What to make for the garden with your own hands. Crafts for the dacha from scrap materials (60 photos). Making garden sculptures

How can you make crafts from scrap materials for your garden with your own hands? Yes, very different. Undoubtedly, each of us, if we look hard enough, will find a lot of things that we don’t use and should have thrown out long ago. But think about the fact that these things can become useful in everyday life, and perhaps they should be given a “second life.”

Many unnecessary things can be transformed and used as decor or furniture in a country house or country house. Let's now try to find out what crafts can be made from old things and how to use them.

Advantages of crafts from scrap materials

Before we proceed directly to making our crafts, think about what advantages they have.

Video: country crafts from scrap materials

To begin with, I suggest you watch the video - what kind of crafts can be made from certain available materials.

DIY crafts from scrap items

As you can see, there are quite a lot good qualities, which will bring not only benefit, but also pleasure. Therefore, let’s move directly to practice and try to find out what you can come up with for your dacha using scrap materials.

Read also: alterations for a summer house from old and unnecessary things.

Crafts from bottles for the garden

Agree that there is always a lot of this goodness, but not everyone knows how to reuse it. The material is popular and practical, so it can be used in different ways.

Here are some ideas on what crafts you can make from bottles:

More ideas for crafts made from plastic bottles: cottage decor, birds and animals, greenhouses and greenhouses.

Considering that the material is quite practical, it has a number of advantages that are important to consider:

  • Since the bottles are mostly made of thin plastic, it will be easy to cut with regular scissors.
  • You can use any parts, from the bottom to the regular lid.
  • The parts are connected different ways. You can use glue, wire, fishing line, thread.

And here is one idea for you: what kind of crafts can be made from bottles to decorate your dacha.

Flowerbed "pig" from a bottle

By the way, too interesting use a regular old bottle. In this case, it is a piglet. But in fact, the bottle can become anyone!

We will plant flowers or their seeds there. An interesting fact is that our flower garden is mobile and can migrate from any place in the country house or garden.

Wood crafts for the garden

No less creative options crafts can be made from ordinary wood. This is a handy material that can be found at any dacha. The first thing that comes to mind is the design of the table and benches. Note that they don't have to be classic. Furniture crafts made from stumps or logs of wood can look quite interesting.

Elementary, but very useful crafts that can be made from wood will be:

  • Birdhouse.
  • Swing.
  • Box for storing materials.
  • Fence.
  • Candlestick or flashlight.

It is clear that there are a lot of ideas for crafts from scrap materials for the garden, the main thing is to start and do it!

Read also: garden furniture made from driftwood and branches and crafts from twigs and branches.

Crafts from tires for the garden

Recently it has become very popular to do various crafts from old tires.

In first place among the things that are made from tires:

  • Ottomans.
  • Benches.
  • Tables.
  • Decoration for the garden or beds.
  • Swing.
  • Sandboxes for children and much more.

Basically, they are still used to decorate the design of our dacha, so try to find old tires and make something interesting by following the master classes that you will find below. And also do not forget to use for country crafts and other available materials, combining them with each other - in this case, you can create real masterpieces.

More ideas: crafts from tires and car tires for the dacha.

DIY master class “Parrot made from tires”

Agree, it is unlikely that motley colorful parrots will be able to leave anyone without attention and will definitely cheer you up for the whole day!


  1. First you need to make a cut on both sides of the tire, leaving a very small strip of the inner circumference. As a result, you should get a small radius of the tire, and divide the large radius in half.
  2. Next you need to make a cut along a small radius on both sides, after which the tire will become the desired shape and you can continue decorative work with it.
  3. Along the edges of our cut we need to make the tail and head of the future parrot. To do this, you need to unravel the tire so that several strips come out, and sharpen them at the end - this will be our tail. We make the parrot's head approximately according to the shape that our imagination draws.
  4. The finishing line will be painting the parrot in different colors. Usually green and yellow or red and blue shades are used. But this classic options, and your parrot can transform into any color of the rainbow.

Master class “frog princess” made from tires

We already have a colored parrot that can be hung on a tree so that it will please the eye. Now let’s try to decorate not only the “air space”, but also the “earth space”.

Having a few old tires, we can create a beautiful image of a frog sitting or looking out from the lawn.

The work process will not take much time. All you need is a couple of extra hours and a can of green paint.


DIY tire flowerbed

Another popular idea is a flower bed made from tires. It’s easy to do, you just need to dig a small hole in which we place our tires. It's better to paint them first solid color, or make interesting sketches. We plant several flowers in the middle, and do not forget to water them on time. Our flower garden is ready and will delight us more for a long time. We also use other available materials, such as wood or bottles, to decorate this flowerbed.

Garden figurines from scrap materials

Well, here you can have a blast, because there are no limits to your imagination. You can make entire sketches on the theme of your favorite animals or cartoon characters.

To implement the idea we will need one of the materials. It could be plaster, foam, clay, or something like that. We choose our favorite animal and begin to sculpt it from the material. When the character is ready, you can paint it and secure it with clear varnish.

Such figures actually cost very well in specialized stores. And this way we will not only save money, but also get real pleasure from work. The work may seem quite complicated, but when you take on it, believe that everything is far from what it seems at first glance.

Photos of crafts from scrap materials for the garden

In conclusion, we can say that from such simple materials as a bottle, wood or old tires, you can make real works of art. The main thing is that this does not require a lot Money, only our imagination and a couple of unnecessary things. Let's see a photo of what else can be made for a dacha from various scrap materials - you can use not only the most popular ones, but also polystyrene foam, metal, old dishes, shoes and clothes, unnecessary furniture, records and CDs and other unnecessary things.

Crafts can look organic not only at home, but also in the garden. They will serve as spectacular decorations for your summer cottage and will add unusual notes to it.

Gardeners often prefer purchased figurines and other similar paraphernalia, believing that all methods of creating accessories are old. Designers and craftsmen are constantly coming up with something new, so there are many ideas for decorating a dacha that cannot be called banal.

Creating a flower bed may involve not only the arrangement of flowers, but also the creation of an effective frame. Pay attention to this simple flower arrangement.

To make it you only need an old garden wheelbarrow, as well as seedlings or seeds of selected low-growing flowers. Place the item in the selected area, fill the container with soil and plant flowers - that’s all the instructions!

A stone flowerbed-basket is something that seems complicated to make, but is easy to do. Instructions in front of you:

  1. Find boulders different shades and sizes.
  2. Determine the location for the flower bed. Mark the boundaries of the round flower bed.
  3. Make a concrete mixture. Mix cement with construction sand in a ratio of 1:4 and add a little water to make the mixture thick.
  4. Lay out the first row of stones.
  5. Lay out the next rows of stones, fastening them concrete mixture until the base of the flower bed is ready.
  6. Remove excess cement.
  7. Measure the diameter of the resulting base.
  8. Lay out an arc on the ground from stones. The distance between its ends should be equal to the diameter of the base of the flowerbed. The stones must be connected using concrete.
  9. Once the arc is strong, attach it to the top of the base using concrete and stones.

After all the concrete has hardened, you can pour soil inside the “basket” and plant the seeds. Here is a photo of the finished flower beds.

A flower bed made of twigs looks natural and impressive. It fits very harmoniously into any garden. You can do it this way:

  1. Draw a circle on the ground that will form the outline of the flower bed.
  2. Place several rods on its borders. They need to be inserted into the ground at a distance from each other.
  3. Take a thin twig and weave it between the vertical rods. Wrap the end and glue it to the back of the flower bed with wood glue.
  4. Weave the remaining rods. Once you notice that the basket is tall enough, cut off the tops of the vertical bases.
  5. Pour soil into the flowerbed and plant flowers.
  6. Take several rods and form an arc from them. Insert their edges between the bars of the top of the basket.

Are you looking for the most natural and simple option? Take a closer look at the flowering stump! You just need to find a part of a tree trunk, make a cylindrical hole inside it, install it on the site, pour soil into the cut hole and, of course, plant flowers in it.

Do you have an old iron bed you don't need? Turn it into a huge flowerbed! Using five pieces of plywood (one base and four sides) and nails, make a box, place it on the bed and plant flowers in it.

DIY fauna figurines

Unfortunately, many animals are extremely difficult to keep in the countryside. There is a good alternative - hand-made figurines of fauna representatives.

Perhaps one of the simplest options is large ladybugs. To make them you will need stones and paint, which can be purchased at any store that sells construction supplies.

To prevent the drawing from being smeared, first paint the entire boulder with red paint and then dry it. Next, you need to apply black dye, and after it dries, you should add accents with white and yellow.

Using the blade (bottom) of a shovel and a few other similar items, you can decorate your garden with a cute black bird.

To make one bird you will need black paint, a shovel blade, glue, thick wire and play dough. The last ingredient can be purchased at craft stores. Instructions in front of you:

  1. Cover the blade of the shovel with black paint and wait for it to dry.
  2. We wrap two pieces of thick wire to the surface where the “birds” will sit.
  3. Place yellow play dough on pieces of wire to create bird legs. We make a thickening in the upper part. The top should be flat.
  4. Glue the blade of the shovel to the tops.
  5. We paint the thickenings on the top of the “legs” with black paint.
  6. We make eyes from white modeling dough, and a beak from yellow dough. Try to sculpt so that the bases of the beak and eyes are flat.
  7. We attach the parts with glue to the top of the shovel blade.
  8. On the “eyes” we make black dots with black paint.

Are there a lot of flowers in the garden? Then it’s worth decorating the area with large decorative butterflies!

A bottle, varnish and glue are the main materials required. Everything else depends on your imagination. The manufacturing technique is not complicated:

  1. Draw a butterfly on a plastic bottle.
  2. We cut it out and bend the middle so that the figure looks natural.
  3. Coloring the butterfly.
  4. We protect the image with a varnish coating.
  5. We glue sequins or rhinestones into the middle of the figure, imitating the body of a butterfly.
  6. Glue the resulting product to the surface.

If you find it difficult to call yourself a good artist, use the attached stencil.

You can color the wings of a decorative butterfly in the most different ways. The table shows the possible effects and required materials.

DIY decorative interior items

It is pleasant to spend time in the garden not only during the daytime. The aroma of flowers that did not have time to close, moths, the starry sky - all this creates a special atmosphere. In order to make it more magical, you will need unusual lanterns.

To make original decorative lantern requires a garland, threads, construction glue and balloon. The manufacturing technique consists of several points:

  1. Inflate the ball. It should be round.
  2. Apply glue to the ball and immediately wrap it with thread. Try to leave a hole at the bottom.
  3. After the glue has completely dried, deflate the balloon. Cover it with varnish.
  4. Place a garland in the hole of the ball of thread.

This is what it will look like ready product, which can be placed on a table in the gazebo.

Using stumps and firewood, it is not difficult to make a table with chairs. You can also make a regular one garden furniture, and a small decorative one.

This is not to say that when creating such wooden furniture, special subtleties need to be taken into account. It is enough just to saw off most of the tree trunk and make its top and bottom even. The base of the chairs is made using the same technology, only in the area of ​​the top you should leave a small rectangle, which will play the role of a backrest. Nail two small bars to it with nails so that they are in a vertical position, and attach the horizontal half of the bar to them.

Iridescent vase – bright accent for a summer cottage. It can be used not only for placing fruits from the garden and orchard on it, but also as a bird drinker.

To make it you will need old disks, a vase made of thin plastic or other material and glue.

Technique for creating a sparkling vase in front of you:

  1. We shred old discs.
  2. Glue the pieces onto the vase. Attach them with the wrong side up. It is desirable that they are located as close to each other as possible.
  3. We install the finished product.

Mushroom figurines for the garden

Mushrooms look especially impressive if you have a vacant lot with grass on your site. To make them you need white paint or putty buckets, old large plates, glue and dyes.

First you need to paint the upside down plate. To make a fly agaric, apply scarlet paint, wait for it to dry, and then make white dots. After the dyes have hardened, glue the plate to the upside down bucket.

Original crafts from unusual materials

On your summer cottage Lots of damaged or unnecessary green hoses? It's easy to turn them into a spectacular cactus! In addition to hoses, you should stock up on silver metal wire. You can also use plastic fastening clamps instead of wire.

The technology of creation does not imply any difficulties. First you need to roll the hoses so that they form a circle. The joints need to be fastened with pieces of wire and the tails imitating spines should be left outside. Between the top row and the previous one you need to insert pieces of hoses with multi-colored taps. They will look like flowers.

It was once fashionable to make swans out of wheel tires, but this idea is already considered banal. If you are looking for an unusual but simple option, try making a snail. You only need two tires. You just need to paint one, and cut out the snail’s body from the other. An example of the product is presented to your attention.

Video - Royal pigeon made from plastic bottles

All dacha owners one day think about decorating it, adding something special to the atmosphere. Of course, you can go to specialized stores and buy whatever your heart desires. But if summer residents want their vacation spot to be unique and inimitable, then it will be much more interesting to make the decorations with your own hands. Jewelry made independently will give the owners both a creative mood and aesthetic pleasure.

Choosing original ideas for a summer residence

Each dacha owner, if desired, can find a lot of the most different ideas to decorate your site. To make most decorations, only available materials and minimal costs will be enough. And old, unnecessary furniture and interior items will inspire creativity even more. Often seemingly completely useless and forgotten things can come in handy. Country designers use in their work everything that comes to hand: broken old furniture, unnecessary toys, various bottles and dishes, car tires, remaining building materials and much more.

No dacha decoration is complete without intricate, interesting flower beds. You can add uniqueness to flower arrangements by planting them in old containers. These can be barrels, pots, and even carts. Many summer residents build various picket fences for flower beds.

They will always add comfort original tracks on a summer cottage. They are made from timber or stone. And leftover materials can always be used to build another composition.

Bottles and plastic jars are especially popular among country designers. From them it is easy and simple to build many interesting sculptures, decorations for flower beds, and borders. There are no limits for imagination here.

You should definitely place a bird feeder in your dacha. Children usually love to watch birds. And with a feeder, birds will be a frequent visitor to your summer cottage. It can be made from a plastic bottle, from an unnecessary block of wood, or from twigs.

Without special labor you can make a variety of figures that will bring comfort and individuality to the countryside atmosphere. To make them, you can use a variety of design solutions and materials. For example, polymer clay, leftovers polyurethane foam, gypsum and other building materials. You just have to start creative work and it will immediately become clear that nothing is impossible.

Crafts from improvised materials

The most popular among available materials for crafts are bottles, various plastic jars and boxes. Before starting work, you should definitely think through the details so that the result is truly beautiful and does not resemble a pile of plastic waste.

Plastic bottles are easy to cut and can be easily shaped into the desired shape. And if you cover the result of the work suitable paints, then you get bright, unique decorations for your dacha. For example, you can make animal figures (pigs, cows, bees) or fairy-tale heroes. By making such decorations, you can unleash your creative potential, and each time the crafts will become more and more perfect. At large quantities unnecessary plastic, it is used to make not only crafts, but also pieces of furniture.

If you have a glass cutter among your tools, you can make original pots from glass bottles. Such crafts look very stylish and easily fit into any design. Candle stands can be made in the same way.

Bottle caps can also be useful for decorating furniture, decorative fences, creating compositions and even curtains. You can also use containers from chocolate egg toys.

Leftovers natural stone Perfect for decorating a pond in your country house. A small pond will add unique comfort to the atmosphere of the dacha. Flower beds, crafts or a recreation area will look good around. If the pond turns out to be large enough, then it can be decorated with an interesting bridge.

Every motorist always has old tires. You can simply paint them and make bright bases for a flower bed, or you can show your imagination and cut them out various figures.

Arrangement of a play area at the dacha

When landscaping and decorating your summer cottage, don’t forget about the children. They need their own territory for games and entertainment. Children of any age love swings. They can be made from ordinary boards and ropes, or use metal chains and old tires painted in bright colors. It’s easy to build slides and swings from scrap materials. The main thing is that everything is durable and reliable.

For kids, you will definitely need a sandbox. Its borders will look interesting from multi-colored bottles or wooden log houses. A sandbox in the form of a ship or car will look original. It is recommended to make an awning over the sand to protect from the bright sun.

Children will definitely love having their own playhouse on a summer cottage. Benches, a table or other furniture can be placed inside. It all depends on your imagination. The house can be decorated with a bright flower bed or homemade decorations. Usually the children themselves are happy to take part in decorating their territory.

Ideas for decorating a fence at the dacha

The uniqueness of the dacha plot is best emphasized by its fencing. A fence is not only the protection of territory, but also the so-called business card owners.

Simple wooden or iron fence– it’s banal. It definitely needs to be decorated. You can decorate the fence in the most different materials: flower pots, crafts in the form of animals, painted landscapes and everything your imagination allows for. For example, unnecessary brightly colored rubber boots will look original as pots.

You can decorate the fence with old discs. They reflect sunlight and look interesting in any lighting. You can also apply different patterns to the discs.

A fence made of round timber, painted to look like colored pencils, looks impressive. This fence can also be used to fence off a children’s area in a dacha.

Any fence will look cozier if some climbing plants grow along it. Eat different kinds, which grow very quickly. For example, decorative beans or morning glory. You can plant vines. They grow much slower, but also look more expensive. There is no comparison in this case with wild grapes. Grape leaves gradually change their color and retain their beauty until frost. It looks original when the “grape fence” turns into a canopy. This design gives the fence an antique look.

Beautiful decorations for a low fence will be flowering shrubs, planted along it. You can combine plants with different colors and flowering time.

IN evening time The different lanterns on the fence look beautiful. It’s also possible to make them yourself from scrap materials. Or you can just paint them glass jars attached to the fence, place candles. The main thing is that the flame does not reach the fence.

Lovers of drawing will have a lot of room for imagination. You can draw anything on the surface of the fence: nature, scenes, cartoon characters, ornaments, small patterns in the form of flowers, butterflies, ladybugs. It’s easy to draw on any fence, but it’s easier on a fence made of corrugated board.

Compositions made from lids, shells, stones, and dishes look original. It’s easy to make plastic flowers from the bottoms of bottles and paint them in rich colors– they will look beautiful on a wooden fence.

We design flower beds and flower beds

They will help you transform your summer cottage and add color to its atmosphere. flower beds. When choosing plants, you should definitely take them into account individual characteristics. First of all, you should decide on the “soloist” flowers, that is, the main plants in the flowerbed. The choice can be made of three or four types.

Decorating flowers with ornamental grasses and interestingly shaped leaves looks beautiful. With them, the flowerbed will be original, even when the flowers are not blooming. But you shouldn’t try to place a lot of different plants. The territory of the site should look holistic and harmonious.

Of course, it’s not enough just to plant flowers beautifully. Flowerbeds also look more original if they are decorated around them. The composition must be complete.

Flower beds can be decorated using any unnecessary items. The article already mentioned that it is not difficult to make small flower beds from old tires painted in bright colors. You can use a wheelbarrow, a cart, an unnecessary beehive, or even old car. The main thing is that everything is done carefully and aesthetically. If desired, you can add decorations to the flower garden in the form of homemade bees, butterflies, and interesting stuffed animals.

You can make a small fence around the flowerbed. To make it, you can use plastic bottles or cups, fencing made of tyna, and stones. The flower bed looks beautiful and smoothly turns into a lawn.

Setting up a relaxation area

The dacha must have a comfortable place to relax. fresh air. TO this issue you need to approach it very responsibly. It all depends on the preferences and desires of the owners. This could simply be a laid out area with a table and comfortable chairs or hammocks placed in the shade.

A gazebo, which can be made from the remaining building materials. Gazebos whose walls are decorated look beautiful climbing plants. Bright colors look cozy as decorations. soft pillows or blankets.

Swings can be not only for children, but also for adults. It will not be difficult to build wide wooden swing for relaxation or make canopies somewhere in the shade of trees. For convenience, they can be decorated with soft pillows.

You will definitely need a barbecue in the recreation area. It can be made, for example, from old barrel. For evening and night time, flashlights can be provided.

When designing and decorating a dacha plot, it is worth remembering that a dacha is a place of rest from the everyday life and bustle of the city. It should be comfortable and calm, and the environment should be pleasing to the eye. It is important not to overload the area with crafts or other design solutions, everything should be in moderation. Imagine, create, surprise!

Original ideas garden decorations with your own hands will help to emphasize the natural charm and bring to life the hidden talents of the designer (and everyone has them). Before embarking on a critical mission, inspect your supplies... and go ahead!

Advice! Remember the sacred rule of a real dacha owner: you can’t throw anything away!

To create extraordinary things you will need things that are completely unnecessary at first glance: dilapidated furniture, old dishes, car tires, plastic bottles, firewood and scraps of building materials, tubs, barrels, shoes with holes, etc. Using stones, wood and plastic for decoration garden and dachas are the most effective ways.

DIY garden decorations: dedication to garden design art

The most important condition in creating decorative ornaments- sense of style. First, outline a style direction for yourself (taking into account the size of the territory, the style of the garden and your own preferences). All decoration ideas for decorating a garden plot can be divided into two groups:

  • functional;
  • non-functional.

DIY garden figures: functional ideas

This includes elements that harmoniously combine aesthetics and useful functionality.

Magic ponds. If you have old metal/plastic bathtubs or other containers, use them to create tranquil ponds. Plant it in your ponds aquatic plants. You can even get unpretentious fish. Decorating flower beds and ponds on a summer cottage can be entrusted with boulders, pebbles or tiles.

Crafts for the garden from bottles and garden decoration with flowers (photo)

Flower world. Original flower beds from plastic bottles, old tires, unnecessary shoes, iron buckets. Here you can even beat old bed, chairs, bicycle or chest of drawers. If there are large stumps left on your site, do not rush to uproot them. From them you can make magnificent ones with your own hands. flowerpots for the garden and plant flowers there.

Advice! For flowerpots made from stumps, additionally use clay pots(to plant flowers). You should not plant flowers directly into a tree - it will rot from water.

Romantic buildings. Plastic bottles can be used (you can build an entire gazebo from them). What do you think of cozy benches with a canopy in the spirit of French villages? For this, unprocessed logs of various sizes are used. You can build cozy ones from old armchairs or chairs. swing or unusual crafts for decorating the garden with your own hands.

Wooden crafts for the garden and a decorative birdhouse for the garden with your own hands

Favorite birds. Our magic garden simply cannot do without bird sounds. To make the birds comfortable, you can come up with original wooden birdhouses for them. Decorate them decoupage, painting, decorative details. For the birdhouses themselves, you can use the remains of boards and wooden furniture. Birdhouses made from old boots look great big size. You can awaken your imagination and create a real miracle of a birdhouse idea from corks or large porcelain teapots.

Advice! It is best to hang birdhouses on deciduous trees, with a slight tilt. And make the roof removable to make it easier to clean.

DIY garden sculptures: decor

A world of pure aesthetics reigns here, which pleases the eye and gives a special charm to the entire appearance of the garden. Various souvenirs, funny animal figurines, garden crafts– this kind of DIY garden decoration from scrap materials will be a real “highlight” yard design.

Crafts from stones for the garden

  • Fantasies made of stone or wood. You can make wonderful things from stones or leftover boards. To help you acrylic paints, beads, fragments of multi-colored glass. You can create funny gnomes, little men, or just wonderful little animals or insects. And if you paint the surfaces of stumps or boulders with fluorescent paint, you will get magical night lanterns.

Advice! Involve your children in exciting work with paints and applications. You will have a wonderful time with them!

  • The revival of plastic. Usage plastic bottles different volumes in design - the most economical option garden decorations. What type of garden decoration made from plastic bottles do you want?

DIY garden crafts can bring you great pleasure. Choose the figure that best suits your character and the design of your garden. Let's try to make garden figurines from cement with our own hands. The process, surprisingly, is not as complicated as it seems. But the result is truly surprising!

See what beautiful flower containers you can make from cement mortar and an old rag. This is truly crafts made from scrap materials!

Decorative openwork ball made of cement.

To work, we need a cement solution - mix a thick solution of 1 part sand, 1 part cement.

We immerse a rope in the solution; these can also be strips of old t-shirt and so on. We inflate the balloon and prepare a stand for it where it will dry. This could be a regular bucket. We wrap the ball with a rope in cement mortar.

After the solution has dried, use a needle to blow off the ball. All! Our garden art object is ready. Can be painted if desired.

Original crafts for the garden made of cement.

Agree, it looks like dragon eggs)) We will make this from cement.

We take it, still the same balloon and cover it with cement mortar. Here you can add a tablespoon of gypsum to the solution, but you need to work quickly.

After the solution has dried, remove the ball and paint the inside of the egg. You can use it as Easter decor in your country house by making a flower arrangement of primroses in it.

Crafts for the garden. DIY garden gnomes made of cement.

These are cute garden gnomes They are also made very simply.

For the gnome we need cement, a metal rod, stocking and rope. We pour the cement solution into the stocking, and insert metal reinforcement into it for strength. By twisting the rope, we form noses and legs. Let's not forget about the beard - this is an additional piece of material under the gnome's nose. Hang the gnome by the top of the cap and leave to dry.

When the cement has dried, remove the gnome and polish the top with a more liquid solution of cement and gypsum. We are waiting for the gnome to dry and we can tint or paint it. Pretty guys, aren't they?

Garden fountain with leaves.

We will not talk about the principles of creating a fountain in the country. This is the topic of a separate article, and you can read about it in detail here. We will make leaves from cement.

We need a fairly large sheet, and with the help of cement, we form a copy of it.

After drying, the sheet can be worked out in more detail and painted.

And you will become, almost free of charge, the owner of such a beautiful fountain.

Original do-it-yourself flower beds.

Are you not a sculptor at all? But believe me, you can make these creative flower containers.

We need plastic container, foam plastic, reinforcing mesh. We make a cement solution by adding a spoonful of gypsum directly into the palm with the solution and thus form our “sculpture”

But not all of us are fans of modern abstract art. But you can easily make garden crafts in a classic style.

But, because You are not a sculptor yet, you need a template - it could very well be an old doll.

Because it will not be just a decorative garden figurine, but a flower garden in the form of a girl’s head, then top part needs to be trimmed.

Then the head is painted. To add texture, the template is first painted with dark gray paint. Allow to dry and apply a layer of lighter paint. After drying, apply a layer of even lighter paint with light strokes.

This is a very simple process, and all the examples of this style that you see in the article were made by teenagers in a craft class.

Beautiful crafts for the garden. DIY garden figurines.

For those who liked the process of making concrete crafts, we will also tell you a simply stunning technique for creating garden figurines.

Yes, we will need the old doll again!

First we strengthen the doll with hot glue and bamboo stick for sushi on a heavy stand. By the way, we can also make it from cement. We cut out angel wings from foam plastic and attach them to the doll with hot glue. Let's give the doll a new dress and, with the help of strokes of hot glue, create a more interesting texture on the wings and hair.

We coat our template with a solution of cement and gypsum. Let's paint.

Now, with the help of old toys, you can make almost any garden figurine yourself.

Cat flower bed.

This cute flowerbed cat is made from a plastic bottle and cement. We will need: cement, sand, plaster, water, large plastic bottle, wire, paint, wooden slats, varnish

The owner of this cat, Natasha Koneva, will tell us how to make such a funny figurine with her own hands. Trimming plastic bottle- it is this container that will be our flower garden. To prevent the cement from slipping off the plastic, we tightly wrap it with wire. Knock down from slats wooden frame. We attach our plastic container to it.

Knead cement mortar consistency of thick sour cream at the rate of 1 part sand, 1 part cement. We will add gypsum only to the finished portion that we have in our hand, because... the solution with gypsum hardens instantly. We work in rubber gloves.

Take a handful of solution in your hand and add a tablespoon of gypsum to it. Knead it in your hands, roll it into a sausage and attach it to the frame. So, step by step, we apply portions of the solution on top of each other, creating the necessary bulges and smoothing the surface.

We sculpt our cat’s face from small balls of solution in much the same way as we sculpted from plasticine in childhood. In order for small parts to hold better, before attaching them to the body, lubricate the surface of the figure with water.

With a damp hand we polish the surface of our garden figurine. To dry, cover the figurine with cellophane for 3-4 days. On the first day, the figure must be periodically additionally moistened with water. After drying, sand the surface with sandpaper.

You can paint such a figurine water-based paint, enamel, car paints. After painting, coat the surface with varnish. For the winter, the garden figurine must be removed from the street, because... It may crack due to frost. You might also want to get yourself such a wonderful cat.
The great thing about cement figurines is that they are cheap to make compared to garden figurines made of metal or wood. You can start with simple crafts for the garden, which can be no less interesting than some particularly complex ones. You can combine cement with other materials. - for the face of this little garden fairy " Ladybug"Took the head of an old doll.