a metal plate;
  • the most difficult part of the assembly is selecting the required size of rollers so that they are pressed tightly against the pipe;
  • the rollers and shoe are fixed using bolts that are screwed into pre-drilled holes in accordance with the selected pattern.

Features of work

A correctly assembled pipe bender from a jack will allow you to easily process pipes in accordance with the problems being solved. With such a tool there will definitely not be any difficulties with deforming the material. However, there are some recommendations that may make the job easier.

The simplest hydraulic pipe bender, made by yourself, will allow you to bend various metals. It is worth noting that this operation can be performed not only by the cold, but also by the hot method, preheating required area pipes.

The cold method is the simplest. It is advisable to apply it to pipes made of plastic materials. However, do not forget to fill it with sand, cold water or salt to achieve a high-quality bend.

Using a pipe bender at work.

The hot method is used to deform corrugated pipes with thick walls. This method will allow you to perform high-quality bending with the least amount of effort.

There are some tips that will help you get the job done efficiently and without extra costs, namely:

  • the use of sprockets is not necessary, since the design can be made on the basis of only one roller, and a jack can be used as a clamping mechanism;
  • when bending according to a template, you should use metal hooks that will prevent the pipe from slipping;
  • bending under a large radius should be performed on a tool with crown rollers;
  • if you make the rollers movable, then the machine will be more universal, due to the ability to change the bending radius.

It is important to remember that the most accurate work can only be done using a template. It is usually made of wood. Using a template will allow you to achieve the required parameters.

Bottom line

Making a pipe bender with your own hands is not that difficult. You can use one of the schemes available on the Internet. Consistently following all technological processes, you can assemble this tool from scrap materials.

In addition, by making a hydraulically driven machine, it will be possible to bend not only profile pipes, but also fittings. Don't forget about in various ways bending methods, which include cold and hot methods. They will allow you to perform high-quality bending of both thin- and thick-walled pipes.

Construction of greenhouses and sheds, laying engineering communications– all this requires the presence of a bent metal profile. But buying pipes bent to order is expensive, and purchasing a ready-made pipe bender is also not a cheap pleasure. So modern craftsmen use devices and self-made mechanisms to create metal arcs of the required radius.

In this article we will consider the following questions:

  • Types of homemade pipe benders and their features.
  • The design of the simplest device for bending square pipes.
  • Design of a three-roll machine for bending round and square pipes.
  • Technology for bending pipes using a three-roll homemade pipe bender.

Types of pipe bending devices and mechanisms

Nowadays, you can find examples of pipe bending equipment with different designs: from relatively simple devices for manual bending to homemade machines with manual or electric drive.

According to their purpose, pipe benders are divided into two types.

The first type is angular (they allow you to give the desired radius to a certain area of ​​the workpiece).

The second type is three-roll pipe benders - machines and devices that allow you to form a given bending radius along the entire length of the workpiece.

Depending on the method of adjusting the radius, pipe benders are mechanical.

And hydraulic.

The support shaft drive can be either manual or electric.

A simple device for bending metal pipes

Design homemade pipe bender depends on the volume and complexity of the work that is planned to be performed with its help. If the device is needed for one-time use (for example, for construction home greenhouse), then there is no need to create a complex three-roll mechanism with hydraulic adjustment of the bend radius.

belor44 User FORUMHOUSE

We urgently need to install a greenhouse. I want an arched one, but neither one based on metals nor my friends have a pipe bender. Build a pipe bender on shafts and rollers? There is neither time nor need for this. I think that a device for manual bending is suitable for one construction.

Yes, indeed, the simpler the pipe bender, the less hassle there is in its manufacture. The main thing is to correctly determine the dimensions of the device, which will directly depend on the bending radius.

Introducing a user-made device moning. It is designed to work exclusively with thin-walled pipes, because bending pipes by hand is hard physical labor.


I made this thing under square pipe 30*30. The radius that was obtained was approximately 1 meter. You can weld something like spacers or legs on the sides of the device so that it doesn’t throw from side to side when you press on the pipe. Regarding the jumpers at the bottom of the pipe bender: first, the pipe is placed under the top jumper (for the initial bend), then the pipe is placed under the next jumper (for further advancement).

Consistent bending is necessary so that if there is a sharp bend, the pipe does not break.

Calculating the dimensions of the device is very simple: to do this, it is enough to know the bending radius that needs to be obtained on the finished part. The strip (40 mm wide), which serves as a mandrel for the workpiece to be bent, initially has a curvature that provides a given bending radius (R).

Taking into account the presence of elastic deformations, the radius of the mandrel should be slightly smaller than the required bending radius of the workpiece.

Knowing how to use welding, grinder and auxiliary tools, this device can be produced in less than 1 day.

Each metal pipe has its own elastic limit, therefore, the bending radius cannot be reduced below certain values. Permissible minimum radii can be taken from the corresponding tables.

We present an example of a table of permissible radii for round pipes.

Minimum bending radii of pipes in a cold state
Pipe outer diameter, mm Bend radius, min
45 35 20 10
R bend, min
18 74 62 56 43
24 95 79 65 55
32 115 96 79 67
38 156 131 107 91
50 197 165 136 115
60 238 199 165 139
75 280 260 194 173
80 324 270 224 190
90 362 302 250 213

Manufacturing of electromechanical pipe bender

In the design of an electromechanical pipe bender, three main working parts can be distinguished: one pressure and two support (drive) shafts. Hence the name of the machine – three-roll rolling pipe bender.

Such a device has a rather complex design, so if you were unable to get the drawings of a homemade pipe bender, we recommend that you first draw each of its elements on paper (at least as a sketch). And we will tell you step by step what dimensions and characteristics the main components of the future product should have.

So, the main function of a pipe bender is to bend parts to a given bending radius. The bending radius depends on the distance between the support rollers (shafts) and is adjusted by the pressure roller. The distance between the support rollers is a constant value. This is what should be taken into account when starting to design a machine.

Alli58ru User FORUMHOUSE

The distance between the lower rollers depends on the minimum bending radius. When determining it, keep in mind that the smaller the distance between the rollers, the harder it is to lower the pressure roller and the harder it is to pass the workpiece between the shafts. And vice versa: the greater the distance, the easier it is to twist. For me, if memory serves, the distance is about 35-40 cm. The shafts rotate quite easily: I bent a minimum radius of about 50 cm, but less is possible.

The bend radius (arc radius) is calculated using a simple geometric formula.

Guided by it in relation to your equipment, you can quickly adjust the machine to the specified parameters.

Manufacturing of rollers

To make rollers, you should look for reliable materials that have already passed the strength test. Someone uses rotors from old electric motors washing machines or king pins from a KamAZ vehicle, some – circles made of carbon steel. In fact, there are many options, the main thing is not to forget that the chosen material must be strong enough. User Dva11, for example, used wheel hubs from an old sprinkler installation.


Hub diameter – 75 mm, length – 110 mm, bearings were selected according to the hub (205 fit). I had to buy 5 bearings and 1 pulley, and made the rest of the parts from scrap metal.

Smooth cylindrical shafts- a universal option. They are used to bend pipes of various sections. If the profile of the shafts is brought into line with the profile of the pipes being bent, the quality of bending will noticeably improve.

You can also use blanks designed for different profiles of bent workpieces.

Ideally, removable nozzles or ring clamps (limiters) are installed on the shafts, with the help of which the profile of the rollers is adjusted to the width of the pipe.

rusi45 User FORUMHOUSE

I made some improvements to the design of the rollers: I made attachments for the pipe on the outer shafts, where the stops are located. Tests were carried out on a 1 inch pipe. The attachments are easy to replace. To do this, I made one side of the bearings sliding. The nozzle is made of steel 65G (plus hardening). There is virtually no wear, and the file does not take hardness.

The internal radius of the roller or nozzle for a round pipe should be made with a margin: the radius of the pipe plus 1-2 mm. For example, if the pipe diameter is 24 mm, then the internal radius of the roller will be 13-14 mm. Only in this case the pipe will not jam during rolling.

This is the size we are talking about.

If a pressure roller designed for bending rectangular pipes has a slight convexity in the middle, this will help maintain the geometry of the profile being bent. The roller will press the upper wall of the pipe inward, preventing the workpiece from spreading out to the sides.

Frame design

Having decided on the center distance and the design of the rollers, you can mark the blank parts for the frame. Based on experience FORUMHOUSE users, it should be concluded that the strongest frames are made from steel channels (at least 80 mm wide). This material is easy to get, so you can safely take note of it.

The photo shows the machine at the manufacturing stage. And here is the drawing that is taken as a basis.


During the work, some changes were made to the original drawings.

The presented drawing is not a mandatory guide to action, but provides an objective understanding of how a rolling pipe bending machine works.

Clamping mechanism

Many craftsmen make a clamp from a regular car jack (mechanical or hydraulic). The forces that it is capable of creating are quite sufficient to give the metal workpiece the desired configuration.