DIY garden products. Do-it-yourself dacha - using beautiful crafts in landscape design (100 photos). Flowers in retaining walls

And today it’s already summer outside. Walking down the street in the morning near one building, I was met by a green beauty, such a wonderful one - a crocodile. And today I decided to take up a topic such as garden crafts, which you can use to decorate your yard, plot and of course your cottage.

So that it is cute and beautiful, for everyone to enjoy. So that everyone can watch and marvel. I will try to collect in this collection a lot of original and creative ideas so that there is plenty to choose from.

In fact, it is not so difficult to make such masterpieces, the main thing is to find a suitable material; improvised means are usually used, as well as waste material.

Our neighbors recently built a wonderful piece of work near our entrance that residents from other houses still come and admire. Do you know how to surprise? I look forward to new ideas from you, my readers and colleagues. I'm always happy to receive comments and advice.

Well, let's not waste time, let's get down to what we're planning.

The first thing that comes to mind is to take all sorts of unnecessary things and build something extraordinary. Among the garbage and rubbish you can find and find ordinary bottles that always remain. And they litter our streets.

Moreover, of course, it is better to devote a separate article to this topic, but in this one I will show only a few examples.

You can easily and simply use them to lay out or fence off some area of ​​land. Take the bottles and dig them into the ground with your nose. And the bottom can be painted with acrylic paints. To make it more fun, use only different colors.

From old sneakers you can make such a funny bird, or anyone, depending on your imagination. You will also need metal sticks.

The most unexpected option for me was laying out a path around the house. Imagine the owner made it not from cement, but from corks.

The stone works also look great.

And another creator of thoughts even managed to design ordinary beds. Well, it’s convenient and moisture doesn’t run away in all directions.

For beginners, I suggest watching a video from YouTube and conquering everyone with a tree like a plastic palm tree.

And here they actually used drain fittings.

You can make someone out of a metal bucket, for example a lumberjack, by the way, mayonnaise ones can also be used.

Or take barrels. It turned out beautiful.

From birch logs or some other forest logs, maybe even coniferous species trees you can build funny men or guards. All sorts of little animals and brownies are also popular.

Works made from logs look original. Such a cute caterpillar and fungus.

Or such cool ideas for products made from ordinary plywood.

Wow, they came up with and laid out a well and the stumps turned out to be chairs. Ha, they even used galoshes.

And here it looks like someone is good at what. An old machine and even a washing machine were used. And how cool the teapot looks. Plus, they managed to adapt a two-wheeled bike and, as you can see, a toilet.

Old ceramic or clay pots are suitable for somehow decorating your dacha or garden.

Mushrooms can be made from pebbles and basins painted red.

And here, look what the owner came up with, he made a ladybug out of a shovel.

I couldn’t pass by this work either. Such a mischievous and cheerful cockerel.

From wheel tires, I think we saw flower beds, but what about vehicles like these?

Ah-ha, the children's boots came into play.

I came across other options from computer disks, take a look at this handsome peacock.

Or you can do something simpler, but it will still work out in an original and stylish way to hang it on the fence.

Beautiful crafts from mayonnaise buckets

Russian people consume a lot of mayonnaise, well, that's a fact. And this product leaves many empty buckets. Don't throw them away, save them for the summer season, and then do something weird. In addition, you can also make children happy with them. For example, design a site in kindergarten cartoon characters Nyusha and Kroshik, you just need acrylic paints.

Also cut out carefully, and then turn the bucket over and you will get another creative bird feeder.

Or make mushrooms, and magical ones with unusual caps.

Or, if you are a jack of all trades, then it will not be difficult for you to come up with a flashlight or lamp for your garden.

The next option is again for kids.

And, if you suddenly want to have lunch at the dacha, then you can put on the table any vase of flowers, also decorated with your own hands.

As you can see, you can take any idea and turn it into reality; work with clothespins is shown here.

What can be made from wheel tires

Let's move on to the next point and touch on another incredibly cool idea. You will need wheels, or as they are also called car tires. The most popular is the craft in the form of swans, as well as sunflowers.

The cutting diagram will look something like this.

Of course these are flower beds.

And you can’t do without flower beds. What a funny turtle.

But, in any case, any such work requires some effort and patience, be prepared for this.

Here are a few step-by-step instructions, such small master classes of animal products, turtles and parrots.

This is a big vase for growing flowers.

Believe it or not, you can make a zoo out of rubber tires do. Let even unusual fairy-tale animals, such as the Cheburashka, live in it. The most famous are frogs, cats and elephants.

As you can see, there is also a horse and a fox.

In kindergartens and schools you can often find snails and cockerels.

They even thought of making furniture.

The simplest thing is a bench or bench.

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden and garden

I propose to make a flower garden, but not on the ground, but in zero gravity. You don't understand what I'm talking about. Look at this photo. Decorate the walls of your home, and then how it all will bloom. It will be wonderful and attractive.

It is possible to decorate the veranda in this way, if there is a desire. Take a closer look.

Don’t forget about the birds, feed them, and to make it more convenient, make a feeder.

Of course, there can be any number of options from waste material. And every year you never cease to be amazed. For example, this piglet.

I really liked these cute bees from this video.

Or take a look at these creations.

They even make furniture, wow, and bottles are needed in quantity, a whole bunch. It seems like rubbish, but what comes out better.

And then they even began to build houses with gazebos. I'm shocked).

Or greenhouses, and whatever is cheap and cheerful is relevant in a crisis, ah-ha.

Finally, I decided to amuse you, they used to make scarecrows in vegetable gardens, but now there are these robots, one might say security guards. Flasks, tins and even beer bottles are involved.

Craft ideas for summer residents and gardeners from the Land of Craftsmen

There are a lot of pictures on this topic on the Internet, because garden crafts will always be in demand, because we want to decorate our territory with something special every year.

I suggest you look through these illustrations, perhaps you will come across a new idea.

And also, there is a wonderful plot, just click on the button and have a good viewing.

That's all. How do you design a garden or dacha? What kind of improvised means do you take? Write your comments, reviews and suggestions, share the article on in social networks. See you later. Bye.

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

The dacha serves not only as a favorite way to relax, but also helps the owners to throw out excesses of their imagination and personal potential.

The desire to embellish and improve their plots leads owners to home-made decorations and intricately shaped flower beds. Such decor does not necessarily involve large expenses. Money, you just need to connect a creative note.

The well-groomed original area naturally attracts the attention of passers-by and guests, bringing comfort and coziness to its owners.

Rarity - new life for old things

Out of order furniture has amazing ability transformation into modern ones interesting ways decorate the garden area.

If you remove the seat from old chairs, they can be used as a stand for voluminous colored pots, installing them in the resulting niche;

Having unscrewed the legs of an unnecessary bed, it is reasonable to firmly mount it to the ceiling using reliable ropes. The result is a fairly comfortable hanging bed that swings from side to side;

The back of the chair represents an unimaginable scope of fantasy. There is an option to do original shelf for garden items, or, turning it over, make a new hanger for towels and rags;

The chair seat will serve as an excellent base for a children's swing if you attach a couple of chains or thick ropes to it;

Regular Entrance door, which is out of order, is transformed into: a shelf, a base for a mirror, dining table, bedside backrest, etc.

Tires are a popular garden material

The best way to bring decoration ideas to life is to car tires: from peculiar figures to fancy flower pots. Sufficiently flexible and durable rubber is easy to work with and looks amazing in garden interior. It is worth noting - using essential oils For medicinal purposes, you need to be very careful. Fragrance oils may have Negative influence on the body, causing allergies. It is important to use natural oils, observing the dosage during treatment.

Taking advantage sharp knife, grinder or electric jigsaw, such material is very easy to cut. Fits well on top of them Oil paint, you can also use ropes, bolts, screws, wire, nails.

Round tires, half buried in the ground, will create a cozy colorful pond, along the perimeter of which low plants are located.

The halves of tires will make a small colorful fence, and tires placed on top of each other will serve as a convenient replacement for multi-level beds. Alpine slides are happy to place spacious flower beds made of rubber.

Stone decor - simple and tasteful!

Stone - natural natural material allowing you to successfully decorate the area summer cottage without losing either color or original shape over time.

Pebbles of various sizes (small crushed stone, large boulders) are suitable for use for laying unique paths, simple statues or a rock garden.

The current traditional concept for the garden is alpine slide, which replaces ordinary flower beds. It is created according to individual taste and imagination, from pebbles of various sizes, combined with low bushes and a variety of flower arrangements.

The stones will create a colorful, comfortable flower bed planted with numerous varieties of plants. A good decision Acrylic paint will serve, which can be applied to the stones, choosing any plot or picture.

Fun crafts made from empty plastic bottles

Easily accessible durable material has deservedly taken its place place of honor in the interior of the garden plot!

Due to their flexibility, plastic bottles, which usually end up in the trash, have found application in summer cottages:

  • original crafts;
  • small greenhouses for growing seedlings;
  • hand washbasin;
  • flower pots;

Craftsmen are able to make more serious products: a gazebo, a fence, a greenhouse, fancy figures of animals and birds.

The imagination of craftsmen has no boundaries and the results of their work always evoke only positive emotions.

Almost everything beautiful ideas country interior can be realized with the help of your own own strength, since they do not need additional special skills and professional tools.

You just need to use ingenuity, imagination and a little free time.

Photo of decorating a summer cottage with your own hands

Regardless of the size of the summer cottage, it needs to be decorated and it is not necessary to use expensive services landscape designers. You can simply decorate the area with your own hands. And improvised materials that are available at every summer cottage are suitable for this. Thus, guests and neighbors will definitely appreciate what you have done for yourself.

Gabion flower garden, photo

Plastic bottles have recently caused concern among local environmentalists around the world. Plastic simply ruins the environment. But it can be used usefully if you make various crafts at your dacha.

So, the most common option is decorations for a summer cottage. Next - fencing flower beds, beds, paths. By showing even more imagination, you can make the most beautiful crafts of animals and birds.

Decorating your summer cottage with natural materials

From natural materials It’s worth mentioning tree branches from which you can make a beautiful whip. In addition, they make their own supports for plants, trees, and arches. Most often, the whip is used for fencing, as well as for separating various zones on the site.
Willow branches are used for weaving, which have excellent rigidity and strength.

Collect branches near the water. Shoots are harvested in the fall. First you need to remove the skin from the branches and then leave to dry. But as practice shows, the fence does not last more than five years. Therefore, it would be appropriate to make the base in the form of a foundation so that dampness from the ground does not spoil the product. This way he will be able to extend the operational period by a couple of years.

It’s very good when there is a small pond on your summer cottage. It is not necessary to build a whole pond. You can use a large, deep bowl that is filled with water, gravel and plants.

So, detailed instructions the manufacture of a reservoir is described in the article:

How to decorate a dacha: photos of ponds

There are no limits to imagination. You can do whatever you want. The main thing is time and desire. And the result depends on the efforts made.

  • Crafts for the garden from scrap materials - what...

Every dacha owner wants to decorate it and do something unique. The easiest way is to go to the “Garden Goods” store and choose the accessories you like.

If the owner of a dacha wants to see a vacation spot unlike others, he will have to rely on his own strength and make items to improve the area with my own hands. Then, in addition to beauty and aesthetics, he will also receive the joy of creativity.

Making the site unique - ideas for interesting crafts

All summer residents are able to pick up original ideas to decorate the area. Most often, it is enough to use the things and means at hand, and put in a little effort and material expenses. There will be outdated furniture and other unnecessary items that need to be creatively used.

It would be useful to remember long-abandoned things in the form of unnecessary furniture, old toys, empty containers, worn-out car tires, leftover building materials, etc. Country crafts Of these things, the most interesting and best decorate the site!

Registration of a summer cottage is impossible without beautiful flower beds. Yours flower arrangements can be diversified by adding old containers: barrels, pans, carts. The construction of original picket fences around flower beds will make them intricate and interesting.

If you add skillfully designed flower beds made from timber or stone to your flowerbed decoration, this will add originality.

Many masters country house design apply plastic container for the construction of sculptures, accessories for flower beds, borders. Fantasy in this area is limitless.

Before starting work, you need to think through the idea well to get the desired result. Plastic is easy to cut, giving it the intended shape. It is suitable for making figurines from fairy tales. It will be especially impressive if you paint them bright colors.

In a country house interior it will not only be a beautiful object, but also useful. The children will have something to watch, and the birds will have a permanent dining area. There will be materials at hand for it.

Manufacturing from polymer clay, polyurethane foam, plaster of various figures that can create comfort and uniqueness in the country. It is enough to awaken your imagination, and design solutions will come on their own.

Having a glass cutter on hand will help you work with glass bottles. They make interesting pots or candle stands.

bottle caps, plastic packaging chocolate eggs are suitable for creating unusual compositions.

It would be nice to arrange small pond at the dacha, surrounding it with flower beds, sculptures, and crafts. As a decoration, you can complement it with an elegant bridge.

Unnecessary car tires, after painting, will become a platform for flower beds or material for cutting out figures.

Arrangement of the play area

Children can be given not just an area to play, but also a comfortable play area. All children will be happy. Enough for them simple boards, ropes. Metal chains and the same painted tires will do. The remains of building materials will become a slide, old furniture will turn into rocking chairs.

Kids love to play in the sandbox. They will be delighted by colorful borders made from bottles or wooden scraps. The sandbox can be given an interesting shape and protected from sun rays. One of the options with a slide is shown in the photo below.

Another creative country idea is a wooden house. If the guys get their hands on small house, especially furnished, there will be no end to the delight. They themselves will dream up how to decorate it.

Design of flower beds and flower beds

When breaking down, you should consider the selection of colors. On each of them you need to identify 3-4 main types of plants; this idea will allow you to paint the flowerbed, giving it an interesting look.

Adding ornamental grasses and plants with beautiful leaves will decorate the flowerbed not only in combination with flowers, but also during the period of absence of flowering. It is important to know when to stop and not to plant flower beds with too many types of flowers.

One the right choice there will be few flowers. Flower beds and flower beds need to be decorated. Old tires, beehives, a cart, a wheelbarrow, even a car body will come in handy. It is important to think about their placement and do everything harmoniously. Carved figures of bees, butterflies, and stuffed animals will also fit in.

Enclosing the flower beds with low fences, made in the author’s version, will only add originality to the dacha area.

How to design a fence at the dacha?

The idea is to surround your plot not just with a fence, but to come up with a kind of individual business card will allow you to avoid the banality of ordinary wooden or iron fencing. If no other option works out, you can even apply your imagination to them.

Decorative items to create interesting and unique design There may be attached flower pots, catchy crafts, or decorated decorations on the surface of the fence.

The creative imagination will come up with ways to use old rubber boots and discs to give the fence an effect.

Plants climbing along the fence will also create their own charm. Can buy ornamental plants with fast growth rates. If you plant vines that grow slowly, you won’t have to regret it either - they look more colorful. And most best choice will become wild grapes.

The ability of leaves to change color allows it to remain beautiful until winter cold. A good idea would be to move the grapes from the fence to. Lovers of ancient views will really like it.

A country fence that is not very high can be decorated with a variety of shrubs with beautiful flowers. It is advisable to choose them so that there is a variety of colors over time.

And in the dark, any fence will be enlivened by lanterns. Ideas at hand will prompt their implementation from painted glass jars with candles inside or something similar.

Arranging a relaxation area

Adults also want to have cozy place at your dacha to enjoy fresh air about complete. This means that it is necessary to think about the arrangement of a recreation area. The choice of elements for it will be dictated by the tastes of the owners.

You can choose from the following options:

Shady area with table and chairs.

Constructed from surplus building materials. Hidden in the shade of trees or climbing plants, brightly colored, equipped soft pillows on the benches, it will allow you to forget about the bustle and noise of city life.

A barbecue will most likely be required. The most in a simple way will have four walls and a bottom. Connect them by inserting the ends into the cuts made by the grinder, without using bolts and nuts. This collapsible metal grill is very easy to assemble and disassemble.

A swing or will allow adults to relax and even take a nap, this country house idea is simply a must for every area in summer time of the year. It is better for them to make a wider swing than for children. The hammock can be hung from trees.

Setting up a pond on your own is not difficult. Draw a contour according to the chosen shape, dig a pit along it, cover it with 10 cm of sand, and fill the pond with water. All that remains is to decorate the area around it as you wish.

When designing a summer cottage, follow the proverb “The eyes are afraid, but the hands do!” Feel free to trust your imagination. Convert creative ideas everyone will like it in reality with their own hands.

Photo selection of new ideas for a summer residence

Probably, all owners of their own plots, be it a yard or a dacha, are forever captured by the desire to decorate the territory under their control. Of course, for these purposes it is easier to purchase everything you need in the store. However, making crafts for the garden with your own hands, new and unusual ones at that, is a unique pleasure.

Especially for those who have succumbed to this desire, we have selected the newest craft ideas. We made many of them ourselves and publish descriptions, drawings and diagrams for repetition. This way you can see everything latest news from the world of homemade products for the garden.

The best craft ideas for decorating your garden with your own hands

Hot new products this year

When deciding to decorate your yard with homemade items, you should not rush. Of course, first you need to familiarize yourself with what others have already done. The desire to build something unusual and new is commendable.

However, it is much more important to ensure the harmony of the landscape design of your yard with future design elements.

For example, a charming cart with flowers is placed in the shallows of a pond, without which the decor becomes familiar and standard.

If you want to get an interesting and thoughtful garden design, you should follow the following instructions:

  • study possible options homemade products;
  • draw up a diagram of their placement on the site in accordance with the landscape;
  • evaluate your capabilities, discuss the project with friends and adjust the plan.

It will be logical and correct to place crafts in accordance with their purpose:

  • a frog, duck and snail are appropriate near a pond;
  • a small bird, a squirrel and an owl will take root in the tree;
  • a cheerful hedgehog can peek out from behind a bush;
  • a large animal or figurine has a place on the ground.

The charming donkey with a cart has impressive dimensions and would be appropriate on a plot of at least 6 acres. To make it you need to follow the following plan:

  1. The frame of the sculpture is made of metal mesh with PVC coating. The torso, head and legs are made of separate parts of mesh with a 50x50mm mesh, rolled into rolls different sizes. The parts are connected to each other by pieces of wire.
  2. Inside the case is laid plastic mesh with fine mesh and geotextiles.
  3. The cavities inside the donkey's body are filled with fertile soil.
  4. Plants that do not require moisture are planted in the ground.
  5. The cart is made of wooden blocks. It is convenient to select wheels and flowerpots from available waste materials.

The palms look original and never get tired of holding the flowers placed in them. A simple master class for making crafts:

  1. A solution of cement and sand diluted to liquid sour cream in a ratio of 1:3 is poured into rubber gloves. It is necessary to use clean fine sand.
  2. While the solution hardens, you should ensure the desired position of the hand elements using cardboard, a rag and sand.
  3. After the cement hardens, the rubber mold is removed. Small imperfections may need to be filled with putty. The workpieces must be primed and painted.
  4. Cement hands are placed near low plants, soil is poured into the palms and flowers are planted.

Obviously, do-it-yourself metal figurines are rarely made due to the complexity of execution. The more interesting and valuable the presented specimens are. The iguana is made of steel sheet, a couple of lovers is made of rebar, a shovel is suitable for the owl, and the ants are assembled from a steel rod and fine mesh. In all cases, welding was used to install metal homemade products. As you can see, metal crafts can be even more interesting without painting.

Here are images of handmade crafts made from plywood. It can be used to make quite large and colorful figurines for the garden.

Wood is the most ancient material for creativity. Here are the easiest figurines to make. Nothing prevents you from using your imagination and offering something of your own.

For example, it is possible to build an entire submarine out of planks. Everything is so simple that there is no need to explain.

Stone is no less an ancient material for crafts than wood. Nevertheless creative personalities from the land of masters continue to surprise us. The simplest ladybug or caterpillar is made according to a short master class:

  • stones of suitable shape and size must be washed and dried;
  • apply a dye of the main color to the surface of the pebble with a brush;
  • after the first layer has completely dried, the largest decoration elements are applied;
  • dyes of subsequent layers are applied after the previous layers have completely dried;
  • Jewelry coated with a protective layer of varnish will retain its attractiveness for a long time.

Spatial figures made of stone are made using a frame made of thick wire or reinforcement. Thus, it is possible to build a dragon from the cartoon “Shrek” and other novelties with your own hands:

  1. First of all, you should schematically depict the future figure and select required amount stones. Limestone, which is easy to drill and process, is suitable.
  2. A heavy sculpture will require a small concrete foundation. Pieces of wire or reinforcement with a diameter of 8-12 mm are placed in the concrete, onto which stones will subsequently be placed.
  3. After the foundation has completely hardened, the stones are drilled with a hammer drill and placed on sections of the frame. Individual pieces of wire are bent to create the required shape. To prevent the stones from rotating, they should be fixed with cement mortar.
  4. Using a grinder, you need to modify individual stones to indicate the dragon’s mouth, eyes, etc.
  5. Applying paint will help place missing accents.

Dragon-boy also happens

Funny dogs are also made of stone. To collect them, we had to select stones of suitable shape. To connect individual elements of the craft, holes are drilled into them, into which pins made of wire with a diameter of 4-8 mm are inserted. Additionally, the parts are fastened with cement mortar.

It is easy and simple to build a stone flower for the garden with your own hands. The idea is obvious: we select suitable stones and fasten with cement mortar. For reliability, it is necessary to equip a very small foundation 5-10 cm high under the base of the flower.

Dwarf, ladybug and cartoon characters are made of concrete. The examples given mean that it is possible to build both very simple and quite complex homemade products for home and garden using cement mortar.

From old car cylinders at home they make the most various homemade products. The photo shows the most typical new tire products. Other interesting examples, as well as techniques for working with car tires we present in a special article.

A few more successful homemade projects for home and garden are offered for your evaluation:

  1. An old bathtub is used quite often in the country. The shape and size of the object are great for simulating the body of a cow. A little black paint, a head made of plywood and an udder made of a rubber glove complete the image of the animal.
  2. This beautiful butterfly is made on the basis of a sheet of plywood. The base surface is primed. A mosaic is applied to the plywood using glue.
  3. The bushes, which were given an oval shape during cutting, resemble the bodies of ostriches. The long neck of the bird is imitated by a stick stuck in the ground. It is convenient to make the ostrich's head from plaster or foam plastic.
  4. The hedgehog is beautiful in his embarrassment! It is convenient to make it from foam plastic, into which you can easily stick toothpick needles. Paws are good from wooden sticks. It is better to put contents that are not afraid of moisture in a cloth bundle.

Original and simple garden figurines made from scrap materials

In this section we have grouped products made from scrap materials. Thus, it is possible to choose an object to repeat yourself, comparing several options. Most of them are easy to make at home.

Computer CDs sparkle with a bright rainbow in the sun and are not afraid of bad weather:

  1. In combination with the body of a bird cut from a tire, you get an original figurine of a peacock. A knitted metal mesh was used as the basis for the bird's tail.
  2. If you glue fins cut out of plastic to the disks, you will get charming fish.
  3. Several disks, screwed with wire to the fence mesh, form a cheerful caterpillar. All that remains is to add the hair and legs.
  4. We paint 6-8 discs with bright colors and put them on a stick. We fasten the ends of the disks with a glue gun - we get another caterpillar.

Decorations for the garden and vegetable garden can be made from polystyrene foam. These can be birds, mushrooms, and other figures. The material can be processed well with sandpaper. It is highly advisable to protect it from solar radiation using a coating. Acrylic paint will not dissolve the foam, but before applying it, the surface of the figure must be primed.

Garden decorations from glass bottles will serve for a long time. It is convenient to make fences for plants from glass containers. Using glass bottles, you can create a futuristic plant by placing them on the ends of wires sticking out of the ground.

Old 200L barrels will get a second life if they are brightly painted. Barrels can be used for water, as flower beds of various designs, or made garden furniture. The barrels laid on their sides resemble a freight train with tanks. To make the composition lively and cheerful, you need to decorate it and fill it with flowers.

Many children love to make homemade items from polymer clay. Your child will be proud of the figurine that will decorate the dacha. In such a situation, it is better to make an exception and first make a figurine from polymer clay, and then choose a place for it on the site.

From flower pots turn out beautiful figures. It is convenient to fasten them by stringing them on a cord or wire. Of course, the more additional attributes, the more expressive the product.

Especially good flower pots for its intended purpose: for planting flowers. Of course, additional handles, legs and decor provide bright expressiveness to pot products.

Cones are an excellent natural material for garden crafts. Pine cones can be glued onto a plastic bottle using glue gun. Add a pair of cork eyes and you get a wonderful hedgehog. You can cover a concrete flowerpot with pine cones in the same way. Cones are convenient for mulching the soil under plants: grass does not grow, moisture is retained, and the bed looks neat and unusual.

PVC pipes for water supply provide ample opportunities for country creativity. To assemble the samples shown in the photo, you will need a special welding gun. Seams and joints are neat and durable.

A variety of things, from a greenhouse frame to a cart, can actually be assembled from PVC pipes. Of course, you can find many new ideas for making the necessary household equipment from plastic pipes.

As you can see, there is no such thing as unnecessary items when it comes to garden decorations. Old plates will make a cute and durable fencing for your flower bed. From plastic plates You get beautiful mushrooms. Mushroom caps are glued to the stems of mayonnaise buckets. White spots of paint complete the design of the fungi.

A basin on a stump – the plot is familiar. However, you can complement the design with taste and zest. Check out the bowl mushroom ideas shown in the photo and make them even better!

Miniature decorative house for a flowerbed you can make it yourself in a variety of designs. The house is complemented with landscape design elements to scale. The author is given the opportunity to realize those ideas that are personal plot So far it has not been possible to implement it. If you build a flowerbed house from small pebbles on cement mortar, it will last a long time.

What is a dacha without butterflies? Let's consider different variants step by step:

  1. Option No. 1 is made from a plastic bottle. The base of the butterfly is cut out according to a pre-prepared template. You can paint the wings with nail polish, acrylic and other paints. The insect's body is made of beads attached to thin copper wire. The antennae are made in the same way. The body of the butterfly is attached to the wings with wire through holes in the latter.
  2. Butterfly No. 2 is made of plywood. It is better to read about how to work with plywood in a separate article, which we have already mentioned.
  3. Butterfly No. 3 is also made of a plywood sheet on which caps from plastic bottles are attached. The covers can be attached using glue or screws.
  4. The fourth butterfly is assembled from a PVC-coated metal mesh, which is supported on a frame made of steel reinforcement. The cavity of the wings is covered with geotextiles and fertile soil is filled. You will have to water the flowers more often, as the soil will dry out quickly.

As you can see, old buckets make interesting compositions, so you shouldn’t throw them away. Of course, flowers in pots need to be watered periodically houseplants. I can give only one recommendation for making garden decorations from old buckets: don’t slow down your imagination.

The mill attracts attention from owners of garden plots. This option is based on the use of leftovers building materials. On the roof we see trimmings flexible tiles, the second floor in the form of a ring is made from the remains of linoleum, the body of the building is made from scraps of plastic siding. The entire structure is assembled on a frame made from scraps wooden beam. It would be wise to use your own set of scrap material.

Our own DIY workshops for the yard

Let us repeat: the following site decoration items were made by us independently and for this reason alone are original. You can familiarize yourself with the corresponding master class and repeat the homemade product. Particularly interesting are the techniques of working with available materials, using which you can compose your own work.

The basis of the garden donkey figurine is made of plastic bottles. The solid-looking design requires relatively little time, tools and materials.

Easier crafts There are no garden canisters. This design uses an interesting technique for attaching horns, so it’s better to see how this is done in the same article where we write about the donkey. Currently, the ram's head from the canister plays the role of " hunting trophy» in the garage and lifts your spirits when you return home. Plastic canisters also make interesting bird feeders, which we talk about in the corresponding article.

The plastic bottle palm tree is famous and popular. Artificial tree may have different sizes.

A native made from plastic bottles will decorate the area of ​​your garden. We assigned him as a scarecrow for the birds.

At first glance, it may seem that flowers from plastic bottles are inappropriate at the dacha. However, practice refutes this idea: such decoration is not afraid of either drought or autumn.

A swan from plastic bottles can be made using several technologies. The photo shows a simple and effective method: a plastic tail is attached to a plywood base.

It happens that there is no washbasin at the dacha. It can be made from plastic bottles.

Repellers for moles, snakes and birds are often made from plastic bottles. We decided to give the rattle an attractive look and design it in the shape of an airplane.

A reliable bird feeder can be assembled from a plastic eggplant. Our option is an imitation of a snowman, and the best time to think about it is autumn.

The simplest bird feeder is made from a bag. We decided to design the feeder in the shape of a bus. This option is also described in the mentioned article about making feeders.

A simple looking birdhouse is made according to “ Canadian technology": cardboard inside, plastic outside. We made a reliable, warm and comfortable birdhouse without boards or a hacksaw.

The best thing to make from polyurethane foam is lamb. In our version, the animal’s hooves are successfully imitated plastic bottles Brown color.

Fungus – classic version using plaster to decorate a summer house. There are an incredible number of techniques for decorating a fungus.

What can you use to make unique garden crafts?

To those who have reviewed the contents of the entire article, the question posed by the title may seem unnecessary. However, looking at the above picture, you understand the fallacy of the impression. Let's try to list the possible options for improvised means for crafts in the garden, supplementing the above:

  • unnecessary furniture;
  • old car;
  • unusable household appliances;
  • remains of various building materials;
  • branches, tree trunks, snags, stumps;
  • metal and plastic cans;
  • unsuitable clothes and shoes;
  • unnecessary children's toys;
  • unusable garden tools.

Obviously, the list can be continued. Thus, the most correct answer to the question posed is any available means!

For those who passionately want to decorate their yard and home with their own hands, there is simple advice: rummage through the nooks and crannies of your property and before throwing away what you don’t need, ask yourself the question - what can you build from it?

What crafts can you make in the yard yourself?

At first glance, it may seem that you can make figurines, dolls and fun crafts for your dacha yourself. The presented images demonstrate that it is possible to build both the simplest useful things and full-fledged serious attributes of a country house interior. Those who show persistence, diligence and imagination will inevitably be rewarded with the results obtained. For everyone who is seriously passionate, (10 rated at 4,40 from 5 )